GET STARTED. Your on-demand personal trainer for home workouts.

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2 GET STARTED Your on-demand personal trainer for home workouts. This ebook is a companion to the trainacular Personal Trainer Alexa skill available on Amazon. With this skill, you can choose from a selection of home workouts requiring minimal equipment. This guide will show you how to do the 31 exercises used in the trainacular workout collection and challenge you to master them. To support your learning, you can find instructional videos for each exercise on There you can also browse the available workouts and filter these by target area.


4 PUSH-UPS Flashbacks to gym class? Push-ups are classic and a great bodyweight chest exercise. Steps Get into a plank position on the floor with your hands under your shoulders. Engaging your core, glutes, and hamstrings, lower your body until your chest just touches the floor. Push yourself back to the starting position with an exhale.

5 Dos Stack your wrists under your shoulders. Level up: add a rotation by doing a side plank after each rep (alternating sides). Don'ts Let your back sag. Keep it tight! Pop your elbows out. Keep them tucked closer to the torso at a angle from your body. Challenge: Push Ups in 5 Minutes Women: Men:

6 PLYO PUSH-UPS Push-ups, but even harder. Steps Get into a plank position on the floor with your hands under your shoulders, arms straight. Engaging your core, glutes, and hamstrings, lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor. At the bottom, push yourself up forcefully so that your hands leave the ground. Land and repeat.

7 Dos Use the same good form as you would for regular pushups. You want a straight and neutral back throughout. Don'ts Land on locked elbows. Try to have your elbows slightly bent when you land to absorb the impact and not stress your joints. Challenge: Reps in One Set Women: Men:

8 PULL-UPS A bodyweight back exercise to remind you that you don t need much equipment to work hard. Steps 1 2 Grab the bar slightly wider than your shoulders with your palms facing away from your body. Pull yourself up until your chin passes the bar. 3 Pause and lower yourself back down.

9 Dos Focus on using your back, not your arms. Pull your shoulders down and back before you bend your elbows. Don'ts Let your body fall back to the start position. Instead, lower slowly with control. Do half pull-ups. Get your chin above the bar and lower back down to straight arms every rep. Challenge: Reps in One Set Women: Men:

10 CHIN-UPS Reverse your pull-up grip and you work your biceps as well as your lats. Steps Grab the bar closer than shoulder width with your palms facing your body. Pull yourself up until your chin passes the bar. Pause and lower yourself back down.

11 Dos Use your biceps to help pull up. Keep your elbows close to your body. Don'ts Let your body fall back to the start position. Instead, lower slowly with control. Do half chin-ups. Get your chin above the bar and lower back down to straight arms every rep. Challenge: Reps in One Set Women: Men:

12 ONE-ARM ROW Use a kettlebell or dumbbell to work your back. Steps Find a stable flat surface for your hand. It needs to be low enough that you can bend over and have a straight back, ideally parallel to the floor. If you have a bench, put the palm of your left hand near the top and your left knee near the bottom. If standing, support yourself with your left hand and stand staggered with your left leg forward. Bend at the hips to create a flat back. Hold your weight in your right hand, arm straight. Pull your elbow back to pull the weight up. Repeat on other side.

13 Dos Keep a neutral spine throughout. Keep your arm close to your body as you lift the weight. Don'ts Use your arms. Make sure you are using your back muscles by driving your elbow back toward the ceiling. Drop the weight. Return to a straight arm slowly and with control. Challenge: Weight for 3 Sets of 12 Women: 5 kg (11 lbs) 10 kg (22 lbs) 20 kg (44 lbs) Men: 10 kg (22 lbs) 20 kg (44 lbs) 30 kg (66 lbs)

14 ONE-ARM PRESS Challenge your shoulders with one kettlebell. Steps Clean the kettlebell. To do so, straddle the kettlebell on the floor with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width. Squat down and grab the handle with a straight arm. In one movement, extend through your legs and hips and swing the kettlebell up toward your shoulder, rotating your wrist. The base of the kettlebell should rest on the back of your forearm on the outside of your body. Tighten your core and press the kettlebell up until your arm is straight overhead, palm forward. Complete your reps and repeat entire process on the other side.

15 Dos Keep your wrist straight and forearm vertical throughout the movement. Use a dumbbell if you do not have a kettlebell. Don'ts Let your elbow flare out to 90. Keep it closer to the body. Use a weight that s too heavy. You should always have full control over the kettlebell. Challenge: Weight for 3 Sets of 12 Women: 5 kg (11 lbs) 10 kg (22 lbs) 20 kg (44 lbs) Men: 10 kg (22 lbs) 20 kg (44 lbs) 30 kg (66 lbs)

16 BICEP CURLS There s nothing wrong with a little targeted work now and then! Steps Start standing with a dumbbell or kettlebell in each hand, palms facing in. You can do a hammer curl by leaving your palms in this position or you can rotate your palm as you start to curl so they face you (standard curl). If using a kettlebell, you can choose a tight grip that turns the kettlebell upside down or a loose grip that lets the kettlebell hang as you curl. Whatever you decide, curl your arm up until the weight is at shoulder height. Pause, lower slowly, and repeat.

17 Dos Keep your upper arms still so your biceps do the work. Feel free to alternate curls or curl both arms simultaneously. Don'ts Rush the movement. Use control to slowly raise and lower the weight. Breathe randomly. Exhale as you curl the weight and inhale as you bring the weight back down. Challenge: Weight for 3 Sets of 12 Women: 5 kg (10 lbs) 10 kg (22 lbs) 20 kg (44 lbs) Men: 10 kg (22 lbs) 20 kg (44 lbs) 30 kg (66 lbs)

18 TRICEP DIPS Find a bench or low table and work those triceps. Steps Start by holding on to the edge of your chosen surface with your arms straight and about shoulder-width apart, your fingers pointing back. Your legs should also be extended in front of you with your heels resting on the floor. Bend your arms and lower your body until your upper arm and forearm are at about a 90 angle. Use your triceps to push back up to the starting position.

19 Dos Keep your elbows tight to your body. As you advance, make the exercise more challenging by putting your feet up on a bench. Then you can even add a weight plate. Don'ts Let your shoulders roll forward as you go down. Avoid this by turning your hands so your fingers point behind you. Challenge: Tricep Dips in 1 Min Women: Men:


21 SQUATS A must in any workout plan, the squat targets your glutes as well as your quads and thighs. Steps Stand with your feet should-width apart, toes pointing slightly outward, arms extended in front of you. Bend at the hips and push your butt back as if you re about to sit in a chair. Squat as low as you can while keeping your back straight and your chest lifted. Stand up by driving through your heels and activating your glutes (squeeze that butt!)

22 Dos Push your knees away from each other (no caving in) as you squat. Go low. Squat as deeply as you can with good form. Don'ts Round your lower back. Let your weight shift to your toes it should stay in the balls/heels of your feet. Challenge: Isometric Squats 1. Squat and hold the bottom position for 30 seconds. 2. Stand up and then do 1 full squat (down and up). 3. Hold the next squat at the bottom for 30 seconds. 4. Now do 2 full squats. See how many reps you can do, adding 1 squat each time.

23 JUMP SQUATS Increase the intensity of your workout with this plyometric version of the squat. Steps Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Do a normal squat, bringing your arms in front of your chest so that your hands and forearms make a V shape. At the bottom of the squat, jump explosively with your arms straightening at your sides. Immediately squat back down as you land and jump again until you have done all reps.

24 Dos Push your knees away from each other (no caving in) as you squat. Keep your back straight and chest up. Don'ts Use your toes to jump. Press through the balls of your feet. Land on locked knees. Prepare for your landing and soften your knees. Challenge: Jump Squats in 1 Min Women: Men:

25 GOBLET SQUATS Use a kettlebell to add weight to your squats and get a bonus core workout. Steps Standing shoulder-width apart, hold a kettlebell (or dumbbell/medicine ball) tight to your chest with your elbows pointing down. Squat down between your legs and press your knees out with your elbows. Stand back up and repeat.

26 Dos Point your toes slightly out. Keep your heels planted. Add a pause at the bottom, if desired. Don'ts Round your back or lean forward keep a flat to slightly arched lower back and keep your chest up. Do partial squats. If you have the flexibility, you ll want to squat as deep as you can. Challenge: Weight for 3 Sets of 12 Women: 5 kg (11 lbs) 10 kg (22 lbs) 20 kg (44 lbs) Men: 10 kg (22 lbs) 20 kg (44 lbs) 30 kg (66 lbs)

27 SPLIT SQUAT JUMP This is another challenging plyometric exercise to work your quads while getting some cardio in. Steps Start by standing with your legs staggered, one in front and one in back (split stance). Squat down into a split squat. The thigh of your front leg should be parallel to the floor. Your back knee should not touch the floor. Jump up explosively and switch your legs while in the air. Land back in the squat. Repeat.

28 Dos Use your arms as feels best. You can swing your arms up as you jump, alternate your arms, or keep your hands on your hips. Land on soft knees to absorb impact. Don'ts Lean forward keep your chest up. Let your knees go past your toes, this puts more stress on your joints. Challenge: Split Squat Jumps in 1 Min Women: Men:

29 WALL SITS All you need is your body, a wall, and some time for this static quadricep exercise. Steps Stand with your back against a wall and your feet about shoulder-width apart. Slide down the wall until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Your knees should be over your ankles. If necessary, adjust how far your feet are from the wall to achieve this. Hold for as long as your exercise plan says and rest between sets as prescribed. When finished, press into your heels to stand up.

30 Dos Keep your head up and keep your back flat against the wall. Make sure your hips and knees are at a 90 angle. Don'ts Push through knee pain. Burning in the quads is normal, if your knees hurt you should stop. Challenge: Wall Sit Time for 3 Sets Women: 30s 60s 90s Men: 30s 60s 90s

31 LUNGES Another classic lower body exercise, lunges work your quads. They can be static, but we like to walk! Steps Start standing, holding a kettlebell or dumbbell in front of your chest or holding a weight in each hand. Step forward with one leg and lower your upper body down until both knees are bent at about 90 angles. Your back knee should nearly touch the ground and your front knee should be over your ankle. Push up to stand on your front leg, but immediately step forward with your back leg and repeat until reps are completed.

32 Dos Keep the heel of your back foot off the floor rest on your toes. Engage your core and step forward with control. Don'ts Lean forward keep your chest up. Let your knees go past your toes, this puts more stress on your joints. Challenge: Total Weight for 3 Sets of 12 (per leg) Women: 5 kg (11 lbs) 10 kg (22 lbs) 20 kg (44 lbs) Men: 10 kg (22 lbs) 20 kg (44 lbs) 30 kg (66 lbs)

33 SIDE LUNGES Don t just work backward and forward, up and down. Side to side movements have benefits too! Steps Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. If desired, hold a weight in front of your chest or between your legs. With your body (and toes!) facing forward, take a big step to the side. Bend the knee of the leg you just moved and sit back until that thigh is parallel to the ground. The static leg should stay straight. Push through the foot of the bent leg to return to the starting position. Now step with the other foot to the other side to repeat the exercise.

34 Dos Make sure your feet stay planted they should not roll in or out nor should your toes or heels come off the floor. Don'ts Collapse forward or round your back. You should keep your chest up and your spine straight. Challenge: Number of Side Lunges/Leg Women: Men:

35 HIGH KNEES This cardio exercise can be done anywhere to work your quads. Steps Stand shoulder-width apart with your knees slightly bent and your arms at your sides. Drive one knee up toward your belly button. As you bring that leg back down, drive the knee of the opposite leg up. Continue to switch legs in rapid succession, alternating your arms so that the arm opposite the lifted leg is up (the same movement that naturally occurs when you swing your arms walking). Jog in place as long as required.

36 Dos Stay on the balls of your feet. Reach at least hip height with your knee. Don'ts Sacrifice your form to meet your time goal go for less time or modify the exercise, for example by doing a high knee march instead of the jumping. Challenge: Time for 1 Set Women: 30s 1 min 90s Men: 30s 1 min 90s

37 JUMPING JACKS This classic exercise is a great warmup exercise for your shoulders and legs. Steps Stand with your feet together and your arms down your sides. Quickly lift your arms overhead while jumping your feet to the sides with soft knees. Immediately jump your feet back together while bringing your arms back down to your sides. Repeat.

38 Dos Try to land softly on your feet. Increase the cardio impact by jumping faster. Don'ts Lock your knees or do jumping jacks on hard surfaces. Particularly if you have knee issues, jumping jacks can be hard on your joints. Challenge: Jumping Jacks in 1 Min Women: Men:

39 ONE LEG DEADLIFT The single-leg deadlift works the hamstrings and glutes of your supporting leg not to mention your balance. Steps Hold a kettlebell or dumbbell in one hand. Stand on one leg (the leg on the side that is holding the weight). Keep that knee slightly bent as you bend over at the hip, extending the opposite leg behind you for balance and bringing the weight toward the floor. Once you are parallel to the ground, return to the starting position and repeat.

40 Dos Plant your foot firmly. You want your toes and heel rooted to the floor. Keep your back flat as you bend over. Use two weights if desired. Don'ts Add weight too soon. Make sure you have perfect form without weight. Force yourself to reach the floor once you feel a good hamstring stretch, you ve gone far enough. Challenge: Total Weight for 3 Sets of 12 (per leg) Women: 5 kg (11 lbs) 10 kg (22 lbs) 20 kg (44 lbs) Men: 10 kg (22 lbs) 20 kg (44 lbs) 30 kg (66 lbs)

41 KETTLEBELL SWING Kettlebell swings are in and rightfully so they challenge your entire back body (e.g. hamstrings, glutes, lower back) and offer cardio too. Steps 1 Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing slightly outward, and your kettlebell on the floor about a foot in front of you. 2 Hinge at the hips and with soft knees grab the kettlebell with both hands, palms facing you. 3 Tilt the kettlebell handle toward you, then swing the kettlebell through your legs. 4 Now drive forward with your hips to swing the weight up to chest level. 5 Hinge your hips as the bell falls between your legs and repeat.

42 Dos Swing, not squat. If you bend your knees too much, you are squatting! Keep your core tight to avoid straining your lower back. Don'ts Use your arms - your arms should hold the weight, not move it. Go past your chest the American swing goes above the head, but it s safer for most to stop at chest level. Challenge: 10,000 Swings You read that correctly. This challenge will take you 4-5 weeks and is not for the faint of heart! The goal is to complete 10,000 swings by doing workouts including 500 swings 4-5x/week. Between sets of swings, you ll do one other exercise of your choice. For more information, google The 10,000 Swing Kettlebell Workout by Dan John. Be careful and be fit!

43 STEP UPS This simple exercise can be done just about anywhere to challenge your glutes and your balance. Steps 1 Find a stable, flat surface that puts your knee at a 90 angle when you place your foot on it. 2 Holding weights in each hand (if desired) with your arms down to your sides, place one foot firmly on the surface. 3 Extend your hip and knee on the lifted leg to stand up, which will lift the back leg off the floor. 4 Place the back leg on the bench. 5 Now step down with the leg you just moved, and follow with the first leg. Repeat.

44 Dos Exhale as you push to stand up. Inhale as you step back down. Add an optional knee raise when you bring the other leg up on to the surface. Don'ts Add weight too soon, make sure you have mastered the movement with bodyweight first. Use a step that is too high or low. Challenge: Step Up Jumps For a more advanced step up, you can actually do step up jumps place one leg on the surface at a 90 angle like you do with a normal step up. Then push up to standing with enough force to switch your legs in the air. You will land with the opposite foot on the bench and the opposite leg on the floor. This is a bodyweight variation that ramps up the cardio!

45 TURKISH GET UP This exercise isn t easy and it isn t simple, but it is so effective for improving mobility and stability. Steps Set Up: Lie on your back with a weight in one hand, with that arm extended straight above your chest. Bend the knee on the same side to 90 and keep the opposite leg straight. Place the arm not holding the weight at a 45 angle from the body. Press into the foot of your bent leg and into your flat elbow while punching upward with the kettlebell to raise your torso and shift your weight into your forearm. Now move from your forearm to your hand. Lift your hips off the ground so you can pull your straight leg underneath you to rest on your knee. Take your hand off the floor and rotate your leg on the ground so that you are in a low lunge. Stand up. Reverse: step back into the lunge with your knee returning to the floor. Rotate that leg so it is again perpendicular to the front leg. Place your free hand palm down next to your knee on the floor. Straighten your back leg in front of you and rest your butt on the floor. Roll down to your elbow and lower onto your back.

46 Dos Keep your eyes on the kettlebell, only looking forward during the low lunge and when standing up. Keep your arm and elbow straight throughout the movement Maintain a neutral wrist. Watch a video! This one is hard to learn. Don'ts Rush. This isn t a quick exercise and good form is crucial! Use a weight that is too heavy. Make sure you ve mastered the movement before adding weight.

47 ABS

48 LEG RAISES Experts do this ab exercise with straight legs, but if that s too difficult, you can bend your knees. Steps Hang from a pull up bar with your legs straight down. Raise your legs and curl your body to bring your legs and hips up as high as you can (goal: toes to bar). Uncurl your body to return to the starting position.

49 Dos Pull your shoulders back and down before starting the movement. Exhale as you curl, inhale as you return to start. Don'ts Fold. If you just lift your legs and fold in half, you will not engage your abs. Swing. Focus on curling your body slowly and with full control, do not rely on momentum! Challenge: Get Em Higher Bent knees, 90 degrees Straight legs, 90 degrees Toes to bar

50 RUSSIAN TWISTS Russian twists, not rushin twists. Take your time with this oblique exercise and keep good form. Steps Sit on the floor with your knees bent at a 90 angle and your upper body raised off the floor to form a V with your thighs. Hold your weight in front of you with bent elbows or straight arms. Lift your feet so your calves are parallel to the floor. Twist your torso toward your right hip and then toward the left (doing both sides counts as one rep) and repeat.

51 Dos Move slowly and with control. Adjust difficulty by placing your feet on the floor (easier) or straightening your arms (harder). Don'ts Add weight too soon. Make sure you have perfect form without weight. Touch the weight to the floor. You want to avoid twisting your lower back. Challenge: Number of Reps for 3 Sets* Women: Men: *You may increase your weight as you get stronger.

52 MTN CLIMBERS Challenge your core while getting a cardio boost? Win-win. Thanks, mountain climbers! Steps Get into a plank position on the floor with your hands under your shoulders or slightly wider. Keeping your upper body stable, drive one knee across your torso toward the opposite elbow. As you bring that leg back to the starting position, drive your other leg toward your other elbow. Repeat, keeping a quick tempo.

53 Dos Keep core tight and hips level to avoid bouncing up and down. Stack your wrists under your shoulders. Don'ts Hold you breath you ll need plenty of oxygen for this one! Sacrifice form for speed. Even though it is a great cardio exercise, form matters! Challenge: Climbers in 1 Min Women: Men:

54 WINDMILL This exercise is challenging because you will have to stabilize both your shoulder and core. Steps Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, one foot turned out at a 45 angle. Using the hand opposite the turned out foot, clean and press a kettlebell so your arm is straight overhead. Hinge your hip and push your butt away from the turned out foot and, looking up at the kettlebell, rotate and bend toward the ground. Touch the floor (or a spot on your leg, depending on your flexibility) and pause before returning to the starting position.

55 Dos Look up at the kettlebell throughout the windmill. Keep your arm straight and wrist neutral. Don'ts Stretch too far. You don t HAVE to touch the floor, and you will gain hamstring flexibility the more you do this exercise. Challenge: Windmills per Side* Women: Men: *Use a challenging weight.

56 BURPEES This is a true full body exercise - your cardiovascular system gets a workout too. Steps From standing, squat down so your palms are flat on the floor in front of your feet. Jump your feet back so you land in a push-up position with straight arms. Lower yourself to the floor and complete the push up. Jump your feet back between your hands. Now jump, reaching your hands straight up.

57 Dos Use good form, even when you start getting tired. If necessary, make modifications like leaving out the pushup so you can finish strong.. Don'ts Let your back dip as you land in plank position. Keep it tight! Don t hunch over straighten up completely when you jump. Challenge: Burpees in One Set Women: Men:

58 PLANK This classic ab exercise may not require much movement, but it is still extremely effective. Steps Support yourself on your forearms with your elbows under your shoulders or on straight arms with your hands under your shoulders. Your legs should be straight and your feet shoulder-width apart or narrower. Toes press into the floor. Squeeze your glutes and engage your core to keep your body lifted and in a straight line from your head to your toes. Hold for as long as your workout calls for.

59 Dos Keep your neck in line with your spine. Add variation if it gets too easy. Try lifting an arm or a leg! Don'ts Arch your back or let your hips sag. Keep it tight! Forget to breathe. If you plan to hold your planks for a minute or more, you ll want that oxygen flowing. Challenge: Time for 1 Set Women: 1 min 3 min 5 min Men: 1 min 3 min 5 min

60 SIDE PLANK This plank variation will really challenge your obliques. Steps Lie down on one side with your legs straight and stacked. Beginners: place your elbow/forearm on the floor directly under your shoulder. Advanced: press onto your hand with a straight arm, still under your shoulder. Engage your core and lift your hips so your body forms a straight line. You can lift the free arm to the ceiling or put your hand on your hip.

61 Dos Keep your neck in line with your spine. Stack your wrists under your shoulders. Don'ts Let your hips sag. Keep it tight! Forget to count do the same number of reps for the same amount of time on both sides. Challenge: Time for 3 Sets (Per Side) Women: 30s 1 min 2 min Men: 60s 2 min 3 min

62 BUTTERFLY SIT-UP These sit-ups work your abs while also opening up your hips. Steps Lie on the ground with your knees pointed outward and the bottoms of your feet together (butterfly position). Starting with your arms straight over your head, lift your torso up to touch the ground in front of your toes. Roll back down to the starting position and repeat until you ve finished your reps.

63 Dos Exhale as you sit up, inhale as you lower back down. Touch your hands past your feet as you sit up and touch again over your head as you return to start. Don'ts Rely on momentum. Instead of swinging yourself up, concentrate on using your abs. Flop back. Lower to the starting position with control. Challenge: Reps in One Set Women: Men:

64 V-UPS This challenging ab exercise requires both strength and flexibility. Steps Lie on the floor with your legs straight and arms extended over your head. Lift your torso and legs at the same time as if you were trying to touch your toes. As the name of the exercise suggests, your torso and thighs should form a V. Lower back down with control and repeat.

65 Dos Exhale as you lift up, inhale as you lower back down. Keep your arms and legs as straight as possible. Don'ts Use momentum. Perform this exercise slowly and with control. Use bad form. If the full v-up is too difficult for you, you can do easier variations. For example, you can lift one leg at a time instead of both. Challenge: V-Ups in 1 Min Women: Men:

66 BICYCLE CRUNCH This classic ab exercises targets the entire core. Steps 1 Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your fingertips behind your head, elbows open wide. 2 Engage your abs as you lift your feet off the ground until your calves are parallel to the floor. 3 4 Lift your shoulders off the floor and twist your upper body, bringing one elbow across the body toward the opposite knee, which should be lifting up toward the chest. Keep your other leg straight. Switch sides and repeat until your reps are done.

67 Dos Keep some space between your chin and your chest. Keep your lower back pressed into the floor. Don'ts Pull on your neck. Keep the pressure behind your head gentle. Rotate your hips. Your legs should move in a straight line, only your torso should twist. Challenge: Bicycle Crunches in 1 Min Women: Men:

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Workout 1 Workout 2 Workout 1 Workout 2 Rest Workout 1 Rest

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Workout 1 Workout 2 Workout 1 Workout 2 Rest Workout 1 Rest 60 Day Workout Plan 1 Workout Schedule Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Workout 1 Workout 2 Workout 1 Workout 2 Rest Workout 1 Rest Summary of workouts Workout 1 Workout 2 1. Cardiovascular-Walking/Jogging

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