Syncope in Children and Adolescents

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1 Aril 1997: Syncoe in Children and Adolescents DAVID J. DRISCOLL, MD, FACC, STEVEN J. JACOBSEN, MD, PHD, CO-BURN J. PORTER, MD, FACC, PETER C. WOLLAN, PHD Rochester, Minnesota Objectives. The objectives of this study were to 1) define the incidence of syncoe coming to medical attention among children and adolescents, 2) determine the outcome of syncoe in these atients, and 3) determine changes over time in the evaluation and charges for evaluating this roblem. Background. Syncoe occurs commonly in children and adolescents. However, the mid- and long-term outcome of children and adolescents who exerience syncoe is unknown. Methods. Utilizing the Rochester Eidemiology Project, we determined the incidence, outcome and charges for medical evaluation for atients seeking medical attention for syncoe during an early 5-year eriod (1950 to 1954) and a more recent 5-year eriod (1987 to 1991). Results. The incidence of syncoe coming to medical attention was 71.9 and 125.8/100,000 oulation for the early and more recent cohort, resectively. The incidence was higher for female than for male atients. The incidence eaked in 15- to 19-year old atients. Acute illness and noxious stimuli were associated with 24% and 23% of the eisodes, resectively. Although long-term survival was not different from that of the general oulation, one child died suddenly, and another had hereditary rolonged QT interval syndrome. These were two of only six atients who had exertional syncoe. Total charges for evaluation of syncoe were similar in the two time eriods. However, charges for testing rocedures were greater for the more recent cohort. Conclusions. In general, syncoe in children and adolescents is a benign event. Syncoe occurring during exercise may identify atients with a otentially fatal condition. Detailed evaluation should be considered for atients who have syncoe during exercise or who have a family history of syncoe, sudden death, myocardial disease or arrhythmias. It may be rudent to obtain an electrocardiogram for all atients who seek medical attention for syncoe. (J Am Coll Cardiol 1997;29: ) 1997 by the American College of Cardiology Syncoe is relatively common in adolescence. Although syncoe can be a benign event, in some circumstances it can herald a otentially lethal roblem (1). In addition, syncoe of benign origin can lead to injury or death if loss of consciousness occurs during a situation in which the atient is in articular jeoardy. Thus, atients and hysicians are anxious to determine the cause of syncoe, identify and treat otentially lethal underlying causes of syncoe and revent future syncoal eisodes. There is no oulation-based study of syncoe in children and adolescents on which guidelines for evaluation and management can be based. Most of the existing data come from referral centers where the mix of atients may not reflect the oulation at large. The urose of this study was to 1) define the incidence of syncoe in children and adolescents that comes to medical attention, 2) determine the outcome of syncoe in these atients, and 3) determine changes over time From the Deartment of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Section of Pediatric Cardiology and the Deartment of Health Sciences Research, Section of Eidemiology and Biostatistics, The Mayo Clinic and Foundation, Rochester, Minnesota. This roject was suorted in art by Grant AR30582 from the U.S. Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland and by the Mayo Foundation for Education and Research, Rochester, Minnesota. Manuscrit received Aril 26, 1996; revised manuscrit received November 8, 1996, acceted December 16, Address for corresondence: Dr. David J. Driscoll, Pediatric Cardiology, Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, Minnesota in the evaluation of this roblem and in the charges for evaluating it. Methods Study setting. The oulation of Rochester, Minnesota is served by a largely unified medical care system that has accumulated comrehensive clinical records over an extended eriod of time. Rochester (1990 oulation 70,745) lies 90 miles southeast of Minneaolis/St. Paul. In 1990, the oulation was 96% white; 28% were 45 years old and 11% 65 years or older. The oulation is largely middle class; 82% of adults have graduated from high school. With the excetion of a higher roortion of the working oulation emloyed in the health care industry, the characteristics of the oulation of Rochester are similar to those of U.S. whites. Rochester Eidemiology Project. Eidemiologic research in Rochester is ossible because the city is relatively isolated from other urban centers and nearly all medical care is delivered to local residents by a small number of roviders (2). Most of this medical care is rovided by the Mayo Clinic, a major referral center with 1,000 full-time hysicians reresenting every medical and surgical secialty and subsecialty. Mayo Clinic, along with the Olmsted Medical Grou and its affiliated Olmsted Community Hosital, rovide comrehensive care for the region in every clinical disciline including rimary care by the American College of Cardiology /97/$17.00 Published by Elsevier Science Inc. PII S (97)00020-X

2 1040 DRISCOLL ET AL. JACC Vol. 29, No. 5 SYNCOPE IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS Aril 1997: The eidemiologic otential of this situation is enhanced by the fact that each rovider uses a unit (or dossier) medical record system whereby all data collected on an individual are assembled in one lace. The Mayo Clinic unit record, for examle, contains the details of every inatient hosital stay at its two large affiliated hositals, every outatient visit, every hysician visit to nursing homes or rivate homes, as well as every laboratory result, athology reort (including autosy data) and iece of corresondence concerning each atient. The unit records of each rovider in the county have been maintained and are available for use. These medical records are easily retrievable because the Mayo Clinic has maintained, since the early 1900s, extensive indexes based on clinical and histologic diagnoses and surgical rocedures. The Rochester Eidemiology Project has develoed a similar index for the records of other roviders of medical care to local residents. The result is the linkage of medical records from essentially all sources of medical care available to and utilized by the Rochester oulation. Identification of cases. The medical records of otential cases were identified through the diagnostic indexes of the Rochester Eidemiology Project. Potential cases were drawn from ersons falling under the diagnostic rubrics of syncoe, fainting, vasovagal attack, sells, consciousness disorders, vasomotor instability, vasomotor attack, cardiogenic syncoe and heat syncoe. These indexes do not cature the reason for visits. Hence, atients who resented with syncoe but were found to have a more secific diagnosis may not have been identified. Patients evaluated by all hysician roviders in the community were included in this study. Once a otential case was identified, the community medical records were reviewed by a trained nurse abstracter to verify that 1) the syncoal eisode had occurred and was the initial syncoal eisode for which medical attention was sought, 2) the subject was a resident of Rochester, Minnesota at the time of the eisode, 3) the subject was between 1 and 22 years of age at the time of the eisode, and 4) the syncoal eisode occurred during calendar years 1950 through 1954 ( 1950s cohort ) or 1987 through 1991 ( 1990s cohort ). For the uroses of this study, syncoe was defined as a transient ( 2 h) loss of consciousness (see Ref 7 for definitions of secific tyes of syncoe). It included witnessed as well as unwitnessed events. It included instances in which cardioulmonary resuscitation was erformed by a family member but excluded instances in which cardioulmonary resuscitation was erformed by medical or aramedical ersonnel. Also excluded were eisodes of unconsciousness resulting from an aarent seizure disorder. Although incontinence rarely can be associated with syncoe, we excluded cases in which the atient was incontinent of urine or stool in an effort to exclude all rimary seizure disorders. Eisodes receded within 5 min by major trauma also were excluded. Residence was verified by using information from birth certificates, city and county directories or earlier medical records. Each subject s residency status was determined on the index date and 1 year before the index date to identify anyone from the cohort who may have moved to Rochester to secifically facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of conditions associated with syncoe. Once a subject was identified and Rochester residence confirmed, the community inatient and outatient medical records were reviewed to determine the circumstances surrounding the syncoal eisode, the results of the initial diagnostic evaluation, as well as basic demograhic information. In addition, all subjects were assively followed u through their medical records to determine their last known vital status, occurrence of syncoe and subsequent diagnostic studies and outcome that might be related to syncoe. All ersons not known to have died by June 1994 were contacted by mail questionnaire. Questionnaire elements elicited information about vital status, recurrence of syncoal eisodes, date of last eisode, injuries associated with syncoal eisodes and additional evaluation of syncoe erformed outside of Olmsted County. Medical questionnaires were sent to 196 atients known not to have died. Comleted questionnaires were received from 111 atients. Telehone contact was made and questionnaire information was obtained for an additional 49 atients. Current vital status was determined for 183 of the 196 atients; 13 atients were lost to follow-u. Once collected, the abstracted data were entered into a comuter and verified by trained data entry ersonnel. The data then were edited with a variety of on-line range and consistency checks. Quality control and adherence to the rotocol aroved by the Mayo Clinic Institutional Review Board were ensured by the close suervision of the rincial investigator and coinvestigators. Data analysis. Incidence rates were calculated by assuming that the oulation of Rochester was at risk. Denominators for incidence rates were based on decennial census data, with linear interolation for intracensal estimates (3). Poisson regression was used to test for differences in incidence rates due to gender, eriod and age grou. Differences in the distribution of associated signs and symtoms, related activities and hysician diagnosis were tested with the Wilcoxon ranksum test for ordinal variables and the chi-square statistic for categoric variables. When exected frequencies were 5 for any cell in contingency tables, the Fisher exact test was used. A standardized mortality ratio was estimated by comaring the observed number of deaths among cohort members to an exected number based on State of Minnesota decennial life tables (4). Total charges between eriods were comared with a two-samle Wilcoxon rank-sum test. To assess the relative charges for medical evaluation, tyical commercial non- Medicare insurance fees for 1994 were used. Three sets of charges were examined: 1) the charge for the initial medical encounter, 2) the charges for testing, and 3) the charges for subsequent medical follow-u or consultation. All analyses were carried out with SAS Institutes statistical software.

3 Aril 1997: DRISCOLL ET AL. SYNCOPE IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS 1041 Table 1. Signs, Symtoms and Events Associated With Incident* Syncoal Events: Residents of Rochester, Minnesota Aged 1 to 22 Years, by Time Period Figure 1. Age-secific incidence of syncoe in children and adolescents by year. Vertical bars are 95% confidence intervals. Results A search of the Rochester Eidemiology Diagnostic Index yielded 447 otential cases with the diagnostic rubrics outlined earlier. Of these, 194 (43%) fulfilled all inclusion criteria. Reasons for exclusion included non-rochester resident (n 101), outside of age criteria (n 11), outside of examination date (n 7), no documented true syncoe (n 116), associated incontinence (n 2) and rior medical attention for a syncoal eisode (n 16). The 1950s cohort comrised 43 atients, 40 white and 3 of unknown ethnicity; 31 were female and 12 were male. The 1990s cohort comrised 151 atients, 98 female and 53 male; 131 were white, 3 were southeast Asian and 17 were of unknown ethnicity. The median age of the female atients was 18 and 16 years for the 1950s and the 1990s cohort, resectively ( 0.65). The median age of the male atients was 10.5 and 13 years for the 1950s and the 1990s cohort, resectively ( 0.51). Syncoal eisodes occurring before the index eisode for which the atient sought medical attention were noted for 25 (58%) of the 43 atients in the 1950s cohort and for 47 (31%) of the 151 atients in the 1990s cohort. Incidence. The incidence of syncoal eisodes coming to medical attention er 100,000 oulation was 71.9 and for the 1950s and the 1990s grou, resectively. The ageadjusted incidence rates were higher for female (89.8 and 166.3) than for male (47.8 and 92.9) atients for the 1950s and the 1990s cohort, resectively. For both male and female atients, the rate eaked in the 15- to 19-year old grou, but the eak for female atients was dramatically greater than that for male atients (Fig. 1). The gender, eriod and age grou main effect and gender by age grou interaction effect are all highly significant ( 0.04, 0.003, and 0.002, resectively). The eriod by age grou interaction is marginally significant ( 0.073). Signs and symtoms. Signs and symtoms associated with the index syncoal eisode are dislayed in Table 1. Injury resulting from the syncoal eisode, or light-headedness, nausea/vomiting, dizziness or visual symtoms associated with the Total (n 194) Value Tonic-clonic movements Seizure Injury from syncoe Trauma receding syncoe Minor Moderate Head Other Nausea/vomiting Vertigo Anticiation of syncoe Feeling hot Headache Dizziness Light-headedness Pallor Sweaty Cold Weak/shaky Visual symtoms *Incident event first syncoal eisode brought to medical attention. value for test of difference between time eriods. eisode, occurred in 18%, 16%, 15%, 14% and 12% of atients, resectively. There were essentially no differences in the roortion of signs and symtoms between the two cohorts, with the excetion of light-headedness, which occurred more frequently in the 1990s cohort (20% vs. 5%, 0.02). Activities or events associated with the eisode or atient location during the eisode are listed in Table 2. The resence of an acute illness or the use of rescrition drugs was associated with 24% and 20%, resectively, of eisodes. Noxious stimuli or sychologic/emotional stimuli were associated with 23% and 12%, resectively, of eisodes. Syncoe occurred during exercise in 6 (3%) of 194 atients. Most of the index eisodes were evaluated initially in the emergency room or the outatient clinic. However, in the 1950s cohort, 23% were evaluated by house call. Visits for further medical evaluation after the initial evaluation for the index syncoal eisode were erformed for 56% of the 1950s cohort and for 47% of the 1990s cohort. Diagnostic categories. The majority of atients were thought by the attending hysician to have had either a simle faint or vasoderessor or vasovagal syncoe (Table 3). A variety of diagnostic tests were erformed (Table 4). The rofile of tests erformed differed for the two cohorts. For examle only 1 (2%) of 43 of atients from the 1950s cohort but 35 (23%) of 151 atients from the 1990s cohort had electrocardiograms (ECGs) erformed. Glucose and electrolyte measurements were erformed much more frequently in the later than in the earlier cohort. Fewer diagnostic studies

4 1042 DRISCOLL ET AL. JACC Vol. 29, No. 5 SYNCOPE IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS Aril 1997: Table 2. Activities and Locations Associated With Incident* Syncoal Events: Residents of Rochester, Minnesota Aged 1 to 22 Years, by Time Period Total (n 194) Value Cough Crying Urination Defecation Menses In church In shower/bath After a noxious stimulus After sychologic/emotional stimulus During exercise min after exercise Acute illness Nonrescrition drugs/alcohol Prescrition drug *Incident event first syncoal eisode brought to medical attention. value for test of difference between time eriods. were erformed for the 1950s cohort (71 tests in 43 atients) than for the 1990s cohort (479 tests in 151 atients). Thirty-five atients had ECGs. Among these, the corrected QT intervals ranged from 0.35 to Although no atients had a rolonged QT interval, one adolescent who died suddenly (described later) had not had an ECG erformed. Another adolescent did not have an ECG erformed when evaluated for his index eisode of syncoe, but after a subsequent eisode he was found to have rolonged QT interval syndrome. Table 3. Attending Physicians Diagnosis After Initial Evaluation of Incident* Syncoal Event: Residents of Rochester, Minnesota: Aged 1 to 22 Years, by Time Period 1950 to to 1991 Total (n 194) Value Simle faint Vasoderessor/vasovagal Hysteria/sychogenic Breathholding Concurrent infectious disease Possible eilesy Syncoe Orthostatic Hyerventilation Hyoglycemia Unknown Other *Incident event first syncoal eisode brought to medical attention. value for test of difference between time eriods. Includes, among other diagnoses, chest ain, sunburn, exhaustion, dysmenorrhea, medication-related condition, vertigo, trauma, dehydration, stress, alcohol-related condition. Outcome. Mortality. Three atients died; all were from the 1950s cohort. In two of these atients, the death had no aarent relation to revious syncoal eisodes. One of the two atients committed suicide at age 41 years, and the second died of liver failure secondary to viral heatitis at age 27 years. Mortality was no different from that of an age-matched oulation. In a comarable age- and gender-matched oulation, the exected number of deaths was 3.0. The third atient died suddenly and unexectedly at age 13 years. This atient stood u to recite in class, comlained of feeling faint, collased and died. Four months before his death, he had had syncoe (the index eisode) while running. It was reorted that he was unconscious for 20 min. Seven months before his death he had also had syncoe while running. No ECG was ever erformed. Recurrence. Syncoal eisodes occurring after the index eisode were noted for 3 (7%) of 43 atients in the 1950s cohort and for 14 (9%) of 151 atients in the 1990s cohort. Associated medical conditions. As art of the follow-u questionnaire the resence of secific medical conditions was ascertained (Table 5). Migraine headaches were reorted in 28 (18%) of 152 of the atients. Subsequent develoment of diabetes mellitus was more common in the 1950s than in the 1990s cohort. This difference robably reflects the longer follow-u eriod for the 1950s cohort. Charges for medical evaluation. The total charge for the initial medical encounter, testing and subsequent medical follow-u or consultation was not significantly different for the 1950s cohort (mean $577.77, median $326) and 1990s cohort (mean $641.48, median $303.00). However, the charge er atient for tests erformed was significantly ( 0.05) higher for atients evaluated in the 1990s ($289/atient) than for those evaluated in the 1950s ($77/atient). The charges for follow-u evaluation and consultation were higher for the

5 Aril 1997: DRISCOLL ET AL. SYNCOPE IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS 1043 Table 4. Laboratory and Clinical Tests Performed During Initial Evaluation* of Incident Syncoal Event: Residents of Rochester, Minnesota Aged 1 to 22 Years, by Time Period 1950 to to 1991 Patients Tested Tests Performed Patients Tested Test Performed No. % No. No. % No. Value CBC Glucose Electrolytes Urinalysis ECG h ECG Echocardiogram Tilt table Electrohysiologic study Exercise test Electroencehalogram CT scan Skull radiograh Other Total tests *Initial evaluation included all tests erformed within the 1st 6 months after the initial medical visit for syncoe. Incident event first syncoal eisode brought to medical attention. value for test of difference in roortion of atients tested between time eriods. CBC comlete blood count; CT comuted tomograhy; ECG electrocardiogram. 1950s cohort ($557/atient) than for the 1990s cohort ($287/ atient). This difference was due to a higher rate of emergency room and reeat outatient evaluation of atients in the 1950s than in the 1990s cohort. Discussion Syncoe in adults. The eidemiologic features of syncoe were reorted for 2,336 adult men and 2,873 adult women as art of the Framingham study (5). These subjects ranged in age Table 5. Medical Conditions Reorted During Follow-U: Residents of Rochester, Minnesota Aged 1 to 22 Years With Incident* Syncoal Event in 1950 to 1954 and 1987 to to 1954 (n 31) 1987 to 1991 (n 121) Total Value Diabetes Seizures Arrhythmias Prolonged QT interval syndrome Pulmonary hyertension Migraine headaches Mitral valve rolase *Incident event first syncoal eisode brought to medical attention. n atients with comlete follow-u information. value for test of difference between time eriods. from 30 to 62 years. During the course of 13 biennial examinations, 71 of the men and 101 of the women reorted at least one syncoal eisode during their lifetime. Isolated syncoe (i.e., transient loss of consciousness in the absence of rior or concurrent neurologic, coronary or other cardiovascular disease stigmata) occurred in 79% of the men and 88% of the women with syncoe. During 26 years of follow-u, isolated syncoe was unassociated with excess stroke, myocardial infarction or mortality from other causes. Kaoor et al. (6,7) rosectively studied 204 adult atients with syncoe. A cardiovascular cause of the syncoe was identified in 53 atients and a noncardiovascular cause in 54; in 97 atients the cause remained unknown. After 12 months of follow-u the overall mortality rate was %. The mortality rate was % for atients with a cardiovascular cause of syncoe and % for atients with syncoe of unknown cause. Syncoe in children. There have been few studies of syncoe in children and, to our knowledge, no oulationbased studies. Pratt and Fleisher (8) reorted the evaluation and outcome of 77 children and adolescents who were evaluated in an emergency room for syncoe. These atients ranged in age from 22 months to 21 years (mean 12.7 years). On review of the records, 37 (48%) of the 77 atients were deemed not to have had syncoe. This is similar to our finding that 36% of atients coded as having syncoe did not have syncoe. In the study of Pratt and Fleisher, 50% of the atients had vasovagal syncoe, 20% had orthostatic syncoe, 7.5% had atyical seizures, 5% had migraine headaches and 5% had minor head trauma. The occurrence of migraine headaches in their study is

6 1044 DRISCOLL ET AL. JACC Vol. 29, No. 5 SYNCOPE IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS Aril 1997: interesting in light of our finding that 18% of our atients reorted migraine headaches. As in the resent study only a small number of atients had an abnormal blood count or serum glucose level. Pratt and Fleisher concluded that the routine evaluation of the child with syncoe should include a history and hysical examination with measurement of heart rate and blood ressure in suine and standing ositions, an ECG and serum glucose and hematocrit measurements. Gordon et al. (9) reorted on 73 children and adolescents evaluated at the Cleveland Clinic for syncoe between 1981 and The atients ranged in age from 2.5 to 20 years (mean 13). Secific roblems were identified in seven atients. These roblems included myocardial disease, atrioventricular node reentrant tachycardia, muscular dystrohy, sick sinus syndrome and febrile seizures. These 73 atients had a total of 443 diagnostic test and consultations (6/atient). A relatively large number (n 29) of the atients were admitted to the hosital. The charges for the atients admitted to the hosital were $4,882/atient, whereas the average charge for evaluation for the entire grou of atients was $2,973/atient. In the current study the average charge/atient was $ ($577.77/ atient in the 1950s cohort and $641.48/atient in the 1990s cohort). The discreancy of diagnoses encountered and in charges between our study and that of Gordon et al. is most likely due to the fact that their atients reflected a referred grou of atients whereas ours reresented a local oulationbased grou of atients. Study limitations. We found an incidence of syncoe that ranged from 71.9 to 125.8/100,000 oulation. This reresents a lower boundary estimate of syncoe in the general oulation of children and adolescents because only syncoal eisodes that came to medical attention were included in the study. From a ractitioner s standoint, of course, these are the only eisodes with which one must deal. Interretation of the observed changes in incidence is also roblematic. It is not ossible to determine whether these changes were due to a real change in incidence, changes in care seeking, changes in care seeking behavior or changes in coding ractices. It is ossible that we underestimated the occurrence of significant and otentially lethal underlying or associated medical conditions. If a atient resented for evaluation of syncoe but was found to have a secific disease entity (e.g., cardiomyoathy), the dismissal code may have been secific for the disease entity and not reflective of the resenting symtom of syncoe. This atient may not have been identified by our study method. Deending on the directions and magnitude of these otential biases, the overall outcome for syncoe may be better or worse than that reorted here. Although clinicians frequently assign a diagnostic label to atients with syncoe, it is difficult to distinguish, for examle, among several tyes of syncoe such as vasovagal syncoe, simle faint and orthostatic syncoe. One may find variations from study to study or for different time eriods within a study in the distributions of the descritive categories for syncoe. Consequently, any shifts in the distributions of the descritive categories in this study should be interreted with caution. Cost of evaluation. To our knowledge, our study is the only oulation-based study and is the first to comare the charges for evaluation of syncoe in children and adolescents in two different eras. Not surrisingly, the charge for medical tests/ atient was significantly higher in the more recent cohort. It is difficult to know if this resulted from the availability of more sohisticated testing rocedures, the resence of increased medical-legal ressures or the desire to make a more secific diagnosis. It was surrising to find that the total charge for evaluation was similar for the early and later cohorts. The increased charges for tests erformed for the more recent cohort were offset by the greater number of evaluations erformed on inatients in the 1950s cohort. Aroriate medical and cost-effective evaluation of a condition such as syncoe is inherently related to the outcome of the condition. A condition associated with low or no risk of death and minimal morbidity may not require extensive and exensive medical evaluation. If a subset of atients has a different outcome from the rest of the cohort, it is useful to identify that subset so that aroriate medical evaluation can be targeted toward it rather than toward the entire cohort. In the two studies cited earlier there was no mortality associated with syncoe in children and adolescents. In the resent study with long follow-u, the risk of death was similar to that exected in the general oulation. However, there was one instance of sudden unexected death in a young child that otentially could have been revented. In addition, a second atient ultimately was identified to have a otentially lethal condition (long QT interval syndrome). Thus, although syncoe in children and adolescents is a benign event for the vast majority of atients, it can be associated with sudden death in a very small number of atients. It is imortant to develo cost-effective algorithms to identify these rare ersons. Exercise and syncoe. It is known that sudden death in children and adolescents can be associated with, among other conditions, hyertrohic cardiomyoathy, anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the right sinus of Valsalva, myocarditis, long QT interval syndrome, cystic medial necrosis and Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. There also is some suggestion that syncoe that occurs during exertion may ortend a worse outcome than syncoe that is unassociated with exercise. Indeed, in the resent study only six atients had syncoe in association with exercise. Of these, one atient ultimately died and a second had long QT interval syndrome. Conclusions and recommendations. On the basis of the current and revious studies we roose the following strategy. It is very imortant to obtain a detailed ersonal and family history for all atients who seek medical attention for syncoe. One should seek information regarding a family history of sudden unexected death, as well as the atient s ersonal and family history of myocardial disease, syncoe, arrhythmias and other conditions associated with sudden death. All atients should have a hysical examination. Patients with exertional syncoe or a ositive ersonal or family history should have a more detailed evaluation. The details of that evaluation should be dictated by the secific case. Some might argue that all

7 Aril 1997: DRISCOLL ET AL. SYNCOPE IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS 1045 children and adolescents who faint should have an ECG although this recommendation is not suorted by the results of this study. Additional testing will have a low yield and not be cost-effective for atients with negative findings in the ersonal and family history, a normal hysical examination and nonexertional syncoe. This aroach should be evaluated in a clinical trial. We thank Margaret E. (Peg) Farrell, RN for diligent review of the medical records and Christine Boos, BS for assistance in analytic rogramming. References 1. Driscoll DJ, Edwards W. Sudden unexected death in children and adolescents. J Am Coll Cardiol 1985;5 Sul B:118B 21B. 2. Kurland LT, Molgaard CA. The atient record in eidemiology. Sci Am 1981;245: Bergstralh EJ, Offord KP, Chu C-P, Beard C, O Fallon WM, Melton LJ. Calculating incidence, revalence, and mortality rates for Olmsted County, Minnesota: an udate. Technical Reort Series No. 49, Section of Biostatistics, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Aril, Therneau T, Sicks J, Bergstralh E, Offord J. Exected survival based on hazard rates. Technical Reort Series No. 52, Section of Biostatistics, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Savage D, Corwin L, McGee D, Kannel W, Wolf P. Eidemiologic features of isolated syncoe: the Framingham Study. Stroke 1985;16: Kaoor W, Karf M, Wieand S, Peterson J, Levey GA. Prosective evaluation and follow-u of atients with syncoe. N Engl J Med 1983;309: Kaoor W. Evaluation and outcome of atients with syncoe. Medicine 1990;69: Pratt J, Fleisher G. Syncoe in children and adolescents. Pediatr Emerg Care 1989;5: Gordon T, Moodie D, Passalacqua M, et al. A retrosective analysis of the cost-effective worku of syncoe in children. Cleve Clin J Med 1987;54:391 4.

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