Pacific Walrus Management in a World of Changing Climate: Experiences and Observations from King Island Walrus Hunters

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1 Pacific Walrus Management in a World of Changing Climate: Experiences and Observations from King Island Walrus Hunters By Jessica I. Cardinal Research Report Submitted To Marine Resource Management Program College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon August 2004 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Commencement June 2005

2 Abstract In 1997, the Eskimo Walrus Commission (EWC) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) established a formal cooperative agreement for the conservation and management of Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens). This arrangement facilitates the transfer of funds from Section 119 of the Marine Mammal Protection Act via the USFWS to the EWC to establish working groups and a few on-the-ground initiatives. The King Island Native Community of Nome, Alaska is one of many traditional walrus hunting societies represented by the EWC. King Island hunters provide strong evidence, through long standing observations and interactions with their environment, that climate change is affecting walrus and the walrus subsistence hunt. In order to effectively address the potential consequences of climate change on the Pacific walrus, the EWC-USFWS cooperative agreement must evolve into a more flexible cooperative management arrangement. I suggest that adaptive co-management be the more flexible arrangement. Adaptive co-management is based on the equal sharing of power and responsibility between government and indigenous resource users in which a high level of dependence upon each other exists, mutual benefit is recognized, knowledge is shared, and uncertainty in the environment is answered by adaptive research and management practices and policies. The implementation of effective adaptive comanagement will be a key factor influencing the extent to which the walrus subsistence economy can be sustained in the years ahead.

3 Acknowledgements I would like to acknowledge the assistance provided by the members of my advisory committee: Dr. Courtland Smith, Dr. Deanna Kingston, and Dr. Jesse Ford. Thank you for your help and guidance. My love and thanks to my family for their unflagging support throughout the years. I would like to thank the King Island Native Community and all the hunters who shared their time, experience, and their lives with us so that we may better understand Pacific walrus and human interactions with these fascinating animals. I would like to thank the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service staff from the Marine Mammal Management Branch for helping me to gather hard to find documents and information. I would like to thank the "Walrus Research Team" from Oregon State University Deanna K., Jesse F., and Selina Heppell for a wonderful opportunity to travel to Nome, Alaska with three friendly and funny women.

4 Table of Contents Introduction 1 Background 4 Climate Change in the North 4 The Pacific Walrus 5 Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Co-management 8 Marine Mammal Protection Act and Subsistence 11 The Eskimo Walrus Commission 13 The EWC and USFWS Cooperative Agreement 15 Methods 17 Community of Interest 17 The Interviewees 19 Interview Approach 19 Analysis 20 Results: Hunter Observations 21 Sea Ice 21 Weather 22 Sea Ice and Weather Conditions in Relation to Walrus and Hunting 23 King Islanders Relationship with Walrus 24 Discussion 25 King Island TEK 25 Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Pacific Walrus 27 The Effectiveness of the EWC-USFWS Cooperative Agreement 29 A Different Approach to Walrus Management 31 Conclusion 39 References 42 Appendix A 46

5 List of Figures and Tables Figures Figure 1 The approximate distribution of Pacific walrus in the Bering Sea 5 Tables Table 1 Relative abundance and activities of Pacific Walrus 7 Table 2 Summary of ice and weather conditions and general observations 26 Table 3 Comparison of four natural resource management strategies 33 Table 4 Comparison of the current EWC-USFWS cooperative and adaptive 37 co-management

6 List of Abbreviations ADCED Alaska Department of Community and Economic Development EWC Eskimo Walrus Commission MMPA Marine Mammal Protection Act MTRP Marking, Tagging and Reporting Program NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service TEK Traditional Ecological Knowledge USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service WHMP Walrus Harvest Monitoring Program

7 Pacific Walrus Management in a World of Changing Climate: Experiences and Observations from King Island Walrus Hunters Introduction Western science, while valuable for acquiring knowledge, represents only one approach to understanding and inquiry. Contributions of traditional knowledge have been well documented in several areas, including biological information and ecological insights, resource management, protected areas, biodiversity conservation, environmental assessment, and environmental ethics (Berkes 1999). An exclusive focus on Western scientific data may limit our understanding of climate change and its impact on western Arctic communities (Riedlinger 1999). Indigenous peoples around the world have close contact with the natural environment that gives them long-term climatic observations; further, indigenous peoples will be greatly impacted by climate change at the local level. The use of traditional knowledge is potentially promising for helping to understand changes in the Arctic and other environments (Riedlinger and Berkes 2001). Through generational learning and the adaptive capacity of traditional knowledge, Natives peoples are very aware of changes in their natural environment. Animals are extremely important for human existence in the north. Large mammals, fish, and other animals provide food for the stomach and sustenance for the spirit. Of great importance to western Alaskan Natives is the harvest of marine mammals. Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) have provided food and raw materials to native peoples along the Alaskan coast for thousands of years (Ray 1975). This animal is a key component of the Bering and Chukchi Sea ecosystems and continues to play an important part of the economy and culture of indigenous coastal communities

8 2 (Fay et al. 1997, Garlich-Miller and Burn 1999). Distributions, densities, and foraging success of these arctic mammals are delicately linked to the maintenance of suitable sea ice conditions, and consequently, these species may be sensitive indicators of climate change (Tynan and DeMaster 1997). The mixed cash and subsistence economies of Alaska's rural villages integrate wage labor with domestic production of wild resources (Fast and Berkes 1998). Walrus meat is consumed in many communities and the sale of raw walrus ivory and carved ivory handicrafts provides a significant source of income to households in rural coastal villages where access to walrus is plentiful and opportunities for participation in the cash economy are limited (Chambers 1999). Changes in the distribution and abundance of walrus may affect food supplies, local economies, and the cultural fabric of rural communities. One of these communities in which changes in walrus abundance and distribution would be greatly felt is that of the King Island Native community, a group of Ifiupiaq speaking people of northwestern Alaska. Traditionally a walrus hunting society, the King Islanders retain a powerful bond with the marine environment and depend upon the walrus for sustenance, income, and cultural identity. King Island walrus hunters are noticing many changes in their local environment. The transmission of the King Islander's traditional ecological knowledge about Pacific walrus and observations of change in the local environment may yield qualitative data in regard to climate change in the Arctic. In an effort to gain a greater understanding about the subsistence harvest of Pacific walrus, in 1997 the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) entered into a

9 3 collaborative arrangement with the Eskimo Walrus Commission (EWC), a Native organization addressing the needs and concerns of walrus hunting communities throughout western Alaska. A cooperative agreement was established between the two entities under Section 119 of the Marine Mammal Protection Act, allowing for the transfer of funds from the government to the EWC. These funds allow for collaborative efforts in field research and in the meeting room. Currently, the USFWS and the EWC have separate goals and objectives regarding the management of Pacific walrus. As northern populations of Pacific walrus adapt to changes in the extent and timing of sea ice that structures their activities, there is a need to address these effects of climate change within the management system. If the function and state of EWC- USFWS cooperative agreement remain the same, this arrangement is unlikely to be effective at addressing the impacts of climate change on the walrus and the walrus subsistence users. One way in which to address the consequences of climate change on Pacific walrus is to develop adaptive management strategies that emphasize flexibility to respond to environmental uncertainty (Fast and Berkes 1998). Also, co-management arrangements between subsistence users and government agencies can provide a method in which to address indigenous observations and concerns about the effects of climate change on Pacific walrus. Alterations need to be made to the walrus cooperative agreement so that the system may become more compatible with the changing climate, the needs of the Ifiupiat people, and the resource. This can be achieved by combining adaptive management and co-management into a natural resource management system called "adaptive co-management".

10 4 Background Climate Change in the North During the 1990s, the earth's environment changed at a fast pace and the impacts of future climate change are expected to be felt earliest and most keenly at Arctic latitudes (Maxwell 1997). Significant environmental changes observed in the last decade, such as late freezing, melting sea ice, shrinking permafrost layers, and evidence of northern range expansion of some species suggest that climate change is already altering the Arctic ecosystem (Riedlinger 1999). A number of factors currently influence world climate and changes in them can significantly alter the climate conditions people are accustomed to. Such factors include the greenhouse effect, aerosol abundance, and solar radiation variation (Maxwell 1987). In the Arctic, Maxwell (1987: 3) suggests that warming would not only be higher than at lower latitudes, but also seasonally dependent. Warming in this part of the world is likely to increase by 8 C to 10 C in winter and 1 C to 2 C in the summer (Maxwell 1987: 3). Fast and Berkes (1998: 208) identified three major issues with regard to climate change in the north: 1. Climate change may affect in unpredictable ways the distribution of animals and other resources on which the land-based economy depends; 2. Climate change may affect the use of traditional knowledge and local adaptations of northern subsistence economies; and 3. Climate change may affect the health of northern populations through dietary dislocations and epidemiological changes. The annual distribution of Pacific walrus is strongly coupled with the extent and concentration of arctic ice (Tynan and DeMaster 1997). It is anticipated that sea ice seasons will be shorter and that the southern limits of sea ice will retreat northward. Winter ice thickness is expected to decrease 35% from the current 2.5-meter average

11 5 (Maxwell 1987). Any alterations in the walrus' sea ice habitat caused by climate change will greatly affect the distribution, abundance, and foraging behavior of this animal. The Pacific Walrus The Pacific walrus is one of the largest pinnipeds. This marine mammal is characterized by a pair of enlarged upper canine teeth that protrude downward as tusks (a.k.a. ivory), small eyes, and a squarish snout bearing thick, stiff whiskers (USFWS 1994). Pacific walrus range throughout waters of the Bering and Chukchi Seas, occasionally moving into the East Siberian Sea and the Beaufort Sea (USFWS 2002) (Figure 1). Figure 1. The combined summer and winter distributions of Pacific walrus in U.S. and Russian territorial waters (shaded area). Geologic basins of the Alaskan Outer Continental Shelf are depicted. (Adapted from: USFWS 2002; Burns et al. 1980)

12 6 The annual distribution of walrus is strongly coupled with the extent and concentration of arctic ice (Tynan and DeMaster 1997). Almost every activity of the walrus' life cycle is tied to the ice (Table 1). In the summer months most of the walrus population migrates into the Chukchi Sea. However, several thousand animals, primarily adult males, congregate near coastal haulouts in the Gulf of Anadyr and in Bristol Bay. At this time, walrus are associated with ice found along the southern margin of the Chukchi pack ice. During the late winter breeding season walrus are found in two major concentration areas where open leads, polynyas l, and thin ice occur (USFWS 2002). Walrus require regions of thin or broken ice over suitably shallow depths to forage for benthic invertebrates. Walrus over-winter in areas of pack ice where the ice is thin enough so that they can break it with their heads to maintain breathing holes yet thick enough to support their weight (Tynan and DeMaster 1997). Generally one group ranges from the Gulf of Anadyr into a region south of St. Lawrence Island and a second group is found in southeastern Bering Sea from south of Nunivak Island into northwestern Bristol Bay (USFWS 2002). A polynya is an area of open water surrounded by sea ice that forms when deep warm water is upwelled towards the surface causing surface ice to melt or preventing ice from forming (Brown et al. 2001: ).

13 7 Table 1. Relative abundance and activities of Pacific Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) in the geologic basins (Figure 1) of the Alaskan Outer Continental Shelf. (Adapted from: Burns et al. 1980) Abundance, Timing, and Ice Type Location Winter Spring Summer Fall Activities (open pack ( flaw & (fringe ice) (fringe ice) & front ice) remnant ice) Feeding Bristol Abundant all year Mating Molt Nurture St. George Common Feeding Navarin Uncommon Common Feeding St. Matthew Abundant Migrating Feeding Birth Nurture Uncommon Migrating Norton Birth Abundant Abundant Abundant Nurture Feeding Molt Rare Migrating Hope Birth Abundant Abundant Abundant Nurture Feeding Molt Rare Chukchi Abundant Abundant Migrating Nurture Abundant Feeding Molt Beaufort Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon

14 8 Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Co-management "Contemporary Western attitudes concerning the management of natural resources, treatment of nonhuman animals, and the natural world emerge from traditions derived from Western European philosophy, i.e., they assume that humans are autonomous from, and in control of, the natural world" (Pierotti and Wildcat 2000: 1333). For the purposes of this paper, this viewpoint is considered to be characteristic of dominant cultures such as modern Europe and North American. "These societies view the natural world as consisting of 'resources', which assumes that all of nature can be exploited regardless of whether it is for economic or aesthetic purposes" (Pierotti and Wildcat 2000: 1334). Natural resource management carried out by government agencies is often characterized by disembeddedness, universality, instrumentalism, and the separation of user from the manager, nature from culture, and the objective data from the subjective (Berkes 1994: 18). This approach to natural resource management stems from contemporary Western thought and treatment of the natural world. Government-level management involves some central authority such as a federal agency; is based on scientific data and analysis; and uses the authority of laws and regulations for enforcement (Berkes 1994). These management systems are often disconnected from the resource of interest. Non-western or indigenous viewpoints are based on the premise that humans are a part of the natural world and are no greater than any other part. Respect for the nonhuman aspect of nature in traditional knowledge constrains human tendencies for overexploitation because humans are considered to be part of the natural community

15 9 (Pierotti and Wildcat 2000: 1334). Indigenous ways of thought include: (1) respect for the nonhuman entities as individuals, (2) the existence of bonds between humans and nonhumans, including incorporation of nonhumans into ethical codes of behavior, (3) the importance of local places, and (4) the recognition of humans as part of the ecological system, rather than as separate from and defining the existence of that system (Pierotti and Wildcat 2000: 1335). This way of knowing and understanding the world is often referred to as traditional ecological knowledge (TEK). It has been described as: "... a cumulative body of knowledge, practice, and belief, evolving by adaptive processes and handed down through generations by cultural transmission, about the relationship of living beings (including humans) with one another and with their environment." (Berkes 1999: 8) Traditional ecological knowledge is not a static process. This knowledge comes from long-term and sustained interaction with the environment. TEK grows and evolves with experience and observation. The passing on of this evolving knowledge base ensures that human populations may adapt to change over time (Ford and Martinez 2000). This process of learning is quite different from that of western science, which is more hands off and disconnected from the source. Rather, TEK is an active process of observing, listening, learning, doing, and passing on of that knowledge. In short, TEK is a knowledge-practice-belief complex (Berkes Colding and Folke 2000: 1252). Indigenous management systems are decentralized and are based on TEK at the local level. These systems rely on consensus, self-regulation, and social sanctions. The hunters themselves act as the managers within their ecosystems and as members of the local community they are answerable for their actions. Indigenous knowledge systems

16 10 are grounded in moral, ethical and spiritual world views (Ford and Martinez 2000: 1249) and there is no separation between humans and nature (Berkes 1994). This is not to say that Western science and traditional ecological knowledge to do share similar characteristics. Both ways of knowing are driven by inquisitiveness of mind and wanting to understand the natural world. Knowledge is gained through empirical observation in natural settings. Experiments are conducted and are verified through repetition. Western science and TEK have extensive knowledge of plant and animal behavior and knowledge that nature consists of cycles (Stephens 2000: 11). When conventional scientific resource management developed, it did so in the presence of a utilitarian and exploitative world view. Today, there is a great need to involve other ways of knowing to better understand the world around us and to manage our resources more productively for the future. One way in which this can be achieved is through collaborative arrangements between indigenous and government-level systems. Cooperative management (or co-management) involves shared decision-making power by the partners and requires governments to transfer some of their power to the partners; but in general practice a wide variety of resource management arrangements have evolved various degrees of power-sharing (Berkes 1994). Involving Native peoples and their traditional knowledge in resource co-management systems offers "one solution to the progressive infringement and restriction on the use of traditional lands and resources; to harvest disruption; and to the loss of social, cultural, and economic values" (Usher 1995: 97). However, merely involving Native peoples does not always ensure an equal power relationship (Nadadsy 1999).

17 11 Numerous examples of indigenous/government collaboration arrangements include conservation easements, working relationships, cooperative agreements (such as the agreement between the Eskimo Walrus Commission and the USFWS), contractual arrangements, and co-management (Donoghue and Thompson 2003). Within the scope of this project co-management will be used to mean the equal sharing of power and responsibility between the government and the indigenous resource users in which a high level of dependence on each other exists and mutual benefit is recognized. Marine Mammal Protection Act and Subsistence At the present time the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) directs the United States federal government to manage all marine mammal species, including Pacific walrus. In 1972, the MMPA withdrew state authority over the management of marine mammals, turning over authority to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) within the Department of the Interior and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) within the Department of Commerce. The USFWS has jurisdiction over walrus, polar bear, and sea otter while the NMFS manages all other marine mammal species (Langdon 1989). The MMPA established a moratorium on the taking and importation of marine mammals and marine mammal products (Huntington 1992). The most significant exemption of the act is that "any Indian, Aleut, or Eskimo who dwells on the coast of the North Pacific Ocean or the Arctic Ocean" is allowed to take marine mammals in a nonwasteful manner for "subsistence purposes" or to create "authentic Native" handicrafts or clothing (Case and Voluck 2002: 279). The act allows this as long as harvesting is

18 12 done in a humane manner, raw products are not sold, and species are not "depleted" (Langdon 1989: 157). Subsistence plays a vital role in the self-perception of Native people throughout Alaska. It is a tangible, communal part of the indigenous culture that can be shared and passed on to the next generation (Huntington 1992). Subsistence, as identified in federal legislation, is comprised of three concepts (Case and Voluck 2002: ): 1. Economic and physical reliance on natural food resources is at the heart of subsistence practices. Subsistence uses include hunting, fishing, and gathering for the primary purpose of acquiring food. 2. For Native peoples the seasonal nature of hunting, fishing, and gathering, coupled with sharing and celebrations, are intricately woven into their social, psychological, and religious life. Subsistence activities often involve a complex network of social relationships within each community. 3. "Custom" and "tradition" are often used as adjectives to describe the physical activities (e.g., "customary and traditional use") that mark cultural or social values (e.g., conservation and sharing or resources). In 1994, the MMPA was amended and Section 119 was created to authorize grants totaling $2.5 million annually to be allocated to federal agencies to enter into cooperative agreements with Native organizations. This amendment provides for the comanagement of marine mammal subsistence use by Alaska Natives in cooperation with federal agencies (Case and Voluck 2002: 282). Under the MMPA, federal agencies have limited management authority. No bag limits, seasons, or quotas are provided for in the MMPA (Chambers 1999). Federal agencies can manage for population levels only when that population falls below a certain level (Chambers 1999). Co-management principles have been most evident in marine mammal management because of the limits to federal authority under the MMPA, which has allowed for an increased role for Native users to mange their own subsistence

19 13 harvests (Chambers 1999). Federal agencies are increasingly receptive to working with Native users, in part because they recognize the limits to their own authority. The Eskimo Walrus Commission In 1976 the federal government transferred management authority of walrus and nine other marine mammals over to the state of Alaska. Federal managers were quick to realize that the state was in a better position to manage marine mammals and did not oppose the transfer (Chambers 1999). State management designated quotas, closed seasons and areas, and placed restrictions on age and sex take (Langdon 1989). In 1978 Native leaders from several walrus hunting communities established the Eskimo Walrus Commission (EWC) as a means to provide a unified voice for walrus hunters; to serve as a forum for solving problems internal to the walrus hunting community; and to initiate self-regulation of the walrus subsistence hunt (Chambers 1999: 43). The EWC was formed during the three years ( ) that the state of Alaska had management authority for walrus. At the time of formation, the EWC addressed three major goals. One goal was to give Native peoples a formal presence in walrus management. A second major concern was for the biological health of the walrus population. At the time, a rapid increase in numbers of walrus gave rise to the concern that the stock might collapse (Langdon 1989). The organization wanted to be capable of conducting scientific research and monitoring the status of walrus stocks (Chambers 1999). The third goal of the EWC was to mitigate problems over the wasteful hunting practice of "head-hunting" that was being portrayed

20 14 in the media. The EWC wanted to educate young hunters about the need to harvest walrus in the traditional non-wasteful manner (Chambers 1999). During the three-year period in which the state managed walrus numerous restrictions were placed on the subsistence take that precipitated conflicts with Native hunters. "Alaska Natives claimed that the state regulations threatened their traditional subsistence use of walrus because the Native exemption to the moratorium of taking in the MMPA was allowed to lapse when the state resumed authority for walrus" Chambers 1999: 38). One criterion for the transfer of management authority from the federal government to the state was that Alaska must implement a program containing the Native exemption for a subsistence hunt required by the MMPA (Chambers 1999). In 1979, state management authority of walrus was returned to the federal government as the Native exemption violated an equal protection clause in the Alaska constitution. Without the immediate crisis of a restricted hunt the EWC has focused its energy on the collection of biological information and educating hunters and the broader public (Chambers 1999). The goals of the EWC are as follows (Olanna and Pungowiyi 1999: 35): 1. Work with management agencies in developing a management plan for Pacific walrus; 2. encourage self-regulation by walrus hunters; 3. develop safety and technology involved in walrus hunting; 4. investigate ways of ensuring full utilization of harvested walrus; 5. review activities and regulations affecting the walrus population; 6. involve hunters in walrus management; 7. involve hunters in walrus research; and 8. encourage international cooperation in research, enforcement, and management to ensure the health of marine mammal populations.

21 15 The EWC and the USFWS Cooperative Agreement The EWC is involved in walrus management and conservation at the local, national, and international levels. Much of the EWC involvement entails attending meetings concerning the conservation, subsistence use, and co-management of walrus and the support of local initiatives such as self-regulation (Chambers 1999). In 1997, the EWC entered into a cooperative agreement with the USFWS. The purpose of this agreement was to provide a foundation and direction for developing agreements as provided under Section 119 of the MMPA. Funds from Section 119 are appropriated by Congress and transferred from the USFWS to the EWC (Chambers 1999). Several mutually agreed upon collaborative projects were funded in For example: (1) funds were used for the development of EWC co-management structures and operational expenses and (2) funds were used by the EWC in order to facilitate Native-to-Native agreements with walrus hunters in Chukotka (Chambers 1999: 57). The USFWS directs and funds several projects, although their success is dependent upon the EWC and local cooperation and participation to be effective. In these projects, the role of the EWC is to facilitate greater Native participation in USFWS projects by encouraging Native hunters to cooperate with managers (Olanna and Pungowiyi 1999). The USFWS presently administers two separate harvest monitoring programs: the Walrus Harvest Monitoring Project (WHMP) and the Marking, Tagging, and Reporting Program (MTRP) (Garlich-Miller 1999). Since 1980, under the WHMP, the USFWS and the EWC have been monitoring the spring walrus harvest in the Native villages of Gambell, Savoonga, Diomede, and Wales in the Bering Strait region. Approximately 80% of the total annual harvest occurs

22 16 in these villages (Garlich-Miller 1999). This program monitors the number and age class of all walrus retrieved during the monitoring season and biological samples may also be taken to assess the age and reproductive status of the harvested animals (Garlich-Miller 1999). The MTRP was initiated in 1988 as a legally mandated year-round, statewide program. The marking and tagging rules require that all hunters certify walrus ivory (tusks) and report all walrus that are taken. The objectives of this program are to collect harvest information and to certify specified marine mammal parts to help control illegal take and trade (Garlich-Miller 1999). The tusks are tagged with wire number tags and the age class, gender, kill date, and kill location of each walrus are recorded on a tagging certificate. The cooperative agreement sets the stage for the transfer of funds from the MMPA via the USFWS to the EWC. This collaboration system sets the stage for shared decision making authority and implementation of on-the-ground work via the WHMP and the MTRP. Further activities such as information and educational workshops, research projects, and training can enhance mutual benefit for both parties. This is significant as one of the fundamental challenges of co-management is the mutual recognition of each of the two systems of knowledge, TEK and Western science (Berkes George and Preston 1991: 12). If both parties can establish a respectful relationship that recognizes the important aspects of the other way of knowing then the management system will be productive and will be able to focus on the problem at hand.

23 17 Methods The work described here is my graduate research as part of a larger collaborative project between the "Walrus Research Team" from Oregon State University and the King Island Native Community of Nome, Alaska. Community of Interest In March of 2004, we traveled to Nome and Anchorage, Alaska to conduct interviews with members of the King Island Native Community. The King Island people are a traditional walrus hunting society who originally inhabited King Island, lying approximately 85 miles northwest of Nome in the Bering Sea (Bogojavlensky and Fuller 1973; Ellanna 1981). In 1950, the island's population was reported to be 150, but by 1960 it had declined to 49 as families moved their children to Nome so that they could attend school (Kaplan 1988: 257). Today, King Island is uninhabited and the community is concentrated in Nome, Anchorage, and Fairbanks, with members living throughout the lower 48 states. Outsiders often describe King Island, as a "bleak, forbidding, rocky mass supporting few varieties of growing things" (Curtis 1977). Historically, the peoples of the Island were primarily walrus hunters and the walrus attracted and bound these people to the Island (Bogojavlensky and Fuller 1973; Curtis 1977). The importance of the walrus to the King Islanders far outweighed all other animals. Walrus was not only the chief article of trade with natives from the mainland, but the meat and oil made up a large supply of the food (Curtis 1977). The skins of the animals provided walls for shelter and

24 18 material out of which to fashion a skin boat. This marine mammal was the staple supply of food, materials, and land trade for the King Island people. In the past King Islanders hunted walrus with harpoon and lance from the island and from open leads in the ice. A large skin boat or umiak was used to search for and reach the walrus herds (Ellanna 1981). Adult males were organized into skin boat crews and each person had a particular role make the hunt efficient, safe, and non-wasteful. Around the age of 12, young men learned to hunt walrus by watching and listening as the older men performed their tasks. A young hunter's first kill was a baby walrus, which he traditionally gave to an elder in the village. Today, King Islanders hunt from Nome and Cape Woolley using aluminum boats, outboard motors, and rifles. Hunting walrus is now considered a costly and time consuming venture as the hunters must travel further to get away from Nome's ice-choked coast and into the strait (Ellanna 1981). Though the mode of transportation, tools, and locations of the hunt have changed, King Islanders continue to hunt walrus using the same knowledge base of sea ice, currents, and methods that they have used throughout the years. This knowledge is continually refined and adapted to meet the needs of the people, the walrus, and the environment. Even with all the recent technological changes, walrus are still highly valued and are considered essential to the nutritional, social, and emotional well-being of the community (Ellanna 1981: 4). The King Island people hunt walrus seasonally according to the rhythm of the northern walrus spring migration. The amount of walrus taken each year has declined from hundreds of animals (ADCED 2004) to roughly 40 animals in a very good harvest year. This in no way reflects a shift in importance of walrus to the King Island people

25 19 but rather a loss of opportunity because of their relocation to the Alaskan mainland far from the moving ice that historically supported their hunt. The Interviewees Interviews were conducted with 19 out of approximately 30 walrus hunters from the King Island Native Community who are between the ages of 30 and 80 years. One of the interviewees resides in Portland, Oregon; 14 of the interviewees reside in Nome; and the other four reside in Anchorage. The interviewees were selected on availability and willingness to speak with researchers from outside the community. It should also be noted that one member of the research team, Deanna Kingston, is a descendant of the King Island Community. Her connection and past research experience with the community facilitated in arranging the interviews. A number was assigned to the interviewee if he chose to remain anonymous2. Most of the interviewees hunt on a regular basis. A few men no longer hunt due to age and health concerns and high monetary cost of preparing for a hunt, though they still continue to be active in the hunting community. Interview Approach We chose to use the semi-directed interview approach to document walrus TEK (e.g., Nakashima and Murray 1988, Jolly et al. 2002). In this approach, the interviewer provides discussion topics, but the direction and scope of the interview follow the 2 When quoting an anonymous individual a number identification system was agreed upon by the research team and the participant to keep that individual's identity hidden.

26 20 participant's train of thought. We also used maps in order to stimulate discussion of distribution, abundance, and migration. Analysis All the interviews were assessed using a content analysis approach. In this process major themes are identified and scored in terms of frequency of occurrence throughout each transcript (Stemler 2001). The major themes of interest were walrus biology and ecology; hunting walrus; ice and weather conditions; migration and currents; walrus population size and density; and walrus health (Appendix A, p. 41). Each theme was assigned a particular color of highlighter. The frequency of each theme was determined by reading the transcript, by identifying the appropriate passage, manually marking that passage with the chosen color, and then counting all the passages that pertain to that particular theme. I chose to focus on four issues that arose while analyzing the transcripts: changes in sea ice, changes in weather, how sea ice and weather influence the walrus and the hunt, and how the community perceives its relationship with the walrus. I felt these issues reflected concern regarding the importance of walrus to the King Island Native community and concern for environmental change.

27 21 Results: Hunter Observations The observations of King Island walrus hunters and elders revealed a broad extent of tangible evidence of climate change. The changes reported involved extent, quality, and timing of sea ice; the intensity of weather events; and sea ice and weather in relation to hunting. Expressions of the limpiat community's relationship with the walrus are also noted3. Sea Ice The general census among the hunters is that ice conditions within the last few years have been deteriorating. Sea ice is thinner, freeze up is occurring later in the year, and the ice is leaving earlier. These conditions are not thought to be favorable for walrus in the Bering Sea. Comments - "I guess it all depends on how big the ice is. The bigger it gets there's more walrus going to be on there." - Gregory Muktoyuk "My brother was getting kind of worried in December because we had a late freeze up and the ice is not as thick, so this year we'll probably have an early spring break." Number 4 - "Right now it [the ice] seems to be getting thinner. Right now they say that right now that the ice conditions is getting thinner. (...) Like up in Barrow the ice is getting thinner up there too." Number 6 "Past some 10, 15 years the ice has been quite deteriorating. We notice that its not as thick as it used to be and that what we notice is that ice. It could be affecting the walrus in the near future." Vince Pikonganna - "Heavy ice, thick [good ice conditions]." Edward Muktoyuk, Sr. 3 Each hunter's comments are edited to remove repetition of words, unnecessary 'urns', `ahs', and other such interruptions in speech. Ellipses (...) were used to replace any information not pertinent to the comments.

28 22 "Sometimes I think to myself I don't know if I'm going to see walrus again - because of the weather and ice conditions. Ice conditions is pretty poor last few years." Joe Kunnuk, Sr. "Last year they [ice conditions] were unusually different. Very light ice pack and this year I have noticed that the ice conditions are little better than last year and last year was really strange. I never seen ice conditions like that because there was freshly frozen ice from the southern Norton Sound all the way across to Sledge Island or Cape Nome. I never seen ice conditions like that." Number 17 - "Right now it is very different. Its, the Bering Sea is very thin nowadays. The ice goes away real quick." Number 9 Weather There is a general understanding that the local environment is warming. The hunters are keenly aware that this warming trend may affect the ice and the availability of walrus. It is becoming increasingly difficult to predict weather patterns. There appears to be increased observances of extreme weather, the snowfall has decreased, and that the wind is becoming stronger. Comments - "The warming trend is probably the most threat to ice conditions today." Number 17 - "In the fall they [walrus] swim back south and we could only get them from boats if we're out there in the fall, but we didn't go out very far because in the fall the weather is even more unpredictable." Alex Muktoyuk - "The weather pattern changed a lot. The ice conditions, the ice is kind of thinner and the wind is very, very, lot more wind." Number 19 "We hardly get snow past three years." Number 12 "Sometimes south, especially southeast winds go, it brings the ice up north real fast. When that happens we hardly ever see walrus." Gabriel Muktoyuk, Sr. "Hunting was good [in '70s]. Weather was good. You can hunt for days without old lady [weather/nature] changes his mind. Now you could never predict it no more like you usually." Number 18

29 23 - "You try to go hunting as weather permitting because like I said to us weather means everything." Vince Pikonganna Sea ice and Weather Conditions in Relation to Walrus and Hunting For the King Island people, the walrus hunt is regulated by ice and weather conditions. The hunting season has become shorter and the perceived deterioration of ice conditions makes the availability of walrus questionable. Thick and heavy ice, eastern winds, and fair weather are good conditions for hunting walrus. The current dynamic between the hunters and the walrus will not be stable into the future. Comments "Sometimes we would have either very poor weather or the ice conditions weren't good enough, then the hunting season would not be so good." - Alex Muktoyuk "It's changing now. We hardly catch any [walrus] because the ice too thin" Number 7 - "It depends on the ice conditions. When there's good ice there's more walrus to hunt. And when there's open water coming west, when it's past the Island, no more ice. No more hunting." Edward Muktoyuk, Sr. - "The weather I usually hear that from older people that eastern winds, the way I learned it, the eastern winds are good conditions for hunting." Number 12 - "The hunting conditions are much shorter today because of the warming environment. Whereas before it was not uncommon to go on hunting walrus into July. Very much shorter [the season]." Number 17 - "Going back to this global warming thing is these animals and hunters are not going to be able to do what they've been doing. Walrus won't be able to haul out [on ice] like they used to and the hunters won't be able to butcher them." Joe Amarok - "The reason it [walrus hunting] is not always the same because of the weather and water. It's not like hunting on land where you can do it all the time. You do it all the time where, how be easier to do something like that on the land but in the water it's real hard to do because the weather changes and the water gets rough in a few hours". Number 10

30 24 - "Sometimes we can't make it down to the Island because there were storms, too much ice, no leads, not too much open water to go down to the Island and by the time there's open ice the walrus herds just pass by the Island." Earl Mayac - "As soon as they see ice way out there they would get ready and I guess it is just wherever the ice is the walrus would be." Gabriel Muktoyuk, Jr. - "These ice conditions right now its, you're going to see more swimmers than on top of the ice." Joe Kunnuk, Sr. King Islanders' Relationship with Walrus From the hunter's point of view, walrus are an extremely important part of the way in which the King Islanders interact with the each other and with the environment. The act of hunting and sharing the meat is what binds the people together. Walrus are highly respected and are viewed as being quasi-human. Comments "For Fish and Game we're told to take the heart, the liver, kidneys, kuak [breast meat], red meat, flippers, intestines, and ivory. Which is all edible and which is what we always take anyway. And you can't live without it. I mean, some people can't live without it" Number 4 - "I mean it's the freshest meat you could ever have. You just slice them open and take out the heart while its still beating and just before it quits beating you throw it in the cold ocean and rinse it off and it beats a couple more times and be dead. Now that's fresh meat. Ain't get no fresher than that." Jimmy Carlisle - "They [the hunters] didn't show any disrespect towards the animal. They did it like they would treat another human.... That kind of binds people together was that hunt. Kinship relationship, kind of like re-glue your friendship with each other. (...) Sharing, sharing is a big thing among the natives, sharing." Vince Pikonganna - "It [walrus] is very much part of our life." Number 17

31 25 Discussion King Island TEK Western science and knowledge, while creative at predicting global environmental change, is limited in its understanding of how climate will change processes and events at the local level. Indigenous observations of the local environmental can provide evidence for climate change in the Arctic. Monitoring of climate related environmental change can use the capacity of the local peoples to add site-specific information, bring attention to signs or indicators, and highlight relational information (Riedlinger and Berkes 2001). King Island walrus hunters provide excellent evidence for climate change in their local environment (Table 2). Observations of climate change by the people of King Island are based on their knowledge of the weather and ice conditions and how Pacific walrus respond to changes in these conditions. This knowledge is one aspect of the larger body of traditional and local knowledge relating to the land, seasonal cycles, processes and relationships between the elements of the environment (Jolly et al. 2002: 95). For King Islanders hunting walrus is an important part of their cultural identity. This marine mammal not only provides a means of nourishment, but community strength and togetherness, a sense of pride, and way of life that is tied to the natural world. There is a rich tradition amongst the King Islanders of understanding, interpreting and predicting the weather and sea ice conditions. Knowing how these processes flow is an integral part of community life. The timing of freeze-up and break-up allow the hunters to be able to predict when the walrus will pass by. People watch the sea ice for open leads and favorable weather conditions that dictate a good opportunity for hunting

32 26 walrus. A careful eye must be kept on the ice conditions during the hunt so that the hunters don't get trapped within the ice as leads close. Table 2. Summary of ice and weather conditions and general observations made by King Island walrus hunters. Condition General Observations Sea Ice Weather How sea ice and weather conditions affect the walrus and the hunt Community Relation with walrus Sea ice is thinner Lesser extent of ice Freezing later Ice breaking up sooner Moving more quickly north Poorer conditions more frequently Ice conditions are different Good ice is thick, heavy, solid Stronger winds More moisture Not as much snow Weather changing faster Not as cold, warmer temperatures Not being able to predict weather patterns Eastern winds good for hunting Unusual weather events Hunt regulated by ice & weather conditions Hunting season shorter now than formerly Availability of walrus questionable Harder to find walrus on thin ice When there is good ice there is more walrus to hunt More ice = more walrus above water Stability of walrus/hunter dynamic questionable Walrus very much part of life Unites the people Respect of the walrus "Mother nature is the boss" "Some people can't live without it" "Walrus are beyond our understanding"

33 27 King Island walrus hunters have noticed changes in sea ice and weather conditions. Ice conditions within the last few years have been deteriorating. Sea ice is thinner, freeze up is occurring later in the year, and the ice is leaving earlier. A definite warming trend has been noted. The snowfall has not been as great, the air temperature is warmer, and an increased frequency of unusual weather events are all observations associated with climate change. King Islanders have also shown that the distribution and density of Pacific walrus are linked to suitable sea ice conditions. Walrus haul out on thick ice. If the ice pack is thick and large, walrus will haul out in larger herds. If the sea ice is too thin then walrus won't haul out and are difficult to find. There is a general feeling amongst the hunters is that changing environmental conditions will negatively impact the walrus subsistence hunt and the walrus themselves. As such, walrus are sensitive indicators of climate change. Over time the people of King Island have acquired expert, first-hand knowledge about walrus and their interactions with the arctic environment, which has been passed down through the generations. Cumulative experience and observation gives the King Islanders a sense of expected variability and fluctuation in the arctic environment. Assessments of change derived from the expected norm provide a baseline against which walrus hunters can compare change (Jolly et al. 2002). Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Pacific Walrus Environmental changes currently occurring in the Arctic will impact marine mammals that depend on the colder climate. Burns et al. (1980) have carefully shown

34 28 how the life cycle of the Pacific walrus is tied to sea ice in areas of the Bering Sea. Mating, birthing, nurturing, feeding, migrating, and molting are all activities associated with ice (Table 1). King Island hunters have noted changes in walrus behavior as sea ice conditions changes. What is to happen to these animals if the sea ice retreats north or disappears altogether? Tynan and Demaster (1997) suggest that the distribution, density, and foraging success of the walrus are linked to the maintenance of sea ice conditions. Walrus feed on benthic invertebrates, such as clams, found in the sediment of shallow waters on the continental shelf. These clams, in turn, feed on ice-algae that filter through the water column to the sediment below. If the sea ice retreats or disappears, the ice-dependent algae will be lost and so may the clams upon which the walrus forage (Tynan and Demaster 1997). Thin and retreating ice may also negatively affect the density and distribution of walrus on the ice pack. It has been shown through hunter observations that walrus herds congregate on thick ice as opposed to thinner ice. As the thinner ice retreats northward with the warming air temperatures, Pacific walrus may shift their habitat northward and may limit the southern migration. This could greatly affect those Native communities further south (e.g. Savoonga and Gamble), which rely on walrus as a source of food and economic livelihood throughout the year. Not only is climate change happening, King Island hunters have provided strong evidence that these changes are affecting the walrus and the hunt. Some wonder what will happen to the current walrus/king Island hunter dynamic that has lasted through the centuries if climate change continues to further impact the environment. How will these

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