CORE SLIDERS. Exercise Guide

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1 If you decided to use Borchent sliding discs, you know that they will add a new dimension to your workout, and can take body sculpting, balance and cardio to a whole new level! They're small enough so that you can keep them in your gym bag, or you could keep them in your home gym (aka your living room) for a quick workout on those days when you don't have time for the gym. Plus, they're designed so that you can use them on both carpet and hard floors, so you really have no excuse not to use these in your workouts! Check out these 22 moves you can use with your Borchent sliding discs! 1

2 Caution! If you have an injury or a medical condition, consult your doctor or an exercise therapist for help designing a fitness program that gradually improves your range of motion, strength and endurance. 2

3 Before you start working out! Most warmups don t take very long, just two-three minutes, five minutes tops. A warm-up should work the same muscles you will be engaging during the main workout - they should include lighter exercises or a toned down version of the training ahead. Before you start working out! In order to avoid damages to your hardfloor, carpet or your discs, make sure that you use the Borchent core sliders properly. Please check out the photo below: 3

4 1. Ab Rollout With Sliders Ab Slide-Out: This move will target your abs for a strong core. Be sure to engage your core muscles when performing this exercise! Move Targets: Core and Chest Step 1: Come to all fours with your knees about 6 inches apart at the most, then slide your body forward until you create a straight, diagonal line from your thighs through your hips and torso. Your hands will be on top the sliders and directly underneath the shoulders. Have your toes curled under; this is your starting position. Step 2: Bracing the abs and locking in the hips, slowly slide the arms out in front of you. Go a few inches the first time, exhaling as you slide the arms back under the shoulders. Go a little farther with each rep until you find your max extension. As you pull in, be sure the hips do not pike; you want to use your abs, lats and chest to control the movement. 4

5 2. Ankle Flicks With Sliders Ankle Flicks: Looking for the perfect exercise that will get you toned, muscular calves? Then the ankle flick is the one for you. Your legs will look stunning in your heels in no time! Move Targets: Hamstrings and Quads Step 1: Start in standard plank position with your feet on your sliders, about 6 to 8 inches apart, and your hands holding your weight under your shoulders. Let the shoulder blades pull apart slightly so you're not sagging into them. Push back through your heels. Step 2: Without moving any other body part, take one foot and point it as shown. The top of your foot should now be facing the floor. This contraction will be felt in the back of the legs the hamstrings. As you reverse the movement, you'll use your quads to pull the foot back to the starting position. Modification: Drop to one knee and keep the other extended as you repeat for several reps, then switch sides. 5

6 3. Side Lunge With Slider Sliding Side Lunge: Test your glutes and hamstrings with the sliding side lunge! Move Targets: Glutes and Thighs Step 1: Stand with your feet parallel and hip-width apart with one foot on top of one slider. Your hands are in a comfortable position to help you maintain your balance during the exercise. Keep your head over your shoulder and your chin tipped and slightly upward. Shift your weight onto your heels. Engage your abdominals to stabilized the spine. Pull the shoulder blades down and back. Try to maintain these engagements throughout the exercise. Step 2: Inhale and slowly step to the slide one foot out (the foot on top of the slider) while keeping your weight in your other heel. Both feet are still facing forward. Begin to shift your weight toward the stationary leg, bending that knee and pushing the hips back. Continue to lunge until your shinbone is vertical to the floor and your right knee is aligned with the second toe of your right foot. Your sliding leg should be as straight as possible and your body weight should be distributed into that hip. The heels of both feet should stay flat on the floor. Your arms can be positioned where necessary to help maintain your balance. 6

7 Step 3: Exhale and push off firmly with your stationary foot, returning to starting position. Repeat several times on one leg, then switch. 7

8 4. Full Body Sit Up With Sliders Sliding Sit Up: Looking for a six pack by spring break? Incorporate the sliding sit-up into your fitness routine! Move Targets: Core Step 1: Lie down on the floor placing with your heels on top of the sliders and legs completely extended. Place your hands behind your head and lock them together by clasping your fingers. This is the starting position. Step 2: Exhale and elevate your upper body so that it creates an imaginary V-shape with your thighs as your thighs pull in toward the chest. Breathe out when performing this part of the exercise. Once you feel the contraction for a second, lower your upper body back down to the starting position while inhaling. 8

9 5. Sliding Sit Up Curl Sliding Sit-Up Curl: You'll work your back and abs with this unique move. Move Targets: Back and Abs Step 1: Start by laying on the ground with your arms out to the sides and sliding discs under your hands with your knees bent. Step 2: Slowly preform a sit up while pulling your hands into your sides squeezing your back muscles. Return to the starting position and repeat 15 times for a full workout! 9

10 6. Alternating Side Lunge with Sliders Sliding Skaters: Skaters are a great exercise to get your blood pumping and into your target heart rate, but you the sliders will add a little extra oomf to the move. Move Targets: Glutes and Thighs Step 1: Stand with your feet parallel, hip-width apart and your feet on top of the sliders. Your hands are in a comfortable position to help you maintain your balance during the exercise. Keep your head over your shoulder and your chin tipped and slightly upward. Shift your weight onto your heels. Engage your abdominals to stabilized the spine. Pull the shoulder blades down and back. Try to maintain these engagements throughout the exercise. Step 2: Inhale and slowly slide one foot to the right while keeping your weight into your left heel. Both feet are still facing forward. Once your right foot is firmly placed on the floor, begin to shift your weight toward the right foot, bending the right knee and pushing the hips back. Continue to lunge until your shinbone is vertical to the floor and your right knee is aligned with the second toe of your right foot. Your left leg should be as straight as possible and your body weight should be distributed into the right hip. The heels of both feet should stay flat on the floor. Your arms can be positioned where necessary to help maintain your balance. 10

11 Step 3: Exhale and push off firmly with your right foot, returning to starting position. Repeat the movement for the opposite side. 11

12 Step 4: Repeat on the other side. Tip: Reaching for your right foot with your left hand will emphasize hip flexion (alternate with the right hand reaching for the left foot). 12

13 7. Squatted Leg Circles with Sliders Sliding Squatted Leg Circles: Work your lower body with this move! It will help with your hips' and legs' range of motion as well! Move Targets: Glutes and Thighs Step 1: Stand with your feet parallel, hip-width apart with either foot on a slider. Your hands are in a comfortable position to help you maintain your balance during the exercise. Keep your head over your shoulder and your chin tipped and slightly upward. Shift your weight onto your heels. Engage your abdominals to stabilized the spine. Pull the shoulder blades down and back. Try to maintain these engagements throughout the exercise. Step 2: Inhale and slowly slide one leg slightly in front of you while keeping your weight in the other heel. Both feet are still facing forward. The heels of both feet should stay flat on the floor. Your arms can be positioned where necessary to help maintain your balance. 13

14 Step 3: Exhale and slide the leg around to the side, keeping the weight firmly in your stationary leg. Step 4: Finally slide it to the back and return to the starting position to complete this move. 14

15 8. Alternating Arm Extension with Sliders One-Arm Slide: This move is simple enough, but it works many different areas: your arms, shoulders and abs. Move Targets: Core and Chest Step 1: Lie on your stomach on an exercise mat or floor with your elbows close to your sides and directly under your shoulders, palms down and fingers facing forward. Place your hands on the discs. Engage your abdominal/core muscles. It should feel like you are tightening a corset around your ribs, waist and lower torso. Contract your thigh muscles to straighten your legs strongly and flex your ankles. Slowly lift your torso and thighs off the floor or mat. Keep your torso and legs rigid. Do not allow any sagging in your ribcage or low back. Avoid hiking your hips into the air or bending the knees. Step 2: Slowly slide your left arm out in front of you putting the majority of your weight on your right arm. Hold, return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Exhale as you extend the arm outward and inhale as in returns. 15

16 9. Swimming Extension with Sliders Swimming Slide Extension: Finish strong with this move that will work your entire body! If only it were actually in the water. Move Targets: Chest and Core Step 1: Place your hands on either of the sliders, belly to the floor.slowly slide the hands straight forward, stretching your body into a straight position. Step 2: After a pause at the stretched position, start pulling yourself back to the starting position as you breathe out. Tip: Go slowly and keep your abs tight at all times. 16

17 Step 3: While holding your chest and head up, slide your hands to your sides slightly in front of you. Step 4: Send the hands back toward the hips, then push through to find your starting position again. 17

18 10. Plank Arm Circles With Sliders Sliding Arm Circles: For a move that will work your arms and your abs, try the sliding arm circles. Remember to utilize your core as well! Move Targets: Chest and Core Step 1: Start in the standard plank position. Feet are hip-width apart, pushing back through the heels, while your hands are under the shoulders and on top of the sliders. Do not let the hips sag or pike as you work. Step 1: Without shifting the body forward, slide one hand in front of you while the other hand stabilizes your body weight. 18

19 Step 3: In a continuous motion, you'll slide the hand out to the side as far as you can reach while maintaining your strong plank. Step 4: Finally, slide the hand behind and to the side of you before sending it up through the middle again. You can alternate sides or repeat several reps on one side before switching. 19

20 11. Army Crawl With Sliders Sliding Army Crowl: You already know that the army crawl is notorious for being a great (read: difficult) full-body workout, but have you ever tried it on sliding discs? Now's the time! Move Targets: Lats Step 1: Lie on your belly with your nose to the floor and your arms extended in front of you. Have a slider under each foot. Step 2: Keeping your forearms glued to the floor, pull your entire body forward until the elbows are tucked into your rib cage. You should feel this move in the lats the muscles on the sides of your ribs as well as through the upper back and shoulders. Step 3: Lower the chest back to the floor as you extend the arms in front of you again, preparing for the next rep. 20

21 12. Burpee With Sliders Sliding Burpee: The burpee is a simultaneously loved and hated exercise because it gets results. The added sliders will kick your cardio up a notch Move Targets: Core, Quads and Shoulders Step 1: Stand tall with each foot on top of a slider. Your feet should be under your hips. Step 2: Lower the body down until your hands are on the floor on the outside of your legs. 21

22 Step 3: Slide the feet behind you until you get into a high plank position. Shoulders are over the wrists, hips are locked into place (no sagging or piking) and feet are still hip-width or about 6 to 8 inches apart. Step 4: While you're there, drop into your pushup! The image below shows a tricep pushup, but you can perform a traditional pushup with the elbows pointing at a 45-degree angle behind you, or drop to your knees. Just keep your feet on the floor and on top of the sliders. 22

23 Step 5: Exhale and push yourself out of the pushup, returning to your plank. Inhale here. Step 6: Exhale again as you slide the knees back under you until your feet are completely under your hips again. 23

24 Step 7: Use the power of your squatted position to explode upward into a vertical jump or stand and raise your arms overhead. Be sure to land directly back on the sliders to perform the next rep. Modification: Drop to your knees for the pushup; perform the burpee with your hands on an elevated surface like a bench or step. 24

25 13. Butterfly Curl With Sliders Sliding Butterfly Curl: To challenge your glutes and abs, try this sliding butterfly curl. Move Targets: Glutes and Thighs Step 1: Lie on your back with your arms at your sides and the soles of your feet together. Let the knees drop out to the sides for the butterfly position and have a single slider under the feet. Squeeze the glutes (do not use your lower back) and lift the pelvis off the floor. Step 2: Slowly slide your feet away from your body as far as you can go. The knees will likely have a slight bend in them even at the max of your extension. Exhale; squeeze the glutes and your inner thighs to pull the feet back to the starting position. 25

26 14. Curtsy Lunge With Sliders Sliding Curtsy Lunge: Here's another move that will work your glutes! The sliding curtsy lunge will really give your legs a workout! Move Targets: Glutes and Thighs Step 1: Stand with your feet under your hips with one foot in the center of the slider. The heel can be behind it since it will lift off of the floor at the full extension of the movement. Stand tall with the abs braced. 26

27 Step 2: Inhale and slide the leg behind you at a diagonal so it not only goes backward, but to the other side. Your legs create a crossed formation, bending in both knees. The front knee must stay behind the toes of the front front. Try to get the back knee as close to the floor as possible. Exhale and push through the front leg to return to the starting position. 27

28 15. Alternating Forearm Plank With Sliders Sliding Forearm Planks: The sliding discs will add a whole new element to the forearm plank. It's important to keep your core engaged in order to get the most out of the move. Move Targets: Core and Lats Step 1: Assume a forearm plank with your shoulders over the elbows and feet together. Push back through your heels and let the shoulder blades round out to engage the lats. If you need to step the feet out wider for better balance, do so no more than 12". Have each elbow on a slider. Step 2: Move the arms forward and back, alternating between the right and left arm. Each arm will extend about 6" in front of you. As you slide the arm forward, keep your entire body square to the floor this means no rocking or opening up to the side! Modification: Drop to your knees, but maintain the straight diagonal line from the thighs through the hips and torso. 28

29 16. Kneeling Hip Abduction With Sliders Sliding Hip Abduction: It's important to remember your hips when working out! This move will not only target your hip flexors, but also your glutes and thighs! Move Targets: Gluts and Thighs Step 1: Kneel on the floor and place a slider under each knee. Brace your abdominal muscles to stabilize your spine. Try to keep the torso from moving throughout the exercise. 29

30 Step 2: Slowly slide the knees out to the side while maintaining balance and vertical posture. Hold on to a stable surface for balance as needed. Continue sliding until you cannot move any farther without allowing your hips to shift or torso to lean. Pause briefly. Slowly return to your starting position in a slow, controlled manner without losing your balance or changing the position of your torso 30

31 17. Knee Tucks With Sliders Sliding Knee Tucks: For this move to be completely effective, keep your core tight and your back straight. It will work your entire body! Move Targets: Core and Quads Step 1: Come into a standard plank with your wrists under your shoulders and each of your feet on top of a slider. Make sure your hips are locked into place by squeezing through the inner thighs and engaging the lats. Step 2: Without piking your hips, use your lower abs to pull the knees under the chest. You might not be able to get as close with the first try, but you'll get stronger with each rep! Exhale on the pull and inhale as you push the legs back out to the starting position. Do not let the hips sag as you return. 31

32 18. Hip Rotation With Sliders Sliding Leg Crossovers: Remember to keep everything in nice and tight! That means not only your core, but your glutes, too! Move Targets: Core and Thighs Step 1: Position your hands as needed to allow full extension of your body without any bend at the hips or knees. Brace your torso by engaging your core muscles. Contract your glutes and quadriceps (butt and thigh muscles), and align your head with your spine. Place your feet together with your toes tucked towards your shins. Have each foot on top of a slider. Step 2: Exhale and gently draw one foot in front of the other as your hips rotate to the same side your foot is moving. Do NOT allow your hips and low back to pitch upwards or sag down towards the floor. 32

33 Step 3: Continue to move until your hips cannot rotate any further. Your head and shoulder should remain level throughout the exercise. Pause very briefly. Step 4: Reverse the rotation until you return to the starting position. Immediately perform the rotation on the other side. 33

34 19. Mountain Climbers With Sliders Sliding Mountain Climber: Kick your cardio up a notch with the sliding mountain climber! This will raise your heart rate and work your entire body. Move Targets: Core Quads and Shoulders Step 1: Come to your hands and knees on the floor. Your hands should be slightly ahead of your shoulders and your fingers pointing forward. Bring one knee under your chest while extending the other leg behind you. Brace your abdominal muscles to stabilize your spine. Pull your shoulder blades down and back. 34

35 Step 2: Keeping your hands firmly on the ground, your abdominals engaged and shoulders strong, jump to switch leg positions. Both feet leave the ground as your drive your right knee forward and reach your left leg back. Now your left leg is fully extended behind you and your right knee and hip are bent with your right foot on the floor. Modification: Place the hands on an elevated step or bench. 35

36 20. Pike With Sliders Sliding Pike: Keep your legs and back straight to get the most out of this move. As usual, it's important to really take advantage of your core muscles. Move Targets: Core and Shoulders Step 1: Begin in an all-fours position with your feet on top of the sliders. Lengthen your legs and stretch your heels behind you. Your hands should be under your shoulders. It is important to keep your ribcage knitted together and the abdominals strong in order to maintain a rigid torso. Keep your shoulder blades pulling away from your shoulders and toward your hips. Elbows must be straight and hands directly under your shoulders. Keep your legs active. 36

37 Step 2: Exhale. Keeping your legs straight and strong, pull your feet toward your hands. The ball will roll forward as your hips pike upward toward the ceiling. Continue this movement until your hips are directly over your shoulders, if you can. Your legs, torso and arms should all be straight and strong. Keep your neck long; your head between your arms. Your can point your toes but always keep your toes connected to the top of the ball. Tip: This brings your body into somewhat of a handstand position. Be aware of your shoulder strength and keep the elbows straight. 37

38 21. Plank Jacks With Sliders Sliding Plank Jaks: These plank jacks will have your blood pumping through your body like never before! Move Targets: Core and Lats Step 1: Lie on your stomach on an exercise mat or floor with your elbows close to your sides and directly under your shoulders, palms down and fingers facing forward. Slowly lift your torso and thighs off the floor or mat. Keep your torso and legs rigid. Do not allow any sagging in your ribcage or low back. Avoid hiking your hips into the air or bending the knees. Keep the shoulders away from the ears (no shrugging). The shoulders should be directly over your elbows with your palms facing down through the entire exercise. 38

39 Step 2: Continue to breathe, keeping the abdominals strong while holding this position. Then, slide the legs away from the midline of the body about 6 to 12 inches. Do not pike the hips or let them sag. Pull them back to the starting position and repeat. Tip: If you experience any pain in the low back with this movement, stop the exercise immediately and consult with your doctor. 39

40 22. Reverse Pike With Sliders Sliding Reverse Plank Pull-Through: This move will work your entire body! Use your core to control your body. Move Targets: Core (Lower abdominals) Step 1: Begin in a reverse plank with your hands under your shoulders and legs extended in front of you. The hips should be in line with the rest of the body and your heels are placed in the center of the sliders. 40

41 Step 2: Now bend your hips at a 90-degree angle and bring them through the arms. Exhale as you pull them in, leaning the chest forward. Tip: Try to straighten your legs as much as possible while at the top. Reverse the movement. 41

42 Being the best is a million little things done right and that is why your feedback is invaluable to us. It s the fastest way for us to improve. We invite you to tell us what you like and what you think we could improve. We read and appreciate everything you have to say. In time, it makes us better. Thank you! Please contact us if you have any issues or questions regarding the product. We are happy to help the best we can. 42

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