Preparing for Ohio s American History State Test

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1 Preparing for Ohio s American History State Test Student Workbook

2 Unit 1: Historical Thinking Learning Target 1: Analyze a and the possible of of. Answer 3 of the 6 Questions posed: Learning Target 2: Analyze and evaluate the of primary and secondary sources. 1. What is credibility? 2. List ALL FIVE STEPS in evaluating the CREDIBILITY of a SOURCE: 3) 4) 5) 3. Define recognized authority: 4. Define stereotype: 5. Define internal consistency: 1

3 Learning Target 3: Develop a and use to or a position. 1. What does a thesis provide? 2. What does a thesis tell the reader? 3. What should a thesis be? 4. What is a claim (or thesis) without evidence? 5. From what do historians generate evidence? 6. and evidence from various sources. Learning Target 4: Identify examples of and - and -term causal relationships with respect to historical events. Analyze the between historical events, taking into consideration,,, and. 1. What does historical thinking involve? 2. What are the two types of causes and effects? 1) 2) 3. Identify the three categories of causes and effects and provide examples of each: 1) 2) 3) 4. is different than. 2

4 Unit 1: Historic Documents Learning Target 5: Explain a listed in the Declaration of Independence in terms of its relationship to Enlightenment ideas of and the. 1. What two factors caused discontent in the American colonies? 2. According to the Declaration of Independence, what is the most important part of the social contract? 3. If the government did not protect the people s rights, what could they do? 4. Why couldn t the government take people s natural rights away? 5. How did the Declaration of Independence reflect the ideas of the Enlightenment? Learning Target 6: Show how the, in providing for government for the Northwest Territory, established a for governing the United States. 1. What basis did the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 provide? 3

5 2. Briefly summarize each of the five precedents established by the Northwest Ordinance: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Learning Target 7: Develop an that a particular of the Constitution of the United States would help in addressing a problem facing the United States in the 1780s. Explain a provision of the Constitution in terms of how it reflects. 1. Identify two serious problems faced by the national government under the Articles of Confederation: 1) 2) 2. Identify four national issues facing the government at this time: 1) 2) 3) 4) 4

6 3. Use the graphic organizer below to show how the U.S. Constitution addressed problems under the Articles of Confederation: Learning Target 8: Compare the arguments of the and - on a common topic related to the of the Constitution of the United States, and hypothesize about why the winning argument was more persuasive. 1. What needed to happen in order for the Constitution to take effect? 2. What is another name for the proponents (supporters) of the Constitution? 3. Why did they believe that a stronger national government was necessary? 3. What is another name for the opponents of the Constitution? 4. Identify two major issues surrounding the power of the national government debated by both sides 5. What name was given to the collection of essays debating this topic? 5

7 Learning Target 9: Cite for in the rights incorporated in the. 1. Identify the two English sources for the Bill of Rights and identify one idea taken from each: 2. Enlightenment ideas about of, and were becoming well-known around the time of the American Revolution. 3. What two British policies are identified in the reading as causes of colonists anger? 4. Which colonial document first established rights for Americans? 5. What was one key issue for Anti-Federalists? 6. Use the graphic organizer below to match the historical precedents with the provisions of the Bill of Rights: 6

8 Unit 2: Industrialization and Progressivism ( ) Learning Target 10: Analyze how the rise of,, and technological innovations transformed the American economy from an to an increasingly society. 1. What major shift occurred during the Industrial Revolution? 2. In what three ways did the Industrial Revolution change the means of production? 3) 3. Industrialization in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was characterized by the and, which transformed the. 4. What three technological improvements also helped modernize agriculture? 1) 3) 5. Identify two technologies that made factory production more efficient: 6. List some technological innovations that transformed the American economy in the later 19 th and early 20 th centuries: 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 7

9 Learning Target 11: Explain the major and of industrialization and the influence of the growth of following in the United States. 1. Increased demand for what led to increased immigration and migration to industrial centers in cities? 2. What evidence is given in the reading for the following claim? In the late 1800s, the U.S. government followed a laissez-faire (hand-off) approach to economics. 3. Identify four demands placed by early labor organizations: 3) 4) 4. Labor organizations used and as means of achieving their goals. 5. Identify three early labor unions and three major labor strikes: Labor Unions: 3) Labor Strikes: 3) Learning Target 12: Analyze and evaluate how, and transformed American life. 1. What impact(s) did the new wave of immigration at the turn of the 20 th century have on the U.S.? 8

10 2. Define Great Migration and explain its connection to industrialization. 3. How did urbanization change the nature of cities? 4. What were some negative effects associated with the rapid growth of cities? 5. How could a growing middle class lead to the growth of suburbs? Learning Target 13: Describe practices in post- Reconstruction America. 1. Briefly summarize the goals and requirements of the Reconstruction. 2. What occurred during the redemption of the South? 3. Define racial segregation under the Jim Crow Laws: 9

11 4. Define disenfranchise and provide examples of types of disenfranchisement: 5. What did the Supreme Court rule in Plessy v. Ferguson? Learning Target 14: Analyze and evaluate the success of during the late 19th and early 20th centuries in addressing problems associated with, and. 1. What do Farmers Alliances, the Populist Party and muckrakers all have in common? 2. Identify six examples of Progressive reforms intended to address problems with Capitalism: 3) 4) 5) 6) 3. Cite two examples of Progressive reform in large cities and explain what problems these reforms were meant to address. 4. What are some political reforms Progressives introduced? 10

12 Unit 3: Imperialism to Post-World War I ( ) Learning Target 15: Analyze the circumstances which enabled the United States to emerge as a in the early 1900s. 1. What does the phrase closing of the American frontier mean? 2. What were the three primary factors that led to American imperial expansion? 3) 3. How was industrialization connected to American imperial expansion? 4. The belief in, first used to defend, was now used to argue that the U.S. had a and to extend its and civilization in the and across the. 5. List five places that came under U.S. control by the end of the Spanish-American War: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6. Why did the United States come out ahead of other countries who fought in World War I? 11

13 Learning Target 16: Explain why and how the United States moved to a policy of following World War I. 1. What was the purpose of the League of Nations? 2. Why were some Americans opposed to the United States joining the League of Nations? 3. Why were treaties addressing arms limitation and territorial expansion written? 4. What was the stated purpose of the Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928)? 12

14 Unit 4: Prosperity, Depression and the New Deal ( ) Learning Target 17: Describe how, - attitudes and the contributed to after World War I. 1. What was the Great Migration and what caused it? 2. Define Red Summer: 3. Based on the context of the reading, define Nativism: 4. Explain the connection between the Communist Revolution, labor strikes and the Palmer Raids. Learning Target 18: Describe how an improved for many, combined with in, and resulted in and and. 1. Define Standard of Living: 2. Identify three technological innovations in communication and describe what they, in turn, influenced. 13

15 3. How could technological innovations in transportation and industry improve Americans standard of living? 4. Identify three social changes and two social tensions brought on by increased ownership of automobiles. Social Changes: 3) Social Tensions: Learning Target 19: Describe social changes that came from the, -, and. 1. What was the Harlem Renaissance? 2. What in particular became a major source of tension between African Americans and whites during this period? 3. What was one argument (claim) put forth by supporters of Women s Suffrage during World War I? 14

16 4. Identify three problems caused by Prohibition: 3) 5. Briefly summarize each of the three constitutional amendments listed below: 18 th Amendment: 19 th Amendment: 21 st Amendment: Learning Target 20: Describe how the federal government s, and increasing led to the. Explain how the efforts to combat the Great Depression led to an for the. 1. How did banks contribute to the Great Depression? 2. How did the Federal Reserve actually make matters worse? 3. What is stock market speculation? 4. What is buying on margin? 15

17 5. What effect(s) did overproduction in factories have on the American economy in the 1920s? 6. Describe two examples of expansion of the role of the federal government under FDR s New Deal: 16

18 Unit 5: From Isolation to World War II ( ) Learning Target 21: Analyze the reasons for American in the. 1. How did the Good Neighbor Policy differ from the approach taken during the period of American imperial expansion? 2. Define Neutrality Acts of 1935 and 1937: 3. In what way(s) did the Cash and Carry policy, the Destroyers-for-Bases deal and the Lend-Lease Act go against the previous U.S. stance on foreign diplomacy? 4. What was the purpose of the Atlantic Charter (1941)? 5. What event officially ended U.S. isolationist policies? Learning Target 22: Identify and explain changes American society experienced with the of its and during World War II. 1. Define Mobilization: 17

19 2. In what way did the federal government reorganize factories? 3. What was the purpose of the rationing program? 4. What goods were rationed? 5. List four additional examples of how mobilization had major effects on the lives of Americans: 1) 2) 3) 4) 18

20 Unit 6: The Cold War ( ) Learning Target 23: Summarize how have changed the nature of war, altered the and started the. Cold War Rival Type of Government 1. Democratic and capitalist 2. Soviet Union (USSR) 3. What was the purpose of the Manhattan Project? 4. On what two Japanese cities did the United States drop atomic bombs, thus beginning the nuclear age? 5. What happened in 1949 that marked the beginning of the nuclear arms race? Learning Target 24: Analyze the policy of the United States followed during the Cold War in response to the spread of. 1. The policy of containment began in the late to of communism in and. 2. What happened in China in 1949? 3. What was the Marshall Plan and what did it do? 4. Based on the context of the reading, what does the term collective security mean? 19

21 5. Identify two ways that the Korean War and the Vietnam War were similar. Learning Target 25: Explain how the and reflected in American society. 1. Define Red Scare: 2. Based on the context of the reading, define the following terms: infiltration: subversion: 3. What institutions were targeted in the Second Red Scare? 4. Describe one tactic used by the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). 5. What role did Senator Joseph McCarthy play in the Second Red Scare? 20

22 Learning Target 26: Analyze how the and conflicts in Korea and Vietnam influenced and between the end of World War II and. 1. In addition to Korea and Vietnam, where else did the Cold War affect international politics? 2. What specific issue caused the Cuban Missile Crisis? 3. What is the difference between domestic and international politics? 4. Briefly describe five examples of how the Cold War affected domestic and international politics: 3) 4) 5) Learning Target 27: Explain how the in and the brought an to the Cold War era. 1. What type of government did former communist countries under the control of the USSR embrace after the end of the Cold War? 2. What was one result of this change? 21

23 Unit 7: Social Transformations in the United States ( ) Learning Target 28: Summarize the struggle for and and the extension of that occurred in the United States in the period. 1. Following World War II, what four groups in particular began movements to secure freedoms and opportunities that other Americans enjoyed? 2. Identify four civil rights groups associated with African Americans efforts to end racial segregation. 3) 4) 3. Identify three legal actions that brought about change as a result of these groups efforts. 3) 4. What four complaints did the United Farm Workers (UFW) make on behalf of Mexican American migrant farm workers? 3) 4) 5. What were the goals of the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) and the American Indian Movement (AIM)? 6. What were some of the complaints women made known through demonstrations, lawsuits and the formation of the National Organization for Women (NOW)? 22

24 Learning Target 29: Describe how American life in the postwar period was impacted by the and by. 1. What factor contributed to the postwar economic boom? 2. What two factors contributed to the growth of suburbs? 3. Where is the Sunbelt and what type(s) of economic opportunities could be found there? 4. Identify six epic changes in American life brought on by postwar prosperity. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 5. Identify four major advances in science during this time. 1) 2) 3) 4) 23

25 Learning Target 30: Analyze the and of the continuing from to, the from the to the, and the increase in immigration resulting from passage of the. 1. Describe postwar racial and political differences between the cities and suburbs: 2. Summarize how states in the South and West gained political power: 3. How did the Immigration Act (1965) changed immigration patterns? Learning Target 31: Explain why the government s role in the,,, and became the topic of political debates between 1945 and How did the role of the federal government change in the 1930s and 40s? 2. How did public opinion differ over the role of the federal government and what affected public opinion in this regard the most? 24

26 3. What led to the formation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)? 4. Identify three federal programs started under Lyndon Johnson s Great Society. 1) 2) 3) Learning Target 32: Analyze how the American economy has been impacted by,,,, and the shift from to industries. 1. How has the organization of businesses and manufacturing changed since the early 1990s? 2. What is a trade deficit? 3. How has the trade deficit affected the American economy? 25

27 Learning Target 33: Describe the, and the U.S. faced in the post-cold War period and following the. 1. Identify three challenges faced by the United States following the end of the Cold War: 3) 2. Recently, what two issues have sparked intense debate among Americans? 26

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