GREEN. Panax Ginseng Root Extract

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1 GREEN Panax Ginseng Extract CIR EXPERT PANEL MEETING JUNE 11-12, 2012

2 June 11, 2012 MEMORANDUM To: From: Subject: CIR Expert Panel and Liaisons Lillian C. Becker, M.S. Scientific Analyst and Writer Draft Report for panax ginseng root and other ginseng root derived ingredients used in cosmetics The Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) Expert Panel tabled the Draft Report on panax ginseng root and other ginseng root derived ingredients in December, 2011 so that data could be gathered on possible phytoestrogenic effects from these ingredients. Since then, an unpublished HRIPT was received from industry and incorporated into the report. Data addressing the phytoestrogenic question have been compiled and summarized in Table 20. The findings of these studies also are summarized in the text of the report. Overall, it appears as if estrogenic effects were only confirmed at the cellular level in in vitro studies of single saponins and, more weakly, in extracts. The Panel should review the Draft Report and determine if the available data are sufficient to complete the safety assessment. If additional data are needed, the list of data needs should be included in an insufficient data announcement. If the available data are sufficient to reach a tentative conclusion for panax ginseng root and other ginseng root derived ingredients, the Panel should issue a tentative safety assessment. The Panel discussion would form the basis for the rational to complete the discussion section of the report.

3 SAFETY ASSESS1ENT FLOW CART Distributed for Comment Only -- Do Not Cite or Quote i h$ J.n(i- CIR Panel Book Page 1 Option for Re-review Document for Panel Review * *lf Draft Amended Report (DAR) is available, the Panel may choose to review; if not. CIR staff prepares DAR for Panel Review. Panel review, the statement is Issued to the Public. Expert Panel Decision *The C1R Staff notifies of the public of the decision not to re-open the report and prepares a draft statement for review by the Panel. After Final Report 7//P%\%\\%%\%%\\ Report Draft Amended Final Tentative Amended Report Tentative Report Draft Amended 60 day public comment

4 History of Panax Ginseng June, 2010 It was announced that ginseng root is on the priority list. June, 2011 SLR was posted for public comment. July, 2011 The Council requested that the Draft Report be delayed until December, 2011 so that the use survey may be completed. This request was granted. December, 2011 The Panel examined the Draft Report. The Panel was concerned about a case report suggesting phytoestrogenic effects. Since there was no other data, the report was tabled so that further research could be conducted. June, 2012 The Panel will re-examine the tabled Draft Report with the data on possible phytoestrogenic effects. CIR Panel Book Page 2

5 Ginseng Data Profile for March, Writer Lillian Becker Irritation Sensitization Repeated dose toxicity ADME Acute toxicity Phototoxicity Carcinogenicity Genotoxicity Repro/Devel toxicity Sensitization Human Sensitization Animal Dermal Irr Human Dermal Irr. Animal Ocular Irritation Inhale Dermal Oral Inhale Dermal Oral Use Log K ow Dermal Penetration Panx ginseng root extract X X X X X X X X X X X Hydrolyzed ginseng root Hydrolyzed ginseng root extract Hydrolyzed ginseng saponins X X X X X Panax ginseng root X Panax ginseng root powder X Panax ginseng root water Panax ginseng root oil Panax ginseng root protoplast Panax japonicas root extract Panax notoginseng root X Panax notoginseng root powder Panax quinquefolium root extract X X X X CIR Panel Book Page 3

6 Terms Gingeng; ginseng AND extraction after 1980 Search Strategy for Ginseng Ingredients USDA National Agriculture Library (6/10011) hits; no hits ECETOC (1/2011) SCCP & SCCN (1/2011 IUCLID (1/2011) IARC (1/2011) HPVIS (1,2/2011) Dogpile (1,2/2011) CAS Nos & INCI names Hits on P. tetra C5-10 & C5-9 acid esters CAS Nos. A few MSDS Search for Endocrine/Estrogen/Hormonal Activity Search Term SciFinder PubMed Does ginseng root have estrogen 7 hits, 3 possibly useful activity Adverse Effects from Ginseng 49 hits, 8 possibly useful Ginseng hormonal activity 26 hits, 5 possibly useful several duplicates. Estrogen activity in ginseng 54 hits Panax ginseng AND estrogen 47 hits, 6 possibly useful (overlap with SciFinder) Ginseng endocrine activity 5 hits, 5 possibly useful CIR Panel Book Page 4

7 Transcript

8 Transcripts of Ginseng (December 2011) Dr. Belsito s Team DR. BELSITO: Okay. Okie doke. well done. Okay, ginseng root-derived ingredients. Okay, so obviously plant- derived, so we have the usual issues of heavy metals, pesticides, aflatoxin, boilerplate. I have something about explain something, low-high data in table 4. Oh, yeah, so what were these ranges for the concentrations of these various ingredients, low to high? These were from different species or -- MS. BECKER: That was from the Dr. Duke's information and my guess is that's a range based on his information he's collected. DR. BELSITO: Okay. And then, of course, the big issue is the pulegone in one of these species here. The quinquefolium, I believe, is the one that had the high pulegone levels. MS. BECKER: Correct. DR. BELSITO: And that is actually used in very low amounts, and, of course, we could always restrict as we did with the peppermint oil that came in Wave 2 the amount of pulegone to less than 1 percent. That coupled with the fact that that particular species -- and that was sort of weird to me, that there should be that one species of ginseng that had such huge levels when none of the others did. But if you look under the Use section, table -- MS. BECKER: Ten. DR. BELSITO: -- 10, yeah, that particular one is used at a maximum of.002, the quinquefolium. The most upsetting part, I was all ready to go with this as safe as used, and restricting the pulegone was the -- very quirky data about the endocrine effects of the facial cream. And so, I did just a very quick search on Columbia's library line, and there were several reports. Probably the most pertinent was published in 2006, and is not caption on us. The estrogenic activity of triterpene glycosides in yeast two hybrid assays, where they found that the glucoside in ginsenoside Rh2 to have estrogenic activity. So, I think that for me at this point, the data are insufficient pending clarification of the endocrine effects of those creams, and looking for further data like this, that might help us understand it's -- it's very weak. It's similar to the sort of things we were seeing with phthalates and parabens. But with phthalates and parabens, we never got reports of creams causing endocrine effects. And we have case reports here, one of which in particular, as I a recall was pretty compelling. The woman was having menstrual irregularity or something, stopped the cream, it went away; started the cream again, it came back. So I can give you this study, Lillian, but I think we need to do a little more search on those effects. And that's all I have to say. So folks, what do you all have to say? DR. ANDERSEN: So it's a red flag without any decent explanation at this point, and you'd like an explanation. DR. BELSITO: Well, there is some data that that one ginsenoside Rh2 could have some estrogenic effect. I would like just -- I think that -- and you know, this is a huge report, but somehow it just got missed in the data search, and I think we need to go out and look at all of the data, focusing particularly on that particular component of ginseng and see what else is in the literature regarding estrogenic effects of that. And then be prepared in the discussion, to argue one way or the other, that this was or was not an anomaly. I mean, I'm just struck in that, you know, you could blow it off if okay, you know, she had some menstrual irregularities, she stopped the product, it went away. I mean, that could just -- but in one case it was sort of like, you know, they solved, you know, Coates' postulate, so. DR. ANDERSEN: And this is the point which to ask those questions. DR. BELSITO: Right. DR. LIEBLER: Is there any possibility that ginseng supplements are frequently consumed with something else that would produce -- I mean, is there any practice of, you know, taking more than one product together that might lead to somebody having an effect that would -- I don't know if there's any popular combination? For example, the ginseng with something, with a soy product, for example, or something like that. 1 CIR Panel Book Page 5

9 MS. BECKER: From what I learned from licorice, it's common in Indian, Chinese, and Japanese cultures for this, is that it's all part of a concoction and it's mixed as needed for what you want. So if there's -- so for their medicine, yes, it's in mixtures. DR. LIEBLER: Thank you. DR. ANDERSEN: The use concentrations that are reported in cosmetics don't suggest a lot of functionality. It suggests that it's -- so that it can be on the label. I don't -- it's hard to count the number of zeros in some of these values, and they're all percentages, so it's five zeros and then a 2 percent. So that's, I think, two-tenths per million. DR. LIEBLER: Isn't market appeal a function? Is it one of those miscellaneous functions that always show up in our reports? DR. ANDERSEN: They're mostly conditioning agents, miscellaneous, there are a couple that have humectant listed with them, but that is what it is. One is an astringent, surprisingly enough, but that's what -- DR. BELSITO: Well, and that well could be our argument. It would be nice to know what the concentration of this ginseng face cream was, if it's given. DR. ANDERSEN: Yeah. Well, and the quinquefolium is the astringent. The one that you have your report on. DR. BELSITO: Right. DR. ANDERSEN: So I -- DR. BELSITO: Yeah, the guy who developed the hypertension, dizziness from ingestion, you know, that obviously is going to be high level exposure. The ethanol extracted -- DR. KLAASSEN: But the first reference -- DR. BELSITO: Is a face cream. She stopped and then she restarted. DR. BERGFELD: If it's an ingestion product -- DR. BELSITO: No, it's a 44-year-old woman using ginseng face cream, developed an episode of postmenopausal bleeding. DR. BERGFELD: You're right. Just above it the mastodynia is oral, then just below it the rest are, I believe, oral. DR. BELSITO: Right. Yeah, but we have one topical and we have a report. So it would be nice, I think, at this point to go insufficient for clarification as to whether we know what the concentration of that face cream was. And just make sure we've captured all of the available data regarding the ability of the whatever, oside Rh2, and any other information we may have on ginsenosides, to have estrogenic effects, because I think we're missing some information here. DR. BERGFELD: Jay, how could you get that information if we tabled it? Can you get it -- unless we go insufficient. If we table this document and requested the estrogenic effects. DR. ANSELL: Well, you know, I think we would prefer at this point in the development, that reports which have questions raised be tabled, as opposed to being judged insufficient. DR. BELSITO: I would disagree.. DR. ANSELL: But we've been unsuccessful in that argument previously. DR. BELSITO: We're not asking you to go out and do a repro study. I mean, I think that it's -- we're not asking industry to do a darn thing at this point. DR. BERGFELD: We're just asking for the information. DR. BELSITO: We're just asking to go back and look at the study, you know, and I suppose, you know, we could, you know -- if we had dermal absorption, you know, that would be the other piece of the pie. But -- and I mean, we have a report and the data, in my mind, is insufficient. Are we going to table every single report when we want it? Oh, the data is insufficient, but we'll table it. I mean -- DR. BERGFELD: No, but -- DR. BELSITO: We'll get it or we won't get it, but we'll deal with it. DR. BERGFELD: We have done away with the insufficient, soft requests. Now you're asking for a hard request. DR. BELSITO: Of course. DR. BERFELD: That's what I'm asking. DR. BELSITO: But, I mean, just like we asked a hard request for inhalation, and we just 2 CIR Panel Book Page 6

10 dropped it on something at this point. I'm asking for clarification. It's insufficient for clarification of the concentration of the face cream. It's insufficient because I think people need to go out and search for genesticide and any other reports. There were several others I saw, this is just one that I printed out. So there's data that I know is missing, that's in the public purview to be incorporated. And then we'll see what it looks like and we'll deal with that. You know, if it comes back and it's -- you know, the face cream was 25 percent ginseng and, you know, we get all of these reports showing that it's a very weak estrogenic effects, you know, we'll blow this off. DR. ANSELL: You know, I guess it's a somewhat philosophical objection, and so I don't care to pursue it much farther. Certainly, you have a right to ask the questions, but when we agreed that the panels did not have to do extensive reviews, that they could pick and choose what they thought was relevant, and then we come into the first review and you decide that there was data that is relevant that was not included, is that fall on the industry then, to look like we've failed to do something. But the idea that you ask questions and we go to answer them is, you know, is perfectly appropriate. DR. ANDERSEN: Okay. DR. BERGFELD: So you're going to go insufficient data? Is that what you're going to do? DR. BELSITO: That's what -- DR. BERGFELD: Okay. DR. BELSITO: I mean, that was my one opinion. You know, I mean, I haven't heard anything else from my other panel members. I'm just saying where I came from. And I'm not even asking for dermal absorption at this point, because I think, as Alan pointed out, the levels are minuscule. I think we can argue that this was a ginseng facial cream. I mean, we need to look at the data that the levels were probably very high, the estrogenic effects are quite low, yadda, yadda, yadda. But we particularly need to capture all the data in the public literature regarding estrogenic effects of gen -- whatever, you know what I'm talking about. DR. ANDERSEN: Yeah, and that part of it is on us. We've got to do some more homework. DR. SNYDER: I agree with moving forward. That way you're first asking for the additional reports, and then the composition of that cream, if we can get that, and than making a decision from there. DR. BELSITO: Yeah, I would -- I guess I may actually be able to get this. I just looked at it and I'm so used to not being a Columbian, not having access to a lot of journals but -- I mean, the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology in 1988, I can probably get that online and look at it. I'll see if I can even do that tonight. We may be able to answer that question in the morning. Okay, anything else on ginseng? Seeing none. What is next? Dr. Marks Team DR. MARKS: Yep. Super. Green Book, ginseng root. First report, this is the first time we've seen this. Let me see here. So we have some -- it appears we go on page 8. We see the list of ingredients begins with a Panax. Is that how you say that? Panax? MS. BECKER: Panax. DR. MARKS: Ginseng root extract and hydrolyzed. And then we move onto powder, water. And then we move onto some other species, japonicus. MS. BECKER: Notoginseng. DR. MARKS: Notoginseng. And then the q compound or the q species. Yeah, so obviously one of the things we've got to talk about is do we have concerns about including different species in this? And do we -- the root and then we have extracts. So is that different? The powders, the water? And so on. Let me see. And then what is this? Ingredients include. Yes. Which ingredients do we really want to include from this? And we could include all of them. This is a first report so we don't have to have this no-brainer, but obviously we need to have ingredients that if we're going to include them we can read-across with some confidence and say that they're all safe. So with that sort of background -- and we also have chemical compositions on page 21. They aren't quite all the same. Tom and Ron, there are several things. What are the needs? Obviously, we always begin with that when we see the first report, and then Tom will get into the issue of do we limit this 3 CIR Panel Book Page 7

11 one ingredient. Pulegone? How do you say that? DR. SHANK: Pulegone. DR. MARKS: Pulegone. Yeah, because we have a previous limit set in the peppermint assessment of 1 percent. And in my review I saw that pulegone on the PQ but not in the P ginseng under ingredients. So, at any rate, should we tackle this with one -- what ingredients that we should include here on page 8 and what needs? Rons and Tom? DR. SLAGA: Well, there is a statement made in the beginning that really it could be the same, too. You don't know that for sure. DR. MARKS: Yeah. DR. SLAGA: That's the hard part. But the statement is made that it could be all the same. MS. BECKER: Yeah, I mean, they're all on different continents. DR. SLAGA: Yeah. MS. BECKER: But Duke posits that nobody can really tell the difference once they've been extracted. DR. MARKS: Other than the pulegone, at least if I read it correctly, isn't in all these species. MS. BECKER: It just showed up in the quinquefolium. DR. HILL: The peppermint? DR. MARKS: No. It showed up in the Panax, the quinquefolium.. MS. BECKER: It's only in the essential oil of that. So technically, according to this list, it's not used for the oil. MS. EISENMANN: So I will check if I have any suppliers of the extract (inaudible) pull over and went into their extracts. But I can't remember (inaudible). I don't remember that they were very responsive with the one or had many uses of this ingredient anyway, so. DR. MARKS: Yeah. This gets down to how we -- MS. EISENMANN: So we could set a limit if you want. That would be fine, too. DR. MARKS: Yeah. This is how we got into the biological -- not biologics, into the botanicals as we've been before as we've generally, as I recall, we take some lead ingredients and use those across as far as the safety assessment. DR. SHANK: Okay. Do we have any information that the extracts that were tested for toxicity are the same that are used in cosmetics? MS. EISENMANN: Well -- DR. SHANK: I found nothing to answer that question. And if we can't answer that question then -- MS. EISENMANN: Well, you did get some information on that red -- from one of the suppliers. They're making an extract of red and think that's a cosmetic ingredient. In that data that were provided there are some data in the back that are on the cosmetic ingredients. But no, the NTP bioassay is a, as I understand it, it's an alcoholic extract. These are his material to be used as a dietary supplement. But I suspect that the cosmetic ingredients contains less (inaudible), I mean, the (inaudible) supplements. DR. SHANK: Okay, so we don't know? MS. EISENMANN: But, like I said, you know the material in the back. This is the information on the cosmetic ingredients. DR. HILL: Well, yeah, I mean, I made a note because I need to mark the pages what you're talking about and I even wrote down pages 64, 82, 83, 84, 90, 92, 93, 109, 116. And my comment, I wrote it in German because something came up in German, do we have medicine here because they're talking about a lot of biological effects that would be consistent with? So the reports that jumped to my mind when I read through this were three. There were the vegetable oils in terms of the multiple component situation, except that they're all fatty acids. Kojic acid because we were dealing with the threshold above which we started to see drug-like effects, which again, if you went through the back of this book, actually, that's what they're sort of touting as a sales pitch. And then the third one was marigold. That's probably the most complex botanical I've seen since I've been on the Panel for the short amount of time I've been on the Panel. And then the fourth consideration I had was that at least all the reported concentrations for cosmetic use are very low so they should be well below the thresholds where we should see any of these 4 CIR Panel Book Page 8

12 effects that they're talking about in the back of the book. But there might be a distinguishment. And based on what ingredients would it be, if it's pulegone or would it be certain of the saponins, which are plant steriles? Because some of the effects back here probably are traceable to the plant steriles, not pulegone or some of the other triterpines. So it's complex. This is a complex one from where I sit. DR. MARKS: Right. I saw the ginseng, to take up what you were saying, Ron, the ginseng root extract, the Panax ginseng root extract, the highest use concentration is 0.5. DR. HILL: The low. DR. MARKS: For probably, well, at least dermal contract. And then the other one, when you look, that has a fair number of uses, 149. And then the Quinn species, So very low there. And the notoginseng is So getting back, Ron, to your -- can we even proceed forward if we don't know if we're using the same -- if we're not using cosmetic extracts? That's a major -- DR. SHANK: That's a question I have. So I would have to suggest an insufficient data announcement. That would be one data need. MS. EISENMANN: Well, I don't quite understand data needs. I just wanted you to clarify a little bit more for me so I understand -- DR. SHANK: The only real data we have is on this one Panax ginseng and root extract. DR. MARKS: Right. DR. SHANK: But I saw nothing that told me that this is the extract that is used in cosmetics. And the extracts have a lot of uses besides cosmetic use. DR. MARKS: Other than the skin. Skin irritation and sensitization. I assume that is the cosmetic extract for the HRIPT on those, other than that. DR. SHANK: Okay. If that extract is the one that's used in cosmetics, then that one is probably safe as used. DR. MARKS: Right. DR. SHANK: But the others we don't have any information. DR. HILL: And I think one of the biggest places where you can see that is -- I was looking for the table while you all were talking on Table 9. The compared -- they're comparing -- we're comparing two methods of extraction. This is on book page 32, report page 25. One is a hydroglycolic extract. I'm not quite clear how they did that. The other is an ultra hypothermia biotic extract which is probably super critical carbon dioxide. I'm not sure. And you can look at there's a huge difference in the saponin contents which is plant steriles. And then again, if you go to the back of the book where you start looking at the effects on this, that, and the other, at least some of those are attributable to the plant steriles, the saponin, but for me the overall safety assessment hinges on the fact that in the cosmetic use tables the amounts are so small. It's like they're using it so either they can say it's in there if we've got ginseng or for odor. MS. EISENMANN: Now, on page 50 of the Panel Book, this is like a summary of various supplies. Rather than giving each an individual supplier their opposition data I summarized it. And here they give the -- the levels of ginseng. And this is the cosmetic -- this refers to the cosmetic ingredients, the various extraction methods. DR. HILL: So consistent with what the tox data was generated with is -- MS. EISENMANN: Correct. DR. HILL: Yeah. DR. SHANK: So this is what was used for the -- MS. EISENMANN: No. But this is what the suppliers are providing. DR. SHANK: Okay. That I understand. What was used for the toxicity test? MS. EISENMANN: The NTP said it was an alcoholic X-ray as I understand it, which is, I mean, it is included in this. DR. HILL: So I guess what, you know, what we're asking is is if you look at the Table 4, the very long Table 4 that goes on for how many pages? It's got a comprehensive listing of all the ingredients known to be in this root. And then if you look at how much is there you can see a lot of them are at high concentration and the rest are approaching trace. How -- how reflective of all those components listed was the composition of the things that were used for the NTP study of what is typically delivered as pharmaceutical ingredients -- excuse me, cosmetic ingredients and put in people's formulations at CIR Panel Book Page 9

13 percent or less, I guess? Or whatever the highest concentration is. MS. BECKER: It was 0.5. DR. HILL: Point 5? DR. SHANK: The ingredients would be extremely small. DR. HILL: Right. I mean, most of those would be vanishing. DR. SHANK: So even if it varied by 10 percent you wouldn't -- or 20 percent? Whether whatever growth or growing conditions it wouldn't change it that much. SPEAKER: But again, the NTPs are all oral, right? Oral tox, I think? DR. SHANK: With this it was oral. Yeah, it wouldn't have been topical. DR. MARKS: So, Ron Shank, do you still want to proceed with an insufficient data announcement and are the extracts used in this -- these spearmints other than the skin ones? Are they really the cosmetic ingredient extracts? Is that what you would like to note? DR. SHANK: That's what I'd like to note. And if that's the case, then let's state it explicitly that the extracts tested were cosmetic period. DR. MARKS: So insufficient. DR. SHANK: And then you could probably extrapolate from the Panax to the others. DR. MARKS: Okay. That was the next question I had, whether or not insufficient -- and so really the only need then at this point -- so the first insufficient data need are extracts, the cosmetic -- is that an accurate way, Carol, to put it? The extracts cosmetic grade? MS. EISENMANN: Well, the entity setting? DR. MARKS: Other than the -- DR. HILL: No, not the -- DR. SLAGA: All of it. DR. MARKS: Is that a good way to put it, cosmetic grade or does that imply it's a cosmetic -- MS. EISENMANN: There's not a whole lot I can do about it because I don't have the studies. DR. MARKS: Yeah. DR. SLAGA: But if it is the same and we state it as (inaudible), then it's safe and we can extrapolate for the others. DR. MARKS: Safe as used in cosmetics. DR. SHANK: So do we have to go to an insufficient data announcement to get industry to state that -- MS. EISENMANN: Well, I still don't quite understand what I can do because most of the data in this report is not from industry. It's from published studies. And one of my comments is that she needs to put a little more information about what type of extract it was for some of the studies. That was one of my comments. Since most didn't come from -- I mean, there's a lot of published data out there on ginseng because it's widely used orally. DR. SLAGA: Widely. MS. EISENMANN: Widely. So, I mean, exposure orally is going to be much greater than exposure to cosmetics. DR. SHANK: True, but there's a difference between putting it directly on the skin. MS. EISENMANN: Correct. Correct. So I could see why you would want more -- your dermal irritation and sensitization data. I could probably help you with that. DR. HILL: And there is some rodent data here. And lots of case reports actually which to me was the most information. DR. MARKS: Well I thought -- actually, I thought the skin was okay because there's HRIPT and I assume that if you're using an extract and doing an HRIPT that that was the cosmetic grade. It was, what, 10 percent? One percent resulted in no. And then they did a 10 percent aqueous. They did actually both species. MS. BECKER: Yes. There was a cosmetic grade. DR. MARKS: Yeah. DR. SHANK: Could we state that? MS. EISENMANN: My suggestion is try to update some models of the (inaudible). 6 CIR Panel Book Page 10

14 DR. MARKS: No, I just assumed it was. MS. EISENMANN: That some of them report the saponin levels in the cosmetic ingredient. If you can find -- I don't know if any of the safety studies that are published report those levels, so you can compare the levels with what is in -- I mean, that would be the only -- MS. BECKER: Well, the two standardized mixtures or extracts that they're using for the saponins, those are proprietary so they don't tell us what's in it. They told us what's in it but not the combination but they're used to standardized the testing. So that's the best I got on that because I (inaudible) for a couple of days. MS. EISENMANN: So was the total level of saponins (inaudible)? MS. BECKER: No, I really just said they're standardized to these three or four saponins. And it didn't say what the standard was, just that they're there. Anything that the council gave us, I assume that is cosmetic grade so we do have some of those studies, like the HRIPT. DR. MARKS: Yeah. That didn't. So Ron, I wasn't concerned about sensitization and irritation. Were you concerned more in terms of with reproductive and development or with carcinogenicity or anything other than -- DR. SLAGA: What are used the same for irritation as they did for irritation as they did for genotoxicity. DR. SHANK: Okay. We can probably handle this if we just say that these extracts would cause maybe great (inaudible). DR. MARKS: Okay. DR. SHANK: It's not a big thing. You seem to feel very confident that these non-ntp studies were using cosmetic (inaudible), so safety. Otherwise -- MS. EISENMANN: Well, the ones that we provide. I don't know anything about the ones that you thought were the published data. DR. SLAGA: The ones in the report. Especially under human. MS. BECKER: You mean the sensitization? DR. SLAGA: Page 14 in your Panel Book, 7 of the report. You have dermal, human, Panax ginseng root extract. All I'm asking is was that which was tested cosmetic grade, the same stuff that is used in cosmetics? If it is it would be helpful to state that. If we don't know then we have to ask. MS. BECKER: If it's 77 I don't know. DR. SLAGA: It's a problem we have with all of these botanicals. We have to make sure the -- what we're reading is comparable to cosmetic ingredients. DR. MARKS: It's kind of interesting because when I viewed this I didn't have that question because I thought for what reason would they be doing the skin irritation and sensitization other than if it were a cosmetic endpoint. If it were an oral, would you care whether there's any skin? So I wouldn't even think that would be done if it were a concern about say as a food ingredient. DR. SLAGA: Well, the extract taken, the Panax ginseng root extract. DR. MARKS: Right. DR. SLAGA: Wouldn't that be the same type that they would use for oral versus -- I mean, for cosmetic grade? Or would it be a cheaper version? If the extract is extracted under a certain condition, what would be the difference for the oral versus the -- MS. EISENMANN: I suspect they might standardize the material. I would hope to standardize the material for oral. MS. BECKER: Mm-hmm. DR. SLAGA: I'm not convinced they would. DR. HILL: So we have this G115 and CNT2000 that's proprietary composition. What toxicology studies do we have with those materials per se? MS. BECKER: Okay. On page 5. DR. HILL: Of the report. MS. BECKER: Yes. The third study down under repeat dose on human. DR. HILL: Therapy 115. I marked it, flagged it in big red ink. Orange ink. All right. MS. BECKER: Okay. DR. HILL: Ninety-day beagle. Yeah, this was one I didn't know because it just says no 7 CIR Panel Book Page 11

15 consistent dose response relationship. That doesn't tell me anything. MS. BECKER: Okay. And over in toxicokinetics the first one over Panax ginseng root. DR. HILL: Let's see. Where is that? MS. BECKER: On page 4. DR. HILL: I see it. All right. So here it is again G115. DR. SHANK: Nothing on that other one, CNT2000. MS. BECKER: I think it's in the tables. DR. SHANK: Okay, in the summary of studies? DR. MARKS: Ron, could that concern you have, Ron Shank, that the extracts were the same as used in cosmetics, would another attach potentially to address that would be in the discussion where we state that the expert panel assumes or that these extracts -- DR. SHANK: I don't think we use the word assume in the discussion, do we? DR. MARKS: Because otherwise we go back to your suggestion that this is an insufficient unless we answer that. Is that correct? DR. SHANK: For me. DR. MARKS: Yeah. And was it only the skin you were concerned about, Ron, in those irritation sensitization studies? Because that should be pretty easy to answer. MS. EISENMANN: Well, and I could probably get more on the low levels. DR. MARKS: Yeah. MS. EISENMANN: Of products. DR. SHANK: Primarily the skin. DR. MARKS: Yeah, okay. DR. SHANK: The material is not without biological activity.. DR. MARKS: Right. DR. SHANK: Sufficient (inaudible). That's why it's used medicinally as a tonic, a sera (?). DR. MARKS: So how would the Panel like to proceed? Do you want to go out with an insufficient? That really pushes industry to try and answer the question. Tom? Ron Hill? DR. HILL: I'm just -- I actually am -- because, you know, what is the nature of the insufficiency is that we don't know. DR. MARKS: Right. DR. HILL: You know, I guess where I'm at right now with these proprietary compositions is, you know, I appreciate the need for maintaining proprietary but if our assessment is based on we have toxicology data with this range of compositions based on which this percentage and this cosmetic product used at this amount were well below whatever we see, no problem. But if you don't know what the composition is, then you have to rely on direct safety studies with that particular proprietary composition, which to me -- so, you know, you say we don't put assume in the discussion but can't you have language like the assumptions made in the safety assessment are -- these won't exceed thus and such amounts or something? I mean, I know we're breaking new ground but I haven't seen anything that looks like this before because at least with kojic acid we were looking at one ingredient. At least with vegetable oils we were looking at a bunch of fatty acids. And I don't remember what the situation was exactly because I didn't pull up the old marigold. And sort of in an FYI, this is Wave 2. I found it sitting over there. All of this, and it's printed two-sided, is pulegone. Somebody had enough concern to do a lot of research. DR. SLAGA: There's not enough pulegone in this. DR. HILL: No, I don't think there is but the ones that we don't know the composition, actually, we don't know. Right? And again, my comfort level was that in the cosmetic formulations these are all reported to be very low concentrations. Within that the small amounts, ppms and low concentration, I mean, sort of we're down to vanishingly small for even the most potent of anything is what gave me comfort level, I think. And maybe we don't need any additional data. Maybe it's just we get this all laid out to where we can cut through all the complexity and see what we have. But at least having some information, whether our tox studies, you know, if there was any standardization whatsoever, and I'm guessing if you look at that, maybe 95 percent of them will have some information. We know there's variation depending on how they extract it. So we can't do anything about that. 8 CIR Panel Book Page 12

16 DR. MARKS: Okay. So let's get back. Do you want to proceed with insufficient and the first data we need, we want, are the extracts tested in this report, the same as used in cosmetics or representative of those used in cosmetics. DR. HILL: Representative of.. DR. SLAGA: Yeah, because if they're instructed the same way it would be okay. DR. SHANK: In one of the -- the only one that's significant, in my opinion, HRIPT test, 99 subjects. It was a cuticle serum. Abbott Cosmetics.. DR. MARKS: Yes. MS. BECKER: Yes. DR. SHANK: Cuticle serum? MS. BECKER: Yes. DR. SHANK: Okay. DR. HILL: What is a cuticle serum? DR. SHANK: I have no idea. DR. MARKS: It's to soften your cuticles and make them more pliable. So you have a small bottle of a little serum and then you physically rub it onto the cuticle. Isn't that right, David? MR. STEINBERG: It's a liquid. DR. MARKS: Yeah. DR. HILL: Yeah, I was just wondering what you used it for. What does it do? MR. STEINBERG: That's -- DR. HILL: Thank you. DR. MARKS: With that in mind do you still -- do we still want to ask that question and see what answers we get, Ron Shank, in terms of -- DR. SHANK: Well, you can get around all this if you use the Panax ginseng root extract every time that's mentioned. That's representative of all the others. DR. MARKS: Right. DR. SHANK: Not to state that explicitly. DR. HILL: Okay. And so where's the use table? I thought I made note of it but I'm not -- the concentration of use table. DR. MARKS: That one was, I believe 25 percent. Yeah, it's page 33. DR. HILL: Yeah, okay. So where I am. DR. MARKS: Panax ginseng root extract, the highest concentration was a dermal contact. DR. SHANK: And that's the highest use of concentration of all of them? DR. MARKS: Yes, exactly. MS. BECKER: 0.5. DR. MARKS: Much higher than the ones that we had. We don't have the use concentration of the root itself but the extract you would expect.. DR. HILL: Well, that's where we go back to page 32, the page before, at the bottom of the page where the extraction method can make a whopping big difference on whatever's in there. So when somebody formulates it at.05 or.5 percent but they're using an ultra hypothermia biotic extract, there would be a lot more compound delivered to the skin than if they're using the standard alcoholic low temperature white ginseng extract. DR. MARKS: So even if those higher concentrations with the altered thermia -- ultra hypothermia, Ron Hill, are you concerned about that much higher concentration? DR. HILL: I have to do the calculations. DR. MARKS: Comments? Okay. DR. HILL: Well, and this is just saponins, but I mean, maybe we can make conservative assumptions about pulegone for example. MS. EISENMANN: But, you know, in this case, again, I go back to page 50. This is what supplier told me. With some of them we're making (inaudible). I mean, this is what I would assume is what's in the cosmetic ingredients point of the ginsenoside content, 0.2 to 0.3 percent. DR. HILL: Okay. MS. EISENMANN: Versus -- 9 CIR Panel Book Page 13

17 DR. HILL: And I agree with you. I'm just -- MS. EISENMANN: And the list -- and the list of -- I'll go back again. The list of solvents, at least in this case, did not include CO2. So I'm not sure that that was a -- that was a cosmetic ingredient. DR. HILL: Well, you wouldn't because if they do a supercritical extraction basically what happens is you do it under high pressure and it behaves something like diethyl ether. And then you're pulling out the components and then, of course, it's CO2. So as soon as you drop the pressure and bring it to temperature, all that CO2 is gone. You never had any -- MS. EISENMANN: I know. But I've got that report of some extracts that do include that type of extract. But this one, I did not get that report. So I will go back and check again with the suppliers if that's the one you're concerned about. DR. HILL: Yeah, because I don't see anything else where the levels are anywhere near that high unless they were using root oil. That's the other thing. The levels are a lot higher in the root oil than they are in the root extract. And there's no reported -- in the use tables there's no reported use of them. So when we make the statement -- I'm just thinking ahead to the discussion and the conclusion and making the statement in the current manner of use, is somebody in East Smithfield, Arkansas, you know, who starts a little company who wants to make a cosmetic ingredient and then they buy the root extract from China, are they going to appreciate all of these nuances that are going into what they're putting in their product? Are they going to realize that they're making something unsafe if, in fact, they did that based on everything that's in this report? Because I'm just thinking in the real world in practicality how this will be viewed, how it will be implemented. We don't have premarket approval. Well, good. All the assumptions are going to be made -- going to be captured in our discussion and conclusion in such a way that people know what they're doing here when they put this to use because -- DR. MARKS: Sure. Lillian is going to capture that in the discussion. DR. HILL: Well. (Laughter) This is what we need to have happen, I guess, and how do we do that? That's really what I'm just going to. MS. BECKER: Yeah, I'm still waiting for help on that. So I'm going to still get back to how our team wants to proceed tomorrow. I get -- as the discussion becomes more and more robust I get the sense that the extracts tested in this report really probably represent or are the same as those used in cosmetics. I don't know if you feel comfortable enough with that, Ron, whether or not we should move forward with an insufficient until we have that confirmed? Or whether or not we -- what if we have it confirmed by morning? DR. MARKS: Okay. If we don't have it confirmed by morning then we would move forward with insufficient. MS. EISENMANN: It's not going to happen. Just move forward with the insufficient. MS. BECKER: My feeling would be that the cosmetic grade would be a better grade. We do have some of that in there. So anything that is not cosmetic grade in here would be worse-case scenario or at least not a better -- not the worst but worse case and [than] cosmetic grade. That's justified. DR. MARKS: Yeah, I hear you.. DR. HILL: Yeah, my overall sense was -- DR. MARKS: It's a good thing it's not been as refined with whatever else is being tested. MS. BECKER: Right. DR. MARKS: If it were an oral product then the cosmetic grade would be more refined, so to speak. MS. BECKER: Right. So if we have the better and not so -- DR. MARKS: I see Ron. Ron's questioning that. MS. BECKER: It's justified. DR. MARKS: Assumption. Yeah. So Ron Shank, do you want to still move forward insufficient with -- the question is are extracts tested in this report representative or the same as used in cosmetics. That's the -- and if we can get confirmation -- DR. SHANK: If that can be handled in the discussion then we can avoid the insufficient data announcement. DR. MARKS: Handle it in a discussion. That's what I -- DR. SHANK: -- assume they would like to see that. 10 CIR Panel Book Page 14

18 DR. MARKS: Pardon? DR. SHANK: I wouldn't like to use the word the Panel "assumes." DR. MARKS: Yeah, okay. I know.. DR. SHANK: If that issue can be handled, that the testing was done on cosmetic grade extracts. And there's enough information on the Panax ginseng root extract to conclude that they're safe as used. DR. MARKS: Yeah. DR. SHANK: It's the highest concentration, use concentration, is that particular extract. DR. SLAGA: And what I really wanted to do but I didn't take the time because I didn't have the time to do was, you know, how we have with the vegetable oils where we had all the ingredients down one side and we had this oil, this oil, this oil, and this oil. Of course, this extends to four pages so the print would get a lot smaller but I was thinking if you just had all the ones that show up above, I don't know, 100 ppm or 500 ppm, you can count the cosmetic dilutions because they're using (inaudible) and compare, I don't know. DR. HILL: It's having trouble with the read-across, I guess, in a nutshell with the data in the form it's in. DR. MARKS: And then as far as the pulegone -- is that how you say that? SPEAKERS: Mm-hmm. DR. MARKS: Pulegone. We can handle that. We don't have to set a limit or anything on that because there's so little that's in the ingredient as it appears in the cosmetic. Is that right? That obviously would be handled in the discussion. SPEAKER: Okay. I want to make sure, and it's true because I'm looking at Table 5. I'm not sure if it's quinquefolius. Quinquefolius? DR. MARKS: Yeah. DR. HILL: I'm not sure how you're supposed to say it. I think it's quinquefolius. Pulegone is there at, let's see, 260,500 ppm. DR. SHANK: Is that right or is that 262? Is that a range? DR. HILL: I'm looking at page 30. Panel Book page 3, it's got 260,500 ppm. DR. MARKS: Is that correct, Lillian? It's the 260,000? MS. BECKER: Yeah. DR. HILL: So that's 260 parts per thousand? MS. BECKER: Yes. DR. HILL: Twenty-six parts per hundred. That's 26 percent, is it not? That's higher than any of the saponins by a factor of 10. More than 10. No, the biggest saponin, it's about a factor of 10. And I kind of assume that's why we got all this data on pulegone. MS. BECKER: Right. DR. SHANK: Then I take back that the concentration -- the amount of pulegone is trivial. I thought that was -- MS. EISENMANN: But the root oil, it comes out in the root oil. I don't know how well. That was one thing. I was going to go back and see if I could find any information. If I had, I don't remember if they're a supplier of the extract of the root -- DR. HILL: That extract. MS. EISENMANN: -- of the root to see if they measure this at all. DR. MARKS: Well, it would be fairly easy to handle as we did in peppermint. We determined that 1 percent was safe, so we could handle it by saying as long as the amount of pulegone is less than 1 percent. DR. SHANK: If the use levels are the same. DR. HILL: In the finished formulation. DR. SHANK: Yeah. DR. MARKS: I assume -- how was it in the peppermint, Lillian? MS. BECKER: In the peppermint it is 1 percent in the ingredient, which means in the formulation it would be even less. DR. HILL: All right. So we need to make that same calculation here.. DR. MARKS: Well, or just state it the same way. How was the conclusion? 11 CIR Panel Book Page 15

19 What -- you've had that in here, correct? MS. BECKER: Yes, I did. DR. MARKS: I thought you included it in here. MS. BECKER: The concentration of pulegone in these ingredients should not exceed 1 percent. DR. HILL: And then we get to look and see how high the peppermint oil is used. Maybe it's at the same level as the ginseng. How high does peppermint oil go in a finished formulation? MS. BECKER: I don't have a complete report but you printed one out you said? You were holding it up? DR. HILL: I got it off the table here. That's where the peppermint is? MS. BECKER: Yeah, it's got a full report there. DR. HILL: Yeah, here it is. Concentration of use table and this is old style. Or I can hand it to you. You can probably find it faster. I don't see it. MS. EISENMANN: It may have been during that period of time when (inaudible). DR. HILL: I think so because -- eh, 2001? I'm not seeing it though. MS. BECKER: Just look under title use. DR. MARKS: Well, for now -- DR. HILL: Use. All right. Here we go. Concentrations of use are no longer reported to the FDA. However, data submitted percent in a medicated face mask; 0.1 percent in a facial cleanser; 0.2 percent in lipstick; 0.5 percent in toothpaste; and 0.9 percent in a fluoride toothpaste; 1.2 percent in a mouthwash; 0.2 percent in a lip balm; and 3 percent in a hair lotion. So basically ranging up to 3 percent of which -- MS. BECKER: Which is far more than what the -- DR. MARKS: Right. MS. BECKER: -- ginseng (inaudible). DR. HILL: So that would be -- okay, so 3 percent of peppermint oil, 1 percent pulegone. So -- DR. SHANK: The use level of that extract is.002 percent. Small. DR. HILL: Small. So actually there could be more than 1 percent pulegone in ginseng then. It could go up to probably whatever it is. Twenty-six percent and still be okay because they're only putting such a small amount. DR. SHANK: That can't be right, 26 percent. DR. HILL: It says 260,000 ppm. Am I miscalculating? You do it. 260,000 ppm is 260 parts per thousand and 26 percent. DR. MARKS: That's what I had. I agree. It sounds like it's -- do you want to confirm that's really the truth, parts per million? DR. SHANK: You did. MS. BECKER: I went back and looked at the source. It's not a cite. DR. MARKS: Well, at any rate, now, again, going back and calculating, Ron Shank, when you look at the one species that had pulegone in it, it's used at such a low concentration. DR. HILL: That's the thing.. DR. MARKS: We can still in the discussion say pulegone is not a concern and it could be handled in the discussion and refer back to the peppermint. DR. HILL: Because even if you -- even if you had -- right. Because even if you had an extract where you got all the pulegone into the extract, you could still take the percent in the finished cosmetic and divide by four. That would be the percentage of the pulegone. Right? DR. SHANK: Maybe that's why the use concentration is so low. DR. MARKS: Interesting. DR. HILL: Well, could be. DR. MARKS: Okay. So tomorrow I'm actually going to be either seconding or not a motion from the Belsito team but I still have in question here whether or not we move forward with an insufficient. I think it will probably depend on how the Belsito team decides. I'm not sure they're going to ask about whether the extracts in the report are the same or representative of those used in cosmetics. And there it's insufficient. If we want to know that or can we handle it in the discussion? And I don't know that 12 CIR Panel Book Page 16

20 we've come up with wording to handle it in the discussion. Obviously, assumed was not a very -- so Lillian, if you can wordsmith something better, we assume. That's not good. DR. HILL: And just to put it in perspective on the pulegone and peppermint, if we had a 2 percent in lip balm, then that would be a.02 percent maximum pulegone level in a leave-on percent. So ginseng extract below that. DR. MARKS: Okay. Which we are.. DR. SHANK: You can say the Panel considered that the Panax would extract, which was cosmetic grade. This cuticle serum was representative of the others. DR. MARKS: There we go. MS. BECKER: Okay. DR. MARKS: The Panel considered. Here we go. Now we've got it. So now we can go to safe. And the discussions are that we considered the extracts to be the representative or the same as used in cosmetics. And two, the Panax ginseng root extract we could use as the representative and read- across the other root extracts. And lastly, in the discussion, that the pulegone levels were very low and not concerned. Okay. So safe. Thank you. That was -- that was tough. DR. HILL: Okay. Yeah, and it's interesting -- one more thing that's interesting is that if you look at the use concentrations of Panax in capoleum versus Panax ginseng, they are a lot lower because I was thinking you had 0.5 percent and 20 percent of that was -- you would be at a higher level than what was in peppermint limits. But with the kinkafoleum, the highest concentration reported is.002 percent. DAY TWO DR. BELSITO: Yes. This is ginseng root derived ingredients, and this is the first time we're looking at it. We, again, taking the approach we've used for botanicals, have broken it down and taken a look at what may or may not be in this report. And at first blush, it seemed that the big issue was going to be the pulegone, and that we would be able to address that in the same way that we addressed pulegone in the peppermint oil report. And, of course, because it's a natural product, the usual exclusions of pesticides and heavy metals and, if appropriate, according to Ron, alpha toxins. However, a problem emerged when we looked at data on page 9 of Panel Book 16 where there was a 44-year-old woman who used a ginseng face cream, concentration unknown, developed some post-menopausal bleeding. She stopped, it went away, she started, it came back, so proving cox postulates. And I went online to look to see if ginseng root had been reported to have any estrogenic effects, and, in fact, it has been reported to have estrogenic effects, albeit low. But we've not captured any of that data here in the report. So, it was my feeling, and subsequently the feeling of my teams, that we needed to go "insufficient," that we probably would eventually go "sufficient" once we had all of the data. But we need to try and find out what the concentration of ginseng was in that facial cream, and we need to collect all of the data. I sent one report to Alan, and the reference for the face cream I could not find online last night. But there are several reports out there looking at ginseng as endocrine disrupters, so we need to really capture all that information, or I think we'd look very foolish. So, "insufficient" determination of the percentage of possible ginseng in the face cream, capture all the data that's available on endocrine disruption, and if there's any dermal penetration data out there, that would be obviously helpful as well. DR. BERGFELD: And that's a motion? DR. BELSITO: That's a motion. DR. BERGFELD: Is there a second or a discussion? DR. MARKS: I guess my reaction would be that the cream is a complex mixture more than likely, and even if we know the amount of ginseng in there, we don't know if the ginseng is what caused it or not. So, I'm not sure. I think the other issues of the endocrine disrupter and such we could certainly request that, but I'm not sure just knowing the level of ginseng will answer the question as to cause and effect. DR. BELSITO: Well, I think what will happen is, I suspect that you're going to find that the 13 CIR Panel Book Page 17

21 level of ginseng that's used in cosmetic products is quite low. The level that was used in this cream, hopefully if given, is quite high. And that, you know, I mean, we will at least have an argument that even if it was the ginseng, the endocrine disruption, the estrogenic finding of ginseng is quite low, that given the levels that are present in cosmetic products, we don't have a concern. But right now, we don't have that data. We have none of the data about estrogen bonding in here. We don't have the data on the percentage of the face cream, so we're lacking data. We're not asking industry really to do anything. I think the data is out there. It's available. I mean, I was able to get several articles on this. We just need to incorporate it and re-look at it. DR. MARKS: Sure. I just want to clarify what we would do if we didn't get the concentration of ginseng, then where would we go? DR. BELSITO: I think we'd go with the fact that it's a very weak, you know, endocrine disrupter, and very low concentration of use in cosmetics. DR. SNYDER: Yeah. Ideally, we want the constituents of the cream, not just the ginseng levels. DR. MARKS: Correct. DR. BERGFELD: Ron Hill or -- DR. SHANK: We have two reproductive developmental toxicity studies which were negative. Would that not relieve some of your concerns? DR. BELSITO: I don't know. I'm not a reproductive toxicologist, so I don't -- you know, I mean. DR. SHANK: Well, if it were estrogenic -- could have estrogenic activity, you might expect some responses in the repro toxicity study. And, in fact, the male rats did rather well, according to the report. DR. HILL: I also noted that. Enhanced mating behavior or something I think was the way it was written. DR. BERGFELD: Paul, you have a comment? DR. SNYDER: No. I mean, I've noted that, but I think we wanted just to see what was out there in regards to additional information, because I think I agree with Don that we don't want to put out a report that -- not acknowledging other issues that may be there. And we can just certainly discount them, and I'm looking more like will the public discount it based upon the total data set again. But, again, in the discussion, we need to capture that we did -- we were aware of that, and we discussed it, and came to some conclusion. DR. BERGFELD: If you're looking just for a literature search, would it be more appropriate to table and get that rather than to go "insufficient?" Could you consider that? DR. BELSITO: I'm happy either way. I mean, the data is out there, and, you know, we do have the negative repro. I think you'll see that the estrogen binding effects are low hopefully. They give the percentage of the ginseng in the cream, and it will make our argument easier. But, I mean, there's data out there that's missing from this report. I think that's the critical thing. DR. HILL: To me, the situation was similar to some other things that have been looked at in the past where we know when you get to high enough concentrations, we have a number of biological activities, and, in fact, a lot of the information on that came from Wave 2. And my comfort level was that the reported use concentrations in cosmetic preparations are all very low, I mean, really low. And we did some calculations yesterday, how much pulegone would be in there if it was this concentration, and we came up with levels that were low, with the caveat that we have a comparison extraction techniques, and there's one extraction technique reported in here that says "hypo thermic" or something, which we suspect, but aren't sure, was super critical CO2. And so, if you have a -- it may be that something like that was used in preparing the face cream, and, in fact, we had a lot of higher levels of actic constituents than what would normally occur. So, we don't have any control over every manufacturing method and what amounts of components would be there. But, again, it's a situation where the cosmetic levels are really low, and in even in those cases, if they stuck within those, we'd say these are the levels of use, I think my comfort level is pretty high. I don't want to object to tabling it while we compile that information because, again, a lot of it came in Wave 2. The report writers didn't have time to roll in some of that information that they now have, and that would provide time for that. 14 CIR Panel Book Page 18

22 DR. BELSITO: So, table it. Let's just get the information on endocrine disruption and move on. DR. BERGFELD: So, you're rescinding your original motion. You're now doing it. The motion's tabled. Is there a second? DR. MARKS: Second. DR. BERGFELD: The motion is tabled. The ingredient is tabled for this information. So, we're moving on. Thank you. DR. MARKS: I just wanted to capture one other discussant point from our team, is that the panel considered the material testing in this report, representative extracts similar as those or the same as those in cosmetics. So, I think that's an important caveat Ron Shank brought up. You know, what is the extract being tested? Certainly for the skin irritation sensitization, I felt comfortable that "more than likely" was the same materials for cosmetics, but maybe some of the other materials. We wanted to capture that notion that they were representative. DR. BERGFELD: Okay. DR. HILL: Particularly in light of the fact that some of the testing was done with -- was it G115? But where a proprietary compositions were not known. 15 CIR Panel Book Page 19

23 Report

24 Draft Report on the Safety Assessment of Panax Ginseng -Related Ingredients as Used in Cosmetics June 11, 2012 The 2012 Cosmetic Ingredient Review Expert Panel members are: Chair, Wilma F. Bergfeld, M.D., F.A.C.P.; Donald V. Belsito, M.D.; Ronald A Hill, Ph.D.; Curtis D. Klaassen, Ph.D.; Daniel C. Liebler, Ph.D.; James G. Marks, Jr., M.D.; Ronald C. Shank, Ph.D.; Thomas J. Slaga, Ph.D.; and Paul W. Snyder, D.V.M., Ph.D. The CIR Director is F. Alan Andersen, Ph.D. This report was prepared by Lillian C. Becker, Scientific Analyst/Writer. Cosmetic Ingredient Review th Street, NW, Suite 412 " Washington, DC " ph " fax " 1 CIR Panel Book Page 20

25 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS... ii INTRODUCTION... 1 Chemistry... 1 Definitions... 1 Method of Manufacture... 1 Analytical Methods... 2 Impurities... 2 Physical and Chemical Properties... 2 Constituents... 2 USE... 3 Cosmetic... 3 Non-Cosmetic... 4 TOXICOKINETICS... 4 Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion... 4 Dermal/Percutaneous/Inhalation... 4 Oral/Intravenous/Intraperitoneal... 4 Cytotoxicity... 5 TOXICOLOGICAL STUDIES... 5 Acute Toxicity... 5 Non-Human... 5 Repeated Dose Toxicity... 5 Dermal... 5 Oral - Non-Human... 5 Inhalation Non-Human... 6 REPRODUCTIVE AND DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY... 6 Genotoxicity... 6 CARCINOGENICITY... 6 Cancer Prevention... 6 Phytoestrogenic Activity... 7 Irritation and sensitization... 7 Irritation... 7 Dermal-Nonhuman... 7 Dermal-Human... 8 Sensitization... 8 Phototoxicity... 8 Clinical Use... 8 Oral Human... 8 Case Reports... 9 SUMMARY... 9 Discussion Conclusion TABLES AND FIGURES REFERENCES ii CIR Panel Book Page 21

26 INTRODUCTION Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer of the Araliaceae family is also called Chinese ginseng, Manchurian ginseng, or Korean ginseng. 1 It is a perennial herb indigenous to the mountainous forests of North China, Manchuria, and Korea. There are four other closely related plants of the Araliaceae family: Panax quinquefolius L. (American ginseng), Panax japonicus C. A. Meyer (chikusetsu ninjin or Japanese ginseng), and Panax pseudoginseng Wall (notoginseng, San-ch'i ginseng, and Himalayan ginseng). Several ginseng-derived materials are used in cosmetics. The majority of uses in cosmetics involve root-derived ingredients, as distinct from ingredients derived from other plant parts. This safety assessment focuses on those ginsengderived ingredients that are derived from the root portion of the plant, and does not address ginseng-derived ingredients that are prepared using other plant parts. The ingredients included in this review are: panax ginseng root extract, hydrolyzed ginseng root, hydrolyzed ginseng root extract, hydrolyzed ginseng saponins, panax ginseng root, panax ginseng root powder, panax ginseng root water, panax ginseng root oil, panax ginseng root protoplast, panax japonicus root extract, panax notoginseng root, panax notoginseng root powder, and panax quinquefolium root extract. The cosmetic functions of these ingredients include: skin-conditioning agents - miscellaneous, fragrance ingredients, skin conditioning agent-humectant, skin-conditioning agents - emollient, and cosmetic astringent. There is some confusion as to whether or not P. ginseng, P. quinquefolius, P. japonicas, and P. pseudoginseng are used in cosmetics under their own names, all as P. ginseng, or interchangeably under the generic name ginseng. There is also speculation that there is no real difference among these plants in cosmetic application. 2 Until this is clarified, each of these ingredients will be referred to specifically in this safety assessment. To address the difficulty in assessing the properties and biological effects of ginseng, standardized extracts of both P. ginseng C.A. Myer (G115) and P. quinquefolium (CNT-2000) have been developed. 3 These extracts are standardized by the content of 6 saponins (Rb1, Re, Rc, Rd, Br2, and Rg1) and are used in several of the studies in this report. However, the composition of G115 and CNT-2000 is proprietary information and is not available. 4 CHEMISTRY Definitions The names, CAS Registry Nos., functions, and definitions of the ingredients in this safety assessment are listed in Table 1. CAS No is generically used for several of the ginseng root ingredients, but several ingredients have no CAS Nos. The International Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary and Handbook defines the terms extract, powder, oil, and water included in the names of these ingredients. 5 Extract Extracts are identified by the source of the material extracted. The INCI names for extracts represent the material that is extracted from. Many extracts are supplied with the extracting solvent and/or other diluents. Where evidence of isolation is presented, a botanical ingredient may be named as a chemical entity. The INCI names for plant extracts prepared by solvent extraction are assigned labeling names that identify the name of the plant and the solvent. When the extraction solvent is carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide is not included in the INCI name since it evaporates. Additionally, solvents are not identified in the INCI name in cases where the solvent has been driven off and is not present in the final preparation. Powder - The term "powder" is applied to the names for botanical materials that have been mechanically ground, irrespective of particle size. Oil - The term may be used to name non-triglycerides when it applies to ingredients that are commonly recognized (e.g., panax ginseng root oil). Essential oils are prepared by a steam distillation process that yields two distinct fractions, a water-insoluble fraction and a water-soluble fraction. The water-insoluble fraction contains the term oil in the name, eg, panax ginseng root oil. Water - The term refers to the water soluble fraction from the steam distilled plant material and is identified by the term Water in the INCI name. The term water that refers to the instance wherein the water has come in contact with the named material does not apply here as it is different from an ingredient that is prepared by adding water to a material prepared by solvent extraction; the ingredient would then be called a mixture, e.g., water (and) juniperus communis fruit extract. Method of Manufacture In general, ginseng or ginseng root refers to the dried root of the P. ginseng, P. quinquefolius, P. japonicas, and P. 1 CIR Panel Book Page 22

27 pseudoginseng plants. The plants may be from wild or cultivated sources. 6 If the root is raw or dried, then it is referred to as white ginseng. If it has been steamed and dried before extraction or pulverizing, it is referred to as red ginseng because of a change in coloring. 7 If it is steamed and dried 9 times, the coloring darkens more and the product is referred to as black ginseng. 8,9 ROOT EXTRACT - The extraction is performed by percolation with aqueous alcohol solution (60%) and then concentration under vacuum to dryness or percolation with propylene glycol followed by concentration under vacuum. 10 The solvent for the root extract may be propylene glycol, propylene glycol + water, propylene glycol dicaprylate/dicaprate, butylene glycol, ethanol, ethanol + water, glycerin + water, caprylic/capric triglyceride, or helianthus annuus (sunflower) seed oil. 11 One supplier reports aging the panax ginseng root in ethanol and butylene glycol (70% aqueous) for 6 weeks before filtering and evaporating the ethanol. This procedure results in a total of 4.61 ± 0.98 mg/g dry weight ginsenosides (2.75 ± 0.7 triol, 1.86 ± 0.3 diol, 0.73 ± 0.11 mg/g diol/triol). One manufacturer reported the extraction process grinds the whole dried red ginseng and places the ground ginseng root into an extraction solvent of ethanol (70%) for 12 h at C. 12 The solvent is then filtered and evaporated to remove the ethanol to < 1%. The product is then centrifuged, dried, and sterilized. SAPONINS - Saponin glycosides are extractable from the ginseng roots with hot water or alcohols. 1 Saponins may be extracted from fresh raw P. quinquefolium root using methanol (30% - 100%) at room temperature, over heat, or under microwave conditions. Each of these processes gives a different ratio of saponins (i.e., Re, Fb1, mrb1) in the extract. 13 Variation in yield and type of yield also depends on sample size, extraction time, sample to solvent ratio, and solvent concentration. One manufacturer reported the use of ultrahypothermia biotic extraction techniques to selectively yield ginsenosides. 14 However, there is no further explanation about this process. Temperature influences the extraction kinetics, solvent viscosities, extraction efficiencies, and overall recoveries in ultrahigh-pressure extraction. 15 Using 70% aqueous ethanol at 200 MPa, 60ºC was optimal for saponin yields. Other temperatures led to a decreased yield of saponin compounds. Analytical Methods Powdered ginseng may be detected by running it on thin-layer chromatography and comparing with a standard preparation under UV light. 8 Impurities Analysis of a panax ginseng root extract concentrate showed lead, cadmium, and mercury were found at < 0.040, 0.051, and < mg/kg, respectively. 16 Aflatoxin B1 was measured at < 0.3 μg/kg and B2, G1, and G2 at < 0.3 μg/kg. Analysis of multiple pesticides showed that most of them were not detected except for DDE (0.02 mg/kg), total DDT (0.03 mg/kg), total HCH (0.030 mg/kg), Quintozen (0.020 mg/kg), and Pentachloranilin (0.020 mg/kg). Results of a microbiologic analysis, aerobic bacteria was found at CFU/g, fungus at 20 CFU/g, and Escherichia coli at <10 CFU/g. A panax quinquefolium root extract was reported to have 20 ppm of heavy metals and 2 pm of arsenic. 12 Ginseng root extract product mixtures may contain low concentrations of preservatives such as 0.5%-0.7% Bactiphen 2506 G (phenoxyethanol, methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben). 11 None of 35 fragrance allergens were detected in panax ginseng root extract. 14 Physical and Chemical Properties The available physical and chemical properties of ginseng root-derived cosmetic ingredients are provided in Tables 2 and 3. Panax quinquefolium root extract is stable for 2 years in a sealed container. 12 This extract was stable at 1%, 2%, and 3% in ethanol at ph 2-10 (time not specified) and at 1%, 3%, and 5% at C for up to 120 min. Saponins form colloidal solutions in water which foam upon shaking (frothing) and have a bitter taste. 1 Constituents According to the Handbook of Phytochemical Constituents of GRAS Herbs and Other Economic Plants and Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases, the constituents of ginseng roots include: saponins and sapogenins, carbohydrates, organic acids (including amino acids), non-protein nitrogenous substances, peptides, minerals, and enzymes. 2,17-20 The known constituents of P. ginseng, P. quinquefolius, P. japonicas, and P. pseudoginseng roots, and their concentration in the plant root, are listed in Tables 4-7. Saponins (or ginsengosides), a sweet-bitter material, usually exist in plants in the form of glycosides known as "saponin glycosides. 1 Saponin glycosides are macromolecules and are composed of a "sugar" (glycone) and a "non-sugar" (aglycone). The aglycone is also called genin. The aglycones of ginseng is called sapogenins. The chemical structures of some of the prominent saponins in ginseng are shown in Figure 1. More than 40 different saponins have been identified and isolated from the root of P. ginseng. 21 Each saponin has at least 2 (carbon-3 and -20) or 3 (carbon-3, -6 and -20) hydroxyl groups, which are free or bound to monomeric, dimeric, or 2 CIR Panel Book Page 23

28 trimeric sugars. Saponins also exist as stereoisomers having either of two configurations for the position of hydroxyl group on carbon-20. Based on their chemical structures, saponins are generally divided into 2 groups: protopanaxadiols (PPD) and protopanaxatriols (PT). The sugar moities in the PPD group attach to the 3-position of a dammarane-type triterpine as in Rb1, Rb2, Rc, Rd, Rg3, Rh2, and Rh3 (Fig. 1A), whereas the sugar moities in the PT group attach to 6-position of dammarane-type triterpine as in Re, Rf, Rg1, Rg2, and Rh1 (Fig. 1B). The pseudoginsenoside F11 belongs to PT group, although the alkyl chain at the 20-position is replaced by a tetrahydrofuran ring (Fig. 1D). Analysis of commercially available panax ginseng root preparations (both powder and liquid) show that these vary widely in the amount of saponins (Rb1, Rb2, Rc, Rd, Re, Rf, and Rg1). 22 Panax ginseng root extract is reported to have a ginsenoside content of %. 11 The saponins Rg1, Re, Rb1, Rc, Rb2, and Rd make up > 90% of the saponin content of P. ginseng root. 23 Fresh roots have yielded higher amounts of panaxatriol (Re +Rf + Rg1 + Rg2 + Rh1; 2.8 mg/g DW) and panaxadiol (Rb1 + Rb2 + Rb3 +Rc +Rd + Rg3; 16 mg/g DW) saponins compared to dried roots and powdered roots. 24 There are several chemical composition differences between P. ginseng and P quinquefolium root. Rf is present in P. ginseng but not P. quinquefolium. The opposite is true for pseudoginsenoside F Steaming the roots causes chemical degradation and conversion of original saponins to new compounds. Steaming is also associated with a decrease in the polar saponins Rg1, Re, Rb1, Rc, Rb2, Rb3, and Rd and an increase in the less polar Rg2, Rg3, Rg5, Rh2, Rk1, and Rs Table 8 shows the content of some of the saponins in both white (dried, unsteamed) and black (the steaming and drying process repeated 9 times) P. ginseng. The polyphenol content is greater in black ginseng (~ 35 mg/g) than in white ginseng (~ 20 mg/g). 9 Table 9 shows a comparison of saponin content by extraction technique. 11,14 OTHER GINSENG CONSTITUENTS Carbohydrates were reported to be obtained in the aqueous extract of ginseng root in small amounts, and were present as many different types of sugars or polysaccharides The most common monosaccharides from ginseng sources were glucose and fructose. Maltose and sucrose were the most common disaccharides. Trisaccharides, tetrasaccharides, and oligosaccharides are also found in ginseng root, as well as ginseng pectin, a crude polysaccharide. Non-amino organic acids are present in alcohol extracts of ginseng roots. The most common organic acids are citric, fumaric, ketoglutaric, maleic, malic, pyruvic, succinic, and tartaric acids and the fatty acids oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids. 33,34 The free amino acids found in ginseng are arginine, histidine, lysine, leucine, theonine, valine, phenylalanine, alanine, asparatic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, proline, tyrosine, and serine. 35 The amount of free amino acids in raw P. ginseng roots decreases when the roots are steamed, more so at 120ºC than 100ºC. 36 Another nitrogenous substance in ginseng root is choline. 37 Constituents reported for specific ingredients are: PANAX GINSENG ROOT Calculated on the dried material of both raw and steamed roots, Panax ginseng root contains > 0.10% gensenoside Rg1 and > 0.20% ginsenoside Rb1. 8 PANAX GINSENG ROOT POWDER Calculated on the dried material, Panax ginseng root powder contains > 0.10% gensenoside Rg1 and > 0.20% ginsendoside Rb1. 8 The percentage of ginseng saponins from one sample of freeze-dried red ginseng extract powder was ~ 3.3%. 38 Ginseng saponins present were Rb1 (15.8%), Rb2 (7.8%), Rc (8.1%), Rd (7.6%), Re (3.2%), Rf (4.7%), Rg1 (1.9%), Rg2 (22.2%), Rg3 (24.2%), Rh1 (4.7%) along with other minor saponins. The concentration of saponins in ginseng root ingredients varies with the form. Ranges for food additives were found to be 4% - 8% saponins (calculated as Rg1); actual root samples vary in their total saponin content from 0.5% - 3% (dry weight). 39,40 PANAX GINSENG ROOT OIL Ginseng oil contains volatile and non-volatile fractions. The low boiling fraction (boils from 71 to 110 C) contains the sesquiterpenes panacene and β-elemene (Figure 2). Panacene gives the characteristic fragrance of ginseng. The high boiling fraction (boils from l20 to 150 C) contains panaxynol. 41,42 P. japonicas root oil yields were reported to be 0.451%, suggesting that one would need 15 pounds of root to produce 1 ounce of oil. 43 USE Cosmetic Data on ingredient usage are provided to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Voluntary Cosmetic Registration Program (VCRP) and a survey conducted by the Personal Care Products Council (Council) collected use concentrations for ingredients in this group. 44,45 The total number of uses of panax ginseng root extract was 149 (102 leave-on products, 42 rinse-off products, and 5 diluted products; Table 10) at maximum concentrations of % 0.5% (maximum of 0.5% in leave-on products, 0.3% in rinse off products, and % in diluted products). The Council further divided their survey and reported that white panax ginseng root extract is used up to 0.04% in leave-on, % in rinse-off, and % in diluted products. Red 3 CIR Panel Book Page 24

29 panax ginseng root extract was reported to be used up to 0.003% in both leave-on and rinse-off products. Panax ginseng root was reported to be used in 21 cosmetic products (15 leave-on and 6 rinse-off products); there were no use concentrations reported for this ingredient. Panax notoginseng root was reported to be used at % in rinse off products; there were no uses reported to the FDA for this ingredient. Panax quinquefolium root extract was reported to be used in 467 cosmetic products (317 leave-on, 146 rinse-off, and 4 diluted for bath products) at maximum concentrations of 0.002% in rinse-off products (no concentrations of use were reported for leave-on and diluted products). There were no uses reported for panax ginseng root powder, hydrolyzed ginseng root, hydrolyzed ginseng root extract, hydrolyzed ginseng saponins, panax ginseng root powder, panax ginseng water, panax ginseng root oil, panax ginseng root protoplasts, panax japanicus root extract, or panax notoginseng root powder. Non-Cosmetic Ginseng root is widely used as an herbal medicine for its alleged tonic effect and possible curative and restorative effects Modern therapeutic claims suggest that ginseng has beneficial effects on cognitive function, physical and psychomotor performance, immune-modulation, diabetes mellitus, and herpes simplex type-ii infections. 49,53,54,58-61 However, a systematic review of randomized controlled trials found that the efficacy of ginseng root extract could not be established for any of these effects. 62 When used as a dietary supplement, unless otherwise prescribed, the recommended daily dose (taken in the morning) is dried root g by decoction; doses of other preparations would be calculated accordingly. 63 Ginseng is often an ingredient in energy drinks. TOXICOKINETICS Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion In some experiments studying the effects of ginseng, the metabolite of the saponin Rb1, Compound K (20-O-B - D-glucopyranosyl-20(S)-protopanaxadiol), is used. Rb1 is poorly absorbed from the gut. Compound K is produced from Rb1 by a stepwise degradation of sugar moieties by intestinal microflora Dermal/Percutaneous/Inhalation No data were discovered on the dermal/percutaneous or inhalation absorption of ginseng root-derived ingredients. Oral/Intravenous/Intraperitoneal PANAX GINSENG ROOT Panax ginseng root (1 to 2 g in capsules; G115) was orally administered to subjects (n = 2) on empty stomachs. 67 Blood and urine were sampled before and periodically for up to 24 h after administration and were analyzed for saponins. In the plasma, at ~ h, Rh 1 was detected; ~ h, hydrated Rh 1 ; ~ h, Rb1; ~ h, compound K; ~ h, f 1 /Rh 1 (not distinguished between the two); ~ h, hydrated compound K. In the urine at 0-3 h, Rg1, Rd, Re, Rb2, and Rc were detected. At 3-6 h, Rh 1 was detected; 6-12 h, Rb1 and compound k; and at h, f1/rh1 and compound k were detected. GINSENG SAPONINS The absolute bioavailability of Panax saponins were reported to range from 0.26% - 35% (Table 11). The low bioavailability of saponins may be attributable to their breakdown in the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism by intestinal microflora and excretion in bile or urine. 68 It is also suggested that low membrane permeability may be an important factor in determining the extent of absorption. The absolute bioavailability of 25-OH- protopanaxadiol is 64.8±14.3% (range %) which is the highest among the reports on ginseng compounds. 69 The higher absolute bioavailability is found in the rats and the author suggests that this can be explained by the deglycosylated mother aglycone structure, lower molecular weight, and higher hydrophobility of 25-OH-PPD compared to saponin Rg3. The National Toxicology Program reported that the degradation and metabolism of saponins has been studied in animals and in vitro using acids, enzymes, and intestinal bacteria. 65,70-73 After oral administration, the protopanaxatriol saponins are hydrolyzed to saponin Rh1 and its hydrated form under acidic conditions similar to gastric fluid. Protopanaxadiol saponins (Rb1) are metabolized to M1 [20-O-B -D-glucopyranosyl-20(S)-protopanaxadiol] or compound-k in rats and humans by intestinal anaerobes via stepwise cleavage of the sugar moieties. 71 Strains of the intestinal bacteria Prevotella oris hydrolyze Rb1. 74 Protopanaxadiol is formed from Rh2 as a result of deglycosylation by B16 melanoma cells in vitro. 75 The absorption of Rb1 from the intestine of rats was low. 65 In mice, after an oral dose of Rb1 or M1, the M1 level in the serum gradually increased, peaked at 8 hours after oral administration of Rb1, and decreased with time; intact Rb1 was not detected in the serum. 76 Rg1 was rapidly absorbed (30% after 1 hour) and metabolized by mice after oral administration. Mouse urine and feces contained little unchanged Rg1 but did contain high levels of metabolites including Rh1 and saponin Rg1 (protopanaxatriol). Rg1 showed an extremely short half-life of 27 min after intravenous administration to mini-pigs. In contrast, the protopanaxadiol saponin Rb1 showed a half-life in the β-phase of 16 hours CIR Panel Book Page 25

30 In several experiments using male New Zealand White rabbits, saponins (A1, Rg1, Rd, Re, Rb2) were administered by oral, intraperitoneal (ip), and intravenous (iv) routes (Table 12). 78 In the oral experiment, no saponins were observed in the plasma, urine, or feces. The authors suggested that this is due to poor absoption in the gastro-intestinal tract, binding within the gastro-intestinal tract, microorganism metabolism, or an unreliable animal model. In humans, saponins are present in urine after oral ingestion. 79,80 About 1.2% of the dose was recovered in 5 days. Generally, saponins are very poorly absorbed following oral administration in vivo. Cytotoxicity PANAX GINSENG ROOT EXTRACT Panax ginseng root extract (0, 100, 250, 500, 1000 μg/ml in ethanol) was not cytotoxic to human dermal fibroblast cells. 81 TOXICOLOGICAL STUDIES Acute Toxicity Non-Human PANAX GINSENG ROOT EXTRACT The LD 50 values using rodents for the root itself and for various forms and fractions of panax ginseng root extract administered orally and ip are listed in Table 13. Repeated Dose Toxicity Dermal In a therapeutic efficacy test of red panax ginseng root extract concentrate (0.2 ml) and Rg2 (1%; 0.2 ml), the test material was applied to the backs of 5-week-old female C57BL/6 mice after shav[ing] with hair removal tape for 14 days. No adverse effects were observed during treatment. 12 Oral - Non-Human Male Wistar rats (n = 5) were orally administered P. ginseng root water extract, heat-treated P. ginseng root water extract, P. quinquefolius root water extract, or heat-treated P. quinquefolius root water extract (0, 100 mg/kg/d) by gavage for 15 days. 82 The extracts were heat treated by autoclave at 120ºC for 3 h then placed in an oven at 50ºC for 3 days. Blood and urine were collected. No clinical signs or decreases in renal or hepatic function parameters of the treated rats were observed. F344/N rats (n = 5/sex) were administered P. ginseng root extract (extracted with 80% aqueous ethanol; 0, 125, 250, 500, 1000, or 2000 mg/kg in 0.5% aqueous methylcellulose) by gavage 5 days/week for 16 days. 83 All rats survived to the end of the study. Mean body weight gain of 2000 mg/kg males was greater than that of the vehicle controls. There were no chemical-related gross or microscopic findings attributed to the administration of ginseng. B6C3F1 mice (n = 5/sex) were administered P. ginseng root extract (0, 125, 250, 500, 1000, or 2000 mg/kg in 0.5% aqueous methylcellulose) by gavage 5 days per week for 17 days. 83 All mice survived to the end of the study. The final mean body weight of 1,000 mg/kg males was significantly less than that of the vehicle controls; all other groups were similar to controls. There were no statistically significant chemical-related gross or histopathologic changes in dosed mice. Panax ginseng root extract in the form of G115 (0, 1.5, 5, or 15 mg/kg/day) was administered in the feed of Beagle dogs (n = 4/sex) for 90 days. No consistent, dose-response relationship occurred and all values were within normal physiological ranges for Beagle dogs. Gross and microscopic examinations of major organs revealed no morphological or pathological effects. No evidence of toxicity was observed. The highest dose, 15 mg/kg, is approximately twice the recommended dose for humans. 84 F344/N rats (n = 10/sex) were administered panax ginseng root extract (0, 1000,,000, 3000, 4000, or 5000 mg/kg) in sterile water by gavage 5 days/week for 14 weeks. 83 All rats survived to the end of the study. Mean body weights of all dosed groups were similar to those of the vehicle control groups. No lesions that were observed by gross or histopathologic examination were attributed to the administration of panax ginseng root extract. B6C3F1 mice (n = 10/sex) mice were administered panax ginseng root extract (0, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, or 5000 mg/kg) 5 days per week for 14 weeks. 83 All mice survived to the end of the study. Mean body weights of all dosed groups were similar to those of the vehicle control groups. Although sporadic incidences of lesions were observed in the vehicle control and 5,000 mg/kg groups, there were no chemical-related gross or microscopic findings in dosed mice. Rats (n and strain not provided) were orally administered panax ginseng root extract ( mg/kg/d) for 25 weeks. 85 No toxic effects were observed. No further details on this study were provided. LACa mice (n = 90) were administered panax ginseng root extract (8 mg/kg/d; 40 mg of whole root) in drinking water 1) from 8 weeks of age throughout life, 2) from 52 weeks throughout life, and 3) none. 86 There were no differences in mean weights or survival observed in the mice. Increased behavioral responses to mild stress were observed in the treatment groups. 5 CIR Panel Book Page 26

31 Inhalation Non-Human No data was discovered on the repeated dose inhalation toxicity of ginseng root-derived ingredients. However, a material safety data sheet stated that panax quinquefolium root extract may be irritating or toxic if inhaled. 12 REPRODUCTIVE AND DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY PANAX GINSENG ROOT EXTRACT There were no adverse effects reported in two oral reproductive/developmental studies of panax ginseng root extract up to 20 mg/kg using rats (Table 14). Subcutaneous administration of a ginseng extract enhanced the mating behavior of male rats. 87 The extract further stimulated spermatogenesis in rat and rabbit testes, and increased the motility and survival of rabbit sperm outside the body. 88 SAPONINS In screening tests with whole immersion of embryos, the saponins Rb 1 (30-50 µg/ml) and Re (50 µg/ml) yielded changes in morphological scores in rat and mice embryos (Table 15). Rc (5, 50 µg/ml) had no effect on the morphological scores of rat embryos. Saponins (6 mg/2 ml injection; composition not provided) injected into male rats (n = 10; strain not provided) for 7 consecutive days did not increase testosterone levels in the plasma. 89 GENOTOXICITY PANAX GINSENG ROOT EXTRACT Panax ginseng root extract (0-1 mg/ml) produced inhibitory effects on DNA synthesis/mutagenesis, measured by thymidine incorporation into V79 Chinese hamster lung cells. 90 PANAX GINSENG QUINQUEFOLIUS A water extract of P. quinquefolius roots (up to 36 mg/ml) was not mutagenic in Salmonella typhimurium (TM677) with or without metabolic activation. 91 An Ames test of panax ginseng quinquefolius (30% - 70%) using S. typhimurium (strains TA98, TA100) did not demonstrate a potential for mutagenicity. 12 PANAX GINSENG ROOT POWDER Dried Panax ginseng root powder dissolved in water (100 mg/ml) was negative in genotoxicity tests using Bacillus subtilis strains H17Rec+ and M45Rec- and in S. typhimurium (TA98, TA100) with or without PCB-induced rat liver S9. 92 GINSENG SAPONINS In an assay of the effects of saponins on mitosis, Rg1 stimulated mitosis in the bulb and seedling root tip cells of Allium cepa. It was most effective at mg/ml. In contrast, saponin Rb1 ( mg/ml) inhibited mitosis in the same cell line in a dose dependent manner. 93 An aqueous and a 1-butanol extract containing saponins from P. quinquefolius roots (up to 36 mg/ml) was not mutagenic in Salmonella typhimurium (TM677) with or without metabolic activation. 91 CARCINOGENICITY Panax ginseng root extract (0, 50, 75 ppm in feed) did not increase the number of aberrant crypt foci in rat colons (n = 10). 94 F344/N rats (n = 50/sex) were administered panax ginseng root extract (0, 1250, 2500, or 5000 mg/kg) in sterile water by gavage for 5 days/week for weeks. 83 Survival of 5000 mg/kg females was statistically significantly less than that of the vehicle controls; however, the deaths were not attributed to the administration of ginseng. Mean body weights of high dose females were less than those of the vehicle controls after week 61 of the study, and mean body weights of other dosed groups of rats were similar to those of the vehicle controls throughout the study. No increases in the incidences of neoplasms or nonneoplastic lesions were attributed to the administration of ginseng. The incidence of mammary gland fibroadenoma was statistically significantly decreased in the high dose females. B6C3F1 mice (n = 50/sex) mice were administered panax ginseng root extract (0, 1250, 2500, or 5000 mg/kg) 5 days/week for 105 weeks. 83 Survival of dosed groups was similar to that of the vehicle control groups. Mean body weights of dosed mice were similar to those of the vehicle controls. No neoplasms or nonneoplastic lesions were attributed to the administration of ginseng. The incidence of mammary gland fibroadenoma was significantly decreased in the high dose female group. Cancer Prevention PANAX GINSENG ROOT A number of in vitro and in vivo studies indicate that ginseng root and its extracts or its purified constituents have antitumor properties. 49,57,95-97 For example, the topical application of either the methanol extract of heat-processed P. ginseng or the purified saponin Rg3 to the shaved backs of female ICR mice suppressed 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA)-induced skin tumor promotion. 95 P. ginseng appears to inhibit tumor development, especially tumor promotion and 6 CIR Panel Book Page 27

32 progression, through anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and apoptotic mechanisms involving changes in gene expression. 55,96, Other pertinent mechanisms under investigation involve the potential for ginseng and its constituents to influence immuno-surveillance and neurotransmission. 96 However, the evidence for the antitumor effects of ginseng in humans is not conclusive, and no clinical trials have confirmed the efficacy of ginseng treatments in cancer patients. Phytoestrogenic Activity Summaries of case reports, in vivo, and in vitro studies are provided in Table 20. Several anecdotal reports were discovered. None of these reports identified the origin or source quality, or quantity of the ginseng in the products used by the patients, or provided sufficient information to enable estimates of the total doses of ginseng to which the patients were exposed. Two of the products contained Panax ginseng, one contained Rumanian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus; aka Siberian ginseng), and the species of ginseng in the remaining products were not specified. Thus, it is not known whether the latter three products contained Rumanian/Siberian ginseng or other species. The distinction is important because Eleutherococcus senticosus does not contain ginsenosides. Other noteworthy unknowns from these reports include the diets, the use of other drugs, and the stress condition of the patients The available in vivo animal evidence does not support the hypothesis that alcohol extracts of Panax ginseng or American ginseng have the potential to act as phytoestrogens. There were no signs of estrogenic activity in rats and mice orally administered up to 5000 mg/kg/d for two years. 109,110 In vitro experiments using specific, purified ginsenosides, including Rg1, Rb1, and Rh1, can stimulate signal transduction pathways and produce estrogen receptor (ER)-mediated effects through direct or indirect interaction with ERα or ERβ in cells that express high levels of ERs. However, the crude extracts appear to be much less potent than some of the purified ginsenosides used in the in vitro studies. The potencies of the crude extracts may greatly depend on the extraction method used, and, in some cases, their effects may be attributable to naturally-occurring, non-ginenoside components or impurities, such as mycotoxins, in the extracts. 109, In an earlier CIR safety assessment of PEG soy sterols, the argument was made that available data on phytosterols are relevant independent of the plant source because of the similarity in structure across plant species. 125 Campesterol, stigmasterol, and β-sitosterol are the major phytosterol components and among those, β-sitosterol predominates. In this safety assessment, data were available on phytosterol repeat-dose toxicity, estrogenic effects, reproductive toxicity, genotoxicity, and cell proliferation. The Panel noted that phytsterols are poorly absorbed, have little estrogenic activity, and are not reproductive toxicants. IRRITATION AND SENSITIZATION Irritation Dermal-Nonhuman PANAX GINSENG ROOT EXTRACT In a dermal test of 2-chloro-1,3,5-trinitrobenzene (TNCB) using female NC/Nga mice (n = 7), inclusion of panax ginseng root extract (red; 0.1%) reduced the appearance of severe erythema/hemorrhage, edema, excoriation/erosion and scaling/dryness compared to TCNB in the vehicle alone. 126 In an ear thickness test, panax ginseng root extract (red; 0.02%) applied to oxazolone-induced dermatitis on female ICR mice did not cause irritation and reduced the irritation effects of the oxazolone. 127 GINSENG SAPONINS AND OTHER CONSTITUENTS Saponin Rb1 (0.05%) or the metabolite compound K (0.2, 0.05%) was administered to the ears of ICR mice (n = not provided) after sensitization to oxazolone. 128 Then a total of 20 μl of 1% oxazolone in a mixture of acetone and olive oil (4:1) was applied to both sides of the mouse ear every 3 days starting 7 days after sensitization. Ear thickness was measured. Seventy-two h after each application of the oxazolone, Rb1 was topically applied in a total volume of 20 μl to both sides of the ear 30 min before and 3 h after each application of oxazolone. There were no irritation effects reported for Rb1 or compound K. The above experiment was repeated with saponin Re (0.01%, 0.05%) and its metabolite Rh1 (0.01%, 0.05%) on 12- O-tetradecanoylphorbol- and oxazolone-induced dermatitis. 129 There were no irritation effects reported for either compound. The above experiment was repeated with saponin Rg5 (0.05%) and its metabolite Rh3 (0.02%, 0.05%) on oxazolone-induced dermatitis. 25 There were no irritation effects reported for either compound. Inclusion of panax ginseng root extract constituents Rh2 (0.1%) and Rh3 (0.1%) in a dermal test of TNCB reduced the appearance of severe erythema/hemorrhage, edema, excoriation/erosion and scaling/dryness compared to TCNB in verhicle alone using female NC/Nga mice (n = 7). 126 In an ear thickness test, panax ginseng root extract saponins Rg3(0.02%, 0.05%), Rf (0.02%, 0.05%), and Rh2 (0.05%) applied to oxazolone-induced dermatitis on female ICR mice did not cause irritation and reduced the effects of the oxazolone CIR Panel Book Page 28

33 Dermal-Human PANAX GINSENG ROOT EXTRACT In a human patch test (n = 30) of panax ginseng root extract (0, 1, 10, 20, 100 mg/ml in petrolatum), the patch was left in place for 48 h. There were no reactions observed at 1 and 24 h after removal. 81 In a human patch test (n = 30) of panax ginseng root extract (concentration not provided, assumed to be 100%), the patch was left in place for 48 h. There were no reactions observed at 30 min and 24 and 48 h after removal. 14 In a human therapeutic efficacy test (n = 15) of panax ginseng root extract (concentration not provided, assumed to be 100%), there were no adverse effects reported at the time of treatment and at 4 and 8 weeks. 14 GINSENG SAPONINS AND OTHER CONSTITUENTS Falcarinol (0.5 mg in ethanol) strongly aggravated histamine-induced edema, but did not induce edema by itself, in skin prick tests (n = 4). 130 The test was repeated on 2 of the subjects 1 week later with the same results. Sensitization PANAX GINSENG ROOT EXTRACT A human repeated insult patch test (HRIPT; n = 99) of a cuticle serum containing Panax ginseng root extract (0.1%) resulted in no dermal irritation or allergic contact sensitization. 131 In a HRIPT (n = 219) of a lipstick containing Panax ginseng root extract (1%), there were no adverse effects or signs of sensitivity. 132 In a HRIPT (n = 104) of a night cream product containing panax ginseng root extract (0.1%), there was no skin reactivity observed at any point in the study. 133 PANAX QUINQUEFOLIUM In a HRIPT (n = 10) of panax quinquefolium root extract (10% aqueous), there were no signs of irritation or sensitization observed. 12 Phototoxicity PANAX GINSENG ROOT EXTRACT An ethanol extract of P. ginseng (100%; 30 μl) was not phototoxic to Candida albicans exposed to 50 J/cm 2 UVA radiation. Using the same treatment, hemolysis was observed in red blood cells. 134 HaCaT cell were treated with ginseng root extract (0 or 1%) for 24 h and were then exposed to UVB radiation (time not provided). At 24 h after UVB irradiation, survival was increased in the treatment group compared to controls. 14 Panax ginseng root extract (100%; 10 pg/, 100 ng/mouse) or 3% vitamin C (1.5 mg/mouse) were applied topically to the dorsal region of each male albino hairless HOS: HR-1 mice (n = 6) daily for 12 weeks. 135 The mice were exposed to 36 mj/cm 2 UVB radiation, which was subsequently increased to 54 mj/cm 2 at weeks 1 4, 72 mj/cm 2 at weeks 4 7, 108 mj/cm 2 at weeks 7 10, and finally to 122 mj/cm 2 at weeks No phototoxic effects observed. The backs of SKH-1 hairless mice (n = 20) were exposed to UV lamps (80% UVB and 20% UVA). 38 The mice were exposed to 90 mj/cm 2 3 times/week. The dose was increased by 10%/week until the dose reached 175 mj/cm 2. Treatment stopped at 22 weeks. The experimental groups were (a) untreated control, (b) UV-irradiated control (i.p. with saline vehicle), (c) red ginseng root extract (25 mg/kg) i.p. in combination with UV-irradiation, (d) UV-irradiated control (topical administration with cream base vehicle), (e) red ginseng root extract topical (0.2%) administration in combination with UV-irradiation. The i.p. injections were administered 24 h prior to each UV irradiation. Topical creams (0.2 mg/cm 2 ) were applied at least 15 min before UV irradiation. Topical and i.p. treatment with red ginseng root extract reduced the incidence of tumors, reduced tumor multiplicity, and delayed the time of first tumor appearance. Panax ginseng root extract (0, 0.5%, 2.5%) was administered in the feed of male SKH-1 hairless mice. 136 The backs of the mice were exposed to UV radiation ( 30% UVA) 3 times a week for 12 weeks. The amount of irradiation was progressively increased from 100 mj/cm 2 per exposure at week 1 (1 minimal erythematous dose = 100 mj/cm 2 ) to 400 mj/cm 2 at week 7. The authors reported a reduction in UV-induced wrinkle formation in both groups fed red ginseng extract compared with animals exposed to UV radiation without ginseng in their feed. No adverse effects were reported in the animals administered ginseng alone. SAPONINS Panax ginseng root extract saponin Rb1 (100 fg,10 pg, and 1 ng/mouse) or 3% vitamin C (1.5 mg/mouse) were applied topically to the dorsal region of male albino hairless HOS: HR-1 mouse (n = 6) every day for 12 weeks. 135 The mice were exposed to 36 mj/cm 2 UVB, which was subsequently increased to 54 mj/cm 2 at weeks 1 4, 72 mj/cm 2 at weeks 4 7, 108 mj/cm 2 at weeks 7 10, and finally to 122 mj/cm 2 at weeks There were no phototoxic effects observed. CLINICAL USE Oral Human In multiple studies of orally administered panax ginseng root extract to test for efficacy for treatment or prevention of various maladies, the adverse effects attributable to the extract in placebo-controlled ( mg; Tables 16 and 17), 8 CIR Panel Book Page 29

34 comparative (200 mg; Table 18), and uncontrolled ( mg; Table 19) studies included flu/cold, headache, gastrointestinal complaints, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. 59 GINSENG ABUSE SYNDROME The characteristic signs and symptoms of overexposure to ginseng, ginseng abuse syndrome include morning diarrhea, skin eruptions, sleeplessness, nervousness, and hypertension. 137 In a study of ginseng abuse syndrome, subjects (n = 133) using ginseng regularly for at least one month were surveyed. 138 It was not possible to differentiate those using Panax ginseng and subjects using Siberian ginseng (which is a different genus and species from Panax ginseng). Ginseng doses varied from 8-10 g 3 times a day for capsules; g twice a day for roots, 1-2 g 3 times a day for ground powders, and ml a day for extracts. Most subjects experienced central nervous system excitation and arousal. Fourteen subjects who ingested Panax ginseng roots experienced hypertension, nervousness, sleeplessness, skin eruptions, and morning diarrhea; 5 had edema; 10 became euphoric, restless, agitated, and insomniac. Ten subjects taking high doses (15 g) felt depersonalization and confusion. The average daily dose of ginseng roots was 3 g for persons experiencing ginseng abuse syndrome. One user reported that abrupt withdrawal precipitated hypotension, weakness, and tremor. Ginseng abuse syndrome appeared periodically in the first 12 months of ginseng use but was rarely reported in follow-up examinations at 18 and 24 months. The author suggested that, taken together, these effects mimicked those of corticosteroid poisoning, strongly suggesting a steroidal mechanism of action. Case Reports PANAX GINSENG ROOT EXTRACT A 39-year old man developed hypertension, dizziness, and inability to concentrate during long-term ingestion of ginseng. He stopped taking ginseng, became normotensive within 5 days, and remained normotensive without treatment; after 3 months his symptoms resolved. 139 A 28-year old woman developed a severe headache after ingesting a large quantity of ethanol-extracted ginseng. Cerebral angiograms showed a "beading" appearance in the anterior and posterior cerebral and superior cerebellar arteries, consistent with cerebral arteritis. 140 SUMMARY This is a safety assessment of the ginseng root-derived cosmetic ingredients: panax ginseng root extract, hydrolyzed ginseng root, hydrolyzed ginseng root extract, hydrolyzed ginseng saponins, panax ginseng root, panax ginseng root powder, panax ginseng root water, panax ginseng root oil, panax ginseng root protoplast, panax japonicus root extract, panax notoginseng root, panax notoginseng root powder, and panax quinquefolium root extract. The cosmetic functions of these ingredients include: skin-conditioning agents - miscellaneous, fragrance ingredients, skin-conditioning agents - miscellaneous, skin conditioning agent-humectant, skin-conditioning agents - emollient, and cosmetic astringent. If the root is raw or dried, it is referred to as white ginseng. If it has been steamed and dried before extraction or pulverizing, it is referred to as red ginseng because of a change in coloring. If it is steamed and dried 9 times, the coloring darkens more and the product is referred to as black ginseng. The constituents of ginseng roots include: saponins and sapogenins, carbohydrates, organic acids (including amino acids), non-protein nitrogenous substances, peptides, minerals, and enzymes. The total number of uses of panax ginseng root extract was 149 (102 leave-on products, 42 rinse-off products, and 5 diluted products) at maximum concentrations of % 0.5%. Panax ginseng root was reported to be used in 21 cosmetic products (15 leave-on and 6 rinse-off products). Panax notoginseng root was reported to be used at % in rinse off products. Panax quinquefolium root extract was reported to be used in 467 cosmetic products (317 leave-on, 146 rinse-off, and 4 diluted for bath products) at maximum concentrations of 0.002%. There were no uses reported for panax ginseng root powder, hydrolyzed ginseng root, hydrolyzed ginseng root extract, hydrolyzed ginseng saponins, panax ginseng root powder, panax ginseng water, panax ginseng root oil, panax ginseng root protoplasts, panax japanicus root extract, or panax notoginseng root powder. There were no dermal, percutaneous, or inhalation toxicokinetic data discovered. The saponins were poorly absorbed when orally administered as root extract or as individual components. Panax ginseng root extract was not cytotoxic to human dermal fibroblasts up to 1000 μg/ml. The acute oral LD 50 for rats was 750 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg for mice for panax ginseng root, but no data were available for extracts. Oral administration of P. ginseng root extract was nontoxic to rats up to 5000 mg/kg/d for up to 105 weeks, up to 5000 mg/kg for life for mice, and 15 mg/kg/d for 90 days for dogs. There were no adverse effects reported in an oral reproductive study at 15 mg/kg/d and one developmental study up to 20 mg/kg/d panax ginseng root extract using rats. In embryo emersion studies using rats and mice, the total morphological scores of embryos exposed to 30 mg/ml of the saponin Rb1 were reduced. The total morphological scores of rat embryos exposed to 30 mg/ml of the saponin Re were reduced. There were no adverse effects to embryos exposed to Rc. Panax ginseng root extract, up to 75 ppm in feed, did not increase the number of aberrant crypt foci in rat colons. Panax ginseng root extract, panax ginseng root powder, and panax ginseng quinquefolius root extract were not mutagenic in 9 CIR Panel Book Page 30

35 ames tests. Panax ginseng saponins were not mutagentic to S. typhimurium up to 36 mg/ml. P. ginseng root extract suppressed TPA-induced skin tumor promotion in mice. Antitumor effects have not been established in humans. There were case reports of phytoestrogenic activity. In vivo tests did not find estrogenic activity in rats and mice up to 5000 mg/kg/d over 2 years. In vitro experiments showed that Rg1, Rb1, and Rh1 can stimulate signal transduction pathways and produce estrogen receptor-mediated effects through direct or indirect interaction with ERα or ERβ in cells that express high levels of ERs. Extracts were less potent. Panax ginseng root extract was not irritating to mice up to 0.1% or humans up to 100 mg/ml. Falcarinol at 0.5 mg, Rb1 at 0.05%, Re at 0.05%, Rh1 at 0.05%, Rg5 at 0.05%, Rh3 at 0.05%, Rh2 at 0.1%, Rh3 at 0.1%, Rg3 at 0.05%, Rf at 0.05%, and compound K at 0.05% were not dermally irritating to mice. Panax ginseng root extract was not phototoxic in C. albicans assays up to 100%. Panax ginseng root extract was not phototoxic to mice when administered dermally up to 0.2 mg/cm 2, intraperitoneally at 25 mg/kg, or orally up to 2.25%. Dermally applied Rb1 was not phototoxic to mice up to 1 ng/mouse. In multiple studies of orally administered panax ginseng root extract to test for efficacy for treatment or prevention of various maladies, the adverse effects attributable to the extract in humans included flu/cold, headache, gastrointestinal complaints, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. The characteristic signs and symptoms of overexposure to ginseng, ginseng abuse syndrome, include morning diarrhea, skin eruptions, sleeplessness, nervousness, and hypertension. DISCUSSION Although there are data gaps, the similar plant sources, constituents, functions and concentrations in cosmetics allow grouping these ingredients together and interpolating the available toxicological data to support the safety of the entire group. The Expert Panel expressed concern regarding pesticide residues and heavy metals that may be present in botanical ingredients. They stressed that the cosmetics industry should continue to use the necessary procedures to limit these impurities in the ingredient before blending into cosmetic formulation. While aflatoxin has been detected in the roots of P. ginseng, the Panel believes that aflatoxin should not be present in Panax ginseng root extract and botanical ingredients that are derived from P. ginseng, P. quinquefolius, P. japonicus, and P. pseudoginseng; the Panel adopted the USDA designation of 15 ppb as corresponding to negative aflatoxin content. Pulegone was discovered in the list of constituents of P. quinquefolius. Because pulegone is toxic, the Panel limited it to 1% in cosmetic grade ginseng-derived ingredients. The Panel was confident that this concentration was achievable. Recent data reported that P. quinquefolius was used at a maximum of 0.002%. This concentration of use data coupled with the 1% restriction on pulegone suggested to the Panel that pulegone toxicity would not be seen with cosmetic use. The Panel noted that some of the studies in this report did not specify the grade of extract tested. The Panel in comfortable in that the tested materials were more than likely the same material used in cosmetics, especially since many sources were commercially obtained by the testers. [The Panel will develop additional discussion] Distributed for Comment Only -- Do Not Cite or Quote CONCLUSION The CIR Expert Panel concluded that the following ingredients are [The Panel will develop the conclusion at the June, 2012 meeting]: panax ginseng root extract, hydrolyzed ginseng root, hydrolyzed ginseng root extract, hydrolyzed ginseng saponins, panax ginseng root, panax ginseng root powder, panax ginseng root water, panax ginseng root oil, panax ginseng root protoplast, panax japonicus root extract, panax notoginseng root, panax notoginseng root powder, and panax quinquefolium root extract. The concentration of pulegone in these ingredients should not exceed 1%. 10 CIR Panel Book Page 31

36 TABLES AND FIGURES Figure. 1. Structure of selected saponins. A. protopanaxadiols (PPD). B. protopanaxatriols (PT). C. derivatives of PPD and PT. D. saponins. Glc, β-d-glucose; Rha, α-l-rhamnose; Ara(p), αl-arabinose(pyranose); Ara(f), α-l-arabinose(furanose); Xyl, β-d-xylose; GlcUA, β-d-glucuronic acid; mal, malonyl; Ac, acetyl. 21 H H CH 2 CH 3 CH 2 O R R O C H C R C Br S R S CH 3 CH 3 A B CH 2 CH 3 Figure 2. A) Panacene and B) β-elemene. 11 CIR Panel Book Page 32

37 Table 1. The names, CAS Registry Nos. functions, and definitions of the ginseng root-derived ingredients in this safety assessment. 5 Ingredient CAS No. Function(s) Definition Panax Ginseng Skin-conditioning Extract agents - miscellaneous Hydrolyzed Ginseng Hydrolyzed Ginseng Extract Panax Ginseng Panax Ginseng Powder Panax Ginseng Water Panax Ginseng Oil Panax ginseng root protoplasts Panax japonicus root extract Hydrolyzed Ginseng Saponins Panax notoginseng root extract Panax notoginseng root powder Panax quinquefolium root extract (generic) (generic) (generic) (generic) Distributed for Comment Only -- Do Not Cite or Quote Skin-conditioning agents - miscellaneous Skin-conditioning agents - miscellaneous Skin-conditioning agents - miscellaneous Skin-conditioning agents - miscellaneous Fragrance ingredients Skin-conditioning agents - miscellaneous Skin conditioning agent-humectant Skin-conditioning agents - miscellaneous Skin-conditioning agents - emollient Skin conditioning agent-humectant Skin-conditioning agents - miscellaneous The extract of the roots of Panax ginseng. The hydrolysate of Panax Ginseng (q.v.) derived by acid, enzyme or other method of hydrolysis. The hydrolysate of Panax Ginseng Extract (q.v.) derived by acid, enzyme or other method of hydrolysis. The roots of P. ginseng The powder obtained from the dried, ground roots of P. ginseng. An aqueous solution of the steam distillate obtained from the roots of P. ginseng. The volatile oil obtained from the roots of P. ginseng. The protoplasts derived from the roots of P. ginseng. The extract of the roots and rhizomes of P. japonicus The saponins derived from ginseng that are hydrolyzed by acid, enzyme or other method of hydrolysis. The extract of the roots of P. notoginseng The powder obtained from the dried, ground roots of P. notoginseng Cosmetic astringent The extract of the roots of P. quinquefolium. Table 2. Physical and chemical properties of ginseng root ingredients. Property Value Reference Panax ginseng root extract (red ginseng) Color Pale yellow Odor Typical ph (10% solution) Specific gravity Hydrolyzed ginseng root Odor Characteristic Hydrolyzed ginseng root extract None found Hydrolyzed ginseng saponins None found Panax ginseng root Physical Form Powder Color Yellowish white Panax ginseng root powder Physical form Powder Light yellowish wite to Color light yellowish brown Odor Characteristic , , None found Physical Form Color None found None found Panax ginseng root water Panax ginseng root oil Oil Pale white Panax ginseng root protoplast Panax japonicas root extract CIR Panel Book Page 33

38 Panax nonoginseng root None found Panax notoginseng root powder None found Panax quinquefolium root extract Liquid Color Pale yellow Odor Typical Specific gravity Solubility in water Soluble ph (10% aqueous) Table 3. Physical and chemical properties of saponins. Property Value Reference Ro Physical Form Needles Color Colorless Melting Point o C Rb1 Physical Form Powder Color White Melting Point o C Rb2 Physical Form Powder Color White Melting Point o C Rc Physical Form Powder Color White Melting Point o C Rd Physical Form Powder Color White Melting Point o C Re Physical Form Needles Color Colorless Melting Point o C Rf Physical Form Powder Color White Melting Point o C Rg1 Physical Form Powder Color Colorless Boiling Point o C Rg2 Physical Form Powder Color Colorless Melting Point o C CIR Panel Book Page 34

39 Table 4. Chemical constituents of Panax ginseng root. 17 Constituent Part Lo (ppm) Hi (ppm) (-)-Beta-panasinsene Essent. Oil 1,8-cineol Essent. Oil 10-acetyl-panaxytriol 1-o-alpha-glucoside-propan-2-on-1-ol 20-(s)-dihydro-protopanaxatrione 20(s)-protopanaxadiol-3-o-beta-d-glucopyranoside glucosyl-ginsenoside 50 20(r)-ginsenoside-rh dimethyl-tridecane Essent. Oil 2-6-diethyl-pyrazine 2-6-ditert-butyl-4-methyl-phenol Essent. Oil ethyl-5-methyl-pyrazine 2-ethyl-6-methyl-pyrazine 2-glucoginsenoside-rf 50 2-iso-butyl-3-methoxy-pyrazine 2-iso-propyl-3-methoxy-pyrazine 2-iso-propyl-5-methyl-anisole 2-methyl-hexanoic-acid-ehtyl-ester 2-methyl-tetradecane Essent. Oil sec-butyl-3-methoxy-pyrazine triacetoxy-heptadeca-1-16-diene-4-6-diyne 3-iso-propyl-2-methoxy-5-methyl-pyrazine 3-sec-butyl-2-methoxy-5-methyl-pyrazine 4-methyl-thiazole-5-ethanol 4-oxy-oct-6-enoic-acid-methyl-ester 5-ethyl-2-3-dimethyl-pyrazine 9-10-epoxy-heptadec-1-16-diene-4-6-diyn-3-one 9-10-epoxy-heptadeca-1-16-diene-4-6-diyn Acetyl-panaxydol 2.1 Adenine Adenosine 90 Adenosine Adenyl-cyclase Alanine Allo-aromadendrene Essent. Oil Alpha-amylase Alpha-fructose Alpha-gamma-dipalmitin Alpha-glucose Alpha-guaiene Alpha-guaiene Essent. Oil Alpha-humulene Essent. Oil Alpha-maltose Alpha-maltosyl-beta-d-fructofuranoside Alpha-neoclovene Essent. Oil Alpha-panasinsene 17.6 Alpha-panasinsene Essent. Oil Alpha-phellandrene Alpha-phellandrene Essent. Oil Alpha-pinene Alpha-pinene Essent. Oil Alpha-pyrrolidone Alpha-santalene Essent. Oil Alpha-selinene Essent. Oil Aluminum 5 22 Amino-acids Arachidic acid Arginine Aromadendrene Essent. Oil 14 CIR Panel Book Page 35

40 Table 4. Chemical constituents of Panax ginseng root. 17 Constituent Part Lo (ppm) Hi (ppm) Arsenic Ascorbic-acid 0 Ash Aspartase Aspartic-acid Behenic-acid Benzyl-beta-primeveroside 47 Beta-amylase Beta-bisabolene Essent. Oil Beta-carotene Beta-elemene Beta-elemene Essent. Oil Beta-eudesmol Essent. Oil Beta-farnesene Beta-farnesene Essent. Oil Beta-fructose Beta-glucose Beta-guaiene Essent. Oil Beta-gurjunene Essent. Oil ,503 Beta-humulene Essent. Oil Beta-maaliene Beta-maltose Beta-neoclovene Essent. Oil Beta-panasinsene 10.2 Beta-patchoulene Beta-patchoulene Essent. Oil Beta-selinene Essent. Oil Beta-sitosterol Beta-sitosterol Beta-sitosterol-3-o-beta-d-glucoside Bicyclogermacrene Biotin 0.9 Caffeic acid Calcium Campesterol Campesterol-6'-linolenylglucoside Campesterol-6'-linolylglucoside Campesterol-6'-oleylglucoside Campesterol-6'-palmitylglucoside Campesterol-6'-stearylglucoside Caproic-acid-butyl-ester Caproic-acid-propyl-ester Carbohydrates Carbon-disulfide 1500 Caryophyllene Essent. Oil Caryophyllene alcohol Essent. Oil Catalase Cellulase Cerebroside Choline Chromium Chromium 1.1 Cis-caryophyllene Essent. Oil Citral Citral Essent. Oil Citric-acid Cobalt Cobalt 3.1 Copper CIR Panel Book Page 36

41 Table 4. Chemical constituents of Panax ginseng root. 17 Constituent Part Lo (ppm) Hi (ppm) Cysteine Cystine Daucosterine Daucosterol Daucosterol Delta-cadinene Densichine D-fructose D-glucose Diglycosyl diglyceride Di-iso-propyl-sulfide Disaccharides D-sucrose Elemene Eo Epsilon muurolene Essent. Oil Eremophilene Essent. Oil Erucic-acid Estradiol Estriol Estrone Eugenol Essent. Oil Falcarinol Falcarinol Fat Ferulic-acid Fiber(crude) Fiber(dietary) Fluoride 26.3 Folic-acid Fructose Fumaric-acid Gadoleic-acid Galactose Galanin Gamma aminobutyric acid Gamma-elemene Essent. Oil Gamma-patchoulene Essent. Oil Gamma-selinene Essent. Oil Ge GENSENOSIDE RD [sic] Gentisic-acid Germanium Ginsenan-pa 235 Ginsenan-pb 170 Ginsenan-s-i-a Ginsenan-s-ii-a 90 Ginseng-polypeptide Ginseng-polypeptide-gpp Ginsenol 9.6 Ginsenoside Ginsenoside-k Ginsenoside-ng-r-2 Ginsenoside-ra Ginsenoside-ra Ginsenoside-ra Ginsenoside-ra-3 50 Ginsenoside-ra-o Ginsenoside-rb CIR Panel Book Page 37

42 Table 4. Chemical constituents of Panax ginseng root. 17 Constituent Part Lo (ppm) Hi (ppm) Ginsenoside-rb Ginsenoside-rb Ginsenoside-rb ,000 Ginsenoside-rb-1 Bark Ginsenoside-rb Ginsenoside-rb-2 Bark Ginsenoside-rb Ginsenoside-rb-2-c Ginsenoside-rb-3 50 Ginsenoside-rb-c Ginsenoside-rb-c Bark Ginsenoside-rb-group Ginsenoside-rc Ginsenoside-rc Bark Ginsenoside-rc 4700 Ginsenoside-rc-2 Ginsenoside-rd Ginsenoside-rd Bark Ginsenoside-rd Ginsenoside-rd-2 Ginsenoside-re Ginsenoside-re Ginsenoside-re-2 Ginsenoside-re-3 Ginsenoside-rf Ginsenoside-rf 1500 Ginsenoside-rg Ginsenoside-rg Bark Ginsenoside-rg Ginsenoside-rg-1 Bark Ginsenoside-rg Ginsenoside-rg Ginsenoside-rg-2 Ginsenoside-rg Ginsenoside-rh Ginsenoside-rh1 15 Ginsenoside-rh-2 Ginsenoside-r-o Ginsenoside-r-o 18,000 34,000 Ginsenosides Ginsenoside-z-r-1 Ginsenoyne-a 12.8 Ginsenoyne-a-linoleate 2.8 Ginsenoyne-b 1.5 Ginsenoyne-c 1.1 Ginsenoyne-d 7.1 Ginsenoyne-e 7.1 Ginsenoyne-f 2.6 Ginsenoyne-g Ginsenoyne-h 1.47 Ginsenoyne-i 2.6 Ginsenoyne-j 3.5 Ginsenoyne-k 14.1 Ginsenoynes Glucose Glutamic-acid Gly-arg-gamma-glu-val-nh2 Glycine Glyco-chenodeoxycholic-acid 17 CIR Panel Book Page 38

43 Table 4. Chemical constituents of Panax ginseng root. 17 Constituent Part Lo (ppm) Hi (ppm) Glycocholic-acid Glyco-deoxy-cholic-acid Gomsempsode-rb-2 Guanine Gum Harman Heneicosanoic-acid Heptadec-1-en-4,6-diyn-3,9,10-triol Heptadec-1-en-4,6-diyne-3,9,10-triol Heptadec-1-en-4,6-diyne-3,9-diol 150 Heptadeca-1-4-diene-6-8-diyne-3-10-diol Heptadeca-1-8-diene-4-6-diyn-3-10-diol Heptadeca-1-8-diene-4-6-diyn-10-ol-3-one Heptadeca-1-8-diene-4-6-diyn-3-10-dione Heptadeca-1-8-diene-4-6-diyne-3-10-diol 14.6 Heptadeca-1-9-diene-4-6-diyn-3-ol Heptadeca-1-en-4,6-diyn-3,9-diol 150 Heptadeca-1-ene-4-6-diyne triol 1.5 Heptadeca-1-trans-8-diene-4-6-diyne-3-10-diol 5.2 Heptadecan-1-ol Essent. Oil Heptadecan-2-one Essent. Oil Heptadecanoic-acid Histidine 20 Humulene Essent. Oil Invertase Iron 180 Iso-butyl-propionate Isoleucine Iso-propyl-propionate Karusan-a Karusan-b Karusan-c Karusan-d Karusan-e Ketoglutaric acid Kilocalories 2740 Leucine Lignoceric acid Ligustrazine Limonene Limonene Essent. Oil Linalool Essent. Oil Linoleic acid 140 Linolein Linolenic acid Lysine Lysophosphatidylcholine Lysophosphatidyl-inositol Magnesium Maleic acid Malic acid Malonyl-ginsenoside-rb Malonyl-ginsenoside-rb ,000 Malonyl-ginsenoside-rb Malonyl-ginsenoside-rb Malonyl-ginsenoside-rc Malonyl-ginsenoside-rc Malonyl-ginsenoside-rd Malonyl-ginsenoside-rd 18 CIR Panel Book Page 39

44 Table 4. Chemical constituents of Panax ginseng root. 17 Constituent Part Lo (ppm) Hi (ppm) Maltol Maltose Manganese Mannitol Mayurone Essent. Oil Methionine Molybdenum Monosaccharides Myristic-acid N-9-formyl-harman 0.1 Nervonic acid N-formyl-harman Niacin Nicotinamide Nicotinic acid N-nonacosane N-nonacosane Norharman Notoginsenoside-r-1 20 N-pentadecane Essent. Oil O-alpha-d-glucopyranosyl...fructofuranoside O-alpha-d-glucopyranosyl...glucopyranose Oleanolic acid Oleic acid Oxalic acid ethyl ester Palmitic-acid Essent. Oil Palmitoleic-acid Panacene Panasinsanol-a 2.3 Panasinsanol-b 12.5 Panaxacol Panaxadiol Panaxan-a Panaxan-b Panaxan-c Panaxan-d Panaxan-e Panaxan-f Panaxan-g Panaxan-h Panaxan-i Panaxan-j Panaxan-k Panaxan-l Panaxan-m Panaxan-n Panaxan-o Panaxan-p Panaxan-q Panaxan-r Panaxan-s Panaxan-t Panaxan-u Panaxatriol Panaxatriol-glycoside Panax-ginseng-20(s)-prosapogenin Panax-ginseng-genin-f-1 Panax-ginseng-genin-f-2 Panax-ginseng-genin-f-4 19 CIR Panel Book Page 40

45 Table 4. Chemical constituents of Panax ginseng root. 17 Constituent Part Lo (ppm) Hi (ppm) Panax-ginseng-glycoprotein Panax-ginseng-glycoside-p-1 Panax-ginseng-lipolytic-peptide Panax-ginseng-polyacetylene-c Panax-ginseng-polyacetylene-d Panax-ginseng-polyacetylene-e Panax-ginseng-polyacetylene-f Panax-ginseng-polyacetylene-g Panax-ginseng-protein Panax glycoprotein Panaxic acid Panaxin Panaxoside-a Panaxoside-a-progenin-i Panaxoside-b Panaxoside-c Panaxoside-d Panaxoside-e Panaxoside-f Panax-polypeptide Panax-polyphenolic-permethyl-ether Panax-polysaccharide Panax-polysaccharide-gh-1 Panax-polysaccharide-gl-4 Panax-polysaccharide-gl-4-ii-b-1-ii Panax-protein Panax-saponin-a Panax-saponin-c Panaxydol Panaxydol-chlorohydrin 13.5 Panaxydol-linoleate 8.1 Panaxyne Panaxyne-epoxide Panaxynol Panaxynol-linoleate 1.3 Panaxytriol Pantothenic-acid 6.6 Patchoulene Essent. Oil P-coumaric-acid Pectin Pentadecanoic acid Perlargonidin-3-o-beta-d-glucoside Perlolyrine 1.6 Phenolase Phenylalanine Phosphatidic-acid Phosphatidyl-choline Phosphatidyl-ethanolamine Phosphatidyl-glycerol Phosphatidyl-inositol Phosphorus P-hydroxycinnamic-acid 26 Polyacetylenes Polysaccharide Polysaccharide Polysaccharide-sa Polysaccharide-sb Potassium Proline 20 CIR Panel Book Page 41

46 Table 4. Chemical constituents of Panax ginseng root. 17 Constituent Part Lo (ppm) Hi (ppm) Pro-renin Protein Protopanaxadiol Protopanaxadiol-glycosides Putrescine Pyroglutamic-acid Pyruvic acid Quinquenoside-r-1 20 Rhamnose Riboflavin Salicylic-acid 3.4 Saponin-ii Saponin-iii Saponin-iv Saponins Saponin-v Selenium Selina-4(14),7(11)-diene Essent. Oil Senecrassidiol Serine Sesquiterpenediol Silicon Sitosterol-6'-linolenylglucoside Sitosterol-6'-linolylglucoside Sitosterol-6'-oleylglucoside Sitosterol-6'-palmitylglucoside Sitosterol-6'-stearylglucoside Sodium Spermidine Spinacine 33.3 Starch Starch Stearic acid Stigmasterol Stigmasterol-6'-linolenylglucoside Stigmasterol-6'-linolylglucoside Stigmasterol-6'-oleylglucoside Stigmasterol-6'-palmitylglucoside Stigmasterol-6'-stearylglucoside Succinic acid Sucrose Sucrose Sugars Superoxide dismutase Tartaric-acid Terpineol Terpineol Essent. Oil Thiamine Threonine Thuj-4(10)-ene Tin Trace-elements Trans-beta-farnesene Essent. Oil Trans-caryophyllene Essent. Oil Tricosanoic-acid Trimethyl-pyrazine Tripalmitin Tyrosine Uracil 21 CIR Panel Book Page 42

47 Table 4. Chemical constituents of Panax ginseng root. 17 Constituent Part Lo (ppm) Hi (ppm) Uridine Valine Vanillic-acid 55 Vitamin-b12 Water Xylose Zinc 27 Table 5. Chemical constituents of P. quinquefolius root. 18 Constituent Plant Part Lo (ppm) Hi (ppm) diepoxy-3-oxo-heptadeca-4-6-diyne 1.7 Alpha-fructose Alpha-glucose Alpha-maltose Alpha-muurolene Essent. Oil Amino-acids Beta-bisabolene Essent. Oil Beta-cubebene Essent. Oil Beta-farnesene Essent. Oil hydroxy-9-10-epoxy-c-oxo-heptadeca-4-6- diyne phenyl-dodecane Essent. Oil phenyl-dodecane Essent. Oil phenyl-undecane Essent. Oil phenyl-dodecane Essent. Oil (r),7(s)-epoxy-tetradeca-1,3-diyne 6-7-epoxy-tetradeca-1-3-dien acetoxy-9,10-epoxyheptadeca-4,6-diyn-1-en- 3-ol 2.2 Acetyl-panaxydol 2.8 Alpha-caryophyllene-alcohol Essent. Oil Alpha-curcumene Essent. Oil Alpha-elemene Essent. Oil Beta-fructose Beta-glucose Beta-gurjunene Essent. Oil Beta-maaliene Essent. Oil Beta-maltose Beta-n-oxalo-l-alpha-beta-diaminopropionicacid 200 Beta-sitosterol Caproic-acid Essent. Oil Caryophyllene Essent. Oil 8670 Cis-beta-farnesene Essent. Oil Dibutyl-phthalate Essent. Oil D-sucrose Elemol Essent. Oil Eo Falcalinol Fructose 3400 Galactose Ginsenoside-a-1 Ginsenoside-f2 180 Ginsenoside-frc Ginsenoside-rb-1 Ginsenoside-rb Ginsenoside-rb-2 Ginsenoside-rb Ginsenoside-rb Ginsenoside-rc Ginsenoside-rc Ginsenoside-rd Ginsenoside-rd Ginsenoside-rd Ginsenoside-re Ginsenoside-re-2 22 CIR Panel Book Page 43

48 Table 5. Chemical constituents of P. quinquefolius root. 18 Constituent Plant Part Lo (ppm) Hi (ppm) Ginsenoside-re-3 Ginsenoside-rf Ginsenoside-rg Ginsenoside-rg-1 Ginsenoside-rg Ginsenoside-rg-2 80 Ginsenoside-rg-3 Ginsenoside-rh Ginsenoside-rh1 Ginsenoside-rh Ginsenoside-rh-2 Ginsenoside-r-o Ginsenoside-r-o Ginsenosides Ginsenoyne-g 5.7 Glucose 3200 Guaiol Essent. Oil Gypenoside-f-11 Gypenoside-xvii 300 Heptadeca-1-8-diene-4-6-diyne-3-10-diol 15 Ledol Essent. Oil Malonyl-ginsenoside-rb-1 Malonyl-ginsenoside-rb-1 Malonyl-ginsenoside-rb-2 Malonyl-ginsenoside-rb-2 Malonyl-ginsenoside-rc Malonyl-ginsenoside-rc Malonyl-ginsenoside-rd Malonyl-ginsenoside-rd Maltose 3800 Myristic-acid N-hexadecane Essent. Oil Nonadecadienoic-acid-methyl-ester Essent. Oil Octadecadienoic-acid-methyl-ester Essent. Oil Oleanolic-acid Oleic-acid Palmitic-acid Palmitic-acid Essent. Oil Palmitic-acid-ethyl-ester Essent. Oil Palmitic-acid-methyl-ester Essent. Oil Panaquilin-e-1 Panaquilin-g-2 Panaxadiol Panaxan-a Panaxan-b Panaxan-c Panaxan-d Panaxan-e Panaxatriol Panax-polyacetylene-pq Panax-polyacetylene-pq Panax-polyacetylene-pq Panax-protein Panaxydol 950 Panaxytriol 59.1 Protein Pseudo-ginsenoside-f Pulegone Essent. Oil Quinquefolan-a Quinquefolan-b Quinquefolan-c Quinquenoside-r Saponins Stigmasterol Sucrose Superoxide-dismutase Trans-beta-farnesene Essent. Oil Xylose 23 CIR Panel Book Page 44

49 Table 6. Chemical constituents of P. japonicus root. 20 Constituent Part Lo (ppm) Hi (ppm) Arabinose Beta sitosterol Calcium 7000 Campesterol Campesterol-6 -linolenylglucoside Campesterol-6 -linoylglucoside Campesterol-6 -oleylglucoside Campesterol-6 -palmitylglucoside Campesterol-6 -stearylglucoside Chikusetsusaponin-I-A Chikusetsusaponin-I-B Chikusetsusaponin-III Chikusetsusaponin-IV Chikusetsusaponin-IV-A 1900 Copper 6 Ginsenoside-R-O Ginsenoside-RD 6700 Ginsenoside-RG-2 Glucose Glucuronic acid Iron 360 Magnesium 2400 Majonoside-R1 700 Majonoside-R Manganese 43 Notoginsenoside-R2 300 Oleanolic acid Panatoxin Potassium Saponins Sitosetrol-6 -stearylglucoside Sitosetrol-6 -linolenylglucoside Sitosetrol-6 -linolylglucoside Sitosetrol-6 -oleylglucoside Sodium 499 Stigmasterol-6 -linolenylglucoside Stigmasterol-6 -linolylglucoside Stigmasterol-6 -oleylglucoside Stigmasterol-6 -palmitylglucoside Stigmasterol-6 -stearylglucoside Zinc 20 Table 7. Chemical constituents of P. pseudoginseng (notoginseng) root. 19 Constituent Plant Part Lo (ppm) Hi (ppm) (20)-Protopanoxadiol (20)-Protopanoxatiiol Beta sitosterol Daucosterol Ginsenoside RA Ginsenoside RA Ginsenoside RB Ginsenoside RB-1 Ginsenoside RB-2 Ginsenoside RE Ginsenoside RG-1 Ginsenoside RG-2 Ginsenosides Notogenisnosides Panaxynal Quercetin 24 CIR Panel Book Page 45

50 Table 8. Comparison of saponin content between white (dried, unsteamed) and black (steamed and dried 9 times) ginseng extract. 9 Saponin White ginseng extract (mg/g) Black ginseng extract (mg/g) Rg ± 4.83 Not detected Re 9.30 ± 0.88 Not detected Rh ± ± 0.15 Rb ± ± 1.60 Rc ± ± 0.71 Rb ± ± 0.21 Rd 2.88 ± ± 0.44 Rg3(R) Not detected 5.80 ± 1.42 Rg3(S) Not detected 1.97 ± 0.53 Total ± ± 4.33 Table 9. Comparison of saponin content by extraction technique. 11,14 Saponin Content (%) 3 batches of hydro-glycolic extract Ultrahypothermia biotic extract Rg Re Below Rf NR 1.87 Rb Rg2 NR 2.30 Rh1 NR Rc Below Rb Rb3 NR 3.37 Rd Below Rg3 NR - Rh2 NR Detection limit. NR Not reported Table 10. Current frequency and concentration of use according to duration and type of exposure provided in ,45 There was no use reported for panax ginseng root powder, hydrolyzed ginseng root, hydrolyzed ginseng root extract, hydrolyzed ginseng saponins, panax ginseng root powder, panax ginseng water, panax ginseng root oil, panax ginseng root protoplasts, panax japanicus root extract, panax nonotginseng root extract, or panax notoginseng root powder. The Council also conducted a survey of use by white and red ginseng root extract. 1 Use type Uses Maximum Concentration (%) Uses Maximum Concentration (%) Uses Maximum Concentration (%) Uses Maximum Concentration (%) Panax ginseng root Panax quinquefolium root extract 2 Panax ginseng root Panax notoginseng root extract Total/range NR NR Duration of use Leave-on NR NR NR 317 NR Rinse-off NR NR Diluted for (bath) use NR NR NR NR 4 NR Exposure type Eye area NR NR NR 32 NR Incidental ingestion NR NR NR NR NR Incidental Inhalation-sprays NR NR NR 17 NR Incidental inhalation-powders NR NR NR NR 8 NR Dermal contact NR NR NR Deodorant (underarm) NR NR NR NR 2 NR Hair-noncoloring NR NR NR Hair-coloring NR NR NR NR NR 7 NR Nail NR NR NR NR NR 2 NR Mucous Membrane NR NR Baby NR NR NR NR NR NR 1 NR 25 CIR Panel Book Page 46

51 White Panax ginseng root extract Red Panax ginseng root extract Total/range NS NS Duration of use Leave-on NS NS Rinse-off NS NS Diluted for (bath) use NS NS NR Exposure type Eye area NS NS NR Incidental ingestion NS NR NS NR Incidental Inhalation-sprays NS NR NS Incidental inhalation-powders NS NS NR Dermal contact NS NS Deodorant (underarm) NS NR NS NR Hair-noncoloring NS NS Hair-coloring NS NR NS NR Nail NS NR NS NR Mucous NS NS NR Membrane Baby NS NR NS NR 1 The Council had no reports of black ginseng being used. There were some reports of red or white but in most cases, no difference in the source material was noted. 2 The VCRP listed Panax ginseng root extract and ginseng extract as separate ingredients. These were combined under Panax ginseng root extract % in a rinse-off non-coloring other hair preparation. NR None reported. NS Not surveyed. Note: Because each ingredient may be used in cosmetics with multiple exposure types, the sum of all exposure type uses may not equal the sum total uses. Table 11. Pharmacokinetic studies of selected saponins in rats, dogs or human plasma (after Lu et al 2009) 21 Saponin Species model, route Dosage Absolute bioavailability 25-OH-PPD Rat, oral 10 mg/kg 64.8% Rh2 Rat, oral 100 mg/kg 0.25% Rh1, Rg1 Rat, i.v., or i.g. 100 mg/kg 1.33% 20(R)-, 20(S)-Rg2 Rat, i.v 25 mg/kg - Rd Human 10 mg/kg %, 6.06%, 2.36%, R1, Rg1, Rd, Re Rat, oral 10 mg/kg 7.06% and 1.18% 2 mg/kg (oral) Rd Dog, i.v., oral 0.2 mg/kg (i.v) 0.26% Reference , Rg Rat, oral, in vivo 50 mg/kg 1.52% 6.60% Rg3 Rat, oral 50 mg/kg 2.63 Multiple Rat, oral 300 mg/kg % (Rg1) Rg1, Rb1 Rat, oral 50 mg/kg 4.35% (Rb1) Compound K Rat, oral 20 mg/kg 35.0% i.v.: intravenous administration; i.g.: intragastric gavage , CIR Panel Book Page 47

52 Table 12. Pharmacokinetic parameters of saponins administered to rabbits. 78 Saponin Dose (Exposure route) t 1/2 (min) t 1/2 abs (min) f (%) Semi-purified A1 500mg in 10% ethanol (iv) Semi-purified A1 500mg in 10% ethanol (iv) Semi-purified A1 500mg in 10% ethanol (iv) A1 500 mg in propylene glycol/ethanol/nacl (ip) A1 500 mg in propylene glycol/ethanol/nacl (iv) A1 250 mg in 10% ethanol (iv) A1 500 mg in 10% ethanol (ip) Semipurified A2 500 mg in 10% ethanol (ip) Semipurified A2 500 mg in 10% ethanol (iv) B2 500 mg in 10% ethanol (iv) B2 500 mg in 10% ethanol (ip) C 250 mg in 10% ethanol (iv) C 500 mg in 10% ethanol (ip) t 1/2 = elimination half life t 1/2 abs = absorption half life f = fraction excreted unchanged in the urine Table 13. Acute toxicity of various forms of ginseng. 156 Compound Species Exposure route LD 50 (mg/kg) Panax ginseng root Rat Oral 750 Panax ginseng root Mouse Oral 200 Panax ginseng root Mouse ip 54 Ginseng root extract Mouse ip 545 Saponin No. 3 Mouse ip 910 Ginseng, saponin extract Mouse ip 637 Panabolide (TRIS-buffer extract of P. ginseng) Rat Oral > 12,000 Panabolide (TRIS-buffer extract of P. ginseng) Rat ip 550 Panabolide (TRIS-buffer extract of P. ginseng) Mouse Oral >2500 Panabolide (TRIS-buffer extract of P. ginseng) Mouse ip >1050 Table 14. Reproductive and developmental studies of panax ginseng root extract. Species (n) Dose Details Results Reference No signs of toxicity or behavior White Wistar rats changes. No differences between 20 mg/kg Days 6-15 of gestation by gavage (10) controls and treatment group for 157 embryo and fetal abnormalities. Sprague-Dawley Rats (15) 0, 1.5, 5, 15 mg/kg/d in corn oil mixed in feed Mated after 3 weeks treatment; females continued treatment through gestation; at weaning, F1 started on treatment feed and mated at 13 weeks; F2 raised to 21 days. All rats killed and necropsied. F1 males and females had no treatment-related effects (i.e., body weight, feed consumption, hematology, clinical chemistry, ophthalmic, necropsy). Necropsy of F0 and F2 rats were unremarkable CIR Panel Book Page 48

53 Table 15. Developmental studies of saponins. Species Dose Details Results Reference Sprague- Dawley rats (27, 29, 25) ICR mice (20-21) 0, 5, 15, 30, 40, 50 μg/ml 0, 5, 15, 30, 40, 50 μg/ml Rats (23-25) 0, 5, 50 μg/ml Rats (23-25) 0, 5, 50 μg/ml CRL crown-rump length Distributed for Comment Only -- Do Not Cite or Quote Rb1 9-day-old embryos were extracted from womb and cultured in equal volumes of rat serum and Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium; penicillin; and streptomycin sulfate with Rb1. Embryos were examined after 48 h. Mean yolk sac diameter and crown-rump length were measured. Embryonic morphologies were given a numerical score (of 0-5) to 17 morphological features depending on their stage of development. Only viable embryos were included. There were no morphological changes at 5 and 15 µg/ml. There were morphological changes to the flexon, forelimb, and hindlimb in the 30 µg/ml group with a lower total morphological score compared to controls. There were additional morphological changes to the heart and eye in the 40 µg/ml group. There was additional morphological changes to the CRL and somite number. There were no effects to the yolk sac diameter. Authors concluded teratogenic effect on rat embryos. Same as above There were no morphological changes at 5 and 15 µg/ml except for yolk sac diamenter in the later. There were morphological changes to the yolk sac diameter and circulation, midbrain, forebrain optic system, and total score in the 30 and 40 µg/ml groups with a lower total morphological score compared to controls. There were additional morphological changes to the CRL, head length, somite number, allantosis, flexon, brachial arch, forelimb bud, and hindlimb bud in the 50 µg/ml group. There was additional morphological changes to the CRL and somite number. There were no effects to the yolk sac diameter. Authors concluded teratogenic effect on rat embryos. Rc Same as above There were no differences in yolk sac diameter, CRL, number of somites, and total morphological score among control and embryos exposed to 5.0 and 50.0 µg/ml Rc Re Same as above Embryos exposed to 50.0g/ml Re had lower morphological scores for all parameters measured (see above) compared to controls. There was no difference between embryos exposed to 5.0 g/ml Re and controls CIR Panel Book Page 49

54 Table 16. Reported effects in oral studies comparing ginseng and placebos (after Coon & Ernst ). Subject population Preparation Reported effects n & daily dose Duration Ginseng Placebo Postmenopausal 384 G mg 16wk 7 SAEs and 124 AEs Most 9 SAEs and 133 AEs Most frequent: frequent: flu/cold (36), headache flu/cold (36), headache (10), women (10), gastrointestinal (13) gastrointestinal (13). Most frequent: flu/cold (35), headache (9), gastrointestinal (22) Healthy men 36 G weeks Diarrhea (3) None reported and 400 mg Healthy 83 G mg 4 mo Nausea (1) Nausea, dizziness, headache, Volunteers stomach problems (5) Healthy 227 G mg 12 weeks Nausea, vomiting, anxiety, Insomnia (1) Volunteers insomnia, epigastralgia (10) Healthy 28 G mg 3 weeks Diarrhea (2) no treatment group Volunteers specified Patients with 60 G115 2 yr Itching, eye burning (2) Urticaria, itching, stomach pain, psycho-asthenic [dose not giddy syndromes stated] feelings (4) Patients with Hypertension Healthy Volunteers 34 Red ginseng 4.5g root (300mg ginseng) ± other antihypertensi ve treatment 22 Korean ginseng 1000mg Elderly patients 49 Korean red ginseng 1.5g Women with 45 Red ginseng postmenopausal 50 mg/kg/d osteoporosis Patients with psychogenic impotence Healthy Volunteers Healthy radio operators 35 Korean red ginseng 2700mg 64 Red ginseng/white ginseng 11.25g 32 Liquid ginseng root extract 2ml 12wk Upper abdominal discomfort (2) Also reported: diaphoresis, tiredness, constipation/dyspepsia (9) no treatment group specified. Only 12 patients had ginseng alone 30 d Stimulation, improved motor efficiency, increased appetite, diarrhea, skin eruptions, sleeplessness, sleepiness (11) 10 d Diarrhea (1) no treatment group specified None reported Depression, improved motor efficiency, increased appetite sleeplessness (7) 12 mo Digestion problem (3) Digestion problem (1) 2 mo Digestive problem, diffuse itching (2) 10 d Hyper- or hypothermia, hot flushes, diarrhea, headache, insomnia, constipation, lip dryness, dizziness, loss of appetite no treatment group specified Single dose Lighter hand and increased appetite (number of patients not reported) G115 = standardized ginseng extract, 4% saponins (Ginsana, Pharmaton SA, Lugano, Switzerland) AE = adverse event SAE = serious adverse event None reported None reported Reference CIR Panel Book Page 50

55 Table 17. Placebo-controlled oral trials of ginseng in which no adverse effects were reported (after Coon & Ernst ). Subject population n Daily dose Duration Comments Reference Healthy females 19 G mg 8 wk None 175 Healthy females 19 G mg 8 wk None 176 Healthy males 16 G mg 12 wk None 63 Patients with Adverse effects not 40 G mg 8 wk bronchitis specified 177 Healthy subjects 112 Six patients 400 mg Ginseng 8-9 wk discontinued the study extract due to illness 178 Healthy males 41 Standard ginseng extract 300mg 8 wk None 179 Patients with 30 Korean red ginseng 6 wk None 180 unsettled complaints Patients with erectile Dysfunction 90 Athletes 30 Healthy nurses 12 Middle to old aged subjects 358 Distributed for Comment Only -- Do Not Cite or Quote powder 2.7g Korean red ginseng 1800mg Chinese ginseng 1200 mg Korean ginseng 1200 mg Panax ginseng 150 mg 3 mo None 6 wk None 3 d None Patients with diabetes Ginseng 100 or wk None mellitus mg G115 = standardized ginseng extract, 4% saponins (Ginsana, Pharmaton SA, Lugano, Switzerland) 2 mo No vomiting and/or long-term toxic effects observed Table 18. Effects reported in comparative oral trials comparing ginseng to another treatment (after Coon & Ernst ). Subject population n Daily dose Duration Patients with chronic bronchitis 75 Sportsmen 20 Patients with heart failure Regular users of ginseng G mg/ antibacterial Treatment G mg/G115s Red ginseng [dose not stated]/ digoxin/both doses]/ginseng and other stimulants 9 d Effects reported (no. of patients) Ginseng Other treatment(s) Not specified; Nine patients withdrew from the study Not specified spontaneously (no treatment group specified) 9 wk None reported None reported 15 pills None reported None reported 12 wk Contact urticarial reaction (1) stimulation, wellbeing, nervousness Allergic reactions (2), ginseng abuse syndrome (1), stimulation, wellbeing G115 = standardized ginseng extract, 4% saponins (Ginsana, Pharmaton SA, Lugano, Switzerland); G115s = standardized ginseng extract, 7% saponins (Pharmaton SA, Lugano, Switzerland); n = number of study participants. Reference CIR Panel Book Page 51

56 Table 19. Effects reported in uncontrolled trials of ginseng (after Coon & Ernst ). Subject population n Daily dose Duration Adverse effects reported (no. of patients) Patients with oligospermia 17 G mg 90 d None reported Patients with chronic respiratory 15 G mg 3 mo None reported disease Postmenopausal 49 G mg 3 mo None reported women Postmenopausal women with and without climacteric symptoms Male athletes Patients with essential hypertension Healthy women Patients with essential hypertension Patients with hypertension Patients with mild proteinaemia and hypertension Korean red ginseng 6 g Pure ginseng extract 105 mg Ginseng extract 1000 mg Epicutaneous extract of ginseng containing 14% gensenosides Red ginseng powder 3 g Korean red ginseng 4.5 g Red ginseng 900 mg 30 d None reported 2 d None reported Up to 10 wk 30 d None reported Patients withdrew after days due to skin feeling too tight (3) 12 wk None reported mo None reported 2 mo Digestive problem (1) G115 = standardized ginseng extract, 4% saponins (Ginsana, Pharmaton SA, Lugano, Switzerland); Reference Table 20. Summaries of reports/studies on the estrogenic activity of ginseng and ginseng saponins. Ginseng source/description Report/study summary Reference Fang Fang ginseng face cream (no information was found on the contents of the cream) P. ginseng; 200 mg/tablet (formula and duration not provided) P. ginseng powder (formula, dose, and exposure route not provided) Rumanian ginseng (form and amount not provided) Ginseng preparations (species, formula, amount and exposure route and durations not provided) Ginseng (species, formula, amount and exposure route and duration not provided) Human Anecdotal reports A 44-yr-old woman who had undergone menopause at age 42 experienced three episodes of vaginal spotting after daily use of Fang Fang ginseng face cream for 1 month or more (Shanghai, China; formula unspecified). The bleeding episodes were associated with a decrease in follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels and a disordered proliferative pattern on endometrial biopsy. The woman experienced no further bleeding after discontinuing use of the cream. A 72-year-old woman experienced vaginal bleeding after ingesting one tablet daily of a Swiss-Austrian geriatric formula containing P. ginseng. A 70-year-old woman developed mastalgia with diffuse nodularity after using a P. ginseng powder for 3 weeks. The symptoms ceased after the use of the product was discontinued, and reappeared with two additional re-challenges. Prolactin levels remained within normal limits. A 62-year old woman who had undergone bilateral oophorectomy 14 years previously developed marked estrogenic effects, based on the microscopy of vaginal smears and gross appearance of the vaginal and cervical epithelium, after ingesting Rumanian ginseng two weeks per month for 1 year. Estrone, estradiol, and estriol levels were essentially unchanged over this time, but the effects on the vaginal smear coincided with the use of the product. The investigators found no estrogen in the product. However, a crude methanol extract of the product competed with estradiol for binding to estrogen and progesterone receptors in human myometrial cytosol. Five women aged who had been taking ginseng preparations developed breast symptoms, including enlargement of the nipples. Male gynecomastia has also been reported after ginseng use CIR Panel Book Page 52

57 Table 20. Summaries of reports/studies on the estrogenic activity of ginseng and ginseng saponins. Ginseng source/description Report/study summary Reference P. ginseng (ethanol extracts; 2 weeks at 0, 125, 250, 500, 1000, or 2000 mg/kg 5 days/week; 3 months at 0, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, or 5000 mg/kg, five days per week)) P. quinquefolium (purchased from a health-food vendor) P. quinquefolium high concentrations (ie, 1:500 dilution) P. quinquefolium (multi-solvent extraction and a proprietary extract) P. quinquefolium root (various extract solvents) Whole Animal Studies Oral toxicity and carcinogenicity studies of ethanol extracts of P. ginseng in Fischer 344 rats and B6C3F1mice studies, there were no significant differences in sperm parameters of male rats and mice or the estrous cyclicity of female rats and mice between the control and ginseng treated groups. No evidence of hormonal effects in rats or mice was found in these studies, including the two-year study (0, 1250, 2500, 5000 mg/kg five days per week). Alcohol extracts of P. quinquefolium had no effect on uterine weight when administered by gavage (500 µl/day) to ovariectomized CD-1 mice for 4 days. In contrast, 100 µg/kg/day 17β-estradiol administered subcutaneously for 4 days increased the mean uterine weight 1.7-fold greater than the negative control group. In vitro studies Alcohol extracts of P. quinquefolium stimulated the growth of MCF-7 cells, which are estrogen receptor (ER)-positive human breast cancer cells. The proliferation rate of the treated cells was 2 times greater than that of untreated control cells, but the treatment did not transactivate (ie, did not increase the rate of gene expression of) either human ERα (herα) or herβ in transfected HeLa cells. The authors suggested that ginseng stimulates the growth of MCF-7 cells independent of estrogenic activity. P. quinquefolium extracts induced the expression of the estrogen-sensitive gene, ps2, and caused a dose-dependent decrease in the proliferation of MCF-7 cells. Extraction method of P. quinquefolium root will determine its ability to produce an estrogenic response in MCF-7 cells. A methanol extract, but not a water extract, increased MCF-7 cell proliferation in a concentration-dependent manner at low concentrations (5-100 µg/ml) when the cells were maintained under lowestrogen conditions. Higher concentrations of the methanol extract inhibited proliferation. The results of proliferation studies, ER binding assays, and ps2 and progesterone receptor (PgR) mrna expression analyses all supported the conclusion that the water extract does not elicit estrogen-like activity. The authors proposed that the conflicting results of laboratory studies on the estrogenicity of ginseng may be attributable to differences in extraction methods. P. ginseng and P. quinquefolius root Crude water or methanol extracts of P. ginseng and P. quinquefolius root can bind to purified ERα or ERβ (PanVera), but neither receptor type interacted with purified Rb1 or Rg1 (Indofine). However, the crude extracts contained zearalenone or zearalenone-like compounds that bind to ERα and ERβ, and three of the four root samples cultured positive for Fusarium fungus, which is the only known natural source of zearalenone. Zearalenone and its metabolites are wellknown, potent estrogenic mycotoxins. The authors suggested that the findings could explain the sporadic reports of estrogen toxicity after ginseng use, as well as the conflicting results of in vitro studies of the estrogenic action of ginseng crude extracts and purified ginsenosides. Rb1 Rb1 from the Korean Ginseng and Tobacco Research Institute (purity unspecified) Rb1 purchased from the National Institute for the Control of Pharmaceutical and Biological Products Rc and Re Re Rg1 from the ethanol extracts of P. notoginseng Rg1 Rg1 Distributed for Comment Only -- Do Not Cite or Quote 50 µm Rb1 obtained from the Korean Ginseng and Tobacco Research Institute (purity unspecified), activated the transcription of the estrogen-responsive luciferase reporter gene in MCF-7 cells. The effect was blocked by the specific ER antagonist ICI 182,780, indicating that the effect is ER-dependent. The authors proposed that Rb1 acts as a weak phytoestrogen, presumably by binding and activating the estrogen receptor in these cells. Rb1 activated both ERα and ERβ, leading to the transactivation of estrogenresponsive luciferase genes in MCF-7 cells in a dose-dependent manner (up to 100 µm). However, Rb1 did not displace the specific binding of [ 3 H]17β-estradiol from estrogen receptors in MCF-7 whole-cell ligand binding assays. Thus, Rb1 appears to activate both ERα and ERβ in these cells in the absence of ER binding. Rb1 (>98% purity, 0 and 500 nm for 24 hours) activated the anti-angiogenic pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF), and suppressed endothelial cell tube formation, in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). These effects were mediated by ERβ, rather than ERα. In competitive ligand binding assays, Rb1 was able to displace a high-affinity fluorescent estrogen ligand from human recombinant ERβ, but not ERα. Rc and Re can stimulate MCF-7 cell growth and induce c-fos expression independent of ER activation. Re did not enhance proliferation of MCF-7 cells. Picomolar (pm) concentrations of 99% pure Rg1 from the ethanol extracts of P. notoginseng can activate the ER in human breast cancer cells (MCF-7) and human endometrial cells (HeLa) without directly interacting with the ER. Rg1 stimulated MCF-7 cell proliferation and ps2 mrna expression through activation of cross-talk between ERα-dependent and insulin growth factor 1 receptor (IGF-IR)-dependent pathways. Rg1 stimulates the transcription of the estrogen response element (ERE)- luciferase reporter gene through ERα and ERβ in human embryonic kidney cells , CIR Panel Book Page 53

58 Table 20. Summaries of reports/studies on the estrogenic activity of ginseng and ginseng saponins. Ginseng source/description Report/study summary Reference (HEK293) transfected with either ERα or ERβ. However, Rg1 activated EREluciferase activity at lower concentrations (0.01 pm to 1 µm) through the ERαmediated pathway, compared to the Rg1 concentration (1 µm) required for activation through the ERβ-mediated pathway. Furthermore, 1 pm Rg1 rapidly induced the phosphorylation at the serine 118 residue of the AF-1 transcriptional activation domain of ERα within 5 minutes, suggesting that Rg1 activates ERα in a ligand-independent manner. The authors suggested that the results may help to Rg1 Rh1 Distributed for Comment Only -- Do Not Cite or Quote explain the different effects of ginsenosides in different types of tissues. The estrogenic effects of Rg1 (>99% pure) in MCF-7 cells, including the ligandindependent activation of ERα, the induction of IGF-IR and estrogen-responsive ps2 expression, and the stimulation of cell proliferation, are mediated by the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. Rh1 could activate ER in human breast cancer cells Rh2 (semi-synthesized; M) Estrogenic potency of semi-synthesized ginsenoside-rh2, was examined with yeast two-hybrid system, including expressed genes of human estrogen receptor, herα, the co-activator TIF2 and lacz as a reporter gene. Ginsenoside-Rh2 exhibited moderate estrogenic activity at 10 7 to 10 6 M. Its effect was approximately 30% of the activity of 17β-estradiol applied at half-effective concentration. The authors concluded that this indicatesd that Rh2 is a weak phytoestrogen. Data obtained by yeast two-hybrid assay reflect structure activity relationship between tested compounds and 17β-estradiol. Rh2 has some similarity in chemical structure with 17β-estradiol that might explain affinity of this glycoside to the herα receptor CIR Panel Book Page 54

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69 June 11, 2012 MEMORANDUM To: From: Subject: CIR Expert Panel and Liaisons Lillian C. Becker, M.S. Scientific Analyst and Writer Unpublished data for panax ginseng root and other ginseng root derived ingredients used in cosmetics The Personal Care Products Council submitted an unpublished HRIPT report on panax ginseng root extract. CIR Panel Book Page 64

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