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2 Most athletic movements Originate from the hips and legs. This is true for most fundamental baseball skills such as running, jumping, throwing and swinging. Energy is generated by the hips and legs and is transferred up through the midsection to the upper body and then released by the hands to the ball or bat. Studies have shown that hip and leg strength training combined with trunk and low back training will significantly contribute to better bat speed. The hands alone cannot generate the type of bat speed that elite players have. This same principal applies to pitching. When the front foot is planted the body is used to accelerate the ball, starting with the hips and legs. Since both hitting and throwing are total body movements, our training consists of exercises that train the body as a total unit. Our main focus is on multi- joint exercises (squats, lunges, step- ups etc.) that use the hip, legs and trunk to develop force. Most single joint lifts in this program are supplemental and help stabilize the body. Any of the exercises designed to strengthen the shoulder should be done using light weight with high repetitions. We are looking to strengthen the shoulder not bulk up. OUR PROGRAM GOALS: 1. Improve performance on the field 2. Prevent injuries 3. Improve strength, conditioning and flexibility 4. Help you reach your full potential as a player 3 IMPORTANT TRAINING FACTORS: 1. CONSISTENCY- You must stay consistent with your training over time. Hit and miss workouts will not help you make progress 2. INTENSITY- You must approach your workouts with high intensity each time. 3. PATIENCE- Gains will not be made over night. Do not take short cuts! This is a marathon not a sprint.

3 Monday Workout Band Rotator Cuff Circuit (1x15) Med- ball Toss (3 sets) Forearms (2x15) 1 Low Back Exercise (2x15) Squat (3x10) 1 Quad Exercise (3x10) 1 Hamstring Exercise (3x12) 1 Glute Exercise (3 sets) ABS: Leg Lift Series 5- Cone Running Drills Seated Stretch

4 Wednesday Workout Band Rotator Cuff Circuit (1x15) Med- ball Wall Sits (3 sets) 1 Low Back Exercise (2x15) Farmers Carry (3x) Step- Up Knee Drive (3x8 each leg) 1 Shoulder Circuit Exercise (3 sets) 1 Trap Exercise (3x10) 1 Upper Back Exercise (3x10) ABS: Plank Series 5- Cone Running Drills Seated Stretch

5 Friday Workout Band Rotator Cuff Circuit (1x15) Med- Ball Slams (3 sets) 1 Forearm Exercise (2x15) 1 Low Back Exercise (2x15) Box Jumps (3x10) 1 Bicep Exercise (3x12) 1 Tri- cep Exercise (3x12) 1 Chest Exercise (3x15) Push- ups (2x10 1xMax) ABS: Sit- up series 5- Cone Running Drills Seated Stretch

6 Exercise Explanations Band Rotator Cuff Circuit- using bands: Tie one end to a door- knob; place the other end in hand. KEEPING YOUR ELBOW AT YOUR SIDE: Perform Internal Rotation (Pull towards Midline of body, External Rotation (pull from midline away from body). KEEP ELBOW AT SHOULDER LEVEL in L Perform: Forward Rotation (Rotate forward and down, Reverse Rotation (Rotate forward and up). Forearm Exercises: Dumbbell Wrist Rolls: Holding a dumbbell place arm on a bench so that forearm is supported but wrist can move. Curl wrist while holding a dumbbell both palm up and palm down. Straight Bar Wrist Roll: Standing up and holding a weighted bench press bar: roll the bar forward alternating hands, then roll the bar back alternating hands. Straight Bar Wrist Curls: standing up and using a weighted bench press bar, Stand in front of the bar holding the bar with both hands palms behind. Curl the bar using only the wrist. Rotational Exercises: Med- Ball Toss: Player can do this with a partner or throw the ball against the wall. With your back to (wall or Partner) Toss the ball to your left (5x), right (5x), Over your head (5x) (15 tosses is 1 set) Med- Ball Wall Sits: While performing a wall sit hold a med- ball at chest level straight in front of you. Rotate from left to right touching the ball to the wall for 10 total touches, then touch the ball to the wall above your head and in- between your legs for a total of 10 touches (1 set). Rotational Exercises Cont. Med- Ball Slams: Holding the med- ball in- between your legs, rotate the ball with a big windmill motion to the right finishing by slamming the ball into the floor. Catch the ball ad repeat the motion to the left. (12 total slams is 1 set) Low Back Exercises: Supermen: Lay down flat on your stomach with arms straight in- front of you. Raise both your arms and legs trying to get knees and shoulders off the ground hold pose for 2 full seconds. Lying Opposites: Same as Superman s except you will raise opposite arm and leg at the same time. (Right arm/left leg) Back Extension: On the back extension machine, holding a weight to your chest with crossed arms: start bent at the waist and raise your chest up to parallel with the ground and hold it for a fill second (1 rep) Reverse Back Extension: Same as the Back Extension except you will face opposite direction and start with feet on the ground. You will raise feet to parallel. Bird Dogs: Start on your hands and knees. Raise one arm up to parallel while at the same time raising your opposite leg to parallel (straight leg). Hold pose for 1 second, then return to hands and knees and repeat with opposite arm and leg. (1 rep) Squats: In the squat rack place the bar behind your neck resting the bar across your shoulders. Feet should be slightly more than shoulder with apart with toes pointing straight forward. Bend your knees to 90* keeping your eyes up, back

7 straight, and chest big. Return to standing (1 rep) Box Jumps: Using a platform box start with both feet on ground and jump into the air, landing on top of the box with both feet. Use the height of the box as the challenge. Farmers Carry: Holding a dumbbell in each hand carry the dumbbell the length of the hallway down and back without placing weight down. Use a heavy weight to challenge yourself. Step- up Knee Drive: Using a box or a bench, step up onto platform and drive opposite knee to your chest. Step down to ground with both feet and switch legs. You can use dumbbells to add to the difficulty. Quad Exercises: Seated Knee Extension: On the knee extension machine: Start with weight pad in front of the shin. Extend knee so that legs are straight. (1 rep) Alternating Split Squat: Holding dumbbells and standing feet together: Stride forward with one leg and bend at the knee. Touch the back knee to the ground keeping the back leg somewhat straight. Return to standing and repeat with opposite leg Bulgarian Split Squat: Performed the same way as the split squat except place the top of your back foot on a bench so that the knee is bent. Repeat exercise on same leg before switching legs. Hamstring Exercises: Seated Ham Curls: On the ham curl machine sit with weight pad on heels with legs straight, bend your knees to 90* and then return legs to straight. Lying Ham Curl: lay down flat on Ham Curl machine and place weight pad on heels. Bring heels to your buttock and then straight again. Phyisoball Ham Curls: Lay on your back with a physioball at your feet. Place your heels on the ball and raise your hips off the ground. Using your heels bend your knees and roll the ball towards your buttocks. Glute Exercises: Straight Leg Hip Lift: Lay on your back with your feet on a platform about feet tall. Raise one leg slightly above platform. Using only one leg drive your hip into the air and return to the ground. (6 reps then switch legs). Bent Leg Hip Lift: Same process as the Straight leg except you will start with your leg bent and your foot flat on the platform. Upper Back Exercises: Bent- Over Row: Standing with a straight bar bend at the knees and the waist so that your chest is over your feet. Let arms hang with weight in your hands and pull the weight to middle of your torso. Lat Pull- down: At the pull down machine hold the bar with a wide grip. Pull the weight to your chest pinching your shoulder- blades together. Seated Row: Sit at row cable machine. Your hand grip should be close together. Slightly lean back and pull the handle towards your chest pinching your shoulder- blades together. Inverted row: At a bench press station. Place the bar on the safety rack. Lie down on your back on the floor, and grab the bar (your back

8 should be off the ground). Pull yourself up to the bar. Trap Exercises: Shoulder Shrugs: Using dumbbells in each hand hold them at your side. Raise your shoulders to your ears then roll them back. Trap Exercises Cont. Up- Right Row: Standing and holding a straight bar with your hands close together lift the bar to your chin with your elbow high. Then return the weight to waist level. Bicep Exercises: Standing DB Curl: Standing and holding a dumbbell in each hand bring weight to shoulder only moving at the elbow. Alternate arm to isolate the muscle. Seated DB Iso- Curl: Sit on a flat bench with 1 dumbbell. Place your elbow just inside of your knee. Lean forward and curl the weight to your chest s: Using a bent bar, stand with the weight at your waist. Curl the bar up only ½ way 7 times, then start with your elbows at 90* in front of you bringing the weight to your chest and back to the ½ way point 7 times, lastly your will full curl the bar 7 times to finish the first set. Tri- cep Exercises: Cable Tri- cep extensions: At the universal machine, start with the bar at your chest and arms at your side, extend your elbow until arms are fully extended. Skull Crushers: Using a bent bar, lay down on your back on a flat bench. Start with your arms fully extended and the weight above your eyes. Slowly bend your elbows lowering the weight to your forehead, then return weight back to starting point. Lying DB Extensions: Using a dumbbell, lay down on your back on a flat bench. Raise your arms above your head with the weight in one hand and your other hand holding your bicep for support. Extend your elbow until it is straight. Switch hands after the set. Chest Exercises: DB Bench Press: Lay down on a flat bench with dumbbells in each hand. Start with the dumbbells at your chest and press them straight up in the air. DB Fly: Lay down on a flat bench with dumbbells in each hand (use light weight).start with arms extended in front of the chest. Slowly bring your hands out to the side with a slight elbow bend down to body level and then return them to the starting point. Incline DB Bench: Same as the DB Bench Press except the bench is at a 45* angle. Press the weight up above the eyes. Shoulder Circuits: Y- T- W- L- Holding a small weight plate in each hand (2.5-5 lbs.), start with your arms at your side. Raise both arms to shoulder height out at a 45* angle 10 times(y). Then you will raise your arms to shoulder level out to your side 10 times (T). Then you will bend and lock your elbow at 90* and raise your elbow to shoulder level 10 times (W). Then you will start with your elbows at shoulder level and arms at 90* and rotate your hands up (L). All 40 reps is 1 set.

9 DB Circuit- Standing and using dumbbells, perform a Shoulder Press- press the weight above your head (6 times), Frontal Raise- raise the weight to shoulder level straight in front of you (6 times), Lateral Raise- Raise the weight to shoulder level out to the side of you (6 times), Bent Lateral Raise- Bend over at the waist and raise the weight to shoulder level out to the side (6 times). All 24 reps is 1 set. Abs: Plank Series: Flat- Forearms and toes, body flat Flat 2 Hand- start in flat position, raise to one hand at a time into push up position and back to flat position. Keep going until time is up. Side- Lay on side with 1 forearm on ground. Switch sides. Rotation- Same as side but rotate body and reach free hand under the body to your back pocket. Switch sides. Knee 2 Chest- From push- up position, one at a time, bring your knee to your chest. You can also swing knee out to the side to engage more oblique Sit- Up Series- Full sit- up Crunches Oblique crunch- Lay with your legs rotated to either side of you. Switch sides. Reverse crunch- Lay on a flat bench with leg from hip down of the bench. Holding the bench by your ears bend your knees and bring them to your chest. Russian twist- Sit down on floor with knees bent and body at a 45* angle. Rotate from side to side touching the floor on each side of your body Lift Series- V- Ups- Lay flat on your back with arms stretched above your head. Raise legs and arms at the same time trying to touch your toes. Alternating Pike- Same as V- ups except you raise one leg at a time (touch toe with both hands) keeping the other 6 inches off the ground. Leg lift- Hold feet off the ground 6 inches. Raise feet up into the air to waist height and raise hips off the ground. Flutter kick- Hold feet off the ground 12 inches. Kick your feet up and down alternating them. Scissor kick- Hold your feet off the ground 6 inches and kick your feet out to the side and then cross them Seated Stretch: 1. Hamstrings- Legs together, left/right foot to thigh. 2. Groin- Butterfly 3. Low Back- Cross over, tuck rolls x 5 4. Hip Flexors- left/right knee on the ground & twist 5. Quads- Lay on left/right side, pull foot to buttocks 6. Rotator Cuff- Partner up forward & back rotation, Internal & external rotation.


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