The GBB Challenge Pre-Test

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2 The GBB Challenge Pre-Test 1A) Max Strict Pull Ups OR Recline Rows* x 3 Sets *If you have to do rows, feet much be directly under the anchor point with straps just above your waist line ***7 Min Time Cap to complete all 3 sets ***SCORE = TOTAL Reps Completed 2A) Max Strict HSPU s OR Pike Presses x 3 Sets ***7 Min Time Cap to complete all 3 sets ***SCORE = TOTAL Reps Completed 3A) 8 Min AMRAP Of: a) Single KB Sumo DL x 6 b) Single KB Sumo DL High Pull x 6 c) Single KB Ground To Overhead x 6 d) Single KB Goblet Squat x 6 ***Complex must go UNBROKEN in order for the round to count ***SCORE = TOTAL FULL Rounds Completed + Weight Used 4A) For Time - 400m 100% ***SCORE = Time Completed ***Give yourself a few days to recover then get into the main programming*** NOTES: (include loads used, any modifications made, and score completed on each test)

3 Workout 1: Insane Interval Day DATE: 1A) 3 Rounds Intervals a) Bodyweight Squats --> KB Goblet Squats --> Double KB Front Squats b) Push Ups --> Hand Release Push Ups --> Push Ups on KB s / DB s c) Recline Row Neutral Grip --> Feet Under Anchor Point --> Feet Elevated Recline d) KB or DB DBL RDL --> DOUBLE KB or DB RDL --> Increase Weight e) Plank --> Feet Elevated Plank on Box --> Plank Jacks ***Interval Progressions: 30/30 40/20 50/10 (Circle Which Level You Do) 2A) Tabata Intervals 20/10 a) Sit Outs b) Hollow Rocks --> Weighted Hollow Rocks --> OH Weighted Hollow Rocks ***Interval Progressions: 4 Rounds Each 6 Rounds Each 8 Rounds Each (Circle Which Option You Choose) NOTES: (include loads used, any modifications made, and any other useful info)

4 Workout 2: Density Acclimation DATE: 1A) SELECT - 5 / 6 / 8 min AMRAP Set Of: a) Squat Thrust --> Burpee --> Burpee + Vert Jump x 3 b) Pull Ups x 5 --> Chest To Bar Pull Up --> Hand Release Flying Pull Up x 5 / Arm c) Single KB or DB Two Arm Thruster x 5 --> 1A KB Thruster x 5/ Arm --> Double KB or DB Thruster x 5 2A) SELECT - 5 / 6 / 8 Min AMRAP Of: a) Kettlebell Sumo DL High Pull --> Double KB SDLHP x 4, 6, 8, 10 b) Push Ups --> Hand Release Push Ups --> Push Ups Off KB or DB x 2, 4, 6, 8 3A) 40 Yard Sprints x 4 NOTES: (include loads used, any modifications made, and how many rounds you complete in AMRAP sets)

5 Workout 3: Strength Repeat 1A) 3 Sets E.M.O.T.M. x 8 Mins a) Power Snatch x 1 b) Push Press x 1 c) Thruster x 1 ***Complete 3 full rounds through the complex = set ***Alternate Arms Each Minute 2A) SELECT - 5 / 6 / 8 Min AMRAP Of: a) Push Ups --> Suspended Push Ups --> Atomic Push Ups x 5 b) Cossack Squats --> Weighted Cossack Squats x 5 / Side 3A) KBS Death - E.M.O.T.M. x??? a) Kettlebell Swing x 10, 12, 14 ***Go until you fail to complete the work listed within the minute NOTES: (include loads used, any modifications made, and how you perform in the finishers)

6 Workout 4: Speed Shred 1A) 2 Reps Every 20 Secs x 3 mins a) Step Vertical Jump --> Step Tuck Jumps ***Alternate which leg is in front each rep 2A) 3 Rounds Of: a) 1A KB / DB Strict Push Press --> Bottoms Up KB Press 3 x 5 b) 1A KB / DB Front Rack Squat 3 x 10 c) 1A KB / DB Bent Row 3 x 10 ***Switch arms then perform on the other side = 1 Round ***Rest ONLY secs between rounds 3A) 3 Reps Every 20 Secs x 3 mins a) KB Sumo Deadlift Pop Squats x 3 4A) Death By Burpee E.M.O.T.M. x 8, 10, 12 ***If Short On Time: 4 Min AMRAP of Burpees NOTES: (include loads used, any modifications made, and how you perform in the finisher)

7 Workout 5: Complex Day 1A) E.M.O.T.M. x 5 / Leg x 6 Mins a) Split Squat --> BW Bulgarian Squat --> KB Bulgarian Squat 2A) Complex - 5 Rounds a) Double KB Clean x 5 b) Double KB Russian Swing x 5 c) Double KB Deadlifts x 5 d) KB Push Ups x 10 ***Rest secs between complexes or LESS ***If no Double KB s do Single Arm x 5 Rounds /Arm NO rest between switching arms 3A) Interval Finisher 30/30/15 x 4 Rounds a) Recline Squat + Row Combo --> Feet Under Anchor Point b) Plank --> Plank Knee Tucks --> Plank Cross Body Knee Tucks NOTES: (include loads used, any modifications made, and any other useful info)

8 Workout 6: Insane Interval Day DATE: 1A) 3 Rounds Intervals a) KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull --> Double KB Sumo Deadlifts High Pulls b) Kipping Pull Ups --> Kipping Chest To Bar Pull Up --> Butterfly Pull Ups c) Drop Lunge R or L --> Goblet Drop Lunge --> Rack Drop Lunge R or L d) Drop Lunge (Opposite Side) --> Goblet Drop Lunge --> Rack Drop Lunge e) Pike Press --> Feet Elevated Pike Press --> HSPU Holds --> HSPU ***Interval Progressions: 30/30 40/20 50/10 (Circle Which Level You Do) 2A) Tabata Interval x 10 Rounds (5 Rounds EACH movements) a) KB Russian Swing --> DOUBLE KB Russian Swing b) Mountain Climbers --> Mountain Climbers On Single KB ***Alternate movements each round NOTES: (include loads used, any modifications made, and any other useful info)

9 Workout 7: Density Acclimation DATE: 1A) SELECT - 6 / 8 / 10 Min Density Set Of: a) 1 Step Vertical Jumps Max Height x 3 / leg b) Push Ups --> KB Assisted Off Set Push Ups --> 1A Push Ups x 5 / Arm c) 1A Bent KB Rows --> 1A Bent Double KB Rows x 10 / Arm 2A) 30/15 Iron To Body Switch Intervals x 3 Rounds Of: ***For the 1 st 30 secs you ll perform the weighted Iron movement then rest 15 secs. You ll then go directly to the unweighted Bodyweight movement for 30 secs then rest 15 secs and so on throughout the circuit. a) DB / KB Goblet Squat ===> Bodyweight Squat --> Squat Jumps b) DB / KB Floor Press ===> Push Ups --> KB Push Ups c) DB / KB Double Bent Rows ===> Recline Rows Supinated Grip --> Feet Elevated Recline Rows ***45 sec REST between full rounds ***(-->) Indicates PROGRESSION of movement ***(===>) Indicated switch from Iron to Body NOTES: (include loads used, any modifications made, and any other useful info)

10 Workout 8: Strength Repeat 1A) E.M.O.T.M. x 8 Mins a) Repeat Power Pull Ups --> Repeat Chest To Bar Pull Ups x 3-5 b) Switch Push Ups --> Switch Push Ups on KB --> Power Switch Push Ups Over KB x 3-5 ***Keep these reps EXPLOSIVE ***Avoid excessive fatigue 2A) SELECT - 5 / 6 / 8 Min AMRAP Of: a) KB Sumo Deadlift --> Heavier Weight x 5 b) Single KB RDL x 6 --> Single KB Single Leg RDL x 3 / leg --> Double KB Single Leg RDL x 3 / Leg 3A) SELECT - 5 / 6 / 8 Min AMRAP Of: a) Burpee Manmaker --> DB or KB Manmaker x 5 b) Sit Outs x 10 reps total NOTES: (include loads used, any modifications made, and total rounds completed for AMRAPS)

11 Workout 9: Speed Shred 1A) 2 Reps / Leg Every 20 Secs x 3 Mins a) Power Split Jumps x 2/leg every 20 secs x 3 Mins ***As explosive as possible on each rep ***Alternate legs each rep (switch in mid air) 2A) 4 Rounds Of: a) Wall Assisted Pistol Squats --> Box Assisted Pistol Squats --> Pistol Squat 4 x 5 / Leg b) 1A KB Russian Snatch 4 x 6-10 / arm c) Push Ups --> Hindu Push Ups --> Hindu Push Ups On KB s x submax ***Rest only as needed between rounds push the pace ***4 Total Rounds PER side 3A) 2 Reps / Leg Every 20 Secs x 3 Mins a) Kneeling Jump x 2 --> Kneeling Jump + Vert Jump --> Kneeling Jump To Tuck Jump 4A) 6 Min AMRAP Of: a) 1A Power Clean R/L x 1, 2, 3 b) Burpee --> Burpee + Lateral Hop x 1, 2, 3 c) 1A Power Clean R/L (opposite side as above) x 1, 2, 3 d) Burpee --> Burpee Lateral x 1, 2, 3 ***SCORE = Total Reps Completed NOTES: (include loads used, any modifications made, and total rounds completed on AMRAP sets)

12 Workout 10: Complex Day 1A) 3-5 Reps / Arm E.M.O.T.M. x 6 Mins a) 1A KB Strict Press --> 1A KB Bottoms Up Press ***Complete reps on BOTH sides each round ***HEAVIEST possible 2A) Complex x 3 Rounds NOT For Time: a) Single Arm KB Power Snatch x 5 b) Single Arm Rack Front Squat x 5 c) Single Arm Russian Swing x 10 d) Single Arm OH Drop Lunge x 5 / leg ***Switch Arms then repeat on other side = 1 round ***Rest secs between complete rounds 3A) 5 Min AMRAP Of: a) KB or DB ½ TGU (From Ground Up) --> FULL TGU --> Single Arm Power Squat Clean To Turkish Get Up ***Alternate Arms Each Rep (except for ½ TGU do 5 reps before switching for that variation) NOTES: (include loads used, any modifications made, and total rounds completed in AMRAP sets)

13 Workout 11: Insane Intervals 1A) Intervals x 3 Rounds a) KB Ground To Overhead --> Double KB Ground To Overhead b) Push Ups --> Spiderman Push Ups --> KB Push Ups --> Spiderman Push Ups on KB s c) Split Lunge --> Bulgarian Split Squats --> Bulg Split Squats Weighted R / L d) Split Lunge --> Bulgarian Split Squats --> Bulg Split Squats Weighted R / L e) Plank --> Suspended Plank --> Susp. Alternating Knee Tucks --> Susp. Double Knee Tucks ***Interval Progressions: 30/30 40/20 50/10 (Circle Which Level You Do) 2A) Tabata Interval 20/10 x 12 Rounds (6 Rounds Each Movement) a) Bottom ½ Burpee b) Sit Outs ***SCORE = Total reps on Sit Outs NOTES: (include loads used, any modifications made, and score achieved with Tabata set)

14 Workout 12: Density Acclimation DATE: 1A) SELECT - 8 / 10 / 12 Min Density Set Of: a) 1A KB Russian Snatch x 5 / Arm --> Double KB Russian Snatch x 5 b) Assisted Pistol Squat x 5 / Leg --> Pistol Squat x 5 / Leg c) Split Stance Double KB Bent Rows x 10 --> Heavier Weight --> Alternating Split Stance KB Bent Rows x 10 / side 2A) 10 Min Density Ladder a) Single KB Wide Stance Sumo DL --> Double KB Wide Stance Sumo Deadlifts x 20, 15, 10, 5, 10, 15 b) Wall Walls x 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2 ***Keep progressing up and down the ladder for time listed NOTES: (include loads used, any modifications made, Rounds completed within AMRAP set, and how you do on the ladder finisher)

15 Workout 13: Strength Repeat 1A) 3-5 Reps E.M.O.T.M. x 6 Mins a) Double KB Manchilds ***If 3 reps isn t tough enough, add reps to suit your needs OR increase weight 2A) 6 Min AMRAP Of: a) Pike Press --> Feet Elevated Pike Press --> HSPU x 3 6 Reps b) Goblet KB Drop Lunge --> Double KB Rack Drop Lunge x 6 / Leg 3A) For Time: a) 1 Arm KB Power Snatch x 50 / Arm ***Alternate arms each rep ***E.M.O.T.M. complete 10 Sit Outs then continue on to 50 snatches *** 10 Min Time Cap NOTES: (include loads used, any modifications made, your score on the AMRAP set, and your score / results on the 100 rep snatch challenge)

16 Workout 14: Speed Shred 1A) 2 Reps Every 20 Secs x 3 Mins a) Seated Vert Jump --> Seated Tuck Jump 2A) 3 Rounds Of: a) KB Power Clean 3 x 5 / arm b) 1A Push Press --> 1A Push Jerk --> 1A Split Jerk 3 x 10 / arm c) Split Squat Bodyweight --> Weighted Split Squat --> 3 x 15 / leg ***Short rest between rounds push the pace! 3A) 2 Reps Every 20 Secs x 3 Mins a) Power Step Broad Jump 4A) For Time: a) Push Ups --> Plyo Push Ups --> Plyo Push Ups Onto KB s x 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 b) Recline Row --> Feet Elevated Recline Rows x 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 c) KB Russian Swing --> KB American Swing x 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 ***10 Min Time Cap NOTES: (include loads used, any modifications made, and how you score on the finisher)

17 Workout 15: Complex DATE: 1A) 3-5 reps E.M.O.T.M. x 6 Mins a) Strict Pull Up --> Weighted Pull Ups 2A) 4 Rounds NOT For Time: a) Double KB Snatch x 5 b) Double KB Push Press x 5 c) Double KB Farmer Drop Lunges --> Rack Drop Lunges x 5 / leg d) Double KB Power Clean x 5 ***Rest secs between complete rounds ***If only 1 KB, perform on one side then repeat on the other side without rest 3A) E.M.O.T.M. x 6 Mins a) KB Sumo DL Pop Squats x 4 --> Double KB Power Squat Clean x 4 b) ½ Burpee ***SCORE = Total ½ Burpee completed NOTES: (include loads used, any modifications made, and your score on the finisher)

18 Workout 16: Insane Intervals 1A) Intervals - 3 Rounds a) KB Single Arm Power Clean R / L --> KB Single Arm Swing Clean R / L b) KB Push Press R / L c) KB Single Arm Clean (opposite side) --> KB Single Arm Swing Clean d) KB Push Press (opposite side) e) KB Russian Swing --> American Swing (both hands) ***Interval Progressions: 30/30 40/20 50/10 (Circle Which Level You Do) 2A) Tabata Finisher 20 secs Work / 10 sec Rest x 8 / 10 / 12 Rounds (your choice) a) Single KB Sumo DL High Pull --> Double KB SDLHP b) Bear Crawl 10 ft and Back NOTES: (include loads used, any modifications made, and total reps completed in finisher)

19 Workout 17: Density Acclimation DATE: 1A) SELECT - 8 / 10 / 12 Min Density Set Of: a) Power Pull Up --> Strict Pull Up --> Chest To Bar Pull Up x 3-5 b) Pike Press --> Feet Elevated Pike Press --> HSPU x 3-5 c) Lateral Lunge --> Cossack Squat --> KB Loaded Cossack Squat x 5 / Leg 2A) For Time: a) Burpee --> Lateral Burpee --> Lateral Burpee Over KB x 30, 20, 10, 5 b) KB Ground To Overhead --> Double KB Power Clean To Press 5, 10, 15, 20 ***10 Min Time Cap NOTES: (include loads used, any modifications made, and how you perform with in the finisher)

20 Workout 18: Strength Repeat 1A) 6 reps E.M.O.T.M. x 8 Mins a) KB DL x 6 --> DOUBLE KB DL x 6 --> Single Leg KB DL x 6 / Leg 2A) 6 Min AMRAP Of: a) Bent Double KB Row --> Bent KB Piston Row --> KB Renegade Row x 4 / Arm b) ½ TGU BW --> ½ TGU Weighted x 4 / Side 3A) 6 Min AMRAP Of: a) Double KB Clean x 3, 6, 9 b) Lateral Hand Walks x 10 ft Left / Right x 1, 2, 3 NOTES: (include loads used, any modifications made, and how many total rounds you complete within the AMRAP sets)

21 Workout 19: Speed Shred 1A) 2 Reps Every 20 secs x 4 Mins a) Broad Jump x 2 --> Burpee Broad Jump x 2 for MAX Distance 2A) 4 Rounds 0f 20 Reps a) Bodyweight Squat --> KB Goblet Squat --> Double KB Rack Death Squat ***Rest ONLY 60 secs in between sets ***Heaviest possible 3A) For Time: a) ½ Burpee x 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 b) KB 1A Power Snatch x 10 total, 8, 6, 4, 2 (alternate arms) c) Recline Rows --> Feet Elevated Recline Rows x 20, 16, 12, 8, 4 ***10 Min Time Cap NOTES: (include loads used, any modifications made, and how you score in the finisher)

22 Workout 20: Complex DATE: 1A) 1-3 Reps E.M.O.T.M. x 8 Mins (HEAVY) a) Pull Ups --> Chest To Bar Pull Ups --> Weighted Pull Ups (any variation) 2A) 4 Rounds NOT For Time: e) Double KB Wide Stance Sumo DL x 5 f) Double KB Front Squat x 5 g) Double KB Push Press x 5 h) Double KB Thruster x 5 ***Rest secs between complete rounds ***If only 1 KB, perform on one side then repeat on the other side without rest 3A) E.M.O.T.M. x 6 Mins c) KB Sumo Deadlift Pop Squats --> KB Power Squat Clean x 3 d) Hanging Knee Tucks / Knees To Bows --> Toes To Bar x R.A.T. ***If No Bar = Hollow Rocks x R.A.T. ***SCORE = Total Hollow Rocks Completed NOTES: (include loads used, any modifications made, and total reps completed in the finisher)

23 Workout 21: Insane Interval 1A) Intervals - 3 Rounds a) Push Ups --> HR Push Ups --> Plyo / Clapping Push Ups b) Single KB RDL (grip w/ both hands) --> Double KB Single Leg RDL c) Single KB RDL (grip w/ both hands) --> Double KB Single Leg RDL (opposite leg) d) Double KB Row --> Double Alternating KB Row --> Renegade KB Row ***Interval Progressions: 30/30 40/20 50/10 (Circle Which Level You Do) 2A) 4 Rounds x 2 Min AMRAP Of: a) Broad Jump --> Burpee Broad Jump x 2 b) Double KB Thruster x 3 c) Single KB Russian Swing --> Double KB Outside Swings x 4 ***30 sec REST between AMRAP Rounds NOTES: (include loads used, any modifications made, and total rounds completed in AMRAP sets)

24 Workout 22: Density Acclimation DATE: 1A) 8 Min Density Set Of: a) Kneeling Jump --> Kneeling Jump + Vertical Jump --> Kneeling Jump + Tuck Jump x 3 b) Bodyweight Squat --> KB Goblet Squat --> Double KB Front Squats x 5 c) Bench Dips --> Bodyweight Dips --> Suspended Dips x submax 2A) 5 Min AMRAP Of: a) Full TGU BW --> Full KB TGU --> Power KB Snatch To TGU Alt sides each rep 3A) 5 Min AMRAP Of: a) Forward / Backwards Bear Crawl x 10 ft down and back b) Walking Lunge --> Walking KB Goblet Lunge --> Walking Double KB Rack Lunge x 10 ft down and back ***If room go 20 ft down and back for both a) and b) NOTES: (include loads used, any modifications made, and how many rounds you complete in the AMRAP sets)

25 Workout 23: Strength Repeat 1A) 3-5 Reps / Leg E.M.O.T.M. x 6 Mins a) Assisted Pistol Squat --> BW Pistol Squat --> KB Pistol Squat x 3-5 / Leg 2A) 6 Min AMRAP Of: a) Double KB RDL --> Single Leg Double KB RDL x 6 / Leg b) Double KB Push Jerk --> Double KB Push Press --> Double KB Strict Press x 6 3A) For Time: a) KB Ground To Overhead x 10, 20, 30, 20, 10 b) Forward / Backwards Shuttle Sprint x 20 ft x 2, 4, 6, 4, 2 ***10 Min Time Cap NOTES: (include loads used, any modifications made, the amount of rounds you complete in the AMRAP and you score you get in the finisher)

26 Workout 24: Speed Shred 1A) 5 Reps Every 30 secs x 5 Mins a) Rapid Fire Vertical Jumps --> Rapid Fire Squat Jumps --> Rapid Fire Squat Jump + Knee Tucks x 5 ***Focus on being as EXPLOSIVE as possible 2A) 4 Sets for Submax Reps a) Feet Elevated Push Ups --> Feet Elevated KB Push Ups --> Plyo Push Ups 4 x Submax Reps ***Rest ONLY 60 secs in between sets 3A) Complete The Following: a) V-Seat Reach --> Strict Knees To Bows --> Strict Toes To Bar x 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 b) Double Bent KB Row x 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 c) Double KB Rack Drop Lunge x 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 (total reps) d) KB Russian Swing --> KB American Swing --> Double KB Russian Swing x 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 ***10 Min Time Cap NOTES: (include loads used, any modifications made, reps completed for push ups, and you score with the finisher)

27 Workout 25: Garage Built Challenge DATE: 1A) Max Strict Pull Ups OR Recline Rows* x 3 Sets *If you have to do rows, feet much be directly under the anchor point with straps just above your waist line ***7 Min Time Cap to complete all 3 sets ***SCORE = TOTAL Reps Completed 2A) Max Strict HSPU s OR Pike Presses x 3 Sets ***7 Min Time Cap to complete all 3 sets ***SCORE = TOTAL Reps Completed 3A) 8 Min AMRAP Of: a) Single KB Sumo DL x 6 b) Single KB Sumo DL High Pull x 6 c) Single KB Ground To Overhead x 6 d) Single KB Goblet Squat x 6 ***Complex must go UNBROKEN in order for the round to count ***SCORE = TOTAL FULL Rounds Completed + Weight Used 4A) For Time - 400m 100% ***SCORE = Time Completed ***Give yourself a few days to recover then get into the main programming*** NOTES: (include loads used, any modifications made, and scores completed for each test)

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