Tobacco Control Legislation Passed in by State

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1 Tobacco Control Legislation Passed in by State ALABAMA Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $275,000 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 MSA Payment Annual Budget (S.B. 288) enacted 5/16/13 and effective 10/1/13. Alternative Nicotine Products/Youth Access: Prohibits the purchase, use, possession, or transportation of alternative nicotine products as defined by persons under age 19. H.B. 286 enacted 5/23/13 and effective 8/1/13. Use of Tobacco Settlement Dollars: Transfers any monies received by the state in FY2013 from the settlement of the ongoing Master Settlement Agreement payment dispute with tobacco companies to the state general fund as specified. S.B. 287 enacted and effective 5/21/13. ALASKA Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $10,140,600 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 Annual Budget (H.B. 65) enacted 5/21/13 and effective 7/1/13. ARIZONA Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $18,600,000 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 General Appropriations (H.B. 2001, 1st special session 2013) enacted 6/17/13 and effective 7/1/13. Roll-Your-Own Cigarette Machines/Tobacco Settlement: Prohibits the possession, use or making available for use for commercial purposes of a tobacco product rolling vending machine except under certain conditions and makes some additions to laws pertaining to enforcement of the Master Settlement Agreement. S.B enacted 6/19/13 and effective 9/13/13. Electronic Cigarettes/Youth Access: Prohibits the sale of and purchase/possession by persons under age 18 of vapor products as defined. S.B enacted 6/20/13 and effective 9/12/13. ARKANSAS Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $16,767,405 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 Tobacco Prevention and Control Program Budget (H.B. 1152) enacted 4/12/13 and effective 7/1/13. Smokefree Air: Eliminates the exemption for psychiatric hospitals from the state law prohibiting smoking in and on the grounds of medical facilities as defined. H.B enacted 4/8/13 and effective 8/15/13. Licensing of Tobacco Product Sales/Distribution: Makes a number of changes to state licensing laws related to the sale/distribution of tobacco products, including requiring manufacturers of tobacco products to obtain a permit. H.B enacted 4/16/13 and effective 8/15/13. Tobacco Taxes: Places a 50 cent cap on the tax on cigars as specified. H.B enacted 3/26/13 and effective 5/1/13. Electronic Cigarettes/Smoking Restrictions: Prohibits the use of electronic cigarettes on public school property, including school buses. S.B. 953 enacted 4/11/13 and effective 8/15/13.

2 Electronic Cigarettes/Youth Access: Prohibits the sale of and purchase/possession/use by minors of e-cigarettes as defined and e-cigarette products. Applies some other state youth access laws to these products. H.B enacted 4/22/13 and effective 8/15/13. Alternative Nicotine Products/Youth Access: Prohibits the sale/distribution of alternative nicotine products as defined to minors, and requires age verification for all sales. S.B enacted 4/12/13 and effective 8/15/13. Tobacco Taxes: Makes clarifying change to make clear that the tax on other tobacco products applies to the sale of all tobacco products in the state. S.B. 540 enacted 4/4/13 and effective 8/15/13. CALIFORNIA Tobacco Control Program Funding: Appropriated $64,791,000 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 Annual Budget (A.B. 85) enacted 6/27/13 and effective 7/1/13. Smoking Restrictions: Prohibits smoking inside foster family homes, and when the child is present, on the outdoor grounds of a home. Smoking is also not allowed in vehicles regularly used to transport foster children. A.B. 352 enacted 9/9/2013 and effective 1/1/2014. Tobacco Settlement: Amends definitions in state law that affect how much manufacturers not participating in the Master Settlement Agreement have to place into an escrow fund. S.B. 680 enacted 8/27/13 and effective 1/1/2014. COLORADO Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $25,998,699 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 Annual Budget (S.B ) enacted 4/29/13 and effective 7/1/13. Tobacco Taxes: Permanently repeals the exemption from the state sales tax for cigarettes. Local sales taxes still do not apply to the sale of cigarettes. H.B enacted 5/28/13 and effective 7/1/13. Use of Tobacco Settlement Dollars: Transfers $1 million in Master Settlement Agreement revenue from the Nurse Home Visitor Program to the Tobacco Settlement Defense Account of the Tobacco Litigation Settlement Cash Fund for FY2014 and future years. H.B enacted and effective 5/11/13. Use of Tobacco Settlement Dollars: Slightly changes the way Master Settlement Agreement dollars are allocated, including any money left over in some accounts at the end of a fiscal year. H.B enacted 3/22/13 and parts effective 3/22/13 and 5/7/13. Tobacco Settlement: Authorizes the transfer of not more than $40 million under certain specific conditions from the general fund to the Tobacco Litigation Settlement Cash Fund if the state is ruled against in arbitration in the Master Settlement Agreement payment dispute with tobacco companies. H.B enacted and effective 5/28/13. CONNECTICUT Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $3,000,000 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014-FY2015 Biennial Budget (H.B. 6704) enacted 6/18/13 and effective 7/1/13; Allocation decision for FY2014 made by Tobacco and Health Trust Fund board. Use of Tobacco Settlement Dollars: Cuts the amount of money that is allocated to the Tobacco and Health Trust Fund in FY2014 and FY2015 by half, transfers dollars from the fund to other purposes in FY2014 and FY2015 and allocates Master Settlement Agreement dollars received from the settlement of a dispute with tobacco companies. FY2014-FY2015 Biennial Budget (H.B. 6704) enacted 6/18/13 and effective 7/1/13.

3 Use of Tobacco Settlement Dollars: Suspends the Tobacco and Health Trust Fund board's operation completely for FY2016, and limits the allocation from the Tobacco and Health Trust Fund to tobacco prevention and cessation activities to $3 million per year for FY2014 and FY2015. H.B. 6705, sect. 151 enacted and effective 6/19/13. Use of Tobacco Settlement Dollars: Amends the state laws regarding the Biomedical Research Trust Fund, where a portion of the state's Master Settlement Agreement payment is dedicated. H.B enacted 6/21/13 and effective 10/1/13. DELAWARE Tobacco Control Program Funding: Appropriated $8,319,200 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 Annual Budget (H.B. 200) enacted and effective 7/1/13. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Tobacco Control Program Funding: Appropriated $495,000 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 Budget Request Act (B20-198) passed by the City Council 5/22/13 and signed by mayor 7/24/13; HR 2775 (continuing FY2013 appropriations) passed by U.S. Congress 10/16/13, signed by President 10/17/13 and effective 10/17/13 to 1/17/14; HR 3547 passed by U.S. Congress 1/16/14, signed by President 1/17/14 and effective 1/17/14. Smoking Restrictions: Prohibits smoking on and within 25 feet of a playground or public recreational facility as defined or in or within 25 feet of a bus stop controlled or maintained by the District. B20-95 passed by city council 10/1/13, signed by mayor 10/17/13, passed U.S. Congressional review period 12/13/13; does not take effect until the fiscal effect of the bill is included in an approved budget and financial plan. FLORIDA Tobacco Control Program Funding: Appropriated $65,640,769 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 Annual Budget (S.B. 1500) enacted 5/20/13 and effective 7/1/13. GEORGIA Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $2,237,137 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 Annual Budget (H.B. 106) enacted 5/7/13 and effective 7/1/13. Youth Access Laws: Adds cigar wraps as defined to the definition of tobacco-related objects in state law, which prohibits their sale to or purchase/possession by persons under age 18. H.B. 256 enacted and effective 5/6/13. HAWAII Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $7,852,304 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in 2013/2014. Allocation for calendar year 2013 from Hawaii Tobacco Prevention and Control Trust Fund & portion of other Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) funds allocated pursuant to HAW. REV. STAT. 328L-2. Electronic Cigarettes/Youth Access: Prohibits the sale of and purchase/possession by persons under age 18 of electronic smoking devices as defined. Prohibits the sale of tobacco products through self-service displays and vending machines except in establishments where the minimum age of admission is 18. H.B. 672 enacted 6/27/13 and parts effective 6/27/13 and 7/1/14. Tobacco Taxes: Repeals the exemption from the general sales tax for amounts received from the sale of cigarettes and tobacco products starting in tax year S.B enacted and effective 6/21/13. Tobacco-Free Campuses: Senate resolution that encourages the University of Hawaii system to adopt a tobacco-free campus policy for all of its campuses. S.R. 118 adopted by Senate 4/12/13.

4 IDAHO Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $2,974,600 for tobacco prevention and cessation initiatives in FY2014. FY2014 Millennium Income Fund Appropriations (S.B. 1181) enacted 4/9/13 and effective 7/1/13 & FY2014 Department of Health and Welfare Public Health Services Appropriations (H.B. 328) enacted 4/9/13 and effective 7/1/13. ILLINOIS Tobacco Control Program Funding: Appropriated $11,100,000 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 Annual Budget (H.B. 213) enacted 6/21/13 and effective 7/1/13. Tobacco Taxes: Defines little cigars and makes the tax on them equivalent to the tax on cigarettes. Outlines requirements for entities such as manufacturers and wholesalers dealing in little cigars. S.B. 338 enacted and effective 8/9/13. Smoking in Vehicles with Kids: House resolution urging drivers to not smoke in vehicles when transporting persons under age 13 in the vehicle. H.R. 146 adopted by House 5/2/13. Cigarette Litter: Adds cigarettes to the state definition for litter applying all laws limiting the discarding of litter to cigarette waste. H.B enacted 8/16/13 and effective 1/1/14. Youth Access/Alternative Nicotine Products: Prohibits the sale of alternative nicotine products as defined to minors and applies some select youth access laws to them. The definition could include many electronic smoking devices and some smokeless tobacco products. S.B enacted 8/15/13 and effective 1/1/14. INDIANA Tobacco Control Program Funding: Appropriated $5,000,000 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014-FY2015 Biennial Budget (H.B. 1001) enacted 5/8/13 and effective 7/1/13 (FY2014) & 7/1/14 (FY2015). Electronic Cigarettes: Prohibits the sale of electronic cigarettes to persons under age 18 and applies other youth access laws to them. H.B enacted 4/1/13 and effective 7/1/13. Tobacco Taxes: Revises the definition of distributor to include persons who sell tobacco products through an Internet website applying the tax on tobacco products and associated licensing requirements to those persons. H.B. 1001, sect. 130 enacted 5/8/13 and effective 7/1/13. IOWA Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $5,428,361 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 Appropriations for Health and Human Services (S.F. 446) enacted 6/20/13 and effective 7/1/13. Tobacco Taxes: Directs all revenue from the tax on cigarettes and taxes on other tobacco products to the Health Care Trust Fund. S.B. 446, sect. 130 enacted 6/20/13 and effective 7/1/13. Tobacco Cessation Services: Gives minors 12 years of age or older the legal capacity to act and give consent to the provision of tobacco cessation coaching services as specified. The consent of parents/guardians is not necessary. S.B. 202 enacted 5/1/13 and effective 7/1/13. KANSAS Tobacco Control Program Funding: Appropriated $946,671 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 Annual Budget (S.B. 171) enacted 6/15/13 and effective 7/1/13.

5 KENTUCKY Tobacco Control Program Funding: Appropriated $2,093,899 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2013-FY2014 Biennial Budget (H.B. 265) enacted 4/11/12 and effective 7/1/12 (FY2013) and 7/1/13 (FY2014). Tobacco Taxes/Tobacco Product Licensing: Changes the way snuff and chewing tobacco are taxed in the state, and requires distributors of tobacco products to obtain a license. Places reporting requirements on manufacturers and retailers of tobacco products. H.B. 361 enacted 3/22/13 and parts effective 7/1/13 and 8/1/13. LOUISIANA Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $8,000,000 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 Annual Budget (H.B. 1) enacted 6/21/13 and effective 7/1/13. Non Face-Face Sales of Tobacco Products/Tobacco Product Licensing/Tobacco Settlement: Makes a variety of changes to tobacco product licensing, Master Settlement Agreement and tobacco tax laws as well as prohibiting the delivery of cigarettes through a non-face-to-face sale directly to consumers. H.B. 641 enacted 6/11/13 and effective 8/1/13. Smokefree/Tobacco-Free College Campuses: Requires public post-secondary education institutions in Louisiana to develop smokefree policies for their campuses, and the institutions retain the option of adopting a tobacco-free policy for their campuses. S.B. 36 enacted 6/10/13 and effective 7/1/14. MAINE Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $8,066,378 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014-FY2015 Biennial Budget (Pub. Law 2013, chap. 368/L.D. 1079) enacted (by veto override) 6/26/13 and effective 7/1/13 (FY2014) & 7/1/14 (FY2015). MARYLAND Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $8,520,791 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 Annual Budget (H.B. 100) enacted (became law without the governor's signature) 4/5/13 and effective 7/1/13. Tobacco Product Smuggling: Changes limits on the amount of tobacco products allowed to be transported into the state by consumers, and increases the penalties for illegal transport of tobacco products. S.B. 69 enacted 5/2/13 and effective 10/1/13. Tobacco Product Licensing: Exempts cigarette sub-wholesalers from a paying a license fee when obtaining a wholesaler license to sell tobacco products other than cigarettes. H.B. 182 enacted 4/9/13 and effective 10/1/13. MASSACHUSETTS Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $3,972,621 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 Annual Budget (H.B. 3538) enacted and effective 7/12/13. Tobacco Taxes: Increases the cigarette tax by $1.00 to $3.51 per pack. Increases taxes on smokeless tobacco, cigars and smoking tobacco as well. H.B enacted (by veto override) 7/24/13 and effective 7/31/13. Use of Tobacco Settlement Dollars: Transfers the entire Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) payment received in FY2014 and 100 percent of the interest earned from the Health Care Security Trust to the state general fund. Also clarifies when MSA payments can be transferred to the State Employee Benefits Trust Fund. H.B. 3538, sect. 168 & 204 enacted and effective 7/12/13. Tobacco Taxes: Establishes a special commission to examine the illegal tobacco sales market in Massauchusetts and the resulting loss of tax revenue. The commission was to prepare a report with recommendations for addressing specific areas along with proposed legislation by March 1, H.B sect. 138 enacted and effective 7/12/13.

6 MICHIGAN Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $1,500,000 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 Annual Budget (H.B. 4328) enacted 6/13/13 and effective 10/1/13. MINNESOTA Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $20,164,409 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014-FY2015 Biennial Health and Human Services Budget (H.F. 1233) enacted 5/23/13 and effective 7/1/13 (FY2014) & 7/1/14 (FY2015) and FY2014 ClearWay Minnesota Operating Budget. Tobacco Taxes: Increases the cigarette tax by $1.60 to $2.83 per pack, and indexes the cigarette tax rate in future years as specified. Redefines cigarettes to include cigars that weigh under 4.5 pounds per thousand. Increases the tax on tobacco products other than cigarettes to 95% of the wholesale price, but sets a cap on the tax on premium cigars of $3.50 per cigar. Increases the fee on cigarettes sold by manufacturers that did not sign on to Minnesota's tobacco settlement agreement to 50 cents per pack of 20. Eliminates all statutes related to the health impact fee on cigarettes. H.B. 677, article 5, sect enacted 5/23/13 and parts effective 7/1/13, 1/1/14 & 7/1/14. Tobacco Taxes: Requires a report to the legislature on the tobacco tax collection system in Minnesota, including recommendations to improve it, due to the legislature by February 15, H.B. 677, article 5, sect. 27 enacted 5/23/13 and parts effective 5/24/13. MISSISSIPPI Tobacco Control Program Funding: Appropriated $10,900,000 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 Department of Health Appropriations (H.B. 1667) enacted 4/23/13 and effective 7/1/13. Use of Tobacco Settlement Dollars: Transfers the entire 2013 tobacco settlement installment payment to the Health Care Expendable Fund, and transfers an additional $23.1 million from the Health Care Trust Fund to the Health Care Expendable Fund in FY2014. H.B. 901 enacted 4/23/13 and effective 7/1/13. Youth Access/Electronic Cigarettes: Prohibits the sale of alternative nicotine products, the definition of which includes electronic cigarettes, to minors and requires sellers to verify age if the person appears to be under 27 years of age. H.B. 613 enacted 3/18/13 and effective 7/1/13. MISSOURI Tobacco Control Program Funding: Appropriated $76,364 for tobacco prevention and cessation initiatives in FY2014. FY2014 Department of Health and Senior Services Budget (H.B. 10) enacted 6/28/13 and effective 7/1/13. Tobacco Products Sales: Prohibits persons receiving temporary assistance for needy families benefits from purchasing and businesses from accepting such funds for items used by adults 18 or older and/or not in the best interests of the child/household. S.B. 251 enacted 7/8/13 and effective 8/28/13. MONTANA Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $5,400,000 to tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014-FY2015 Biennial Budget (H.B. 2) enacted 5/3/13 and effective 7/1/13 (FY2014) & 7/1/14 (FY2015). NEBRASKA Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $2,370,000 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014-FY2015 Biennial Budget Adjustments (L.D. 195) enacted 5/28/13 and effective 7/1/13 (FY2014) & 7/1/14 (FY2015). NEVADA Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $1,000,000 for tobacco prevention and cessation initiatives in FY2014. FY2014-FY2015 Biennial Budget (S.B. 521) enacted 6/10/13 and effective 7/1/13 (FY2014) & 7/1/14 (FY2015).

7 Youth Access Laws: Allows counties to prohibit the purchase, possession and use of tobacco products by minors with specified exceptions. Also sets out required penalties for violation. S.B. 177 enacted 6/1/13 and effective 10/1/13. Tobacco Taxes: Clarifies the definition of wholesale price in relation to the tax on tobacco products other than cigarettes. S.B. 8 enacted 5/22/13 and effective 7/1/13. Tobacco Settlement: Makes changes to a variety of Master Settlement Agreement related and other laws dealing with licensing of entities dealing in tobacco products to better enforce the MSA against non-participating manufacturers. S.B. 516 enacted 6/10/13 and parts effective 7/1/13 and 1/1/14. NEW HAMPSHIRE Tobacco Control Program Funding: Appropriated $125,000 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014-FY2015 Biennial Budget (H.B. 1) enacted 6/28/13 and effective 7/1/13 (FY2014) & 7/1/14 (FY2015). Tobacco Taxes: Changes the definition of cigarette for tobacco tax purposes to match the definition used under the Master Settlement Agreement. This will set the tax on roll-your-own tobacco at the same rate as the cigarette tax. H.B. 488 enacted and effective 5/31/13. Tobacco Settlement: Authorizes the Attorney General to settle the Master Settlement Agreement non-participating manufacturers adjustment dispute with tobacco companies based on the terms of the negotiated settlement offer. S.B. 199 enacted and effective 3/22/13. NEW JERSEY Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated no state dollars for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 Annual Budget (S.B. 3000) enacted 6/28/13 and effective 7/1/13. Tobacco Product Smuggling: Increases civil and criminal penalties involving unstamped and counterfeit cigarettes and cigarette smuggling and establishes a crime involving transfers of counterfeit cigarettes. S.B enacted and effective 8/19/13. NEW MEXICO Tobacco Control Program Funding: Appropriated $5,931,300 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 Annual Budget (H.B. 2) enacted 4/5/13 and effective 7/1/13. Use of Tobacco Settlement Dollars: Transfers remaining 50 percent of Master Settlement Agreement dollars received in FY2014 from the Tobacco Settlement Permanent Fund to other funds/uses. S.B. 113 enacted 4/5/13 and effective 7/1/13. NEW YORK Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $39,300,000 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 State Operations Budget (S.B. 2600) enacted and effective 4/10/13. Smoking Restrictions: Prohibits smoking within indoor areas of casinos/gaming facilities licensed pursuant to state law, however, all exemptions in New York's current smokefree workplace law apply to such facilities. A.B. 8101, sect. 2 enacted 7/30/13 and effective 1/1/14. Smoking Restrictions: Prohibits smoking on the grounds of a general hospital's residential health care facilities and within 15 feet of the entrance or exit of the building or grounds of the facility. Allows designated smoking areas on the grounds of residential health care facilities under certain conditions. A.B enacted 7/31/13 and effective 10/29/13. Smoking Restrictions: Prohibits smoking at playgrounds as defined during the hours between sunrise and sunset, and when one or more persons under the age of 12 are present at the playground. A.B enacted 7/12/13 and effective 10/10/13.

8 Internet Sales of Tobacco Products: Amends the civil penalties for violations of the law prohibiting non face-to-face sales of cigarettes except to specified entities. A.B. 365 enacted and effective 9/27/13. Novelty Lighters: Prohibits the sale of novelty lighters as defined with some exceptions and establishes penalties for illegal sale. S.B. 933 enacted and effective 9/27/13. NORTH CAROLINA Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $1,200,000 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014-FY2015 Biennial Budget (S.B. 402) enacted 7/26/13 and effective 7/1/13 (FY2014) and 7/1/14 (FY2015). Use of Tobacco Settlement Payments: Makes changes to the way Master Settlement Agreement payments are distributed in North Carolina. S.B enacted and effective 7/26/13 Youth Access/Tobacco-Derived Products & Vapor Products: Prohibits the sales/distribution to and purchase by persons under age 18 of tobacco-derived products, vapor products and cigarette wrapping papers as defined. Applies some other tobacco sales and youth access laws to these products. S.B. 530 enacted 6/19/13 and effective 8/1/13. NORTH DAKOTA Tobacco Control Program Funding: Appropriated $9,518,091 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014-FY2015 Biennial Department of Health Budget (S.B. 2004) enacted 5/2/13 and effective 7/1/13 (FY2014) & 7/1/14 (FY2015); and FY2014-FY2015 Biennial Appropriation for the Tobacco Control Advisory Committee (H.B. 1025) enacted 5/1/13 and effective 7/1/13 (FY2014) & 7/1/14 (FY2015). Roll-Your-Own Cigarette Machines: Prohibits the maintenance or operation of a cigarette making machine as defined in the state unless the person has a valid permit or uses the machine exclusively for personal purposes. Places certain requirements on persons operating or maintaining cigarette making machines that are tobacco product manufacturers. S.B enacted 4/1/13 and effective 7/1/13. Smokefree Air: Requires the Tobacco Prevention and Control Advisory Committee to provide, upon request, signs necessary to comply with the signage requirements in the state smokefree law. H.B enacted 4/8/13 and effective 8/1/13. Smokefree Air: Defines the term "entrance" in relation to the state smokefree law and makes an exception to the removal of ashtrays provision for factory-installed ashtrays in vehicles. H.B enacted 4/8/13 and effective 8/1/13. Smokefree Air: Clarifies that smoking is prohibited on the premises of places where early childhood services are provided, and how a provision in the smokefree law related to child care facilities is to be interpreted. S.B enacted and effective 4/12/13. OHIO Tobacco Control Program Funding: Appropriated $3,500,000 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014-FY2015 Biennial Budget (H.B. 59) enacted 6/30/13 and effective 7/1/13 (FY2014) & 7/1/15 (FY2015). Tobacco Taxes: Increases the tax on little cigars as defined to 37% of the wholesale price. H.B. 59 enacted 6/30/13 and effective 10/1/13. OKLAHOMA Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $22,719,057 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 General Appropriations Bill (H.B. 2301, sect. 60) enacted 5/30/13 and effective 7/1/13 & interest generated by the Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust Fund and certified for use on tobacco control programs in FY2014.

9 Smokefree Air: Prohibits smoking in all state-owned or operated properties, and allows local governments to prohibit smoking in or on local government property. S.B. 501 enacted 4/29/13 and effective 11/1/13. Smoker Protection Laws: Clarifies that employers can offer incentives to employees to participate in wellness programs, including smoking cessation programs. H.B enacted 4/22/13 and effective 11/1/13. Tobacco Product Sales/Electronic Benefit Transfer Cards: Prohibits the use of electronic benefit transfer cards containing state or federal funds from being used retail establishment whose principal business is that of selling cigarettes or tobacco products. S.B. 667 enacted 5/13/13 and effective 7/1/13. OREGON Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $9,900,000 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2012-FY2013 Department of Human Services Biennial Budget (S.B. 5529) enacted and effective 7/25/13 (FY2014) & 7/1/14 (FY2015) & S.B enacted and effective 8/14/13. Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated an additional $4 million dollars to tobacco prevention and cessation programs over the biennium. S.B enacted and effective 8/14/13. Tobacco Taxes: Increases the cigarette tax by 13 cents to $1.31 per pack. Increases the cigarette tax by an additional cent in 2016 and Revises how cigarette tax revenue is distributed. H.B (1st special session 2013) enacted 10/8/13 and parts effective 1/1/14, 1/1/16 & 1/1/18. Smoking in Vehicles with Kids: Prohibits smoking in a motor vehicle if a child under the age of 18 is present in the vehicle. S.B. 444 enacted 6/11/13 and effective 1/1/14. Tobacco Taxes: Allows the Oregon Department of Revenue to share information about cigarette and tobacco taxes to officers of government units inside and outside Oregon to help administer or enforce laws that regulate or tax tobacco products. H.B enacted 5/16/13 and effective 10/7/13. PENNSYLVANIA Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $7,000,000 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 Allocation based on S.B. 591, sect. 14, Art. XVII-A.1, subarticle B, sect A.1. to 1713-A.1. enacted and effective 7/18/13. Use of Tobacco Settlement Dollars: Changes allocations of Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) annual payments to various programs, including reducing the allocation to tobacco prevention/cessation programs from 12 percent to 4.5 percent. Also transfers FY2012-FY2013 MSA strategic contribution payment and all moneys in the Health Endowment Account to the Tobacco Settlement Fund. S.B. 591, sect. 14 enacted and effective 7/18/13. RHODE ISLAND Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $388,027 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 Annual Budget (H.B. 5127) enacted and effective 7/3/13. Point of Sale Warning Signs: Requires that warning signs regarding the age of purchase for tobacco products at the point of sale be available in English and Spanish, and requires new warning signs about the health effects of tobacco use at the point of purchase. H.B. 5154/S.B. 199 enacted and effective 7/15/13. SOUTH CAROLINA Tobacco Control Program Funding: Appropriated $5,000,000 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs infy2014. FY2014 Annual Budget (H.B. 3710) enacted (some line-item veteos overriden) 6/27/13 and effective 7/1/13.

10 Youth Access Laws/Alternative Nicotine Products: Prohibits the sale of and purchase/possession/use of alternative nicotine products as defined by persons under age 18. Applies other state youth access laws to alternative nicotine products. H.B enacted and effective 6/7/13. Tobacco Use/State Employee Health Plans: In FY2014, the state Budget and Control Board is authorized to impose a surcharge on enrollee rates based on tobacco use. The surcharge cannot exceed $40 per month for a subscriber or $60 per month for a subscriber and dependents. H.B. 3710, sect enacted 6/27/13 and effective 7/1/13. Use of Tobacco Settlement Dollars: Specifies how tobacco Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) dollars that may be available in calendar years 2013 and 2014 will be spent. Suspends the allocation of MSA dollars in section South Carolina Code for FY2014. H.B. 3710, sect enacted and effective 6/27/13. Use of Tobacco Settlement Dollars: Directs funds from the settlement of the dispute between the state and tobacco companies over MSA payments from 2003 to 2012 to the state general fund. H.B. 3710, sect enacted and effective 6/27/13. SOUTH DAKOTA Tobacco Control Program Funding: Appropriated $3,999,832 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 Annual Budget (H.B. 1185) enacted 3/20/13 and effective 7/1/13. Tobacco Taxes: Transfers all money in two funds receiving tobacco tax revenue to the state general fund. H.B. 1185, sect. 33 & 34, enacted 3/20/13 and effective 7/1/13. Use of Tobacco Settlement Dollars/Securitization: Redirects the proceeds from tobacco settlement bonds and residual interest from the sale of tobacco settlement payments to the Education Enhancement Trust Fund. S.B. 204 enacted 3/6/13 and effective 7/1/13. TENNESSEE Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $5,222,267 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 Annual Budget (S.B. 502) enacted 5/16/13 and effective 7/1/13. Use of Tobacco Settlement Dollars: Specifies how tobacco Master Settlement Agreement dollars from the settlement of the dispute between the state and tobacco companies over MSA payments will be allocated, including dedicating some of the money to tobacco prevention and cessation programs. S.B. 502, sect. 62 enacted 5/16/13 and effective 7/1/13. Youth Access: Prohibits customer access to smoking paraphernalia as defined without the assistance of an employee of the establishment. S.B. 544 enacted 4/23/13 and effective 7/1/13. TEXAS Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $11,201,794 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2013-FY2014 Biennial Budget (S.B. 1) enacted 6/14/13 and effective 9/1/13 (FY2014) & 9/1/14 (FY2015). Tobacco Taxes/Non-Participating Manufacturer Fee: Imposes a fee of 55 cents per pack of 20 on cigarettes or cigarette tobacco sold by manufacturers that do not participate in Texas' settlement with tobacco companies. The fee is indexed to inflation. H.B enacted 6/14/13 and effective 9/1/13. UTAH Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $7,537,579 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 Social Services Budget (H.B. 8) enacted 2/14/13 and effective 7/1/13.

11 Smoking in Vehicles with Kids: Prohibits smoking in motor vehicles if a person under age 15 is present in the vehicle. Convertibles with the top down are exempt. H.B. 13 enacted 3/28/13 and effective 5/14/13. Use of Tobacco Settlement Dollars: Specifies how money in the Permanent State Trust Fund that previously received a portion of annual Master Settlement Agreement payments should be invested. H.B. 337 enacted 3/27/13 and effective 5/14/13. Roll Your Own Cigarette Machines: Establishes a tax on cigarettes produced by roll your own cigarette machines, requires certification of the machines and places specific requirements on the tobacco used in and cigarettes produced by the machines. S.B. 36 enacted 3/26/13 and effective 7/1/13. VERMONT Tobacco Control Program Funding: Appropriated $3,971,996 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 Annual Budget (H.B. 530) enacted 5/28/13 and effective 7/1/13. Use of Tobacco Settlement Dollars: Unspent money in the Tobacco Litigation Settlement Fund at the end of FY2013 will not be transferred to the Tobacco Trust Fund as specified under current state law. Investment earnings from the Tobacco Trust Fund and any money necessary to ensure the balance in the Settlement Fund will not be negative at the end of FY2014 will also be transferred to the Settlement Fund. H.B. 530 D.102 & D.103 enacted 5/28/13 and effective 5/28/13 and 7/1/13. Use of Tobacco Settlement Dollars: Any Master Settlement Agreement payments received by the state that have been withheld beginning in FY2003 due to an ongoing dispute with tobacco companies shall be deposited in the Tobacco Trust Fund. H.B. 530 D.104 enacted and effective 5/28/13. Tobacco Product Licensing/Youth Access Laws: Makes a number of changes to state tobacco control laws, including applying many youth access laws to tobacco substitutes (e-cigarettes and related products) and tobacco paraphernalia. H.B. 71 enacted 5/3/13 and parts effective 6/30/13 and 7/1/13. VIRGINIA Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $9,456,000 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2013-FY2014 Biennial Budget Amendments (H.B. 1500) enacted 5/3/13 and effective 5/3/13 (FY2013) & 7/1/13 (FY2014). Tobacco Sales: Prohibits the purchase of tobacco products through use of food stamp cash benefits electronic benefit transaction. H.B enacted 4/3/13 and effective 7/1/13. Cigarette Smuggling: Increases the penalties for possession of certain quantities of tax-paid cigarettes with intent to distribute. H.B. 1783/S.B enacted 3/20/13 and effective 7/1/13. Cigarette Smuggling: Adds additional penalties for multiple violations of selling, transporting or possessing unstamped packages of cigarettes H.B. 1820/S.B enacted 3/20/13 and effective 7/1/13. Cigarette Smuggling: Adds criminal penalties for the distribution or possession of counterfeit cigarettes. S.B enacted 3/20/13 and effective 7/1/13. WASHINGTON Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $756,000 for tobacco prevention and cessation initiatives in FY2014. FY2014-FY2015 Biennial Budget (S.B. 5034) enacted 6/30/13 and effective 7/1/13 (FY2014) & 7/1/14 (FY2015).

12 Use of Tobacco Settlement Dollars: Makes a change to the way strategic contribution payments from the Master Settlement Agreement are distributed. Allows transfer of part of the payment to the state general fund. S.B. 5034, sect. 980 enacted and effective 6/30/13. Tobacco Surcharges: Beginning July 1, 2014, authorizes the public employee benefits board to add a $25 surcharge to premiums due from public employees that use tobacco products, and $50 if a spouse or domestic partner is covered under certain circumstances. S.B enacted and effective 6/30/13. Electronic Cigarettes/Youth Access: Prohibits the sale of vapor products as defined to persons under the age of 18. H.B enacted 4/23/13 and effective 7/27/13. WEST VIRGINIA Tobacco Control Program Funding: Appropriated $5,260,488 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014 Annual Budget (S.B. 2014) enacted 4/22/13 and effective 7/1/13. Tobacco Settlement: Requires certain cigarette manufacturers not participating in the Master Settlement Agreement to post a bond prior to being listed on the state's approved to sell in the state directory as specified. H.B enacted 4/22/13 and effective 7/9/13. WISCONSIN Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $5,315,000 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs in FY2014. FY2014-FY2015 Biennial Budget (A.B. 40) enacted 6/30/13 and effective 7/1/13 (FY2014) & 7/1/14 (FY2015). WYOMING Tobacco Control Program Funding: Allocated $5,103,519 for tobacco prevention and cessation programs infy2014. FY2013-FY2014 Biennial Appropriations (S.B. 1) enacted 3/8/12 and effective 7/1/12 (FY2013) & 7/1/13 (FY2014) & FY2013-FY2014 Supplemental Appropriations (H.B. 1) enacted and effective 2/21/13 (FY2013) and 7/1/13 (FY2014). Electronic Cigarettes: Adds products made or derived from tobacco that contain nicotine and specifically electronic cigarettes to the definition of tobacco products. S.B. 103 enacted and effective 3/13/13. Tobacco surcharges: Allocates $10,000 for a study on the cost savings and benefits from creating a differential premium for public employees that do or do not smoke. H.B. 1 enacted and effective 2/21/13.

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