General terms and conditions of purchase

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1 Fon: +49 (0) Fax: +49 (0) Mail: Web: General terms and conditions of purchase Section 1 - Area of applicability The ge ne ral terms and con di ti ons of purcha se of SAH shall ap p ly ex clu si ve ly. Terms and con diti ons of the Sup p lier which con flict with or de via te from tho se of SAH shall not be re co gnis ed by SAH, un less SAH has ex press ly agreed to their ap p lica bi li ty in wri ting. The terms and con di ti ons of purcha se of SAH shall al so ap p ly if the de li very of the Sup p lier is ac cep ted by SAH wi thout re ser va ti on in the know ledge of terms and con di ti ons of the Sup p lier which con flict with or de via te from tho se of SAH. All agree ments which are con clu ded bet ween SAH and the Sup p lier for the pur po se of per formance of the contract shall be set out in this contract in wri ting. The terms and con di ti ons of purcha se of SAH shall on ly ap p ly in re la ti on to en tre pre neurs, le gal per sons un der pu blic law or spe cial funds un der pu blic law. The ge ne ral terms and con di ti ons of purcha se of SAH shall al so ap p ly to all fu ture tran sac tions with its suppliers. Sec tion 2 - Of fer - of fer do cu ments The Sup p lier shall be ob li ged to ac cept the or ders of SAH wi t hin a dead line of two weeks. SAH shall re ser ve ow nership rights and co py right in re spect of images, drawings, cal cu la ti ons and other do cu ments. The se may not be ma de ac ces si ble to third par ties wi thout the ex press writ ten agree ment of SAH. The above-men tio ned da ta and do cu ments may on ly be used for ma nu fac tu ring on the ba sis of the or der of SAH. Fol lo wing com ple ti on of the or der, the se must be re tur ned to SAH, wi thout the need for a re quest to be is sued. The said do cu ments must be kept con fi den ti al in re la ti on to third par ties. The re gu la ti on in Section 9 Number 5 of these general terms and conditions of purchase shall apply additionally. Geschä sführer: Katharina Eisl Tanja Jursa DIN EN ISO 9001 DIN EN ISO IATF DIN EN ISO UST-IDNR.: DE ST-NR.: FA BGL 105/150/91306 A-5020 Salzburg IBAN: AT SWIFT (BIC): RVSAAT2S 1 / 6

2 Sec tion 3 - Pri ces, terms and con di ti ons of pay ment The pri ce sta ted in the or der shall be bin ding. Un less writ ten agree ments to the con tra ry exist, the pri ce shall in clu de de li very free to the buy er s ad dress, in clu ding pa cka ging. The re turn of the packaging shall require a separate agreement. The purcha se pri ce sta ted by SAH shall be net, plus the re spec tive sta tu to ry va lue ad ded tax. In voices can on ly be pro ces sed by SAH if the or der num ber sta ted in the or der is sta ted, in accordance with the order guidelines. The Supplier shall be responsible for all consequences due to non-compliance with this obligation, unless it provides proof that it is not responsible for the said non-compliance. Un less other wi se agreed in wri ting, SAH shall pay the purcha se pri ce wi t hin 30 days with a 2% dis count, cal cu la ted from the ti me of de li very and re ce ipt of the in voice, or wi t hin 60 days net from the ti me of re ce ipt of the in voice. 5. SAH shall be en t it led to rights of set off and rights of re ten ti on to the extent pre scri bed by law. 6. In te rest af ter the due date can not be de man ded. The ra te of de fault in te rest shall be 5 per centa ge points above the re spec tive ba se ra te of in te rest. SAH shall be en t it led to pro vi de pro of of de fault in te rest which is lo wer than that de man ded by the Sup p lier. Section 4 - Delivery time The de li very ti me sta ted in the or der shall be bin ding. The Supplier shall be obliged to immediately inform SAH in writing should circumstances arise or be co me known to it, due to which the agreed de li very ti me can not be com plied with. In ca se of de li very de lay, SAH shall be en t it led to the sta tu to ry claim. In par ti cu lar, SAH shall be en t it led to de mand da mages in lieu of per for mance and to re scind the contract, fol lo wing the fruitless expiry of a reasonable deadline. Should SAH de mand da mages, the Sup p lier shall ha ve the right to pro vi de pro of to SAH that it is not responsible for the breach of obligation. 2 / 6

3 Sec tion 5 - Trans fer of risk, do cu ments Un less other wi se agreed in wri ting, the de li very shall ta ke place free to the place of do mi ci le. The Sup p lier shall be ob li ged to sta te the ex act or der num bers of SAH on all dis patch pa pers and de li very no tes. Should it fail to do so, SAH shall not be re s pon si ble for any pro ces sing de lays cau sed as a re sult. Section 6 - Liability for defects, defect inspection SAH shall be ob li ged to check the goods for any qua li ty and quan ti ty de via ti ons wi t hin a re a sonable dead line. The com plaint shall be de emed to ha ve be en ma de on ti me if it is re cei ved by the Sup p lier wi t hin a dead line of 5 working days, cal cu la ted from the ti me of re ce ipt of the goods, or, in ca se of hi d den de fects, from the ti me of dis co very. SAH shall be ful ly en t it led to the sta tu to ry de fect claims. In all ca ses, SAH shall be en t it led, accor ding to its choice, to de mand cor rec tion of the de fect or de li very of a new item by the Sup p lier. The right of da mages, in par ti cu lar the right to da mages in lieu of per for mance, shall re main expressly reserved. SAH shall be en t it led to car ry out the cor rec tion of the de fects by its elf at the ex pen se of the Supplier, should the Supplier be in default concerning subsequent performance. The li mi ta ti on pe ri od shall be 36 months, cal cu la ted from the ti me of trans fer of risk. Section 7 - Product liability, release, liability insurance protection Should the Sup p lier be re s pon si ble for da ma ge cau sed by a pro duct, it shall be ob li ged to release SAH from any third par ty da mages claims on first re quest, to the extent that the cau se lies in its area of con trol and or ga ni sa ti on and to the extent that it is its elf lia ble vis a vis third par ties. Wi t hin the frame work of its own lia bi li ty in ca ses of da ma ge in the pa ra graph above, the Sup p lier shall al so be ob li ged to reim bur se the ex pen ses which SAH con siders ne cessa ry in the cir cumstan ces, as well as tho se which cor re spon ded to the ac tu al or pre su med in te rest of the Sup p lier, which are in cur red un der or in con nec tion with a la w ful ly car ri ed out re call ac tion by SAH. The sa me shall ap p ly should mo re than one par ty ha ve cau sed the loss and the re fo re would in cur joint lia bi li ty. To the extent that is pos si ble and re a sonable, SAH shall in form the Sup p lier in a ti me ly man ner in ad van ce of the con tent and scope of such a re call mea su re and pro vi de the Supplier with the opportunity to make a statement. 3 / 6

4 The necessary informing of the respective competent authorities in accordance with the German Product Safety Act (Produktsicherheitsgesetz) shall be undertaken by SAH in agreement with the Supplier. The Sup p lier shall be ob li ged to main tain a pro duct lia bi li ty in suran ce po li cy with a fi xed sum insured of 10 million euros per incidence of personal injury/damage to property. Should SAH be en t it led to fur ther da mages claims, the se shall not be af fec ted. Sec tion 8 - Pro per ty rights The Sup p lier her e by gua ran tees that no third par ty rights are being in frin ged in the Fe deral Republic of Germany in connection with its delivery. Should a claim be brought against SAH due to in frin ge ment of a third par ty right, the Sup p lier shall be ob li ged to re lease SAH from the said claims on first writ ten re quest. In ca se of third par ty da mages claims, the Sup p lier shall re tain the right to pro vi de pro of that it is not re s pon sible for the in frin ge ment of the third par ty rights. SAH shall not be en t it led to con clu de any agree ments, in par ti cu lar the con clu si on of a sett lement, with the third par ty wi thout the agree ment of the Sup p lier. The release obligation of the Supplier shall extend to all expenses which are necessarily incurred by SAH un der or in con nec tion with the brin ging of a claim by the third par ty. 5. The li mi ta ti on pe ri od shall be 36 months, cal cu la ted from the ti me of trans fer of risk. Section 9 - Reservation of ownership, supply, work tools, secrecy Should SAH pro vi de parts to the Sup p lier, SAH shall re ser ve ow nership in re spect of such. Proces sing or al te ra ti ons by the Sup p lier shall be un der ta ken for SAH. Should the goods of SAH which are sub ject to re ser va ti on be pro ces sed with other items which do not be long to SAH, SAH shall ac qui re co-ow nership in the new item to the re la ti ons hip of the va lue of the item of SAH (purcha se pri ce plus sta tu to ry va lue ad ded tax) to the other pro ces sed items at the ti me of processing. Should the item pro vi ded by SAH be ins e pa ra b ly mi xed with other items which do not be long to SAH, SAH shall ac qui re co-ow nership in the new item to the re la ti ons hip of the va lue of the item which is sub ject to re ser va ti on (purcha se pri ce plus sta tu to ry va lue ad ded tax) to the other mi xed items at the ti me of mi xing. 4 / 6

5 Should the mi xing ta ke place in such a way that the item of the Sup p lier is to be con side red the prin ci pal ob ject, it is her e by de emed to be agreed that the Sup p lier will as sign pro-ra ta co-ownership to SAH. The Sup p lier shall keep the so le ow nership or co-ow nership safe for SAH. SAH shall re ser ve ow nership in re spect of work tools. The Sup p lier shall al so be ob li ged to on ly use the work tools for the ma nu fac tu re of the goods pro vi ded by SAH. The Sup p lier shall be obli ged to in su re the work tools pro vi ded by SAH to the re pla ce ment va lue against fi re and wa ter da ma ge and theft at its own ex pen se. At the sa me ti me, the Sup p lier her e by now as signs to SAH all com pen sa ti on claims un der the said in suran ce. SAH her e by ac cepts the said as si gn ment. The Sup p lier shall be ob li ged to carry out all ne cessa ry main ten an ce and in spec tion work, as well as all up keep and re pair work in re spect of the tools of SAH in good ti me and at its own ex pen se. The Sup p lier must im me dia te ly in form SAH of any break downs. Should the Sup p lier cul pa b ly fail to do so, da mages claims shall remain reserved. Should the se cu ri ty rights to which SAH is en t it led in ac cor dance with Pa ra graph 1 and/or Para graph 2 ex ceed the purcha se pri ce of all SAH goods which are sub ject to re ser va ti on of tit le which ha ve not yet be en paid by 10%, on re quest of the Sup p lier, SAH shall be ob li ged to re lease the se cu ri ty rights in ac cor dance with the choice of the lat ter. 5. The Sup p lier shall be ob li ged to main tain strict se crecy in re spect of all images, drawings, calculations and other documents/information which it receives. The above items may on ly be dis clo sed to third par ties with the ex press agree ment of SAH. The secrecy obligation shall also apply following performance of the contract. However, it shall lapse if and to the extent that the ma nu fac tu ring know ledge con tai ned in the trans fer red images, drawings, cal cu la ti ons and other do cu ments has be co me ge ne ral ly known or can be pro ven to ha ve al re a dy be en known to the Sup p lier at the ti me of no ti fi ca ti on as set out in Sen tence Section 10 - Quality, environment, energy The Supplier must set up and maintain a suitable documented quality and environmental manage ment sys tem which is sui ta ble ac cor ding to ty pe and scope and which cor re sponds to the state of technology. The Supplier shall create records, in particular concerning its quality inspec tions, and ma ke the se avail able to SAH on re quest. The Sup p lier her e by agrees to an evaluation of the effectiveness of its quality and environmental management system by SAH or a party authorised by it within the framework of quality and environmental audits. The Supplier shall be responsible for ensuring all statutory and safety related constraints for restricted dangerous substances and particularly hazardous materials in accordance with the Chemical Prohibition Ordinance (Chemikalien-Verbotsordnung) in the manufacturing and acceptance countries. The Sup p lier has be en ma de awa re of the en vi ron men tal and en er gy po li cies of SAH and shall ob ser ve the se in the frame work of the contrac tu al re la ti ons hips. SAH her e by points out that the en er gy per for mance and en er gy ef fi ci en cy class (if avail able) will be con sul ted as a selec tion cri te ria for goods of any kind. 5 / 6

6 Sec tion 11 - Ap p lica ble law, place of ju ris dic tion, place of per for mance The law of the Fe deral Re pu blic of Ger ma ny shall ap p ly to each in di vi du al contract to be concluded to which these general terms and conditions of purchase apply. The applicability of the United Nations Convention concerning the International Sale of Goods is hereby expressly excluded. Should the Sup p lier be a busi ness man, the place of busi ness of SAH shall be the place of ju risdic tion. Howe ver, SAH shall be en t it led to al so bring a law su it at the court of the place of do mi ci le of the Supplier. Un less other wi se sta ted in the or der, the com pa ny head quar ters of SAH shall be the place of performance. As of: De cem ber / 6

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