Form 90 User Information

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1 Form 90 User Information Purpose Form 90 is a family of structured interview instruments designed to collect detailed preand post-treatment information pertinent in outcome evaluation research. It was originally developed as the primary outcome measure for Project MATCH, a multisite clinical trial funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, and has been used subsequently in multiple outcome studies. Proper use of the Form 90 interview instruments requires training and practice to achieve reliable measurement. Research sites from the MATCH study may be able to provide such training ( and one such training resource is the Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse and Addictions (CASAA) at the University of New Mexico ( Contact Roberta Chavez for information: Parallel forms are available to assess alcohol (90A) and drug use outcomes (90D). Within each of these, there are forms to be used at intake (90AI and 90-DI) and follow-up (90-AF and 90-DF). There is a shorter form for conducting follow-up interviews by telephone (90 AT) and for obtaining minimal follow-up information when time is very short (90-AQ). Finally, there is a parallel form for interviewing significant others for collateral information (90-ACS and 90-DCS). Form 90 integrates a timeline follow-back method for calendar reconstruction of alcohol/drug use. It also queries treatment, incarceration, AA, employment, and education experiences. Form 90 was developed with federal grant funds and may be used free of charge without further permission. More complete information is available in the test manual: Miller, W. R. (1996). Manual for Form 90: A structured assessment interview for drinking and related behaviors. (Volume 5, Project MATCH Monograph Series). Rockville, MD: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Public domain.

2 Form 90-AI Drinking Assessment Interview - Intake BAC:. / / 1. For period from / / through / / 2. Number of days in this assessment period: / / 3. This is: (0) Intake 4. (1) Male (2) Female 5. Current body weight in pounds: / / 6. Weight was obtained by: (1) weighing or (2) self-report 7. This interview was conducted: (1) on site (3) home visit (2) by telephone (4) other location "I'd like to begin by reminding you that whatever you say here is confidential. I am going to be asking you some specific questions about the period of time from about 3 months before your last drink up until (yesterday/the day of your admission). [Place calendar in front of client.] Here is a calendar to help you remember this period of time. First of all, when was your last drink? [Count back 89 days from the day of last drink, and cross out with Xs the days preceding this period.] So the period I'm going to be asking you about is from [beginning date, 89 days prior to last drink] up through [end date]." "I realize that this is a long period of time to remember things that happened, so we will use this calendar to help you identify events that occurred during this period. Notice that a few events are already printed in the calendar. [Point out some specific events already printed on the calendar.] Were there any particularly memorable things that happened during this time - any birthdays, illnesses or accidents, anniversaries, parties, hospitalizations, vacations, changes in your work or at home, things like that?" [Record on calendar.] "Now, the rest of the questions that I will ask you are also about this time period, from up through. I'll be asking you about your drinking in a few minutes, but first I'd like to know about a few other things. Feel free to take your time in answering, since it is important for you to remember as accurately as you can. Let me know if you're not sure what I am asking, or what I mean by a particular question. OK?"

3 Form 90 AI: Page 2 TREATMENT/INCARCERATION/LIVING EXPERIENCES "During this period, how many days did you spend in a hospital or treatment program where you stayed overnight?" [Mark days on calendar] Hm total number of hospital days for medical problems 8. Htox total number of hospital days for detoxification 9. Rtox total number of non-hospital residential detox days: 10. total number of ambulatory detox treatment days: 11. Ra total number of residential days alcohol treatment 12. Rd total number of residential days for other drug problems 13. Rp total residential days for emotional/psych problems 14. Total days in residential treatment during this period: [Sum of Do not include 11] 15. "During this period, did you spend any time in jail or prison?" [Mark days on calendar] In total days incarcerated during period 16. Total days in institutions [add ] 17. "During this period, where did you live? How many days did you live in:" [Do not record on calendar unless useful as memory aids.] Total number of days in own house, apartment, room: Total number of days living with others (no rent): Total number of days living in halfway house: Total number of days homeless (shelters, etc.): Lines must equal Line 2

4 Form 90 AI: Page 3 "During this period, how many days were there [not including hospital or detox days] when you saw a doctor, nurse, nurse-practitioner, or physician's assistant for any kind of medical care?" [Do not record on calendar unless useful as memory aids.] Total days seen for medical care 22. "During this period, on how many days did you have a session with a counselor or therapist?" [ Do not record on calendar unless useful as memory aids.] Total number of days for alcohol problems** 23. Total number of days for other drug problems** 24. Total days for emotional/psychological problems 25. If treatment was received, describe briefly here "During this period, on how many days did you attend a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous or another Twelve-Step meeting?" [Do not record on calendar unless useful as memory aids.] total number of days attending 12-step meetings: 26. [enter 0 if none] [Do not enter activity days on the calendar unless they appear to be of value for recalling drinking.] OTHER ACTIVITIES WORK: "How many days have you been paid for working during this period?" WORK days 27. EDUCATION: "How many days have you been in school or training during this period?" EDUCATION days 28.

5 Form 90 AI: Page 4 RELIGIOUS ATTENDANCE: "On how many days during this time did you attend a worship service or other religious celebration?" RELIGIOUS ATTENDANCE days 29. MEDICATIONS "During this period, on how many days did you take any medications prescribed by a physician?" [Do not enter medication days on the calendar unless they appear to be of memory value.] to treat a medical problem 30. to prevent you from drinking (Antabuse only) to help you detoxify/come off alcohol or another drug to help you stabilize or change your use of drugs other than alcohol maintaining/stabilizing drugs (e.g., methadone) 33. drug antagonists/blockers 34. for psychological or emotional problems 35.

6 Form 90 AI: Page 5 PERIODS OF ABSTINENCE "Now I'd like to ask you about your drinking during this same period. The things already recorded on the calendar here may help you to remember better. First of all, were there any periods of days when you had nothing to drink at all?" [Mark all abstinent days as "A" on calendar.] 36. Date of first drink during period: / / 37. Date of last drink during period: / / "During this period of time, when you were drinking, I'd like to see if your pattern was at all similar from one week to the next, at least for a few of these weeks. I realize that drinking will vary from day to day and from week to week, but I want to know if there was any similarity among weeks. Was there any consistency to your drinking from week to week?" [If NO, skip to page 8. If YES, continue to complete page 6 and, if appropriate, page 7.] "Could you describe for me a usual or typical week of drinking. In a typical week, let's start with weekdays Monday through Friday what did you normally drink in the morning, from the time you got up until about lunchtime?" [Record] For each drinking period, obtain time estimates to allow BAC calculation. For example: "About what time did you normally have your first drink?... And when did you usually finish the last one?" "Now how about weekday afternoons, including what you drank with lunch up through the afternoon until dinner time - what did you normally drink on weekday afternoons, Monday through Friday?" [Record] "And how about weekday evenings? What did you normally drink with dinner, up through the rest of the evening, until the time you went to sleep?" [Record] Repeat same instructions for weekend days.

7 Form 90 AI: Page 6 P1 STEADY PATTERN CHART 1 Morning Afternoon Evening TOTAL SECs M O N. T U E. W E D. T H U. F R I. S A T. S U N. Total number of Standard Drinks (SECs) per week: Estimated BAC peak for Steady Pattern week (mg%) / / Enter all days of this pattern on calendar as P1. If the above pattern does not describe all drinking weeks, ask: "Now on the other weeks when you were drinking, was your drinking at all the same from week to week?" If YES, complete page 7. If NO, proceed to page 8.

8 Form 90 AI: Page 7 P2 STEADY PATTERN CHART 2 Morning Afternoon Evening TOTAL SECs M O N. T U E. W E D. T H U. F R I. S A T. S U N. Total number of Standard Drinks (SECs) per week: Estimated BAC peak for Steady Pattern week (mg%) / / Enter all days of this pattern on calendar as P2. Proceed to Page 8

9 Form 90 AI: Page 8 EPISODIC PATTERN CHARTS INSTRUCTIONS WHEN PAGE 6 (or 6 and 7) HAS BEEN COMPLETED: "Now that we have your regular pattern, I'd like you to tell me about times during this period when your drinking was different from this. Look at the calendar again, and think back over this period. When were times that you had more or less than your regular amount to drink?" INSTRUCTIONS WHEN PAGE 6 AND 7 HAVE BEEN SKIPPED (NO REGULAR PATTERN): "If you didn't have a regular pattern from week to week, tell me about times when you did drink during the period on this calendar." FOLLOW-THROUGH FOR ALL CLIENTS: [When a particular episode is identified:] "Did that happen more than once during this period?" [If NO, record data directly on the calendar. If YES, record as Episode Type 1 below, and continue:] "Now, using the calendar, which were the days when your drinking was about like that?" [Record E-1 in the middle of those day blocks.] [Continue to probe in this manner for up to two other episode types: E-2 and E-3 days] If no repeated episode types can be identified, proceed to fill in the calendar day by day. E1 Episode Type 1 Beverages and amounts: Total SECs 42.. Time to consume: Estimated Peak BAC for Episode Type 1 (mg%): Record on calendar as E1 43. / /

10 Form 90 AI: Page 9 E2 Episode Type 2 Beverages and amounts: Total SECs 44.. Time to consume: Estimated Peak BAC for Episode Type 2 (mg%): Record on calendar as E2 45. / / E3 Episode Type 3 Beverages and amounts: Total SECs 46.. Time to consume: Estimated Peak BAC for Episode Type 3 (mg%): Record on calendar as E3 47. / / Proceed to fill in any other drinking days on calendar not accounted for by P or E codes. Then identify the THREE HEAVIEST DRINKING DAYS in the calendar. If not P or E days, obtain the time of first drink and last drink, to permit BAC calculation.

11 Form 90 AI: Page 10 OTHER DRUG USE "Now I'm going to show you this set of cards. Each card names a kind of drug that people sometimes use. I'd like you to sort them into two piles for me. In a pile on the left [indicate position] I'd like you to place those cards that name a kind of drug that you have tried at least once in your life. In the pile on the right [indicate position], place the cards that name types of drugs that you have never tried at all." [Give cards to client IN NUMERICAL ORDER - with tobacco on top, marijuana next, and so on. Use the header cards that are provided ("Drugs I have used at least once" and "Drugs I have not used") to mark where the two piles are to be placed. Emphasize at intake that you are asking about drug use ever in the client's lifetime. When the sorting has been completed, take the NO (Never Used) pile, and check all these categories as "NO" in the LIFETIME USE column on page 10. Then continue with the YES pile.] "Now for each of these types of drugs, I'd like you to give me an estimate of how long you have used them in your lifetime. What I will want to know is: during how many weeks during your lifetime have you used each type of drug at least once. Let's start with [use tobacco, or first YES card from numerical sequence]. How many weeks, during your lifetime, would you say that you used at least once?" [Record response. It may be recorded in months or years, but must always be converted into weeks. Repeat for each YES drug card. Then give YES pile back to client.] "Now I'd like you to sort these again, to say which kinds of drugs you have used at least once during the period we've been talking about on this calendar, from up through. If you used the drug at least once during this time, put it in a pile here (indicate "Drugs I have used at least once" pile), and if you never used it at all during this period, put it here (indicate "Drugs I have not used" pile)." [Alternatively, if there are few cards, simply ask: "Which of these have you used at least once during this period we've been talking about..."] Be clear that you are now asking about recent use during a specified calendar period. [For each of the YES cards, specify the specific drug(s) and route(s) of administration during this period, and ask:] "During this period, on how many days would you say you used?" [Record on page 11 and repeat for all YES cards.]

12 Form 90 AI: Page 11 LIFETIME USE? WEEKLY USE Year=52 Month=4 CURRENT PERIOD 48. Nicotine (0)No (1)Yes Lifetime weeks: / / / / / Days Cigarettes per day in current period: / / number per day 49. Cannabis/Marijuana (0)No (1)Yes Lifetime weeks: / / / / / Days 50. Sedatives/Tranquilizers (0)No (1)Yes Lifetime weeks: / / / / / Days 51. Hypnotics (Downers) (0)No (1)Yes Lifetime weeks: / / / / / Days 52. Steroids (0)No (1)Yes Lifetime weeks: / / / / / Days 53. Amphetamines (Uppers) (0)No (1)Yes Lifetime weeks: / / / / / Days 54. Cocaine (0)No (1)Yes Lifetime weeks: / / / / / Days 55. Hallucinogens (0)No (1)Yes Lifetime weeks: / / / / / Days 56. Inhaled Toxicants (0)No (1)Yes Lifetime weeks: / / / / / Days 57. Opiates (0)No (1)Yes Lifetime weeks: / / / / / Days 58. Other Drugs (0)No (1)Yes Lifetime weeks: / / / / / Days

13 Form 90-AF Follow-up Interview Assessment of Drinking and Related Behaviors Time Started Time Ended Administer Breathalyzer test and record. BAC:. / / 1. For period from / / / / / through / / / / / 2. Number of days in this assessment period: / / 3. This is: / Month Follow-up. Check only one. Reconstructed Actual 4. (1) Male (2) Female 5. Current body weight in pounds: / / 6. Weight was obtained by: (1) weighing or (2) self-report 7. This interview was conducted: (1) on site (2) by telephone (3) home visit (4) other location: "Now, as in the interview(s) you've had before, I'd like to remind you that whatever you say here is confidential. I am going to be asking you some specific questions about the period of time from up through yesterday. [Place calendar in front of client.] Here is a calendar to help you remember this period of time. I realize that this is a long period of time to remember things that happened, so we will use this calendar to help you identify events that occurred during this period. As before, you can see that there are some events already printed on the calendar. Were there any particularly memorable things that happened during this time - any birthdays, illnesses or accidents, anniversaries, parties, hospitalizations, vacations, changes in your work or at home, things like that?" [Record on calendar.] "Now, the rest of the questions that I will ask you are also about this time period, from up through yesterday. I'll be asking about your drinking in a few minutes, but first I'd like to know about a few other things. Feel free to take your time in answering, because it is important for you to remember as accurately as you can. Let me know if you're not sure what I am asking, or what I mean by a particular question. OK?"

14 Form 90-AF: Page 2 TREATMENT/INCARCERATION/LIVING EXPERIENCES "During this period, how many days did you spend in a hospital or treatment program where you stayed overnight?" [Mark days on calendar] Hm Total number of hospital days for medical problems 8. / / Htox Total number of hospital days for detoxification 9. / / Rtox Total number of non-hospital residential detox days: 10. / / Total number of ambulatory detox treatment days: 11. / / Ra Total number of residential days alcohol treatment 12. / / Rd Total number of residential days for other drug problems 13. / / Rp Total residential days for emotional/psych problems 14. / / Total days in residential treatment during this period: [Sum of Do not include 11] 15. / / "During this period, did you spend any time in jail or prison?" [Mark days on calendar] In Total days incarcerated during period 16. / / Total days in institutions [add ] 17. / / "During this period, where did you live? How many days did you live in:" [Do not record on calendar unless useful as memory aids.] Total number of days in own house, apartment, room: Total number of days living with others (no rent): Total number of days living in halfway house: Total number of days homeless (shelters, etc.): Lines must equal Line / / 19. / / 20. / / 21. / / "During this period, how many days were there [not including hospital or detox days] when you saw a doctor, nurse, nurse-practitioner, or physician's assistant for any kind of medical care?" [Do not record on calendar unless useful as memory aids.] Total days seen for medical care 22. / /

15 Form 90-AF: Page 3 "During this period, on how many days did you have a session with a counselor or therapist?" [Do not include Project MATCH services or hospital days - Do not record on calendar unless useful as memory aids.] Total number of days for alcohol problems ** 23. / / ** If treatment was received, describe briefly here and administer Treatment Experiences Questionnaire. Total number of days for other drug problems ** 24. / / ** If treatment was received, describe briefly here and administer Treatment Experiences Questionnaire. Total days for emotional/psychological problems 25. / / If treatment was received, describe briefly here. "During this period, on how many days did you attend a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous or another Twelve-Step meeting?" [Do not record on calendar unless useful as memory aids.] Total number of days attending 12-step meetings: 26. / / [enter 0 if none]

16 Form 90-AF: Page 4 [Do not enter activity days on the calendar unless they appear to be of value for recalling drinking.] OTHER ACTIVITIES WORK: "How many days have you been paid for working during this period?" Number of WORK days 27. / / EDUCATION: "How many days have you been in school or training during this period?" Number of EDUCATION days 28. / / RELIGIOUS ATTENDANCE: "On how many days during this time did you attend a worship service or other religious celebration?" RELIGIOUS ATTENDANCE days 29. / / MEDICATIONS "During this period, on how many days did you take any medications prescribed by a physician?" [Do not enter medication days on the calendar unless they appear to be of memory value.] to treat a medical problem 30. / / to prevent you from drinking (Antabuse only) to help you detoxify/come off alcohol or another drug 31. / / 32. / / to help you stabilize or change your use of drugs other than alcohol maintaining/stabilizing drugs (e.g., methadone) 33. / / drug antagonists/blockers 34. / / for your psychological or emotional problems 35. / /

17 Form 90-AF: Page 5 PERIODS OF ABSTINENCE "Now I'd like to ask you about your drinking during this same period. The things already recorded on the calendar here may help you to remember better. First of all, were there periods of days when you had nothing to drink at all?" [Mark all abstinent days as "A" on calendar. Note: If the client was mostly abstinent, it may be easier to ask about drinking days first, and record these on the calendar.] 36. Date of first drink during period: / / / / / 37. Date of last drink during period: / / / / / "During this period of time, when you were drinking, I'd like to see if your pattern was at all similar from one week to the next, at least for a few of these weeks. I realize that drinking will vary from day to day and from week to week, but I want to know if there was any similarity among weeks. Was there any consistency to your drinking from week to week?" [If NO, skip to page 8. If YES, continue to complete page 6 and, if appropriate, page 7.] "Could you describe for me a usual or typical week of drinking, then. In a typical week, let's start with weekdays - Monday through Friday - what did you normally drink in the morning, from the time you got up until about lunchtime?" [Record] For each drinking period, obtain time estimates to allow BAC calculation. For example: "About what time did you normally have your first drink?... And when did you usually finish the last one?" "Now how about weekday afternoons, including what you drank with lunch up through the afternoon until dinner time - what did you normally drink on weekday afternoons, Monday through Friday?" [Record] "And how about weekday evenings? What did you normally drink with dinner, up through the rest of the evening, until the time you went to sleep?" [Record] Repeat same instructions for weekend days.

18 Form 90-AF: Page 6 P1 STEADY PATTERN CHART 1 Morning Afternoon Evening Total for Day Total SECs Monday Total SECs Tuesday Total SECs Wednesday Total SECs Thursday Total SECs Friday Total SECs Saturday Total SEC Sunday Total number of Standard Drinks (SECs) per week: Estimated BAC peak for Steady Pattern week (mg%): Enter all days of this pattern on calendar as P / /. 39. / / If the above pattern does not describe all drinking weeks, ask: "Now on the other weeks when you were drinking, was your drinking at all the same from week to week?" If YES, complete page 7. If NO, proceed to page 8.

19 Form 90-AF: Page 7 P2 STEADY PATTERN CHART 2 Morning Afternoon Evening Total for Day Total SECs Monday Total SECs Tuesday Total SECs Wednesday Total SECs Thursday Total SECs Friday Total SECs Saturday Total SEC Sunday Total number of Standard Drinks (SECs) per week: Estimated BAC peak for Steady Pattern week (mg%): 40. / /. 41. / / Enter all days of this pattern on calendar as P-2. Proceed to Page 8.

20 Form 90-AF: Page 8 EPISODIC PATTERN CHART INSTRUCTIONS WHEN PAGE 6 (or 6 and 7) HAS BEEN COMPLETED: "Now that we have your regular pattern, I'd like you to tell me about times during this period when your drinking was different from this pattern. Look at the calendar again, and think back over this period. When were times that you had more or less than your regular amount to drink?" INSTRUCTIONS WHEN PAGE 6 AND 7 HAVE BEEN SKIPPED (NO REGULAR PATTERN): "If you didn't have a regular pattern from week to week, tell me about times when you did drink during the period on this calendar." FOLLOW-THROUGH FOR ALL CLIENTS: [When a particular episode is identified:] "Did that happen more than once during this period?" [If NO, record data directly on the calendar. If YES, record as Episode Type 1 below, and continue:] "Now, using the calendar, which were the days when your drinking was about like that?" [Record E 1 in the middle of those day blocks.] [Continue to probe in this manner for up to two other episode types: E-2 and E-3 days] If no repeated episode types can be identified, proceed to fill in the calendar day by day. E1 Episode Type 1 Beverages and amounts Time to consume: Total SECs 42. / /. Estimated Peak BAC for Episode Type 1 (mg%): 43. / / E2 Episode Type 2 Beverages and amounts Time to consume: Total SECs 44. / /. Estimated Peak BAC for Episode Type 2 (mg%): 45. / /

21 Form 90-AF: Page 9 E3 Episode Type 3 Beverages and amounts Time to consume: Total SECs 46 / /. Estimated Peak BAC for Episode Type 3 (mg%): 47. / / Proceed to fill in any other drinking days on calendar not accounted for by P or E codes. Then identify the THREE HEAVIEST DRINKING DAYS in the calendar. If not P or E days, obtain the time of first drink and last drink, to permit BAC calculation. OTHER DRUG USE "Now I'm going to show you this set of cards, which you have seen before. Each card names a kind of drug that people sometimes use. I'd like you to sort them into two piles for me. In one pile here [indicate position and use marker card] I'd like you to place those cards that name a kind of drug that you have used at least once in during this period. In the other pile here [indicate position and use marker card], place the cards that name types of drugs that you have not used at all, not even once, during this period." [Give cards to client IN NUMERICAL ORDER - with Tobacco on top, marijuana next, and so on. When the sorting has been completed, take the NO pile and mark all these categories as zero (0) days on page 10. Then for each of the YES cards, ask about specific drug(s) and route(s) of administration. For example: "Which drug(s) from this group have you used at least once during this period? And how did you take it?" [Record on page 10] Also determine frequency of use for each drug class: "During this period, on how many days would you say you used?" [Record on page 10, and repeat for all YES cards.] If the reported use in a drug category qualifies [see manual], enter the number of days of use for that category on page 10. If the reported use does not qualify (e.g., prescribed use for less than 30 days), enter zero (0) days even though the client initially placed the card in the YES pile.

22 Form 90-AF: Page 10 CURRENT USE Days * 48. Nicotine Specify number of cigarettes per day in current period: / / /days 49. Cannabis 50. Sedatives 51. Hypnotics (Downers) 52. Steroids 53. Amphetamines (Uppers) 54. Cocaine 55. Hallucinogens 56. Inhalants Toxicants 57. Opiates 58. Other Drugs / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / * Days = Total number of days in which any drug from the class was used during this follow-up window. Do not include drugs used during prior follow-up windows, but not this window. Do not report drug use that does not qualify [see manual].

23 Form 90-AF: Page 11 REMOTE RECONSTRUCTION Complete only when the period being reconstructed is from a prior missed follow-up (not the most recent period). ALWAYS attempt items 1-37 and 48-58, but highest priority should be given to items and the information below. 59. Indicate the present follow-up period from which reconstruction is being conducted [not the period being reconstructed]. PRESENT follow-up point is / months If the calendar can be reconstructed with reasonable confidence, do so, to obtain daily consumption data needed for summary statistics. If day-by-day reconstruction is not viable, complete the following procedure instead: 60. / / Total number of Abstinent (A) days in reconstructed period 61. / / Total number of drinking days in same period [Note: must equal Line 2] 62. / / Total number of drinking days with 6 drinks (SECs) or moreper day [Use "one drink" graphic if needed] 63. / /. Average SECs per drinking day from the most recent follow-up period [obtain from summary statistics for current period] 64. / / Multiplier [see manual instructions and note * below] 65. / /. Estimated SECs/drinking day in reconstructed period [64 X 63] / / Multiply by line / /. Estimated SECs in reconstructed period * What is needed here is a multiplier which best captures the client's comparison of these two periods. It is not likely that most clients could generate this number themselves. Rather the interviewer must make the decision, based on the client's report. Some examples: Client's Description Multiplier about half as much.50 about the same 1.00 just a little more 1.10 about half again as much 1.50 twice as much 2.00 four times as much 4.00

24 Form 90-AQ Quick Drinking Assessment Interview 1. For period from / / through / / 2. Number of days in this assessment period: 3. This is: / month Follow-up 4. Was the interview conducted: (1) on site (3) home visit (2) by telephone (4) other location: I'd like to ask you just six questions about your drinking during the period from up through yesterday. That's a period of days. First of all, on how many days during this period did you have at least one drink containing alcohol? 5a. Total number of drinking days during period: [To confirm the answer to 5:] So that means there were [Line 2 minus Line 5] days during this period when you didn't drink at all. [Confirm and record below.] 5b. Total number of abstinent days during period: [Line 5a + Line 5b must = Line 2] Now, on those days when you did drink, how much did you have to drink on average? [probe, and record as nearest whole number of standard drink units] 6. Number of standard drinks per drinking day: Now, of those [read number from Line 5a] days on which you drank, on how many did you have six or more drinks? 7. Total number of heavy drinking days during period: When was the first day that you had a drink during this period? 8. Date of first drink during period: / / And when was the first day that you had six or more drinks in the same day? 9. Date of first heavy drinking day in period: / / And when did you have your last drink? 10. Date of last drink during period: / / [If appropriate, continue with longer interview such as Form 90-AT]

25 Form 90-AT Subject Telephone Assessment of Drinking and Related Behaviors Time Started If the subject's cooperation seems tenuous, complete Form 90-Q first to obtain critical variables, then proceed with 90-T. 1. For period from / / / / / through / / / / / 2. Number of days in this assessment period: / / 3. This is: / month follow-up 4. (1) Male (2) Female 5. Current body weight in pounds: / / 6. Weight was obtained by: (1) weighing or (2) self-report 7. This interview was conducted: (1) on site (2) by telephone (3) home visit (4) other location "Now, as in the interview(s) you've had before, I'd like to remind you that whatever you say here is confidential. I am going to be asking you some specific questions about the period of time from up through yesterday." [If calendar has been mailed and received, have the subject refer to it now. If not, ask the subject to get a regular calendar.] "The calendar should help you remember this period of time. I realize that this is a long period of time to remember things that happened, so we will use this calendar to help you identify events that occurred during this period. [As before, you can see that there are some events already printed on the calendar.] Were there any particularly memorable things that happened during this time any birthdays, accidents, anniversaries, parties, things like that?" [Record on your calendar.] "Now, the rest of the questions that I will ask you are also about this time period, from up through yesterday. I'll be asking you about your drinking in a few minutes, but first I'd like to know about a few other things. Feel free to take your time in answering, because it is important for you to remember as accurately as you can. Let me know if you're not sure what I am asking, or what I mean by a particular question. OK?"

26 Form 90-AT: Page 2 TREATMENT/INCARCERATION/LIVING EXPERIENCES "During this period, how many days did you spend in a hospital or treatment program where you stayed overnight?" [Mark days on calendar.] Hm Htox Rtox Ra Rd Rp Total number of hospital days for medical problems Total number of hospital days for detoxification Total number of non-hospital residential detox days: Total number of ambulatory detox treatment days: Total number of residential days alcohol treatment Total number of residential days for other drug problems Total residential days for emotional/psych problems Total days in residential treatment during this period: [Sum of Do not include 11] 8. / / 9. / / 10. / / 11. / / 12. / / 13. / / 14. / / 15. / / "During this period, did you spend any time in jail or prison?" [Mark days on calendar.] In Total days incarcerated during period Total days in institutions [add ] 16. / / 17. / / "During this period, where did you live? How many days did you live in:" [Do not record on calendar unless useful as memory aids.] Total number of days in own house, apartment, room: Total number of days living with others (no rent): Total number of days living in halfway house: Total number of days homeless (shelters, etc.): Lines must equal Line / / 19. / / 20. / / 21. / / "During this period, how many days were there [not including hospital or detox days] when you saw a doctor, nurse, nurse-practitioner, or physician's assistant for any kind of medical care?" [Do not record on calendar unless useful as memory aids.] Total days seen for medical care 22. / /

27 Form 90-AT: Page 3 "During this period, on how many days did you have a session with a counselor or therapist?" [Do not include Project MATCH services or hospital days - Do not record on calendar unless useful as memory aids.] Total number of days for alcohol problems **23. / / ** If treatment was received, describe briefly here and administer Treatment Experiences Questionnaire. Total number of days for other drug problems **24. / / ** If treatment was received, describe briefly here and administer Treatment Experiences Questionnaire. Total days for emotional/psychological problems 25. / / If treatment was received, describe briefly here. "During this period, on how many days did you attend a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous or another Twelve-Step meeting?" [Do not record on calendar unless useful as memory aids.] Total number of days attending 12-step meetings: 26. / / [enter 0 if none]

28 Form 90-AT: Page 4 [Do not enter activity days on the calendar unless they appear to be of value for recalling drinking.] OTHER ACTIVITIES WORK: "How many days have you been paid for working during this period?" Number of WORK days 27. / / EDUCATION: "How many days have you been in school or training during this period?" Number of EDUCATION days 28. / / RELIGIOUS ATTENDANCE: "On how many days during this time did you attend a worship service or other religious celebration?" RELIGIOUS ATTENDANCE days 29. / / MEDICATIONS "During this period, on how many days did you take any medications prescribed by a physician?" [Do not enter medication days on the calendar unless they appear to be of memory value.] to treat a medical problem 30. / / to prevent you from drinking (Antabuse only) 31. / / to help you detoxify/come off alcohol or another drug 32. / / to help you stabilize or change your use of drugs other than alcohol maintaining/stabilizing drugs (e.g., methadone) 33. / / drug antagonists/blockers 34. / / for your psychological or emotional problems 35. / /

29 Form 90-AT: Page 5 PERIODS OF ABSTINENCE "Now I'd like to ask you about your drinking during this same period. The things already recorded on the calendar here may help you to remember better. First of all, were there periods of days when you had nothing to drink at all?" [Mark all abstinent days as "A" on calendar. Note: If the subject was mostly abstinent, it may be easier to ask about drinking days first, and record these on the calendar.] 36. Date of first drink during period: / / / / / 37. Date of last drink during period: / / / / / "During this period of time, when you were drinking, I'd like to see if your pattern was at all similar from one week to the next, at least for a few of these weeks. I realize that drinking will vary from day to day and from week to week, but I want to know if there was any similarity among weeks. Was there any consistency to your drinking from week to week?" [If NO, skip to page 8. If YES, continue to complete page 6 and, if appropriate, page 7.] "Could you describe for me a usual or typical week of drinking, then. In a typical week, let's start with weekdays - Monday through Friday - what did you normally drink in the morning, from the time you got up until about lunchtime?" [Record] For each drinking period, obtain time estimates to allow BAC calculation. For example: "About what time did you normally have your first drink?... And when did you usually finish the last one?" "Now how about weekday afternoons, including what you drank with lunch up through the afternoon until dinner time - what did you normally drink on weekday afternoons, Monday through Friday?" [Record] "And how about weekday evenings? What did you normally drink with dinner, up through the rest of the evening, until the time you went to sleep?" [Record] Repeat same instructions for weekend days.

30 Form 90-AT: Page 6 P1 STEADY PATTERN CHART 1 Morning Afternoon Evening Total for Day Total SECs Monday Total SECs Tuesday Total SECs Wednesday Total SECs Thursday Total SECs Friday Total SECs Saturday Total SEC Sunday Total number of Standard Drinks (SECs) per week: Estimated BAC peak for Steady Pattern week (mg%): Enter all days of this pattern on calendar as P / /. 39. / / If the above pattern does not describe all drinking weeks, ask: "Now on the other weeks when you were drinking, was your drinking at all the same from week to week?" If YES, complete page 7. If NO, proceed to page 8.

31 Form 90-AT: Page 7 P2 STEADY PATTERN CHART 2 Morning Afternoon Evening Total for Day Total SECs Monday Total SECs Tuesday Total SECs Wednesday Total SECs Thursday Total SECs Friday Total SECs Saturday Total SEC Sunday Total number of Standard Drinks (SECs) per week: Estimated BAC peak for Steady Pattern week (mg%): 40. / /. 41. / / Enter all days of this pattern on calendar as P-2. Proceed to Page 8.

32 Form 90-AT: Page 8 EPISODIC PATTERN CHART INSTRUCTIONS WHEN PAGE 6 (or 6 and 7) HAS BEEN COMPLETED: "Now that we have your regular pattern, I'd like you to tell me about times during this period when your drinking was different from this pattern. [Look at the calendar again, and] Think back over this period. When were times that you had more or less than your regular amount to drink?" INSTRUCTIONS WHEN PAGE 6 AND 7 HAVE BEEN SKIPPED (NO REGULAR PATTERN): "If you didn't have a regular pattern from week to week, tell me about times when you did drink during the period on this calendar." FOLLOW-THROUGH FOR ALL SUBJECTS: [When a particular episode is identified:] "Did that happen more than once during this period?" [If NO, record data directly on the calendar. If YES, record as Episode Type 1 below, and continue:] "[Now, using the calendar,] Which were the days when your drinking was about like that?" [Record E-1 in the middle of those day blocks.] [Continue to probe in this manner for up to two other episode types: E-2 and E-3 days] If no repeated episode types can be identified, proceed to fill in the calendar day by day. E1 Episode Type 1 Beverages and amounts Time to consume: Total SECs 42. / /. Estimated Peak BAC for Episode Type 1 (mg%): 43. / / E2 Episode Type 2 Beverages and amounts Time to consume: Total SECs 44. / /. Estimated Peak BAC for Episode Type 2 (mg%): 45. / /

33 Form 90-AT: Page 9 E3 Episode Type 3 Beverages and amounts Total SECs 46. / /. Time to consume: Estimated Peak BAC for Episode Type 3 (mg%): 47. / / Proceed to fill in any other drinking days on calendar not accounted for by P or E codes. Then identify the THREE HEAVIEST DRINKING DAYS in the calendar. If not P or E days, obtain the time of first drink and last drink, to permit BAC calculation. OTHER DRUG USE "Now I'm going to ask you about other kinds of drugs that people sometimes use. I'd like you to tell me, for each one, whether you have used it at least once during this period." Proceed through list, in order, as presented on page 10. When the subject responds "No" to a category, print zero (0) for that category on page 10. When the subject responds "Yes" to a category, specify the particular drug(s) and route(s) of administration: "During this period, which drug(s) from this group did you use at least once? And how did you take it?" [Record on page 10.] Then specify the frequency of use: "During this period, on how many days would you say you used?" Record frequency information for all drug classes on page 10.

34 Form 90-AT: Page 10 CURRENT USE Days * 48. Tobacco Specify number of cigarettes per day in current period: / / /days 49. Marijuana / / / / 50. Tranquilizers / / 51. Sedatives / / 52. Steroids / / 53. Stimulants / / 54. Cocaine / / 55. Hallucinogens / / 56. Inhalants / / 57. Opiates / / 58. Other Drugs / / * Days = Total number of days in which any drug from the class was used during this follow-up window. Do not include drugs used during prior follow-up windows, but not this window. Do not report drug use that does not qualify [see manual].

35 Form 90-AT: Page 11 REMOTE RECONSTRUCTION Complete only when the period being reconstructed is from a prior missed follow-up (not the most recent period). ALWAYS attempt items 1-37 and 48-58, but highest priority should be given to items and the information below. 59. Indicate the present follow-up period from which reconstruction is being conducted [not the period being reconstructed]. Present follow-up point is: / months If the calendar can be reconstructed with reasonable confidence, do so, to obtain daily consumption data needed for summary statistics. If day-by-day reconstruction is not viable, complete the following procedure instead: 60. / / Total number of Abstinent (A) days in reconstructed period 61. / / Total number of drinking days in same period [Note: must equal Line 2] 62. / / Total number of drinking days with 6 drinks (SECs) or more per day [Use "one drink" graphic if needed] 63. / /. Average SECs per drinking day from the most recent follow-up period (obtain from summary statistics for current period) 64. / / Multiplier (see manual instructions and note * below) 65. / /. Estimated SECs/drinking day in reconstructed period [64 X 63] / / Multiply by line / /. Estimated SECs in reconstructed period * What is needed here is a multiplier which best captures the subject's comparison of these two periods. It is not likely that most subjects could generate this number themselves. Rather the interviewer must make the decision, based on the subject's report. Some examples: Subject's Description Multiplier about half as much.50 about the same 1.00 just a little more 1.10 about half again as much 1.50 twice as much 2.00 four times as much 4.00

36 Form 90-AC (Long Form) Collateral Interview on Drinking SO Name: SO# 1. For period from / / through / / 1a. Number of days in this assessment period: 2. This is: (0)Intake or -month Follow-up 3. Interview conducted: (1) in person (2) by telephone 4. Relationship to client: (1) spouse (6) friend (2) parent (7) girlfriend/boyfriend (3) sibling (8) employer or co-worker (4) child (9) probation officer (5) other family (0) other "Hello. I'm calling from. I would like to ask you a few questions about, who gave us your name as a person who might help us with some information about him/her. As you may know, he/she is participating in a research study designed to learn more about helping people cut down on their alcohol consumption. The information you give me will be completely confidential. It will be used only for our research, and we will not share it with _(client)." 5. "How long have you known?" Number of years: "During the past (3) months [refer to item 1], how often have you been in contact with?" Number of days per month in contact with client: 6. Daily = 30 Weekly = 4 etc. 7. "How have you been in contact during this time?" (1) live together (4) scheduled visits (2) work together e.g., probation) (3) social visits (5) other "Now I'm going to ask you some questions about what has been happening with (client) during this period from up to. [Use dates from line 1] Some of these things you may know about, and some you may not. Just give me the best information you can, and let me know if you're not clear what I'm asking. I also want to remind you that what you say is completely confidential, and won't be shared with (client) or anyone else outside our research project. Do you have any questions before we begin?"

37 Form 90-AC: Page 2 [For "Don't know" responses, leave the item blank. Enter zero (0) responses only when the collateral has knowledge of the item, and indicates that the true number is zero.] TREATMENT/INCARCERATION/LIVING EXPERIENCES "First of all, during this period, to the best of your knowledge, did spend any days in a hospital or treatment program where he/she stayed overnight?" total number of hospital days for medical problems total number of hospital days for detoxification total number of non-hospital residential detox days: total number of ambulatory detox treatment days: total number of residential days for alcohol treatment total number of residential days for other drug problems total residential days for emotional/psych problems Total days in residential treatment during this period: [Sum of Do not include 11] "During this period, did spend any time in jail or prison? total days incarcerated during period 16. Total days in institutions [add ] 17. "During this period, where did live? How many days did live in:" Total number of days in own house, apartment, room: Total number of days living with others (no rent): Total number of days living in halfway house: Total number of days homeless (shelters, etc.): Total of lines must equal Line 1a

38 Form 90-AC: Page 3 "During this period, how many days were there [not including hospital or detox days] when saw a doctor, nurse, nurse-practitioner, or physician's assistant for any kind of medical care?" Total days seen for medical care 22. "During this period, on how many days did have a session with a counselor or therapist?" total number of days for alcohol problems 23. total number of days for other drug problems 24. total days for emotional/psychological problems 25. "During this period, on how many days did attend a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous or another Twelve-Step meeting?" total number of days attending 12-step meetings: [enter 0 if none] 26. OTHER ACTIVITIES WORK: "How many days was paid for working during this period?" WORK days 27. EDUCATION: "How many days was in school or training during this period?" EDUCATION days 28. PERIODS OF ABSTINENCE "Now I'd like to ask you about 's drinking during this same period, from through." "During this period, about how many days were there when had nothing to drink at all?" Days of total abstinence during 90-day period: 29.

39 Form 90-AC: Page 4 [If client was abstinent throughout the assessment period, skip to page 7. Otherwise proceed:] "Do you know about when...." 30. Date of first drink during period: / / 31. Date of last drink during period: / / IF WEEKS OF DRINKING ARE REPORTED, CONTINUE: "What can you tell me about 's drinking during this time? while he/she was drinking? When?" Have you been with Clarify how many weeks the client drank during this period. It is useful to have a calendar at hand for this purpose, even though it is not filled in as part of the interview. This estimate is used in calculating summary statistics (see manual for details). NUMBER OF WEEKS OF DRINKING DURING THIS PERIOD: Proceed to fill in page 5 as possible from collateral's knowledge. Instructions for page 5: "Tell me, as best you can, about a typical drinking week for during this time. For example, what about weekday mornings - Monday through Fridays? What did usually drink from the time he got up, until about lunchtime?" [Record] For each drinking period, obtain time estimates to allow BAC calculation. For example: Continue: "About what time would normally have the first drink?... And when would he/she finish the last one?" "Now how about weekday afternoons, including lunch up through the afternoon until dinner time. What did usually drink on weekday afternoons?" [Record] "And how about weekday evenings? What did usually drink with dinner, up through the rest of the evening, until the time he/she went to sleep?" [Record] Repeat same procedure for weekends: Now what can you tell me about 's drinking on weekends? etc.

40 IF UNABLE TO OBTAIN STEADY PATTERN INFORMATION, PROCEED TO PAGE 6. STEADY PATTERN CHART Form 90-AC: Page 5 Morning Afternoon Evening TOTAL SECs M O N. T U E. W E D. T H U. F R I. S A T. S U N. Total number of Standard Drinks (SECs) per week: Estimated BAC peak for Steady Pattern week (mg%) / / If unable to obtain a typical week of drinking, proceed to page 6.

41 Form 90-AC: Page 6 Instructions for page 6: IF STEADY PATTERN CHART HAS BEEN COMPLETED: "Now tell me about times during this period when [client's] drinking was different from this pattern - when he/she drank more or less than the usual amount. What was his/her drinking like then? What did he/she usually drink?" IF NO STEADY PATTERN: "When did drink during this period, then, what did he/she usually drink?" ALL CASES: "About how many... Over how long a period of time?... And during this period from through, how many times would this have happened?" [Record information on the Episodic Pattern charts] E1 Episode Type 1 Beverages and amounts: Total SECs 34.. Time to consume: Number of E1 episodes in this period: 35. Estimated Peak BAC for Episode Type 1 (mg%): 36. / /

42 Form 90-AC: Page 7 E2 Episode Type 2 Beverages and amounts: Total SECs 37.. Time to consume: Number of E2 episodes in this period: 38. Estimated Peak BAC for Episode Type 2 (mg%): 39. / / E3 Episode Type 3 Beverages and amounts: Total SECs 40.. Time to consume: Number of E3 episodes in this period: 41. Estimated Peak BAC for Episode Type 3 (mg%): 42. / / Highest Peak BAC [Highest of lines 33, 36, 39, or 42] 43. / /

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