inner influencing Module One Foundation Course The Subconscious Directive Technique Part Two ULTIMATE SELF-EMPOWERMENT

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1 inner influencing ULTIMATE SELF-EMPOWERMENT Module One The Subconscious Directive Technique Part Two Foundation Course

2 All content copyright by Paul Greblick Inner Influencing and the Subconscious Helper Agent are trademarks of Paul Greblick and Heart of Angels. No part of this publication may be sold, copied, distributed, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or digital, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. Disclaimer - The author is a researcher, developer, publisher of information related to helping you gain a greater understanding of how your subconscious processes work, and is not a licensed physician or mental health counselor nor represents himself as one. Thus, the material herein is offered for informational and educational purposed only. It is not to be considered as constituting any sort of legal, professional, or certified advice. The ideas, procedures and suggestions on this site are not intended as a substitute for consultation with your professional health care provider. This material should be considered, at best, a supplement to your certified professional's advice and you should share this and any and all information with them regarding the desire to change or modify any sort of treatment plan. By using the material herein, you agree to take full responsibility for your own well-being and seek appropriate professional help whenever necessary. If you have any questions about whether or not to use Inner Influencing in context of your own unique needs or situation, please consult your physician or licensed mental health practitioner.

3 Technique 1 - The Subconscious Directive Technique Introduction The Subconscious Directive Technique employs the Subconscious Helper Agent to carry out whatever task you give it. This special method gets around the conscious filter between the conscious and subconscious minds in a matter of seconds, in the same way that hypnosis does but can take 45 minutes to an hour to work. It does this by the use of a trigger word that signals for your subconscious helper to begin doing the task you have given it. This technique works on both the elimination of negatives and the acquiring of positives, as long as the correct wording is used with each. Basic Statement Template The basic way to use the Subconscious Directive Technique can be summed up in this way: Turn your attention inward, as best you can, toward wherever it seems that your subconscious is located. Then, use this type of wording to tell your subconscious what to do, in relation to you or your need, goal, or hoped-for outcome. Subconscious, when I say THIS you do THIS where the first THIS is the trigger word and the second THIS is what we are asking it to do. 1 Module # 1 Part 2

4 An Example Since one of the benefits of this technique is to help rid your system of negative, disempowering emotions, one possible wording for using this to eliminate fear is: Subconscious, when I say Purple Cow, you will eliminate all fear anywhere in my system and keep me clear of that forever. Now say Purple Cow either to yourself or out loud and notice if your experience in this moment starts to become less fearful. Out Loud or Silently to Yourself? You may repeat both the statement and the trigger word Purple Cow to yourself or out loud. Both ways have been extensively tested and there was no significant improvement to doing the technique out loud. Doing them silently will not bring undue attention to what you are doing and what you're trying to get rid of, so it's a good idea to do them silently to yourself while working on yourself. Which Word to Use (and Which to Avoid)? One goal of Inner Influencing is to help you train your conscious mind to become more adept at influencing your subconscious mind s processes in your favor. That is, to have them work FOR you rather than against you. As you use the techniques more and more, you ll start to have more conscious authority over your own inner processes. And the sense of self-empowerment that you will have will be enormous, even if you re long from your goal of being free of emotional discord from the past or potential emotional difficulties in the future. To train your recognition of these principles even further, and to instruct you on how MUCH potential you have to affect your subconscious mind positively, you need to know several things: what factors are actually causing the change, and what factors are potential additions that are just a waste of time and effort and would confuse your 2 Module # 1 Part 2

5 ability to achieve the true scope and depth of what's possible through your own selfwork. Principles work, and not intention or belief Inner Influencing has had extensive testing and development with countless applications on hundreds of subjects, all with varying degree of intensity. The results were consistent no matter what the subject matter, or degree of intensity of the emotional distress. The reason for this consistency was due to one thing - an understanding of how the principles of the subconscious actually work. No matter what the topic, be it golf, playing the piano, or math, it is always the understanding of the principles involved that produces the results. For any real world experience this is always the case. These techniques will work best for you when you have an understanding of the principles involved. It will never be because of your belief, intention, putting extra power or oomph behind the statement, or anything else. People have found Inner Influencing to work when they have lost even the belief in themselves or life itself. The reason is you don't have to believe in principles to work. You just have to work the principles. Why a meaningless phrase is important The reason to use a meaningless phrase for the trigger word is so there is no confusion that picking the right word was somehow responsible for the results. This is a training-based system. In order to train your conscious recognition of the validity of principle-based results, you need to have a way to prove yourself that the results happened BECAUSE of your working knowledge of the principles, and not your belief, intention, or the amount of power and force you put behind it. 3 Module # 1 Part 2

6 The fastest and easiest way to do this is to use a meaningless phrase for telling the Subconscious Helper Agent put your instructions into action. The phrase can be anything, but using words like peace, love, go, or even yes creates a false connection with a having to find the right word, or say in the right way, or with the right amount of force behind it - or intention - that caused the results. If a meaningful rather than meaningless phrase were used, it would confuse your conscious mind as to what actually caused the results, and thus be totally counter to the goal of this course. The goal of this course is to give you complete conscious authority over your subconscious in your life experience. Using a word with meaning would, therefore, have a backwards effect on training your system to recognize the actual principles and action, and confuse them with additions that have no effect at all. This would actually lead you away from selfempowerment due to the lack of clarity and lack of repeatable results that you could achieve. It would also limit instances of applying the tools when you might feel less than powerful, your sense of belief is waning, or you are finding it difficult to just make it through the day without falling over. A recommended phrase, therefore, is Purple Cow - since this probably has no meaning in terms of your life experience, at least in most western countries. If you are in a part of the world where Purple Cow is used in common culture in terms of a brand name, mascot, or anything else that would bring up an association with meaning attached, feel free to make up your own meaningless phrase to use instead. 4 Module # 1 Part 2

7 Expanding on the Statement Template As stated before, the following is the basic wording behind using the Purple Cow type statement: Basic Template Subconscious, when I say Purple Cow, you will (insert instruction for your Subconscious Helper Agent). Purple Cow. Three Types of Instructions There are three types of instructions you can give your subconscious helper to do. And since all you have are thoughts and feelings, as was mentioned before, and the subconscious mind is a container for feelings, every statement needs to be in context of some kind of negative emotional experience. The three types of instructions you can give to your subconscious helper are to: 1) Get rid of the negative 2) Get rid of what s in the way of the positive 3) Give you the positive Very often, a combination of all three is needed for best results, and this will be discussed further in this module. Here are example statements for each: 1) Ridding the negative - Subconscious, when I say Purple Cow, you will get rid of all fear in my system. ( Purple Cow. ) 2) Ridding what s in the way of - Subconscious, when I say Purple Cow, you will get rid of whatever is in the way of me having complete emotional peace and balance right now. 3) Giving you the positive Subconscious, when I say Purple Cow, you will MAKE ME completely whole and perfect in every way. 5 Module # 1 Part 2

8 Adding to the Basic Template The Subconscious Helper Agent is like an assistant who follows orders, but only the orders given. You could also assume that the possibilities of what the subconscious helper agent could do are limited only by your imagination. Some helpful additions were discovered during the development and testing process. These could be added to the basic statement to bring additional qualities to the end results that you are looking for. Two of the more significant additions are permanency and ease. The following statement is a good place to start that includes those two additions: Basic Starting Statement Subconscious, when I say Purple Cow, you will get rid of (topic) and keep me free from it from now on with ease. Purple Cow Further additions Experimenting with further helpful additions gives something similar to the following, and could add great value: and whatever caused it, whatever is keeping it here, and whatever would make it come back Here is the basic statement with that addition: Subconscious, when I say Purple Cow, you will get rid of (topic) whatever caused it, whatever is keeping it here, and whatever would make it come back and keep me free from it from now on with ease. Purple Cow 6 Module # 1 Part 2

9 One topic per statement Countless experiments and testing with multiple variations of topics has shown that to get the most results, only one topic should be used per statement. This seems to be because if there is any remaining energy on any of the topics, it tends to rebuild the whole series. So in a statement to get rid of grief, anger, fear, and anything related to money problems, for example, if any of the energy in those is not completely removed, they all may come back in full force. The solution to this lies in the Problem Resolution Sequence, which is a series of around 23 or 24 specially crafted Purple Cow statements that will be covered in Module 4. Those are individual statements because of this same occurrence - when any remaining energy is left in any sort of topic, it tends to rebuild the entire thing. Extended Statement After much experimentation with various wordings and additions, the following statement seems to sum up the major additions without it being too long and cluttered. Subconscious, when I say Purple Cow, you will get rid of (topic) and whatever caused it, whatever is keeping it here, and whatever would make it come back and keep me free from it from now on with ease in whatever way is ideal and perfect for me...loving, gentle, peaceful, balanced, and kind-hearted to my system safe, healthy, and wonderful in every way for me, too and without further action needed on my part. Purple Cow That seems like a very long wording, so which one should you use? 7 Module # 1 Part 2

10 Always remember that these techniques work with the need for speed or thoroughness. Start with a short version and use it on various things that you can think of until you've memorized it fairly well. The short version can always be used for immediate, in your face difficulties where you need faster results because of the immediacy of the problem. Use the longer form for more thorough, comprehensive results, if you happen to have enough time. But in context of your whole life, when you are just getting started, it is better to do many short statements on the various aspects of the problem or difficulty then fewer longer statements. You'll be able to rid more energy on different topics if you use the shorter version on as many as you can think of. Once you become more adept at using this technique on various topics or issues, you will find the best way for you to get results for your own specific needs. Some people have found they like the shorter version better. Others prefer the longer one. Future lessons will go over how to turbocharge these statements, as well as specific aspects to target to help your results go even faster. But a basic foundation as to how to use the statements themselves is necessary for you to achieve maximum results with some of the later material. Gauging Your Results One important discovery during the development process was that many distressful problems or issues, especially ones that won't go away, have multiple contributors and topics to them. Therefore, please evaluate your results using the metaphor of a dial being turned down, instead of a switch being turned off. 8 Module # 1 Part 2

11 The goal is always to go all the way but there can often be multiple types or topics in the tank, so to speak. There can also often be multiple dials to turn down, so please be patient with yourself and do as many statements on as many emotional topics or descriptions as you can find. Think of having five or ten splinters in your hand. You will experience all of them as one pain. You might not even get much relief after removing the first one or two. Just keep going and apply the techniques to whatever distress or difficulty you can find. And then apply it on whatever you notice after that. When you don't notice any results with your statement, one of two things are usually happening: 1) You didn't use the best descriptive wording. (Meaning that you didn t target it correctly.) 2) You didn't have the problem in the first place! More on the One Topic per Statement Principle During intense experimentation, many tests were tried to include multiple topics into one statement, or as many topics into one statement as possible. While this did have an effect, it did not get the results that separating each topic into its own statement had. Therefore, to get the most thorough results, separate topics into different statements. For instance, you will get rid of more fear, embarrassment, and worry if you put each three of those into separate statements then combine them into one. 9 Module # 1 Part 2

12 Energy Hides Other Energy One thing that occurred very early on in the development process was that some emotions or topics were not noticed until other ones were removed first. Often you will find other topics and subjects after you do statements on something else. This is normal. Don't miss the opportunity to have your subconscious helper get rid of those, as well. Your overall goal should be to clear out your system of every bit of negative emotional energy you can find and keep it clear. 10 Module # 1 Part 2

13 In Practice The Purple Cow statement or directive can be profitably used on any emotion that is counter to your peace and well-being. Following the Results Although you can certainly repeat statements on different topics one right after each other, you will get the most out of each statement if you let the subconscious helper do as much as possible before going on to the next one. If you have an immediate need, however, do as many as you need on the various topics you find this fast as you can. But if you are able, once you finish the statement, try to keep your attention inward and wait for the results of finish. I call this following the results. In essence, if you hired a cleaning crew for your home, you wouldn't tell them to clean the kitchen when they were only halfway done with the bedroom. The way you can tell that the statement is done is that there doesn't seem to be any more results happening. They have diminished to the point where you cannot notice any further positive change. How to Get the Best Results in Your Life as Soon as Possible In order to get the most results in your life from this technique, start with some of the following suggestions: First, do one statement for every type of distressful emotion that you've been affected by at one time. 11 Module # 1 Part 2

14 Do as many as you can think of and follow the results if you can until as much of it leaves as possible. Second, do as many get rid of what s in the way of statements as you can on two types of subjects: Resolving each specific difficulty you can find Having the ideal specific thing that's missing on any area of life Third, do as many giving you the positive statements on those same positive things that are missing from your life. A fourth thing to do is a pair of statements three times a day (morning, afternoon, and evening) that I call General Well-Being Statements. General Well-Being Statements The following statements could be called General Well-Being statements because you can insert anything that comes to mind on that topic overall. Some examples are happy, peaceful, and balanced, whole, healthy, and complete, or whatever else you can think of that would contribute to your well-being Here is an example General Well-Being statement: Subconscious, when I say Purple Cow, you will get rid of everything in the way of my complete wholeness, ideal and perfect self, and ideal and perfect life and keep me free from it from now on with ease. Purple Cow Here is an example of a general well-being statement in positive acquisition format: Subconscious, when I say Purple Cow, you will MAKE ME whole, ideal and perfect, inside and out, and KEEP ME THAT WAY from now on with ease. Purple Cow 12 Module # 1 Part 2

15 These types of General Well-Being statements are good for whenever you notice disharmonious emotions and you just can t tell or describe the emotion or feeling. They can help you get a sense of relief, because they target anything in the way of your overall well-being, or whatever you include in the statement. The Pairs of Statements Concept Whenever you are working on a positive, always be sure to precede it with a negative elimination type wording first. You want to be able to have the cleanest inner space for the positive thing, and not just put it over negative emotional energy. That will not get rid of the negative emotional energy. It will just cover it up, and you will still experience the effects of it somehow, and in some way that is counter to your well-being. If you were to replace an old couch with a new one, you would certainly vacuum underneath where the old one was first. The Core 11 Negative Emotions The following emotions or feelings each have an impact on creating or causing other emotions, too. So they can be very profitable to do this technique with right away. Powerlessness, for example, is a component of both anger and depression. After all, if someone didn't feel powerless, they wouldn't have to smash the thing, just change it. And no one ever got depressed who felt empowered enough to change something not good for them. Do these Core 11 emotions every 30 days or so, to reduce their impact in your life over time. Lack of love Lack of approval Lack of support 13 Module # 1 Part 2

16 Unworthiness Loneliness Sense of loss Lack of control Powerlessness Out-of-control Lacking safety Lacking security See if you can make up a Purple Cow statement for each one of those. Here's the first two to get you started: Subconscious, when I say Purple Cow, you will get rid of all lack of love feelings in me whatever caused it, whatever is keeping it here, and whatever would make it come back and keep me free from it from now on with ease. Purple Cow Subconscious, when I say Purple Cow, you will get rid of all lack of approval feelings in me whatever caused it, whatever is keeping it here, and whatever would make it come back and keep me free from it from now on with ease. Purple Cow See if you can do the rest. 14 Module # 1 Part 2

17 Application Exercises Have fun and get more results at the same time by awarding yourself one of the following after doing those things mentioned under each one: Bronze Star: Do five negative elimination statements on five separate negative emotions. Do five eliminate what s in the way of statements on five positive emotions or experiences. Do five positive acquisition statements on those same positive emotions or experiences. Silver Star: Do 10 each of the above. Gold Star: Do 20 each of the above. Super Star: Do 5 of the Bronze every day for a whole week. Self-Empowerment Star: Be a Super Star each week for life. 15 Module # 1 Part 2

18 Self-Assessment Test your knowledge and skill with the following self-check quiz. 1. The methods in this program are given their results by the Subconscious Agent. (fill in the blank) 2. The best type of phrase to use for the statements is a (meaningless / meaningful) one. 3. The Subconscious Directive Technique (or Purple Cow technique) can only be used on removing negatives from the subconscious, and does not have any effect with positives. (True / False) 4. You have to believe in the technique for it to work. (True / False) 5. You have to intend for it to work with all of your might to get the most results. (True / False) 6. What is one of the two reasons that the technique might not produce results? 7. These techniques work best out loud. Using them silently in your head only produces half the results. (True / False) 8. Which is better: speed or thoroughness? 9. The two things that make up every experience you have are and. 10. The emptiness viewpoint is the correct viewpoint of life and we are to stress, strain, and struggle to achieve our goals and get our needs met. (True / False) 16 Module # 1 Part 2

19 Congratulations! You re well on your way to becoming an expert Inner Influencer Keep practicing and using the Subconscious Directive Technique as often as you can in order to get rid of as many negative emotions as you can find. The more you use this technique, the more energetic juice and emotional pressure you will be removing from your system, and the more your natural state of peace, balance, and inner harmony will return. In the next lesson, you ll learn why traditional affirmations aren t as effective as the new 2.0 version, which you re going to become an expert in after the next module. 17 Module # 1 Part 2

20 Notes 18 Module # 1 Part 2

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