Stress with Balance Rhodiola

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1 Stress with Balance Rhodiola 1

2 If our body is put under mental, physical or emotional stress it will communicate the effects to us through the symptoms and if we don t do something about it, something will break under the strain! So we learn something from all of these definitions. 2

3 During homeostasis the body is functioning well and the endocrine is balanced Alarm stage Also known as the fight or flight response Body s way of responding to immediate stress or danger. This phase is supposed to be short- lived and homeostasis returned within hours Endorphins produced during this initial phase of stress = a surge of energy, focus and motivation. if the stress persists the body adapts as it enters the resistance phase. Resistance stage Triggers metabolic changes designed to address the stressor As stress continues the body responses start to decline as the body struggles to maintain homeostasis. The adrenals become fatigued and are no longer able to produce the necessary hormones, Exhaustion phase Prolonged stress puts a strain on the cardiovascular system, immune system, leaves you tired, prone to infections, unable to focus or cope physically, mentally or emotionally. The exhaustive phase leads to stress-related issues like headaches, depression, high blood pressure, angina, menstrual irregularities, digestive issues etc. 3

4 Alarm phase or fight and flight response. 4

5 The fight and flight response is a fast response to an immediate danger or stress. The symptoms shown here are the body s response to prepare you to either fight the danger upon you or flee from it. Dilated pupils so visual acuity is improved Pale skin colour -as blood is shunted away from the surface of the skin and into the muscles, Increased breathing rate, increased heart/pulse rate increased blood pressure.these improve circulation of oxygen and nutrients to prepare the body. Increased blood clotting in case you are injured Blood sugar levels rise to provide immediate energy. Digestive system slows down to transfer energy focus to the skeletal muscles These changes are supposed to be a short-lived with the nervous system returning everything back to normal once the threat or stress has been removed. 5

6 The body needs to respond fast during the fight and flight response so it is triggered by the nervous system, not the endocrine system. Nerve impulses travel fast and trigger quick responses The Sympathetic Nervous System SNS - will fire up the nerves to trigger adrenaline and noradrenaline release so you are alert and prepared.....they also are responsible to those symptoms of increased heart rate and force, bronchial dilation, conversion of glycogen to glucose etc. 6

7 Unfortunately these days we are placed into stressful situations that become longer term... At this resistance stage, the endocrine system takes on the major role of support during chronic stress 7

8 The adrenal glands are positioned on top of the kidneys and they have a central medulla and an outer cortex. They produce hormones which affect the body s stress response. The medulla produces adrenaline & noradrenaline and is triggered by the nervous system. The cortex produces a number of hormones including 3 involved in stress response Cortisol, DHEA and Aldosterone. Aldosterone is a hormone which helps maintain blood volume and pressure by inhibiting the amount of sodium excreted via the kidneys. Magnesium plays a key role in controlling aldosterone production. DHEA is a corticosteroid hormone like aldosterone and cortisol. Its actions are many and include extensive effects on CV health, immune function, metabolism (incl energy) & the nervous system and is negatively affected by stress. Cortisol is the hormone we focus on most during stress because that is its role. 8

9 As with any hormone, homeostasis is key. Cortisol balance needs to be just right for optimal health and functioning of the body. Cortisol production is on a negative feedback loop in that it is controlled much like a thermostat controls your heating. If there is enough cortisol being produced by the adrenals then levels will rise in the bloodstream and this will register in the pituitary gland which turns off production until cortisol levels drop and then the same process will register the need to increase production again. Ref note: ACTH = Adreno-Cortico-Trophic-Hormone 9

10 Cortisol production is triggered regularly like this throughout the day in order to maintain the body s Circadian rhythm. Regulation is controlled by the Hypothalamus, Pituitary and Adrenal glands = the HPA axis. 10

11 SUMMARY During chronic stress the Endocrine system plays the main role and is focused on the HPA axis with Cortisol secreted to support our long-term stress response. Cortisol can keep us in optimal health when levels are correct Supporting the body during stress Supporting blood sugar regulation Modulating immune function Anti-inflammatory action Adrenaline and noradrenaline secretion - triggered by the Sympathetic Nervous system, dilating blood vessels and improving circulation to the heart, muscles and brain stimulating glycogen stores to convert to glucose to fuel the body s needs. Adrenaline acts as a neurotransmitter which heightens awareness and alertness to help you remain alert in danger. Excess production however can cause anxiety and agitation and interfere with sleep patterns. 11

12 Is stress the cause of some of these symptoms or a contributing factor? If so, address the stress as part of your approach. 12

13 The possible stressors can be separated into 2 main categories : 1. physical causes which directly impact the body like nutrient deficiencies 2. And secondly emotional/ relational issues, Remember, physical stress affects us emotionally and vice versa e.g. when you are feeling emotionally low it leaves you physically tired. 13

14 The longterm effects of such stressful situations means the body is trying to achieve homeostasis over a long period of time If not supported, the body struggles and eventually it is unable to maintain support and we enter the exhaustion phase. 14

15 In addition to the symptoms of chronic stress, adrenal exhaustion brings additional issues with immunity being affected including an increase in allergies, and a decrease in beneficial gut flora. increased risk of calcium deposits in joints due to magnesium depletion increased risk of osteoporosis due to cortisol accelerating bone loss. high blood pressure due to excess cortisol. increased insulin resistance due to excess cortisol fluid retention - influenced by increased aldosterone and depletion of magnesium multiple nutrient deficiencies 15

16 Summary reminder 16

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18 This shows the broad physiological affects of stress on the body. DHEA was one of the adrenal hormones. Reduced DHEA levels will follow a decline in cortisol and are an indicator that adrenal exhaustion is imminent if not already reached. And on the righthand side most of those listed will result in increased tissue damage & inflammation. Two key points to remember: 1. our immune modulation as well as out digestive health is affected by the beneficial gut bacteria 2. any reduction in nutrients is affecting the structure and functioning of the whole body... Including the adrenals. These should be addressed when considering supplementation 18

19 Circadian is a latin word meaning about a day and our Circadian rhythm is an internal clock which manages our body rhythms of sleep and waking during a 24hr period. The Circadian Rhythm is under the control of the hypothalamus. Cortisol levels are normally at their peak first thing in the morning around 7am/8am and this is what wakens and energises us for the day ahead Our lowest levels are between 11pm and 3am and result in sleepiness. Cortisol levels are controlled by the HPA axis negative feedback loop to ensure that the levels roughly follow the pattern on the chart here. When we are stressed this rhythm is disrupted and the cortisol levels change leaving us with morning fatigue and lack of motivation to get out of bed, picking up during the day and then getting a second wind late in the evening which is completely the wrong way round! 19

20 In addition to cortisol release, the hypothalamus synchronizes circadian rhythms by controlling melatonin release. During daylight, light stimulates the photoreceptors in the retinas which have a direct nerve connection to the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus communicates to the Pineal gland, signalling it to reduce the production of melatonin. Daylight suppresses melatonin so we don t feel sleepy. When light levels diminish there is a reduction in the impulses from the photoreceptors which ultimately leads to an increase in melatonin, the sleep hormone. So melatonin release is suppressed by daylight and triggered by darkness. 20

21 This study highlights the quite dramatic influence lack of sleep has on the body with 11 healthy young men being subjected to reduced sleeping hours from 8hrs per night to 4 over a 16nt trial. 21

22 Glucose metabolism was so markedly affected that the results resembled that of a person with type2 diabetes! Their ability to secrete insulin had reduced by 30% and it took them approx. 40% longer than normal to regulate blood sugar levels when they were challenged with a glucose injection There were also affects in thyroid function with Thyroid Stimulating Hormone being reduced which would impact on metabolism. There were increased levels of cortisol in the late afternoon and evening, exactly the wrong time for raised levels. So it really messed up their endocrine function! The subjects metabolism only returned to normal after then spent 12 hours a night in bed for 7 consecutive nights allowing full rest and sleep. 22

23 On a similar note, studies have shown that insufficient sleep can be linked to obesity and that is for children as well as adolescents and adults.. So we should ensure good sleep patterns and having enough hours of sleep, typically 8-9 hours per night. 23

24 Serotonin is a neurotransmitter responsible for elevating mood & having a calminative action but under the right light conditions, serotonin is also the precursor of the sleep hormone melatonin. Phenylalanine and tyrosine are precursors for Dopamine which is known to elevate mood and motivation. Neurotransmitter production is one of many processes in the body that relies on a process called methylation for which folate is a key nutrient. Here we see neurotransmitters affecting mood, sleep, motivation, but there are others including those for cognitive function, memory etc. Methylfolate or metafolin is the only form of folate to cross the blood brain barrier and influence methylation in the brain in other words, facilitate the production of these important neurotranmitters for brain function. The HPA axis is also dependant on methylation As many as 30-50% of Europeans have a genetic impairment which reduces folate activity. Supplementation appears to be a prudent measure. For more information on metafolin and methylation please see the Metafolin webinar. 24

25 In good health the connection between the brain and the gut maintains a wellregulated immune response and modulates inflammation and this is regulated by good levels of beneficial gut bacteria. During stress and stressful situations like chronic poor health there is a decline in beneficial gut bacteria which leads to poor gut permeability, inappropriate immune responses and inflammation of the gut. The health condition of the gut is communicated to the brain through the Vagus nerve so poor gut health can lead to a reduction in certain neurotransmitters leading to low mood & poor cognitive function. This is the Gut-Brain Axis and it works both ways with the brain having influence on the gut too, including during stress. The Gut Brain axis is affected in children suffering from ADHD who can have quite obvious affects to their behaviour with foods that disrupt the health of their gut like gluten for example.

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27 Reduce the intake of stimulants Ensure good intake of protein as it is needed for the manufacture of hormones, enzymes and neurotransmitters... And consider the micronutrients in your meals particularly magnesium, vitamin B5 and vitamin C for adrenal support Increase exercise to raise endorphins levels & improve mood and sleep quality.. Don t overstimulate the brain before bedtime, preferably before 11pm, and aim to get 8-9 hours sleep Address blood sugar regulation as some people are woken during the night when blood sugar levels drop too low. Choose botanicals that support endocrine function Supplements which have soothing properties on nerve function 27

28 Remember that supplements are there to supplement a healthy diet not replace it. 28

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30 The product contains concentrated extracts rather than whole herbs so the quantity listed is for dried, powdered concentrated extracts at a 4:1 ration of herb to extract. In other words the 125mg of rhodiola root extract is equivalent of 500mg of whole herb, 100mg extract of Siberian ginseng equivalent to 400mg whole herb etc. 30

31 Balance rhodiola complex contains several other botanicals and nutrients for full synergistic support during stress so in addition to rhodiola we have- Siberian Ginseng provides additional adaptogenic support for mental and physical stamina and endurance and immune support Magnesium Bisglycinate is an organic magnesium form giving optimal absorption and utilisation. Magnesium is a key mineral for adrenal glands with deficiency causing impaired adrenal function including excess Aldosterone resulting in fluid retention. Magnesium also plays a major role in cardiovascular function. Ester C providing adrenal support and helping to decrease cortisol levels. Stress is known to deplete vitamin C levels which can weaken immune function. Tyrosine has been shown to reduce elevated cortisol levels so helpful during stress especially as it is also a precursor to dopamine the mood elevating and motivating neurotransmitter. Tyrosine is required to make adrenalin and noradrenaline and for the production of thyroid hormone, which is often compromised during chronic stress. Liquorice root is an adrenal tonic during the exhaustion phase, mimicking cortisol action & counteracting adrenal insufficiency. Liquorice is also anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial. Chamomile is a nerve calminative with antispasmodic and sedative support. Pantothenic acid is essential for efficient adrenal function and adrenal hormone synthesis as well as playing a part in energy production. 31

32 It is the strong antioxidant and adaptogenic properties of Rhodiola that account for the many actions it is known for but they fall into 2 main camps: the effect on the nervous system and metabolism. The antioxidant action can help protect the nerves against oxidative stress. Rhodiola has a direct effect on the Hypothalamus, calming it s response to stress and thereby reducing the over-production of cortisol which would lead to adrenal fatigue. During stress the hypothalamus starts negatively affecting Thyroid function and immune support so Rhodiola s influence here will help support normal functioning of those systems. Stress impacts blood pressure, heart rate & force, vascular constriction which can all affect CV health. Rhodiola:- Reduction in stress overall Improvement in mental alertness, cognitive function, energy production, stamina, endurance and quality of sleep. 32

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34 In this study 120 adults who were taking multivit and minerals were given 600mg rhodiola but they were split into 2 groups so that one was taking a single dose of Rhodiola at breakfast and the other, split doses at breakfast and lunch. They were evaluated for physical and cognitive functions over a 12 wk period. 34

35 Both groups showed significant improvements across the range of physical and cognitive issues with 80% of doctors and 81% of patients rating the results for Rhodiola as good or very good. However improvements in the first group were more pronounced showing that taking the single higher dose of Rhodiola in the morning was more effective than splitting it through the day. 35

36 Exercise, is in itself, a stress to the body but continual exposure to training stressors will encourage the body to adapt. The athlete recovers more quickly or achieves homeostasis faster because the body has learned to adapt. Rhodiola can assist the body s ability to adapt to all forms of stress and is especially important as it also activates production of mitochondrial ATP and stimulates repair processes after intense exercise. Magnesium and Vitamin C can be depleted during exercise and may need to be supplemented. 36

37 This study took 42 master biathlon skiers before a race and divided them into 2 groups. One group received a placebo and one a single dose of Rhodiola 1hr before the race. They were to do a 20km race on skies carrying rifles with target shooting stops along the course. The results showed a statistically significant increase in shooting accuracy, reduced arm tremor and better coordination in the Rhodiola group and had lower increases in heartrate than the placebo group.... So evidence of the benefits of Rhodiola during exercise. 37

38 Studies show Rhodiola: supports the body during stress, supports energy stamina and endurance as well as cognitive function, memory and sleep that one single higher dose seems to be more effective than split doses Some people are more sensitive to Rhodiola than others so perhaps using the lower dosage with supportive ingredients is the ideal way to use Rhodiola rosea. 38

39 Here we see how that the HPA axis fits into the bigger picture supporting the body & calming the response by the hypothalamus to stress. The blue ovals show Rhodiola supports noradrenaline and 5HTP production and their activity in cognitive function on the lefthand side and emotion and mood on the right. In the green oval, dopamine and acetylcholine are supporting mood and memory 39

40 The combined actions of the botanicals and nutrients address those key areas which are pronounced during stress but because of its support for the HPA axis and calming influence on the hypothalamus, this product could be included in a programme supporting endocrine function. 40

41 All of these factors and symptoms need to be consider during stress and while they are covered by the Balance Rhodiola Complex we sometimes need to do more and build bespoke programmes for individuals. 41

42 Multivitamin and mineral base is going to be really important for overall nutritional support. Male and Female multiples have great nutrient levels, particularly in Bvits, magnesium, calcium, good chromium and zinc levels for blood glucose support - excellent selenium and vit E for hormonal support a nice nutritional support product with excellent levels over 3 tablets. MultiPlus range 3 a day but the tablets are smaller so if an individual doesn t like large tablets, these would be an excellent option. They all have a botanical complex and some additional ingredients to support their specific focus. MP Energy has a botanical energy complex which includes green tea and green coffee MP Cardio has the addition of fish oils and CoQ10 which will be helpful if stress is impacting on cardio vascular health. Choose the MP Cardio or MP Energy if you are looking to support stress during exercise. Mental stress, study, exams or a job that requires problem solving, MP Brain has botanical neuroprotective support including Holy Basil, Ginkgo, turmeric, Rosemary and nice antioxidant levels, MP vision might be helpful for those using computers at work or doing a lot of 42

43 reading which can cause additional stress on the eyes. Maybe you would like to boost the levels of some of the individual nutrients, longterm or short-term.. particularly those supporting adrenal function like Vitamin C, Pantothenic acid and of course, magnesium. Check the levels in your chosen multiple and adjust separate dosage accordingly. 42

44 Additional adaptogenic support Astragalus and the ginsengs have shown strong support of the structure and function of the adrenal glands either directly or by modulating their stimulation though the HPA axis resulting in decreased anxiety and improved stamina during stress. They were also found to improve memory and learning capabilities. Siberian Ginseng and Astragalus may support sleep patterns and quality of sleep. Ashwagandha has adaptogenic properties shown ability to calm the nerves by possibly activating GABA receptors but also protects the nerves during stress and may help assist the repair of any damaged neurons. It s also antimicrobial. And there s no reason why you couldn t switch between the adaptogens and apply the more specific applications to you needs at the time e.g. using astragalus during winter as it has anti-viral action 43

45 DHA is an omega 3 oil with a calming influence on the nerves, inhibiting noradrenaline release and reducing stress-induced aggressiveness & is the structural Omega 3 for the nerves and cells. Tyrosine & phenylalanine are involved in the production of endorphins, chemicals which can alleviate pain and promote feelings of wellness. They are also precursors for neurotransmitters for mood and motivation. 5HTP is a precursor to serotonin, which in turn is a precursor to melatonin which is why 5HTP may help quality of sleep. Metafolin is the active form of folate which can cross the blood-brain barrier and influence the production of neurotransmitters in the brain but it is also important to note that the HPA axis requires methylation to function too. And remember that 30-50% of us do not metabolise folate efficiently and that affects our ability to methylate. 44

46 Theanine -A slightly different approach? Has some influence on serotonin, dopamine and GABA production Main action is through its induction of alpha waves in the brain, creating relaxation but with improved mental awareness so ideal for stressful situations, giving you that focus and awareness but a calm approach to face the source of stress. Alpha waves are also triggered by certain music, meditation, prayer and accupuncture Taken as a supplement on the tongue it works within about 5 mins. Swallowed as a capsule takes about 40mins but best taken away from fats and proteins and avoid stimulants, which counteract its action. CAUTION: Although it only has a mild influence on serotonin and dopamine production there is a potential caution with anxiolytic medication and the same potential caution with blood pressure meds but unlikely to be an issue. 45

47 During stress the body prioritises other functions over digestion, choosing to mobilise stored sugars rather than use energy to digest what we have eaten so, understandably, people get digestive disturbances during stress, particularly indigestion & heartburn. Comfort Zone is a comprehensive digestive enzyme covering all macronutrients but also contains lactase for lactose digestion and an enzyme called alphagalactosidase which breaks up the fibrous beans, pulse and vegetables so it can reduce any flatulence and burping. Our friendly bacteria are very sensitive to stress. This could be part of the problem for those with stress-induced diarrhoea or constipation. And remember the Gut- Brain axis with the communication via the Vagus nerve. With cortisol increases comes an increase in insulin and insulin is supposed to latch onto cells and facilitate them using sugars as a fuel source but if they are insulin insensitive excess insulin can result in weight gain with fat stored around the midrift! Cinnamon will help the receptors to respond more effectively and alpha lipoic acid supports glucose metabolism. Chromium is needed to make GTF which helps the insulin to lock into the receptors. (covered in Thermogenic complex webinar) 46

48 Before we move on I thought you might find this diagram helpful as we look at how stress can impact male and female health. Notice how all the hormones are being made from cholesterol. There are several pathways here testosterone in the blue box and the female hormones in the pink oval And all those yellow boxes for adrenal hormones which will compete for production during stress and impact on the production of those male and female sex hormones. In addition, the hypothalamus and pituitary glands not only control adrenal function but also the production of sex hormones so stress puts more pressure on their ability to maintain correct levels and this adds to the imbalance. When Sex hormone levels are low the adrenals should be able to produce small amounts to maintain some protective benefits but this is impaired during chronic stress too. 47

49 If stress is influencing the hormonal chaos and disrupting the female cycle then stress should be addressed as a priority. Nutritional support could come in the form of the Female multiple, ideal for menstruating women as it provides good iron levels to replace that lost each month If the lady is menopausal then the VM Prime for Women would be the best recommendation. Bear in mind that some women are naturally entering menopause around 50years of age while others have had it forced upon them by surgery, illness or medication so it is not always age-related. Botanicals may help with the symptoms so consider the Female complex which includes red clover, sage and licorice with the patented Hops extract called Lifenol. Lifenol studies used 85mg for the relief of hot flushes & sweats so the Female botanical complex contains 85mg per capsule and is a one a day formula designed with the menopausal woman in mind. The Skin Nails & Hair complex contains 1000mg of MSM which is an excellent detoxifier of excess hormones through the liver and could help with some PMT symptoms. Skin and hair health can be negatively affected during chronic stress. In addition to a good multiple consider supporting the growth and condition of the hair & skin with a high strength biotin and SN&H complex. Hyaluronic acid will improve the moisture condition of the skin and support collagen, keeping it supple. 48

50 Stress affects male hormone and sexual health too so a good multiple will provide a base for addressing potential nutritional deficiencies. Consider prostate health with extra zinc and lycopene plus botanicals like saw palmetto. Arginine or Beetroot have vasodilating action so may help with sexual function Zinc and Arginine also support sperm production and CoQ10 may help sperm motility. Underpinning good health for either sex are the essential fats. Omega 3 is perhaps the priority for men as they are at greater risk of poor Cardiovascular health at an earlier age. During chronic stress, key nutrients for cardiovascular health may become depleted so they may wish to add CoQ10 to their supplement programme and use MultiPlus Cardio Essentials as the multiple of choice as it contains CoQ10, fish oils and resveratrol.. 49

51 Balance rhodiola complex contains several botanicals and nutrients for full synergistic support during stress: supporting adrenal function, normalising cortisol production by modulating the HPA axis. reduce anxiety support sleep quality improve mental function and learning. - resulting in the body being better able to handle stress. 50

52 Applications summary 51

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