TRACKS Lesson Plan. MyPlate and Energy Balance Food For Thought Grades 5 8 Girls Club

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1 TRACKS Lesson Plan MyPlate and Energy Balance Food For Thought Grades 5 8 Girls Club I. Nutrition Education Goal & Objective: Goal 1: Students will comprehend concepts consistent with USDA guidance related to eating and physical activity for good health Objective: As a result of Pennsylvania s SNAP-Ed plan, students will know, understand, analyze, and apply concepts, as developmentally appropriate, that are consistent with USDA guidance about the benefits of: 1. Eating a variety of whole grain products, fruits and vegetables, low fat milk and calcium-rich foods for meals and/or snacks. 2. Being physically active every day as part of a healthy lifestyle. Goal 2: Students will apply skills consistent with USDA guidance related to eating and physical activity for good health. Objective: As a result of Pennsylvania s SNAP-Ed plan, students will be able to: 1. Assess personal health practices. 2. Develop a goal to adopt, maintain, or improve a personal health practice. II. Pennsylvania Educational Standards: A Food Science and Nutrition B. 1.6 Speaking and Listening C Concepts of Health D Healthful Living III. Outcomes: A. Students will summarize the concept of healthy living. B. Students will apply team building skills. C. Students will visualize healthier versions of themselves. D. Students will describe the recommended daily amounts of fruits and vegetables to consume based on MyPlate. E. Students will identify the food groups in MyPlate and foods within each group. IV. Materials: A. Supplies: Colored markers, name tags, stopwatch, portable dry erase board or blackboard/markers or flip chart paper, pictures of various women from internet or magazines Drexel University, GC 1 of 6 Revised 8/2014, Page 1

2 B. Group Eating Rules activity items C. Job cards and container to draw them out of (index cards with specific tasks needed to prepare the snack) D. Visuals: MyPlate Poster E. MyPlate food group card set, felt board, or pocket model F. National Dairy Council Food Models corresponding to the chosen model above G. Balance beam scale H. Legos or similar style blocks (two colors, same sizes, rectangle or square) I. Signs: Energy In and Energy Out J. Wrap ingredients for taste testing: whole wheat tortillas, turkey, cheese, salsa, water K. Supplies for taste-testing: Serving bowls and spoons, paper napkins/plates, cups, trash bag, tablecloth L. Gloves and Antibacterial wipes/gel M. Reinforcement that conveys the appropriate nutrition message N. Caregiver Newsletter V. Procedure: A. Introductory: 1. Icebreaker a. Invite the girls to get a blank name tag and make their own personal design. Please include the name they would like to be called, written legibly, and any other designs or pictures they would like to draw. b. Have the girls pair up with someone next to them. Each pair will introduce each other to the rest of the group, saying their names and something unique about them (favorite food, where born, favorite place to shop etc.) c. Comment on the uniqueness and special qualities of the girls within the group. d. Welcome the girls to this special, all girls program. e. Explain that this program is all about helping girls their age to be the healthiest possible - on the inside and the outside. f. Emphasize that this is their club and that each week we ll be focusing on one theme. We ll have games, fun, and some kind of healthy snack we prepare ourselves. 2. Welcome: Establishing Group Rules and Selecting Group Name a. First thing we need to do is name the group. i. Accept nominations for group names ii. List names on board or flip chart iii. Vote on group name. b. Since this is their club, the girls can also decide on group rules. Write suggestions on the board or flip chart. Example: Rules of the Club i. No fighting ii. Stay in seat iii. One person speaks at a time iv. Show sympathy, compassion, respect v. Respect leaders vi. No foul language Drexel University, GC 1 of 6 Revised 8/2014, Page 2

3 vii. No singing out loud viii. No arguing ix. No name calling x. No calling out raise your hand B. Developmental: 1. Activity 1: What makes a healthy girl? a. Explain that you are going to take a survey about healthy girls and you need their help. b. Ask for ideas about what makes a person healthy (Examples: great hair, being thin, smiles a lot, likes to play sports, looks good in clothes, confident, eats a lot of fruit, big boned etc.). c. As each suggestion is made, tell the girls to go to one side of the room if they agree and the other side if they don t agree. d. Discuss and summarize results. e. Now that they have generated some opinions, show some pictures of woman in magazines (should be various sizes and ethnicities). Ask the girls to categorize each woman as healthy or unhealthy and place them into piles as they decide. f. After all pictures are assigned a category, ask each team to explain what characteristics of each made them place the picture in a particular category. g. Discussion points: i. Is it possible to be in both categories? ii. Was it hard to decide based only on appearance? iii. Were all the women in each category the same size? iv. Does size determine health? h. Main ideas i. Healthy doesn t just mean you look good from the outside, though appearance can be a part of health ii. There are lots of things that determine our health, many on the inside (do we get enough nutrients to make our organs work properly? Do we feel good? Are we happy?) iii. Sometimes we can t change our body shape easily, but you can celebrate the uniqueness of your body shape and shape up the body you do have and make it a healthier version. i. In this club we will learn about lots of ways to be healthy. The three main things to remember are: i. Eating healthy ii. Moving more iii. Thinking positively about yourself 2. Briefly discuss MyPlate Poster a. MyPlate is a tool that reminds us how to eat healthfully. It shows the five food groups and how they can be arranged on your plate to build a healthy meal. MyPlate can help you visualize what foods and how much to eat at each meal. Drexel University, GC 1 of 6 Revised 8/2014, Page 3

4 b. Discuss the food groups. How many are there? What are the names of the groups? What foods and/or drinks fit into these groups? Explain why it is important to consume foods from each food group. o Grains: Make half at least your grains whole o Fruits and Vegetables: Make half your plate fruits and vegetables o Dairy: Switch to skim (fat-free) or 1% milk o Protein Vary your protein food choices c. Physical Activity - Girls their age should be physically active every day for at least 60 minutes by doing all kinds of activities. Have them name physical activities. i. Use the balance scale to demonstrate the importance of physical activity and healthy eating. Explain that our bodies are constantly balancing the food we eat and the exercise we do, just like this scale balances whatever is placed on it. ii. Have a student place a green lego in the IN basket. This represents calories we take in from our foods and drinks iii. Have another student place a red lego in the OUT basket. This represents calories burned off by physical activity. iv. Our bodies like balance, in=out. v. Add more green legos to show an imbalance, eating more calories than we burn. Explain that this leads to weight gain. vi. Add more red legos to tip the scale towards the OUT basket. This is another type of imbalance, burning off more calories than we take in. This leads to weight loss. 3. Key Messages: There are several key messages that go along with MyPlate based on the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The messages are grouped into three areas where you can start making changes to work toward a healthy diet and lifestyle. a. Balancing Calories i. Enjoy your food, but eat less ii. Avoid oversized portions b. Foods to Increase i. Make half your plate fruits and vegetables ii. Make at least half your grains whole grains iii. Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk c. Foods to Reduce i. Cut back on foods high in solid fats and added sugars (SoFAS), and salt (sodium) Added sugars and fats load foods with extra calories you don t need. Too much sodium may increase your blood pressure. Ask students to name examples of foods containing solid fat, added sugar, or sodium. Examples include cakes, cookies, ice cream, candies, sweetened drinks, pizza, and fatty meats like ribs, sausages, bacon, and hot dogs. Use these foods as occasional treats, not everyday foods. ii. Compare sodium in foods like soup, bread, and frozen meals, and choose the foods with lower numbers. iii. Drink water instead of sugary drinks. Drexel University, GC 1 of 6 Revised 8/2014, Page 4

5 4. Activity 2: Find the Food Group a. Set up the MyPlate food group cards or food model cards on a large, flat area. b. If there are two sets, set them both up in different areas, one for each team. Otherwise, have the group work together as one team. c. Give each team an identical group of cards or food models. d. When you say go, each team should work together to put all of their foods on the correct food group card. Use a stopwatch to keep the time (may need one for each group). The group should try to be fast and accurate since foods placed in the wrong group can count against them! e. When all the foods are placed, the girls should all sit down so the educator knows they are done. f. When both groups are done, the educator will go through the foods and make sure they were placed in the correct groups. A time penalty can be given for each incorrect food or the team can have a chance to fix them. g. Whichever team ends up with the shortest time wins the game. If there is only one team, have them repeat the activity to see if they can beat their fastest time. h. ALTERNATE OPTIONS: Follow the same procedure above, using the pocket model or felt version of MyPlate C. Concluding: 1. Discuss one goal the group can set for the upcoming week. Make it something realistic and attainable (Example: We will try to get some exercise at least twice next week). Write this goal down so it can be discussed next week. 2. Distribute the reinforcement, read the message and/or explain why they are getting the reinforcement. 3. Distribute Caregiver Newsletter. Explain that this should be shared with family or friends at home. 4. Thank girls for coming. Remind them to think of ways to be healthier this week. Eat healthy, move more, and think positively about yourself. D. Taste testing: MyPlate Wrap-Up 1. Group Eating Rules a. Explain: Since we will be making and tasting some healthy foods at the end of each club we need to remember some important eating rules. b. See Teaching Aids below to print out words contained in the three eating rules. Cut out each word separately and mix them up. Place them on the floor or table. c. There are 3 basic rules when eating. Work together to unscramble the words to figure out the Girl s Club eating rules: i. Sit Down ii. Slow Down iii. Savor and Enjoy Drexel University, GC 1 of 6 Revised 8/2014, Page 5

6 2. These are important to remember every time we eat so we can enjoy our food and not make ourselves too full. 3. Give out job cards to divide preparation tasks. 4. Students are to wash hands or use antibacterial wipes/gel 5. Make wraps using whole wheat tortillas, turkey, cheese, and salsa. Pairs of students can share a wrap. 6. Sit down, slow down, savor and enjoy! 7. Illustrate connection between the sandwich and MyPlate. Discuss what food groups the ingredients of the wraps belong in. 8. Everyone should help clean up by putting things in trash bag and cleaning up any spills or dropped food. Drexel University, GC 1 of 6 Revised 8/2014, Page 6

7 JOB CARDS FOR SNACK PREPARATION (cut out and place in container to be drawn at random) 1. Spread out the tablecloth 2. Arrange the plates, cups and napkins in piles on the serving table 3. Open the tortillas and place them all on a plate. Cut them in half. 5. Open the salsa, pour it into a bowl, and add a spoon. 7. You are the clean up patrol. Help collect garbage and make sure there are no spills or dropped food. 4. Open the cheese and pour it into a bowl. Add a spoon to the bowl. 6. Pour a cup of water for each girl. Be careful not to spill! Drexel University, GC 1 of 6 Revised 8/2014, Page 7

8 Teaching Aid Word Scramble Sit Down Slow Down Savor and Enjoy Drexel University, GC 1 of 6 Revised 8/2014, Page 8

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