79 th ANNUAL SCAHPERD Convention and EXPO November 9-12, 2006 Myrtle Beach, SC

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1 79 th ANNUAL SCAHPERD Convention and EXPO November 9-12, 2006 Myrtle Beach, SC Body Bar Flex Exercise Rod for Enhancing Physical Fitness of Elementary and Middle School Students by Gordon Brown, Gwen Massey and Sherry Catlin

2 Presentation Focus Present the evaluation of a new variable resistant exercise device -The Body Bar Flex - for use with 5 th grade students at Pendleton Elementary School in Anderson District Four. Discuss four (4) groups of three exercises each to be used in conjunction with an exercise station concept for students in grades 4,5,6,7 and 8.

3 Exercise Demonstration Program at Pendleton Elementary School (PES) Purpose: Evaluate the use of the Body Bar Flex variable resistant exercise bar by 5 th grade students. Define how this Exercise Device could be used efficiently and effectively by 5 th grade students as part of their existing physical education program to: Aid in muscle strength conditioning Flexibility Core strengthening

4 Goals of an Efficient and Effective Exercise Device for use by Students Allow a large percentage of students to use the exercise device Station concept of exercise allows this goal to be met Cost effective Body Bar Flex bars are inexpensive Functionally efficient (achieve results) Exercise modules using the Body Bar Flex performed in about 4 to 5 minutes allow this goal to be met. Effective use of time Minimal set-up and take-down time Easy and quick to switch from one exercise to the next using the Body Bar Flex Achieve 1) Muscle specific strengthening, 2) Stretching and 3) Core conditioning Modules designed using Body Bar Flex allow this goal to be accomplished Most exercises involve compound movements which work more than one muscle group at a time which allows each exercise to be more efficient and effective. THE BODY BAR FLEX DEMONSTRATED THE ABILITY TO FULLFILL THESE GOALS

5 Activity Log at PES First meeting (Oct 12, 2005) with Ms. Gwen Massey, Asst. Principal Began Nov 4, 2005 with Coach Joe Whitham and one (1) class of 5 th grade students Worked with 5 th grade for 3 or 4 classes to identify appropriate exercises for this level of student Coach Whitham performed further work with Body Bar Flex and his 5 th grade students Four modules defined for use in station exercise concept using Body Bar Flex with each module requiring about 4 to 5 minutes per module to complete Feb 1, 2006: Body Bar Flex integrated successfully into station training with 5 th graders using the bar effectively

6 Focus of Work with Coach Whitham Confirm that 5 th grade students can perform exercises using the Body Bar Flex Results: Yes and they enjoyed using the device. Identify exercises most appropriate for 5 th graders to a) build muscle strength, b) enhance flexibility thru stretching and c) strengthen core muscles Results: Students can use bar effectively to meet all three of these conditioning areas. Integrate the Body Bar Flex into the existing physical education requirements in an effective way Results: The station exercise concept is an effective way to make efficient use of the Body Bar Flex. Results: A group of four (4) exercise modules with about three (3) exercises per module were defined with each module requiring no more than 4 to 5 minutes to complete. Plus minimal set-up and take-down time is required when using the Body Bar Flex.

7 Does the effective use of the Body Bar Flex support the South Carolina Physical Education Standards?

8 The South Carolina PE Curriculum Standards The use of the Body Bar Flex exercise device supports the South Carolina PE Standards. The next several slides referencing the Standards call for students to be able to be able to accomplish certain activities for which the Body Bar Flex enables the student to develop the strength and flexibility to accomplish cited activity.

9 Notes on South Carolina Physical Education (PE) Curriculum Standards The South Carolina PE Curriculum Standards are based on the National Standard NASPE 1995 The following three slides discuss how the use of the Body Bar Flex bar supports the South Carolina Physical Education (PE) Curriculum Standards.

10 Notes on South Carolina Physical Education (PE) Curriculum Standards The South Carolina PE Curriculum Standards are based on the National Standard NASPE 1995 Standard 1 states: A physically educated person demonstrates competency in many movement forms and proficiency in a few movement forms. Standard 1 in detail states: This standard focuses on the development of movement competence and proficiency. Movement competency implies the development of sufficient ability to enjoy participation in physical activities and establishes a foundation to facilitate continued motor skill acquisition and increased ability to engage in appropriate motor patterns in daily physical activities. The development of proficiency in a few movement forms gives the student the capacity for successful and advanced levels of performance to further increase the likelihood of his or her participation as an adult in a wide variety of leisure and work-related physical activities. RESULTS ( ): The exercise modules recommended for students in grades 4 thru 8 help give the student this necessary level of movement competency and proficiency. Movement competency and proficiency = fitness of the body for the adequate performance of a wide variety of leisure and workrelated physical activities which is the goal for this standard. The fitness focus in using the Body Bar Flex is to a) increase muscle strength of a broad range of muscle groups, b) increase flexibility and balance and c) increase core muscle strength.

11 Notes on South Carolina Physical Education (PE) Curriculum Standards The South Carolina PE Curriculum Standards are based on the National Standard NASPE 1995 Standard 1 (Grade 3-5) states: Students should be able to demonstrate refined fundamental patterns. Variations of skills, skill combinations, and basic offensive and defensive strategies are performed in increasingly dynamic and complex environments. In addition, students should acquire some specialized skills basic to a movement form (e.g., basketball chest pass, soccer dribble) and be able to use those skills with a partner. RESULTS ( ): Specifically, the use of the Body Bar Flex by 5 th grade students allows the student to build tricep and wrist strength both of which are required in order to master the movement forms in performing a basketball chest pass. The modules using the Body Bar Flex are designed to build muscle strength for most of the major muscle groups which will allow the student to master the movement forms required for many additional sports related activities. And for an added bonus, most of the exercises performed with the Body Bar Flex are compound movements which work more than one muscle group at a time allowing each exercise to be more efficient and effective.

12 Notes on South Carolina Physical Education (PE) Curriculum Standards The South Carolina PE Curriculum Standards are based on the National Standard NASPE 1995 Standard 4 of the South Carolina Standard states: The student will achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Grades 3-5 states for Self-Assessment purposes: In a unit on health-related fitness or as a warm-up activity, students will independently move to selected exercise stations in an attempt to maintain or improve their level of fitness. Typical stations might include an aerobic area for cardiovascular fitness, a strength area to work on specific muscle groups (sit-ups to strengthen abdominal muscles, arm hang to strengthen biceps, etc.), muscle endurance (repetition of an action), and flexibility. RESULTS ( ): The experience at Pendleton Elementary School has demonstrated the ability to use the Body Bar Flex bar to help the students improve their level of fitness by focusing on enhancing their muscle strength. And the use of the station concept for performing exercise activities has allowed a minimal number of Body Bar Flex bars to be used by a large number of students.

13 Body Bar Flex Exercise Rod (Patent Pending) Description A rod that one bends to provide resistance for muscle conditioning 36 inches in length About 1 pound in weight Varies the resistance delivered to each hand from less than 1 pound to a maximum of about 10 pounds when the exercises are performed. Exercises performed are dynamic variable resistant exercises in combination with isometric exercises Comfortable surface for sure gripping The bar grows with the student. As the student grows and becomes stronger more advanced exercises can be performed Learn to use it Use it for Life

14 Benefits of Body Bar Flex Exercise Rod Rods are cost effective Enables all students in class to participate Easy to use and safe Strengthens all major muscle groups Enhances stretching exercises Allows efficient use of class time Minimal storage space REALISTIC PROJECTED RESULTS: More students meeting gender and age group health related physical fitness standards such as Presidential Fitness Test, etc.

15 Pendleton Elementary School (PES) Demonstration Project RESULTS The 5 th grade students had positive experience and demonstrated effective use the Body Bar Flex after being shown how to use the bar Some students were more comfortable than others with their initial use but all students progressed in subsequent classes Students demonstrated ability to use the bar with greater ease and to bend the bar to a greater resistance level as they progressed in their use of the bar. It is projected that all students can benefit from regular use of the Body Bar Flex by achieving a higher level of overall muscle strength, core strength and greater flexibility Students switched from one exercise to the next quickly and this maximized student attention and their use of time And the students enjoyed using the Body Bar Flex because it was light weight and easy to use

16 Proposed Forward Program for Elementary School Students in District 4 Four to six Body Bar Flex bars at each Elementary School plus the Middle School will be sufficient for use by all students using the Station Concept of Exercise conditioning. 30 bars have been ordered for use in school year At the end of this school, introduce the rising 5 th graders to the Body Bar Flex so they can gain exposure and experience with the Body Bar Flex. Take the experience from PES and introduce the Body Bar Flex to LaFrance Elementary and Townville Elementary with all Elementary school 5 th graders plus Riverside Middle school students using the bar beginning with the school year Provide broad exposure to the elementary and middle school teachers plus detailed training for the physical education teachers during Professional Development time at the beginning of school year. Consider expansion of the use of the Body Bar Flex into High Schools following a successful implementation into the Elementary schools and Middle school.

17 Exercise Modules Warm-up and gentle strengthening Upper body strengthening Core Strengthening Stretching and Flexibility NOTE: Most all of the exercises are compound movements and work more than one muscle group at a time. For each exercise, the student is encouraged to bend the Body Bar Flex only an amount that is comfortable and to perform 5 to 10 repetitions. As the student gains strength, the flexible bar can be bent further towards the maximum which is a semicircle or U shape and the repetitions can be increased.

18 Module 1 Warm-up and Gentle Strengthening Warm-up exercise Hand, Wrist and Arm Strengthening Triceps (back of arm) and Shoulder Stretch

19 Warm-up Exercise Have your students perform about 1 to 2 minutes of a warm-up exercise of your choice to gradually increase the heart rate and body temperature in preparation for other warm-up and gentle strengthening exercises to follow. You may use the Body Bar Flex for this warm-up exercise or have the students place it on the floor (out of their way).

20 Hand, Wrist and Arm Warm-up and Strengthening Hold bar at or near the ends with both hands. Holding bar firmly (but not tightly) twist the soft exterior covering of the bar by rotating both hands in opposite directions. Start by rotating the right hand so the knuckles are up with the left hand being rotated so that the knuckles are rotated down. Then move each hand in the opposite direction with left hand knuckles moving up with right hand knuckles moving down. Repeat for repetitions.

21 Triceps (back of arm) and Shoulder Warm-up and Strengthening Stretch Stand tall and hold the Body Bar Flex in the right hand, palm facing in and elbow bent overhead near ear. Reach behind your back with the left hand to hold the other end of the bar, palm facing out. Pull up with right hand as left arm moves up to a comfortable stretch position. Hold 10 seconds. Then pull down with the left hand to a comfortable stretch. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat on other side. Focus stretch on back of arms and front of shoulders.


23 Standing - Chest & Arms with Turned out Squat Stand tall with legs in a wide stance toes turned comfortably open. Keep chest lifted and hold the Body Bar Flex behind your hips with one hand at each end, palms facing forward. Gently bend your knees, lowering your hips straight down, as you squeeze your chest and biceps (fronts of arms) to bend the bar forward into a U shape. Press your legs straight and straighten your arms to return to starting position. Keep chest lifted, chin and head level, abdominals tight and hips neutral. Perform 5-10 repetitions. Strengthens chest, shoulders, biceps, hips and front of thighs.

24 Tricep Extension from Seated Seated on floor with legs bent, align the bar along inside of right calf with end of bar on floor near your right foot. Use your left hand to hold the bar (near the center of the bar) against the inside of your right leg at about the knee. With your right hand grasping the end of the bar that is not touching the floor, push forward on the end of the bar for the tricep extension. Perform 5-10 repetitions. Then switch to the left side for tricep extensions for your left arm. Position

25 Bicep Curl from Seated Position Seated on floor with legs bent, align the bar along inside of right thigh with end of bar on floor at the base of your thigh. Use your left hand to hold the bar (near the center of the bar) against the inside of your right leg at about the knee. With your right hand grasping the end of the bar that is not touching the floor, pull back with the right hand to perform the bicep curl. Perform 5-10 repetitions. Then switch to the left side for bicep curls for your left arm.

26 Rowing Exercise and Stretch Sit on floor with legs bent at 90 degree angle at knee. Hold bar at each end with palms facing back and lean forward and place center of bar over outside of shoes near ball of foot. Keep your back straight. As you exhale, draw abdominals tight, squeeze shoulder blades together in your back and pull elbows back to bend bar towards you. Keep a soft grip and head in line with spine. If this is too challenging, hook the bar over one or both knees and pull back drawing your shoulder blades together. Perform 5-15 repetitions.

27 Module 3 Core Strengthening BACK EXTENSION BICYCLE SIT-UPS TOTAL ABDOMINAL CRUNCH Alternate is Seated Abdominal Crunch

28 Back Extension Lay on floor in prone position with bar perpendicular to body length and chin resting on surface of bar with a hand at each end of the bar. Raise head, chest and the bar off of the floor (about 1 inch) and pause in this up position and then lower chest, head and the bar to floor. Chin rests on the surface of the bar as the head, chest and the bar are raised. The arms do not pull up. The arms only position the bar so that the chin can rest on it. Exhale as you raise head and chest and inhale as you lower head and chest. Perform 5-15 repetitions.

29 Bicycle Sit-ups Lay on your back with feet and knees held in the air, shins parallel to ground. Place the bar behind your head at the base of your head holding the bar with your hands positioned on the outside of the bar behind your head with bar parallel to your forearms. As you exhale draw abdominals tightly inwards and raise your right shoulder blade off of the floor moving it towards your left knee which is moving toward your chest with other leg moving straight away from you. Then reverse the movement and raise the left shoulder blade off of the floor and bring toward the right knee which is moving toward your chest. Perform repetitions remembering to exhale as you raise a shoulder blade off of the floor and inhale as you lower the shoulder blade back to the floor.

30 Total Body Abdominal Crunches Lay on your back with feet and knees held in the air, shins parallel to ground. Place the Body Bar Flex on top of your thighs holding ends with palms facing away. As you exhale draw abdominals tightly inwards and press forward on bar as you curl your spine forward to an abdominal crunch-at the same time, push thighs into bar drawing your knees toward your nose. Keep a soft grip with arms straight. Inhale as you lower to start position. Perform 5-10 repetitions. Strengthens abdominals and arms. This Exercise Method covered by United States Patent 7,112,166 issued 9/26/2006.

31 Seated Abdominal Crunch Sit at the edge of a sturdy chair, feet hip width apart. Place the Body Bar Flex on top of your thighs and hold ends, palms facing down. As you exhale draw abdominals tightly inwards and press down on bar as your curl your spine forward. Keep a soft grip with your hands, feet firmly on floor and arms straight. Inhale and keep control as you return to upright position. Perform 5-10 repetitions. Strengthens abdominals, shoulders, chest and arms. This Exercise Method covered by United States Patent 7,112,166 issued 9/26/2006.


33 Reclining Hamstring Stretch Lay on back, shoulders and hips relaxed to ground. Bend your right knee with foot on the ground. Place the Body Bar Flex behind right leg and draw knee to chest. Hold ends of bar in hands, palms facing in. Pull gently to enhance stretch. Exhale and draw abdominals tightly inwards and press right heel towards ceiling, straightening the leg and toning the quadriceps muscle. Flex foot and find comfortable stretch in hamstring. Keep a soft grip with your hands, elbows soft and head held in neutral, pelvis and core held still. Inhale and keep control as you lower to start position. Perform 3-5 repetitions and repeat on other side. Stretches back of thighs and calf.

34 Reclining Hip Stretch Lay on back. Bend left knee, foot on the ground and cross right ankle over left thigh. Place the Body Bar Flex behind left hamstring and hold ends of bar, palms facing in. As you exhale draw abdominals tightly inwards and draw thighs closer to your chest until you feel a comfortable stretch. Hold stretch for about 10 seconds. Keep a soft grip with your hands, elbows soft, head held in neutral, and core held still. Inhale and keep control as you lower to start position. Perform 1 or 2 repetitions and repeat on other side. Stretches back of hips, hamstrings, and lower back.

35 Standing Hamstring (back of leg) Stand tall with the Body Bar Flex tip down in front of your body. Hold the bar lightly at the top for balance and place the ball of your right foot at the base of the bar. Exhale and sit your hips backwards, pulling the bar towards your chest so it bends into an arc. Tighten your abdominals, but keep your back straight. Focus on keeping your right leg straight for a stretch in the back of the leg and lower back. Perform 3-5 repetitions. Repeat on other side. Stretches calf, hamstrings and strengthens core plus promotes balance. Stretch

36 Pendleton Elementary School (PES) Student Recognition The following PES fifth grade students are pictured in this presentation. Jacqulyn Rollins Tristan Evans Malik Williams Hunter Morton Cierra Earle Alexis Harrison Jennifer Whitmire

37 Acknowledgements Gary L. Burgess, Sr., Ed. D. - Superintendent Joanne Avery, Ph. D. Asst Superintendent, Anderson District Four Lee M. D Andrea, Ph. D. Former Asst Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, Anderson District Four Ms. Gwen Massey Asst Principal, Pendleton Elementary School, Anderson District Four Coach Joe Whitham PE Teacher, Pendleton Elementary School, Anderson District Four Ms. Sherry Catlin President, Body Bar Systems, Inc. and IDEA s 2004 Program Director of the Year Ms. Trudy Brown Retired Elementary School Teacher, Anderson District Four

38 The End Thank you for your attention and we sincerely hope that you find the Body Bar Flex exercise device to be effective and efficient in helping your students develop: 1) Muscle strength conditioning 2) Flexibility 3) Core strengthening for their life s activities. Contact Gordon Brown at flexistix@charter.net or Katarina Claesson at Body Bar Systems, Inc. ( ) or and click on Body Bar Flex.

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