Internship Questions. PP 1 Anatomical Planes & Directions

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1 Internship Questions PP 1 Anatomical Planes & Directions 1. Which of the following is not a plane of motion a. Sagittal b. Vertical c. Frontal d. Transverse 2. Which of the following terms are related to the Sagittal Plane? a. Anterior/Posterior b. Superior/Inferior c. Medial/Lateral d. None of the above 3. Which of the following is the most superior to the rest a. Knees b. Ankles c. Hips d. Toes 4. The forearm is proximal to the shoulder 5. What does the Frontal Plane divide the body into? a. Left & right b. Front & back c. Upper & lower d. Medial & Lateral Please fill in the table Plane of Motion Actions occurring 6. Sagittal Flexion & Extension 7. Frontal Anterior & Posterior 8. Transverse Rotation

2 PP 2 Joints of the Body 9. Which bone is not part of the shoulder joint? a. Clavicle b. Scapula c. Humerus d. Radius 10. Which is not an action of the shoulder joint? a. Flexion b. Horizontal Extension c. Side flexion d. Internal Rotation 11. How many vertebrae are in the cervical spine (neck)? a. 7 b. 12 c. 5 d Which bone is on the thumb-side of the forearm a. Ulna b. Tibia c. Fibula d. Radius 13. Which bone must support 1/3 of your bodyweight? a. Ulna b. Tibia c. Fibula d. Radius 14. How many muscles attach to the scapula? a. 22 b. 6 c. 17 d. 10

3 15. What is the name of the bony tip of the elbow? a. Olecranon b. Patella c. Ischial Tuberosity d. Coracoid Tuberosity Please fill in the table Joint Bones Action 16. Spine - Thoracic/Lumbar vertebrae - Ribs 15. Hip - Ilium - Femur 16. Knee - Tibia - Fibula - Patella 17. Ankle - Tibia - Fibula - Talus - Calcaneus Flexion/extension Side flexion Lateral rotation Flexion/Extension Abduction/Adduction Internal/External Rotation Flexion/Extension Tibial Internal/External Rotation Plantarflexion/Dorsiflexion Inversion/Eversion PP4. Muscles of the Back 17. Which of the following is not a section of the trapezius muscle? a. Upper b. Medial c. Middle d. Lower 18. The fibers of the Trapezius originate at the external occipital protuberance a. Upper b. Middle c. Lower d. None of the fibers of this muscle attach there

4 19. What shape do all of the fibers of the Trapezius form? a. Rectangular b. Ovoid c. Diamond d. Square 20. The Latissimus Dorsi is the broadest muscle of the back. b. False 21. Where does the Latissimus Dorsi insert? a. Bicipital groove of the humerus b. Acromion process c. Lesser tubercle of the humerus d. Coracoid process 22. Which of the following is not an action of the Latissimus Dorsi? a. Shoulder adduction b. Shoulder internal rotation c. Shoulder flexion d. Scapular depression 23. What is the action that the middle fibers of the trapezius perform? a. Scapular protraction b. Scapular retraction c. Downward rotation d. Upward rotation 24. Rhomboid major is located inferior to rhomboid minor.

5 b. False 25. Which muscle do the Rhomboids lie deep to? a. Latissimus Dorsi b. Serratus Anterior c. Trapezius d. Pectoralis Major 26. Which of the following is not an action of the Rhomboids? a. Scapular retraction b. Scapular downward rotation c. Scapular winging d. Scapular elevation 27. Identify the following muscles in this picture: Answers (A) Trapezius (B) Infraspinatus (C) Teres Minor (D)Latissimus Dorsi (E) Levator Scapulae (F) Rhomboids

6 PP5. The Rotator Cuff 1. Which of the following is not a Rotator Cuff muscle? a. Supraspinatus b. Infraspinatus c. Teres Major d. Subscapularis 2. Injuries to the rotator cuff muscles are primarily due to repeated underhand and pushing motions. 3. Supraspinatus originates on the subscapular fossa of the scapula. 4. All of the muscles of the rotator cuff attach to the greater tubercle of the humerus. 5. Which of the rotator cuff muscles help with shoulder abduction? a. Supraspinatus b. Infraspinatus c. Teres Minor d. Subscapularis 6. Which of the following work together as a pair? a. Teres minor & Supraspinatus b. Supraspinatus & Subscapularis c. Infraspinatus & Teres Minor d. Subscapularis & Infraspinatus 7. Which of the following is an internal rotator of the shoulder? a. Supraspinatus b. Infraspinatus

7 c. Teres Minor d. Subscapularis 8. Identify the following landmarks from the picture below. #4. Superior Angle #12. Infraspinatus fossa #5. Subscapular fossa #14. Coracoid process #6. Medial/Vertebral border #15. Acromion process #10. Supraspinous Fossa #17. Lateral Border #11. Spine of scapula PP6. Muscles of The Arms 1. Pectoralis Major is a thin, small muscle of the chest. 2. On which aspect of the clavicle does the clavicular head of the Pectoralis Major originate? a. Middle 1/3 b. Medial ½ c. Lateral ½ d. The whole clavicle 3. Which of the following is NOT an action that ALL fibers of the Pectoralis Major perform? a. Shoulder Adduction b. Internal Rotation

8 c. Horizontal Adduction d. Shoulder Flexion 4. What is the point of insertion of the deltoids? Deltoid tuberosity 5. What is the insertion point of the Triceps Brachii muscle? Olecranon process of the ulna 6. Which is not an origin of the Deltoids? a. Lateral 1/3 of the clavicle b. Coracoid process c. Acromion process d. Spine of the scapula 7. Which deltoid fiber performs internal rotation and horizontal adduction? Anterior Deltoids 8. The Biceps Brachii is on the posterior aspect of the humerus. 9. What is the origin of the brachialis muscle? distal ½ of the anterior aspect of the humerus PP.7 The Core 1. Which part of the sternum does the rectus abdominis attach to? a. Manubrium b. The main body c. Xiphoid process d. It does not attach to the sternum 2. Which is not an insertion point of the external obliques? a. Pubic crest b. Sacrum c. Anterior iliac Spine d. Pubic tubercles 3. The Diaphragm has a direct impact on the core. b. False 4. Which ribs do the internal oblique muscles attach to?

9 a. Ribs 5-7 b. Ribs 1-4 c. Ribs d. All of the ribs 5. The external obliques perform side flexion and trunk rotation both to the same side. 6. Which muscle is the deepest muscle of the abdomen? a. Rectus Abdominus b. Internal Obliques c. External Obliques d. Quadratus Lumborum PP8. Muscles of the Hip 1. What muscle is commonly involved with Sciatica? a. Gluteus Maximus b. Gastrocnemius c. Piriformis d. Psoas major 2. Which of the following actions are not performed by the Gluteus Maximus? a. Hip Internal Rotation b. Hip Extension c. Hip Abduction d. Hip External Rotation 3. Please provide the following information for the Piriformis: a. Origin: Anterior surface of Sacrum b. Insertion: Superior aspect of greater trochanter 4. Psoas Major and Iliacus are commonly referred to as Iliopsoas. b. False 5. What is the origin of Iliacus? Iliac Fossa

10 6. The Lower fibers of the Gluteus Maximus blend into the Iliotibial Tract. 7. Identify the following landmarks from the pictures below. Picture ( c ) Picture (a) #3. Psoas major #2. Gluteus Maximus #7. Rectus Femoris #4. Iliotibial Band #9. Vastus Medialis Obliquus #5. Biceps Femoris #13. Patella #8. Gastrocnemius PP9. Major Muscle of the Legs 1. Which of the four quadriceps crosses 2 joints? a. Rectus Femoris b. Vastus Lateralis c. Vastus Intermedius d. Vastus Medialis Obliquus 2. Which of the quadriceps creates a teardrop shape? a. Rectus Femoris b. Vastus Lateralis c. Vastus Intermedius

11 d. Vastus Medialis Obliquus 3. What is the insertion of the quadriceps muscle group? Tibial tuberosity via the patellar tendon 4. What are the actions of the quadriceps group? ALL: knee extension; Rectus Femoris: hip flexion 5. What is the common origin of the Hamstring group? a. Tibial Tuberosity b. Greater trochanter of the femur c. Ischial Tuberosity d. Iliac Crest 6. The Hamstring group are strong hip flexors and knee extensors. 7. Which muscle is important for venous return of blood from the leg to the heart? a. Gastrocnemius b. Soleus c. Piriformis d. Hamstrings 8. Between gastrocnemius and soleus, which one crosses 2 joints? Gastrocnemius crosses the knee and ankle joint 9. Which bone does the Achilles heel insert to? a. Calcaneus b. Talus c. Tibia d. Fibula

12 PP10. Energy System 1. What are the 3 energy systems? a. Phosphagen/Anaerobic b. Glycolysis c. Oxidative 2. What is the term used to describe the metabolic process that takes place in the absence of oxygen? a. Aerobic b. Glycolytic c. Anaerobic d. Lactic 3. What is the primary fuel source for the Phosphagen (Anaerobic) system? a. Carbohydrates b. Fats c. Proteins d. All of the above 4. The Glycolysis system requires intensity. a. High b. Moderate to High c. Moderate d. Low to High 5. Which system is utilized the most at rest? a. Anaerobic b. Glycolytic c. Oxidative d. All of the are used equally 6. Protein is not significantly metabolized, except for long bouts of exercise and periods of starvation b. False 7. Which energy system is the primary supplier with 0-6s bouts? a. Phosphagen

13 b. Glycolytic c. Oxidative d. All of the are used equally PP11. Cardiorespiratory System 1. What 2 systems make the cardiorespiratory system? a. Respiratory b. Cardiovascular 2. Respiration oxygen and carbon dioxide. a. Uses; requires b. removes; provides c. provides; removes d. requires; promotes 3. A large decrease in blood pressure occurs during exercise if the client holds his/her breath. 4. When should a client IDEALLY exhale while exercising? a. Contracting a muscle b. Relaxing a muscle c. Does not matter d. Client should actually hold his/her breath 5. Which if the following is not a primary function of the cardiovascular system? a. Transport oxygen and carbon dioxide b. Regulate body temperature, ph levels and fluid balance c. Promote body strength gains during exercise d. Protect the body from blood loss and infection 6. Blood vessels are considered as the conduits for blood to circulate. b. False 7. What is a common method of determining maximal Heart Rate?

14 i. HRmax = 220 age PP What are the 2 ways that water leaves the body during exercise? a. (sweat) b. (respiration) 2. Which of the following is not a common symptom of dehydration? a. Light-headedness b. Dizziness c. Vision loss d. Quick fatigue 3. Fill in the blanks on the following statements regarding hydrating. a. Drink cups of water hrs before exercise (2-3,2-3) b. Drink cups of water every mins during exercise (1,15) c. Drink cups of water after exercise (2-3) 4. What is hypoglycemia? a. Blood sugar levels are low b. Blood sugar levels are high c. Blood sugar levels are normal d. It has nothing to do with blood sugar 5. Why can exercise cause a hypoglycemic state? (think of intensity) a. Higher energy usage/demand on muscle as intensity increases 6. What is not a suggestion for reducing the risk of hypoglycemia? a. Avoid working out on an empty stomach b. Carry small snacks in your bag

15 c. Drink caffeinated drinks to stimulate proper use of glucose d. Eat healthy, balanced meals 7. In any event of a client feeling any adverse reaction (ie. Dizziness, nausea, light-headedness) during exercise, do not: a. Have the participant lie down b. Ask if he/she has any systemic condition as this may cause more shock c. Encourage the client to keep going as hard as they can d. Allow the person to drink or eat anything PP13. Common Postural Dysfunctions 1. Considering a forward slouched position, which of the following muscles would be expected to be tight, and which would be overstretched & weak? a. Upper Trapezius - (tight) b. Rhomboids - (weak) c. Neck flexors - (weak) d. Pectoralis Major - (tight) 2. For a client with a slouched position, which of the following exercises would be recommended he/she performs regularly? a. Bench Press b. Abdominal Crunches c. Cable Rows d. Deadlifts 3. With an anterior pelvic tilt, list which muscles would be tight and which would be weak. (2 muscles for each) a. Tight: Erectors, Psoas Major/Iliacus b. Weak: Rectus Abdominis, Gluteus maximus 4. List one cue you would use to encourage a client to correct an anterior tilt position. a. Flex your glutes + hamstrings b. Tighten up your rectus abdominis (abs) 5. What is a cue to correct the position of the knees?

16 a. keep the knees over the toes (1 st and 2 nd ) 6. With knock knees or bowed knees, which muscles/muscle groups would you strengthen and which would you stretch? Bowed Knees Knock Knees Strengthen Adductors/Groin Gluteal Group Stretch Gluteal group Adductors/Groin

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