Introductory Motor Learning and Development Lab

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1 Introductory Motor Learning and Development Lab Laboratory Equipment & Test Procedures. Motor learning and control historically has built its discipline through laboratory research. This has led to the evolution of basic motor learning and control concepts. In many instances, equipment that is rather simple in nature has been used for this research. Some of the more common pieces of equipment include rotory pursuit, mirror tracer, and stability platform. Many early motor learning and control researchers constructed their own equipment. Now, it is commercially produced and standard equipment in a well designed laboratory. With the development of college and university motor learning and control laboratories, a unique teaching opportunity has become available- learning motor and control principles through hands- on experimentation. In this way, you not only acquire a basic content taught in the lecture class, but also gain valuable experience in the research process. This involves: 1) conducting the experiment; 2) collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data, and 3) writing a final report. As the discipline of motor learning and control evolved, it became apparent that several pieces of equipment were especially valuable for motor learning and control research. The equipment listed in this lab is the most common type. Purpose. To provide a brief description for setting up the equipment for motor learning, development, and control labs. Stability Platform The stability platform task is a dynamic balance task. The object is keeping the stability platform as level as possible during each trial. The stability platform is connected to a controller box. The controller is designed to regulate the duration of a trial and an inter trial interval that ensures that the clock /counter measure the subject performance for the duration of the trial only. Once the trial is completed, the controller can be set for a designed rest period and automatic start of the next trial. The test procedure you are to set up is a 15- second trial followed by a 30 second rest period. This pattern of trials followed by a rest period is to be repeated 3 times. The task is started by having the subject stand on the balance board with his/her dominant foot pressing on down one side of the board. Once instructed to begin the trial, the subject attempts to balance the board as horizontal as possible during the 15- second trial. Next 30- second rest period (inter trial) is taken. After about 25 seconds the subject resumes the starting position for the next trial. At the completion of each trial, the investigator s records the subject s relapse time on- balance. Linear Movement Apparatus 1

2 The linear movement apparatus resembles a measuring stick. It has a long runway that is 3.5 feet long. It is used to measure temporal and spatial memory. The apparatus consists of a handle mounted on a pipe. The subject moves that handle a specific distance or speed. The distance moved is electronically monitored by equipment and displayed in millimeters. Timing is measured by using two magnetic micro- switches to start and stop a clock/counter. There are two linear movement test procedures. One involves trying to duplicate several specified distances (spatial) while the other involves moving to the stop located at a set distance in a set time (temporal). Spatial procedure. The linear movement apparatus has block that the experimenter can move any specified location. The subject is blindfolded and presented series of movements that are located along the linear movement apparatus. The locations are presented by placing the block at the specified location and the subject moves the slide to the location. The task requires the subject to recall the exact distances moved in order at a later time. In the starting position, the handle is resting at 0. Upon command, the subject moves the handle unit contact the block. The location of the block (i.e., 10 cm, 15 cm) is manipulated by the investigator and is based on the specific instructions presented in the each lab. Once the subject contact the block, then he or she is told to move back to the staring position (i.e., 0 cm) and wait for the command to move to the next location. This procedure continues until the subject has moved to all the criterion locations then the investigator wants the subject to recall the distance location but the investigator would start the subject at a different start location other than 0 cm. The objective is to recall the distance (spatial) and starting at a different location requires one to move the distance and rules out the possibility that the subject is using time to contact (TAU) as way to recall. Temporal procedure. The object of the task is to move the handle from 0 cm to the stop block located some distance away in a certain time (i.e., 0 to 45 cm in 300 millisecond). The linear movement apparatus is connected to a clock/counter and measure the subject s movement time from the start to the designated distance. At the completion of the trial, the investigator records the time and resets the clock. The subject s performance is determined by subtracting the movement time from the criterion time (i.e., if the subject moved the 45 distance in 350 ms and criterion was 300 then the subject score would be 50 ms). Rotary Pursuit Task The rotary pursuit measure visual tracking and hand eye coordination. The objective of the task is to race a target light with a photocell wand. The speed of the target light moves (rpms), trial duration, number of trials, and inter- trial period (rest) can be set. Three interchangeable patterns (circle, triangle, square) may be used for this task. The task is scored by the length of time on target during the trial. Test procedure 2

3 The goal of the task is to stay in contact with the light as long as possible during the trial (e.g. 20 second trial). The speed (rpm) of the rotating light differs with each lab. The speeds are provided in the procedures sections of each lab. In general, the faster the speed, the more difficult the task. The subject begins each trail holding the stylus in a stationary position in the top right corner of the apparatus. When given the command start, the subject begins tracking the rotating light with the stylus for the duration of the trial. At the completion of the trial, the subject is instructed to stop tracking the light and returns the stylus to the beginning location. At the completion of each trial, the investigator records the time and the controller resets for the next trial. Mirror Tracer The mirror tracer involves tracing a star pattern with a tracing stylus. The goal is to complete rapidly the star trace with a few errors as possible. The number of errors can be automatically scored by the apparatus (stylus touching the boarders of the metal star). Procedures The mirror tracer hand- eye coordination task is administered in two ways, the mirror, 1) in place, and 2) detached. A trial equals tracking one complete star. The trial starts with the stylus at the top of the star and moves toward the eastern point and downward toward the bottom of the star and then toward the western point, back to the beginning position. At the completion of each trial, the investigator resets the counter on the apparatus. The task can be administered with the mirror detached or in place. When the mirror is attached to the star tracer, the object is the same except that subject looks through the mirror while tracing the star. The use of the mirror requires the subject to transfer the task of tracing the star to a new task. The mirror tracer s control unit automatically records the number of errors- the number of time the subject goes outside the path of the star. The subject s score is the number of errors committed during a tracing of the star. Bassin Anticipation Timer The Bassin Anticipation Timer consists of a control unit, lighted runway, and a response button. The objective of the task is to time a subject s response to coincide with the arrival of a target light at the end of the runway. The subject responds to the presentation of the light sequence by pushing the response button located at the end of the runway. The light sequence travels down the runway at different velocities per hour. The velocities can be set to be constant, accelerate, or decelerate. The controller can set the velocity, what light would be lit or occluded, foreperiod, and rest period. At the completion of each trial, the investigator records the score. The controller will then reset automatically for the next trial. 3

4 For the Bassin Anticipation Timer where the velocity can be set to accelerate or decelerate, the start and ending speed needs to be the same for a constant velocity. The unit of measure of the Anticipation Timer is error the difference between the true time and the subject s response. This is the amount of time the subject fails to coincide with the target light. The score is expressed in millisecond and early or late. The time is displayed on the controller as early or late. Testing Procedure A warning signal light initiates each trial, followed by a light sequence traveling down the runway at a set velocity. The warning signal (foreperiod) should be randomly adjusted from trial to trial (.5 to 4 seconds). At the completion of each trial, the controller will indicate the subject s score. Choice Reaction Timer Reaction time (RT) is the time that elapses between the presentation of a stimulus (light presentation) and the initiation of a response (subject begins to lift fingers from a RT key). Choice reaction time (CRT) is RT for a task with multiple responses and the selection of response is based on the stimulus presented. Reaction time should increase when the number of choice responses increases. By presenting precues or information about the upcoming stimulus that decreases the number of choice responses, the RT should decrease. The equipment used to measure choice RT includes a CRT control panel, a stop clock, and a four light subject reaction box. The four colored lights are labeled right long, right short, left short, left long in order to provide the subject with pre- cue information. Pressing the middle key on the controller starts the task. The investigator to prepare for a response by starting ready informs the subject. Then a foreperiod ranging from.5 to 4 seconds is given. The foreperiod is randomly set. When one of the lights is presented, the subject lifts his/her finger and moves to the light. The investigator is responsible for the color, the precue sequencing for each trial, and the number of trials to be administered. There is not set intertrial period (rest) between trials. At the completion of each trial, the investigator must reset the clock. The unit of measure is the elapsed time by the subject to respond to the presentation of the light stimulus. The measured RT expressed in millisecond is taken from the stop clock that is connected to the reaction timer apparatus. MOART Timer The Multi- Operational Apparatus for Reaction Time (MOART) is an integrated, versatile device used for the study of cognitive processing. It can perform a wade range of tests including reaction time, choice reaction time, reaction/movement time, and tapping tests. The MOART features state of the art touch sensitive keypads for ultra- accurate reaction time with no key travel errors. It also uses tri- color stimulus lights and dual tone generation, giving it high degree of versatility in 4

5 stimulus presentation. Combined with the PsymCon control panel, it can provide six highly adaptable tests that will find use in any motor behavior laboratory. The MOART front panel uses an ergonomic design for the button layout. The design is based on established normal distances for tapping test and published standards for reaction time experiments. Each key site features a tri- color LED stimulus light. The light can be set for red or green. The main key site at the bottom of the panel (CO) uses two separate lights, which allows greater flexibility when presenting stimuli. Each key site is labeled on the panel and these labels are referenced in both the control hardware and software to set up the various experiments. Simple Reaction Time Procedure using MOART The response key is restricted to the CO key. The stimulus is restricted to the CO lights (green or red) or tone. The Cue stimulus is restricted to the C5 lights or tone. A choice of two or more stimuli is presented. If the go stimulus is presented, the subject responds as quickly as possible. Here are the steps in setting a simple reaction time experiment when using the manual controller: 1) The researcher presses button 3 (simple reaction time). 2) Select the user to set the go stimulus for the test. The stimulus can be a combination of choices (e.g., red light with low tone). 3) Do not react screen. This selection can be skipped with no selection being made. 4) Stimulus odds screen. This selection can be skipped with no selection being made. 5) Reaction button setup screen: The touch keys on the panel can be configured as press to respond or release to respond using the menu choice in this screen. The response key is always CO when running a simple reaction time experiment. With a press to respond, the subject starts with their finger off of the key and presses the key upon stimulus presentation. With release to respond the subject starts with the finger on the key and lifts it upon the presentation of the stimulus. The release to respond typically gives a more accurate reaction time as it does not have a movement component integrated into the result as the press to respond protocol. 6) Select a cue screen. Allow the user to select the cue stimulus for the test. The cue is always the C5 light and/or tone when running simple reaction time experiments. Only one light may be selected as a cue although it may be paired with a tone. If the tone is used as a stimulus for the test, it may not be selected as cue. This screen may be skipped with no selection being made if no cue is desired. 7) Cue delay select screen (foreperiod). Allow the user to set the cue delay for the test. The resolution for the cue delay is 0.1 seconds with a maximum setting of 25.5 seconds. The random cue setting can also be enabled. The random time will fall between ½ times and 2 times the setting on the screen. The maximum and 5

6 minimum limits of the random cue period are displayed at the bottom of the screen for reference. 8) Trial timeout selection screen (rest period between trials). Allow the user to set the timeout time. If no response is made within the time selected, an error is indicated for the trial. The time is selected from 0.1 to 25.5 seconds in 0.1- second increments. The timeout setting defaults to 3.0 seconds on startup. 9) Test screen. Summarizes the test as setup from the menus and displays the trial results. The first two lines of the screen indicate the stimulus and cue parameters selected for the trial. These settings will update on the onset of each trial if random parameters are being used. The stimulus line will also indicate if a go or no go stimulus is being presented. 10) Trial results. After the trial, the RT line will show the results of the trial in seconds and the MSG line will indicate a successful trial or an error. If an error occurs, the MSG line will specify the error and the EADAR will indicate an errant key, if applicable. The ET line indicates the time when the error occurred. 11) How to start the trial. Trials are executed by pressing the button 5 while in the test screen. Dual Tapping Test Procedure using the MOART 1) Press button 8 from main menu 2) Tapping button select screen. Designates the key pairs to be used for test. The keys must be selected in the pairs set in the menu. Only one pair of keys can be selected at a time. 3) Outer button setup screen. The response key on the reaction panel feature dual response zones. This allows the accuracy of the taps to be monitored if required. The outer button setup screen determines if the outer rim of the tap keys will be recorded as a correct response or as an accuracy error. 4) Light above buttons. Allow the lights above the tap keys to be turned on during the trial, if desired. 5) Tone for end of trial. Allow the tone to be activated for the end of trial time. This lets the subject know when the trial has ended. 6) Select cue screen. Allows user to select the cue stimulus for test. The cue is always light C5 and/or tone when running dual key tap experiments. 7) Cue delay select screen. Allows the user to set the cue delay for the test. The resolution for the cure delay is 0.1 seconds with a maximum setting of 25.5 seconds. The random cue setting can also be enabled. The random time will fall between ½ and 2 times the settings on the screen. 6

7 8) Trial timeout selection screen. Allows the user to set the length of the tapping trial. The time is selectable from 1 to 255 seconds in 1- second increments. The timeout setting defaults to 30 seconds on startup. 9) Test screen. Summarizes the test from the menus and displays the trial results. The first lines of the screen indicate the times, stimulus, and cue parameters selected for the trial. These settings will update on the onset of each trial if random parameters are being used. 10) Trial Results. The total number of taps are shown in the B1 and B2 line of the test screen. If the outer rim error detection is enabled, the tap amounts will divide between the center key and outer rim. These totals will be shown on the B1, OUT 1, and B2, OUT2 lines. The total taps for the trial can be found by adding the four lines together. 11. How to start the trial. Trials are executed by pressing the button 5 on the test screen. If random parameters are used for the trial, they will update on the onset of each trial. Trial results can be rest or a trial can be interrupted by pressing the RESET button (8). Interrupted trials will not return any results. Simple reaction/movement time test on the MOART. Simple. The subject rests their finger on the CO key. After a stimulus is presented, the subject lifts their finger off the CO key and taps the C5 key as quickly as possible. GO/NO GO: The subject rests their finger on the CO key. If the GO stimulus is presented, the subject lifts their finger off the CO key and taps the C5 key as quickly as possible. If the NO GO stimulus is presented, the subject keeps their finger on the CO key. Setup Procedure. 1) Press button 5 on the menu 2) Select stimulus screen. Allows the user to set the GO stimulus for the test. The stimulus can be a combination of the choices (e.g. red light with low tone). The exception is the high tone and low tone cannot both be selected. 3) Do not react on screen. Allow the user to set the NO GO stimulus for the test. This listing takes up two different menu screens. Any combination of stimulus may be used, but the GO stimulus cannot be selected as a NO GO. This screen also determines the number of different stimulus possibilities that will be used during the test. To get back to the Stimulus Select Screen from this screen, the menu must be advanced to the Stimulus Odds screen and then returned back to the stimulus screen by pressing the BACK button. 4. Stimulus Odds screen. Calculates the odds of presenting a GO stimulus. The odds are calculated based on the total number of possible stimuli as selected from GO and NO GO settings. For example, if three NO GO stimuli are selected, the 7

8 odds of a GO stimulus will be 1 in 4 or 25%. If NO GO stimuli are selected, the odds will always be 100%. The odds for presenting the GO stimulus can be adjusted using the menu screen. 5) Outer button setup screen. The response keys on the reaction panel feature dual response zones. This allows the accuracy of the response to be monitored if required. The outer button setup screen determines if the outer rim of the response key will be recorded as a correct response or as an accuracy error. 6) Select cue screen. Allow the user to select the cue stimulus for the test. The cue is always the C5 light and/or tone when running simple reaction time experiments. Only one light may be selected as a cue although it may be paired with a tone. If the tone is used as a stimulus for the test, it may not be selected as cue. This screen may be skipped with no selection being made if no cue is desired. 7) Cue delay select screen. Allow the user to set the cue delay for the test. The resolution for the cue delay is 0.1 seconds with a maximum setting of 25.5 seconds. The random cue setting can also be enabled. The random time will fall between ½ times and 2 times the setting on the screen. The maximum and minimum limits of the random cue period are displayed at the bottom of the screen for reference. 8) Trial timeout selection screen. Allows the user to set the length of the tapping trial. The time is selectable from 1 to 255 seconds in 1- second increments. The timeout setting defaults to 30 seconds on startup. 9) Test screen. Summarizes the test as setup from the menus and displays the trial results. The first two lines of the screen indicate the stimulus and cue parameters selected for the trial. These settings will update on the onset of each trial if random parameters are being used. The stimulus line will also indicate if a go or no go stimulus is being presented. 10) Trial results. After the test, the RT line will show the RT results of the trial in seconds and the MT line will show the movement time results. The MSG line will indicate a successful trial or an error. If an error occurs, the MSG line will specify the error and the EADR will indicate the errant key, if applicable. The ET line will indicate the time when the error occurred. 11) How to start a trial. Trials are executed by pressing the button 5 while in the Test Screen. If random parameters are used for the trial, they will update on the onset of each trial. Trial results can be reset or pressing the RESET button can interrupt a trial. 8



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