± ÛøÚ øapple Ùv Àg Ê ±ÚÀÓ Ú, Ó ± À ÚƒÀÊ flƒ ÚÈ ± øúàó Ú

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1 Bengali If you knew about FLU you d get the jab Flu what harm can it do? For most people, flu is nasty but not serious: a short period of chills, aches and pains and then a return to normal health. But some people are at greater risk from the effects of flu. For them, flu can increase the risk of more serious illnesses such as bronchitis and pneumonia or can make existing conditions worse. In the worst cases, flu can result in a stay in hospital or even death. This leaflet explains who is more likely to be affected, and how a simple and free flu jab can reduce the risk. If you are at greater risk, don t wait for winter or for a flu epidemic to ask for the jab. Arrange to see your GP or practice nurse in the autumn to get the best possible protection. ± ÛøÚ øapple Ùv Àg Ê ±ÚÀÓ Ú, Ó ± À ÚƒÀÊ flƒ ÚÈ ± øúàó Ú Ùv - È ± øfl é øó fl ı ÀÓ Û±À ı Œ ı œ ı ˆ ± Œ ±Àfl ı Œé ÀS, Ùv øê øú È ± ø ı, øfl c &èó ı Ú Â äøapple ÀÚ ı Ê Ú Í ±` ± fl ± Û±, ±À ı Ô± La̱ ı Ó ± ı ÛÀ ı ±ˆ ±ø ıfl ±À ö øù À ı ± ±º øfl c, Ùv - ı õ ˆ ±À ı ı Ù À, Œfl ±Ú Œfl ±Ú Œ ±Àfl ı À Ûé ±fl Ó Œ ı œ Á øfl Ô±Àfl º Ó ±Àapple ı Œé ÀS, Ùv, ± ı &èó ı À ı Á øfl ı±øî ˇÀ øapple ÀÓ Û±À ı, Œ Ú ıëç± øè ƒ øúî À ±øú ±, Ô ı± ıó«±ú ö ı ö±àfl ± ı ± ı ± Û fl À ı øapple ÀÓ Û±À ı º ıà À ± ı ± Û Œé S&ø ÀÓ, Ùv - ı Ù À ± Û±Ó ±À Ô±fl ÀÓ ÀÓ Û±À ı - Ô ı± Ó ÀÓ Û±À ı º õ ± ı ÛÀS [ø Ù À ÀÈ ] ı øá À ı ± À À Œ fl ±Àapple ı Û ı ı õ ˆ ± ı ÛÎ ˇ± ı y± ıú± À Ûé ±fl Ó Œ ı œ, ı Œfl Ú fl À ı fl È ± Ê ø ıú± ı À ı Ùv ÚƒÀÊ flƒ Ú Á øfl È ± fl ø À øapple ÀÓ Û±À ı º ± ÛÚ± ı øapple À Ûé ±fl Ó Œ ı œ Á øfl Ô±Àfl, Ó ± À ÚƒÀÊ flƒ Ú ± ± ı Ê Ú œó fl ± ı± ı ± Ûfl ˆ ±À ı Ùv ÀÓ qè fl ı ± Û «ôl À Ûé ± fl ı À ıú Ú±º ıà À ˆ ± ı é ± ± Û± ± y ı Ó ± ı Ê Ú ± ÛÚ± ı øê ø Û ı± õ ±flƒ øè À ı Ú±À «ı ±ÀÔ È ±À [Œ ôlfl ±À ] Œapple ± fl ı ± ı ı൱ ıô fl ı À ıúº 1 of 6 Flu jab

2 Are you at greater risk? Even if you feel healthy, you should definitely consider having the flu jab if you have: a serious heart problem; a serious chest complaint, including asthma; diabetes; a serious kidney disease; lowered immunity due to disease or treatment (such as steroid medication or cancer treatment); a serious liver disease; or had a stroke or a transient ischaemic attack (TIA). Your GP may also advise you to have the jab if you have: multiple sclerosis (MS); or a condition that affects your nervous system (such as cerebral palsy). You should also have the jab if you are aged 65 years or over. ± ÛÚ± ı Á øfl øfl À Ûé ±fl Ó Œ ı œ øúàê ı ± ö ˆ ± ±À ıà ± ÛÚ± ı ÀÚ À, øúà ı øê øú &ø ı Œfl ±Ú fl È ± ± ÛÚ± ı Ô±fl À, ± ÛÚ± ı ı Ùv - ı ÚƒÀÊ flƒ ÚÈ ± ŒÚ ± ı fl Ô± ø ıà ı Ú± fl ı ± Î ø Ó : ±ÀÈ«ı [ +»ø ÛÀ` ı ] Œfl ±Ú &èó ı ±; ± Û±øÚ À Ó Œfl ±Ú &èó ı ı Àfl ı ; Î ± ± ıœøè [ ıu S Œ ı ± ]; øfl ΃ Úœ ı Œfl ±Ú &èó ı ; ı± ø øfl» ± ı [Œ Ú Œà ı À Î ± ± ı± fl ±k±à ı ı ø øfl» ± ] fl ± ı ÀÌ ø Î øúøè [ Ú±Sê Ó ±] fl À Œ À ; ø ˆ ±À ı ı [ fl ÀÓ ı ] Œfl ±Ú &èó ı ; Ô ı± ± ÛÚ± ı fl È ± Œàò±fl Ô ı± fl È ± C ±Úƒø À KI ƒàfl ø fl ±È ±flƒ (TIA) À Ô±fl À º ± ÛÚ± ı øapple øúà ı Œfl ±ÚÈ ± Ô±Àfl, Ó ± À ± ÛÚ± ı øê ø Û Ó ± ÛÚ±Àfl ÚƒÀÊ flƒ ÚÈ ± ŒÚ ± ı Î ÛÀapple Œapple À ıú: ±øåi Û ƒ øäà ı ±ø (MS); Ô ı± Œfl ±Ú Œ È ± ± ÛÚ± ı ß± ı Û ı õ ˆ ± ı ŒÙ À [Œ Ú Œ ø ı ıë± Û ƒ œ]º ± ÛÚ± ı ı øapple 65 ıâ ı ı± Ó ± ı Œ ı œ, Ó ± À ± ÛÚ± ı ÚƒÀÊ flƒ ÚÈ ± ŒÚ ± Î ø Ó º 2 of 6 Flu jab

3 Why is flu risky? Flu is not just a heavy cold. Colds are usually less serious, starting gradually with a sore throat and a stuffy or runny nose. Flu is sudden and much stronger. Symptoms include fever, chills, headaches and aching muscles, and you can get a cough and a sore throat at the same time. Flu is highly infectious and spreads fast. You can catch the virus through the coughs and sneezes of infected people. It reappears every winter, and this is when you are most at risk. It usually appears over a short period, so many people get ill around the same time. We can never predict how serious an outbreak will be. The viruses that cause flu change every year. So if you are in one of the groups listed in this leaflet, you should have a free flu jab every year to make sure that you are protected. Ùv - ı ŒÔÀfl Á øfl Ô±Àfl Œfl Ú Ùv qò ±S Œ ı œ ı fl À ı øapple«ú º øapple«&ø ±Ò± ı ÌÓ À Ûé ±fl Ó fl &èó ı º È ± Sê ± ı Ô± ı Ú±fl ıg À ± ± ı± Ú±fl øapple À Ê ÛÎ ˇ± øapple À qè º Ùv Í ±» ı Ó ± ± ı ÀÚfl ŒÊ ± ı apple ± ı º é Ì&ø ı ÀÒ Ô±Àfl ; ı, Í ±` ± fl ± Û±, ±Ô± ı La̱ ± À Û œàó ı Ô±, ı fl ±ÀÔ ± ÛÚ± ı fl ±ø ± ı Ô± ÀÓ Û±À ı º Ùv Ó ôl ŒÂ ± ±À ı Ó ±Î ˇ±Ó ±øî ˇˇ  Πˇ± º ±Àapple ı Sê Ì À ÀÂ, Ó ±Àapple ı fl ±ø ı± ± ø ı ŒÔÀfl ± ÛÚ± ı ˆ ± ı ±À ı ŒÂ ± ± ± ÀÓ Û±À ı º õ øó ıâ ı œó fl ±À È ± ± ı± ı Œapple ± Œapple, ı À ± ÛÚ± ı Á øfl ıà À Œ ı œ Ô±Àfl º ±Ò± ı ÌÓ È ± äøapple ÀÚ ı Ê Ú Œapple ± Œapple, fl ±ÀÊ fl À ÀÚfl Œ ±fl ö À ÛÀÎ ˇº ± ı ± fl Ú ±À ı ŒÔÀfl ı ÀÓ Û±ø ı Ú± Œ È ± ı õ ±apple ˆ«± ı fl Ó È ± &èó ı À ıº Œ ˆ ± ı ± &ø ı ŒÔÀfl Ùv, Œ &ø õ øó ıâ ı ıapple ± º fl ±ÀÊ, ± ÛøÚ øapple õ ± ı ÛÀS Œapple ± Œ ±á œ&ø ı Œfl ±ÚÈ ± ı ÀÒ ÛÀÎ ˇÚ, Ó ± À øúàê Àfl ı øé Ó ı ± ± øúø(ó fl ı ± ı Î ÀVÀ, ± ÛÚ± ı õ øó ıâ ı ø ıú± ı À fl È ± Ùv - ı ÚƒÀÊ flƒ Ú ŒÚ ± Î ø Ó º 3 of 6 Flu jab

4 A jab is your best protection A jab helps your body to fight the flu virus Your body starts making antibodies to the killed vaccine viruses about a week to ten days after the injection. These antibodies help to protect you for a whole year against similar flu viruses that you then come into contact with, but they cannot protect you against other winter viruses, which are often less serious. Most people who have the jab will not get the flu However, like any vaccine, the jab cannot give 100 per cent protection. It gives between 70 and 80 per cent protection against viruses that are a close match to those in the vaccine. But if you are unlucky enough to get the flu, it s likely to be a milder version than if you hadn t had the jab. The vaccine is changed every year to stay ahead of the virus Because the viruses change every year, the flu that is around this year will be different from last year s. Our vaccine needs to match the latest version of the virus so that we can protect you against it. fl È ± ÚƒÀÊ flƒ Ú À26 ± ÛÚ± ı ıà À ˆ ± õ øó ı é ± Ùv ˆ ± ı ±À ı ±ÀÔ X fl ı ÀÓ fl È ± ÚƒÀÊ flƒ Ú ± ÛÚ± ı ı œ ı Àfl ± ± fl À ı º ÚƒÀÊ flƒ Ú ŒÚ ± ı ±Ó ŒÔÀfl apple øapple Ú ÛÀ ı ± ÛÚ± ı ı œ ı, Œ À ı ŒÙ ± ˆ ±flƒ ø ÀÚ ı ˆ ± ı ± &ø ı ø ıèàx ±øki ıøî Ó ı œ fl ı ÀÓ qè fl À ı º fl Ò ı ÀÚ ı Ùv ˆ ± ı ±À ı ŒÔÀfl fl È ± Û À ı ± ıâ ı ±øki ıøî &ø ± ÛÚ±Àfl ı é ± fl ı ÀÓ ± ± fl ı À ıº øfl c, œó fl ±À ı Ú ±Ú ˆ ± ı ±À ı ±Ó ŒÔÀfl &ø ± ÛÚ±Àfl ı é ± fl ı ÀÓ Û± ı À ı Ú±, Œ &ø õ ± À Ûé ±fl Ó fl &èó ı À Ô±Àfl º ± ı ± Ùv - ı ÚƒÀÊ flƒ Ú ŒÚÀ ıú, Ó ±Àapple ı Œ ı œ ı ˆ ±À ı Ùv À ı Ú±º Ó À ı, Ú Œ Œfl ±Ú ˆ ±fl ø ÀÚ ı [È œfl ± ı ] Ó, ÚƒÀÊ flƒ Ú, Ó fl ı ± 100 ˆ ± õ øó ı é ± fl ı ÀÓ Û±À ı Ú±º Œ ı ˆ ± ı ±À ı ±ÀÔ ˆ ±flƒ ø ÀÚ ı ı fl ±Â ±fl ±øâ ø, Œ &ø ı ŒÔÀfl È ± Ó fl ı ± 70 ŒÔÀfl 80 ˆ ± õ øó ı é ± fl ı ÀÓ Û±À ı º øfl c ± ÛÚ± ı øapple Ùv ± ı apple ˆ«±, Ó ± À ÚƒÀÊ flƒ Ú Ú± øúà ± Ó, Ó ± ı ŒÔÀfl È ± À Ûé ±fl Ó fl &èó ı À ıº ˆ ± ı ±À ı ŒÔÀfl ø À Ô±fl ± ı Ê Ú, õ øó ıâ ı ˆ ±flƒ ø ÚÈ ±Àfl ıapple ±ÀÚ± Œ À Ó ˆ ± ı ± &ø õ øó ıâ ı ıapple ±, ıâ ı Œ Ùv È ± À26 Œ È ± Ó ıâ À ı ı ŒÔÀfl Ú ı fl À ıº ˆ ± ı ±À ı ±Ò øúfl Ó ı ÀÌ ı ±ÀÔ ± ±Àapple ı ˆ ±flƒ ø ÀÚ ı ø ± apple ı fl ± ı ±ÀÓ ± ı ± È ± ı ŒÔÀfl ± ÛÚ±Àfl ı é ± fl ı ÀÓ Û±ø ı º 4 of 6 Flu jab

5 A jab is highly effective We have been successful in recent years in closely matching the flu viruses in the vaccine with those that have subsequently been found in the UK. The flu jab does not give you flu The vaccine does not contain any live viruses, so it cannot give you flu. Side effects of the jab are minor compared with the risks associated with flu. Some people get a slight temperature and aching muscles for a couple of days afterwards, and your arm may feel a bit sore where you were injected. But that s all: any other side effects are rare. You can still have the jab if you are pregnant There are no reported problems in giving the vaccine to pregnant women fl È ± ÚƒÀÊ flƒ Ú ı fl ± «fl ı œ ± xøó fl ıâ ı &ø ÀÓ, ˆ ±flƒ ø ÀÚ ı Ùv ˆ ± ı ±À ı ±ÀÔ, Î Ú± ÀÈ Î øfl Î - ÛÀ ı Œ ˆ ± ı ± &ø Û± ± Œ À Œ &ø ı fl ±Â ±fl ±øâ ø fl ı ÀÓ ± ı ± Ù À øâ º Ùv - ı ÚƒÀÊ flƒ ÀÚ ı ŒÔÀfl ± ÛÚ± ı Ùv À ı Ú± ˆ ±flƒ ø ÀÚ Œfl ±Ú Ê œø ıó ˆ ± ı ± Ô±Àfl Ú±, fl ±ÀÊ ı ŒÔÀfl ± ÛÚ± ı Ùv À ı Ú±º Ùv øù Ü Á øfl ı Ó Ú± ÚƒÀÊ flƒ ÀÚ ı Û±ù «õ øó øsê ± ı fl º ÚƒÀÊ flƒ ÀÚ ı ÛÀ ı Œfl ±Ú Œfl ±Ú Œ ±Àfl ı øapple Ú apple À fl ä ; ı ı ± À Û œàó ı Ô± Ô±Àfl, ı ± ÛÚ± ı ±ÀÓ ı Œ ±ÀÚ ÚƒÀÊ flƒ Ú Œapple ± À ı, Œ Ê ± ± Ó fl È ı Ô± Ô±fl À ıº øfl c, qò Â Ú Œfl ±Ú Û±ù «õ øó øsê ± ı fl º ± ÛøÚ ˆ«ıÓ œ À ÚƒÀÊ flƒ Ú øúàó Û± ı À ıú ˆ«ıÓ œ ø ±Àapple ı ˆ ±flƒ ø Ú Œapple ± ı ı ± Û±À ı Œfl ±Ú ± ±À ıà Ê ±Ú± ± øúº Do not have the flu jab if you have an allergy to hens eggs or if you have had a serious allergic reaction to the jab or one of its ingredients in the past. If in doubt, speak to your GP. ± ÛÚ± ı øapple ı œ ı øî À Œfl ±Ú ± ±Ê«œ Ô±Àfl Ô ı± ±À ÚƒÀÊ flƒ Ú ı± Ó ± ı Œfl ±Ú Î Û±apple ±ÀÚ ı ŒÔÀfl ± ÛÚ± ı øapple Œfl ±Ú &èó ı ± ±Ê«œ ı õ øó øsê ± À Ô±Àfl, Ó ± À ± ÛøÚ Ùv - ı ÚƒÀÊ flƒ Ú ŒÚÀ ıú Ú±º Œfl ±Ú Àµ Ô±fl À, ± ÛÚ± ı øê ø Û ı ±ÀÔ fl Ô± ı À ıúº 5 of 6 Flu jab

6 What to do next If you belong to one of the groups mentioned in this leaflet (and you are not allergic to hens eggs, the jab or one of its ingredients), speak to your GP or practice nurse about being vaccinated. Alternatively, you can speak to your local pharmacist. It is best to have the jab in the autumn before any outbreak of flu. Don t wait for an epidemic or assume that you don t need another jab because you had one last year. ı ÛÀ ı øfl fl ı ÀÓ À ı ± ÛøÚ øapple õ ± ı ÛÀS Œapple ± Œfl ±Ú Œ ±á œ ı ÀÒ ÛÀÎ ˇÚ [ ı ı œ ı øî, ÚƒÀÊ flƒ Ú ı± Ó ± ı Œfl ±Ú Î Û±apple ±ÀÚ ± ÛÚ± ı Œfl ±Ú ± ±Ê«œ Ú± Ô±Àfl ], Ó ± À ˆ ±flƒ ø ÀÚ ı ÚƒÀÊ flƒ Ú ŒÚ ± Àg ± ÛÚ± ı øê ø Û ı± õ ±flƒ øè Ú±À «ı ±ÀÔ fl Ô± ı À ıúº Ó ± Ú± À, ± ÛøÚ ± ÛÚ± ı ö±úœ Ù ± «±ø Àà ı ±ÀÔ fl Ô± ı ÀÓ Û±À ı Úº ÚƒÀÊ flƒ ÚÈ ± È ±À [Œ ôlfl ±À ] ŒÚ ± ıà À ˆ ± - ı ± Ûfl ˆ ±À ı Ùv ÀÓ qè ± ı ±À º ı ± Ûfl Œ ı ± ø ıô ±À ı ı Ê Ú À Ûé ± fl ı À ıú Ú± Ô ı± ÒÀ ı ŒÚÀ ıú Ú± Œ Œ À Ó ± ÛøÚ Ó ıâ ı fl È ± ÚƒÀÊ flƒ Ú øúà øâ À Ú Œ Ê Ú ± ÛÚ± ı ± ı± ı fl È ± ÚƒÀÊ flƒ Ú ŒÚ ± ı apple ı fl ± ı ŒÚ º For more information on immunisation, visit ø Î Ú± ÀÊ Ú Àg ± ı Ó ÀÔ ı Ê Ú øí fl ±Ú± Œapple À ıúº /ENG Aug /BEN Aug08 6 of 6 Flu jab

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