Chair Yoga Basics: A Mindful Approach

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1 Chair Yoga Basics: A Mindful Approach Part Three Connect, Breathe & Focus Little Flower Yoga is a New York based organization dedicated to sharing yoga and mindfulness with children and youth regardless of circumstances. We offer direct service classes for schools in New York City and Westchester County, Staff Development Workshops, and a national Affiliate Program, as well as a Yoga Alliance certified Children s Yoga Teacher Training. This program was developed by School Yoga Project Director, Mayuri Gonzalez in To reach Mayuri, please TEL (212) / / WEB LFY Training Manual: Chair Yoga 2018 Little Flower Yoga. All rights reserved. May not be copied without written permission!1

2 Table of Contents Connect Element 3 Connect Activities 3 Focus Element 6 Focus Activities 7 Breathe Element 10 Breathe Activities 10 Linking Breath to Movement 13 Sequence: 20-minute Breath Centered Practice 17 TAKING IT HOME: WEEKLY PERSONAL PRACTICE LOG 18 LFY Training Manual: Chair Yoga 2018 Little Flower Yoga. All rights reserved. May not be copied without written permission!2

3 Connect Element Connect to Self Connect to Others Connect to Environment Connect Activities WAKING UP THE BODY TAPPING Settle into a tall and comfortable position. Take a few breaths noticing how your body and mind feel. Using the soft padding of your pointer and middle fingers of both hands begin tapping your face. Taking your time, begin by tapping underneath your eyes and after a little while explore your face softly. Tap and explore your temples, forehead, and jaw bone. Continue by using all of your fingers to tap the top of your head and then down your neck. Notice the sensations of the tapping on your face and perhaps say, This is my head and this is the sensation of my fingers tapping my head. Use your two fingers again to tap around to your collar bones and then use your fists to pound your chests and vocalize a soft ahh. Continue tapping gently down to your ribs. Use your full palm to gently slap your thighs down to your shins and towards your feet. Tap up the back of your legs and lower back. Sit up straight and with your palm gently tap one of the top of your arms by your shoulders. As you tap say, this is my arm, and this is the sensation of my hands against my arm. Tap down to your forearms and end by clapping your hands together. Repeat gently slapping your other arm, beginning with your shoulders, then forearms, and then your hands. Lastly, with the inside of your fists pound gently but firmly on the space between your neck and shoulders. First one side.then the other. Once you ve finished, settle back into a comfortable seat. Breathe through your nose and notice how your body feels. Notice if your breath has changed or if your body or mind feels differently than when you first started. Think of a time when you might be able to use this activity to wake up your body. LFY Training Manual: Chair Yoga 2018 Little Flower Yoga. All rights reserved. May not be copied without written permission!3

4 ENERGY LEVEL CHECK IN Your body has a natural energetic rhythm with ebbs and flows throughout the day. Sometimes with busy schedules and lots to think about we get disconnected from our energy level and have a hard time meeting the challenges at hand. Mindfulness can help us determine when our energy is too low or high for the situation. Sit in a tall, relaxed position. Take a few breaths without changing your breath in any way. Notice how your body feels How much energy do you have? Think of a number from one though five, with one being very low energy and five being completely energized, and decide what your energy level is right now. When you ve thought of a number, place one hand on your chest and one on your belly. Scan your body to determine how your body feels at this energy level and say inside your own mind: This is what my body feels like at this energy level. Take a breath and say, This is how my feet and legs feel. Take a breath and say, This is how my chest and arms feel. Take a breath and say, This is how my face and head feel. Take a breath and say, This is how my mind feels. Take another deep breath and say, This is what my body feels like at this energy level. Now check in and see if there is anything your body needs right now. If there is, take care of your body as soon as you can. Remember to check in on your energy level throughout the day so that you can recognize and respond to your needs. LAYERS OF SOUND This is a classic mindful listening practice that students can do anywhere. Have them find a still and comfortable position with their bodies. Then ask them to open their ears wide and find the furthest away sound that they can hear. After a few moments, have them bring their ears in a little closer, and work in stages until they are listening to sounds within the building, within the room, in a small circle around them, and finally to the sounds of their own body. After this activity give students the opportunity to share the sounds that they heard with the group. MINDFUL CHECK IN- 1 WORD Get comfortable in a seated position and notice all of the parts of your body that are connected to the chair. Just drop the question into your mind. Where am I starting from right now? How does my body feel in this moment? What is my energy level like? See if you can sit for a few moments and allow one word to bubble up to describe how you are feeling right now. (share or not) LFY Training Manual: Chair Yoga 2018 Little Flower Yoga. All rights reserved. May not be copied without written permission!4

5 MINDFUL INQUIRY: GRATITUDE Take 2-5 minutes to practice mindfulness by observing your breath to prepare for the activity. Allow students to sit in silence before writing for 30 seconds to one minute after each question or prompt. Encourage students to trust what comes up and not over think things to much. Give a few moments for students to write about each prompt before moving onto the next. - Question 1: What are 3-5 things that you are grateful for. - Question 2: Why are you grateful for these things - Questions 3: What thoughts and feelings did this exercise evoke in you. CHECKING IN WITH MY BODY Start with your feet and ask them how they are doing today. Notice if they feel relaxed or tense, comfortable or uncomfortable. Is there any pain or other strong sensations? Next check in with your legs and see how they are feeling. Are the muscles in your legs working or resting? Are there any spots that feel tight or uncomfortable? Do they feel energized or tired? Keep moving up your body to check in. How is your belly feeling? Full or hungry? Comfortable or uncomfortable? Is it relaxed or clenched? Can you feel yourself digesting food? Now check in with your back and then your chest and shoulders. What do you feel? How much can you notice? How about your arms and hands? Your face? As you check in with each part of your body, notice how it is doing, and consider whether the sensation has anything to tell you about your feelings. Maybe an flutter in your belly is a reminder that you are feeling nervous or excited. Or a tight and uncomfortable jaw might be letting you know that you are angry or feeling stress. If you re not sure don t worry, just check in with your body and notice whatever you can feel. Sometimes it can help to bring your hands onto the part of your body you are checking in with. After you ve checked in, sit quietly for two or three breaths. LFY Training Manual: Chair Yoga 2018 Little Flower Yoga. All rights reserved. May not be copied without written permission!5

6 Focus Element Our modern world is filled with many distractions, making it hard for us to identify and focus on what really matters. Because we are constantly bombarded with stimuli and information that our minds need to sift through, it is crucial that we bring awareness to what s distracting us and how it s impacting us. For example, while phones and other technologies allow us to easily interact with each other (increasingly via a screen), they also can cause a lot of stress. What are some of the things that distract you? Are there times when you find it more difficult to focus? What are some of the things that distract your students? Are there times when your students find it more difficult to focus? With practice, we can learn to anchor our attention to what is most important. Mindfulness helps us bring kind and curious awareness to what distracts. And then, through practice, we can choose to let those thoughts go or act in the moment, if appropriate. We can learn to anchor our attention to the moment, which can be extremely valuable when we are lost in thought and worry. Rumination and worry are normal parts of our lives, but, when we can t face them with equanimity or can t let go of them, they can get in the way of seeing a way forward and of completing our tasks and goals. We can anchor our focus to: a centering thought the breath sensations an external object sound LFY Training Manual: Chair Yoga 2018 Little Flower Yoga. All rights reserved. May not be copied without written permission!6

7 Focus Activities ANCHOR BREATH An anchor is a tool that helps keep a ship steady even when it s windy or there are rough seas. Do you ever have times in your life when you feel like a ship getting tossed around in big waves? Could you use an anchor to help you find steadiness? Your breath is something that you always have with you, and you can use it to help you feel steady when things around you are rocky. Sit up tall. Breathe in and out through your nose, taking full breaths and letting your belly expand each time you breathe in. Place one hand on your belly. As you breathe, notice the way your body moves. Can you feel your breath in your belly? How is your belly moving with your breath? Take a few moments to experience the feeling of the breath in your belly. Now, place one hand on your chest. As you breathe, notice the way your body moves. Can you feel your breath in your chest? How is your chest moving with your breath? Take a few moments to experience the feeling of the breath in your chest. Place your hand a few inches in front of your nose. As you breathe in and breathe out of your nostrils, see if you can feel the air on your hand. How does it feel? Is it warm, is it cool? Is it smooth? Is it choppy? Finally, choose the spot where your breath felt the strongest. This will be your anchor spot. For a few moments, breathe in and breathe out paying attention to the sensation at your anchor spot. Imagine that your breath is your anchor, helping you get and stay steady. When you notice your mind wandering or being distracted, see if you can bring it back to the feeling of your anchor breath. KIND WISHES MEDITATION Close your eyes. Bring your hands together in the center of the heart or gently lay them in your lap. Repeat the following phrase several times. May I be happy May you be happy May we be happy May I be healthy May you be healthy May we be healthy May I be peaceful May you be peaceful May we be peaceful May I live with joy May you live with joy May we live with joy LFY Training Manual: Chair Yoga 2018 Little Flower Yoga. All rights reserved. May not be copied without written permission!7

8 AWARENESS EXERCISE: SEATED GROUNDED POSTURE This is a posture in which both feet are on the floor and your spine is straight, but not rigidly so. Your hands may be resting on your thighs or on the arms of the chair. Your head is held high, but relaxed, with a long neck. Notice the way your body rests in the chair; notice the way your feet are resting on the ground. Notice if you can sit in a way that you can experience both strength and ease. Which parts of your feet are touching the ground? Where are you bearing weight? What changes in your foot when you bend your toes like claws? How does it feel if you gently shift or rock your body? Take a few breaths through your nose and imagine that the breath is flowing right down into the soles of your feet, and back out of your body through your nose. BODY SCAN In your seated mountain pose, experiment with finding a way to sit up tall and proud, and simultaneously allow your body to be relaxed and calm. Notice what your right hand feels like. Can you feel each finger separately, the palm, the back of the hand, the whole hand. We are not trying to do anything in particular here, we are just sitting and noticing how the right hand feels right now in this moment. Now, see if you can feel your left hand and notice the sensations there. Now see if you can feel both hands at the same time. How do they feel the same and how do they feel differently? Now, bring your attention down to your right foot. How does your right foot feel in this moment? What sensations do you notice? Can you feel your toes, the sole, the whole foot? Now see if you can feel the other foot. Lets see if we can feel both feet at the same time. How do your feet feel the same and how do they feel differently? Now, lets bring our attention up to our hearts and just like we did with our hands and feet, lets see if we can notice how our heart is feeling right now in this moment. Do you notice warmth, heaviness, fluttering, beating, or anything else? Now, for a moment, see if you can feel both hands, both feet, your heart, and the rest of your body all at the same time. Notice if you can feel your whole body at once. When you re ready, slowly open your eyes and bring your attention to the room. COUNTING BREATHS Our minds are really good thought making machines. Those thoughts often help us make sense of the world around us and inside us. Sometimes our thoughts become too loud, and get in the way of what we re trying to do like fall asleep or pay attention in class or to a conversation. You can train your mind like a muscle to focus on what you choose by practicing anchoring your attention, noticing when it wanders, and bringing it back. One of the things you can anchor your attention to is your breath. For this activity you will count your breaths from one to ten. If you have any other thoughts besides the counting re-start at one. If you make it to ten, re-start counting and see if you can do it again. Sit in a comfortable but alert position. Notice any thoughts you may be having before you your mind busy? Are you having lots of thoughts or only a few repetitive thoughts.? LFY Training Manual: Chair Yoga 2018 Little Flower Yoga. All rights reserved. May not be copied without written permission!8

9 Now notice your breath. Inhale and begin counting each inhale until you get to 10, remembering to start back at one if you find your mind wandering. Was it easy to count your breaths? Did you manage to count to 10? Were there any thoughts that were getting in the way? Whatever your answers may be, they re fine. When you do this activity again, you might have a different experience and that s okay too. BE HERE RIGHT NOW When you find yourself having a hard time settling down, this simple moving meditation can be helpful. Sit in a comfortable position with your hands on your lap facing upward. Take a couple of breaths and notice any sensations you might feel in your body or any thoughts you might be having. Applying light pressure, touch your thumb to your index finger and count 1. Touch your thumb to your middle finger and count 2. Touch your thumb to your ring finger and count 3. Touch your thumb to your pinky finger and count 4 Continue this pattern of touching your thumbs to your other fingers while counting for two more rounds. Let s do it again but this time say an encouraging phrase using four words instead of counting to four. Touch your thumb to your index finger and say Be Touch your thumb to your middle finger and say Here" Touch your thumb to your ring finger and say Right" Touch your thumb to your pinky finger and say Now In the future, you can say any four word phrase you like. Other examples you could use are, I am all good, I am so strong, or I feel so loved. Whenever the world around you or inside you is too loud, tell yourself what you need to hear using this simple moving meditation. LFY Training Manual: Chair Yoga 2018 Little Flower Yoga. All rights reserved. May not be copied without written permission!9

10 Breathe Element While there are some breathing techniques that are not appropriate for children (such as retaining the breath), gaining control of the breath in a gentle way can be extremely beneficial in helping them regulate their nervous system reactions and energy level, as well as to support coming into greater emotional balance. As with movement, it is important to remember that the physiology of a child is not the same as that of an adult, and teachers should always err on the side of being cautious and gentle. The main goal of breathwork for children is to encourage slow nasal breathing. Benefits of proper breathing: Increases oxygen intake which improves circulation and elimination of toxins. Calming effect on the central nervous system. Emotions can become more balanced A long-term effect of conscious, deep breathing is that we learn to breathe more deeply in the course of daily activity, and while we are asleep. General guidelines: If a child ever feels discomfort or anxiety during a breathing exercise, stop! Avoid breath retention and extremely forceful breathing. Consider aligning breathing practice with simple movement. Explore breathing in when the body is opening or expanding, breathing out when folding or twisting. Posture should be straight or upright. This allows maximum space for the breath to move through. Breathe Activities BALLOON BREATH Sit with your back straight and tall. Place your hands on your knees and start to breathe in and out through your nose. Imagine that your body is a balloon, and with each breath in you are filling yourself completely with air. As you breathe in, arch your back, let your chest and belly soften and move forward, and look up. This is a modified form of cow you breathe out, pull your belly button in, round your back, and look down toward your belly. This is a modified form of cat pose. Repeat this movement and breath pattern several times, breathing in to fill up your body and breathing out to deflate it. LFY Training Manual: Chair Yoga 2018 Little Flower Yoga. All rights reserved. May not be copied without written permission!10

11 On your next inhale, open your chest, but this time bring your arms up and over your head as well. Make your body very big and full. As you breathe out, bring your arms back down and as you round your back and pull in your belly, wrap your arms around yourself in a hug. Continue for a few rounds, breathing in to fill yourself up and get very big, and breathing out to make yourself as small as you can be. With each exhale, try alternating which arm is on top during your hug. LETTING GO BREATHS Breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. Allow yourself to make any natural hhaaahhhh sound or other vocalization with each exhale, releasing stress and tension. Repeat for 3-10 slow cycles. BALANCED BREATHING Take 1 clearing breath-- an inhale through the nose and an exhale out the mouth. You will begin to count the breath aloud for your students picking any number that feels steady and safe for them. This practice should not feel stressful or anxiety producing, so watch your students to see how this feels for them. If it feels like too much, drop the counting down to something that feels more appropriate. A standard starting point is for the count of 4. Inhale for , exhale Take several rounds of this while you re counting the breath out for your students, keeping a steady cadence. You want the breath to be deep, full and nourishing, and never wispy or tense, notice how your students breath sounds, and offer suggestions as necessary. The more you practice with this, you may invite the students to take a few silent rounds on their own, and/or you can lengthen the count out (i.e. Inhale , etc.) To release out of this, take a complete inhale through the nose, and exhale out the nose. CALMING BREATH Usually in your breathing practices the inhale and exhale are the same length, but in this activity the exhale is longer than the inhale. This helps your body turn on something called the relaxation response and may help you to feel calmer or more settled. You can do this practice with your eyes open or closed, and with your body sitting up or laying down. Get comfortable and breathe through your nose for a few breaths. Begin to silently count your breathing pattern, for example inhale one, two, three; exhale one, two, three. Make sure that the count isn t too long and that you can comfortably inhale and exhale. Once you are breathing at a steady pace for a few rounds, start to make your exhale longer than your inhale. You can start by counting inhale one, two, three; exhale one, two, three, four, five. If this feels okay, try inhale one, two, three; exhale one, two, three, four, five, six. LFY Training Manual: Chair Yoga 2018 Little Flower Yoga. All rights reserved. May not be copied without written permission!11

12 See if you can release the air little by little in a slow and steady stream until your lungs are empty without holding your breath. Continue this pattern for as long as you feel comfortable. When you re ready to finish, come back to an even breath for a round or two, and then open your eyes or look up. BELLY BREATH Place your hands on your abdomen, just under the bottom ribs, with the fingers together. Bring your awareness to where you feel your hands on your body. Breathe in through your nose, slowly and freely, and slowly and freely breath out. To begin with, it s helpful to count to three on the in-breath and count to three on the out-breath. Guide your breath consciously into your belly. Feel your belly soften, rise, and expand as you breath in, and feel it contract, shrink and sink as you breath out. Feel energy and oxygen flowing into the lower part of your body and legs. (3-6 breathing cycles) HEART AND BELLY BREATHING Bring one hand to your belly and one hand to your heart. You can do this practice with your eyes open or closed, and your body sitting up or laying down. Notice the feeling of your hands resting on your heart and belly. Let your hands be heavy on your body so that you can really feel the connection. Can feel your breath moving in your body? Just pay attention to the sensation of your breathing, without trying to change it. After a few moments, start to slow your breath down, and make your breath steady and even, so that your inhale and exhale are the same length. Breath in and out through your nose. Can you feel your breath moving through your body? Notice any sensations, and when you are ready brings your hands down. SEGMENTED ENERGIZING BREATH Usually we breathe in and out in a steady flow of air - one breath in and one breath out. In this breathing exercise, you will break your inhalation into four equal parts. Sit up tall, and try to keep your body still. Breathe in and out through your nose, taking full breaths and letting your belly expand each time you breathe in. On your next inhale take 4 small breaths through the nose, one after the other, to complete one inhalation. Make sure by the 4th breath you have filled your lungs completely without overfilling them. If you feel any tension make the inhales smaller. Then breathe out strongly through the mouth in one exhalation with a haaahhhh sound to empty the lungs of air. Four short inhales and one long exhale make up one round. Continue this breathing pattern, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, haahhhh for five to ten more rounds. When you re ready to finish, come back to just breathing in and out of your nose smoothly. Take a moment to notice how this breathing practice made you feel. Do you feel any changes in your energy level? LFY Training Manual: Chair Yoga 2018 Little Flower Yoga. All rights reserved. May not be copied without written permission!12

13 Linking Breath to Movement VINYASA Vinyasa is a word that gets thrown around a lot in modern yoga. On one hand, teachers will instruct students to take their vinyasa meaning to cycle through knees, chest and chin to baby cobra, and back to downward facing dog. Teachers will also teach intricate and creative physical sequences with breath cues woven throughout the class. Although these creative sequences are super fun, the students are often leading with the movement and not the breath. This creates tension. When the movement leads, students often are not breathing slow enough, or fully as they attempt to keep up with the teachers instructions and move together with their classmates. In our approach, we lead with the breath and allow the pacing of the movement to follow our own natural rhythm. What did you notice when your movement was leading the breath? What did you notice when your breath was leading the movement? MINDFUL MOVEMENT SERIES (SEE PART ONE MANUAL) SPINAL FLEXES (CAT/COW) Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Practice flexing your spine forward and backward. Inhale a short breath as you flex forward and exhale a short breath as you flex backward. Keep your chin level and your head steady. Continue for 1-3 minutes. To end, bring your spine straight, inhale deeply, and suspend (hold) your breath briefly. Exhale and relax. Variations: When your hands are on your thighs it brings the emphasis to the lower back. Side your hands forward towards the front of your knees to bring the emphasis more to the upper back. LFY Training Manual: Chair Yoga 2018 Little Flower Yoga. All rights reserved. May not be copied without written permission!13

14 OVERHEAD STRETCH Sit at the front of your chair. As you inhale, slowly raise your arms sideways and stretch them up overhead. Interlace your hands and press your palms up towards the ceiling. Relax your face and melt your shoulders down away from your ears. Hold for as long as you would like, breathing smoothly. You can also play with stretching to the side to open up the side body. Keep both hips anchored into the chair and engage your core for support. Inhale in the center and exhale as you bend to the side. RELEASING TWIST Sit with your arms straight out from the shoulders. Bend your elbows so your hands are at shoulder height, palms facing forward. Inhale and twist the torso to the left. Then exhale and twist the torso to the right. Engage your belly muscles, keep the chest up high and let the head travel with the shoulders. The elbows will want to sag, but try to keep them at the height of your shoulders. Continue for 1-3 minutes SHOULDER RELEASE KRIYA Tuck your thumbs in and wrap your fingers around your thumbs. This is a 4 part movement that is great to release shoulder tension. You can do this activity sitting or standing. Continue for 1-3 minutes. Inhale and swing arms back Exhale and cross your arms Inhale and swing arms back Exhale and reach your arms behind you to the side. across your chest behind you to the side. up overhead bending your elbows bringing your fists behind your upper back LFY Training Manual: Chair Yoga 2018 Little Flower Yoga. All rights reserved. May not be copied without written permission!14

15 MOVING FORWARD FOLDS INHALE and reach your arms up to the sky. Relax your shoulders and reach out through your fingertips. EHALE and swan dive forward hinging forward at your hips, relaxing your arms down by the sides of your legs. SIMPLE SEATED SUN SALUTATION " " " " " " Inhale, Reach your arms up Exhale, Fold Forward Inhale, Flat Back Exhale, Fold Forward Inhale, Reach your arms up Exhale, Relax your arms down EXPANDED SUN SALUTATION SIMPLE BREATH TO MOVEMENT 1. Start by asking them to breath in as they lift their arms, and breath out as they lower them. 2. Do this several times until they feel like they are moving with their own breath, not your instructions. 3. Then experiment with other simple movements, such as inhaling your arms overhead and exhaling into a forward fold, or inhaling and lifting one knee, exhaling it down and then going to the other side. Let the children create their own simple patterns. LFY Training Manual: Chair Yoga 2018 Little Flower Yoga. All rights reserved. May not be copied without written permission!15

16 CREATIVE BREATH TO MOVEMENT PATTERNS (Create simple movement patterns with one movement for the inhale, and one movement for the exhale) LFY Training Manual: Chair Yoga 2018 Little Flower Yoga. All rights reserved. May not be copied without written permission!16

17 Sequence: 20-minute Breath Centered Practice CONNECT BREATHE Checking in with my Body Letting Go Breaths MOVE Activity Focus Spinal Flexes- Lower Back Spinal Flexes- Upper Back Overhead Side Stretch Seated Mountain Shoulder Release Kriya 2 minutes. Inhale Forward, Exhale Back, Hands on thighs. awareness to lower spine 1-2 minutes. Hands on knees. Inhale forward, exhale back, awareness to lower spine Engage your core for support and get long Notice how you are feeling right now. Imagine picking up any stress and tossing behind you Seated Mountain Notice how you are feeling right now. Neck Turns Moving Forward Folds Seated Forward Bend Vinyasa. Inhale left and exhale right. Vinyasa. Inhale up and exhale fold. Release FOCUS Anchor Breath RELAX Calming Breath LFY Training Manual: Chair Yoga 2018 Little Flower Yoga. All rights reserved. May not be copied without written permission!17

18 TAKING IT HOME: WEEKLY PERSONAL PRACTICE LOG Cultivate a mindful chair yoga practice this week inspired by the connect, breath, and focus elements of LFY. Use the activities of the week or the breath-centered sequence as inspiration. Day 1 Practice (list activities) DATE: HOW LONG DID YOU PRACTICE? Where did you fit your mindful movement break into your day? Did you notice any changes in your mind, body, or emotions during or after the practice? Day 2 Practice (list activities) DATE: HOW LONG DID YOU PRACTICE? Where did you fit your mindful movement break into your day? Did you notice any changes in your mind, body, or emotions during or after the practice? Day 3 Practice (list activities) DATE: HOW LONG DID YOU PRACTICE? Where did you fit your mindful movement break into your day? Did you notice any changes in your mind, body, or emotions during or after the practice? LFY Training Manual: Chair Yoga 2018 Little Flower Yoga. All rights reserved. May not be copied without written permission!18

19 Day 4 Practice (list activities) DATE: HOW LONG DID YOU PRACTICE? Where did you fit your mindful movement break into your day? Did you notice any changes in your mind, body, or emotions during or after the practice? Day 5 Practice (list activities) DATE: HOW LONG DID YOU PRACTICE? Where did you fit your mindful movement break into your day? Did you notice any changes in your mind, body, or emotions during or after the practice? Day 6 Practice (list activities) DATE: HOW LONG DID YOU PRACTICE? Where did you fit your mindful movement break into your day? Did you notice any changes in your mind, body, or emotions during or after the practice? LFY Training Manual: Chair Yoga 2018 Little Flower Yoga. All rights reserved. May not be copied without written permission!19

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