1. Scientific evidence shows that most people today are maintaining a healthy lifestyle program. a. True

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1 True / False 1. Sientifi eviene shows that most people toay are maintaining a healthy lifestyle program. a. True b. False False Introution 2. The foo inustry spens less money avertising a single foo prout than the feeral government spens promoting MyPlate. a. True b. False False Environmental Influene on Diet an Nutrition 3. Inifferene an helplessness unersore a efeatist thought proess, i.e., that we have no ontrol over our health. a. True b. False True Barriers to Change LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Unerstan obstales that hiner the ability to hange behavior. 4. People who believe they have ontrol over what happens to them in life are sai to have an external lous of ontrol. a. True b. False False Motivation an Lous of Control LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Explain the onepts of motivation an lous of ontrol. 5. Motivation omes from within, but is influene by external fators that ontrol behavior. a. True b. False True Motivation an Lous of Control LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Explain the onepts of motivation an lous of ontrol. 6. The transtheoretial moel of hange illustrates hange as a graual proess that involves several stages. a. True Copyright Cengage Learning. Powere by Cognero. Page 1

2 b. False True LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Ientify the stages of hange. 7. The humanisti theory of hange states that people ten to share ommon goals when it omes to personal evelopment. a. True b. False False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Ientify the stages of hange. 8. In behavior moifiation, onsiousness-raising involves obtaining information about the problem so you an make a better eision about the problem behavior. a. True b. False True The Proess of Change LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Desribe the proesses of hange. 9. When ountering, a person will restruture physial surrounings to avoi problem behaviors an erease temptations. a. True b. False False The Proess of Change LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Explain tehniques that will failitate the proess of hange. 10. The A in SMART goals stans for aeptable goals that are ompatible with those of others when a group effort is require. a. True b. False True LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Desribe the role of SMART goal setting in the proess of hange. Multiple Choie 11. Your text esribes the environment we live in as when it omes to fitness an wellness. a. negative b. positive Copyright Cengage Learning. Powere by Cognero. Page 2

3 . neutral. toxi e. ontrolling Living in a Toxi Health an Fitness Environment 12. Street esign manuals in the Unite States reommen on one sie of the street only. a. shoulers b. urb uts. utility poles. siewalks e. biyle lanes Environmental Influenes on Physial Ativity 13. Aoring to your text, toay s moern onvenienes have lulle us into overonsumption an: a. seentary living. b. omplaeny.. unerahievement.. loss of ontrol. e. self-effiay. a Environmental Influene on Diet an Nutrition 14. Health experts reommen that to be onsiere ative, a person aumulate the equivalent of miles of walking per ay. a. 1-2 b e Environmental Influenes on Physial Ativity 15. Streets typially are rate by traffi engineers aoring to their: a. length an with. b. walkability. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powere by Cognero. Page 3

4 . type of surfae.. egree of use. e. level of servie. e Environmental Influenes on Physial Ativity 16. Some ommunities toay use a(n) to rate how useful their streets are for peestrians an biylists. a. level of servie b. egree of use. safety stanar. walkability sore e. aessibility ranking Environmental Influenes on Physial Ativity 17. Daily omputer ing, surfing the Internet, an onuting online transations have been shown to erease energy expeniture by alories. a. 10 to 50 b. nearly to to 500 e. 500 or more Environmental Influenes on Physial Ativity 18. At restaurants, people are more likely to base their foo hoies on: a. taste, onveniene, an ost. b. portion size an rink refills.. the ratio of meat to vegetables.. their iet plans. e. oupons an aily speials. a Environmental Influene on Diet an Nutrition 19. The largest nuleus of the basal ganglia, known as the, plays a key role in habit formation. a. trigger b. mibrain Copyright Cengage Learning. Powere by Cognero. Page 4

5 . striatum. nulei e. forebrain Your Brain an Your Habits LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Unerstan obstales that hiner the ability to hange behavior. 20. What barrier to hange best applies to tanners who fous on the short-term attrativeness of bronze skin an isregar the long-term risk of skin aner? a. prorastination b. gratifiation. preonitione ultural belief. rationalization e. inifferene b Barriers to Change LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Unerstan obstales that hiner the ability to hange behavior. 21. "I'll eal with the onsequenes later" is an expression that best illustrates the barrier to hange. a. illusion of invinibility b. inifferene. rationalization. risk omplaeny e. lak of ore values Barriers to Change LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Unerstan obstales that hiner the ability to hange behavior. 22. Feeling overwhelme by all the hanges neee to live a healthy lifestyle best applies to the barrier to hange. a. omplexity b. gratifiation. prorastination. rationalization e. lak of ore values a Barriers to Change LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Unerstan obstales that hiner the ability to hange behavior. 23. The belief in one s own ability to perform a given task is known as: a. self-motivation. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powere by Cognero. Page 5

6 b. self-effiay.. self-regar.. self-esteem. e. self-starting. b Self-Effiay LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Unerstan obstales that hiner the ability to hange behavior. 24. The least signifiant soure of self-effiay beliefs are that people experiene when faing a hallenge. a. soial norms b. illusions of invinibility. feelings of helplessness. past performanes e. physiologial ues e Self-Effiay LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Unerstan obstales that hiner the ability to hange behavior. 25. What is the rive that itates human behavior by proviing iretion, energy, an persistene? a. gratifiation b. self-effiay. motivation. self-onfiene e. willpower Motivation an Lous of Control LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Explain the onepts of motivation an lous of ontrol. 26. People with an internal lous of ontrol have a(n): a. higher risk for illness. b. urge to ontrol the behavior of others.. easier time ahering to a wellness program.. inlination to say things happen by hane. e. greater sense of vulnerability. Motivation an Lous of Control LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Explain the onepts of motivation an lous of ontrol. 27. People with an external lous of ontrol believe that: a. they are at less risk for illness. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powere by Cognero. Page 6

7 b. they an ontrol the behavior others.. they an easily ahere to a wellness program.. things happen to them by hane, espite their behavior. e. their behavior helps them maintain ontrol. Motivation an Lous of Control LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Explain the onepts of motivation an lous of ontrol. 28. The solution to problems of ompetene is to: a. master the skills you nee to partiipate. b. visualize yourself oing the task an getting it one.. ivie a goal into smaller, more realisti objetives.. get euate about the problems an set goals. e. reognize your limitations an o the best you an. a Motivation an Lous of Control LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Explain the onepts of motivation an lous of ontrol. 29. Problems of onfiene, as an impeiment to quit smoking, surfae when people o not: a. have the skills to quit smoking. b. believe they an quit smoking.. believe smoking is that harmful.. know the benefits of not smoking. e. are if they an quit smoking. b Motivation an Lous of Control LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Explain the onepts of motivation an lous of ontrol. 30. Problems of motivation, as an impeiment to quit smoking, surfae when people o not: a. have the skills to quit smoking. b. believe they an quit smoking.. believe quitting is that important.. have the time to quit smoking. e. have the external support to quit smoking. Motivation an Lous of Control LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Explain the onepts of motivation an lous of ontrol. 31. What simple statement applies to the two-stage hange moel of unhealthy behavior an healthy behavior? a. Change is goo for the soul. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powere by Cognero. Page 7

8 b. Fish or ut bait.. The joy of living beats the fear of ying.. You only live one. e. Either you o it or you on t. e Changing Behavior LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Ientify the stages of hange. 32. Critial in the transition from the preontemplation stage to the ontemplation stage of the transtheoretial moel is for people to: a. begin an exerise program. b. ontrol the environment.. reognize the importane of self-responsibility.. set goals to hange behavior. e. experiment with a new behavior. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Ientify the stages of hange. 33. In the preparation stage of the transtheoretial moel, people are: a. planning to hange a behavior within six months. b. wonering whether a hange is possible.. weighing the pros an ons of a hange.. following the guielines of a new behavior. e. taking initial steps for hange. e LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Ientify the stages of hange. 34. The ation stage of the transtheoretial moel requires: a. the greatest ommitment of time an energy. b. the realization that a relapse is inevitable.. an immeiate transition to the termination or aoption stage.. more euation about the problem behavior. e. more euation about the problem behavior. a LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Ientify the stages of hange. 35. During the stage of the transtheoretial moel, people ontinue the new behavior for up to five years. a. aoption Copyright Cengage Learning. Powere by Cognero. Page 8

9 b. proess. maintenane. termination e. ation LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Ientify the stages of hange. 36. In the transtheoretial moel, a relapse: a. means the hange has faile. b. frequently ours uring the preontemplation stage.. ours uring the ation or maintenane stage.. may our at any level of the moel. e. tens to happen without warning. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Ientify the stages of hange. 37. John oes not believe that he will get lung aner from smoking igarettes, so he oes not want to quit smoking. John is in the stage of the transtheoretial moel. a. preontemplation b. ontemplation. preparation. maintenane e. termination a LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Ientify the stages of hange. 38. John has maintaine a healthy boy weight by exerising regularly an eating right for more than five years. He is onsiere to be in the stage of the transtheoretial moel. a. suess b. ation. maintenane. aoption e. non-relapse LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Ientify the stages of hange. 39. A ommon tehnique of is referre to as urge surfing, whih irets the person to notie the urge, pay attention Copyright Cengage Learning. Powere by Cognero. Page 9

10 to the way the urge feels as it buils, an then simply ontinue notiing it as the urge subsies. a. self-analysis b. minfulness. behavior analysis. ommitment e. self-reevaluation b The Proess of Change LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Explain tehniques that will failitate the proess of hange. 40. As a proess of hange, involves obtaining information about the problem so you an make a better eision about the problem behavior. a. soial liberation b. onsiousness-raising. self-analysis. behavior analysis e. ommitment b The Proess of Change LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Desribe the proesses of hange. 41. Non-smoking areas, poliy interventions, an avoay groups are examples of: a. ramati release. b. positive outlook.. positive outlook.. soial liberation. e. onsiousness-raising. The Proess of Change LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Desribe the proesses of hange. 42. What proess of hange applies to a woman who quits smoking after seeing an aunt ie of lung aner? a. emotional arousal b. ommitment. self-analysis. behavior-analysis e. onsiousness-raising a The Proess of Change LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Desribe the proesses of hange. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powere by Cognero. Page 10

11 43. When you write own a(n), it beomes real an a ontrat with yourself. a. ation b. emotion. goal. urge e. hange The Proess of Change LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Be able to write speifi objetives for behavioral hange. 44. As a proess of hange, having a(n) means taking an optimisti approah from the beginning an believing in yourself. a. self-analysis b. avantage. emotional urge. ommitment e. positive outlook e The Proess of Change LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Desribe the proesses of hange. 45. Commitment as a proess of hange is best efine as: a. beoming ognizant of a nee for hange. b. researhing an efining the behavior problem.. reognizing the urge to hange an unhealthy behavior.. aepting the responsibility to hange. e. analyzing the pros an ons of a ertain behavior. The Proess of Change LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Desribe the proesses of hange. 46. What proess of hange involves substituting healthy behaviors for a problem behavior? a. ountering b. behavior analysis. soial liberation. self-analysis e. minfulness a The Proess of Change LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Desribe the proesses of hange. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powere by Cognero. Page 11

12 47. What proess of hange involves surrouning yourself with people who will work towar a ommon goal with you or who are about you an will enourage you along the way? a. soial liberation b. helping relationships. ountering. environmental ontrol e. monitoring b The Proess of Change LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Desribe the proesses of hange. 48. Traking your aily foo onsumption an ientifying soures of exessive alories an fat in the iet is an example of: a. ommitment. b. monitoring.. ountering.. environment ontrol. e. willpower. b The Proess of Change LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Desribe the proesses of hange. 49. Stuies show that iniviuals who log aily alori intake as those who on t. a. onsume half as many alories b. lose half as muh weight. lose twie as muh weight. eat less than half as muh e. exerise twie as muh The Proess of Change LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Explain tehniques that will failitate the proess of hange. 50. One you have ientifie an written own a speifi goal, write that will help you reah that goal. a. the speifi ations b. a general outline. a ommitment plan. a ountering guie e. the behavior rationales a LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Desribe the role of SMART goal setting in the proess of hange. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powere by Cognero. Page 12

13 51. The R in SMART goals stans for: a. realisti. b. rational.. rewaring.. reasonable. e. registere. a LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Desribe the role of SMART goal setting in the proess of hange. 52. Whenever possible, goals an objetives shoul be: a. immeasurable. b. measurable.. unwritten.. ataloge. e. short-term. b LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Desribe the role of SMART goal setting in the proess of hange. 53. The time-speifi omponent of SMART goals refers to having a speifi: a. log reate for monitoring. b. time set for reevaluation. ate set for ompletion.. ay set for rest an/or rewar. e. ate set for beginning. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Desribe the role of SMART goal setting in the proess of hange. 54. If you are failing to meet a goal, make a list with two olumns: behaviors an behaviors. a. selfish; aring b. minless; minful. emotional; rational. helpful; amaging e. unavoiable; avoiable LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Desribe the role of SMART goal setting in the proess of hange. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powere by Cognero. Page 13

14 55. If your goal is unreahable, espite your full ommitment an best efforts, you shoul: a. onsult a professional. b. start over after a few ays of rest.. set lower stanars.. rewrite the SMART guielines. e. reassess the goal. e LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Desribe the role of SMART goal setting in the proess of hange. 56. SMART goals refer to those that are best esribe as: a. written base on a thorough analysis of problem behaviors. b. written for anyone who wishes to hange a problem behavior.. speifi, measurable, aeptable, realisti, an time-speifi.. speial, meaningful, aountable, reasonable, an time-speifi. e. behavior guielines set by the National Weight Control Registry. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Desribe the role of SMART goal setting in the proess of hange. 57. Whih of the following goals is most likely to help Jane reue her boy fat from 30% to 20%? a. "I will reue my boy fat to 20% boy fat in 20 weeks." b. "I will reue my boy fat to 20% boy fat in 2 weeks.". "I will reue my boy fat to 20% boy fat through exerising.". "I will reue my boy fat to 20% boy fat through eating right." a LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Desribe the role of SMART goal setting in the proess of hange. 58. "I will reue my boy fat to 20% boy fat in 2 weeks" is best esribe as a goal that is: a. too speifi. b. immeasurable.. unrealisti.. time-speifi. e. amirable. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Desribe the role of SMART goal setting in the proess of hange. 59. "I will reue my boy fat to 20% boy fat through exerising" is best esribe as a goal that is not: a. aeptable. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powere by Cognero. Page 14

15 b. measurable.. reasonable.. time-speifi. e. helpful. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Desribe the role of SMART goal setting in the proess of hange. 60. When asking yourself whether you have the time, ommitment, an neessary skills to aomplish a goal, you are onsiering whether the goal is: a. time-speifi. b. measurable.. aeptable.. realisti. e. helpful. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Desribe the role of SMART goal setting in the proess of hange. 61. When writing goals, state exatly an in a positive manner what you woul like to: a. avoi. b. win.. lose.. aomplish. e. see. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Be able to write speifi objetives for behavioral hange. 62. "Monitor boy weight before breakfast every morning" is best esribe as a: a. long-term goal. b. short-term goal. speifi ation.. speifi goal. e. measurable ation. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Be able to write speifi objetives for behavioral hange. 63. goals set you up for failure, isouragement, an loss of interest. a. Challenging Copyright Cengage Learning. Powere by Cognero. Page 15

16 b. Time-speifi. Unattainable. Damaging e. Unrewaring LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Be able to write speifi objetives for behavioral hange. 64. An example of a measurable objetive is: a. "I will eat healthier starting tomorrow." b. "I will lose weight in five months.". "I will go to be earlier every ay.". "I will go to be at 10 p.m. every ay." e. I will eat breakfast more often. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Be able to write speifi objetives for behavioral hange. 65. April's long-term goal is to attain her reommene boy weight by losing 50 pouns. Whih objetive is most likely to help April reah her long-term goal? a. Lose 5 pouns in one week. b. Lose 1 poun per week.. Lose 25 pouns in two months.. Lose 10 pouns in two weeks. e. Lose 1 poun per ay. b LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Be able to write speifi objetives for behavioral hange. Subjetive Short Answer 66. Briefly summarize the omponents of our environment that influenes our behavior. Answers may vary. This environment inlues families, friens, peers, homes, shools, workplaes, television, raio, an movies, as well as our ommunities, ountry, an ulture in general. Living in a Toxi Health an Fitness Environment 67. Who profits most from value marketing"? Answers may vary. Many of us onsier ost ahea of nutrition when we hoose foos. Restaurants an groery stores often appeal to this sense of thrift by using value marketing, meaning that they offer us a larger portion for only a small prie inrease. Customers think Copyright Cengage Learning. Powere by Cognero. Page 16

17 they are getting a bargain, an the foo proviers turn a better profit beause the ost of aitional foo is small ompare with the ost of marketing, proution, an labor. Environmental Influene on Diet an Nutrition 68. What is the barrier to hange known as rationalization an what are some ways to overome it? Answers may vary. Even though people are not pratiing healthy behaviors, they rationalize by telling themselves that they o get suffiient exerise, that their iet is fine, that they have goo, soli relationships, or that they on t smoke/rink/get high enough to affet their health. Tips to initiate hange: Learn to reognize when you re glossing over or minimizing a problem. You ll nee to fae the fat that you have a problem before you an ommit to hange. Your health an your life are at stake. Monitoring lifestyle habits through aily logs an then analyzing the results an help you hange self-efeating behaviors. Barriers to Change LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Unerstan obstales that hiner the ability to hange behavior. 69. John believes that his weight problem is ause by his lak of exerise an aily visits to MDonal's, while Jane believes that she inherite the weight problem from her parents. Who is more likely to initiate an ahere to a wellness program? John has an internal lous of ontrol, meaning he believes he has ontrol over events in his life, an is more likely to initiate an ahere to a wellness program than Jane. She has an external lous of ontrol, meaning she believes what will happen to her is inevitable espite her behavior. John knows that he an ontrol his weight by inreasing his ativity levels an eating right, whereas Jane believes that her weight problem is out of her ontrol (inherite). Motivation an Lous of Control LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Explain the onepts of motivation an lous of ontrol. 70. What is the soial ognitive theory of behavior hange? In soial ognitive theory, behavior hange is influene by the environment, self-effiay, an harateristis of the behavior itself. You an inrease self-effiay by euating yourself about the behavior, eveloping the skills to master the behavior, performing smaller mastery experienes suessfully, an reeiving verbal reinforement an viarious experienes. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Ientify the stages of hange. 71. What are traffi-alming strategies an how o they promote physial ativity? List two examples. Answers may vary. One measure that enourages ativity is the use of traffi-alming strategies: intentionally slowing traffi to make the peestrian s role easier. These strategies were evelope an are wiely use in Europe. Examples inlue narrower streets, rougher pavement (obblestone), peestrian islans, an raise rosswalks. Environmental Influenes on Physial Ativity Copyright Cengage Learning. Powere by Cognero. Page 17

18 72. From a nutrition stanpoint, how o meals serve at restaurants an fast-foo outlets ompare with home-ooke meals? Compare with home-ooke meals, restaurant an fast-foo meals are higher in alories, fat, saturate fat, an soium an lower in vitamins, minerals, an fiber. Toay, the average restaurant meal ontains more than half of an entire ay s alori an fat allowane an a ay an a half s worth of the reommene amount of soium. Environmental Influene on Diet an Nutrition 73. What are the primary soures of self-effiay? Briefly explain why. The best ontributors to self-effiay are mastery experienes, or personal experienes that one has ha with suesses an failures. Suessful past performanes greatly enhane selfeffiay: Nothing brees suess like suess. Failures, on the other han, an unermine onfiene, in partiular if they our before a sense of effiay is establishe. Self-Effiay LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Unerstan obstales that hiner the ability to hange behavior. 74. Why shoul a SMART goal for behavior hange be realisti? Use an example. Answers may vary. A SMART goal shoul be realisti, or within reah. For example, if you urrently weigh 190 pouns an your target weight is 140 pouns, setting a goal to lose 50 pouns in a month woul be unsoun, if not impossible. Suh a goal oes not allow you to implement aequate behavior moifiation tehniques or ensure weight maintenane at the target weight. Unattainable goals only set you up for failure, isouragement, an loss of interest. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Desribe the role of SMART goal setting in the proess of hange. 75. What five general ategories of behavior are aresse in the proess of willful hange? The five general ategories of behaviors aresse in the proess of willful hange are: 1. Stopping a negative behavior 2. Preventing relapse to a negative behavior 3. Developing a positive behavior 4. Strengthening a positive behavior 5. Maintaining a positive behavior Changing Behavior LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Ientify the stages of hange. Essay 76. Disuss the goals an motivations of people who asribe to the humanisti theory of hange. Inlue an explanation of self-atualization. Answers may vary. Humanists believe in the basi gooness of humanity an respet for mankin. At the ore of the theory is the belief that people are unique in the evelopment of personal goals with the ultimate goal being self-atualization. Self-atualize people are Copyright Cengage Learning. Powere by Cognero. Page 18

19 inepenent, are reative, set their own goals, an aept themselves. Humanists also propose that people are motivate by a hierarhy of nees that inlue approval, reognition, ahievement, an the fulfillment of eah person s potential. In this hierarhy, eah nee requires fulfillment before the next nee beomes relevant. The present is the most important time for any person rather than the past or the future. For instane, a person will not exerise unless he or she has ha something to eat within a reasonable amount of time. Similarly, a person who uses igarette smoking to maintain weight will not give up smoking unless proper weight management is aomplishe by other means (healthy eating habits an inrease physial ativity). The hallenge, then, is to ientify basi nees at the ore of the hierarhy (aeptane, inepenene, reognition) before other healthy behaviors (exerise, stress management, altruism) are onsiere. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Ientify the stages of hange. 77. Using examples, isuss the purpose of self-reevaluation as a proess of hange. Answers may vary. During the proess of self-reevaluation, iniviuals analyze their feelings about a problem behavior. The pros an ons or avantages an isavantages of a ertain behavior an be reevaluate at this time. For example, you may eie that strength training will help you get stronger an tone up, but implementing this hange will require you to stop wathing an hour of TV three times per week. If you presently have a weight problem an are unable to lift ertain objets aroun the house, you may feel goo about weight loss an enhane physial apaity as a result of a strength-training program. You also might visualize what it woul be like if you were suessful at hanging. The Proess of Change LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Explain tehniques that will failitate the proess of hange. 78. Explain why Rewars shoul be inlue as a proess of hange. Responses may vary. People ten to repeat behaviors that are reware an to isregar those that are not reware or are punishe. Rewaring oneself or being reware by others is a powerful tool uring the proess of hange in all stages. If you have suessfully ut own your alori intake uring the week, rewar yourself by going to a movie or buying a new pair of shoes. Do not reinfore yourself with estrutive behaviors suh as eating a highfat/alorie-ense inner. If you fail to hange a esire behavior (or to implement a new one), you may want to put off buying those new shoes you ha planne for that week. When a positive behavior beomes habitual, give yourself an even better rewar. Treat yourself to a weeken away from home or buy a new biyle. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Desribe the proesses of hange. 79. Disuss the funtion of the brain s prefrontal ortex in the ontext of behavior an goals. Provie an example of the prefrontal ontext at work. Answers may vary. The prefrontal ortex is responsible for remining us of who we are an of our long-term goals. The prefrontal ortex is also responsible for personality expression; soial behavior; an omplex thought proessing, suh as preiting likely outomes base on prior experiene an weighing ompeting thoughts. When you fin yourself getting out of be in the morning to go to work or stopping yourself from heking a new text message beause you are riving, you are experiening your prefrontal ortex at work, plaing long- Copyright Cengage Learning. Powere by Cognero. Page 19

20 term esires ahea of your short-term urges. Your Brain an Your Habits LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Unerstan obstales that hiner the ability to hange behavior. 80. Desribe the role that willpower an play in behavior hange an, using an example, isuss when this limite resoure is best use an how it an be eplete. Answers may vary. Unerstaning the onept of willpower, or self-ontrol, is helpful in the proess of behavioral hange. Sientists have foun that self-restraint against impulses an be built, like a musle, if built slowly an graually. Start with something small. If you feel you nee to rea every text message the moment it arrives, you may try to learn to wait a few minutes an finish the ativity you are working on an then rea your text message. As you o so, your ability to exert self-ontrol inreases. Stuies have foun that willpower is a limite resoure. It is highest in the morning an is eplete as we use it throughout the ay, primarily when onfronte with iffiult hallenges an stress. When you are planning to take on a signifiant task, help yourself be suessful by oing it at a time when you an put asie as many other emans an stressors as possible. Stuies iniate that willpower reserve an be inrease through exerise, balane nutrition, a goo night s sleep, an quality time spent with important people in your life. Willpower, on the other han, ereases in times of epression, anxiety, anger, an loneliness. Your Brain an Your Habits LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Unerstan obstales that hiner the ability to hange behavior. 81. Using examples, isuss how moern arhiteture promotes unhealthy behavior. Answers may vary. Even moern-ay arhiteture reinfores unhealthy behaviors. Elevators an esalators are often of the finest workmanship an loate onveniently. Many of our newest, showiest shopping enters an onvention enters on t provie aessible stairwells, so people are all but fore to rie esalators. If they want to walk up the esalator, they an t beause the people in front of them obstrut the way. Entranes to builings provie eletri sensors an automati oor openers. Without a seon thought, people walk through automati oors instea of taking the time to push a oor open. Environmental Influenes on Physial Ativity 82. Disuss the biologial brain proesses that transform habits from planne to automati behavior. Answers may vary. There is a biologial explanation for the way habits go from planne to automati behavior. The area of our brain where habits are forme is known as the basal ganglia, ompose of a luster of nulei. The basal ganglia are situate where they an ommuniate with both the forebrain, involve in eision making, an the mibrain, whih ontrols motor movement. The largest nuleus of the basal ganglia, known as the striatum (orpus striatum), plays a key role in habit formation. The striatum is ativate by events that are rewaring, exiting, unexpete, an intense, as well as by ues from the environment that are assoiate with those events. The striatum then memorizes events that are pleasurable an rewaring. For example, most people love ake beause its taste is muh more pleasurable (immeiate rewar) than that of a green sala, even though the latter provies better nutrition an is onuive to weight management (long-term gratifiation). The neurotransmitter opamine is abunant in the striatum. Dopamine has many funtions in the brain, inluing ognition, learning, behavior, motivation, an rewar an punishment. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powere by Cognero. Page 20

21 As suh, it plays a key role in habit formation. Any ativity that links an ation to a rewar involves opamine. Following repeate pairings with a rewar, the behavior beomes a onitione response that is now har-wire in the brain. This behavior is triggere by a familiar environmental ue, upon whih the brain automatially respons by performing the habit. As these behaviors beome ingraine in the brain, we lose awareness as they are arrie out. One we reognize the familiar trigger, we often perform the habit whether it is helpful or etrimental, an therefore often sabotage the esire for willful hange. Your Brain an Your Habits LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Unerstan obstales that hiner the ability to hange behavior. 83. Disuss how wathing too muh television an lea to or exaerbate a pattern of unhealthy eating. Answers may vary. Television viewing is more than just a seentary ativity. Think about people s habits before they sit own to wath a favorite show. They turn on the television, then stop by the kithen for a box of rakers an proesse heese. They return to wath the show, start snaking, an are bombare with ommerials about soft rinks, beer, an unhealthy foos. Viewers are entie to purhase an eat unhealthy, alorie-ense foos in an unneessary an minless snaking setting. Television viewing has been shown to reue the number of fruits an vegetables some people onsume, most likely beause people are eating the unhealthy foos avertise on television. A similar result has been observe in those playing vieo games. Calorie intake has been foun to go up regarless of the iniviual s hunger ues. Environmental Influenes on Physial Ativity 84. If you fail to reah your goal, why not amit efeat rather than reassessing the goal, an reviewing helpful behaviors an amaging behaviors? Answers may vary. You may fin that after you have fully ommitte an put all your effort into a goal, that goal may be unreahable. If so, reassess the goal. Make a list with two olumns: helpful behaviors an amaging behaviors. Helpful behaviors atually help you reah your goal. Damaging behaviors interfere with your ability to ahieve the goal. Work on the amaging behaviors an make the neessary hanges to overome them. Meeting your goal will beome easier one you are able to eliminate amaging behaviors. Reognize that you will fae obstales an you will not always meet your goals. Use your setbaks an learn from them. Rewrite your goal an reate a plan that will help you get aroun self-efeating behaviors in the future. One you ahieve a goal, set a new one to improve upon or maintain what you have ahieve. Goals keep you motivate. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Explain tehniques that will failitate the proess of hange. 85. Disuss point-of-eision-prompts as an environment ontrol an, using examples, explain how you an eploy them on a personal level to hange unhealthy behaviors. Answers may vary. You an reate an environment in whih exeptions beome the norm, an then the norm an flourish. You may leave yourself reminers or prompts that you are likely to see as you are making healthy hoies. Suh reminers, also referre to as point-ofeision-prompts, have been use suessfully on a publi level. For example, reminers on soa mahines that alories ount enourage onsumers to look at the alories liste by Copyright Cengage Learning. Powere by Cognero. Page 21

22 eah soa seletion prior to making a hoie. You an also plae notes to yourself on the refrigerator an pantry to avoi unneessary snaking. Put baby arrots or sugarless gum where you use to put igarettes. Post notes aroun the house to remin you of your exerise time. Leave exerise shoes an lothing by the oor so they are visible as you walk into your home. Instea of bringing home ookies for snaks, bring fruit. Put an eletri timer on the TV so it will shut off automatially at 7:00 p.m. All of these tatis will be helpful throughout the ation, maintenane, an termination/aoption stages. The Proess of Change LEARNING OBJECTIVES: PLPF.HOEG Explain tehniques that will failitate the proess of hange. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powere by Cognero. Page 22

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