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3 MOMENTUM The strength or force that something has when it is moving. The strength or force that allows something to continue or to grow stronger or faster as time passes." Merriam-Webster Do you ever feel it s hard to get your momentum going? This trainer consists of eight weeks of short (45 minutes or fewer), High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) routines that will have you dripping sweat and taking your fitness to the next heartpumping level! In these workouts, push to your MAX! By constantly pushing your momentum and giving it your all in such a short amount of time, not only will you begin to feel more energized throughout your day, but your overall momentum will also increase in the two months that you work through this trainer. These short, intense workouts are an excellent aid in boosting your metabolism with fat-burning results. They are also perfect for those who don't have a lot of time or would like something new to incorporate into their daily training. For these workouts, you need minimal equipment, which allows you the convenience of being able to do them almost anywhere: at home, the gym, the park, or while traveling. This trainer can also be combined with any of the Becoming Extraordinary Trainers. You will become faster and stronger by using mostly your own bodyweight with movements like mountain climbers, jumping rope, bodyweight squats, push-ups, pull-ups, jump lunges, burpees, etc It s important to balance your training with high-intensity workouts, low-intensity workouts, rest days, and of course, proper nutrition. By implementing proper nutrition into your training, not only will you get results, but you will get the most out of your training when your body is properly fueled. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 1

4 WHAT IS HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING (HIIT)? HIIT is a type of training in which you are giving 100% of your max effort during short, intense workouts with short recovery periods. This is a training you want to return to with the goal of completing the workouts faster each time. BENEFITS OF BODYWEIGHT TRAINING DURING HIIT It s convenient You can do almost anywhere with little to no equipment needed. It s a great way to combine your cardio and strength training. It burns a ton of calories in a short amount of time. You ll see an overall increase in strength, balance, flexibility, agility and endurance. It s an excellent metabolism booster you continue to burn calories even after you have completed the workout. TRAINER PRO TIPS: Have a pen and paper nearby to write down your times, reps, and rounds so you can strive to beat them. You will not have a lot of time to write, so be fast! This is a great way to see your progress. Also, make sure to have water close by! If you must take a break, remember to keep it as short as possible. These workouts are super short and will be over before you know it. Don t waste any time taking long breaks. When the workout calls for added weight, keep it light to moderate. This trainer consists of high rep workouts so do NOT go heavy in weight. Lastly, make sure to note the amount of weight you use and if you had to modify any movements. This will also help you track your progress. For weeks 2, 4, 6, and 8, there will days where you repeat previous workouts. Your goal is to beat your previous record. When performing any exercise, it is critical to always protect yourself from possible injury by maintaining proper form. Please refer to the glossary for exercises you may not be familiar with. These are timed workouts, so you are working at a fast speed; however, slow down if necessary so you are not jeopardizing your form. Not only is improper form less effective, but it can result in injury. During the workout, no matter how fast you want to go, keep this mantra in mind: form over speed. Lastly, listen to your body and stop if you feel pain, become light-headed or dizzy, or experience any other warning sign. ***Please consult with your doctor before beginning any exercise program. PRE-WORKOUT Always warm up with dynamic stretches before any workout and cool down with static stretches. Allow yourself at least 5-10 minutes before and after each workout for the warm up and cool down. Dynamic stretching is a form of stretching during which the body is in motion. These stretches usually mimic the exercises you will be doing in your training. Dynamic stretches are highly recommended for use when warming up the muscles in the body in order to prevent injury. A dynamic warm up will consist of doing 3-5 exercises for 3-4 sets of reps each. Static stretching is when you hold a stretch for a length of time, typically 20 seconds or more, and should be done when the body is at rest and the muscles have warmed up. This should be done during your cool down after training. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 2

5 GLOSSARY NOTE: Any time an exercise calls for bi-lateral (meaning both sides left and right) this equals one rep. For example, during exercises like high knees, mountain climbers, jump lunges, or even shoulder taps, etc you will count the left and right as one rep. ALTERNATING LATERAL LUNGE From a standing position, take a big step to your right and descend into a lunge. Make sure to keep the chest lifted, push the hips back, keep the toe pointed forward, and do not allow the knee to overlap the toes. Push off the heel to return to standing position and then repeat on the opposite side. ALTERNATING LUNGE From a standing position, take a big step forward, bending the knee to a 90-degree angle. Your rear knee should nearly touch the floor. Keep chest and torso upright. Do not allow the knee to overlap toes. Push off the heel to return standing position, and then repeat on the opposite leg. AS MANY ROUNDS AS POSSIBLE (AMRAP) Complete the circuit of exercises in as many rounds as you possibly can in the amount of time given. BICYCLE CRUNCH Begin by lying flat on the ground with your lower back pressed to the ground. Place your fingertips gently behind the ears or head and lift your shoulders off the ground. Keep the elbows back rather than bringing them in towards the chest. Do not round the spine or pull on the neck. Lift legs off the ground, keeping one leg extended out and the other bent. Rotate upper body to one side. As you rotate, bring one elbow towards the bent knee (they do not need to touch). Repeat the motion on the other side. BODYWEIGHT DIP Begin with hands on bench, box, or chair behind you. You may have your knees bent or straight out in front of you. For more of a challenge, elevate your legs on something. Lower your body until your shoulders are lower than your elbows. Push yourself back up by straightening your arms until your elbows are fully extended. If you are doing this on a dip station and need assistance, place feet on the ground to help support you as you lower your body. BODYWEIGHT SQUAT Keep the core tight and back straight as you sit back into the squat. Engage your hamstrings by driving your heels through the ground. Squat all the way down to parallel (you can squat below parallel). Then drive heels through the ground as you come up, squeezing the glutes once you hit the top. BOSU BURPEE Bosu Burpees are similar to a Weighted Burpee, except you are holding the Bosu as you drop into a push-up position and lower your chest to the floor. Then, while holding the Bosu, jump your feet under your hips and stand up, bringing the Bosu overhead. That s one rep. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 3

6 BOSU MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS These are similar to regular Mountain Climbers, except your hands are on Bosu instead of the ground. BOSU SPIDER PUSH-UP These are similar to the Spider Push-Up, except you place your hands on the Bosu instead of the ground. BOSU V-UPS Sit in the center of the Bosu ball with your legs extended in front of you. Slightly bend your knees and lean back with your hands on the floor behind the Bosu for support. Contract your abs raising your legs towards the ceiling. If you have weight between your ankles, then bring your knees in towards your chest. BOX JUMP Stand in front of the box with feet shoulder-width apart. Jump up rather than into the box by making sure your landing and jumping positions are as close to the box as possible. Lower yourself into the jumping position by bending at the knees and hips. Keep your head up and back straight. Rebound out of this position, extending through the hips, knees, and ankles to jump up as high as possible. Swing your arms forward and up. Aim for the center of the platform and land softly and quietly with knees slightly bent to absorb the impact with your legs. Depending on how comfortable you are, you can jump backwards off the box or step down one leg at a time to return to the starting position. Make sure the surface you are jumping on is a hard, flat surface and is strong enough to be jumped on. If you are unable do box jumps, then do jump squats. BREAKDANCE PUSH-UP Begin in the push-up position. Do one push-up with your left leg up. When you return to the push-up position, slide your left foot underneath your right leg (do not let left leg touch floor) rotating your body and raising your right hand off the ground. Complete the movement by facing upward and placing your right hand on your right side. Your position should resemble a "crab walk" pose. Do the same movement in reverse to return to the one-leg push-up position. Repeat the motion, alternating between sides, with one-leg push-ups and the crab stance. Each one-leg push-up and crab stance is one rep. If this is too challenging, you may do regular push-ups. BULGARIAN SPLIT SQUAT Elevate one foot directly backwards. Slowly lower your body as far as you can. It's important to not let the front knee (lunging knee) overlap your toes. Your rear knee should nearly touch the floor. To make it more challenging, hold dumbbells in each hand at your sides with palms facing inward. BURPEE Begin in a standing position. Drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground. Kick your feet back and lower your body completely so your chest hits the floor then immediately jump your feet as close to your hands as you can and return your feet to the squat position. Explode up into a jump, reaching your hands overhead. That s one rep. When the exercise calls for a "burpee with push-up, you will just be adding in a push-up when you drop down to ground. For modification, do a half burpee where you do not drop all the way to the ground. Instead, your arms are fully extended keeping your chest and body off the ground. Everything else will be executed in the same way as in the burpee (full). BURPEE BROAD JUMP This is similar to the Burpee, except when you jump, you are jumping outward and into the burpee. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 4

7 CURTSY LUNGE From a standing position, step your left leg behind you and to the right so your thighs cross, bending both knees as if you are curtsying. Return to standing and repeat on other side. Do not let your knee overlap your toes when lunging. DECLINE PUSH-UP Position your hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder width. Elevate your feet on a bench, box, etc to raise your body into a plank position. Make sure your body is straight and your arms are extended. Lower your upper body to the floor by bending arms. Then push back up to the starting position. DIAMOND PUSH-UP From a regular push-up position, place hands directly beneath your chest so that your index fingers and thumbs touch to form a triangle or diamond shape. Lower your chest toward the floor, then push back up to the starting position. To modify, do push-ups from the knees. DIVE BOMBER PUSH-UP Begin with your hands and feet on the floor and your hips raised, so your body forms an inverted V. Lower your shoulders, then glide your chest forward, bringing it between your hands and up toward the ceiling. Keep hands 2 to 3 inches wider than your shoulders and your knees and hips 2 to 3 inches off the floor. Reverse the move, bringing your hips back toward the ceiling. This is one rep. If you find this movement too challenging, you may modify by having your knees on the floor instead of your feet. FLUTTER KICKS Begin by lying on your back with your hands under your tail-bone. Elevate legs and lower them until you feel the back come off the ground. This is where you will go to the lowest point on the flutter kicks. Engaging the core and pulling in the ribcage will ensure proper activation. Start with your legs together, and then move one leg up and one leg down in a scissor-like motion. Concentrate on keeping your back pressed down to the ground. GLUTE BRIDGE Lie on your back with your legs bent and feet planted firmly on the floor. Have arms on ground at your sides for support. Lift your glutes and mid back off the ground as high as you can. Hold this position at the top, squeezing your glutes, and then lower hips back down to the starting position. GLUTE BRIDGE ON STABILITY BALL This movement is similar to Glute Bridge, except your feet are planted firmly on the stability ball instead of the ground. GOBLET SQUAT Grab one end of a dumbbell with both hands and hold it vertically in front of your chest. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Keeping your back naturally arched, push your hips back, bend your knees, and lower your body until the tops of your thighs are at least parallel to the floor. Pause, then push yourself up to the starting position. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 5

8 HIGH KNEES WITH JUMP ROPE Begin jumping rope, and then raise one knee up as high as you can. Repeat with the other knee. Alternate back and forth. It s very important to protect yourself by landing softly. Avoid hard landings which can result in injury. If you are landing too hard then decrease how high your knee is coming up. Don t worry if you cannot do this at first. Just keep practicing. If you need to modify, do high knees without the rope. Maintain proper posture with back straight and shoulders back. JACK KNIFE ON STABILITY BALL Begin in a plank position with arms fully extended. Place your feet, ankles and shins on top of the ball with your back and legs straight. Engage your core by bringing your knees in towards your chest. Then return to beginning position with legs straight. This is one rep. JUMP LUNGES Begin in lunge position with front leg bent at a 90-degree angle and back leg behind you. Alternate your feet as you jump into the air, moving back leg in front and front leg in back in another lunge. Keep chest and torso upright and engaged throughout entire movement. Do not allow the knee to overlap the toes. JUMP SQUAT Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Start by doing a regular squat; then engage your core and jump up explosively. When you land, lower your body back into the squat position to complete one rep. Keep your back straight as you squat down, and do not let the knees move inwards. It s very important to protect yourself by landing softly. Avoid hard landings, which can bring on injury. If you are landing too hard, then decrease how high you are jumping. JUMP TUCK In a standing position with feet about hip-width apart, lower yourself down into a half squat position and then jump as high as you can while bringing your knees as close to your chest as possible. Swing your arms upward as you jump, hitting your knees with the palms of your hands. Try to land softly on the balls of your feet with a bend in your knees. KETTLEBELL SWING Hold the kettlebell so it hangs between your legs. Bend at the waist with knees slightly bent, avoiding a squat position. Thrust your hips forward so the kettlebell swings forward and up over your head. Allow the weight to fall back down to the starting position. That s one rep. LEG LIFTS ON PULL-UP BAR OR DIP STATION Hang on the bar. Engage your core and keep your legs straight as you lift them up as high as you can. Lower the legs back down. If you are doing this movement on a dip station, then just place your hands on top of the handles holding yourself up while you lift your legs. If you do not have a either of the above, then these can be done on the floor by lying on your back and lifting legs up to a 90 degree angle then lowering back down. If the exercise calls for "Hanging Knee Raises," then you just bend your knees as you bring them up towards your chest. MAN-MAKER Hold dumbbells as you move down into a push-up and then into a plank. From there, do a row with each arm and then jump your legs into a squat clean position and into a thruster then stand up while pushing the weights overhead. That s one rep. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 6

9 MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS Begin in a push-up position with your weight supported by your hands and toes. Keep the back as straight as possible and gluteus down (not in the air). Bring hips and gluteus down so the posterior chain is engaged with the core. Bring one knee up towards center of your arms and chest and other leg extended behind. Alternate and repeat. PIKE PUSH-UP Begin in a push-up position. Keep your legs straight, and walk your hands back so you are in a pike position with your upper body and lower body at a 90-degree angle. Extend the arms overhead so that they are in line with your spine and reaching straight out from the shoulders. Contract the core. Bend the elbows and lower yourself down until your head almost contacts the ground. Press back up. That's one rep. PLANK Start by getting into a push-up position. Bend your elbows and rest your weight onto your forearms (this can also be done with arms fully extended). Any time you are in any kind of plank position, do not let your neck hang down. Always keep your spine straight and neck neutral to your spine. Shoulders should always be parallel to the ears. Activate the glutes for assistance from the posterior chain. PLANK JACKS Get into plank position either with arms fully extended or on forearms. Have legs together. Jump your feet out as if you were doing a horizontal jumping jack. Jump feet back together. (If jumping is too tough, you can always start by walking your legs out one at a time.) Each jack is one rep. PLANK WITH ALTERNATING ARM AND LEG RAISE Get into a plank position with arms extended. At the same time, bring one arm straight up in front of you while you lift the opposite leg in back straight up high as you can. Repeat, alternating arms and legs. Keep your spine straight and neck neutral to the spine. PLANK WITH ALTERNATING LEG CROSS-UNDER TAPS Get into plank position with arms extended and legs slightly wider than hip-width apart. With your left leg straight, bring your right leg under your body and to the left side. Tap your right foot with your left hand. Repeat on the other side. PLANK WITH ALTERNATING SHOULDER TAPS Get into plank position with arms extended. Bring one arm up to touch opposite shoulder. Repeat alternating arms. PULL-UP There are different variations of pull-ups. The basic one is a wide grip (over-grip). Hang on a bar with your hands more than shoulder-width apart. Pull until the bar reaches chin level and then pause. Lower yourself back to the starting position. You may use resistance bands to help assist if these are too challenging. PUSH PRESS From a standing position, hold the barbell slightly wider than shoulder width at chest height. Keeping your core tight, bend the knees and ankles slightly. Explosively drive upward with your legs, pushing the barbell from right under your chin to overhead with arms fully extended and elbows locked out. Return barbell to shoulders. Repeat. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 7

10 PUSH-UP Get into a plank position with legs and arms fully extended, arms straight, glutes clenched, and abs braced. Steadily lower yourself until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle or smaller. Go down as far as you can, aiming for your chest to hit the floor. Once you do that, then explode back up to the starting position. If you need to modify, these can be done from the knees. PUSH-UPS WITH ALTERNATING SHOULDER TAPS Do a push-up, and then come up and tap one shoulder. This is one rep. Repeat the push-up alternating the tap on other shoulder. RENEGADE ROW WITH PUSH-UP With dumbbells in each hand, get into a plank position. Do a push-up. Row your right dumbbell, lower it back to the floor, and row the left dumbbell. That is one rep. REVERSE LUNGE From a standing position, take a large step back with your right leg into a lunge, allowing both knees to bend to a 90- degree angle. Return your back foot (right) to the starting position. Repeat with left leg. REVERSE PUSH-UP This is going to be the exact opposite of a push-up. Begin by lying down on your back. Grab a bar, rings or TRX resting your weight on your heels. Have your body in a straight line and arms fully extended. Do not drop your hips. Pull your chest up to the bar or rings by bending the arms and engaging your core and glutes, squeezing your back muscles. Hold, then lower. ROMANIAN DEADLIFT Stand with shoulder width or narrower stance. Lower bar toward top of feet by bending hips while tracing front contour of legs with the bar through a downward motion. As you lower the bar, bend your knees while keeping your back straight and not rounding it. Once the hamstring is stretched fully, just before lowering bar to completely to floor, lift the bar by extending hips and knees until standing upright. Pull shoulders back slightly if rounded. This exercise can also be done with dumbbells in each hand. SHOULDER PRESS Begin by either standing on the floor or sitting on a bench. Hold dumbbells in each hand and bring up to each side of shoulders with elbows below wrists. Press dumbbells upward until arms are extended overhead and both dumbbells touch. Hold, then lower to sides of shoulders. SIDE PLANK DIP In a side plank position, have one arm on the ground supporting your body either with it fully extended or on your forearm (if the full arm extension is too challenging). If on forearm, have it out in front of you. Place the other arm on your hip. Make sure your body is in a straight line from head to feet; then drop your bottom hip toward the ground. Then reverse the movement and lift your hip up as high as you can, engaging the core the entire time. That's one rep. This can be done with feet either together or have one leg (top) slightly out on ground in front of the other leg (bottom). MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 8

11 SINGLE-LEG DEADLIFT Hold your weight (dumbbell or kettlebell) in one hand. Stand on one leg, on the same side that you hold the weight. Keeping that knee slightly bent, perform a stiff-legged deadlift by bending at the hip, extending your free leg behind you for balance. Continue lowering the kettlebell until you are parallel to the ground, and then return to the upright position. SPIDER PUSH-UP Get into a push-up position. As you lower your body down to the ground, lift one knee up and touch the knee to your sameside elbow. As you push back up, you bring the leg back to the starting position. That s one rep. Repeat on the other side. SPIDERMAN This movement is similar to the Spider Push-up, except you do not do a push-up. Instead, stay up in plank position with arms extended, and alternate legs by bringing your knee up to your elbow. STANDING LATERAL RAISE Stand with your knees slightly bent. Hold dumbbells in each hand and begin with them at your sides with palms facing in towards each other. While keeping arms straight but elbows soft, raise the weights up to shoulder level (your palms are now facing the floor). Your hand, elbow and shoulder should form a parallel line. Then lower arms with control to the starting position. STAR JACKS Begin with legs shoulder width apart. Keep your back straight, and squat down about halfway with arms either at your side or crossed in front. Explode off the ground as high as you can with arms and legs extended completely out. Land softly, absorbing the impact through the legs and keeping spine and head straight. Bring arms and legs back down to starting position. When adding weight to this exercise, hold weights in each hand under chin with palms facing inward. Then execute the movement as described above. STEP-UP Using a box, bench, or sturdy chair, step up with your right foot and bring your left knee up to hip height. Then step down with your left foot and step up again with your right. Alternate legs. You can also hold dumbbells to make this more challenging. Be sure to drive through your heel to maintain proper activation of the hamstring. This keeps the posterior chain activated and ensures weight to be shifted to the back rather than to the knees. Do not push off with your planted foot. You are stepping up while driving through your heel which is planted on the box, bench, or sturdy chair. SIT-UP Begin by lying flat on the ground. Bend the knees with feet planted firmly on the ground. Place your fingertips gently behind the head or ears. Do not pull on the neck. Keeping the head forward begin to engage your core by lifting your body towards the knees. Keep elbows back. Do not bring them in towards the chest. Lower your body back down to starting position. Repeat. SUPERMAN Lie face down on floor and extend arms directly in front of you. At the same time lift legs and arms focusing on squeezing those glutes, hold, then lower arms and legs. Repeat. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 9

12 TABATA TRAINING Tabata is a form of HIIT where you are working at an intensity level that is as hard and as fast as you can physically go. The format is 20 seconds of maximum effort followed by 10 seconds of rest for a total of eight intervals which keeps you going for 4 minutes. Tabata, along with any HIIT style training, is a great tool to utilize in keeping track of progression and improvement for overall conditioning and muscle endurance. THRUSTER Holding dumbbells right under your chin, descend into a squat and then stand up while pushing the weights overhead. Repeat. TRICEP PUSH-UP From a plank position, place your hands closer than shoulder-width apart. Make sure your body is straight and not arching. Lower your chest toward the floor while keeping your upper arms parallel to your sides and your elbows pointing straight back. Push back up to starting position. WALK OUT PUSH-UP Begin standing with feet shoulder-width apart. Bend over so that your hands hit the floor (bend at the knees if needed). Then walk your hands out as far as possible keeping a stable back and not hyper-extending. Your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your feet. Then do one push-up. Then walk hands back to return to the starting position. This is one rep. WALKING PLANKS ALTERNATING ARMS Begin in a plank position with arms fully extended. Alternate onto forearms one at a time, then extend arms back up one at a time. This is one rep. Repeat by alternating the arm leading onto forearms. WALL RUN WITH PUSH-UP Starting in push-up position with your feet touching a wall, begin climbing backward up the wall with your feet, then walk all the way back down. Once you are back to starting position do push-up. That s one rep. WEIGHTED BURPEE Hold on to the dumbbells as you drop into a push-up position, hitting your chest to the floor. Then, jump your feet under your hips and stand up holding dumbbells at your side with palms facing inward. That s one rep. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 10

13 EQUIPMENT Here is a list of equipment this trainer calls for, but is not limited to. If you can substitute for similar equipment, that s great! INTERVAL TIMER Use for intervals, stopwatch, and a timer. If you don t have one, I recommend the Gym Boss App. You can download to iphone for free or you can also purchase online at and at any store that carries fitness equipment. You will need all three (interval timer, stopwatch, and timer), so make sure whatever you re using has all three variations of keeping time. Many phone and watch timers have all three. DUMBBELLS Set of dumbbells, but if you have kettlebells, you may use them for certain exercises. The amount of weight should be kept at light to moderate since you are doing high reps. BOX OR BENCH DIP STATION This is a great piece of equipment for home that can be used for a variety of exercises. If you are interested, you may want to check online at PULL-UP BAR TRX OR RINGS TRX is another great piece of equipment you can take anywhere. If you are interested, you may read more about it at JUMP ROPE I recommend using a speed rope. You may find speed ropes online or at any store that carries fitness equipment. BOSU BALL STABILITY BALL BARBELL FOOT GLIDERS Furniture gliders work great. If you are interested, you may find them at Walmart, Home Depot, Target, or you can also use paper plates on carpet or small hand towels on hard floors. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 11

14 WEEK 1 I believe in the power of dreams. Visualize yourself accomplishing your goals long before they even happen. I dream every day and night about the things I want to accomplish. I envision everything down to the last details of that moment. What I am wearing, the smell, the sounds, my emotions, and the people around me. I play that moment over and over again. Dreaming has gotten me to where I am today and where I will be in the future. A champion wins in his or her mind first. Believe whole-heartedly that you ve already won. Actions follow your thoughts, so I only think about where I want to go, how I want to move forward, and what I need to do to get there. Ashley Horner MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 12

15 DAY 1 stopwatch kettlebell or dumbbell 5 ROUNDS Five rounds as fast as possible while maintaining proper form! Always remember, form over speed. 10 jump squats 10 burpees 10 single-leg deadlift with kettlebell or dumbbell (right leg) 10 burpees 10 single-leg deadlift with kettlebell or dumbbell (left leg) 10 burpees 10 plank jacks You can do these on forearms or with arms fully extended. (each jack=1 rep) 10 burpees 10 kettlebell swings (can do with dumbbell) 10 burpees THIS IS ONE ROUND RECORD YOUR TIME DID YOU KNOW? Burpees work several body groups such as arms, chest, abs, quads, and hamstrings. Working so many muscle groups is great for burning fat. TIP: You may modify burpees to half burpees, but only if necessary. Just make sure to record when you do in order to keep track of progression. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 13

16 DAY 2 stopwatch set of dumbbells box or bench 6 ROUNDS Six rounds as fast as possible while maintaining proper form! Always remember, form over speed. 21 goblet squats with dumbbell or kettlebell 21 spider push-ups Do regular push-ups if these are too challenging. (each knee to elbow=1 rep) 21 alternating jump lunges with hands over head Do not clap hands, keep them separated overhead. (left and right=1 rep) 21 shoulder press with dumbbells 21 flutter kicks (2 kicks=1 rep) 21 bodyweight dips You can do these with hands on box, bench, chair, or dip station. 21 box jumps Use caution and slow down if necessary to avoid injury. THIS IS ONE ROUND RECORD YOUR TIME: DID YOU KNOW? Box jumps work your legs and core every time you leap on the box, and they help to improve your reaction time for sudden stops. TIP: If you are new to box jumps, then start out with a height where you are comfortable. As you gain confidence, you can work your way up to a higher box. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 14

17 DAY 3 interval timer set of dumbbells dip station or pull-up bar jump rope 25 MINUTE HIIT Set interval timer: 2 intervals 45 second max effort/15 second rest for 25 rounds (breaks down to 5 rounds each exercise) This is a circuit, so after each 15-second rest, move to the next exercise until you have completed all 25 rounds. Record your reps for each round to keep track. The idea is to continue to do as many reps as you did the last round if not more. Form over speed! 45 SECOND: Dive Bomber Push-Up Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round SECOND: Leg Lifts on dip station or hanging from pull-up bar (if you have neither then do lying on floor) Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round SECOND: Weighted Burpees with dumbbells Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round SECOND: High knees with jump rope If you do not have a jump rope, do high knees without the rope. (left and right=1 rep) Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round SECOND: Breakdance Push-Ups on alternating sides Do regular push-ups if these are too challenging. Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. DID YOU KNOW? The Dive Bomber Push-Up helps to improve flexibility in your hamstrings, back, and shoulders. TIP: If you find the Dive Bomber Push-Up to be too challenging, you may modify them by starting out on your knees rather than having legs fully extended. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 15

18 DAY 4 REST & RECOVERY I think we like to complicate things when most are really quite simple. Find what makes you happy and keep it close to you. Ashley Horner MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 16

19 DAY 5 stopwatch dip station or pull-up bar 5 ROUNDS Five rounds as fast as possible while maintaining proper form! Always remember, form over speed. 20 push-ups with shoulder taps (each push-up with tap left and right=1 rep) 20 leg lifts (on dip station or hanging from pull-up bar. If you have neither, then do these lying on floor) Plank-(you can do on forearms or with arms fully extended) Keep in mind you want to continue to progress and challenge yourself, so going to forearms will be more effective. Round 1 (1 minute) Round 2 (2 minutes) Round 3 (2 minutes) Round 4 (1 minute) Round 5 (2 minutes) 20 bodyweight squats with a double pulse at the bottom (1 squat with a double pulse 2 pulses at the bottom of the squat=1 rep) *Note the minutes for each round of planks. RECORD YOUR TIME: DID YOU KNOW? Planks strengthen multiple muscles in your body. There are different variations that help improve core strength and balance. While holding the plank position, you are engaging all the muscles in your back, shoulders, core, chest and legs all at once. Feel them burn! TIP: If you need a challenge during your planks, place your feet on a stability ball. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 17

20 DAY 6 stopwatch jump rope set of dumbbells pull-up bar 5 ROUNDS Five rounds as fast as possible while maintaining proper form! Always remember, form over speed. 10 pike push-ups 50 high knees with jump rope (left and right=1 rep) 10 man-makers 50 high knees with jump rope 10 pull-ups (do assisted if these are too challenging) 50 high knees with jump rope 10 supermans 50 high knees with jump rope THIS IS ONE ROUND RECORD YOUR TIME: DID YOU KNOW? Jump roping helps to improve coordination and agility. It also improves how efficiently you breathe, which is beneficial when doing many other activities. TIP: Always remember when you are landing any jump, you are landing softly to avoid injury to back and joints. If you are landing too hard, then decrease how high your knee is coming up. Once you begin to land softer, you can increase your height. The softer you land, the more muscles you are engaging and assisting with the movement. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 18

21 DAY 7 REST & RECOVERY Balance, flexibility, speed, endurance, and strength: everything I strive for in fitness. Ashley Horner MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 19

22 WEEK 2 For days 1 and 6, you will be doing workouts you haven t done yet. For days 2, 3, and 5, you will be repeating workouts. I want you to write down your previously recorded numbers for the repeated workouts. This is where you will need to really challenge yourself to be faster. Even if it s by one second, half a round, or one rep, it matters! You can do it! Remember, these are fast, short workouts, so I want you to give them your all while maintaining proper form. To ensure proper form, slow down if necessary. Improper form will only result in the movement being less effective and in possible injury. Remember, form over speed. Have fun and make sure to keep record so you can see how your overall speed and progress is coming along. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 20

23 DAY 1 interval timer and an additional timer Bosu ball dumbbell or ankle weights 29 MINUTE TABATA Set interval timer: 2 intervals 20 second max effort/10 second rest for 8 rounds (equals 4 minutes each TABATA) Do all 8 rounds of each TABATA before moving onto the next one. Break 60 seconds (timer) in between each TABATA. Restart your interval timer after each 60 second break till you have completed all 6 TABATAS. Record your reps for each round to keep track. The idea is to continue to do as many reps as you did the last round if not more. Make sure your timers are set and ready to go. You do not want to be messing with them during your workout which will cost you time. TABATA 1: Bosu burpees **For an added challenge, replace the 10 second breaks with planking with hands on Bosu** Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA. **For an added challenge, omit the 60 second breaks and move onto the next TABATA as quickly as possible.** TABATA 2: Bosu V-Ups (For a challenge, hold weight between ankles. A dumbbell works great or you can use ankle weights.) Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA. TABATA 3: Side Plank Dips (left) Hold a 5 lb. weight straight up in air while you are dipping Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA. TABATA 4: Side Plank Dips (right) Hold a 5 lb. weight straight up in air while you are dipping Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA. TABATA 5: Jump Lunges with hands overhead (Do not clap hands, keep them separated overhead.) Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA. TABATA 6: Bosu Spider Push-Ups Each knee to elbow is one rep. (If these are too challenging, do spidermans with hands on Bosu.) MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 21

24 DAY 2 stopwatch set of dumbbells box or bench WORKOUT REPEAT (WEEK 1, DAY 2) SIX ROUNDS AS FAST AS POSSIBLE! Since this is a repeated workout, take a look at your previously recorded time and challenge yourself to beat it while maintaining proper form! Always remember, form over speed. 21 goblet squats with dumbbell or kettlebell 21 spider push-ups-each knee to elbow=1 rep (do regular push-ups if these are too challenging) 21 alternating jump lunges with hands over head-left and right=1 rep (do not clap hands, keep them separated overhead) 21 shoulder press with dumbbells 21 flutter kicks (2 kicks=1 rep) 21 bodyweight dips (can do them with hands on box, bench, chair, or dip station) 21 box jumps (use caution and slow down if necessary to avoid injury) THIS IS ONE ROUND PREVIOUSLY RECORDED TIME: RECORD YOUR NEW TIME: TIP: If you are new to box jumps, then start out with a height where you are comfortable. As you gain confidence, you can work your way up to a higher box. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 22

25 DAY 3 interval timer set of dumbbells dip station or pull-up bar jump rope WORKOUT REPEAT (WEEK 1, DAY 3) 25 MINUTE HIIT Set interval timer: 2 intervals 45 second max effort/15 second rest for 25 rounds (breaks down to 5 rounds each exercise) This is a circuit, so after each 15 second rest, move to the next exercise until you have completed all 25 rounds. Record your reps for each round to keep track. You want to at least remain consistent, or even better, improve on your numbers each time. Since this is a repeated workout, take a look at the reps you did previously and aim for the highest reps you did, but challenge yourself to do more while maintaining proper form. 45 SECOND: Dive Bomber Push-Up Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round SECOND: Leg Lifts on dip station or hanging from pull-up bar (If you have neither then do lying on floor.) Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round SECOND: Weighted Burpees with dumbbells Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round SECOND: High knees with jump rope (If you do not have a jump rope, do high knees without the rope.) Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round SECOND: Breakdance Push-Ups alternating sides (Do regular push-ups if these are too challenging.) Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. TIP: If you find the Dive Bomber Push-up to be too challenging, you can modify it by starting out on your knees versus having legs fully extended. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 23


27 DAY 5 stopwatch jump rope set of dumbbells pull-up bar WORKOUT REPEAT (WEEK 1, DAY 6) FIVE ROUNDS AS FAST AS POSSIBLE! Since this is a repeated workout, take a look at your previously recorded time and challenge yourself to beat it while maintaining proper form! Always remember, form over speed. 10 pike push-ups 50 high knees with jump rope 10 man-makers 50 high knees with jump rope 10 pull-ups (do assisted if these are too challenging) 50 high knees with jump rope 10 supermans 50 high knees with jump rope THIS IS ONE ROUND PREVIOUSLY RECORDED TIME: RECORD YOUR NEW TIME: TIP: Always remember when you are landing any jump, you are landing softly to avoid injury to back and joints. If you are landing too hard, then decrease how high your knee is coming up. Once you begin to land softer, you can increase your height. The softer you land, the more muscles you are engaging to assist with the movement. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 25

28 DAY 6 interval timer barbell box or bench 30 MINUTE HIIT Set interval timer: 2 intervals 45 second max effort/15 second rest for 30 rounds (breaks down to 6 rounds each exercise) This is a circuit, so after each 15 second rest, move to the next exercise until you have completed all 30 rounds. Record your reps for each round to keep track. The idea is to continue to do as many reps as you did in the last round if not more. Form over speed! 45 SECOND: Burpee over Barbell (If you do not have barbell use something in the middle to safely jump over.) Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round SECOND: Alternating Lateral Lunges Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round SECOND: Bodyweight Dips Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round SECOND: Step-Ups on bench or box (right side) Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round SECOND: Step-Ups on bench or box (left side) Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round 6. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 26


30 WEEK 3 We live in a culture that pressures us to conform to its ideals, to travel one particular path that can limit our potential to become extraordinary. Once you get a glimpse of your potential, let go of your fears and allow yourself to become something great. Don t limit yourself to traditional bodybuilding spaces for women like bikini or figure competitions. While they are wonderful, there is so much out there to get involved in the fitness world. I can name a dozen different sports or hobbies that I love to do. Open your mind. Ashley Horner MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 28

31 DAY 1 timer jump rope set of dumbbells AS MANY ROUNDS AS POSSIBLE (AMRAP) IN 25 MINUTES Form over speed! 10 pike push-ups 50 high knees with jump rope 10 alternating reverse lunges with dumbbells 50 high knees with jump rope 20 bodyweight squats 50 high knees with jump rope 10 burpees 50 high knees with jump rope THIS IS ONE ROUND TOTAL NUMBER OF ROUNDS COMPLETED: MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 29

32 DAY 2 timer box or chair AMRAP IN 25 MINUTES Form over speed! 20 mountain climbers 20 decline push-ups 20 star jacks 20 bodyweight dips 20 mountain climbers 20 side plank dips (right) 20 star jacks 20 side plank dips (left) 20 mountain climbers 20 alternating jump lunges with hands over head 20 star jacks THIS IS ONE ROUND TOTAL NUMBER OF ROUNDS COMPLETED: DID YOU KNOW? Mountain climbers strengthen the entire core and boost the metabolism, helping to burn fat. TIP: To make your bodyweight dips more challenging, elevate your legs and safely place weight on top of them. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 30

33 DAY 3 interval timer jump rope rings, TRX, or dip station 30 MINUTE HIIT Set interval timer: 2 intervals 45 second max effort/15 second rest for 30 rounds (breaks down to 6 rounds each exercise) This is a circuit, so after each 15 second rest, move to the next exercise until you have completed all 30 rounds. Record your reps for each round to keep track of your progress. The idea is to continue to do as many reps as you did during the last round if not more. Form over speed! 45 SECOND: Reverse Push-Ups (Do on rings, TRX, or a dip station.) Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round SECOND: Spidermans (each knee to elbow=1 rep) Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round SECOND: High Knees with jump rope Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round SECOND: Push-Up with alternating shoulder taps (each push-up and shoulder tap=1 rep) Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round SECOND: Plank with alternating leg cross under taps (left and right taps=1 rep) Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round 6. TIP: For a challenge, elevate your feet on a box or stability ball while doing reverse push-ups. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 31

34 DAY 4 REST & RECOVERY Your body hears your mind. If you say you can t, you won t. If you constantly tell yourself you WILL overcome, achieve and prevail, YOU WILL! Mind over matter! It s a powerful thing. Ashley Horner MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 32

35 DAY 5 interval timer 25 MINUTE HIIT Set interval timer: 2 intervals 45 second max effort/15 second rest for 25 rounds (breaks down to 5 rounds each exercise) This is a circuit, so after each 15 second rest, move to the next exercise until you have completed all 25 rounds. Record your reps for each round to keep track of your progress. The idea is to continue to do as many reps as you did the last round if not more. Form over speed! 45 SECOND: Burpees Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round SECOND: Push-Ups Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round SECOND: Jump Squats Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round SECOND: Superman Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round SECOND: Sit-Ups Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. DID YOU KNOW? Push-ups have many benefits, and one of the biggest is how they work the entire core, helping to strengthen the abs. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 33

36 DAY 6 stopwatch stability ball box or bench set of dumbbells 5 ROUNDS Five rounds as fast as possible while maintaining proper form! Always remember, form over speed. 20 thrusters with dumbbells 20 glute bridges on stability ball 20 side plank dips (right) 20 side plank dips (left) 20 step-ups on bench or box (right) (for challenge add weight) 20 step-ups on bench or box (left) (for challenge add weight) 10 walk out push-up (each walk out and push-up back to standing position=1 rep) THIS IS ONE ROUND RECORD YOUR TIME: TIP: Walk Out Push-Up: Whether or not you will need to bend your knees depends on your flexibility. The idea is to try to walk out with legs straight while maintaining flexibility throughout. Do the push-up, walk back up, and finish each rep by standing up nice and tall to reactivate the posterior chain before walking back down again. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 34

37 DAY 7 REST & RECOVERY It s okay to walk away from things you know deep down aren t right for you. It only means something else down your path is right for a reason you don t understand right now. Ashley Horner MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 35

38 WEEK 4 For days 1 and 6, you will be doing workouts you haven t done yet. For days 2, 3, and 5, you will be repeating workouts. I want you to write down your previously recorded numbers for the repeated workouts. This is where you will need to really challenge yourself to be faster. Even if it s by one second, half a round, or one rep, it counts! You can do it! Remember, these are fast, short workouts, so I want you to give them your all while maintaining proper form. To ensure proper form, slow down if necessary. Improper form will only result in the movement being less effective and in possible injury. Remember, form over speed. Have fun and make sure to keep record so you can see how your overall speed and progress is coming along. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 36

39 DAY 1 stopwatch set of dumbbells barbell box or bench 4 ROUNDS Four rounds as fast as possible while maintaining proper form! Always remember, form over speed. 20 goblet squats with dumbbell or kettlebell 10 burpee broad jumps 20 glute bridge (add weight for challenge) 10 burpee broad jumps 20 step-ups on bench or box (10 each leg) (for challenge add weight) 10 burpee broad jumps 20 Romanian deadlift using a barbell or dumbbells 10 burpee broad jumps 20 supermans 10 burpee broad jumps THIS IS ONE ROUND RECORD YOUR TIME: MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 37

40 DAY 2 timer jump rope set of dumbbells WORKOUT REPEAT (WEEK 3, DAY 1) AMRAP IN 25 MINUTES! Since this is a repeated workout, take a look at the total number of rounds you completed previously and challenge yourself to beat that number by doing more while maintaining proper form. Form over speed! 10 pike push-ups 50 high knees with jump rope 10 alternating reverse lunges with dumbbells 50 high knees with jump rope 20 bodyweight squats 50 high knees with jump rope 10 burpees 50 high knees with jump rope THIS IS ONE ROUND TOTAL NUMBER OF ROUNDS COMPLETED PREVIOUSLY: NEW TOTAL NUMBER OF ROUNDS COMPLETED: MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 38

41 DAY 3 interval timer jump rope rings, TRX, or dip station WORKOUT REPEAT (WEEK 3, DAY 3) 30 MINUTE HIIT Set interval timer: 2 intervals 45 second max effort/15 second rest for 30 rounds (breaks down to 6 rounds each exercise) This is a circuit, so after each 15 second rest, move to the next exercise until you have completed all 30 rounds. Record your reps for each round to keep track. The idea is to continue to do as many reps as you did in the last round if not more. Since this is a repeated workout, take a look at the reps you did previously and aim for the highest reps you did, but challenge yourself to do more while maintaining proper form. 45 SECOND: Reverse Push-Ups (do on rings, TRX, or a dip station) Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round SECOND: Spidermans (each knee to elbow=1 rep) Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round SECOND: High Knees with jump rope Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round SECOND: Push-Up with alternating shoulder taps (each push-up and shoulder tap=1 rep) Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round SECOND: Plank with alternating leg cross under taps (left and right taps=1 rep) Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round 6. TIP: For a challenge, elevate your feet on a box or stability ball while doing reverse push-ups. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 39


43 DAY 5 stopwatch stability ball box or bench set of dumbbells WORKOUT REPEAT (WEEK 3, DAY 6) FIVE ROUNDS AS FAST AS POSSIBLE! Since this is a repeated workout, take a look at your previously recorded time and challenge yourself to beat it while maintaining proper form! Always remember, form over speed. 20 thrusters with dumbbells 20 glute bridges on stability ball 20 side plank dips (right) 20 side plank dips (left) 20 step-ups on bench or box (right) (for challenge add weight) 20 step-ups on bench or box (left) (for challenge add weight) 10 walk out push-up (each walk out and push-up back to standing position = 1 rep) THIS IS ONE ROUND PREVIOUSLY RECORDED TIME: RECORD YOUR NEW TIME: TIP: Walk Out Push-Up: Whether or not you can keep your legs straight or need to bend your knees depends on your flexibility. The idea is try to walk out with legs straight while maintaining flexibility throughout. Do the push-up, walk back up, and finish each rep by standing up nice and tall to reactivate the posterior chain before walking back down again. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 41

44 DAY 6 timer Bosu ball box or bench dumbbell or ankle weights pull-up bar or dip station AMRAP IN 25 MINUTES Form over speed! 10 Bosu burpees 5 Bosu mountain climbers (left and right = 1 rep) 10 bodyweight dips 5 Bosu mountain climbers 10 Bosu spiderman push-ups-if these are too challenging, do spidermans with hands on Bosu. (each knee to elbow=1 rep) 5 Bosu mountain climbers 10 hanging knee raises on pull-up bar or dip station (Use ankle weights or add dumbbell between ankles for more challenge.) 5 Bosu mountain climbers THIS IS ONE ROUND TOTAL NUMBER OF ROUNDS COMPLETED: DID YOU KNOW? Not only is the Bosu ball great for improving balance, but it also will intensify your training by turning simple exercises into challenging ones, forcing your core to constantly work throughout the entire movement. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 42


46 WEEK 5 Make small changes every day that lead to a lifestyle change. Make it a habit and a commitment. Ashley Horner MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 44

47 DAY 1 interval timer foot gliders set of dumbbells 28 MINUTE HIIT Set interval timer: 2 intervals 45 second max effort/15 second rest for 28 rounds (breaks down to 4 rounds each exercise) This is a circuit, so after each 15 second rest, move to the next exercise until you have completed all 28 rounds. Record your reps for each round to keep track. The idea is to continue to do as many reps as you did the last round if not more. Form over speed! 45 SECOND: Mountain Climbers with foot gliders Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round SECOND: Weighted Burpees with dumbbells Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round SECOND: Star Jacks holding a 5 lb. dumbbell in each hand Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round SECOND: High Knees while holding weight (dumbbells) overhead (no jumping just high marches in place) Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round SECOND: Side Plank Dip (right) Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round SECOND: Side Plank Dip (left) Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round SECOND: Thrusters Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. DID YOU KNOW? Placing sliders under your feet adds a balance component to your workout which provides several benefits. For example, by adding them to mountain climbers, you will use more muscles to balance your body in position. Shoulder stability becomes a factor and your chest muscles are used as stabilizers. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 45

48 DAY 2 interval timer and an additional timer set of dumbbells kettlebell pull-up bar box 29 MINUTE TABATA Set interval timer: 2 intervals 20 second max effort/10 second rest for 8 rounds (equals 4 minutes each TABATA) Do all 8 rounds of each TABATA before moving onto the next one. Break 60 seconds (timer) in between each TABATA. Restart your interval timer after each 60 second break until you have completed all 6 TABATAS. Record your reps for each round to track your progress. The idea is to continue to do as many reps as you did the last round if not more. Form over speed! Make sure your timers are set and ready to go. You do not want to be messing with them during your workout, which will cost you time. TABATA 1: Box Jumps Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA. **For an added challenge, omit the 60 second breaks by moving onto the next TABATA as quickly as possible.** TABATA 2: Pull-Ups Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA. TABATA 3: Kettlebell Swings Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA. TABATA 4: Standing Lateral Raise with weights (5 lbs. suggested as weight will get heavy quick. You want to do light weight with high reps.) Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA. TABATA 5: Alternating Jump Lunges Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA. TABATA 6: Push-Ups TIP: Do as many pull-ups as you can, and then do the rest assisted. Same with the push-ups: do as many as you can, then modify to knees if necessary. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 46

49 DAY 3 timer AMRAP IN 25 MINUTES Form over speed! 20 plank with alternating arm and leg raise (each arm and leg raise=1 rep) 20 bicycle crunches 20 spidermans 20 flutter kicks 20 walking planks alternating arms (10 going down on right arm first, then 10 going down on left arm first) 20 bicycle crunches 20 plank alternating shoulder taps 20 flutter kicks THIS IS ONE ROUND TOTAL NUMBER OF ROUNDS COMPLETED: TIP: Keep your core tight and try not to wiggle. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 47

50 DAY 4 REST & RECOVERY The moment you start to see your full potential is when you gain your biggest motivation. You get hungry for more! Don t let one bad day ruin your week. I know you re busy! We are all busy!! Even if you can t get a full training session in, at least try for a half of one. Unfortunately, it s easier for us to fall out of habit or shape than it is for us to get into shape or create a habit. The hardest part is finding motivation and #momentum when life is constantly at a stop-and-go pace. Plan ahead and prepare the best you can. Not all things are controlled, but when they are make sure you take advantage of the opportunity. Ashley Horner MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 48

51 DAY 5 stopwatch jump rope set of dumbbells barbell 6 ROUNDS Six rounds as fast as possible while maintaining proper form! Always remember, form over speed. 100 high knees with jump rope 10 push-press with barbell 20 alternating lunges with dumbbells 5 wall runs with push-up (each wall run with push-up=1 rep) 100 mountain climbers THIS IS ONE ROUND RECORD YOUR TIME: MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 49

52 DAY 6 interval timer jump rope set of dumbbells box or bench pull-up bar 30 MINUTE HIIT Set interval timer: 2 intervals 45 second max effort/15 second rest for 30 rounds (breaks down to 6 rounds each exercise) This is a circuit, so after each 15 second rest, move to the next exercise until you have completed all 30 rounds. Record your reps for each round to keep track. The idea is to continue to do as many reps as you did the last round if not more. Form over speed! 45 SECOND: High Knees with jump rope Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round SECOND: Renegade Rows with push-up Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round SECOND: Box Jumps Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round SECOND: Thrusters Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round SECOND: Pull-Ups Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round 6. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 50

53 DAY 7 REST & RECOVERY I have worked so hard to get to where I am today. Never have I allowed anyone s comments or opinions sway me from doing the things I love. What you have to remember is that you re creating a story you ll be telling tomorrow. You have the leading role and are the author! If I gave up the first time someone was rude, negative, or didn t support me, I would have thrown in the towel a long time ago. When you re passionate about something, you stick with it because the effort comes naturally. Ashley Horner MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 51

54 WEEK 6 For days 1 and 6, you will be doing workouts you haven t done yet. For days 2, 3, and 5, you will be repeating workouts. I want you to write down your previously recorded numbers for the repeated workouts. This is where you will need to really challenge yourself to be faster. Even if it s by one second, half a round, or one rep, it matters! You can do it! Remember, these are fast, short workouts, so I want you to give them your all while maintaining proper form. To ensure proper form, slow down if necessary. Improper form will only result in the movement being less effective and in possible injury. Remember, form over speed. Have fun and make sure to keep record so you can see how your overall speed and progress is coming along. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 52

55 DAY 1 timer set of dumbbells or kettlebells stability ball rings, TRX, or dip station AMRAP IN 25 MINUTES Form over speed! 10 jump tucks 10 single-leg deadlift with dumbbell or kettlebell (left) 10 kettlebell swings (can do with a dumbbell) 10 single-leg deadlift with dumbbell or kettlebell (right) 10 jump tucks 10 jack knives on stability ball 10 kettlebell swings 10 alternating lateral lunges 10 jump tucks 10 weighted burpees with dumbbells 10 kettlebell swings 10 reverse push-ups THIS IS ONE ROUND TOTAL NUMBER OF ROUNDS COMPLETED: MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 53

56 DAY 2 interval timer and an additional timer set of dumbbells kettlebell pull-up bar box WORKOUT REPEAT (WEEK 5, DAY 2) 29 MINUTE TABATA Set interval timer: 2 intervals 20 second max effort/10 second rest for 8 rounds (equals 4 minutes each TABATA) Do all 8 rounds of each TABATA before moving onto the next one. Break 60 seconds (timer) in between each TABATA. Restart your interval timer after each 60 second break until you have completed all 6 TABATAS. Record your reps for each round to keep track. The idea is to continue to do as many reps as you did the last round if not more. Since this is a repeated workout, take a look at the reps you did previously and aim for the highest reps you did, but challenge yourself to do more while maintaining proper form. Make sure your timers are set and ready to go. You do not want to be messing with them during your workout, which will cost you time. TABATA 2: Box Jumps Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA. **For an added challenge, omit the 60 second breaks by moving onto the next TABATA as quick as possible.** TABATA 2: Pull-Ups Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA. TABATA 3: Kettlebell Swings Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA. TABATA 4: Standing Lateral Raise with weights (5 lbs. suggested as weight will get heavy quick. You want to do light weight with high reps.) Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA. TABATA 5: Alternating Jump Lunges Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA. TABATA 6: Push-Ups TIP: Do as many pull-ups as you can, and then do the rest assisted. Same with the push-ups: do as many as you can, and then modify to knees if necessary. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 54

57 DAY 3 stopwatch jump rope set of dumbbells barbell WORKOUT REPEAT (WEEK 5, DAY 5) 6 ROUNDS Six rounds as fast as possible! Since this is a repeated workout, take a look at your previously recorded time and challenge yourself to beat it while maintaining proper form! Always remember, form over speed. 100 high knees with jump rope 10 push-press with barbell 20 alternating lunges with dumbbells 5 wall runs with push-up (each wall run with push-up=1 rep) 100 mountain climbers THIS IS ONE ROUND PREVIOUSLY RECORDED TIME: RECORD YOUR NEW TIME: MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 55


59 DAY 5 interval timer jump rope set of dumbbells box or bench pull-up bar WORKOUT REPEAT (WEEK 5, DAY 6) 30 MINUTE HIIT Set interval timer: 2 intervals 45 second max effort/15 second rest for 30 rounds (breaks down to 6 rounds each exercise) This is a circuit, so after each 15 second rest, move to the next exercise until you have completed all 30 rounds. Record your reps for each round to keep track. The idea is to continue to do as many reps as you did the last round if not more. Since this is a repeated workout, take a look at the reps you did previously and aim for the highest reps you did, but challenge yourself to do more while maintaining proper form. 45 SECOND: High Knees with jump rope Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round SECOND: Renegade Rows with push-up Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round SECOND: Box Jumps Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round SECOND: Thrusters Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round SECOND: Pull-Ups Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round 6. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 57

60 DAY 6 stopwatch set of dumbbells 4 ROUNDS Four rounds as fast as possible while maintaining proper form! Always remember, form over speed. 20 jump tucks 30 alternating lunges with shoulder press using dumbbells (lunge left and right then do shoulder press=1 rep) 40 burpees 50 bodyweight squats THIS IS ONE ROUND RECORD YOUR TIME: MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 58


62 WEEK 7 It s not the fancy equipment, slick clothes, or upgraded wheels you put on your machine that will get you that win. What matters most is what you put inside your machine. You are the only one that is capable of how you drive yourself. If you continue to nourish yourself well with the proper sustenance and train hard, you are the finely tuned machine that will get you where you need to go. Ashley Horner MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 60

63 DAY 1 timer box, bench or dip station AMRAP IN 30 MINUTES Form over speed! 20 plank alternating shoulder taps (2 taps=1 rep) 20 flutter kicks 20 diamond push-ups 20 sit-ups 20 spidermans 20 bodyweight dips 20 push-ups 20 jump squats THIS IS ONE ROUND TOTAL NUMBER OF ROUNDS COMPLETED: TIP: Modify the push-ups if necessary, but try to challenge yourself to do as many as you can before having to modify. Also, make sure you are squatting completely during your jump squats. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 61

64 DAY 2 interval timer foot gliders set of dumbbells 30 MINUTE HIIT Set interval timer: 2 intervals 45 second max effort/15 second rest for 30 rounds (breaks down to 5 rounds each exercise) This is a circuit so after each 15 second rest, move to the next exercise until you have completed all 30 rounds. Record your reps for each round to keep track. The idea is to continue to do as many reps as you did the last round if not more. Form over speed! 45 SECOND: Mountain Climbers with Foot Gliders Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round SECOND: Thrusters Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round SECOND: Mountain Climbers with Foot Gliders Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round SECOND: Spider Push-Ups Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round SECOND: Mountain Climbers with Foot Gliders Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round SECOND: Burpee Broad Jumps Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 62

65 DAY 3 timer box or bench set of dumbbells AMRAP IN 30 MINUTES Form over speed! 40 step-ups (20 each leg) 20 decline push-ups with shoulder tap (push-up with tap on each shoulder=1 rep) 10 star jacks with 5 lb. weights 40 bodyweight squats with a double pulse at the bottom (1 squat with a double pulse 2 pulses at the bottom of the squat=1 rep) 10 star jacks with 5 lb. weights 20 bodyweight dips 10 star jacks with 5 lb. weights 40 curtsy lunges (20 each) 10 star jacks with 5 lb. weights 20 shoulder press with dumbbells THIS IS ONE ROUND TOTAL NUMBER OF ROUNDS COMPLETED: TIP: To make the curtsy lunge more challenging, try adding weight to them. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 63


67 DAY 5 interval timer and an additional timer box, bench or chair set of dumbbells 29 MINUTE TABATA Set interval timer: 2 intervals 20 second max effort/10 second rest for 8 rounds (equals 4 minutes each TABATA) Do all 8 rounds of each TABATA before moving onto the next one. Break 60 seconds (timer) in between each TABATA. Restart your interval timer after each 60 second break until you have completed all 6 TABATAS. Record your reps for each round to keep track. The idea is to continue to do as many reps as you did the last round if not more. Make sure your timers are set and ready to go. You do not want to be messing with them during your workout, which will cost you time. TABATA 1: Mountain Climbers with hands on box, bench, or chair (keep your back straight and core tight) Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA **For an added challenge, omit the 60 second breaks by moving onto the next TABATA as quickly as possible.** TABATA 2: Bodyweight Dips Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA TABATA 3: Bulgarian Split Squat (right) Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA TABATA 4: Bulgarian Split Squat (left) Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA TABATA 5: Flutter Kicks Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA TABATA 6: Plank TIP: For challenge, add weight to your Bulgarian split squats. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 65

68 DAY 6 timer jump rope set of dumbbells AMRAP IN 30 MINUTES Form over speed! 50 high knees with jump rope 20 tricep push-ups 50 high knees with jump rope 40 reverse lunge and kick opposite leg up with opposite hand touching toe (20 each side) 50 high knees with jump rope 20 flutter kicks (each leg) 50 high knees with jump rope 20 plank jacks You can do these on forearms or with arms fully extended (each jack=1 rep) 50 high knees with jump rope 20 thrusters with dumbbells TOTAL NUMBER OF ROUNDS COMPLETED: MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 66


70 WEEK 8 For this last week, you will be repeating workouts from the past 7 weeks. The first three days are workouts you have done twice already. I want you to continue pushing yourself to your max momentum just as you have been doing this whole time always going for that extra rep, faster time, or extra round. Keep your breaks extra short while you aim to beat your record. Remember, even if you beat your record by just one second, half a round, or only one rep, that is still progress! Don t forget to record your numbers and remember to maintain proper form when performing any exercise. To ensure proper form, slow down if necessary. Improper form will only result in the movement being less effective and in possible injury. Remember, form over speed. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 68

71 DAY 1 stopwatch set of dumbbells box or bench WORKOUT REPEAT (WEEK 1, DAY 2) (WEEK 2, DAY 2) 6 ROUNDS Six rounds as fast as possible! Since this is a repeated workout you have done twice, take a look at both previously recorded times and challenge yourself to beat them while maintaining proper form! Always remember, form over speed. 21 goblet squats with dumbbell or kettlebell 21 spider push-ups Do regular push-ups if these are too challenging. (each knee to elbow=1 rep) 21 alternating jump lunges with hands over head Do not clap hands, keep them separated overhead (left and right=1 rep) 21 shoulder press with dumbbells 21 flutter kicks (2 kicks=1 rep) 21 bodyweight dips (can do them with hands on box, bench, chair, or dip station) 21 box jumps (use caution and slow down if necessary to avoid injury) THIS IS ONE ROUND PREVIOUSLY RECORDED TIME 1: PREVIOUSLY RECORDED TIME 2: RECORD YOUR NEW TIME: TIP: If you are new to box jumps, then start out with a height where you are comfortable. As you gain confidence, you can work your way up to a higher box. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 69

72 DAY 2 interval timer jump rope rings, TRX, or dip station WORKOUT REPEAT (WEEK 3, DAY 3) (WEEK 4, DAY 3) 30 MINUTE HIIT Set interval timer: 2 intervals 45 second max effort/15 second rest for 30 rounds (breaks down to 6 rounds each exercise) This is a circuit, so after each 15 second rest, move to the next exercise until you have completed all 30 rounds. Record your reps for each round to keep track of your progress. The idea is to continue to do as many reps as you did the last round if not more. Since this is a repeated workout you have done twice, take a look at the reps you did previously and aim for the highest number of reps you did, but challenge yourself to do more while maintaining proper form. 45 SECOND: Reverse Push-Ups (do on rings, TRX, or a dip station) Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round SECOND: Spidermans (each knee to elbow=1 rep) Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round SECOND: High Knees with jump rope Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round SECOND: Push-Up with alternating shoulder taps (each push-up and shoulder tap=1 rep) Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round SECOND: Plank with alternating leg cross under taps (left and right taps=1 rep) Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Round 5. Round 6. TIP: For a challenge, elevate your feet on a box or stability ball while doing reverse push-ups. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 70

73 DAY 3 interval timer and an additional timer set of dumbbells kettlebell pull-up bar box WORKOUT REPEAT (WEEK 5, DAY 2) (WEEK 6, DAY 2) 29 MINUTE TABATA Set interval timer: 2 intervals 20 second max effort/10 second rest for 8 rounds (equals 4 minutes each TABATA) Do all 8 rounds of each TABATA before moving onto the next one. Break 60 seconds (timer) in between each TABATA. Restart your interval timer after each 60-second break until you have completed all 6 TABATAS. Record your reps for each round to keep track. The idea is to continue to do as many reps as you did the last round if not more. Since this is a repeated workout you have done twice, take a look at the reps you did previously and aim for the highest number of reps you did, but challenge yourself to do more while maintaining proper form. Make sure your timers are set and ready to go. You do not want to be messing with them during your workout, which will cost you time. TABATA 1: Box Jumps Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA. **For an added challenge, omit the 60 second breaks by moving onto the next TABATA as quickly as possible.** TABATA 2: Pull-Ups Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA TABATA 3: Kettlebell Swings Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA TABATA 4: Standing Lateral Raise with weights (5 lbs. suggested as weight will get heavy quick. You want to do light weight with high reps.) Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA TABATA 5: Alternating Jump Lunges Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA TABATA 6: Push-Ups TIP: Do as many pull-ups as you can, and then do the rest assisted. Same with the push-ups: do as many as you can, and then modify to knees if necessary. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 71


75 DAY 5 timer box, bench or dip station WORKOUT REPEAT (WEEK 7, DAY 1) AMRAP IN 30 MINUTES Form over speed! Since this is a repeated workout, take a look at the total number of rounds you completed previously and challenge yourself to beat them by doing more while maintaining proper form. Form over speed! 20 plank alternating shoulder taps (2 taps=1 rep) 20 flutter kicks 20 diamond push-ups 20 sit-ups 20 spidermans 20 bodyweight dips 20 push-ups 20 jump squats THIS IS ONE ROUND TOTAL NUMBER OF ROUNDS COMPLETED PREVIOUSLY: NEW TOTAL NUMBER OF ROUNDS COMPLETED: TIP: Modify push-ups if necessary, but try to challenge yourself to do as many as you can before having to modify. Also, make sure you are squatting completely during your jump squats. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 73

76 DAY 6 interval timer and an additional timer box, bench or chair set of dumbbells WORKOUT REPEAT (WEEK 7, DAY 5) 29 MINUTE TABATA Set interval timer: 2 intervals 20 second max effort/10 second rest for 8 rounds (equals 4 minutes each TABATA) Do all 8 rounds of each TABATA before moving on to the next one. Break 60 seconds (timer) in between each TABATA. Restart your interval timer after each 60 second break until you have completed all 6 TABATAS. Record your reps for each round to keep track. The idea is to continue to do as many reps as you did the last round if not more. Since this is a repeated workout, take a look at the reps you did previously and aim for the highest reps you did, but challenge yourself to do more while maintaining proper form. Make sure your timers are set and ready to go. You do not want to be messing with them during your workout, which will cost you time. TABATA 1: Mountain Climbers with hands on box, bench or chair (keep your back straight and core tight) Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA. **For an added challenge, omit the 60 second breaks by moving onto the next TABATA as quickly as possible.** TABATA 2: Bodyweight Dips Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA. TABATA 3: Bulgarian Split Squat (right) Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA. TABATA 4: Bulgarian Split Squat (left) Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA. TABATA 5: Flutter Kicks Break 60 seconds before moving onto next TABATA. TABATA 6: Plank TIP: For a challenge, add weight to Bulgarian split squats. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 74

77 DAY 7 REST & RECOVERY Now that you have finished this last week, I want you to look over everything you have recorded during the past eight weeks. By doing all these short, intense workouts and giving them your all, not only has your balance and flexibility improved, but your overall momentum in strength and speed should have increased as well, helping you to feel more energized and balanced. The beauty of this trainer is you can always refer back to it. Maybe now you want to repeat workouts you haven t done or repeat the ones you really liked. The bottom line is have fun with this trainer by finding ways to incorporate it in with your regular training. MOMENTUM ASHLEY HORNER 75

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