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1 TT Home Workout Revolution Program Guide Craig Ballantyne, Ctt

2 Table of Contents The Ultimate Fat Loss Key Revealed 7 10 Tips to Train SAFE! 10 Your Workout Programs 11 How to Use the 12-Week Done-for-You Program 13 How to Add Home Revolution Workouts to Your Regular Workout 14 Strength and Muscle Accelerators 18 TT Home Workout Revolution Guidelines 20 Beginner Workouts 22 20/10 Workouts 27 Bodyweight Circuits and Supersets: 35 Bodyweight/Ab Workouts 50 Challenge Workouts 55 Ladder Workouts 59 Bonus Section Recovery Strategy 62 TT 12-Week Program Guide 2

3 Home Workout Revolution Exercise Descriptions: 1-Leg Hip Extension 66 1-Leg Romanian Deadlift (RDL) 67 Alternating Prisoner Diagonal Lunge 67 Alternating Prisoner Reverse Lunge 68 Alternating Prisoner Lunge 69 Alternating Reverse Lunge 70 Bulgarian Split Squat 70 Band Pulls 71 Bird Dog 71 Bodysaw 72 Bodyweight Squat 73 Close-grip Pushup 74 Chin-ups 74 Calf Jump 75 Chops 75 Cossack Lunge 76 Duck Unders 76 Decline Pushup 77 Diagonal Lunge 77 Decline Close-Grip Pushups 78 DB Squat 79 DB Chest Press 79 DB Romanian Deadlift (RDL) 80 DB Lunge 81 DB Neutral Grip Chest Press 81 DB Bent Over Row 82 DB Reverse Lunge 82 DB Incline Press 83 DB Chest Supported Row 83 Elevated Pushups 84 Glute Bridge 84 Goblet Lunge 85 Goblet Squat 86 Hip Extension 87 Inchworm 87 Jumping Jacks 88 Kneeling Push-up 88 KB/DB Swings 89 Box or Bench Jumps 89 Lunge Jumps 90 Lateral Lunge (aka Side Lunge) 90 Lateral Jumps 91 Lateral Jumps + Pushup 91 Modified Burpees 92 MC Sprint to Start 92 Mountain Climbers 93 Narrow-Stance BW (Bodyweight) Squat 93 Neck Rolls 94 Off-set Pushup 94 Prisoner Squat 95 Prisoner Lunge 96 Plank 96 Pushup 97 Pushup Plank 97 TT 12-Week Program Guide 3

4 Punisher Squat Hold 98 Pull-up 99 Punch-Kick Combo 99 Prisoner Switch Lunge 100 Reaching Lunge 100 Run in Place 101 Stick-ups 101 Side Plank 102 Split Squat 103 Seal Jacks 104 Split Shuffle 104 Spiderman Climb 105 Spiderman Pushup 106 Star Shuffle 107 Spiderman Climb Pushup 107 Switch Lunge Burpee 108 Spiderman Climb with a Reach (SCREACH) 109 Jump Squats 110 Side Step/ Squat Shuffle 110 Side to Side Jump See page Skater Hops 111 Squat Thrusts 111 Stability Ball Leg Curl 112 Stability Ball Rollout 112 Split Squat (Front Foot Elevated) 113 Stability Ball Jackknife-Pushup Combo 114 Side Plank Leg Raise 114 Swing Lunge 115 Stability Ball Ab Pike 115 Stability Ball Jackknife 116 Superman Ball Plank 116 Sumo Squat 117 Total Body Extension 117 TRX Row 118 T-Pushup 118 Triple Pushup 119 Walking Lunge 119 Wall Squat 120 X-Body Mountain Climber 120 X-Body Mountain Climber w/feet Elevated 121 TT 12-Week Program Guide 4


6 Disclaimer: You must get your physician s approval before beginning this exercise program. These recommendations are not medical guidelines but are for educational purposes only. You must consult your physician prior to starting this program or if you have any medical condition or injury that contraindicates physical activity. This program is designed for healthy individuals 18 years and older only. The information in this report is meant to supplement, not replace, proper exercise training. All forms of exercise pose some inherent risks. The editors and publishers advise readers to take full responsibility for their safety and know their limits. Before practicing the exercises in this book, be sure that your equipment is well-maintained, and do not take risks beyond your level of experience, aptitude, training and fitness. The exercises and dietary programs in this book are not intended as a substitute for any exercise routine or treatment or dietary regimen that may have been prescribed by your physician. Don t lift heavy weights if you are alone, inexperienced, injured, or fatigued. Don t perform any exercise unless you have been shown the proper technique by a certified personal trainer or certified strength and conditioning specialist. Always ask for instruction and assistance when lifting. Don t perform any exercise without proper instruction. Always do a warm-up prior to strength training and interval training. See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. If you are taking any medications, you must talk to your physician before starting any exercise program, including Turbulence Training. If you experience any lightheadedness, dizziness, or shortness of breath while exercising, stop the movement and consult a physician. You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 30 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician. If your physician recommends that you don t use Turbulence Training, please follow your doctor s orders. Copyright CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. TT 12-Week Program Guide 6

7 The Ultimate Fat Loss Key Revealed Drum roll please as we are about to announce the Ultimate Fat Loss Key that will get you maximum fat burning results from both your workouts AND nutrition. But first, we need to break down Metabolic Workouts before we get to exactly what the Ultimate Fat Loss Key is. So what exactly does Metabolic Resistance Training mean? Well, almost every one of my 100+ Turbulence Training workout programs meets this definition. Anytime you do: resistance training in supersets or circuits dramatically elevating your heart rate and maximizing calorie burn while using insufficient recovery between exercises then you are doing Metabolic Resistance Training. And that works dramatically for fast fat loss WITHOUT long, slow, boring cardio. For years and years Turbulence Training has helped tens of thousands of men and woman transform their bodies, lose belly fat, and gain lean muscle with little or NO-equipment. But this program is different. In the Home Workout Revolution system you are going to harness the power of the Ultimate Fat Loss Key, and this involves taking your workouts to the NEXT level with the power of You see, DENSITY is the Ultimate Fat Loss Key. Metabolic Density Training It s about getting you the most intense metabolic work in the least amount of time not just by moving fast between exercises, but also by manipulating the work and rest periods to get the maximum density burn within a single exercise. Only the true fat loss experts know the secrets you re about to use in these workouts. TT 12-Week Program Guide 7

8 As you know, fat loss is not just about the calories burned on a cardio machine. In fact, research study after research study has concluded that weight loss isn t what it s supposed to be after a cardio program. Subjects that have burned tens of thousands of calories from cardio end up with little or no weight loss. Cardio just doesn t make sense for fat loss because it doesn t have Density And the power of the Ultimate Fat Loss Key can be explained by science. You see, density leads to biochemical and hormonal changes. These biochemical changes in your body something you can t really see, hear, feel, or measure with a calorie-burning tool are what cause you to lose fat and gain lean muscle, and improve your cardiovascular performance. Density increases specific enzymes in your muscles (specifically ones like citrate synthase in the mitochondria energy creation powerhouses of your muscles) and that increases your fitness and post-exercise calorie burn. I ve been doing research (including literal in the lab experiments) on exercise biochemical changes since my Master s Degree back in I ve literally put subjects through extensive workouts, taken muscle biopsies (small chunks of their quadriceps muscles), then sliced up those biopsies and studied them under a microscope and run them through experiments to determine fiber type and citrate synthase levels. Those experiments in the lab, combined with seventeen years of personal training experience in Density workouts have given me first-hand knowledge how effective this system is and that s why I m sharing it with you. That s why doing as little as four minutes of intense exercise using a DENSITY workout system can be as effective as doing thirty minutes of low-intensity exercise. Density training causes deep fatigue within the muscle, even though you are only training for a few minutes at a time. Your muscle s response to this type of training is to release massive amounts of chemicals that signal fatigue this is something that you can feel! When this happens within your muscle and eventually spreading throughout your entire cardiovascular system, your body responds by adapting to Density training by getting fitter and leaner faster than ever. TT 12-Week Program Guide 8

9 Your body says, Holy Smoked Muscles, Batman! I need to change my energy systems to be prepared for these incredible bouts of exercise in the future. Time to get to work muscles. Build up your fitness. And hey, belly fat, time for you to hit the road. We can t have any dead weight around here if old brain up there is going to choose to train with these Home Workout Revolution programs again! That s EXACTLY what your body says So you see, the power of Density training can be applied to your body for rapid results. But you only get these results when you use a specific training set-up that maximizes the amount of work you do on your muscles in as little time as possible. That s done with the system, the power of new and unique supersets and circuits, incomplete recovery, MRT, MCT, and bodyweight interval training. All of these come together in the Turbulence Training Metabolic Density programs to give you the Home Workout Revolution System and the Ultimate Fat Loss Key for your best results ever. Density is that powerful. Density is also the Ultimate Fat Loss Key in your fat burning nutrition plan. Density in meal timing and nutrients of food, as well as fiber and protein are what will allow you to have maximum energy and fat loss all while enjoying the density of deliciousness, too, in your meals. That s why I worked with nutritionist Lori Kennedy to deliver you a proven 8-week meal plan, all based on density, to help you lose fat faster than ever. We ve got you covered on all angles. That s it my friend, the Ultimate Fat Loss Key of Density has been revealed. It will be the difference maker in helping you crush any fat loss plateau you might be struggling with, even though you are working out less and using NO-equipment. Welcome to the Inner Circle of Fat Loss Knowledge. Welcome to your best results EVER! Now let s unlock your fat burning potential with the Power of Density The Ultimate Fat Loss Key. Sincerely, Craig Ballantyne, CT T Certified Turbulence Trainer TT 12-Week Program Guide 9

10 10 Tips to Train SAFE! It is very important for all of us to train conservatively and not overdo things. 1. Don t do any exercise that you aren t sure how to do. Always get personal instruction from a certified trainer. 2. Don t do anything that hurts or doesn t feel right. There are plenty of alternative exercises for every movement. Just ask us on the Turbulence Training forum for substitutions at 3. Whenever you start a NEW program, use lighter weights than normal, and only 1 set per exercise. You must expect extra soreness when starting a new program just because of the new exercises, so don t try to set world records in a new program right away. 4. If you need extra recovery within the workout or between workouts, don t hesitate to take it. Safety first. 5. Use a spotter if you are training with heavy weights. If you train alone at home, follow my recommendations in the manual and do NOT train to failure. 7. Do NOT do interval training more than 4 times per week. Even pro athletes don t play hard everyday, so why should we? 8. Never skip a warm-up. Use the general bodyweight warm-ups and the specific warm-up sets in each TT workout. 9. If you want to start TT but think you have an injury, get medical attention and have a professional therapist rehabilitate your injury before starting an exercise program. 10. Check with your doctor before starting any new exercise or diet program. All together now, Safety first! 11. Bonus If you decide to use running as your form of interval training, make sure you have good running shoes, always do an extra thorough warm-up, and choose a safe running surface (grass or trails rather than pavement/concrete). If you use a treadmill, please operate it safely. 6. Check your ego at the gym door and start with the easier alternative exercises if appropriate, even if you have exercised in the past. The new exercises, and new style of movements will cause muscle soreness even from workouts you think look easy. TT 12-Week Program Guide 10

11 Your Workout Programs Inside this manual, you ll be using a variety of workouts and approaches. Here s what to expect from each approach: Beginner Workouts Whether you re a seasoned workout veteran or you re just starting a new fitness regimen, this is a good place to start. You ll use a variety of beginner workouts using the revolution system, bodyweight circuits and more. 20/10 Revolution Workouts Using the NEW 20/10 system, you ll be working a lot of muscle in just a little bit of time. There are a variety of these workouts starting at just 10 minutes. Here s why this is just a snippet of the research behind these cutting-edge workouts: G r o u p A : Did 30 minutes of treadmill running at 85% max heart rate Group B: Did 8 rounds of 20 seconds of a single exercise (burpees, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, or squat thrusts) with 10 seconds of rest between rounds. Group C: Did nothing (they were the nontraining control group). Results: Both training groups increased their aerobic fitness levels by the SAME amount (about 7-8%). That s right, the short bodyweight workouts (of 4 minutes) worked just as well as 30 minutes of cardio. Shocking. More of this study is in the 20/10 section. TT 12-Week Program Guide 11

12 Bodyweight Circuits and Supersets Inside these workouts, you ll be using a variety of supersets and circuits with short rest periods including bootcamp style workouts. By the way, you ll love the Bootcamp Addiction and the Punisher Workouts. Bodyweight/Ab Workouts These short metabolic workouts will work your abs harder than ever, all without back-breaking crunches or sit-ups. You ll use advanced ab exercises like the Spiderman Climb, Bodysaw and more. Challenge Workouts These bodyweight challenges will not only smoke fat, but you ll be able to challenge your body to a whole new level. These workouts also include the incredible Burpee and Jump Rope challenge. Ladder Workouts These fun (and honestly, addicting) workouts use the ladder method. Ladder workouts use a countdown approach, meaning you ll start with a certain number of reps of each exercise (8 for example) and then in the next round, you ll perform 7, etc. These are fun, short and effective. The NEW Old Man Warm-up Recovery is just as important as the workouts themselves. That s why I ve added the new Old Man Warm-up to use on off days to help you recover between workouts. TT 12-Week Program Guide 12

13 How to Use the 12-Week Done-for-You Program Because I want you to succeed, I ve put together a specific 12-week blueprint for you to follow. That way, you won t have to think about what workouts to do and you can simply hit print and get started. The 12-week program is all laid out for you. You ll work out 3 days a week with a day of rest between sessions. So, a good example to follow is to use the 12-week program on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On your off days, I suggest you stay active by doing some low intensity activity that you enjoy. This can be playing with your kids, going for a walk to clear your head and of course, you have the new Old Man Warm-up routine you can use as well. So your schedule might look like this: Sunday Stay active Monday Revolution Workout Tuesday Stay active Wednesday Revolution Workout Thursday Stay active Friday Revolution Workout Saturday Stay active Most of the workouts have two strung together. If you only have time for one workout, then use the first workout shown for that day. You ll also see some optional bonus workouts that you can add as well. This is up to your fitness level and your time. TT 12-Week Program Guide 13

14 How to Add Home Revolution Workouts to Your Regular Workout So, you have a favorite workout program already that you re just too attached to and don t want to give up? That s completely fine. So, how do you exactly use these cutting-edge metabolic workouts as an extra credit fat-burning session? It s easier than you think. First, take a look at your main workout program as your main foundation. So, you will want to use these high intensity and short metabolic workouts as your grand finale after your main workout. If you try using the workouts inside this manual first, you ll discover you won t have the energy afterwards to perform your main workout. So, you re looking at doing it like this: Warm-up Your workout program Home Workout Revolution program Cool-down To get the most bang for your buck as far as time invested, choose a revolution workout that compliments three things: 1. Your goals 2. Your main workout program 3. Your time allowed TT 12-Week Program Guide 14

15 Using These Workouts to Help Your Goals To lose fat, you already know that resistance training and conditioning is the way to go. But by structuring your strength training first, followed by conditioning (and even bonus resistance training using your bodyweight) as found in these home revolution workouts, you ll burn the most fat in the least amount of time and the most optimal way possible. Science tells us that performing conditioning before strength training can hinder our strength training, however performing our conditioning AFTER our strength training is optimal for fat burning. Plus, the strength training doesn t make a big impact on our ability to perform conditioning training. How to Choose Your Revolution Workout Based on Your Program However, there s a catch. If your workout is mainly conditioning, then your best bet is to go with a metabolic finisher or one of the shorter workouts in the manual. Your nervous system can only take on so much of this type of training. So, if your main workout calls for a number of KB Swings, Burpees, etc., then it wouldn t make sense to choose a home workout revolution workout with the same moves, right? This would be ideal to use perhaps one of the ladder workouts as a fast workout grand finale, or one of the shorter bodyweight workouts. Also, keep in mind that if you just did a really tough lower body workout, then doing any of the Punisher workouts after that is not a good idea and can lead to overuse injuries. Another example is after doing a heavy upper body workout, you won t want to do the Upper Body Uh-nilation workout. It s just too much. Remember, we want you to train hard, but safe. How to Choose a Revolution Workout Based on Time The good news is that these workouts have been proven to get you results in just minutes. Pretty sweet, right? But there are those that really enjoy their workout program and just want to add some fat-burning power umph to their efforts. TT 12-Week Program Guide 15

16 But you don t need to live in the gym or do a 90-minute workout to get the results you re looking for. There s no reason you can t be done in under an hour, INCLUDING your main workout AND tagging on a home workout revolution workout. A good example you don t need to add the Bootcamp Addiction workout as an add-on to your main program. You re simply doing too much. So, take a look at the numbers. Let s take this one for example: Warm-up 5 minutes Your Workout 40 minutes That s 45 minutes right there. So, you would need to choose a home workout revolution workout that takes 10 minutes or less. There are plenty of those. Remember, you want to leave a little space for cooling down and stretching if necessary. You can get ALL of it done in less than an hour for amazing results. So, to sum up how to use these home revolution workouts with your favorite program is 1. Use these revolution workouts AFTER your main program don t use them as a warm-up or anything crazy like that. 2. Keep your workouts in UNDER an hour INCLUDING your main workout PLUS the home workout revolution workout, along with your warm-up and cool-down. So, let s see a few examples. First, we ll take a look at the classic TT 2K3, Workout A specifically. This is an upper body focused workout with Chinups, Chest Presses, Rows, Incline Presses, Decline Pushups and Incline Curls. A good example to use after this one would be any of the Punisher workouts to hit the lower body. That way, after doing the main workout plus the Punisher, you would have hit all major muscle groups in one workout. Now Workout B from TT 2K3 is a lower-body focused workout. A good one to use here would be the Total Body Duet Ladder. You will use just one bodyweight lower body exercise and an upper body exercise with this one. Also, it s short, but powerful. TT 12-Week Program Guide 16

17 Here are more examples: The Popular TT Buff Dudes, Hot Chicks Workout After Workout A (lower body workout) you could replace the interval training with the 20/10 Total Body 10-Minute Workout After Workout B (upper body workout), you could replace the interval training with the 20/15 Ab Circuit. After Workout C (total body workout), you could replace the Timed Intervals with the Pullup/Pushup/Bodyweight Squat challenge to continue hitting the whole body. TT Thermogenic 30 This quickly became the TT workout of the year. Workouts A, B and C are all total body workouts, so here are some good choices to add onto any of those: After Workout A, you could do the 20/10 SCREACH revolution workout. After Workout B, you could do the 10-minute Star Shuffle 20/10 workout (great conditioning in that one). After Workout C, you could end the week with the Bodyweight 300 Challenge. That s how you ll use these home workout revolution workouts to burn more fat in less time with your favorite workout program. TT 12-Week Program Guide 17

18 Strength and Muscle Accelerators As you probably already know, having lean muscle makes losing fat much easier. You see, muscle is more calorie-expensive to maintain, so it burns more calories than fat. That s where the Strength and Muscle Accelerator Workouts come in. If you re wanting to put on lean, sexy muscle while dropping your belly fat at the same time, you ll want to use these Strength and Muscle Accelerators at least once a week. All you will need for these workouts are some dumbbells. By using these specialized workouts to help you build lean muscle and burn fat at the same time, you ll get even BETTER results than using the Home Workout Revolution workouts on their own. Here s how to get the maximum benefit by incorporating these workouts with the Home Revolution Workouts: Rule # 1 Use the Strength and Muscle Accelerator Workouts at least once a week (maximum is 3 times per week with a day off between sessions). So, an example would be this: Sunday Low Intensity Activity Monday Strength and Accelerator Workout Tuesday Low Intensity Activity Wednesday Home Revolution Workout Thursday Low Intensity Activity Friday Home Revolution Workout Saturday Low Intensity Activity TT 12-Week Program Guide 18

19 Rule # 2 For even BETTER results, you can use the Strength and Accelerator Workouts in conjunction with the Home Revolution Workouts. If you decide to do so, be sure you perform your Strength and Accelerator Workout BEFORE your Home Revolution Workout. In other words, you ll use a Home Revolution Workout as an add-on. Be sure to read the section of how to add a Home Revolution Workout to your program when choosing one to go with your Strength and Accelerator Workouts. An example using this approach would be: Sunday Low Intensity Activity Monday Strength and Accelerator Workout PLUS Home Revolution Workout as an add-on Tuesday Low Intensity Activity Wednesday Home Revolution Workout Thursday Low Intensity Activity Friday Home Revolution Workout Saturday Low Intensity Activity Of course, you can also use the Strength and Accelerator Workouts up to 3 days per week in conjunction with a Home Revolution Workout on those days for phenomenal results. Accelerate your results with these workouts! TT 12-Week Program Guide 19

20 TT Home Workout Revolution Guidelines Disclaimer: See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 30 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician. Train with interval training no more than 4 days per week. Do 30 minutes of low-intensity exercise on off-days, but don t let this workout impair your recovery or limit your performance real workouts. No matter what your fitness level, you must drop down to a 3/10 intensity level between workout intervals Start every workout with this warm-up circuit. Bodyweight Warm-up Circuit Go through the circuit ONCE using a tempo for each exercise. 1A Prisoner Squat 10 reps 1B Prisoner Lunge 6 reps per side 1C X-Body Mountain Climber 6 reps per side 1D Leg Swing 20 reps per side 1E Jumping Jacks 20 reps TT 12-Week Program Guide 20

21 TT Home Workout Revolution Beginner workouts Craig Ballantyne, Ctt

22 Beginner Workouts Beginner Workout # 1 The 20/10 10-Minute Workout 1A Hip Extension 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1B 4-Second Kneeling Eccentric Pushups 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1C Stickups 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1D Plank 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1E Glute Bridge 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds Beginner Workout # 2: The 20/10 Total Body Express 1A 1-Leg Hip Extension (alternate sides with each round) 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1B Band Pulls or Stickups 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1C Kneeling Pushups 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1D Bird Dog 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1E Side Plank (alternate sides with each round) 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds Beginner Workout # 3: The 20/10 12-Minute Workout 1A Wall Squats 20 on, 10 off x 6 rounds 1B Kneeling Close-Grip Pushups 20 on, 10 off x 6 rounds 1C 1-Leg Hip Extension (alternate sides with each round) 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1D Plank 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1E Jumping Jacks 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds TT 12-Week Program Guide Beginner Workouts 22

23 Beginner Workout # 4: The 20/10 12-Minute Express 1A Split Squats (Use wall for balance and alternate sides with each round) 20 on, 10 off x 6 rounds 1B Stickups 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1C Elevated Pushups or Kneeling Elevated Pushups (alternate sides with each round) 20 on, 10 off x 6 rounds 1D Seal Jacks 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1E Bird Dog 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds Beginner Workout # 5: The 20/10 12-Minute Total Body Extension 1A Wall Squats 20 on, 10 off x 6 rounds 1B Pushups or Kneeling Pushups 20 on, 10 off x 6 rounds 1C Total Body Extension 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1D Band Pulls or Stickups 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1E Plank 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds Beginner Workout # 6: Bodyweight and Abs Supersets 1A Bodyweight Squat or Wall Squat (30 secs) 1B Plank (30 secs) Rest 30 seconds and repeat 2 more times 2A Jumping Jacks (30 secs) 2B Pushups or Kneeling Pushups (30 secs) 2C Bird Dog (30 secs) Rest 30 seconds and repeat 2 more times TT 12-Week Program Guide Beginner Workouts 23

24 Beginner Workout # 7: Bodyweight and Abs 3-Exercise Circuits circuit #1 1A Split Squat or Assisted Split Squat (using a wall for balance) (30 secs/side) 1B Elevated Pushups or Kneeling Elevated Pushups (15 secs/side) 1C Side Plank (30 secs/side) Rest 30 seconds and repeat 1 more time circuit #2 2A Glute Bridge (30 secs) 2B Pushup Plank (30 secs) 2C Total Body Extension (30 secs) Rest 30 seconds and repeat 1 more time Beginner Workout # 8: The Super 6 Bodyweight and Abs Circuit 1A Bodyweight Squat or Wall Squat (15) 1B 4-Second Eccentric Pushups (10) 1C Bird Dog (8/side) 1D Band Pulls or Stickups (15) 1E X-Body Mountain Climber (8/side) 1F Seal Jacks (15) Rest 1 minute and repeat 2 more times TT 12-Week Program Guide Beginner Workouts 24

25 Beginner Workout # 9: The Big 7 Bodyweight and Abs Circuit 1A Split Squat (10/side) 1B Mountain Climbers (8/side) 1C Jumping Jacks (15) 1D Elevated Pushups (8/side) 1E Duck Unders (8/side) 1F Bodysaw (8) 1G Total Body Extension (15) Rest 1 minute and repeat 1 more time Beginner Workout # 10: The Big 10 Bodyweight and Abs Circuit Do the following circuit ONE time, resting only when needed: 1A Bodyweight Squat (15) 1B Pushups or Kneeling Pushups (15) 1C Split Shuffle (10/side) 1D Pushup Plank (30 secs) 1E 1-Leg Hip Extension (10/side) 1F Modified Spiderman Climb (8/side) 1G Band Pulls or Stick-ups (20) 1H Side Plank (30 secs/side) 1I Jumping Jacks (20) 1J X-Body Mountain Climber (8/side) TT 12-Week Program Guide Beginner Workouts 25

26 TT Home Workout Revolution 20/10 workouts Craig Ballantyne, Ctt

27 20/10 Workouts Here is why these 20/10 workouts are so amazing. Take a look at this study from Canadian researchers at Queen s University. The researchers tested a Home Workout Revolution 20/10 style workout against long cardio (Reference: Appl Physiol Nutr Metab Sep 20.) 22 college-aged women did 4 workouts per week for 4 weeks in one of three groups. Group A: Did 30 minutes of treadmill running at 85% max heart rate Results: G r o u p B : Did 8 rounds of 20 seconds of a single exercise (burpees, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, or squat thrusts) with 10 secs of rest between rounds (just like you see in these workouts in this section). Group C: Did nothing (they were the non-training control group). Both training groups increased their aerobic fitness levels by the SAME amount (about 7-8%). That s right, the short bodyweight workouts (of 4 minutes) worked just as well as 30 minutes of cardio. BUT only Group B, the Home Workouts Revolution 20/10 style training, also increased muscular endurance in common exercises like chest presses, leg extensions, sit-ups, and push-ups. And finally, the 20/10 revolution style training used by Group B also resulted in greater overall workout enjoyment. The Canadian Scientists concluded that extremely low volume bodyweight interval-style training will boost cardiovascular fitness just as well as cardio while giving you BETTER improvements in muscle endurance. All in just 4 minutes. Now you see why I use exercises like the 20/10 bodyweight squat move that I call Punisher X. Bottom line: These 20/10 Revolution workouts will TRIPLE your results than doing long, boring cardio. If you want a better body FASTER, use these workouts instead of long, slow cardio. This section is all about using the 20/10 method for insane results. As you can see, all exercises are done for 20 seconds on and 10 seconds of rest. TT 12-Week Program Guide 20/10 Workouts 27

28 20/10 Workout # 1: The 12-Minute Bodyweight Workout Do the following circuit as shown one time: 1A Jumping Jacks 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, x 4 rounds 1B Close-Grip Pushups 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds (just hold top position if tired) 1C Bodyweight Squats 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds 1D Mountain Climbers 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds (just hold top position if tired) 1E Prisoner Lunges 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 20/10 Workout # 2: The 15-Minute Bodyweight Workout Do the following circuit as shown one time: 1A Total Body Extensions (TBX) 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds 1B Decline or Regular Pushups 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1C Wall Squats 20 on, 10 off x 6 rounds 1D X-Body Mountain Climbers 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1E Prisoner Squats 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds 20/10 Workout # 3: The 19-Minute Bodyweight Workout Do the following circuit as shown one time: 1A Low Box Jumps 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds 1B TRX Rows or Jumping Jacks 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1C Spiderman Pushup 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1D Bodyweight Squat 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds 1E Plank 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds 1F Jumping Jacks 20 on, 10 off x 6 rounds TT 12-Week Program Guide 20/10 Workouts 28

29 20/10 Workout # 4: The 18-Minute Bodyweight Workout Do the following circuit as shown one time: 1A Elevated Pushup 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds (alternate sides every 20 seconds) 1B Total Body Extension 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds 1C Side Plank 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds 1D Jumping Jacks 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1E Run In Place 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds 1F Spiderman Climb 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 20/10 Workout # 5: The 14-Minute Bodyweight Punisher Do the following circuit as shown one time: 1A Punisher Squat (hold bottom for 10 second rest period) 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1B T-Pushup 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds (alternate sides every 20 seconds) 1C Split Shuffle or Star Shuffle 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds 1D Bodysaw 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds 1E Run-in-Place 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 20/10 Workout # 6: The 10-Minute Bodyweight Workout Do the following circuit as shown one time: 1A Total Body Extension 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1B Pushups 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1C Jumping Jacks 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1D Mountain Climbers 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1E Close-Stance Bodyweight Squat 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds TT 12-Week Program Guide 20/10 Workouts 29

30 20/10 Workout # 7: The 10-Minute Bodyweight Conditioning Workout Do the following circuit as shown one time: 1A Run-in-Place 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1B Spiderman Climb Pushup 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1C Switch Lunge (alternate sides every 20s) 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1D Burpee 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1E Jumping Jacks 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 20/10 Workout # 8: The 10-Minute Bodyweight Shuffle Do the following circuit as shown one time: 1A Split Shuffle 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1B Close-Grip Pushups 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1C Diagonal Lunge 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1D Spiderman Climb 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1E Bodyweight Squat 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 20/10 Workout # 9: The 10-Minute Total Body Bodyweight Workout Do the following circuit as shown one time: 1A Prisoner Squat 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1B Decline Pushups 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1C Total Body Extension 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1D X-Body Mountain Climber 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1E Run-in-Place 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds TT 12-Week Program Guide 20/10 Workouts 30

31 20/10 Workout # 10: The 10-Minute Bodyweight Star Shuffle Do the following circuit as shown one time: 1A Close-Stance Bodyweight Squat 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1B T Pushups (alternating sides) 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1C Alternating Reverse Lunge 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1D Burpees 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1E Star Shuffle 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 20/10 Workout # 11: The 16-Minute Total Body Revolution Do the following circuit as shown one time: 1A Jumping Jacks 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1B Bodyweight Squats 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds 1C Pushups 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1D Switch Lunges 20 on, 10 off (alternate legs with each round) x 6 rounds 1E Spiderman Climb 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1F TRX Row or Run in Place 20 on, 10 off x 6 rounds 20/10 Workout # 12: Quad Domination Do the following circuit as shown one time: 1A Total Body Extension 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1B Low Box Jump or Jumping Jacks 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds 1C Close-Grip Pushup 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1D Bulgarian Split Squat (one leg for 20, rest 10, other for 20, rest 10 = 2 rounds) x 4 rounds 1E Plank 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds 1F Wall Squat Hold 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds 1G Bonus 20-minute option: X-Body Mountain Climber 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds TT 12-Week Program Guide 20/10 Workouts 31

32 20/10 Workout # 13: The Gauntlet Do the following circuit as shown one time: 1A Lunge Jumps 20 on, 10 off x 2 rounds 1B Spiderman Pushups 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1C Lunge Jumps 20 on, 10 off x 2 rounds 1D Total Body Extensions 20 on, 10 off x 6 rounds 1E Decline Pushups 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1F Total Body Extensions 20 on, 10 off x 6 rounds 1G Jumping Jacks 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1H Alternating Diagonal Lunge 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1I Jumping Jacks 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 20/10 Workout # 14: Upper Body Uh-nihalation Do the following circuit as shown one time: 1A 4-Second Eccentric Pushups 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1B Chin-up or Jumping Jacks 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1C Alternating Lunges 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds 1D T-Pushup (alternating sides) 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1E 1F Jumping Jacks 20 on, 10 off x 6 rounds Close-Grip Pushups 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1G Punisher Squat (hold bottom of squat for 10-sec. rest period) 20 on, 10 off (hold) x 8 rounds TT 12-Week Program Guide 20/10 Workouts 32

33 20/10 Workout # 15: The SCREACH Do the following circuit as shown one time: 1A Bulgarian Split Squat (alternate sides with each round) 20 on, 10 off x 6 rounds 1B SCREACH 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1C Alternating Lateral Lunge 20 on, 10 off x 6 rounds 1D Inchworm 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds 1E Jumping Jacks 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds TT 12-Week Program Guide 20/10 Workouts 33

34 TT Home Workout Revolution BoDYWEigHT Circuit & supersets Craig Ballantyne, Ctt

35 Bodyweight Circuits and Supersets: Alternatives to Traditional Interval Training If you ve never tried my Bodyweight Cardio Circuits, then you ll be shocked at how you can dramatically boost your heart rate, burn fat, and get an incredible workout without sprinting or using exercise equipment. This is also great news for anyone who is stuck at home in the middle of a Wisconsin winter without any other way to workout. I first stumbled upon Bodyweight Cardio as a result of the demands from so many TT readers who wanted the benefits of interval training in the comfort of their own home even though they didn t have any equipment. Since 2008, I ve created 3 mini-manuals dedicated to these workouts, which you can get at In a recent study funded by the American Council of Exercise, researchers found bodyweight training can burn up to 16.2 calories per minute in men and 13 calories/minute in women. (That s equivalent to running faster than 7 miles per hour.) Of course, bodyweight training is also perfect for those times when you are stuck indoors, as I was in a New Jersey hotel earlier this month. The hotel gym was easily in the 5 worst I ve ever visited, and so I slipped into an instant classic bodyweight workout in my hotel room. That s where I created one of the two new 5 rounds of 5 bodyweight cardio circuits The 5 rounds of 5 left me dripping with sweat despite the air conditioning being cranked in the hotel room. It s liberating to be able to ditch the equipment and use unique exercises for maximum fat loss and conditioning. That s why the bodyweight cardio program series remains so popular year after year. Smart folks, like you, have had enough of the slow cardio propaganda. You know there is a better way, you know there are better workouts. You love the past bodyweight cardio programs and you re ready for a new challenge. That s what you ll get in this section. TT 12-Week Program Guide Bodyweight Circuit & Supersets 35

36 Bodyweight Workout # 1: The New 5 Rounds of 5 Do each exercise for 40 seconds and rest 20 seconds before moving to the next exercise. Rest 1 minute at the end of each round before moving to the next round. round #1 1A Jumping Jacks 1B Bodyweight Squats 1C T-Push- Ups (alternate sides) 1D Repeated Squat Jumps 1E Prisoner Lunges round #4 1A Split Shuffle 1B Side to Side Jump 1C Side Plank (40 seconds per side) 1D Total Body Extension 1E Run in Place round #2 1A Push-Up 1B Prisoner Squat 1C Squat Thrust 1D Duck Under 1E Burpee round #5 1A Side Step 1B Close-Grip Push-Up 1C Lateral Lunge 1D Mountain Climber 1E Seal Jump round #3 1A Seal Jump 1B Spiderman Climb 1C Get Up 1D Side-Step 1E Run in Place TT 12-Week Program Guide Bodyweight Circuit & Supersets 36

37 Bodyweight Workout # 2: The 30/15 Circuit Do each exercise for 30 seconds and rest for 15 seconds before moving to the next. Rest 60 seconds after completing each circuit. Go through each circuit once. circuit #1 1A Prisoner Squat 1B Lateral Lunge (Alternating) 1C T Pushup 1D Total Body Extension 1E Mountain Climbers circuit #4 1A Lunge Jumps 1B Skater Hops 1C Decline Push-Up 1D Prisoner Lunge 1E Total Body Extension circuit #2 1A Lateral Jumps 1B Alternating Reverse Lunge 1C Close-Grip Push- Ups 1D Bodyweight Squat 1E Spiderman Climb circuit #5 1A Burpees 1B Split Shuffle 1C X-Body Mountain Climber 1D Diagonal Lunge 1E Run-in-Place circuit #3 1A Split Squat 1B Split Squat 1C Jumping Jacks 1D Elevated Pushups (20s/side) 1E Bodysaw TT 12-Week Program Guide Bodyweight Circuit & Supersets 37

38 Bodyweight Workout # 3: The Big 10 Circuit Do the following circuit 3 times, resting 1 minute between each circuit. Rest as little as possible during each circuit. 1A Prisoner Squat 15 reps 1B Elevated Push-Up 6 reps per side 1C Prisoner Diagonal Lunge 10 reps per side 1D Jumping Jacks 30 reps 1E 1F 1G Jump Squat 6 reps Spiderman Climb 10 reps per side Side to Side Jump 8 reps per side 1H Spiderman or Regular Push-Up 12 total reps 1I 1J Total Body Extension 10 reps X-Body Mountain Climber 10 reps per side TT 12-Week Program Guide Bodyweight Circuit & Supersets 38

39 Bodyweight Workout # 4: The Big 12 Circuit Do the following circuit 3 times, resting for one minute between circuits. Rest ONLY between circuits. 1A Close-Stance Bodyweight Squat 15 reps 1B Close-Grip Push-Up 10 reps 1C Jumping Jacks 20 reps 1D Reverse Lunge 10 reps per side 1E 1F 1G Inchworm 6 reps Run in Place 20 seconds Mountain Climber 10 reps per side 1H Total Body Extension 8 reps 1I 1J Calf Jump 10 reps Reaching Lunge 8 reps per side 1K Decline Push-Up or Regular Push-Up 12 reps 1L Run in Place 20 seconds TT 12-Week Program Guide Bodyweight Circuit & Supersets 39

40 Bodyweight Workout # 5: The Bodyweight 300 Challenge Do the following circuit once with as little rest as possible between exercises. Record your time. Beat it each week. 1A Bodyweight Row or TRX Row (20) 1B Diagonal Lunge (25/side) 1C Close-Grip Pushups (40) 1D Skater Hops (50/side) 1E Mountain Climbers (20/side) 1F Prisoner Squat (30) 1G Bodyweight Row or TRX Row (20) TT 12-Week Program Guide Bodyweight Circuit & Supersets 40

41 Bodyweight Workout # 6: The Bodyweight 400 Challenge Do the following circuit once with as little rest as possible between exercises. Record your time. Beat it each week. 1A 10 Burpees 1B 30 Total Body Extensions 1C 30 Decline Push- Ups 1D 10 Chin-ups 1E 1F 1G 20 Prisoner Reverse Lunges (10 per side) 10 Squat Thrusts 30 Bodyweight Squats 1H 20 Bodyweight Rows or TRX Rows 1I 1J 30 X-Body Mountain Climbers (15 per side) 10 Chin-Ups 1K 20 Close-Grip Pushups 1L 30 Star Shuffles (30 per side) 1M 10 Squat Thrusts 1N 20 Prisoner Lunges (10 per side) 1O 30 Spiderman Climbs (15 per side) 1P 60 Jumping Jacks TT 12-Week Program Guide Bodyweight Circuit & Supersets 41

42 Bodyweight Workout # 7: The Bodyweight 500 Challenge Do the following circuit once with as little rest as possible between exercises. Record your time. Beat it each week. 1A 50 Low Box Jumps 1B 50 Prisoner Squats 1C 50 Pushups 1D 50 Lunges (25/side) 1E 1F 1G 50 Bodyweight Rows or TRX Rows 50 Stability Ball Leg Curls 50 Stability Ball Rollouts 1H 50 Lateral Lunges (25/side) 1I 1J 50 Split Shuffles (25/side) 50 Jumping Jacks TT 12-Week Program Guide Bodyweight Circuit & Supersets 42

43 Bodyweight Workout # 8: Bootcamp Addiction #1 Do the following circuit twice, resting for 1 minute between circuits. Each exercise should be done for 30 seconds. Then move onto circuit 2. 1A Bodyweight Squat 1B Jumping Jacks 1C T-Push up 1D Prisoner Lunge 1E SCREACH #2 Do the following circuit twice, resting for 1 minute between circuits. Each exercise should be done for 30 seconds. Then move onto 3. 1A Bulgarian Split Squat (30 seconds/side) 1B Decline Push-Up or Spiderman Push-Up 1C MC to Sprint Start #3 Push-Up Addiction Do as many reps of pushups as possible in 2 minutes the first time you do this, do it for 1 minute. Then rest for one minute and move onto 4. #4 Total Body Extension Punisher Do 20 Total Body Extensions, but on the 20th rep, hold the bottom position for 10 seconds. Do this 8 times. TT 12-Week Program Guide Bodyweight Circuit & Supersets 43

44 Bodyweight Workout # 9: The Bootcamp 3-Circuit Workout # 1 Do the following circuit twice, resting for 1 minute between circuits. Each exercise should be performed for 30 seconds. Rest 1 minute and then move onto circuit 2. 1A Prisoner Squat 1B T Pushups 1C Skater Hops 1D Diagonal Lunge 1E Squat Shuffle # 2 Do the following circuit twice, resting for 1 minute between circuits. Each exercise should be performed for 30 seconds. Rest 1 minute and then move onto circuit 3. 1A Burpee 1B Switch Lunge 1C X-Body Mountain Climber # 3 Do the following circuit twice, resting for 1 minute between circuits. Each exercise should be performed for 30 seconds. Rest 1 minute and then move onto circuit 4. 1A Close-Grip Pushup 1B Close-Stance Bodyweight Squat 1C Inchworm 1D Split Shuffle 1E Squat Thrust TT 12-Week Program Guide Bodyweight Circuit & Supersets 44

45 Bodyweight Workout # 10: Bodyweight Cardio Do 40 reps per exercise. Do not rest or rest as little as possible between exercises. Perform 2 rounds and rest for 1 minute between rounds. The first time you do this workout, just complete 1 round. 1A Jumping Jacks 1B Run in Place 40 per side 1C Skater Hops 20 per side 1D Bodyweight Squat 1E 1F 1G X-Body Mountain Climber 20 per side Side to Side Jump (20 per side) Push-Up or Kneeling Push-Up 1H Seal Jump 1I 1J Walking Lunge (20 per side) Split Shuffle (20 per side) TT 12-Week Program Guide Bodyweight Circuit & Supersets 45

46 superset #1 Bodyweight Workout # 11: Bodyweight Supersets Do the following superset 3 times, resting for 30 secs between supersets. Then move onto superset 2. 1A Lateral Jump + Push-Up 20 reps (10 jumps per side each with a push-up) 1B Bodysaw 15 reps superset #2 Do the following superset 3 times, resting for 30 secs between supersets. Then move onto superset 3. 1A Split Squat with Front Foot Elevated 15 reps per side 1B Elevated Pushups 8 reps per side superset #3 Do the following superset 3 times, resting for 30 seconds between supersets 1A 1-Leg Deadlift 15 reps per side 1B Mountain Climber 20 reps per side TT 12-Week Program Guide Bodyweight Circuit & Supersets 46

47 Bodyweight Workout # 12: The Punisher Do the following superset 8 times. Rest as little as possible. 1A Close-Stance Bodyweight Squat 20 seconds squats 1B Followed by a 10 second hold in the bottom position Bodyweight Workout # 13: The Punisher X Do the following superset 8 times. Rest as little as possible. 1A Total Body Extension 20 seconds 1B Followed by a 10 second hold in the bottom position Bodyweight Workout # 14: The Iso-X Punisher Do the following superset 8 times. Rest as little as possible. 1A Wall Squat 20 seconds 1B Followed by a 10 second hold in the bottom position TT 12-Week Program Guide Bodyweight Circuit & Supersets 47

48 Bodyweight Workout # 15: The Squat/Jump Rope Circuit Kerry Zelanka, CT T 1A Bodyweight Squat (10) 1B Jump rope at a high intensity (8/10) for one minute 1C Bodyweight Squat plus any variety of pushup or climb (8) 1D Jump rope at a high intensity (8/10) for one minute 1E Bodyweight Squat plus any variety of pushup or climb (6) 1F Jump rope at a high intensity (8/10) for one minute 1G Bodyweight Squat plus any variety of pushup or climb (4) 1H Jump rope at a high intensity (8/10) for one minute 1I Bodyweight Squat plus any variety of pushup or climb (2) 1J Jump rope at a high intensity (8/10) for one minute TT 12-Week Program Guide Bodyweight Circuit & Supersets 48

49 TT Home Workout Revolution BoDYWEigHT & AB workouts Craig Ballantyne, Ctt

50 Bodyweight/Ab Workouts You already know that cardio does nothing for six pack abs and how powerful bodyweight exercises can be sculpting lean, sexy abs. But when you combine the most belly-fat shredding bodyweight exercises and ab-chiselling moves, you ll be on your way to smaller waist line in no time. These 5 bodyweight workouts will combine effective ab exercises without a single back-breaking crunch and fat-burning bodyweight moves. But be warned, these circuits will hit your abs pretty hard so don t be surprised if your abs are sore for a couple of days. But also don t be surprised to find yourself leaner with your abs popping either. TT 12-Week Program Guide Bodyweight & AB Workouts 50

51 Abs Workout # 1: The Abs 20/15 Circuit Do the following circuit twice, resting for 1 minute between circuits: 1A Total Body Extension (20) 1B Bodysaw (15) 1C Close-Stance Bodyweight Squat (20) 1D Mountain Climbers (15/side) 1E 1F 1G Switch Lunge (20) (10/side) X-Body Mountain Climber (15/side) Chop (20/side) Abs Workout # 2: The Abs 20/20 Circuit Do the following circuit 3 times, resting for 1 minute between circuits: 1A Lunge Jumps (10/side) 20 total 1B Spiderman Climb (10/side) 20 total 1C Bodyweight Squat (20) 1D X-Body Mountain Climber w/feet Elevated (10/side) 20 total 1E Total Body Extension (20) TT 12-Week Program Guide Bodyweight & AB Workouts 51

52 Abs Workout # 3: The Metabolic Abs Density Circuit Do the following circuit as many times as possible in 10 minutes, resting only when needed: 1A Chinup w/knee-up (5) 1B Alternating Lateral Lunge (10/side) 1C Stability Ball Jackknife Pushup Combo (10) 1D Jumping Jacks (20) 1E Side Plank w/leg Raise (5/side) Abs Workout # 4: The Abs 100 Circuit Do the following circuit 3 times, resting for 1 minute between circuits: 1A T Pushups (10/side) 20 total 1B Swing Lunge (10/side) 20 total 1C Stability Ball Ab Pike (10) 1D Mountain Climbers (20/side) 40 total 1E Stability Ball Jackknife (10) TT 12-Week Program Guide Bodyweight & AB Workouts 52

53 Abs Workout # 5: The Abs Supersetter Do the following as shown: 1A Elevated Pushups (15 secs/side) 1B Plank (30 secs) Rest 30 seconds and repeat 2 more times 2A Alternating Prisoner Lunge (30 secs) 2B Spiderman Climb (30 secs) Rest 30 seconds and repeat 2 more times 3A Inchworm (30 secs) 3B Bodysaw (30 secs) Rest 30 seconds and repeat 2 more times TT 12-Week Program Guide Bodyweight & AB Workouts 53

54 TT Home Workout Revolution ChaLLENge workouts Craig Ballantyne, Ctt

55 Challenge Workouts Challenge workouts are great for fat burning. I love them because they keep me strong, but the added benefit is that they keep me lean too. Let s face it staying lean is a big part of the fitness game. I wouldn t be able to do 50 pull ups in less than four minutes if I had a lot of extra baggage hanging on me. And neither will you. Most women my age are trading in their training shoes for fuzzy slippers. Not me. In fact, the closer I get to 50, the harder I ll work to prove to everyone that age doesn t really matter when it comes to fitness. Sure, I ll slow down compared to my 20 year old counter part, but I m still in the game. A word to my more mature readers: we can do it all (almost) but we probably need a little more recovery time. And we need to listen to our bodies more. A small ache or pain can become a big one if we don t pay attention. We need to be in tune with our body more than ever. It should be a little easier if we ve been paying attention though, after all, I ve had more time to get to know my body than someone half my age... that s just me seeing the cup half full here-i d rather have my 20 year old knees and a little less self awareness on some days! For all you youngin s out there: pay attention! You won t be young forever and if you want to win at this game of fitness (aka: life) be good to your body: muscles and joints and they will repay you will years of pain free use. I thought it d be great to summarize a few of my favorite fat burning challenge workouts for you in one place. I need to be creative to get quick workouts in that will not only keep up my strength, but also keep me injury and fat free. I don t like boring, so I always want to be doing something a little different. The workout formats that I m going to give you will help torch fat: if you have a little flub, they ll help you say good by to it. If you re already at a good weight, they ll keep your metabolism stoked so that flub will not call your belly home. TT 12-Week Program Guide Challenge Workouts 55

56 First of all, I refuse to grab a magazine and head to the treadmill. I have more important things to do than waste time reading Us while barely breaking a sweat plodding along on the treadmill. Here s a challenge: Sell your treadmill. Better yet, give it away if you want to lose your chunk in record time There s some marathon runner out there that could use it during inclement weather. Seriously, as far as I m concerned, there s only one reason a treadmill is useful and that is if you LOVE running and need a long distance fix for your spirit OR if you re going to do HIIT on it, but don t expect to burn your belly fat on it. High intensity interval training, or HIIT, is where the fat burning magic happens. Sadly, I see more of magazine reading type training than HIIT every time I go to the gym. Since I know that many of you love your cardio fix on traditional equipment, my first two challenge workouts to burn more fat are simply to do HIIT on the treadmill, elliptical, stationary bike or rower. This, by the way is my LEAST favorite way to burn fat. I think it s the most boring and the least effective workout than other workouts that I ll share, but for some people, this is something that they want, so here you go: Outdoor training is a treat where I live here in Canada. When the weather is fine (not often!) I love hill sprints. They re fast and nasty. To amp them up I ll throw 20 push ups in as my active recovery at the bottom of the hill, OR if I m super jacked, I ll do burpees at the bottom of the hill before I sprint back up. My favorite workouts include body weight and strength training for HIIT. You ll see that strength moves, when put together with little rest, will keep your metabolism fired up for hours of calories burning after your workout and totally exhaust you in short order. Shawna Kaminski, CPT TT 12-Week Program Guide Challenge Workouts 56

57 Challenge Workout # 1: The Bodyweight Challenge Set a timer for five sets of 40 seconds with a 20 second transition time. Count your reps for each set and record (during the 20 second transition). Rest 1 minute between sets. Repeat up to 3 times trying to match your reps from the first set. 1A Burpee 1B Pull ups 1C Squats 1D Push ups 1E Alternating Prisoner Lunge Cool down with 2-3 min of stretching. Challenge Workout # 2: Continuous Timed Sets Set your timer for 30 seconds with a 5 second transition for 25 total sets. Keep rotating through the following list of exercises for just over 12 minutes of fat burning fun. 1A Box Jumps 1B Chin-ups 1C Pushups 1D Total Body Extension 1E Plank Cool down with 2-3 min of stretching Challenge Workout # 3: The Burpee & Jump Rope Challenge 1A 30 seconds of Jump rope 1B 10 sec rest 1C 30 seconds of Burpees 1D 10 sec rest 1E Repeat this for 6 sets Cool down with 2-3 min of stretching. TT 12-Week Program Guide Challenge Workouts 57

58 TT Home Workout Revolution Set your timer Challenge Workout # 4: The Take Away Challenge Start with 10 reps of any type of squat followed by any kind of pushup. Let s use the Goblet Squat and Spiderman Climb Pushup for example: Knock out your 10 reps. Rest as little as possible. Do 9 reps, rest as little as possible. Do 8 reps 7 reps 6 reps Stop the clock. Cool down with 2-3 min of stretching. Challenge Workout # 5: The Pull-up/Pushup/Squat Challenge LaDDEr 1A Pull-ups As many as possible in 1 minute 1B Pushups As many as possible in 1 minute 1C Bodyweight Squats As many as possible in 1 minute Do the following circuit 3 times. Do as many reps as possible in 1 minute of each exercise. Write down how many reps you were able to do and try to beat that each time you do this challenge. workouts Craig Ballantyne, Ctt

59 Ladder Workouts Ladder Workout # 1Hhe Lower/Upper Ladder Do the following superset, resting only when needed. In the first superset, you will perform 12 reps of each exercise. In the next superset, you will perform 11 reps. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise. 1A KB/DB Swings or Total Body Extensions (12 1) 1B Decline or Regular Pushups (12 1) Ladder Workout # 2: The Metabolic Trio Do the following circuit, resting only when needed. In the first circuit, you will perform 8 reps of each exercise. In the next circuit, you will perform 7 reps. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise. Then, work your way back up. The next circuit will then be 2 reps, etc. Continue until you complete 8 reps of each exercise. 1A Narrow-Stance Goblet Squat or Bodyweight Squat ( ) 1B Close-Grip Pushups ( ) 1C Skater Hops (8/side 1/side 8/side) Ladder Workout # 3: Total Body Duet Do the following superset, resting only when needed. In the first superset, you will perform 8 reps per side of each exercise. In the next superset, you will perform 7 reps per side. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep on each side of each exercise. 1A Prisoner Switch Lunge (8/side...1/side) 1B Spiderman Pushups (8/side...1/side) TT 12-Week Program Guide Ladder Workouts 59

60 Ladder Workout # 4: The 4 x 4 Ladder Do the following circuit, resting only when needed. In the first circuit, you will perform 6 reps of each exercise. In the next circuit, you will perform 5 reps of each. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise. Then, work your way back up. Your next circuit will then be 2 reps of each exercise, etc., etc. Continue until you complete 6 reps of each exercise. 1A Low Box Jumps or Bodyweight Squat ( ) 1B Decline Close-Grip Pushups ( ) 1C Sumo Squat ( ) 1D SCREACH (6/side...1/side...6/side) Ladder Workout # 5: The Conditioning Ladder Do the following circuit, resting only when needed. In the first circuit, you will perform 8 reps of each exercise. In the next circuit, you will perform 7 reps of each exercise. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise. 1A Burpees (8...1) 1B Split Shuffle (8/side...1/side) 1C Total Body Extension (8...1) Ladder Workout # 6: The Ripped Abs Ladder Do the following superset, resting for 10 seconds between exercises. In the first superset, you will perform 8 reps of each exercise. In the next superset, you will perform 7 reps of each exercise. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise. 1A T Pushups (8/side...1/side), rest 10 secs 1B Bodysaw (8...1), rest 10 secs TT 12-Week Program Guide Ladder Workouts 60

61 Ladder Workout # 7: The Climbing Abs Ladder Circuit Do the following circuit, resting only when needed. In the first circuit, you will perform 6 reps of each exercise. In the next circuit, you will perform 5 reps of each. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise. Then work your way back up. Your next circuit will then be 2 reps of each, etc., etc. Continue until you complete 6 reps of each. 1A Goblet Squat or Bodyweight Squat ( ) 1B Spiderman Climb (6/side...1/side...6/side) 1C Alternating Prisoner Lunge (6/side...1/side...6/side) 1D X-Body Mountain Climber (6/side...1/side...6/side) TT 12-Week Program Guide Ladder Workouts 61

62 Bonus Section Recovery Strategy In training for the Tough Mudder races (including the Toronto race that just finished), I did more running and interval training. At first I was worried that there might be overuse injuries such as shin splints or possibly an irritation of my previously injured low back. Fortunately, there are no problems so far, and I attribute this to my shoes, my supplements and nutrition, and my Old Man Warm-up Routine. It s longer, more boring, and better than ever. This is simply wise preparation, and that included going down to the local running shop and had a pro outfit me with the best running shoes for my particular gait. They recommended a pair of Sauconys. They fit great, and again, the runs have been fantastic and without issues. And then the Old Man Repair Kit (photo on the right) has helped me overcome any remaining issues. TT 12-Week Program Guide 62

63 Here s the new old-man warm-up: 1. PVC Pipe Rolling 15 rolls over trouble spots (mostly upper back, IT band, and glutes) 2. Bodyweight Squat 10 reps (4 second lowering phase) 3. Arm Crosses 4. Stick-up 15 reps 5. Neck rolls 6. Bird Dog Abduction 15 reps per side 7. Plank 2 minute hold 8. Glute Squeeze 30 second hold 9. Stretches for Glutes, Quads, Psoas, Hamstrings, Calves, Chest, and Shoulders 10. SCREACH 6 reps per side 11. Band Pull 25 reps 12. Prisoner Lunge 8 reps per side Leg RDL 10 reps per side 14. Cossack Lunge 8 reps per side (see next page) 15. Push- Ups 10 reps 16. Stability Ball Leg Curl 3 sets of Cradle Walk & Leg Swing reps per side Here are a couple of new exercises that were added to the list since my original Old Man Warm-up was published. TT 12-Week Program Guide 63

64 Neck Rolls Tilt your head toward your right shoulder. Tuck your chin in and slowly roll your head to your chest Repeat for the other side. TT 12-Week Program Guide 64

65 Cossack Lunge Stand with your feet 6 i65nches wider than shoulder-width apart. Start shifting your weight side-to-side, getting slightly lower with each shift. As you get low on one side, raise your other foot up on it s heel. Move slowly and expect a stretch in the groin area. Again, be conservative and slowly move your way to the ground. And then it s go time into my regular workout this warm-up is done before intervals AND lifting. Did it today before squatting, as a matter of fact. TT 12-Week Program Guide 65

66 Home Workout Revolution Exercise Descriptions 1-Leg Hip Extension Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Brace your abs, and contract your right glute (butt muscle) while you take your left leg, lift it off the floor and hold it in the position shown. Using the right glute, bridge your hips up. Keep your abs braced. Do not use your low back to do this exercise. Slowly lower your hips down until they are an inch above the ground. Perform all reps for one leg and then switch sides. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 66

67 1-Leg Romanian Deadlift (RDL) Keep your lower back arched and bend forward by pushing your hips back. Repeat all reps for one side then switch. Stand on one leg with a small bend in that knee. The other leg is bent back. Keep your knee slightly bent, back arched, and try to keep the other leg straight. Alternating Prisoner Diagonal Lunge Stand with your feet just outside shoulder width apart, with your hands behind your head while squeezing your shoulder blades together. Step diagonally at a 45-degree angle with one leg and lower your body until your thigh is parallel to the ground. Keep your torso upright. Return to the top by contracting the quadriceps, groin and hip extensors of the lead leg. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 67

68 Alternating Prisoner Reverse Lunge Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands clasped behind your head. Step backward with one leg, taking a slightly larger than normal step. Keep your back toe on the ground and use it to help keep your balance. The back knee should also be bent. Lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the ground. Keep your upper body upright and your lower back flat. Pull back to the start position with the front leg. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 68

69 Alternating Prisoner Lunge Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands clasped behind your head. Step forward with one leg, taking a slightly larger than normal step. Keep your back toe on the ground and use it to help keep your balance. The back knee should also be bent. Lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the ground. Keep your upper body upright and your lower back flat. Push back to the start position. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 69

70 Alternating Reverse Lunge Stand upright holding a pair of dumbbells (optional) Step back and squeeze your glute muscles, while keeping your upper body straight Lower yourself until your rear knee is a few inches off away from the ground Push back up with your lead leg to the starting position. Bulgarian Split Squat Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold dumbbells in each hand if needed. Place the instep of one foot on a bench. Step forward with the other foot, taking a slightly larger than normal step. Contract your glutes, brace your abs and keep your spine in a neutral position. Lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the ground. Keep your upper body upright and your lower back flat. Push up to the upright position. Stay in a split-squat stance. Perform all reps for one leg and then switch. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 70

71 Band Pulls Using a resistance band, stand feet shoulder width apart while holding the band parallel to the ground in front of your body. Stretch your arms apart and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Slowly return to the start position and repeat. B i r d D o g Kneel on a mat and place your hands on the mat under your shoulders. You should be on all fours. Brace your abs. Raise your right hand and left leg simultaneously while keeping your abs braced. Point your right arm straight out from your shoulder and your left leg straight out from your hip. Your pelvis should not rotate (if someone placed a ball in the small of your back, it shouldn t have fallen off). Your back should be flat like a table. Hold for 3-5 seconds and then slowly lower without rotating your pelvis. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 71

72 Bodysaw Support your weight on your forearms and your toes. Put your toes on a towel if you are on a wood floor. If you are on carpet, put your toes on a weight plate. Keep your abs braced and breathe normally. Slide your feet out behind you 6 inches and then slide them back in. It s tough to see in the photos, but you ll feel it when you try it! TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 72

73 Bodyweight Squat Stand with your feet just greater than shoulder-width apart. Start the movement at the hip joint. Push your hips backward and sit back into a chair. Make your hips go back as far as possible. Squat as deep as possible, but keep your low back tensed in a neutral position. Don t let your lower back become rounded. Push with your glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps to return to the start position. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 73

74 Close-grip Pushup Keep the abs braced and body in a straight line from toes/knees to shoulders. Place the hands on the floor inside shoulder-width apart. Slowly lower yourself down until you are an inch off the ground. Tuck your elbows into your sides as you lower your body. Push through your chest, shoulders and triceps to return to the start position. Keep your body in a straight line at all times and elbows tucked in. Chin-ups Take underhand grip on the bar with the palms facing you. Pull your body up until the chest reaches bar level. Slowly lower yourself but do not let your body swing and do not use momentum. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 74

75 Calf Jump Stand in the start position with your feet shoulder width apart. Jump as high as possible. Land on the balls of your feet and immediately repeat the jump. The key is to stay up on the balls of your feet to work the calves. Chops Grab a dumbbell, medicine ball or a cable handle (you can do this with bodyweight, too). Start by holding the dumbbell above your head and to the left. In a diagonal and chopping motion, bring the dumbbell to the opposite knee with a slight bend in both knees. Return to the starting position. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 75

76 Cossack Lunge Stand with your feet 6 inches wider than shoulder-width apart. Start shifting your weight side-to-side, getting slightly lower with each shift. As you get low on one side, raise your other foot up on it s heel. Move slowly and expect a stretch in the groin area. Again, be conservative and slowly move your way to the ground. Duck Unders Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Step over to the left with your left foot and perform a squat as your body moves to the left. Repeat the movement with your right side as your body moves to the right. Make sure to keep the chest up and the weight in the heels of your feet. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 76

77 Decline Pushup Keep the abs braced and body in a straight line from toes (knees) to shoulders. Place the hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Elevate your feet onto stairs or a bench. Push through your chest, shoulders and triceps to return to the start position. Keep your body in a straight line at all times. Diagonal Lunge Stand with your feet just outside shoulder width apart. Step diagonally at a 45-degree angle with one leg and lower your body until your thigh is parallel to the ground. Keep your torso upright. Return to the top by contracting the quadriceps, groin and hip extensors of the lead leg. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 77

78 Decline Close-Grip Pushups Keep the abs braced and body in a straight line from toes (knees) to shoulders. Place the hands on the floor just inside shoulder-width apart. Elevate your feet onto stairs or a bench. Lower yourself down until you are 2 inches off the ground. Push through your chest, shoulders and triceps to return to the start position. Keep your body in a straight line at all times. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 78

79 D B S q u a t Stand with your feet just greater than shoulder-width apart. Start the movement at the hip joint. Push your hips backward and sit back. Squat as deep as possible, but keep your low back tensed in a neutral position. Push with your glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps to return to the start position. For the dumbbell squat, hold a dumbbell in each hand on the outside of your legs. Keep your low back arched. Do NOT round your low back. DB Chest Press Hold the dumbbells above your chest with your palms turned toward your feet. Lower the dumbbells to chest level. Pause briefly and press the dumbbells straight up above the chest. Squeeze your chest muscles together as your press the dumbbells up. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 79

80 DB Romanian Deadlift (RDL) Be very conservative with this exercise. Do not perform any deadlift if your lower back is injured, weak, or compromised in any manner. Hold dumbbells at arms length. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly, and keep knees bent, back flat, head up, shoulders back, chest out and arms straight. Keep the dumbbells as close to your thighs and shins as possible. Focus on pushing your butt back while keeping the knees stationary and keeping your back flat. Reverse the movement before your back starts to round. Extend at the hips, contracting your hamstrings and buttocks, to stand up. Pull with your upper back and bring your torso upright. Keep the dumbbells close to your body and exhale as you reach the top of the movement. Perform each rep with 100% concentration. Do NOT round your lower back. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 80

81 DB Lunge Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a pair of dumbbells at your sides. Step forward with your right leg, taking a slightly larger than normal step. Keep your left toe on the ground and use it to help keep your balance. The left knee should also be bent. Lower your body until your right thigh is parallel to the ground. Keep your upper body upright and your lower back flat. Drive through the lead leg to step forward to the standing position. Alternate sides. DB Neutral Grip Chest Press Hold the dumbbells with your palms turned towards your body (palms will face each other) to emphasize triceps and minimize shoulder stress. Lower the dumbbells to chest level. Press the dumbbells straight up above the chest. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 81

82 DB Bent Over Row Hold a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip. Stand with your knees slightly bent. Push your hips back Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you bring the dumbbells up to your sides. Slowly lower to the start position. Be sure to keep your back flat at all times. DB Reverse Lunge Stand upright holding a pair of dumbbells (optional) Step back and squeeze your glute muscles, while keeping your upper body straight Lower yourself until your rear knee is a few inches off away from the ground Push back up with your lead leg to the starting position. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 82

83 DB Incline Press Lie on a bench with the backrest inclined at degrees. Hold the dumbbells above your chest with your palms turned toward your feet. Lower the dumbbells to chest level. Press the dumbbells straight up above the chest. DB Chest Supported Row Lie with your chest supported by an incline bench. Your arms should hang to the floor. Adjust the bench to the appropriate height. Grab a dumbbell in each hand and bring your shoulder blades together, and row the dumbbells up to your stomach. Squeeze your shoulder blades together. Slowly return to the start position. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 83

84 Elevated Pushups Keep the abs braced and body in a straight line from knees to shoulders. Place the left hand on the floor and the right hand elevated 4-6 inches on an aerobic step. Hands are slightly wider than shoulder width apart (normal pushup width). Slowly lower yourself down until you are 2 inches off the ground. Push through your chest, shoulders and triceps to return to the start position. Keep your body in a straight line at all times. Perform all repetitions in this manner and then switch to do all repetitions with the other arm elevated. Keep your abs braced. Glute Bridge Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Brace your abs, and contract your glutes (butt muscles) and hold in the position shown. Using the glutes to bridge your hips up. Keep your abs braced. Do not use your low back to do this exercise. Hold this position as long as needed. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 84

85 Goblet Lunge Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell at chest height. Brace your abs, and contract your glutes (butt muscles) as if you were squeezing something between your cheeks. Step forward with one leg, taking a larger than normal step Squat straight down with the front leg supporting the body weight. Lower yourself until your front thigh is parallel to the floor. Begin to return to the start position by pushing with the muscles of the front leg. Focus on pushing with glutes and hamstrings. Do all reps on one side then switch. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 85

86 Goblet Squat Stand with your feet just greater than shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in a cupped position at chest height. Start the movement at the hip joint. Push your hips backward and sit back into a chair. Make your hips go back as far as possible. Squat as deep as possible, but keep your low back tensed in a neutral position. Don t let your lower back become rounded. Push with your glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps to return to the start position. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 86

87 Hip Extension Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Brace your abs, and contract your glutes (butt muscles) and hold in the position shown. Using the glutes to bridge your hips up. Keep your abs braced. Do not use your low back to do this exercise. Slowly lower your hips down until they are an inch above the ground. Inchworm This is a powerful stretch for your hamstrings, so go slow, and don t round your back. Start in a modified push-up position, with your hands out in front of your shoulders. Keep your legs straight and walk your legs towards your hands. Go until you get a stretch, but don t round your lower back. Once you get a stretch, walk your hands out until you are in a modified pushup. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 87

88 Jumping Jacks Stand on the balls of your feet with your feet shoulder width-apart and arms by side. Jump your feet out to your sides and raise your hands overhead at the same time. Return to the starting position Kneeling Push-up Keep the abs braced and body in a straight line from toes/knees to shoulders. Place the hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Slowly lower yourself down until you are an inch off the ground. Push through your chest, shoulders and triceps to return to the start position. Keep your body in a straight line at all times. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 88

89 K B / D B S w i n g s Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Hold a single Kettlebell or dumbbell in both hands in front of your body at arm s length. Push your hips back and swing the Kettlebell or dumbbell between your legs. Drive back up to the start position and swing the Kettlebell or dumbbell up to chest height. Move at a quick pace. Stand in front of a bench or box/platform Box or Bench Jumps Dip down into a quarter squat position and jump on the box in the quarter squat position to reduce impact Step back down and repeat TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 89

90 Lunge Jumps Start in the bottom of a split squat position. Your front thigh should be parallel to the floor, your torso upright, and your abs braced. Jump up explosively and switch leg positions in the air. Your back leg becomes the front leg, and vice versa. Absorb the landing with your muscles. Keep your abs braced and torso upright. Alternate sides without resting between sides. Lateral Lunge (aka Side Lunge) Stand with feet shoulder-width apart holding dumbbell or kettlebell at chest height (optional). Take a large step sideways (laterally) with one leg into a wide squat position. Keep your upper body upright and your lower back flat. Push with your outside leg to return to the starting position. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 90

91 Lateral Jumps Stand with your knees bent, abs braced, and hips back. Jump laterally and land with your knees bent and hips back to absorb the landing forces in your muscles. Repeat to the other side with as little rest as possible between jumps. Always land with your knees bent. Lateral Jumps + Pushup Stand with your knees bent, abs braced, and hips back. Jump laterally and land with your knees bent and hips back to absorb the landing forces in your muscles. Then perform a normal pushup. When finished stand back up and hop to the opposite side. Repeat to the other side with as little rest as possible between jumps and pushups. Always land with your knees bent. Think of this as a burpee and a lateral jump combined. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 91

92 Modified Burpees Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Drop down onto your hands and feet, then thrust your feet back so you are in a push-up position. Thrust your feet back in and then stand up. You can add a vertical jump at the end as well. Start in pushup position. MC Sprint to Start Do one mountain climber, and with knee at chest. Come out of that position and do 2-3 strides. Then go down to mountain climber, do one rep. Go back across from where you came from (if doing in small area). TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 92

93 Mountain Climbers Brace your abs. Start in the top of the push-up position. Keep your abs braced, pick one foot up off the floor, and slowly bring your knee up to your chest. Do not let your hips sag or rotate. Keep your abs braced and slowly return your leg to the start position. Alternate sides until you complete all of the required repetitions. Narrow-Stance BW (Bodyweight) Squat Stand with your feet NARROWER than hip-width apart. Start the movement at the hip joint. Push your hips backward and sit back into a chair. Make your hips go back as far as possible. Squat as deep as possible, but keep your low back tensed in a neutral position. Don t let your lower back become rounded. Push with your glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps to return to the start position. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 93

94 Neck Rolls Tilt your head toward your right shoulder. Tuck your chin in and slowly roll your head to your chest Repeat for the other side. Off-set Pushup Keep your abs braced and body in a straight line from toes to shoulders. Place the hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, BUT place one hand in front of shoulder level and the other hand behind shoulder level. Slowly lower yourself down until you are 1 inch off the ground. Push through your chest, shoulders and triceps to return to the start position. Keep your body in a straight line at all times. Do all reps for one side and then change hand positions and complete all other reps. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 94

95 Prisoner Squat Stand with your feet just greater than shoulder-width apart. Clasp your hands behind your head. Keep your elbows back and shoulder blades pulled together to work the upper back. Start the movement at the hip joint. Push your hips backward and sit back into a chair. Make your hips go back as far as possible. Squat as deep as possible, but keep your low back tensed in a neutral position. Do not round your lower back. Push with your glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps to return to the start position. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 95

96 Prisoner Lunge Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands clasped behind your head. Step forward with one leg, taking a slightly larger than normal step. Keep your back toe on the ground and use it to help keep your balance. The back knee should also be bent. Lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the ground. Keep your upper body upright and your lower back flat. Push back to the start position. Lie on your stomach on a mat. Plank Raise your body in a straight line and rest your bodyweight on your elbows and toes so that your body hovers over the mat. Keep your back straight and your hips up. Hold (brace) your abs tight. Contract them as if someone was about to punch you in the stomach, but breath normally. Hold this position for the recommended amount of time. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 96

97 Pushup Keep the abs braced and body in a straight line from toes/knees to shoulders. Place the hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Slowly lower yourself down until you are an inch off the ground. Push through your chest, shoulders and triceps to return to the start position. Keep your body in a straight line at all times. Pushup Plank Start in the top of a pushup position. Hold your body in a straight line. Keep your back straight and your hips up. Hold (brace) your abs tight. Contract them as if someone was about to punch you in the stomach, but breath normally. The lower you are, the more difficult it will be. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 97

98 Punisher Squat Hold Stand with your feet just greater than shoulder-width apart. Start the movement at the hip joint. Push your hips backward and sit back into a chair. Make your hips go back as far as possible. Squat as deep as possible, but keep your low back tensed in a neutral position. Don t let your lower back become rounded. Hold the bottom position as instructed Push with your glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps to return to the start position. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 98

99 Pull-up Grasp the bar with an overhand, wide grip. Pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar. Punch-Kick Combo Stand with feet hip-width apart and knees slightly bent. Throw a jab with your weak arm. Throw a jab with your strong arm. Kick with your weak-arm side leg. Kick with your strong-arm side leg. Repeat as prescribed. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 99

100 Prisoner Switch Lunge Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, with your hands behind your head, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Step forward with one leg into a lunge position, taking a larger than normal step. Drop your back knee just above the ground and bend your front knee as well, keeping your upper body straight. Drive through your front leg back to the starting position. With the OTHER leg, perform a reverse lunge. Reaching Lunge Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and then stand on one leg, balance yourself, and then bend your knee and reach forward as you squat down. Reach as far as you can while keeping your chest up and back flat. Return to the starting position without losing your balance. Perform all repetitions on one leg and then switch. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 100

101 Run in Place Run in place, bringing your knees high, alternating steps. Increase the intensity by going faster. Stand with your hands up in the air S t i c k - u p s Squeeze your shoulder blades together and reach up as high as you can. The whole time keeping your arms as far back as you can. Lower your arms down and bring your elbows into your ribs. Repeat the process keeping tension on the back the entire time. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 101

102 Side Plank Lie on a mat on your right side. Support your bodyweight with your knees and on your right elbow. Raise your body in a straight line so that your body hovers over the mat. Keep your back straight and your hips up. Hold your abs tight. Contract them as if someone was about to punch you in the stomach, but breath normally. Hold this position for the recommended amount of time. Switch sides. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 102

103 Split Squat Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart holding a pair of dumbbells (optional). Step forward with your one leg, taking a slightly larger than normal step. Press the front of your back foot into the ground and use it to help keep your balance. The back knee should also be bent. Contract your glutes, brace your abs and keep your spine in a neutral position. Lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the ground. Keep your upper body upright and your lower back flat. Push up to the upright position, but don t step back. Stay in a split-squat stance. Perform all reps for one leg and then switch. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 103

104 Seal Jacks Stand on the balls of your feet with your feet and arms out to your sides. In one motion, hop off the balls of your feet and bring your feet back into the middle while bringing your right foot over top of your left foot. At the same time, bring your arms to the middle and cross your right arm over left. Return to the start position and then hop back into the middle, this time with your left foot over your right foot and your left arm over your right arm. Repeat, alternating between right and left limbs on top. Split Shuffle Stand with one foot forward and the other back in a split stance. Raise your opposite arm and bring it forward. Take your same arm back. Quickly switch your arm and foot position, almost as if you were running in place. Continue to alternate, doing this exercise as rapidly as possible. It s tricky and requires some coordination TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 104

105 Spiderman Climb Brace your abs. Start in the top of the pushup position. Keep your abs braced, pick one foot up off the floor, and slowly bring your knee up outside of your shoulder and touch your foot to the ground. Keep your abs braced and slowly return your leg to the start position. Alternate sides until you complete all of the required repetitions. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 105

106 Spiderman Pushup Keep the abs braced and body in a straight line from toes (knees) to shoulders. Place the hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Slowly lower yourself down until you are 2 inches off the ground. As you lower yourself, slowly bring your right knee up to your right elbow. Keep your foot off the ground as you do so. Push through your chest, shoulders and triceps to return to the start position, and return your leg to the start position. Alternate sides until you complete all repetitions. Keep your body in a straight line at all times and try not to twist your hips. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 106

107 Stand with your feet should-width apart Star Shuffle Step diagonally at a 45 degree angle with one leg Push with your forward leg to return to the starting position. Continue to alternate, doing this exercise as rapidly as possible. It s tricky and requires some co-ordination Spiderman Climb Pushup Brace your abs. Start in the top of the pushup position. Keep your abs braced, pick one foot up off the floor, and slowly bring your knee up outside of your shoulder and touch your foot to the ground. Then perform a pushup in this position. Keep your abs braced and slowly return your leg to the start position. Alternate sides until you complete all of the required repetitions. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 107

108 Switch Lunge Burpee Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, holding dumbbells at your sides (optional). Step forward with one leg into a lunge position, taking a larger than normal step. Drop your back knee just above the ground and bend your front knee as well, keeping your upper body straight. Drive through your front leg back to the starting position. With the OTHER leg, perform a reverse lunge. That s one rep; repeat for all reps and then switch legs TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 108

109 Spiderman Climb with a Reach (SCREACH) Brace your abs. Start in the top of the pushup position. Keep your abs braced, pick one foot up off the floor, and slowly bring your knee up outside of your shoulder and touch your foot to the ground. As you reach the top of the motion, rotate your upper body to point your arm toward the ceiling. Keep your abs braced and slowly return to the start position. Alternate sides until you complete all of the required repetitions. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 109

110 Jump Squats Squat down with your feet just outside shoulder width apart and bringing your glutes and hips back Explode and jump up Be sure to land in the squat position (to reduce impact) and repeat as necessary. Side Step/ Squat Shuffle Stand with your feet just outside shoulder width apart and lower yourself into the squat position. As you maintain a low squat position, step out to the side. Return to the low squat position. That s one rep. Repeat for the other side, and do all reps for both sides. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 110

111 Side to Side Jump See page 91 Start with your feet shoulder width apart Skater Hops Jump to one side on one foot, shifting all your weight to the leg you jumped out with Now jump to the other side with the other leg and repeat. Squat Thrusts Start in the pushup position with your abs braced Bring your feet in towards your chest in an explosive fashion Return to the starting position by kicking your feet back out TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 111

112 Stability Ball Leg Curl Lie on your back with the soles of your feet on a medium-sized Stability Ball. Brace your abs, and contract your glutes (butt muscles) as if you were squeezing something between your cheeks. Bridge your hips up by contracting your glutes. Keep your abs braced and contract your hamstrings and slowly curl the ball back towards your hips while keeping your hips bridged. Pause and slowly return the ball to the start position while keeping the hips bridged. Stability Ball Rollout Kneel on a mat and place your clasped hands on the top of a medium sized ball. Brace your abs and slowly lean forward and roll your hands over the ball while the ball moves away from your body. Keep your body in a straight line and go as far as you can with perfect form. Contract your abs and reverse the motion to return to the upright position. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 112

113 Split Squat (Front Foot Elevated) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart holding a pair of dumbbells (optional). Step forward with your one leg, taking a slightly larger than normal step. Step the front leg up onto a yoga block. Press the front of your back foot into the ground and use it to help keep your balance. The back knee should also be bent. Contract your glutes, brace your abs and keep your spine in a neutral position. Lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the ground. Keep your upper body upright and your lower back flat. Push up to the upright position, but don t step back. Stay in a split-squat stance. Perform all reps for one leg and then switch. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 113

114 Stability Ball Jackknife-Pushup Combo Brace your abs. Put your hands on the floor and rest your shins on the ball. With your arms straight and your back flat, your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. Tuck your knees to your chest by rolling the ball to your chest by contracting your abs and pulling it forward. Return to the starting position. Bend your elbows and lower down into a pushup position. Pause and then push back up Repeat as necessary Lie on a mat on your right side. Side Plank Leg Raise Support your bodyweight with your knees and on your right elbow. Raise your body in a straight line so that your body hovers over the mat. Keep your back straight and your hips up. Hold your abs tight. Contract them as if someone was about to punch you in the stomach, but breath normally. Raise your top leg up as high as you can. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 114

115 Swing Lunge Do a reverse lunge for your left leg by stepping back with your right leg. Then step forward with your right leg so that you do a forward lunge working the right leg. Continue for all reps moving one leg then switch. This can be done with dumbbells or just bodyweight Stability Ball Ab Pike Brace your abs. Put your elbows on the bench and rest your shins on the ball. With your arms straight and your back flat, your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. Keeping your back straight (don t round it), roll the ball as close to your chest as possible by contracting your abs and pulling it forward. Pause and then return the ball to the starting position by rolling it backward. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 115

116 Stability Ball Jackknife Place your feet on the ball and hands on the floor, slightly wider than shoulder width. With your arms straight and your back flat, your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. Keeping your back straight (don t round it), roll the ball as close to your chest as possible by contracting your abs and pulling it forward. Pause and then return the ball to the starting position by rolling it backward. Do NOT round your lower back. Superman Ball Plank Set your body in a regular stability ball plank position, but instead of resting your elbows on the ball, straighten your arms and put your hands on the ball as if you were going to do a Stability Ball Pushup. Brace your abs throughout the entire exercise. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 116

117 Sumo Squat Stand with your feet wide and your toes slightly angled out. Push your hips back and keep your chest up as you lower yourself down with your arms extended in front of you. Drive through the heels of your feet and push through your glutes and hamstrings to return to the starting position. Total Body Extension Start in the standing position as if you were going to do a bodyweight squat. Dip down quickly into a quarter squat and swing your arms behind you by your sides. Explode up and extend your body onto your toes, raising your arms overhead. Control the descent back and in one movement return to the dip before exploding back up again. This is a non-impact replacement for jumping. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 117

118 T R X R o w Grab the straps and take 2 steps backward. Lean back and rest the weight on heels. Hold the straps with your palms facing together. Keep the abs braced and body in a straight line from heels to shoulders. Row your body up until your chest is at strap height. Slowly return to the start position. T-Pushup Keep the abs braced and body in a straight line from toes to shoulders. Place the hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Slowly lower yourself down until you are 2 inches off the ground. Push off to return to the start position. As you come up, rotate to one side and point that arm towards the ceiling. Alternate sides with each rep. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 118

119 Triple Pushup Keep abs braced and body in a straight line from knees to shoulders. Hands should be inside shoulder width apart. Perform a Decline Pushup, a Close Grip Pushup and a Normal Pushup Return to the starting position. That s one rep. Walking Lunge Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Step forward with your right leg, taking a slightly larger than normal step. Keep your left toe on the ground and use it to help keep your balance. The left knee should also be bent. Lower your body until your right thigh is parallel to the ground. Keep your upper body upright and your lower back flat. Drive through the lead leg to step forward to the standing position. Alternate sides. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 119

120 Wall Squat Keeping your back against the wall, slide down in the squat position with your feet just outside shoulder width apart. Keep your abs braced and your back against the wall. X-Body Mountain Climber Brace your abs. Start in the top of the push-up position. Keep your abs braced, pick one foot up off the floor, and slowly bring your knee up to your opposite shoulder. Do not let your hips sag. Keep your abs braced and slowly return your leg to the start position. Alternate sides until you complete all of the required repetitions. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 120

121 X-Body Mountain Climber w/feet Elevated Put your feet up on a bench or small platform and place your hands on the floor about shoulder width apart. Keeping your abs braced and your body straight, bring in one knee towards the opposite elbow. Return to the starting position and repeat for the other side. TT 12-Week Program Guide Exercise Descriptions 121

122 How to Get Dozens of Advanced, Fat Burning, Muscle Building, Turbulence Training Workouts at Your Finger Tips And All for Less than the Cost of a Single Training Session Now you can get an almost endless supply of fat blasting, muscle building Turbulence Training workouts. I ve put together all of my reports, workouts, and manuals inside my new Turbulence Training Membership Pass. The Turbulence Training Membership is a one year membership allowing you to access every report and manual from my sites. You ll be able to download, print, and use dozens of Turbulence Training workouts to help you: Lose fat and gain muscle with the TT for Fat Loss workouts Achieve the body of your dreams Lose the last 10 pounds of fat Pack on big-time mass with the TT for Mass report Get the best workouts of your life is less than an hour per session You ve done it again! You never cease to amaze me how you create your extremely effective fat loss TT programs. My clients LOVE me as I use your programs for my home-based training clients and they find them highly effective. Andy Wallis, Trainer, Isle of Man Thanks Craig, this All Access Pass is great. Never have I seen anything like this. I have already downloaded Get Lean and Beginner Fat Loss Tips and glanced through them, some really good stuff. I m planning on printing out most of these and having a CB section in my fitness library. Keith Suthammanont Craig, I am so impressed with how you conduct your business, your professionalism, quality and responsiveness is really unequaled. You are truly the best kept secret in the fitness world. Bobby Logan, CT CLICK Here for Your PrEFErrED CustOMEr TT MEMBEr DisCOunt TT 12-Week Program Guide 122


CONTENTS. Disclaimer...c. Workout Guidelines... d. 10 Tips to Train Safe... e. Workout Log... f. Intro Beginner Intermediate...

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