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1 Chapter 1 : 4 Effective At-Home Weight-Loss Workouts! With full body workout routine for weight loss at home you can achieve the body that you want. Home exercises are very popular these days and have many benefits. You can do these exercises for free, without paying a membership or waiting for the free equipment in the fitness. Exercise Video Start by standing in front of a stability ball back facing ball and putting your left foot on top of the ball. Contract your abdominal muscles drawing your belly button in towards your spine, bend your right knee and lunge. The stability ball will roll backward and your shin will move across the ball. Focus on rolling the ball backward from your pelvis, not your foot. Roll the ball to the starting position. Repeat one set on the right leg before changing over to the left. Exercise Video Lie with on your tummy on a stability ball, place feet against a sturdy object e. Squeeze your glutes and raise your torso up until your body forms a straight line. Hold briefly and with control lower back to starting position. Keep your movements small and controlled. Exercise Video Grasp a dumbbell in each hand and lie with your upper back on a stability ball. Raise your hips so that your body forms a straight line from knees to shoulders. Push your weight into your heels to keep your hips raised and glutes engaged during the move. Extend your arms straight out above your head, and hold the dumbbells so that the palms of your hands are facing each other. This is your starting position. Without moving your upper arms, slowly and with control bend your elbows, lowering the dumbbells until your forearms are beyond parallel to the floor. Raise your arms back to starting position. If your elbows hurt, decrease the weight or the amount of repetitions. Exercise Video Place the stability ball against a wall, stand about a foot in front of it and rest your lower back against the ball, hands on hips. Raise your right leg. This is your starting position Squat down by bending left leg, gently rolling ball down the wall. Rise up, returning to starting position. Complete one set on the same side before repeating on the other side. Contract your abs to improve balance. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Put your right foot in front your left knee and put both hands behind your head. With control, raise your head and shoulders off the floor and simultaneously bring your knees to your chest. Lower upper body back to the ground and lower legs until your left foot touches the floor. Complete one set same side, before switching legs and completing set on other side. Exercise Video Grasp a dumbbell in your right hand and stand with your left leg in front of your right leg. Lean forwards, bending from your waist, and support your weight in your front leg. Bend your right elbow and bring the dumbbell by your side. Straighten your right arm and move it backwards, keeping your elbow in line with your body. Slowly bend your elbow back, returning to the starting position. Complete one set on the same side, before switching arms. Exercise Video Get into the lunge position Take a large step forward with your right leg. Your back knee should be about 5cm above the floor. This is you starting position Lower your knee to almost touch the floor. Then raise knee back to starting position. Complete one set on same side, then switch legs. Keep your hips straight, your upper body upright, and your tummy muscles tight. Rest your hands on your hips to help you balance. You should always have a bend in both knees. Exercise Video Assume the standard push-up position, with your arms straight and hands underneath your shoulders. Bend your right leg, swinging it out to the side to bring your knee towards your left elbow. Return to the starting position and switch sides. Alternate between your left and right sides. Quality is more important than quantity. If you struggle, do fewer repetitions. Page 1

2 Chapter 2 : Full-Body Circuit Workout for Women Beginner Body Weight Workout & Exercises This is a basic body weight circuit. In a circuit routine, you'll do each exercise in succession without a break in between (if you're able). Circuit training is an exercise that combines strength training and aerobic conditioning in one full-body workout. Circuit training improves your muscle strength, as well as cardiovascular endurance, while burning hundreds of calories. Many fitness clubs and gyms offer circuit training classes, but you can easily do circuit training workouts at home or at the gym on your own. Such workouts last 30 to 45 minutes each and use either dumbbells, resistance bands or just your own body weight as a resistance. You will do both weight training exercises such as pushups, situps and squats, and aerobic exercises such as jumping jacks, jumping rope and burpees. Each exercise is done for a set amount of time, e. After you have performed the full circuit, take a short break to recover and drink water, then do the circuit again. Circuit training is an excellent way for women to strengthen their muscles and burn fat. Warm-Up Always start your circuit training workout with a five- to minute warm-up. This prepares your muscles for the workout and helps prevent injury. Great warm-up exercises to do at home include jumping rope, jumping jacks, running and bicycling. Circuit training can be a very vigorous exercise depending on the intensity at which you do the exercises. Consult your physician before starting a new exercise program. If you feel light-headed at any point, stop immediately and sit down. Drink plenty of water between circuits and listen to your body â do not overdo it. Circuit Training Routine 1 This routine uses your own body weight as resistance and thus, it is easy to do at home. After a warm-up, repeat the following exercises for 45 seconds each: Give yourself 15 seconds to move from one exercise to another, but do not take any additional breaks. Do the exercises as fast as you can, trying to keep up a high intensity throughout the circuit. After one full circuit, take a three- to five-minute break before repeating the circuit again two more times. The whole workout will take 40 to 50 minutes with the warm-up. Circuit Training Routine 2 This workout includes exercises you do with dumbbells and a fitness ball. Repeat each exercise for 45 seconds or do 20 to 30 repetitions. Pick the weights for each exercise accordingly; you do not want weights that are too heavy or too light. Some exercises involve two moves at the same time, such as lunges and bicep curls. Do the following exercises: Again, allow yourself 15 seconds to move from one exercise to another. Repeat the circuit three times and take a three- to five-minute break between the circuits. Page 2

3 Chapter 3 : 3 Full Body Workouts For Cutting Body Fat! Check out these 4 killer at-home workouts for every fitness level! 4 Effective At-Home Weight-Loss Workouts! then feel free to change to a full-body plan to. Sure, you know the basics, but do you know which exercises are the best ones for a full-body workout? In general, a strong candidate for the "best" title will be any easy-to-learn exercise that targets multiple muscle groups and gives you the practical strength and muscle tone to meet your fitness goals. Here are seven of the best exercises for athletes and fitness junkies looking for a simple and effective full-body workout. Want more full-body workout ideas? It works a wide range of muscles, though they primarily target the chest, triceps and core. Individuals typically lift about 60 percent of their body weight when completing a push-up. There are many different variations of the push-up, so take your pick. Just make sure that push-ups are a part of your training. The exercise directly works the hips, hamstrings and glutes. It also indirectly strengthens your core and even your upper body if done with weight. Amateur weightlifters oftentimes focus on their upper body and neglect the lower half. Any training regimen should work the entire body and squats are an essential piece. The exercise does triple duty by extensively working the quadriceps, the glutes and the hamstrings. Hold a dumbbell in each hand while performing the lunge. Like most exercises, lunges can be executed in various ways. The traditional lunge is completed in a stationary position working one leg at a time. Want a change of scenery? Pick a target, say, 50 yards away, and lunge your way toward it. Either way, your legs will be begging for mercy as you finish up. To do it, grab a Swiss ball also known as an exercise ball or stability ball. Get into a push-up position with your feet on top of the ball. Begin by using your core muscles to lift your butt into the air, over your torso. This is the pike portion of the exercise. This is the roll-out. Together, the pike roll-out combination is a challenging exercise that benefits nearly every muscle in your core. Olympic lifters do the clean and the jerk as one complex lift. Amateur lifters can do them separately. Begin by snapping the weight to the torso until your arms are under the bar. In an explosive movement, push the bar over your head. The list is longâ hamstrings, biceps, triceps, the back, core, quadriceps and calves are all engaged during this straightforward exercise. Start in a standing position, squat down and put your hands on the ground, kick your feet out and do a push-up. Tuck your feet back under you, and spring up out of your crouch with a leap. Burpees bring in two other exercises on this list push-ups and squats while adding some leg work and a leap for good measure. When the deadlift is executed correctly it will strengthen your back as well as your calves, quads, hamstrings, glutes, core and forearms. The lift is simple and with the proper focus and attention to technique it can be completed without injury. The goal is to pick up a weighted bar off the ground and bring it up to your thighs using your whole body. The completion of the lift will have you standing up, your arms straight with the weight hanging. The deadlift is effective at building strength because the inert weight starts on the ground and must be lifted up in a controlled movement. Page 3

4 Chapter 4 : The 7 Best Exercises for a Full-Body Workout ACTIVE Lose weight and tone up all over with these total-body exercise plans. The Lose 10 Pounds in 30 Days Workout These exercises will burn fat, tone muscle, and boost your metabolism. You want to get full body workout routine for weight loss at home? We have prepared exercises that you can do in the comfort of your home. These workout routine will strengthen your entire body and prepare you to be in the best shape. Exercising at home is popular and effective. I do home exercises all the time and my body is getting in good shape. I also watch what I eat; a lot of vegetables are on my plate. You will do these home exercises without special tools or devices at the beginning. Later you can add weights two bottles of water or weights from the store. With regular and consistent performance of these exercises and a proper diet, you will develop a nice looking body without excess fat. Just follow a few simple rules for proper performance when exercising. Full Body Workout Routine for Weight Loss at Home This full body workout routine is for all healthy individuals that want to change the way they look and feel about their bodies. With consistency and proper performance you will see results for sure. Start â Stretching Exercises First stretch the calf muscles. Stand up, tilt it forward and flex the ankle with an extended knee. Also stretch the front thigh muscles. Stand on one leg, and grasp the ankle of the other leg and bend the knee. Then stretch the front muscles of the hip. Do a lunge and push the hips forward. You should also stretch the hamstrings. Bend forward with a straight back with hands trying to get as low as possible. Stay in stretching position for at least 5 seconds and then proceed with the stretch. Sit-ups Lie on a mat on your back, bend the knees, and put your hands behind the head so that the fingers are slightly twisted. Then open your elbows. Leave some space a fist between the chin and the chest. Inhale and exhale when you do the crunch. Your back should be straight when doing this exercise, so focus on your abs. Push-ups Lie down on your stomach, hands on the floor shoulder-width apart closer than the hands or elbows close to the trunk, the more I will participate in the exercise triceps. Lifted so that the hand stretched out, the body is upright; the view is directed forward, not down. This is the starting position. Our full body workout routine for weight loss at home include push-ups. They are the best exercise for training your whole body. Lie down on your stomach, and put your hands on the floor shoulder-width apart if you put your hands closer, you will activate triceps more. Lift yourself so that arms will be stretched out. The body is straight, and the view is directed forward, not down. When you will do a push-up going up you will exhale. When the body is parallel to the floor, lift your body back to its starting position. When you do a push-up or sit-up, you should exhale and when you are going to the starting position, you inhale. Squats Stand up straight, feet should be shoulder width apart, hands lifted ahead or place them behind your head. Drop down from this position like you want to sit on the chair. Lower the buttocks, your knees should be in the right angle between the thigh and the lower thigh. Body weight is on your heels. Focus on your buttocks, knees and the right posture when doing squats. Raising on the Side Lie down on your side, stretch your left arm and lay your head on the stretched arm. The right arm is in front of the abdomen. The spine is in the form of a double S. The body should be in a straight line, the shoulder above the other shoulder, hip above the other hip and the knee above the other knee. Inhale, then exhale drawing the ribs down, drag the belly button toward your spine and squeeze your pelvic floor muscles, while you lift your legs, and the head to the elbow. Return to the starting position while inhaling. Try to remain aligned as possible and stable. Triceps Dips on the Chair Put your hands on the chair behind you, shoulder width apart, toes towards the body. The legs should be bent before the body, and weight should be on your hands. Slowly lower the body towards the floor, and bend your arm to the elbow. Get low, so your buttocks get very close to the ground. Repeat the exercise 10 times. When this exercise will become too easy for you, stretch your legs and place them on a chair. You can also place a dumbbell in your lap as a challenge. Get Fit in the Comfort of Your Home There is no need to go in the fitness or in the gym to become healthier and to have a fit, lean body. With full body workout routine for weight loss at home you can achieve the body that you want. Home exercises are very popular these days and have many Page 4

5 benefits. You can do these exercises for free, without paying a membership or waiting for the free equipment in the fitness. The home exercises that we mentioned here are perfect for whole body training. Before you start training, set a goal that will motivate you during exercise. What do you want to accomplish with workouts? Nevertheless if you want to gain muscles or not, with these exercises you will gains muscles and consequently lose fat on the body. When you have your goal, you can set when you will do these workouts. Set days and time and focus only on exercises in that moment. At the start, exercises are hard to do, but they get easier, and your body more capable to perform the exercises. Before going to working out, close your eyes and focus on your goal. Then go into action. Chapter 5 : Get In Shape With Full Body Workout Routine For Weight Loss At Home! This is an at home whole body workout routine that is great to burn some fats. Remember to keep clean and hydrate well and also sleep well if you're trying to lose some weight. Have fun working out. Chapter 6 : A Full-Body Fat-Burning Circuit Training Workout Shape Magazine Home. Fitness. Articles. The 7 Best Exercises for a Full-Body Workout. The 7 Best Exercises for a Full-Body Workout. Minute Bodyweight Workout for Weight Loss. Chapter 7 : Full Body Workout - Weight Loss Bootcamp Workouts Strength Training Self-care Challenge Bodyweight Exercises Bodyweight Workouts Body Weight New Year's Resolutions minute Workouts Intermediate Workouts Full-body Workouts From Our. Page 5

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