Peripheral nerve dystroglycan: its function and potential role in the molecular pathogenesis of neuromuscular diseases

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1 Y. Fukuyama, M. Osawa and K. Saito (Eds.), Congenital Muscular Dyrfrophies O 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved CHAPTER 22 Peripheral nerve dystroglycan: its function and potential role in the molecular pathogenesis of neuromuscular diseases KIICHIRO MATSUMURA1, HIROKI YAMADA1, SACHIKO FUJITA1, HIROKO FUKUTA-OHI', TAKESHI TANAKA2, KEVIN P. CAMPBELL' and TERUO SHIMIZU1 I '~e~artmenr of Neurology and Neuroscience, Teikyo Universily School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan 2~aitama Red Cross Blood Center, Yono, Japan '~oward Hughes Medical Institute and Department of Physiology & Biophysics, University of Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City, USA Introduction Dystrophin is a large cytoskeletal protein encoded by the Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) gene [1,2]. In skeletal muscle, dystrophin exists in a large oligomeric complex tightly associated with several novel sarcolemmal proteins, including an extracellular glycoprotein of 156 kda (a-dystroglycan) and a transmembrane glycoprotein of SO kda (adhalin) [3-81. The 156 kda a-dystroglycan binds laminin, a major component of the basement membrane [7,9,10]. It is heavily glycosylated, two-thirds of its molecular mass being accounted for by sugar residues [7,9,10]. The glycoprotein-binding site exists in the cysteine-richic-terminal domains of dystrophin [11,12]. Dystrophin also interacts with F- actin through the actin binding site(s) in the N-terminal domain [10, These findings indicate that the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex spans the sarcolemma to link the subsarcolemmal actin-cytoskeleton with laminin meshwork in the basement membrane in skeletal muscle [6,7,10,16]. Utrophin, an autosomal homologue of dystrophin, is localized exclusively to the neuromuscular junction in adult skeletal muscle [ Utrophin, which has the cysteine-rich/cterminal domains highly homologous to those of dystrophin [17], is associated with sar- I colemmal proteins identical, or immunologically homologous to the dystrophin-associated proteins in the neuromuscular junction [19]. The recent demonstration that a-dystroglycan, binds the basement membrane component agrin, which mediates the clustering of acetylcholine receptor in the neuromuscular junction, suggests that the utrophin-glycoprotein complex may play a role in peripheral synaptogenesis [ Distal transcripts of the DMD gene have been identified and their protein products have been shown to be expressed differently from the full-size 400 kda dystrophin [24,28]. A protein of 71 kda called Dp71 (also called apo-dystrophin-1) is expressed in non-muscle tissues, such as brain and liver [ A protein of 116 kda called Dp116 (also called apo-dystrophin-2) is expressed in Schwann cells of peripheral nerve [28]. While physiological functions of these proteins remain unknown, the fact that both Dp71 and Dp116 share the cysteine-richic-terminal domains of dystrophin, which are involved in the interaction



4 nerve membranes were overlaid with laminin or merosin. The 120 kda a-dystroglycan bound laminin and merosin in the presence of 1 mm CaCI2 and 1 mm MgC12 (Fig. 2) [30]. The binding of laminin and merosin was inhibited by the inclusion of 10 mm EDTA or EGTA in the overlay medium (Fig. 2) [301. Addition of 20 mm CaC12, but not 20 mm MgCI2, in the overlay medium containing 10 mm EDTA restored binding of laminin and merosin (Fig. 2) [30]. These results demonstrate Ca2+-dependency of binding of laminin and merosin. The binding of laminin and merosin was inhibited by the presence of 0.5 M NaCl or 1000-fold excess (wt/wt) of heparin in the overlay medium (Fig. 2) [30]. Discussion Together, our results indicate that a-dystroglycan is a novel merosin-binding protein in peripheral nerve, most likely in the myelin sheath membrane. The size of a-dystroglycan varies among different tissues [7,9,10]. The molecular mass of peripheral nerve a-dystroglycan is comparable to that of brain form (120 kda), and is smaller, by about 40 kda, than that of striated muscle or lung form (156 kda) [7,9,10,37]. This is presumed to be due to differences in the posttranslational modification, such as glycosylation, of a-dystroglycan [7,9,10,29,30]. However, the binding activities of laminin and merosin to the 120 kda a- dystroglycan are similar to the laminin-binding activities of the 156 kda a-dystroglycan [10,30]. Recently, the specific reduction of merosin M chain was demonstrated in skeletal muscle of patents with Fukuyama-type congenital muscular dystophy (FCMD), a disease characterized by brain anomaly and muscular dystophy [38]. The abnormality in the expression of a-dystroglycan in the sarcolemma of FCMD patients implicates the disturbance of the interaction between a-dystroglycan and merosin in the molecular pathogenesis of FCMD [39]. The M chain is also deficient in skeletal muscle and peripheral nerve of dy mice [40-421, which have muscular dystophy and peripheral nerve dysmyelination [ Intriguingly, laminin is known to promote Schwann cell myelination [43,44]. Furthermore, the expression of merosin is upregulated during development of peripheral nerve [31], and merosin is expressed in differentiated Schwann cell neoplasms, with the exception of 6 detectable in undifferentiated malignant Schwannomas [45]. These findings indicate that the expression of lamininlmerosin in the basement membrane is associated with Schwann cell differentiation and myelination. Taken together, our results raise intriguing possibilities that a- dystroglycan may be involved in the regulation of Schwann cell myelination and that the disturbance of the interaction between a-dystroglycan and merosin may play a role in the pathogenesis of peripheral neuropathy in dy mice. At present it is unknown if a- dystroglycan exists in a complex associated with Dp116, utrophin or other dystrophinassociated proteins, or if this putative complex is involved in signal transduction. Further research is currently underway in our laboratory to address these important questions. Finally, adhalin is deficient in the sarcolemma of patients with severe childhood autosoma1 recessive muscular dystophy with DMD-like phenotype (SCARMD) [46-511, and all the dystrophin-associated proteins, including adhalin, are greatly reduced in the sarcolemma of DMD patients [12,52]. These findings suggest that the deficiency of adhalin may be the common denominator leading to muscle cell necrosis in these diseases [16,46]. Interestingly, SCARMD patients never present with nervous system dysfunction which is found in a substantial percentage of DMD patients. Taking our results into consideration, one hy-

5 pothesis to explain this phenotypic difference could be that adhalin is not expressed in the nervous system [8,29,53,54], and thus, its specific deficiency causes only muscular dysfunction UauuII, ILM~LUIIII ~UUIIU~LIUII allu Japall ruulluauull IUI IY~;UIUSC;I~;IIC;~; allu ~v~cn~iil naalm, Research Grant (5A-2) for Nervous and Mental Disorders from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas, for Scientific Research ( , , and ) and for Scientific Research on developmental areas ( ) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. References Hoffman EP, Brown RH, Kunkel LM. Dystrophin: the protein product of the Duchenne muscular dystrophy locus. Cell 1987; 51: Koenig M, Monaco AP, Kunkel LM. The complete sequence of dystrophin predicts a rod-shaped cytoskeletal protein. Cell 1988; 53: Campbell KP, Kahl SD. Association of dystrophin with an integral membrane glycoprotein. Nature 1989; 338: Ervasti JM, Ohlendieck K, Kahl SD, Gaver MG, Campbell KP. Deficiency of glycoprotein component of the dystrophin complex in dystrophic muscle. Nature 1990; 345: Yoshida M, Ozawa E. Glycoprotein complex anchoring dystrophin to sarcolemma. J Biochem 1990; 108: Ervasti JM. Campbell KP. Membrane organization of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex. Cell 1991; 66: Ibraghimov-Beskrovnaya 0, Ervasti JM, Leveille CJ, Slaughter CA, Sernett SW. Campbell KP. Primary structure of dystrophin-associated glycoproteins linking dystrophin to the extracellular matrix. Nature 1992; 355: Roberds SL, Anderson RD, Ibraghimov-Beskrovnaya 0, Campbell KP. Primary structure and musclespecific expression of the 50 kda dystrophin-associated glycoprotein (adhalin). J Biol Chem 1993; 268: Ibraghimov-Beskrovnaya 0, Milatovich A. Ozcelik T, Yang B, Francke U, Campbell KP. Human dystroglycan: skeletal muscle cdna, genomic structure, origin of tissue specific isoforms and chromosomal localization. Hum Mol Genet 1993; 2: Emasti JM, Campbell KP. A role for the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex as a transmembrane linker between laminin and actin. J Cell Biol 1993; 122: I I. Suzuki A, Yoshida M, Hayashi K, Mizuno Y, Hagiwara Y, Ozawa E. Molecular organization at the glycoprotein-complex-binding site of dystrophin: three dystrophin-associated proteins bind directly to the carboxy-terminal portion of dystrophin. Eur J Biochem 1994; 220: Matsumura K, Tome FMS, Ionasescu VV, et al. Deficiency of dystrophin-associated proteins in Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients lacking C-terminal domains of dystrophin. J Clin Invest 1993; 92: I. 13. Levine BA, Moir AJD, Patchell VB, Perry SV. Binding-sites involved in the interaction of actin with the N-terminal region of dystrophin. FEBS Lett 1992; 298: Way M, Pope B. Cross RA, Kendrick-Jones J, Weeds AG. Expression of the N-terminal domain of dystrophin in E. coli and demonstration of binding to F-actin. FEBS Lett 1992; 301: Hemmings L, Kuhimann PA, Critchley DR. Analysis of actin-binding domain of a-actinin by mutagenesis and demonstration that dystrophin contains a functionally homologous domain. J Cell Biol 1992; 116:

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