APF PowerPoint: Unit 1

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1 APF PowerPoint: Unit 1

2 BASIC DEFINITIONS Repetition one complete movement of an exercise. Repetition consists of concentric and eccentric muscle actions. Set group of repetitions performed continuously without stopping. A set is usually 1 to 15 repetitions. Overload (Progressive)- The practice of continually increasing the stress placed on the muscle as it becomes capable of producing greater force or has more endurance

3 BASIC DEFINITIONS Power How fast you can complete a given repetition with proper form and technique. Repetition Maximum (RM) maximum number or repetitions per set that can be performed at a given resistance with proper lifting technique. Intensity - The percentage of the 1RM or any RM for the exercise. Intensity is closely related to Power Output. The minimal intensity to result in increased strength is 60% to 65% of the 1RM.

4 ORDER OF EXERCISE Exercise order can have an impact on the training stimulus stress level in a training session. Larger muscle groups or multi-joint lifts first.

5 Safety Aspects: Technique WHAT IS PROPER FORM? 5 Absolutes 1) Balanced Athletic Position 2) Intended Muscles Move; Other Muscles Stabilize 3) Controlled Full Range of Motion at proper tempo Power Fast Strength Down in 3 up in 2 Bulk Down in 4 up in 2 Endurance Down in 3 up in 2 4-5) Adjust the equipment you are using to proper settings and resistance

6 Safety Aspects: Breathing Exhaling during lifting of resistance and inhaling during lowering of the resistance Holding your breath during the lifting phase results in elevated blood pressure which requires more energy.

7 EZ-Curl - 30 lbs WEIGHT BARS Training Bar 35 lbs. Olympic 45 lbs. Hex Bar 55 lbs

8 Training To Failure Training to Failure is also referred to as Maximal Voluntary Muscle Action (MVMA) In order to make significant strength gains MVMA has to occur at some point during the set. This may be a 1RM or at the last few reps of a 10RM Studies have proven that over an 8wk (APF?) training program that the use of MVMA can promote very significant strength gains

9 SAFETY ASPECTS Chances of injury can be greatly reduced or completely removed by: Using correct lifting techniques Spotting Proper breathing Proper warm-up Proper volume of weight Maintaining equipment in good working condition Wearing appropriate clothing

10 Purposes Safety Aspects: Proper Spotting Ensure Safety of Participants Assist trainee with exercise Must be strong enough If you are truly lifting to failure you need to have a spotter Motivate, encourage, and coach a partner Summon help if an accident occurs Spotters Should MOTIVATE, ENCOURAGE, & ASSIST

11 BASIC DEFINITIONS Concentric Muscle Action muscles involved are shortened. Contraction where the force is greater than the resistance. Eccentric Muscle Action muscles involved are lengthened in a controlled manner. In eccentric muscle action the force is less than the resistance. Strength the maximum amount of force a muscle or muscle group can generate in a specific movement pattern at a specific velocity of movement.

12 PRIMARY vs. ASSISTING MUSCLES When learning the different lifts of the day we will cover primary and assistant muscle groups. Primary movers are the main muscle groups responsible for completing the action/movement. Typically they are the larger muscles in the body. Assisting muscles are typically the smaller muscle groups but are necessary to complete the action.

13 Resistance Training Systems Resistance training systems refer to formats of weight training in reference to volume of weight, periodization, choice of exercises, and set & repetition combinations Some systems have been scientifically proven to result in greater increases in strength, power, or hypertrophy than other training systems Common mistakes when examining a program: Assuming that because a champion weight lifter, body builder, or even friend, has success with it that it is best for you Assuming that a training record/log is a waste of time. A Training record documents a person s exact response to a specific program.

14 Training Volume The higher the training volume, the higher the muscular hypertrophy. Larger training volumes appear to be important when the goal is: 1. To decrease % body fat 2. To increase lean body mass 3. Muscular hypertrophy Larger training volumes result in a slower loss of strength gains after cessation of training.

15 Training Volume The total amount of work / in a training session / in a week / in a month / in a year. The total amount of weight lifted. It is the sum of the poundage of every repetition performed. Example: 8 repetitions of 250 pounds = 2000 pounds lifted. 3 sets of that are 6000 pounds lifted.

16 Periodization The variation in the training volume and intensity. It is extremely important for optimal gains in strength. Generally lifting plan that covers 8 to 12 weeks. Within this time period, a lifter varies their weight, sets, and rep combinations

17 Periodization Generally a lifting plan that covers 8-12 weeks where the lifter varies their weight, sets, and rep combinations. There is a progressive variation in training volume and intensity yielding optimal gains in strength. An example for the first 3-4 weeks would be performing lifts at 65% of 1RM, 3 sets, 12/12/failure and then progressing to 75% of 1RM, 3 sets, 10/10/failure in weeks 5-8.

18 Typically for athletics Periodization Off-season - 3 month period to develop maximum strength gains. Pre-season - 3 month period to continue strength gains and integrate sport skill development. In- season - 3 month period to maintain strength level. Post-season - 3 month period to re-establish basic strength program.

19 Multiple Set System This system has attracted the most research because it appears to be most effective system. Performing a 5-6 RM of at least 3 sets has shown to be the optimal intensity for strength increase Multiple set training with no change in variables for an extended period of time, typically results in plateauing **The majority of training systems are variations of the multiple-set system**

20 Single Set System Gains in strength using a single-set system have been demonstrated through many studies. When compared to multiple-set training, single-set training (1 set of 10 repetitions) results in significantly smaller strength gains. Due to the smaller amount of training volume, the singleset system does not support long-term strength gains. **The single-set system appears to be most beneficial to those that have very little time for training or for a specific 3-4 week in-season training.**

21 CYBEX SEATED ROW Primary: Latissimus Dorsi, Rear Deltoids, Rhomboids Assisting: Biceps Adjust pads to allow for full arm extension High grip vs. Low grip Sit upright with back flat and straight Pull toward chest with separation of hands to allow arms to pull as far as possible Lift of the Day

22 CHEST FLY PECTORALIS, ANT. DELTOIDS Back flat on bench, feet on floor Dumbbells are held directly over the chest with arms extended straight Dumbbells lowered in a wide arc until they are level with shoulders or chest Wrists are rigid and elbows slightly flexed Raise dumbbells to starting position using a wide arc pattern until weight is centered over chest Spotter helps at forearms, not elbows Dumbbell Fly

23 LUNGES: QUADRICEPS, GLUTES, HAMSTRINGS Body weight or added weight Full stride with forward leg bent at 90 degrees Forward knee over toe. Not beyond. Back leg 90 degrees to straight Upright posture: shoulders back, chest up Lunges

24 Standing bicep curl: Stand erect, feet at shoulder width Supinated grip at shoulder width Raise bar with arm action only, do not arch the back, jerk, or bounce bar Finish movement with biceps fully flexed and bar held high Many variations of other bicep curls: alternating, hammer, preacher, machine, concentration, etc. Standing Bicep Curl

25 TRICEP KICKBACKS: TRICEPS Balanced bent over posture Hold elbow high and constant Weight starts in hanging position Slowly extend arms to straight position with elbow remaining stationary Slowly return weight to original position Avoid pendulum swing with arm Tricep Kickback

26 Upright Row: Upper trapezius, deltoids, biceps Overhand grip bar with hands approx. 6 apart Slight bend in knees with upright posture, shoulders back, head and chest straight forward Begin position is arms extended straight down Lead with elbows as bar is pulled to a finish position directly under chin with elbows up and even with ears Upright Row

27 Low Ab Flexion: for all execises you want controlled movement Knees to Chest Legs Straight Legs Straight w/ Resistance Roman Chair Dips: Triceps, anterior deltoids, pectorals Start with arms extended supporting body weight over handles Lower body slowly with upper arms parallel to the floor and elbow bent at 90 degrees Press body back to start position

28 Back Squat Primary: Gluteus, Quadriceps, Hamstrings Assisting: Full body as stabilizers (Core) Balanced athletic stance Feet shoulder width Bar balanced on upper trapezius Back flat Eyes and head straight forward Lower to thighs parallel to floor Brief pause at each end of R.O.M. Spotter behind lifter and ready

29 Back Squat

30 Bench Press Primary: Pectorals Assist: Deltoids, Triceps Back flat on bench Grip evenly balanced from center Grip varies depending on emphasis Forearms perpendicular to bar at sticking point Bar touches midline of chest (no bounce, no arched back) Extended position directly over shoulders Spotter provides balanced assistance

31 Bench Press

32 LEG EXTENSIONS Primary: Quadriceps Torso erect, back flat, hips on pad Slowly raise weight until legs straight. Pause at full extension Slowly lower weight until knees are fully bent and weight barely touching stack. Pause at flexion Lift of the Day

33 Leg Curls Primary: HAMSTRINGS Adjust to machine fit Legs start straight Flex hamstrings until heel as close to buttocks as possible. Full R.O.M. Pause in the flexed position Slowly lower weight until legs return to straight position. Pause at full extension. Do not swing weight with momentum providing the force. Lift of the Day

34 Incline Press Primary: Upper pectorals Assisst: Deltoids, Triceps Back remains flat against pad Hips lower than knees Balanced grip Bar touch top of chest Movement straight up from chest Lift of the Day

35 Lift of the Day Shoulder Press / Military Press: Primary: DELTOIDS Assisting: TRICEPS Stand with feet wider than shoulder width and a slight bend in the knees Barbell is held at shoulder width Bar is press straight up from shoulders until arms are fully extended Bar is returned to original starting position Spotter assists from behind lifter Variations: Hammer Strength, Dumbbells, Barbell, and Bands

36 Shoulder Press

37 Swiss Ball Crunch Primary: Upper abdominals Low back resting on ball Curl trunk forward, upper chest toward pelvis Hold 2-5 seconds in crunched tucked position Added challenge by keeping arms behind head Lift of the Day

38 Cardiovascular Fitness Cardiovascular Fitness the ability of the heart, blood vessels, and lungs to supply oxygen to the working muscles. Benefits of good Cardiovascular Fitness: Stronger and more efficient heart Lower heart rate at rest, during exercise, and recovery Lower blood pressure at rest, during exercise, and recovery lower cholesterol (lower total, raise HDL) Improved body composition, burn fat Improved ability to perform work, faster recovery Maintenance of a healthy heart and cardiovascular system Reduced risk of health related issues (e.g. diabetes, heart disease, etc.)

39 Cardiovascular Fitness Guidelines Frequency How often should you do CV exercise? - 3 to 5 times per week Intensity How hard (vigorous/intense) should CV exercise be? 220-age= MHR = 203 bpm 203x.60= 122 bpm Should be moderate to vigorous physical activity. Brisk walking is moderate. 60% of max heart rate Jogging and running is vigorous 80% or higher of max heart rate

40 Cardiovascular Fitness Guidelines Time (duration) How long should CV workouts last? Minimum of 2 hours and 30 minutes (150 minutes) weekly of Moderate or... 1 hour and 15 minutes (75 minutes) weekly of vigorous Progression a gradual increase of frequency, intensity, and time as fitness level improves, increase intensity or time.

41 Flexibility Flexibility the ability to move a joint through normal range of motion (explanation required) Benefits of good Flexibility: Improves physical and athletic performance Decreases the frequency and severity of injuries Decreases muscle soreness and recovery time Joint health insures long term benefits of mobility Improves posture and prevents low back pain and injuries Relaxation and stress management

42 Flexibility Training Guidelines Use a variety of stretching modes such as dynamic, static, or a functional warm up Static stretching - A stretch is held in a challenging but comfortable position for a period of time, usually somewhere between 10 to 30 seconds. Static stretching is the most common form of stretching found in general fitness and is considered safe and effective for improving overall flexibility. Dynamic Stretching - Active movements of muscle that bring forth a stretch but are not held in the end position. Functional/Dynamic warm up - a series of sport specific movements that are designed to prepare the muscles for performance and are done in a safe and controlled fashion. Dynamic stretching used but also movements to increase heart rate and increase blood flow which, in turn, warms up the muscles. Perform at least one major stretch for each major muscle group of the body Stretch to the point of mild discomfort, not pain Stretch both sides of the body and opposing muscle groups. Balance. Stretch the target muscle groups in different planes to improve overall range of motion at the joint Increase intensity and duration gradually over time. Stretching + time = improved flexibility Stretching after warm ups and /or workouts is more effective for increasing flexibility.

43 Lift of the Day SHOULDER PRESS: DELTOIDS, TRICEPS Stand balances with feet wider than shoulder width and a slight bend in the knees Barbell is held at shoulder width Bar is press straight up from shoulders until arms are fully extended Bar is returned to original starting position Spotter assists from behind lifter Variations of Hammer Strength, Dumbbells, Smith Machine, and Barbell

44 Flexibility Basics Flexibility: the ability to move a joint through the normal range of motion Flexibility is: Adaptable: increases with regular program of stretching Specific: Flexibility in one joint does not mean good flexibility in a another joint. Flexibility can be achieved through stretching. Static: Holding a stretch at the end of a joints ROM Dynamic: Continuous stretching with movement

45 Flexibility Cont. Benefits of Good Flexibility Injury Prevention Decreased Muscle Soreness Improved Athletic Performance Healthy Joints Good Posture Healthy Lower Back Guidelines for Flexibility Training Warm muscles first, then stretch Stretch to mild discomfort and not pain Hold Stretch sec, rest sec, repeat Increase intensity and duration over time

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