What is Wellness? Introduction. Wellness. Mental. Wellness. Physical. Emotional. Wellness

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2 Mental Introduction Congratulations! By making the commitment to complete your Personal Plan you are taking an important step toward your own health, happiness and well-being. What is? is a multifaceted pursuit that involves much more than just physical health and nutrition. It is the complete integration of states of spiritual, social, physical, mental, emotional, occupational, financial, relationship and environmental well-being. Each of these dimensions act and interact in ways that contribute to our own quality of life. Our personal wellness matters because everything we do and every emotion we feel relates to our well-being. In turn, our well-being directly affects our actions and emotions. Physical Emotional Spiritual The more in balance these factors are, the more happiness we will experience. Current research on happiness tells us that 50% of our ability to be happy is genetic. The remaining 50% is within our control with only 10% being our actual life situation. That means 40% of our ability to be happy resides within our behaviors. These skills can be learned, practiced, and mastered starting at a young age. can be thought of as an active process in which, over time and with dedication, one becomes aware of and makes choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Through this evolving process and with a focus on all dimensions of wellness, we are each able to achieve our full potential. In creating this Personal Plan, you will have the opportunity to radically improve your health and happiness. Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 2.

3 Mental Emotional Spiritual Dimensions of There are eight dimensions of wellness in this plan: Physical Find Out More and Take Action! 3.

4 Mental 1. Mind (Mental ) Am I intellectually stimulated by my life, or am I bored? Do I have sufficient creative outlets? Am I able to find ways to use critical and analytical thinking? 2. Body (Physical ) Do I get annual physical exams? Am I happy with my current diet? Do I avoid using tobacco products? Do I get sufficient amount of sleep? Do I have an established exercise routine? Am I at a health body weight? 3. Heart (Emotional ) Am I able to maintain a balance of work, family, friends, and other obligations? Do I have ways to reduce stress in my life? Am I happy? Am I optimistic? Do I love mself and am I able to unconditionally love others? 4. Spirit (Spiritual ) Do I have a strong sense of purpose in my life? Do I stop enough to smell the roses? Do I have a regular meditation practice or create time for prayer or affirmations? Do I give openly and without expectation? Do I belong? 5. Finances ( ) Am I able to live within my means? Am I able to create a budget and stick to it? Am I out of debt or working my way out of it? Am I satisfied with my current income? 6. Relationships ( ) Do I have a strong support system? Am I in stable relationships where I am valued and respected? Do I make time to get out and visit friends? Can I be myself when in a social setting? 7. Work/School ( ) Am I satisfied with my current career or education path? Am I motivated to get going on my work everyday? Am I able to communicate with a team of people and with those in positions of authority? 8. Atmosphere and Fun ( ) Do I have fun? Do I get outside often? Do I like where I live? Is my house safe and nourishing? Are my basic needs being met and then some? Do I keep my areas clean and organized? Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 4. Physical Emotional Spiritual

5 Mental Instructions Set a dedicated time away from distraction to begin working on your Personal Plan. Creating a regular time in your weekly schedule may also be a way to build wellness practices into your life and make wellness part of your daily routine. You may want to consider doing it with another person (peer, mentor, family member etc.) for mutual support along the way. Work through the five steps described below, knowing you will cycle through them again and again over time. Each pass though the five steps will provide more insight, building on your previous success as you grow in wellness. STEP 1: Complete a Wheel Select one wheel to start with to get experience with how the process works. Complete the exercises in this document. Read the descriptions for each section of the wheel and mark the wheel at the number corresponding to your current satisfaction with each area where 0 = very unsatisfied and 10 = very satisfied. Enter your numbers in the appropriate spaces in the corresponding scoresheet. In addition, you may enter your numbers on the ACT website to receive tips and guidance to improve wellness in that area. (see: STEP 2: Deeper Dive Continue working through additional wheels. Consider starting with dimensions of wellness where you think it would be easy to experience success, where you are experiencing difficulty or crisis or where you feel motivated to take immediate action. Complete your scoring for all the wheels and enter your scores on the Plan Scoresheet on page 7. Set one to three specific goals in one or more of the dimensions of wellness. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, achievable and have a timeline in place. Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 5. Physical Emotional Spiritual

6 Mental STEP 3: Track Your Progress Keeping track of your progress on your goals is an important way to hold yourself accountable for your personal wellness. There are several ways to do this including journaling or charting (see examples). Consider tracking as a group (e.g. Youth Leader Club, Friends, Family, Co-workers, Neighbors, etc.) as a way to inspire and encourage community wellness. STEP 4: Share and Celebrate Sharing your stories of success is an important part of the wellness journey, whether that be informally (e.g. on the go with friends and family) or formally (e.g. at community events, articles, etc.). Consider how you will share your success, with who and when, making that one of your personal wellness goals. Physical Emotional Spiritual STEP 5: Support Others Once you ve completed your Personal Plan and experienced success in your own life, you may want to encourage and/or support others to complete theirs. Consider how, with who and when you can make that happen, making being a wellness mentor/buddy one of your personal wellness goals. Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 6.

7 Mental First Name: Plan Scoresheet Surname: Physical Address: Wheel of Life Mind Body Emotional Spiritual Heart Spirit Finances Work/School Relationships Fun Find Out More and Take Action! 7.

8 Mental Physical Emotional MIND Mental Spiritual Find Out More and Take Action! 8.

9 Spiritual Where am I on the Wheel of Mental? To complete this wheel: Read the descriptions for each section of the wheel and mark the wheel at the number corresponding to your current satisfaction with each area where 0 = very unsatisfied and 10 = very satisfied. Enter your numbers in the appropriate spaces in the corresponding scoresheet. In addition, you may enter your numbers on the ACT website to receive tips and guidance to improve wellness in that area. (see: Physical Emotional Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 9.

10 Ask Yourself... Willingness and Ability to Learn Do I approach things with a beginners mind? Does learning new skills and new knowledge excite me? Curiosity Do I look around the world with the eyes of a child-full of wonder and awe? Am I inspired to learn every day? Do I enjoy exploring new things? Acceptance Can I adapt to new situations? Can I accept change in my life? Am I able to accept help? Can I graciously receive a compliment? Am I accepting of others? Kindness Do I perform an act of kindness every day? Do I think before I act or say things that are hurtful to others? Letting Go Have I been able to let go of my past? Have I been able to forgive myself and others for things? Can I let go of anger in a healthy way? Commitment Am I able to finish what I started? Am I loyal? Do I keep my promises? Am I willing to work hard for things that I want? Positive Attitude Do I have a positive attitude? Am I able to keep my chin up when the odds are stacked against me? Do I laugh often even when under stress? Is my glass half full? Setting Goals Do I have a five year plan? Do I know what I am going to achieve this week? Can I share my goals with someone else? Do I use a planner or organizer to track my goals? Physical Emotional Spiritual Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 10.

11 First Name: Plan Scoresheet Surname: Physical Address: Wheel of Mental Willingness and Ability to Learn Curiosity Emotional Spiritual Acceptance Kindness Letting Go Commitment Positive Attitude Setting Goals Find Out More and Take Action! 11.

12 Emotional Goal Setting Worksheet Mental Goal 1 Action Step Activity Timeframe Resources Required Physical Outcome Measures: Spiritual Goal 2 Action Step Activity Timeframe Resources Required Outcome Measures: Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 12.

13 Physical Emotional BODY Physical Spiritual Find Out More and Take Action! 13.

14 Spiritual Where am I on the Wheel of Physical? To complete this wheel: Read the descriptions for each section of the wheel and mark the wheel at the number corresponding to your current satisfaction with each area where 0 = very unsatisfied and 10 = very satisfied. Enter your numbers in the appropriate spaces in the corresponding scoresheet. In addition, you may enter your numbers on the ACT website to receive tips and guidance to improve wellness in that area. (see: Emotional Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 14.

15 Ask Yourself... Stress Do I have ways to reduce stress in my life? Am I able to make decisions with a minimum of stress and worry? Sleep Do I get consistent and adequate sleep? Weight Am I happy with my current weight? Do I feel good about how my body looks and feels? Diet Do I eat a variety of healthy foods? Do I drink enough water? Do I avoid processed and junk foods? Do I eat plenty of vegetables? Healthcare Do I know important health numbers, like my cholesterol, weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels? Do I get annual physical exams? Am I pretty healthy overall? Strength Is my body strong and resilient? Can my body easily handle the physical demands that I place on it? Can I lift 50 pounds without problem? Endurance Can I run one mile? Do I get my heart rate up for thirty minutes a day at least three times a week? Do I get out and walk regularly? Positive Life Choices (i.e., Drug and Alcohol Free) Do I avoid abusing drugs and alcohol? Am I a non-smoker and avoid second hand smoke? Do I practice safe sex? Emotional Spiritual Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 15.

16 Plan Scoresheet First Name: Surname: Address: Wheel of Physical Stress Sleep Emotional Spiritual Weight Diet Healthcare Strength Endurance Positive Life Choices Find Out More and Take Action! 16.

17 Emotional Goal Setting Worksheet Mental Goal 1 Action Step Activity Timeframe Resources Required Outcome Measures: Spiritual Goal 2 Action Step Activity Timeframe Resources Required Outcome Measures: Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 17.

18 Emotional HEART Emotional Spiritual Find Out More and Take Action! 18.

19 Spiritual Where am I on the Wheel of Emotional? To complete this wheel: Read the descriptions for each section of the wheel and mark the wheel at the number corresponding to your current satisfaction with each area where 0 = very unsatisfied and 10 = very satisfied. Enter your numbers in the appropriate spaces in the corresponding scoresheet. In addition, you may enter your numbers on the ACT website to receive tips and guidance to improve wellness in that area. (see: Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 19.

20 Ask Yourself... Properly Expressing Emotions Am I able to authentically express my feelings? Do I seek resolution when I am frustrated with others instead of holding grudges? Self-Love/Self-Esteem Do I love myself? Am I good enough, smart enough, and do people love me? Ability to Relax Am I able to shut off my workload? Joy and Happiness Am I happy? Do I feel joy in day to day activities? Resilience Can I handle changes in my life? Am I stable enough to deal with unexpected turn of events? Am I able to pick myself up when I fall? Balancing all Aspects of Life Do I have a good balance between work, play, family, and fun? Do I find time for myself? Optimism Is my glass half full? Can I find the silver lining? Stress Am I able to calm myself down when my stress levels are high? Can I say no to things when I am feeling overwhelmed? Spiritual Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 20.

21 Plan Scoresheet First Name: Surname: Address: Wheel of Emotional Properly Expressing Emotions Self-Love/Self Esteem Spiritual Ability to Relax Joy and Happiness Resilience Balancing all Aspects of Life Optimism Stress Find Out More and Take Action! 21.

22 Goal Setting Worksheet Emotional Goal 1 Action Step Activity Timeframe Resources Required Outcome Measures: Spiritual Goal 2 Action Step Activity Timeframe Resources Required Outcome Measures: Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 22.

23 SPIRITUAL Spiritual Spiritual Find Out More and Take Action! 23.

24 Where am I on the Wheel of Spiritual? To complete this wheel: Read the descriptions for each section of the wheel and mark the wheel at the number corresponding to your current satisfaction with each area where 0 = very unsatisfied and 10 = very satisfied. Enter your numbers in the appropriate spaces in the corresponding scoresheet. In addition, you may enter your numbers on the ACT website to receive tips and guidance to improve wellness in that area. (see: Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 24.

25 Ask Yourself... Sense of Belonging Do I feel like I fit in? Can I connect with others? Am I a part of something? Do I feel valued by others? Regular Mediation, Prayer, Affirmation, etc. Do I take a moment of silence every day to connect with my higher self and/or higher power? Am I able to break away from my hectic daily routine to reflect? Mindfulness Am I able to focus on the present task at hand? Am I aware of my breathing? Do I remember where I put my keys and park my car? Compassionate Toward Others Am I able to put myself in another s shoes? Do I take time to teach others? Do I express gratitude? Faith in Something Greater than Ourselves Do I allow enough room for the sacred in life? Am I able to release control of my life to a higher power? Giving of Time and/or Money Do I volunteer? Do I donate a set percentage of my income? Intuition Am I in touch with my intuition? Are my gut feelings reliable and do I listen to them? Sense of Meaning and Purpose in Life Is my life s meaning is clear to me? Do I know what my life is for? Do my daily activities make sense to me? Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 25.

26 Plan Scoresheet First Name: Surname: Address: Wheel of Spiritual Sense of Belonging Regular Mediation, Prayer, Affirmation Mindfulness Compassionate Towards Others Faith in Something Greater than Ourselves Giving of Time and/or Money Intuition Sense of Meaning and Purpose in Life Find Out More and Take Action! 26.

27 Goal Setting Worksheet Spiritual Goal 1 Action Step Activity Timeframe Resources Required Outcome Measures: Goal 2 Action Step Activity Timeframe Resources Required Outcome Measures: Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 27.

28 FINANCES Find Out More and Take Action! 28.

29 Where am I on the Wheel of? To complete this wheel: Read the descriptions for each section of the wheel and mark the wheel at the number corresponding to your current satisfaction with each area where 0 = very unsatisfied and 10 = very satisfied. Enter your numbers in the appropriate spaces in the corresponding scoresheet. In addition, you may enter your numbers on the ACT website to receive tips and guidance to improve wellness in that area. (see: Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 29.

30 Ask Yourself... Budgeting Do I set up a monthly budget for me and my family? Do I have a financial plan in place for next year? Living within Your Means Do I practice healthy spending? Do I make more then I spend? Saving for Retirement Do I put money away each month into a retirement account? Do I have a 401k or IRA set up? Do I have a college plan for myself or my children? Material Needs are met Am I able to keep food on the table? Do my utility bills get paid on time every month? Is my home safe, warm, and secure? Happy with your Income Am I making the money that I need? Are my needs, wants, and savings goals being met with my current income? Out of Debt Am I out of debt? Am I making payments or having payment arrangements with all of my creditors? Emergency Fund is Sufficient Do I have a 3-6 months cash emergency fund in place? Is put away safely in a savings or money market account? Will in Place Is my will up-to-date and accurate? Does my family know where to find all of my critical information? Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 30.

31 Plan Scoresheet First Name: Surname: Address: Wheel of Budgeting Living within Your Means Saving for Retirement Material Needs are Met Happy with Your Income Out of Debt Emergency Fund Sufficient Will in Place Find Out More and Take Action! 31.

32 Goal Setting Worksheet Finance Goal 1 Action Step Activity Timeframe Resources Required Outcome Measures: Goal 2 Action Step Activity Timeframe Resources Required Outcome Measures: Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 32.

33 RELATIONSHIPS Find Out More and Take Action! 33.

34 Where am I on the Wheel of? To complete this wheel: Read the descriptions for each section of the wheel and mark the wheel at the number corresponding to your current satisfaction with each area where 0 = very unsatisfied and 10 = very satisfied. Enter your numbers in the appropriate spaces in the corresponding scoresheet. In addition, you may enter your numbers on the ACT website to receive tips and guidance to improve wellness in that area. (see: Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 34.

35 Ask Yourself... Quality Time with Family and Friends Do I plan time to be with my family and friends? Balance of and Personal Time Do I find a happy balance between my social and personal time? Engaged with Community Members Do I reach out to other community members? Do I find ways to support and interact with my community? Have Fun in Settings Do I enjoy the time I spend with others? Ability to Be Yourself Do I present my true self to others? Am I in touch with who I am at my core? Can I be myself without fear of judgement? Healthy Close Relationships Are my relationships with others positive and rewarding? Do I feel safe and supported? Communication Skills Am I a good listener? Can I clearly speak what is on my mind? Am I aware of the nonverbal communication skills I am sending out? Support System Do I have people that I can go to when I need to talk? Do I have phone numbers in place when I am feeling down? Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 35.

36 Plan Scoresheet First Name: Surname: Address: Wheel of Quality Time with Family and Friends Balance of and Personal Time Engaged with Community Members Have Fun in Settings Ability to Be Yourself Healthy Close Relationships Communication Skills Support System Find Out More and Take Action! 36.

37 Goal Setting Worksheet Goal 1 Action Step Activity Timeframe Resources Required Outcome Measures: Goal 2 Action Step Activity Timeframe Resources Required Outcome Measures: Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 37.

38 WORK/SCHOOL Find Out More and Take Action! 38.

39 Where am I on the Wheel of? To complete this wheel: Read the descriptions for each section of the wheel and mark the wheel at the number corresponding to your current satisfaction with each area where 0 = very unsatisfied and 10 = very satisfied. Enter your numbers in the appropriate spaces in the corresponding scoresheet. In addition, you may enter your numbers on the ACT website to receive tips and guidance to improve wellness in that area. (see: Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 39.

40 Ask Yourself... Satisfied with Career Do I enjoy going to work most days? Am I satisfied with my career path? Engaged with Daily Activities Do I feel engaged by my work and career? Do I feel enriched by the work I do? Balanced Work and Life Do I have a good balance between work, play, family, and fun? Manageable Workload Do I have a manageable workload at work? Do I have the tools to complete my work? Motivational Level Do I wake up in the morning excited for the tasks ahead? Do I love learning what I need to do my work? Inspired and Challenged Do I feel appreciated for my work? Ability to Communicate with Teammates and those in Charge Do I feel that I can talk to my boss and co-workers with problems arise? Fairly Compensated Am I making the money that I need? Am I making a salary that is fair and equitable to the work that I do? Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 40.

41 Plan Scoresheet First Name: Surname: Address: Wheel of Satisfied with Career Engaged with Daily Activities Balanced Work and Life Manageable Workload Motivational Level Inspired and Challenged Ability to Communicate with Teammates and those in Charge Fairly Compensated Find Out More and Take Action! 41.

42 Goal Setting Worksheet Goal 1 Action Step Activity Timeframe Resources Required Outcome Measures: Goal 2 Action Step Activity Timeframe Resources Required Outcome Measures: Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 42.

43 ATMOSPHERE & FUN Find Out More and Take Action! 43.

44 Where am I on the Wheel of? To complete this wheel: Read the descriptions for each section of the wheel and mark the wheel at the number corresponding to your current satisfaction with each area where 0 = very unsatisfied and 10 = very satisfied. Enter your numbers in the appropriate spaces in the corresponding scoresheet. In addition, you may enter your numbers on the ACT website to receive tips and guidance to improve wellness in that area. (see: Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 44.

45 Home Environment Am I safe? Do I have the space I need? Do I enjoy being home? Do I take care of my home? Do I recycle? Work/School Environment Am I able to focus where I work? Do I have the tools I need to learn and work? City where you live Do I like the city where I live? Does my community help me to feel stronger? Fun and Leisure Do I take time to do things just for fun? Do I play? Do I take time to relax? Friends Do I make a priority of spending time with my friends? Do my friends appreciate me? Do I have at least a few close friends? Indoor Activities Do I participate in indoor activities such as cooking, basketball, gym, or other indoor activities? Clean and Organized Environment Do I take time to appreciate the environment around you? Is my home and work environment clean and cared for? Do I take pride in my surroundings? Outdoor Activities Do I get enough fresh air, fresh water, and sunshine? Do I get outside everyday by walking, sitting on a bench, or other outdoor activity? Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 45.

46 Plan Scoresheet First Name: Surname: Address: Wheel of Home Environment Work/School Environment City where you live Fun and Leisure Friends Indoor Activities Clean and Organised Environment Ourdoor Activities Find Out More and Take Action! 46.

47 Goal Setting Worksheet Goal 1 Action Step Activity Timeframe Resources Required Outcome Measures: Goal 2 Action Step Activity Timeframe Resources Required Outcome Measures: Find Out More and Take Action! info@alaskanschangingtogether.org 47.

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