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1 The Law of Attraction Myth Free Report From Please pass this e-book to all your friends so that they may benefit from the knowledge.

2 This E-book Is Dedicated To You: Where Your Desire To Learn The Truth About Manifestation Inspires Others To Teach It

3 Contents Introduction 4 Emotions & Feelings 5 Vision Boards 7 Positive Thinking 10 Gratitude 12 Asking 15 Receiving 17

4 Introduction The law of attraction is unfortunately, one of the greatest half-truths and myths which has infected society. The majority of the people who have fallen for this trap are those who have been lured by the promise of quick riches and immense wealth, from simple techniques so to speak. The aim in this e-book is to destroy the law of attraction as a manifestation model to protect the integrity of the human intellect, and also to save you thousands of hours worth of time which would have otherwise gone completely down the drain. The topics given below presuppose that you have a basic understanding of the law of attraction and its claims, and is extracted from the Articles Database from It is straight to the point so do not be alarmed. Finally, after having read this e-book, please do not worry if you feel despondent at having been lied to. People who propose the law of attraction simply didn't know it wasn't true. Our aim is to reach out to those people who have been fooled, so that they can learn true manifestation. Visit us at

5 Emotions & Feelings Having positive and good emotions and feelings has been said to increase manifestation, but this is not true. It is advocated within law of attraction circles under many concepts. For example, feel rich to become rich. Emotions and feelings decrease manifestation, as explained in the points below: 1. Positive and good feelings lead to fantasising and wishful thinking. Fantasising and wishful thinking completely destroys manifestation: a) When you are making attempts to always feel good, you create imagery in your mind of what makes you feel good. This imagery takes you out of the present moment, so you are not focused on the immediate tasks to reach your goal. b) Fantasising makes you lack efficiency, focus and direction. When you lack efficiency, you waste time on trivial things, and not the important things to reach your goal. Also, when you lack focus, you don't realise the significance of wasting time, and so you waste even more time. All in all, you end up going in a direction where you are miles away from the manifestation you want. 2. Good feelings cloud the importance and significance of things to reach your goal When you are feeling good, you become oblivious to signals of what direction to take to reach your goal, which destroys your manifestation: a) Feeling good masks genuine bad signals which come to you. This means you become unaware of the mistakes you make, and you end up in a situation where you don't get the manifestation you want.

6 b) Feeling good gives you a false sense of security. It lowers the importance of time as a manifestation variable: Time is in fact your most valuable asset, because it is always moving at lightning speed and fast running out. When you are feeling good, you simply take your time and don't realise the importance of being efficient and focused in action to your goals. 3. Emotions are unpredictable and lead to lack of control of the body. Control of the mind and body leads to manifestation. Emotions can change very quickly, and even in a static state, signifies lack of control. Lack of control means failed manifestation: a) Emotions increase and decrease. This means you are at the mercy of your emotional state, so when the emotion changes, you automatically change outside of your control. b) Emotions lead to more emotions. This is an automatic function, which means that you will increase in the lack of control you have, therefore losing focus, direction and momentum towards your manifestation. More evidence that feeling and emotion is useless for manifestation: John Rockefeller is a great example to use here. He was said to be the most emotionless person you could ever meet, and he was the world's richest man of all time with a fortune of $325 billion. If emotions were so important, then home come he managed to achieve so much, with literally no emotions and feelings?? It's because feelings are not a manifestation secret. Had Rockefeller had feelings like advocated in law of attraction circles, he would have achieved nothing. The secret is in fact, that having no emotions and feelings leads to manifestation.

7 Vision Boards Vision boards have been advocated in law of attraction circles. However, there is extreme caution to be made here, as they actually decrease manifestation. Here is the truth: 1. Vision boards lead to fantasising and increases belief in lack When you look at your vision board, you will see things which you like. This decreases manifestation considerably: a) When you see what you want, your brain realises that you don't have it. When this happens, your brain focuses on those things which make you don't have it even more. The brain is simply an operating system which acts directly on the material given to it. b) As added effects of a) above, your belief in your goal decreases without you knowing, your efficiency towards it decreases, and it leads to you trying to make quick fixes. This all takes you on the wrong manifestation path completely. 2. Vision boards leads to trying to make quick fixes The effects of point 1. always take affect. As they do, you will try to make quick fixes and big strides, whereas true manifestation is all about efficiency of your time and body: a) The greater the goal, the more the vision board will make your brain realise how far away from it you are. This makes you automatically and unknowingly attempt to make big strides. However, combined with point. 1, the strides are actually negative because your brain is bringing you to what you don't have. Therefore with vision boards, you automatically make big strides to move away from your goal without even realising.

8 b) Manifestation only comes about in small incremental steps. To make big strides is to do things in the wrong order, and end up with negative manifestations. 3. Vision boards violate the law of detachment For your goal to manifest, you must become unaware of it by detaching in accordance with the law of detachment. However, by viewing your goal, you bring negative manifestation: a) Vision boards make the law of detachment impossible. As soon as you view your vision board, whether consciously or in an unaware manner, you violate the law of detachment and decrease your manifestation. This is because you bring your vision into consciousness, whereas it is only the unconscious mind which performs the manifestation. b) Bringing the goal into conscious awareness means that any actions which you make towards it are nullified of any manifestation power. You will basically end up in a try-hard situation, where the harder you try, the less the results you get. 4. Vision boards take you away from the immediate actions to the goal When you view your vision, you are not viewing or considering the immediate steps to your goal. This creates negative manifestation: a) You lose traction to the goal and decrease your efficiency towards it. When you view your goal, you are achieving absolutely nothing. You are simply viewing what you want, which is completely different from acting to get it. b) You do not live in the moment. This means that your mind is not in the moment. When this happens, you cut off all mental manifestations (mainly intuition) because these all come about through

9 living in the moment. This means you are basically wandering in the darkness with no correct plan, thought or idea to help you achieve the goal. 5. Vision boards invoke power and motivation externally, whereas true power only lies within Many use vision boards as a motivator, but this is completely detrimental for manifestation. Motivation can only come from within, where the true energy to motivate lies: a) When you look at the vision board, you decrease your link to the energy source within you. All energy, motivation and drive comes from the unconscious mind. By thinking it is genuinely increasing from the vision board means we are decreasing the true energy link within. b) Looking at the vision board to increase motivation, increases the disposition for your energy to only come about by looking at the vision board. However we know from points 1-4 that looking at the vision board decreases manifestation. Therefore, we not only only decrease manifestation, but we also lose our energy as it is now dependant on the vision board which we cannot view, due to creating negative manifestation.

10 Positive Thinking Positive thinking is advocated in most law of attraction circles. However, positive thinking will not lead to manifestation at all. Here is the truth: 1. Positive thinking consumes precious mental resources Keeping your mental resources free by not using them, leads to mental manifestation. Having thoughts in your head decreases it: a) Positive thinking makes you access the weaker conscious part of your mind. The truly powerful mind is the subconscious and unconscious minds. you will therefore lack intuition with positive thinking. b) Positive thinking takes you out of the moment. This means you will begin to develop a tendency to think "in your head" as opposed to focusing on the act and process to achieve your goals. 2. Positive thinking is bland and lacks energy to manifest Positive thinking is simply a thought in your head, with the meaning made up by you. The thought on its own has no power whatsoever: a) Lack of energy in thought leads to lack of manifestation. Energy is a compulsory component of manifestation, because energy rests within the nature of things. Positive thinking lacks the energy to be a manifestation force. b) Positive thinking makes you overanalyse things. When you have a conscious thought in your

11 head, you are developing the tendency to access conscious thoughts. This means you will end up over-analysing favourable situations doing the wrong thing instead. 3. Positive thinking takes you out of the moment When you are thinking positive, you are thinking "in your head" and are not thinking about the act and the process of what you must do to manifest your goal: a) Positive thinking can lead to accessing of thoughts and memories of the past, or wishes for the future. This means you may end up fantasising, wishing or worrying. These will all decrease manifestation significantly. Fantasising leads to you wasting time and becoming detached from reality. Wishing lowers your morale and self belief in the manifestation goal. Worrying makes you make the wrong decisions. b) Positive thinking can lead to accessing negative emotions. As you are thinking positively, you can access other thoughts as above. This can also be coupled with accessing negative emotions of the past. This emotions waste your time by consuming it and significantly lower your efficiency in manifestation efforts.

12 Gratitude Gratitude is stressed as an important law of attraction component. However, it is only extremely specific forms of gratitude which lead to manifestation, and the majority of the time it is useless. Here is the truth: 1. Gratitude puts too much emphasis on the past When you think about all the good things that have come to you in your life, you end up thinking about the past. However: a) Your power and ability to change lies in controlling the present moment only. Thinking about the bounties of your past increases the disposition to think of the past instead of the moment. b) Thinking about the past also connects you to the failings of your past. Your initial gratitude may be positive in that you are actively thinking about what you are grateful for. However, you are also connecting more strongly to your past and everything in it. This also means your negative emotions and situations of the past become more accessible to influence you in the present. This results in negative manifestation. 2. Gratitude invokes emotions and emotions signify lack of control Manifestation comes from control of the mind and body. By invoking emotions and feelings you are losing control of the body, and allowing the body to control you: a) Emotions lead to more emotions. This means that you will be presented with more uncontrollable emotions when you invoke gratitude. This means you will have less control of your mind and body, and end up doing things which you are unaware of: The hallmark of negative

13 manifestation. b) It leads to fantasising and wishful thinking. As said earlier, gratitude increases the links into your past. This also means the desires and fantasies of your past. Your emotions also extend to include fantasy and wishful thinking too. All in all, you significantly decrease control of your body and mind, leading to negative manifestation. 3. Gratitude leads to decrease through thinking of consolidation Manifestation is an increasing process, which means you are expanding and achieving new things by increasing control of your mind and body, and becoming more efficient and more connected to your inner natural resources. Gratitude is different: a) Gratitude makes you think of what you "at least" have. It is a recognition of what you have, instead of what you will do to expand and have more. b) Gratitude can be selfish in nature. That is, it actually makes you egotistically see what you have, instead of what everyone has. This leads to a significant decrease in mental and physical manifestation. 4. Gratitude wastes your mental resources Gratitude is a mental process which takes up your cognitive power. True manifestation instead, lies on consuming no cognitive power by connecting to the depths of your own mind. Thus: a) Gratitude leads to a decrease in mental manifestation. This means the ideas, plans, thoughts and theories to help you manifest your goal will decrease.

14 b) Gratitude makes you lose focus. Focus can only go in one direction, and that direction is to focus unconditionally on the immediate tasks required to reach the goal, and harnessing your time and mental powers to be as efficient as possible in achieving physical manifestation. More evidence that gratitude is useless for manifestation: Think of all the tyrants of history: Stalin, Mao Tsung, Genghis Khan, Tamerlane etc. These people are extremely successful manifesters and geniuses of their kind, because they had humble origins and rose to the top of their respective nations and brought them to some level of greatness. However, they were tyrants to their enemies with no gratitude and value for life whatsoever. So how can gratitude be a manifestation principle, when having none of it allowed them to achieve so much for their country? This example may be a little extreme, but it stresses the point nevertheless.

15 Asking Asking is a concept advocated in law of attraction circles. The idea goes that you must first "ask" the universe what it is that you want. You cannot help but ask as it is something that happens by default anyway. However, there are some "types" of asking which don't lead to manifestation. The aim below is to address these concerns: 1. There are certain things you shouldn't ask for. For example: a) Asking for a specific other person against their will. People have free will, so just because you want them, doesn't mean that they want you. That is not to say that you cannot have a specific person. It is just that the process of manifesting a relationship with a specific person who doesn't want it, lacks manifestation power. b) Asking for a specific very large sum of money. Asking for small sums of money and manifesting is easy, because by default, money will come into your life anyway if you have a source of income. However, asking for very large sums of money (e.g. $100 million) is on the wrong track. Money is a man made lie which has been completely made up by people. You must only rely on your natural Laws of Mind resources, such as vision, passion, discipline, momentum, efficiency etc. To state you want a large sum of money, is to create a limit which doesn't exist. Remember: money is man made and made up. To state you want a specific sum of money is creating a limit on money, not to mention that money is a made up limited thing. This means you are creating double fake barriers in your mind which don't exist in natural reality. 2. You must not ask for something from your egotistical desire

16 Asking for a life of luxury leads to no manifestation or momentum towards it, because it is egotistical. Instead, you should focus on service and passion. a) An egotistical desire is simply taking without giving anything back. A law of human relationships is that you must be of service and give, if you are to receive back. Nobody is going to give you everything on a plate. This law of relationships is a law which permeates through nature. b) To have an egotistical desire is not creating. It is simply having a desire without any power. True manifestation is a creative process which creates new things through using your natural resources. So as long as you are creating new things in accordance with your passion only, will you be on the road to successful manifestation. To simply want something without giving will lead to negative manifestation. 3. The universe doesn't owe you anything and is indifferent. You simply can't ask, and expect everything to fall on a plate for you. You must create for yourself. No one is there to give you a leg up. You must create the help yourself, and use the resources that you have within you: a) Manifestation is nothing to do with the universe. It is to do with you in your mind and body being the centre (or center) of the construct by which reality is created. The universe cannot do anything for you, except what you allow through using your own mind and body. b) You must not expect anything to come to you. What can be manifested is already there. All you must do is increase your awareness through a change in your state of consciousness to realise what is already there.

17 Receiving Receiving is the concept of getting what you ask for. It is advocated in law of attraction circles as the final component of the manifestation process. However, there are serious misconceptions in receiving, because it doesn't happen in the way people suppose. Here is the truth: 1. You cannot receive your goal from the universe. It is proposed that "the universe" allows you to receive your goal, but this is false. This is because: a) The universe cannot do anything for you, nor can it help you, except by what you will. The only way to will is by taking control of your own mind and body. This is the fundamental which must exist which creates manifestation. You do not receive your goal. You in fact, create your goal. b) Manifestation is only a one way process. You are the cause of change, and you are causing other things to change. The universe is completely subject to your will, in accordance with the control you have over your mind and body. You do not receive anything from it. You are helping it to create. 2. Receiving creates the misconception that you only have to do half the work In other words, you do half the work, and the universe does the other half or part of the work to make your goal come easier. This is false: a) You have to do all the work in true manifestation. You need to make all the actions, and change your state of awareness to be aware of all the occurrences and situations which aid your goal.

18 Receiving creates the misconception that your burden is somehow lightened by "something else" doing most of the work for you, and you simply being in the right state of mind. b) Receiving as a process plays no actual part in manifestation whatsoever. The process of manifestation is your actions and mindset to create. To put the emphasis on receiving is therefore putting the emphasis on a non-manifesting process which leads to no manifestation. 3. Receiving can lead one into an egotistical and selfish state That is, the more you focus on receiving, the more you become egotistical. This creates negative manifestation: a) You must focus on your passion and giving. This allows you to connect with the natural resources within you. To focus on receiving is to ignore the fundamental process of manifestation in service and giving. b) Receiving disconnects your mind with the unconscious mind foundation. Manifestation is an unconscious process which happens outside of your conscious awareness. To become detached to the manifestation and to focus on the act and the process unconditionally guarantees the manifestation to come true. To focus on receiving disconnects you with this, so you lose all the mental manifestations (plans, intuitions, ideas, thoughts etc.) and the correlation physical manifestation which comes from it.

19 Conclusion Well, that's it for now! Please re-read this whole e-book again as there may be crucial points you may have missed. The law of attraction is a half truth and it is exactly why thousands are not getting the manifestation they want. Please pass this e-book on to all your friends and family, so that they too can learn the truth about the law of attraction. To Your Manifestation Intelligence!

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