INDEX. Index. in this web service Cambridge University Press

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1 INDEX A absorption problems, 63 4 acetylcholine and extrapyramidal side effects, memory pathways, action potentials, ion flow, aggression in dementia, citalopram for, link to orbital frontal cortex, 41 2 agitation, citalopram for, agomelatine, agoraphobia, alcoholism naltrexone for, reduced-risk drinking, allodynia, symptoms of, Alzheimer s disease (AD) and renal failure, contraindications, beta amyloid accumulation in brain, biomarkers for early detection, diagnosis of, L-methyl-folate efficacy, medications for smokers, order of symptoms, amantadine, for tardive dyskinesia, 75 6 amitriptyline, for fibromyalgia, amygdala and dopamine release, 277 8, and re-experiencing of PTSD symptoms, and suicidality, 81 2 anterior cingulate cortex, 232 and selective attention, antioxidant levels, increase in, antipsychotics bypassing absorption problems, 63 4 Del allele carriers response to, least likely to cause sedation, 67 8 therapeutic and side-effect profile, 47 8 weight gain and metabolic issues, 65 6, 77 8 anxiety and breathing difficulty, genes responsible for, apathy brain regions involved in, SSRI-induced indifference, apoptosis, 13 14, aripiprazole, 67 8, , asenapine, 63 4, 77 8 atomoxetine, 95 6, dose adjustment for liverdamaged patient, interaction with paroxetine, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) adult symptoms, identification of, and rapid discontinuation of clonidine, and substance use, atomoxetine and abuse potential, in this web service

2 312 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (cont.) atomoxetine-paroxetine interaction, cortical maturation, children, lisdexamfetamine for adults, pulsatile stimulation leading to abuse, selective attention test, stimulant treatment for children, sustained attention, brain region involved in, axoaxonal connections, cell pairing, 9 10 axonal transport, 5 6 B basal forebrain, role in memory, benztropine, 75 6 beta adrenergic blockers, preemptive treatment for PTSD, beta-amyloid protein, accumulation in AD brain, biomarkers for early detection of AD, bipolar disorder brain area involved in symptoms, clinical course of, glutamate release, drugs reducing, medication during pregnancy, monoamine projections accounting for mania, mood stabilizer mechanism, rapid-cycling, medication for, recommended pharmacologic treatment, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), reduced in chronic stress conditions, breast secretions, explanation for, breathing difficulty, parabrachial nucleus, buprenorphine, opioid addiction, bupropion and modafinil, depression treatment, contraindicated with phenelzine, buspirone, C caffeine consumption, night shift workers, cannabinoid CB1 receptor antagonism, catechol-o-methyltransferase (COMT) gene, 102 and depression, and susceptibility to worry and anxiety disorders, CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy), for PTSD, chandelier neurons, axoaxonal connections, 9 10 chemical burn, afferent neuron response, cholinesterase inhibitors, Alzheimer s disease, chronic stress, effect on BDNF production and hippocampal volume, circadian rhythm agomelatine, role in modulating, effect of night shift work, phase-advanced, treatment for, role of melatonin, 31 2 classic synaptic neurotransmission, clomipramine overdose, effects of, 95 6 clonazepam, dose for panic disorder, in this web service

3 clonidine, effects of rapid discontinuation of, clozapine, side effects, codeine, effects of paroxetine on efficacy of, cognitive dysfunction depression-executive dysfunction, effect of milnacipran, in bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, cognitive flexibility, role of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, cognitive performance in narcolepsy, cognitive restructuring therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), for PTSD, COMT gene, 102, , conventional antipsychotics, profile of, 47 8 corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) gene expression, cross-titration, 69 70, 73 4 CYP450 1A2 enzyme inhibition by fluvoxamine, 97 8 smoking inducing, CYP450 2D6 enzyme inhibition, paroxetine, CYP450 enzymes, mirtazapine interaction, D D2 receptors, upregulation, 27 8 dementia citalopram for agitation and aggression, depression-executive dysfunction, depolarization, NMDA receptors, 35 6 depression-executive dysfunction, desvenlafaxine for VMS in depression, 87 8 diabetic peripheral neuropathy, donepezil, 75 6, 262, dopamine 2 receptor gene (DRD2), dopamine 2 receptor upregulation impetus for, 27 8 tardive dyskinesia, 45 6 dopamine deficiency causing daytime sleepiness, in prefrontal cortex, dopamine partial agonists (DPAs), switching to, 73 4 dopamine release due to natural highs, from amygdala to VTA, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and sustained attention, role in cognitive flexibility, doxepin, effects of higher doses, drug hangover effect, drug tolerance, duloxetine, and chronic hepatitis, avoidance of, E electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), epigenetics, 33 4 escitalopram, eszopiclone for sleep cycle problems, plus sertraline for GAD, extrapyramidal side effects (EPS), adjunct medication, F fetus, neurogenesis stage, fibromyalgia, 183 4, milnacipran benefits, in this web service

4 314 fibromyalgia (cont.) pregabalin, molecular action, second-line monotherapy, fluoxetine, 103 4, G G protein coupling, 25 6 GABA-A receptors and sleep cycle disturbances, involved in panic attacks, gabapentin, galantamine, 261 2, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), buspirone, mechanism of, effect on BDNF and hippocampal volume, eszopiclone plus sertraline, genetics COMT and MTHFR genes and depression, COMT Met genotype and anxiety, CRH gene and early-life stress, Del allele carriers, glutamate release drugs reducing, from pyramidal neurons, 91 2 glutamate, activating NMDA receptors, 35 6 glutamate-serotonin interactions, glycine, NMDA receptor activation, 35 6 H hallucinations, 25 6, 61 2 haloperidol, hepatitis, duloxetine contraindicated, hippocampus role in PTSD, volume decreased by chronic stress, histamine 1 (H1) receptor blockade and weight gain, 89 90, homeostatic (sleep) drive, unaffected by night shift work, homocysteine levels and AD, HPA axis functioning, changes caused by severe early-life stress, hyperalgesia, hypertension and rapid discontinuation of clonidine, tranylcypromine-tyramine reaction, 93 4 hypothalamus link to apathy, weight gain and insomnia, link to sleep problems, I ibuprofen and lithium toxicity, inefficacy for fibromyalgia, iloperidone for prevention of orthostatic hypotension, 55 6 weight and metabolic profiles, 77 8 indifference, SSRI-induced, infection, side effects of, insomnia and anxiety, treatment for, brain region associated with, trazodone for, ion channels, transmembrane, 23 4 ion flow during action potential, in this web service

5 K kinase phosphorylation of CREB, 25 6 L lamotrigine, , and quetiapine for bipolar disorder, reducing glutamate release, ligand-gated ion channels, 23 4 NMDA receptors, activation of, 35 6 lisdexamfetamine, adult ADHD, lithium, contraindicated in pregnancy, increasing antioxidant levels, toxic when combined with ibuprofen, liver damage atomoxetine dose adjustment, duloxetine contraindicated, L-methylfolate (MTHF) boosting efficacy of antidepressants, efficacy in Alzheimer s disease, lurasidone, 77 8 M mania symptoms, monoamine projections resulting in, marijuana abuse, rimonabant, medication absorption problems, 63 4 melatonin, 31 2, , memantine, properties useful in treating AD, memory brain regions involved in, re-experiencing of, menopause and depression, 87 8 meperidine, contraindicated with MAOIs, mesolimbic pathway, dopamine release, migraines in children, topiramate, milnacipran, mirtazapine CYP450 enzyme interaction, weight gain side effect, mitochondrial dysfunction, modafinil + bupropion, depression treatment, monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) opioids contraindicated, reaction with tyramine in food, 93 4 monoamine projections and mania symptoms, monoamine synthesis, L-methylfolate, MTHFR gene, role in depression, mu-opioid receptors, naltrexone blocking, , 292 muscarinic 1 antagonism, EPS relief, N naltrexone for alcoholism, mechanism of action, narcolepsy, role of stimulants, natural highs, dopamine release, necrosis, nerve growth factor (NGF), 21 2 neurogenesis, fetal, neurons, signal transduction, 1 2 neuropathic pain, and chronic hepatitis, avoidance of duloxetine, in this web service

6 316 neuropathic pain (cont.) milnacipran for, neuroscience action potentials, nerve growth factor (NGF), 21 2 neurogenesis, fetal, neurotransmission, 19 20, 21 2 protein synthesis, site of, 3 4 receptor speed, 5 6 signal transduction, site of, 1 2 synapses, scaffolding process, neurotransmission, 19 20, 21 2, 27 8 agoraphobia, circadian rhythm, 31 2 dementia, pain relief, nicotine cravings, recovery from, night shift workers, caffeine consumption, nitric oxide synthetase (NOS) inhibition and sexual dysfunction, 85 6 N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) memantine and treatment of AD, receptor activation, 35 6 nociceptive neuronal activity, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), lithium toxicity, nucleus accumbens, 41 2, 81 2, 133 4, , O obesity value of rimonabant, olanzapine, , 146 effects of higher doses, 51 2 effects of smoking on efficacy of, 61 2, hypnotic effect of, opiate addiction buprenorphine treatment, recovery potential, opioids contraindicated with MAOIs, paroxetine and codeine efficacy, orbital frontal cortex aggressive symptoms, 41 2 and mania symptoms, impulsivity regulation, 232 orthostatic hypotension, 55 6 P pain allodynia, symptoms of, chemical burn, neuron response, continued experience of, diabetic peripheral neuropathy, inconsistent effects of SSRIs, paliperidone, 63 4, 67 8 panic attacks/panic disorder, clonazepam dosage, GABA-A receptors involved in, neurotransmitters implicated in, parabrachial nucleus, respiration regulation, paroxetine and atomoxetine interaction, and decreased effectiveness of codeine, for PTSD, pharmacokinetics of, 85 6 periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD), perphenazine, 49 50, 67 8 phase-advanced circadian rhythms, treatment for, in this web service

7 phasic/pulsatile vs. tonic/sustained stimulation, polysomnograph test for PLMD/ PLMS, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and comorbid SUD, safety therapy, anxiolytic effects of sertraline, brain regions involved in, cognitive restructuring therapy, fear extinction therapy, first-line treatment, preemptive treatment for, stress diathesis hypothesis, prefrontal cortex and memory, atomoxetine inhibiting NET, decreased dopamine, overactivity, treatment for, 91 2 pyramidal cells, 7 8 pregabalin, 193 4, 197 8, pregnancy bipolar disorder medication, fetal neurogenesis, prolactin release, explanation for, propranolol preempting development of PTSD, protein synthesis, site of, 3 4 proteins, direction and speed of discarded, 5 6 psychosis brain region linked to aggression, 41 2 detecting negative symptoms, 37 8 pyramidal cells/neurons, 7 8 axoaxonal connections, 9 10 glutamate release, 91 2 Q quetiapine and lamotrigine for bipolar disorder, receptor blockade causing weight gain, relieving breast secretions, R rapid-cycling bipolar disorder, valproate, reduced-risk drinking, relapse, depression, reserpine, 75 6 respiration difficulties, anxiety, retrograde neurotransmission, 21 2 reward brain circuits, rimonabant, risperidone, 63 4, 65 6 cross-titration as switching method, target therapeutic dose for adolescent, 71 2 rivastigmine, 261 2, rough endoplasmic reticulum, protein synthesis, 3 4 S safety therapy, comorbid SUD and PTSD, scaffolding, synapses, schizophrenia and extrapyramidal side effects (EPS), cognitive functioning in, development of tardive dyskinesia, 45 6 early neurogenesis regulated by DISC-1 protein, 43 4 effects of higher doses of olanzapine, 51 2 hallucinogenic effect of smoking, 61 2 iloperidone for prevention of orthostatic hypotension, in this web service

8 318 schizophrenia (cont.) medication absorption problems, 63 4 medication least likely to cause sedation, 67 8 serotonin 2A antagonism, 53 4 target therapeutic dose for adolescent, 71 2 sedation, lowest risk medication, 67 8 selective attention, test of, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) benefits of adding to hypnotics, inconsistent effects on pain, indifference induced by, meperidine contraindicated with MAOIs, serotonin 1A receptors, effect of buspirone, serotonin 2A antagonism, 53 4, serotonin 2C antagonism and agomelatine binding, and weight gain, 57 8, 89 90, serotonin 5HT7 receptors, function of, serotonin antagonist/reuptake inhibitors (SARIs), 91 2 serotonin dopamine antagonists (SDAs), switching from, 73 4 serotonin transporter (SERT) gene, sertraline anxiolytic effects of, plus eszopiclone for GAD, sexual dysfunction due to NOS inhibition, 85 6 treatment combination for, signal transduction site, neurons, 1 2 sleep problems daytime sleepiness and dopamine deficiency, eszopiclone treatment, hypnotic effect of olanzapine, hypothalamus linked to, 133 4, narcolepsy, cognitive performance restored with stimulants, sertraline plus eszopiclone for GAD, sleep/wake switch, treatment for resetting, trazodone for inducing sleep, smoking cessation, pharmacologic therapy, recovery from nicotine addiction, reducing olanzapine efficacy, therapeutic value of rimonabant, social anxiety disorder, stimulants for ADHD in children, phasic/pulsatile delivery leading to abuse, restoring cognitive performance in narcolepsy, stress and changes in HPA axis functioning, and hippocampal volume decrease, stress diathesis hypothesis, PTSD, Stroop task, selective attention test, substance abuse and comorbid ADHD, preferred treatment order, substance abuse and comorbid PTSD, therapy for, in this web service

9 suicidality, role of amygdala, 81 2 suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), 31 2 treatment for resetting, sustained attention, brain region involved in, synapses, scaffolding process, T tardive dyskinesia, 45 6, 75 6 theophylline, inhibition by fluvoxamine, 97 8 titration schedules iloperidone, 55 6 varenicline, when adding lamotrigine to valproate, ziprasidone, topiramate, for migraine, dose range for children, tranylcypromine, tyramine reaction, 93 4 trazodone, 103 4, tyramine in food, reaction with MAOIs, 93 4 U unipolar depression antipsychotic drug response, Del allele carriers, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), clomipramine overdose, effects of, 95 6 COMT and MTHFR genes, desvenlafaxine for VMS, 87 8 electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) for, fluoxetine for, fluvoxamine and theophylline, 97 8 L-methylfolate, value of, V mirtazapine, CYP450 enzyme interaction, relapse, symptom renewal, SARIs moderating glutamate release, 91 2 sexual dysfunction as medication side effect, 85 6, SSRIs, indifference induced by, suicidality, role of amygdala, 81 2 symptoms, cause of, 83 4 tranylcypromine, tyramine reaction, 93 4 weight gain, mirtazapine side effect, valproate, contraindicated in pregnancy, for rapid-cycling bipolar disorder, reduction of glutamate release, varenicline, smoking cessation, vasomotor symptoms (VMSs), desvenlafaxine, 87 8 venlafaxine, 95 6 ventral tegmental area (VTA), dopamine release from amygdala, ventromedial prefrontal cortex, link to mania symptoms, voltage-sensitive calcium channels (VSCCs) and excessive stimulation of glutamate release, and pain alleviation, voltage-sensitive sodium channels (VSSCs) drugs blocking, 96, pain transduction and conduction, in this web service

10 W weight gain and antipsychotics, 65 6, 77 8 and inefficient information processing in hypothalamus, due to antagonism of serotonin 2C receptors, 57 8 Z mirtazapine causing, quetiapine inducing receptor blockade, topiramate dosage for children, ziprasidone, 65 6, , in this web service


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