Supplementary Figure 1. Verification of drug infusions into the IPN. a. Representative

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1 Supplementary Figure 1. Verifiation of drug infusions into the IPN. a. Representative neutral red-stained oronal setion from a mouse with a guide annula targeting the IPN. The guide annula sar is irled in magenta (note that the infusion annula projets 0.25 mm beyond the guide annula). The stereotati oordinates from bregma in mm are indiated below the photo. Brain atlas demarations are overlaid onto the oronal setion (white lines). b. Eah magenta irle represents an individual guide annula plaement for a mouse that reeived miro-infusions into the IPN. Note that for larity, not every annula plaement is shown. Guide annula plaements were verified as indiated in Methods and Results setions.

2 Supplementary Figure 2. Meamylamine infusion into the VTA does not indue anxiety in niotine-dependent mie. a. Average number of marbles buried in ontrol and hroni niotine treated mie after saline (1.5 l, n = 9 mie/group) or meamylamine (3 g, n = 9 and 8, respetively) infusion into the VTA. b. Average time spent in the open arms of the EPM in ontrol or hroni niotine-treated mie after a VTA infusion of saline (n = 9 mie/group) or meamylamine (n = 9 and 8, respetively).. Average total arm entries in ontrol or hroni niotine treated animals after a VTA infusion of saline or meamylamine as in panel b. d. Illustration depiting a mouse brain oronal setion. Guide annula sar is irled. e. Eah magenta irle represents an individual guide annula plaement for a mouse that reeived miro-infusions into the VTA. Guide annula plaements were verified as in Fig. S2. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM.

3 Supplementary Figure 3. Meamylamine infusion into the MnR does not indue anxiety in niotine-dependent mie. a. Average number of marbles buried in ontrol and hroni niotine treated mie after saline (1.5 l, n = 8 mie/group) or meamylamine (3 g, n = 11 and 10, respetively) infusion into the MnR. Two-way ANOVA: signifiant effet of infusion (F 1,33 = 6.23, p = 0.018) but not hroni treatment nor an interation. b. Average time spent in the open arms of the EPM in ontrol or hroni niotine-treated mie after a MnR infusion of saline (n = 8 mie/group) or meamylamine (n = 11 and 10, respetively).. Average total arm entries in ontrol or hroni niotine-treated animals. d. Illustration depiting a mouse brain oronal setion. Guide annula sar is irled. e. Eah magenta irle represents an individual guide annula plaement for a mouse that reeived miro-infusions into the MnR. Guide annula plaements were verified as in Supplementary Fig. 2. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM.

4 a b Supplementary Figure 4. Systemi antalarmin redues anxiety during niotine withdrawal. a. Average number of marbles buried in ontrol and hroni niotinetreated mie after an i.p. injetion of vehile (n = 24 mie/group) or antalarmin (10 mg/kg, n = 7 mie/group) prior to i.p. saline or meamylamine (3 mg/kg). Two-way ANOVA: Chroni treatment F 1, 69 = 8.795, p = , treatment x drug interation F 2, 69 = 4.26, p = b. Average time spent in the open arms of the EPM in ontrol or hroni niotine-treated mie after an i.p. injetion of vehile (n = 10 and 11, respetively) or antalarmin prior (n = 14 and 7, respetively) to i.p. saline or meamylamine. Two-way ANOVA: Drug F 2, 50 =8.82, p = , Chroni treatment F 1, 50=4.83, p = 0.033, treatment x drug interation F 2, 50 = 4.09, p = Average total arm entries in ontrol or hroni niotine-treated animals after an i.p. injetion of saline or antalarmin prior to i.p. saline or meamylamine. Two-way ANOVA: Drug F 2, 50 =3.76, p = Data are expressed as mean ± SEM. *p<0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p<0.01. ^p<0.05 ompared to ontrol mie under the same onditions.

5 a Type 1 b Type 2-60 mv -80 mv Current (pa) 1.5 s 20 Voltage (mv) Type 1 Type 2 d Current (pa) e -60 DNA ladder Type2 Type1 (-) trl f % Positive Single-ell rtpcr Reations Voltage (mv) CRF1 Reeptor Expression 0 Type 1 Type 2 Supplementary Figure 5. Charaterization of IPI neurons. Representative family of voltage traes from a. IPI Type 1 and b. IPI Type 2 neurons under urrent lamp. From resting membrane potential, urrent was injeted in 10 pa steps for 1.5 s as indiated.. Current-voltage relationship of Type 1 and Type 2 IPI neurons at hyperpolarized potentials between -70 and -120 mv (n = neurons/type). d. Current-voltage relationship of Type 1 and Type 2 IPI neurons from potentials between -60 and 120 mv

6 (n = neurons/type). e. Representative gel illustrating CRF1 reeptor expression from a single Type 1 and Type 2 neuron measured via RT-PCR after path-lamp reording. f. Bar graphs indiate perent of path-lamped Type 1 or Type 2 neurons that expressed CRF1 reeptor mrna as measured by single neuronal RT-PCR. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM.

7 a Baseline CRF b EPSC Frequeny (% of Control) * 0 Baseline CRF Wash 250 EPSC Amplitude (% of Control) Baseline CRF Wash d e Control Baseline CRF Wash AP5 Niotine Niotine + Antalarmin

8 Supplementary Figure 6. CRF modulation of sepsc and NMDA reeptors. a. Representative whole-ell voltage lamp reordings from Type 2 neurons within the IPI of niotine withdrawn slies in response to 250 nm CRF. Average sepsc (b.) frequeny and (.) amplitude at baseline, after a 5-minute appliation of CRF, and after washout from Type 2 IPI neurons (n = 5, One-way ANOVA with repeated measures: Frequeny, p = 0.024; Amplitude, NS). d. Representative eletrially evoked NMDA urrents from IPI neurons reorded in slies from niotine naïve (top, Control) and hroni niotine-treated (middle, Niotine) mie. NMDA urrent (V m = +40 mv) at baseline, after 5 min appliation of 250 nm CRF, and after 10 min washout are shown. Bottom, representative eletrially evoked NMDA urrent from IPI neurons as desribed above exept in the presene of antalarmin. Evoked urrents were abolished in the presene of AP5 (10 M, inset). Stimulation artifats were removed for larity. e. Average fold-hange of peak evoked NMDA urrent in response to CRF (CRF response normalized to baseline) for ontrol, hroni niotine slies, and hroni niotine slies in the presene of antalarmin. (n = 10, 8, and 8 neurons, respetively. Control vs. Niotine: t 16 = 3.27, p = , two-tailed Student s t-test. Niotine vs. Niotine+Antalarmin: t 14 = 3.44, p = 0.004). Data are expressed as mean ± SEM. *p < 0.05, **p <

9 a b AAV2 MHb 4 weeks ChAT-re C h r o n i d 3 days N i o t i n e e f Spontaneous/Preipitated Withdrawal Supplementary Figure 7. Experimental paradigm for Halorhodopsin expression in MHb. a. Depition of experimental strategy for expression of halorhodopsin seletively in holinergi neurons of the MHb. The AAV-Ef1A-DIO-eNpHR-eYFP plasmid (top) allows for expression of halorhodopsin in neurons that express re reombinase. The plasmid was pakaged into AAV2 viral partiles and injeted bilaterally in the MHb of ChAT-re

10 mie. Mie were then hronially treated with niotine for 4 weeks. Opti annulas targeting the MHb projetions to the IPN were implanted and experiments examining ativation of the IPI during meamylamine-preipitated withdrawal or anxiety-like behavior during spontaneous niotine withdrawal were onduted three days later. b. Representative whole-ell reordings from eyfp-positive MHb neurons under voltagelamp (top) or urrent-lamp (bottom) in slies taken from enphr-eyfp infeted ChATre mie. Halorhodopsin was ativated by 593 nm light indiated by the yellow bars. Top sale bar: x=100 pa, y=10s. Bottom sale bar: 50 mv. Baseline anxiety-like behavior in the. MBT and d. EPM. in ontrol-virus and enphr-eyfp-infeted ChATre mie during hroni niotine treatment. e. Total arm entries from mie in panel d. f. Total arm entries in the EPM for mie in Figure 6f.

11 a b MHb d MHb IPN e 4 weeks ChAT-re C h r o n i 3 days N i o t i n e f Spontaneous Withdrawal Supplementary Figure 8. Stimulation of MHb-IPN terminals does not redue anxietylike behavior in niotine dependent mie. a. Experimental strategy for expression of hannelrhodopsin in MHb ChAT neurons. AAV-Ef1A-DIO-ChR2-eYFP plasmid was pakaged into AAV2 viral partiles and injeted into the MHb of ChAT-re mie. b. Representative photomirographs from representative MHb (top) and IPN (bottom)

12 oronal setions from ChAT-re mie expressing ChR2-eYFP four weeks post-injetion.. Blue light-indued (blue bar = 2 ms light pulse) ation potentials in MHb neurons expressing ChR2. Reordings were done in ell-attahed path-lamp mode. Sale bar: x = 50 ms, y = 20 pa. d. Number of marbles buried in niotine-dependent, nonwithdrawn (Niotine) or niotine-dependent, spontaneous withdrawn ChAT-re mie (Withdrawal) expressing either ontrol virus (Control, n = 9 and 12, respetively) or hannelrhodopsin (ChR2-eYFP, n = 9). Behaviors in all groups were measured during light stimulation. Stimulation paradigm: 5 Hz, 50 ms pulse width, 35 m light-on epohs. e. Time spent on the open arms of the EPM in niotine-dependent, non-withdrawn (Niotine) or niotine-dependent, spontaneous withdrawn ChAT-re mie (Withdrawal) expressing either ontrol virus (Control, n = 9 and 12, respetively) or ChR2-eYFP (n = 9 and 8, respetively). Behaviors in all groups were done during light stimulation. f. total arm entries in the EPM for eah group. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM. Two-way ANOVA. ***p < 0.001, signifiant main effet of withdrawal state only (MBT: F 1, 34 = EPM: F 1, 34 = 187.7).

13 a VTA DAergi Neuron TH-re b VTA VTA IPDL IPR IPDL IPL IPI IPC IPL IPI Supplementary Figure 9. A population of DAergi VTA neurons projet to ventral IPN forming a meso-interpedunular iruit. a. Experimental strategy for expression of hannelrhodopsin in VTA DAergi neurons. AAV-Ef1A-DIO-ChR2-eYFP plasmid was pakaged into AAV2 viral partiles and injeted into the VTA of TH-re mie. Three to four weeks post-injetion, VTA DAergi neurons robustly expressed ChR2 as indiated by blue light-indued inward urrents under voltage-lamp at -70 mv (right). Sale bar: y = 200 pa, x = 1 s. b. Photomirographs depiting eyfp signal in the VTA and IPN of TH-re mie after unilateral injetion of AAV2-ChR2-eYFP viral partiles in the VTA. Sale bar: 200 m.

14 Supplementary Table 1. Average sepsc frequeny and amplitude from data in Figure 4 Neuron Type 1 Neuron Type 2 Mean sepsc Frequeny ± SEM (Hz) Treatment Baseline Response Wash Baseline Response Wash CRF 4.43± ± ± ± ±1.25* 2.36±0.92 Antalarmin 2.58± ± ± ± ±0.43** 1.99±0.55 Mean sepsc Amplitude ± SEM (pa) CRF 10.76± ± ±1.82 Antalarmin 12.03± ± ± ± ± ± 1.97** 10.86± ± 1.01** 12.57±1.90 * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, drug treatment ompared to baseline, One-way ANOVA with repeated measures, Bonferroni post-ho

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