Option B Psychology of Sport

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1 Option B Psychology of Sport B.1 Individual Differences in Sport 2 broad functions of sport and exercise psychologists: Research, create, and evaluate knowledge Improve human performance and health Applied sport psychology can be divided into two roles Help performers from novice to top level performer achieve their potential in sport Guide individuals in the use of exercise as a means of coping with, or reducing the risk of acquiring a physical or psychological illness B.1.1 Define the term personality Personality in sport psychology Eysenck s extrovert personality questionnaire (EPQ) Cattell s five factor model They accurately measure traits relatively enduring patterns of attitudes and patterns of behavior Psychologists have yet to determine what types of personality characteristics are associated with elite performance

2 B.1.2 Discuss social learning theory and personality Social Learning Theory limit to Bandura s (1977) SLT o States that behavior changes with the situation and we learn from other people o Draw a diagram to show Bandura s theory demonstration, attention, retention, motor production, motivation, and matching performance; observe, identify, reinforce, copy o Most remarkable features - capacity to learn without reinforcement (either rewards or punishments) o Personality structure of SLT mainly cognitive o Personality The sum total of an individual s characteristics which make a human unique (Hollander) Characteristics of a person that account for consistent patterns of bahavior (Pervin, 1993) o how we are percieved by others is influenced by our own feeling of competence individual can appear shy and introverted because they are not confident at carrying out a perticular task or role how you behave depends on the actual skills you have and whether you expect to be good at something Context specificity Psychological change o crucial component of psychological change and self-improvement Beliefs

3 Expectancies for change to occur, 3 personality factors must be addressed how we see the world what we think will happen in the future what the world should look like o standards concerning once s self or personal standards personal standards are fundamental to human motivation and performance judging the goodness or worth of our behavior o key concept relates to influencing change in our personalities Social Cognitive Theory: Self-efficacy o Self-efficacy expectation that people have of their own capabilities for performance o If you can increase feelings of self-efficacy then a consequent increase in physical perforance can be observed Baumeister et al. (2003), Bandura, & Locke (2003) o TOK connection If you think you can do it or think you can t do it, you re right Henry Ford. o Self-efficacy vs. self esteem Self-efficacy what someone feels that they are able to achieve in a given setting Self esteem person s global evaluation fo their personal worth o Manipulating self-efficacy Performance accomplishments most potent antecendent (pervios or pre-existing factor) of self-efficacy performance profiling (Butler, Hardy 1992) stems from Kelly s work on personal construct psychology which emphasizes that psycholgist need to try and understand the ways in which athletes perceive the world in which they train, live, and perform, it is the athlete s view what makes them effective goal setting SMARTER, should include negative and positive goals Vicarious experiences consider how you would feel if you observed one of your peer groups successfullly completing a task you were expeted to perform

4 described as modeling seeing an example of how to complete a task can act as a stimulus to attempt an activity you might not have considered otherwise negative standpoint acts of aggression implication for the repitition of socially undesirable behaviors like bullying Persuasion comes from a high-status individual and is designed to encouracge you to act in a particular way must come from a credible source Physiological State the interpretation a performer makes of their physiological state before a performance construct of attention: concentration (effortful awareness) listening intently to you rcoahc during timeout selective attention ability to focus zoom in on relevant information and ignore distractors ability to coordinate 2+ actions at the same time - checking the scoreboard and listening intently to coach negative impact somatic standpoint (physical sensations experienced) increase HR, dry mouth, butterflies, sweaty hands B.1.3 Discuss the interactionist approach to personality Main supporter Kurt Lewin most influential social psychologists of 20 th century Lewin suggested that neither nature ( ) nor nurture ( ) can account for an individual s behavior and personality. Proposed our personalities are developed through constant ineraction between the person and their environment - 3 levels of our personality that interact o Psychological core

5 o Typical responses o Role-related behavior We base our behavior or inherent traits that we then adapt to the situation we are in Social-cognitive approach Walter Mischel 4 personality variables o Competencies our skills and knowledge o Encoding strategies our particulare style and the schemas we use in processing information o Expectancies what we expect from our own behavior and our anticipations of our performance levels o Plans what we intend to do o The interaction of these cognitive factors with environmental situations results in the expression of personality B.1.4 Outline issues with the measurements of personality Data collection o LOTS L-data lifetime history IQ test, academic performance at school, achievements in other hobbies; where someone grew up, who raised them, family criminal records or use of illegal substances

6 consider which data to use to build up a pattern of behavior over time to determine why idividuals behave the way they do and why they made certain choices that affected their lives and lives of those related to. O-data observations from knowledgeable others including parents and friends collected using questionnaires designed to focus on a specific facet of the target individual s personality BASIC-ID allows researcher to develop a considered picture of how an individual is functioning in a particular setting things to consider how reliable is the questionnaire, what are the biases of the people providing the information T-data experimental procedures and standardized tests; assess someone s suitability for a specific occupational role S-data information provided by the client self report data can be inaccurate individual may want you to evaluate them in a favorable light and present themselves more flattering though inaccurate self-presentation inaccurate due to tendency among individuals referred to as denial substance abuse problems or finanical debt mounting can erect mental barriers to prevent them from assessing their true emotional and behavioral state o Data must be reliable must understand the confidence limits of data working with Interviews o Are they reliable and valid? o Are they of value in assessing a person s sporting ability? Questionnaires o psychmetric self questionairres o personality tests o are they appropriate for what researcher wants to gain? Observation o difficult to remain unobstructuve which will affect behavior o secret observation is unethical Validity and Reliability Issues Ethical Issues

7 Confidentialty, use of results, prediction of performance B.1.5 Evaluate the issue in personality research and sport performance Consider athlete vs. non-athlete: may discourage non-sports people from attemptin sports that don t fit their personality Personality and sport type: if a personality is assigned to a sprot, those not demonstrating will be less likely to take up the sport as they do not think that they wuit the stereotype of the sport Predicting performance: implications of perdicting performance, rather than it be a natural progression and taking into consideraiton environmental factors B.2 Motivation in Sport and Exercise B.2.1 Define the term motivation. Direction and intensity of one s effort (Sage, 1977) o Direction of effort o Intensity Internal process that activates, guides, and maintains behavior over time what gets you going, keeps you going, and determines where youre trying to go (Slavin, 2003) B.2.2 Outline the types of motivation Intrinsic motivation o associated with doing an activity for itself and for the pleasure and satisfaction derived from participation Intrinsic motives

8 Extrinsic motivation Extrinsic motives

9 B.2.3 Discuss the issues associated with the use of intrinsic & extrinsic motivators in sports & exercise. How do extrinsic rewards influence intrinsic motivation? o Additive principle intrinsic motivation can be boosted by extrinsic motvators; not always a good idea; the reward provides positive information with regard to the performer s level of competence o Extrinsic rewards seen as controlling of behavior o Extrinsic rewards provide information about level of performance Deci & Ryan (1985) proposed viewing motives as intrinsic or extrinsic was too simplistic and developed a continuum of motivation called self-determination theory Intrinsic o Player may lose interest o difficult to maintain levels of interest Extrinsic o only want to play for material rewards o decreases intrinsic motivation o want to win, less focus is put on personal improvement o more likely to avoid difficult competitions Psychological needs that motivate human behavior

10 Autonomy make our own decisions, be in control of one s own behavior (exercise because you want to, not because you are told to do so) Competence need to feel competent and able to accomplish things (master sports skill or improve expertise in activity) Relatedness need to relate to others and feel a sense of belonging (being part of a team and feeling accepted and valued by teammates) B.2.4 Describe Atkinson s model of Achievement Motivation. Relates strongly to personality o the degree to which a player accepts the prospect of a challenge in sport o an individuals motivation to strive for success o The extent to which we approach and welcome challenge and competition, or avoid competitive situations. Motivation can be: Instinctive- a player always wants to compete regardless of the event Nurtured through experience- a player can be confident and competitive in the event he/she has become successful in Motivation is a balance between the motive to achieve success and the motive to avoid failure In sports, athlete will enter approach-avoidance conflict Achievement Motivation = The desire to succeed The fear of failure o High AM o Low AM NACH (Need to achieve) - o will take a penalty shot o will be willing to take on tough competitors o will be calm in limelight o accept challenges o demonstrate task persistence o be quick and efficient o take risks o welcome feedback

11 o take personal responsibility for actions o try harder after failure NAF - o avoid volunteering for stressful situation o wary of taking on tough competitors o will volunteer others as they will be too nervous o avoid responsibility o take an easy option o give up after failure Behaviors of High Achievers vs Low Achievers HIGH ACHIEVERS LOW ACHIEVERS Example: In a football final the score is 1-1 and a last-minute penalty is awarded. The player who refuses to take the penalty fears he/she may fail; losing self-esteem. He has the motive to avoid failure (Naf) The player who wants to take the penalty wants the glory and is driven by the motive to succeed; gaining selfesteem. He has the motive to achieve success (Nach) Autonomous competence stage: o up to 5 years of age o not concerned if anyone else can do the skill better Social comparison stage: o from 6 years old

12 o when a child starts to compare with others o might be uncomfortable with competition Integrated stage: o sees both external and internal standards to evaluate performance B.2.5 Outline Goal Orientation Theory. Achievement Goal Theory refers to how people evaluate/judge their competence/ability and define successful accomplishments. It refers to personal interpretations they have about what achievement means to them within a specific task. Ability can be viewed based upon two states of goal involvement task involvement and ego involvement Task involvement Individuals focus on mastering the task, learning skills, exerting effort, and selfimprovement. Ego-Involvement: Individuals focus on demonstrating superior ability compared to others, as well as winning in competitions with less effort than others. According to this theory, three factors combine to determine motivation: o Achievement goals o Perceived ability o Achievement behavior Ego-Oriented Behavior: measure their success based on beating others and being the best (Extrinsic motivation)

13 Task-Oriented Behavior: measure their success against themselves, how well they complete a task (personal bests) (Intrinsic motivation) Why can it be argues that a task-orientated individual could outperform an ego-orientated individual? B.2.6 Describe Attribution Theory and its application to sport and exercise. The perceived causes of event and behavior Important in sport because it effects future effort and therefore performance Original Classification (Heider, 1058) for attributions for success and failure: ability, effort, task difficulty, luck Weiner (1985) classification catagories (stable vs. unstable), (internal vs. external), and (under control vs. not under our control)

14 Locus of Causality Assesses the extend to which the reasons for success or failure are due to the personal control of the performer Internal within the performer s control and it is felt that some personal infuence way be exerted on the outcome; due to personal factors - effort and ability; amount of effort a performer puts in might be oen example External reasons out of the performer s control and might exerty little influence in the future; due to external factores luck, chance; example referee s decision Locus of Causalty WINNING LOSING Internal I tried really hard I didn t try hard enough External My opponent was easy to beat My opponent was impossible to beat Locus of Stability Stable reasons base don past experience; reasons for success or failure that are unlikely to chage in the short term; relatively permanent; examples -0 teach coach who is unliekly to chage for a season, fact you ve won six time against this opponnet already this season, we are likely to do it again Unstable reasons changeable in the short term and even wtihin the game; amount of luck Locus of Control Controllable vs. Uncontrollable Control - Uncontrolable - Self-Serving Bias Self serving bias -

15 Example Learned Helplessness A problem that occurs in athletes when reasons for faulure are attriubuted to internal factors which can not be changed (lack of ability) Performers with learned helplessness believe that failure Believe that success is due to Can be caused by lack of success, low confidence, or bad experience A performer with learned helplessness can also lead to learned helplessness as player s self esteem decreases Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ) Developed in 1989 Task orientation positively related to effort, enjoyment, persistence, satisfaction, and interest Ego orientation negatively associated with enjoyment and interest; positively related to boredom Task oriented individuals more intrinsically motivated vs. ego oriented individuals Motivational Climate Perceived motivational climate influences an individual s thoughts, feelings, and achievement behavior (Ames, 1992) Consistent with task and ego goal orientations, two climates have been found dominant in sports and education: performance (ego) climate and mastery (task) climate o Performance climate perceptions have been associated with high levels of worry, a focus on compatative ability, and a preoccupation with enhancing one s social status o Mastery Climate

16 positive attitude, high satidfaction, low boredom and anciety, high self-rated improvement, also associated with perceptions of a mastery climate Dimensions of achievement situations that influements motivational climate: TARGET Combining motivational climate theory with attribution theory help us understand why a perceived mastery motivational climate has consistently been asssociated with positive motivational outcomes

17 B.3 Mental Preparation for Sport: Anxiety, Arousal, and Performance B.3.1 Define the term arousal. It is neutral and can be triggered by both pleasant/positive and unpleasant/negative situations It is how motivated/interested/excited an athlete is prior to and throughout the performance Continuum ranging from a very deep sleep-like state to excessive and uncontrolled activation of numerous body systems that may cause a panic attack Autonomic arousal B.3.2 Describe the theoretical approaches to arousal. Drive Reduction Theory Developed by Clark Hull (1943) 1 st theory for motivation EX: driven to drink a glass of water to reduce the sensation of thirst Inverted-U Hypothesis For complex tasks there was an optimal level of arousal above and below wheich performace levels would decrease Theory Catastrophe Theory Pressure seems insurmountable nad athlete will fall victim to not performing task

18 Sudden shifts in behavior arising from small changes in circumstances

19 B.3.3. Draw and label a graphical representation of the arousal performance relationship. Inverted U Theory Drive Theory Catastrophe Theory B.3.4 Discuss the emotions that may influence an athlete s performance or experience in a physical activity (+) Positive and (-) Negative emotions can have +/- effect on performance (+) Positive Emotions Excitement, relief, and pride Often lead to improved performance (-) Negative Emotions Anger, guilt, shame, anxiety, and boredom Lead to decreased performance

20 B.3.5 Define the term anxiety. B.3.6 Distinguish between cognitive anxiety and somatic anxiety. COGNITIVE ANXIETY o (-) effect Confusion/irrational thoughts Lack of concentration Nervousness Apprehension o (+) effect Faster information processing Increased attention SOMATIC ANXIETY B.3.7 Distinguish between trait anxiety and state anxiety. Trait (innate) anxiety State (situation) anxiety

21 B.3.8 Evaluate how anxiety is measured. Both state and trait anxiety affect performance; psychologists have therefore tried to devise ways of measuring a person s state and trait anxiety. Ex: Physiological measures of somatic anxiety (measurement of heart rate, muscle tension, sweating) Observation Questionnaires SCAT (Sport Competition Anxiety Test) (Martens, 1977) o Four factors are related to competitive anxiety: Individual differences in how performers interact with different situations - some events are more important than others and therefore cause more anxiety The different types of anxiety (state and trait) that a performer experiences A specific anxiety trait that only occurs in competitive situations. The competition itself, which involves interaction between the performer's personality traits, their own competitive trait anxiety and the specific situation involved CSAI - 2 o Enables researchers to discover baseline levels of anxiety and compare it with pre-competition levels to see if they differ. STAI (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory)

22 B.3.9 Describe the stress process in sport.

Option B Psychology of Sport

Option B Psychology of Sport 2 broad functions of sport and exercise psychologists: Research, create, and evaluate knowledge Improve human performance and health Option B Psychology of Sport B.1 Individual Differences in Sport Applied

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