Module: Hope and Optimism. Hope

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Module: Hope and Optimism Hope In a nutshell: Cognitive theory of hope (C.R. Snyder, 2002) denotes that a person with high hope is able to use various pathways or waypower to achieve goals. Throughout the goal pursuit, an individual is able to sustain one s willpower and not to give up easily when stumbled over hurdles. Scientific Facts: Researchers discover that higher hope college students have higher accumulative GPA despite their college entrance grades (Snyder, Shorey & Cheavens, 2002). Female college athletes perform better when they are comparing with people with similar natural sport talents (Curry et al., 1997). Students with higher hope level also found to be less distressed by study difficulties and classroom competitiveness while the opposite is true for those with low hope level (Lagace-Seguin & d Entremont, 2010). A recent survey conducted at CUHK by the Student Counselling and Development Service, Office of Student Affairs found that among 1033 undergraduate students studied, 24 percent belongs to the high hope group, 70 percent medium hope while a meagre 6 percent low hope. Higher hope students are also found to be more likely to attend to positive events in life. Here are some hope stories! Please visit the RESOURES box for hopeful videos. Exercise: Your own hopeful stories: My goal: Targets, tasks, hobbies or anything which I find meaningful and have an urge to achieve or to engage in. Try to identify your own short-term (1-2 weeks), medium-term (1-3 months) and long-term (6 months and above) goals. 1

In a Nutshell: Here are some tips in setting your goal. You may follow the SMART principle. S = Specific- your goal is well articulated like I want to run for 20 minutes everyday rather than merely I want to improve my health. M = Measurable- with observable outcome or performance like I spend 20 minutes riding bike or I ride for 10 km. A R T = Achievable your goal is realistic and can be pursue with small steps = Relevant- your goal is related to your situation and it is meaningful to you. For instance: I want to compose a song to my sister. It is her wedding next month. = Time-bound- you must set a reasonable time limit in your goal pursuit to avoid procrastination. Waypower: Pathways, routes or solutions which can help me to achieve my goal Willpower: Constructive encouragement or positive inner speech Reminiscence of past successful experiences Modeling on people who managed to achieve similar goal 2

Optimism In a nutshell: Optimism refers to our tendency to expect a future event to have a positive outcome. An optimistic outlook may not necessarily base on our actions or concrete here-andnow evidence. It is an expectation normally accompanied with a surge of positive feelings, higher motivation and energy level. Scientific Facts: According to research, hope and optimism are highly related. Researchers discover that hope and optimism are positively correlated and together they can protect cancer and brain injured patients from depression. Studies from Harvard University and the University of Illinois suggest people with more optimistic can-do attitude can be 75 percent more likely to have healthy blood sugar and cholesterol level. Exercise: Three Door Exercise Please envisage according to your past experiences, doors which have been closed while another door has opened in due course. The heaviest door closed Another door opens 3

The most misfortunate door closed Another door opens The interpersonal door closed Another door opens References Curry, L.a., Snyder, C.R. and Cook, D.L. (1997). Role of hope in academic and sport achievement. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73, 1257-1267. Lagace-Seguin D.G. and d Entremont, M.R.L. (2010). A scientific exploration of positive psychology in adolescence: the role of hope as a buffer against the influences of psychosocial negativities. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 16. 69=95. Snyder, C.R. (2002). Target article: Hope theory: Rainbows in the mind. Psychological Inquiry, 13, 249-275. Snyder, C.R., Shorey, H.S. and Cheavens, J.S. et al. (2002). Hope and academic success in college. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94, 820-826. 4

課題 : 希望感與樂觀 希望感 簡介 : 認知希望感理論 (Cognitive Theory of Hope; C.R. Snyder, 2002) 指出有高希望感的人能有效地使用不同路徑或方法達成目標 在達標的過程中, 高希望感的人擁有意志力和動力, 即使遇上困難亦不輕言放棄, 堅持到底 科學實証 : 研究員發現高希望感的大學生除掉了大學入學成績的因素應會有較高的 GPA 高希望感的大學女運動員與擁有同等運動天賦的人比較, 往往有較好成績 高希望感的同學較少因課程難度和課室內競爭氣氛感困擾, 但低希望感的同學情況剛好相反 中文大學學生事務處學生輔導及發展組最近完成調查, 訪問了 1033 位校內本科生, 結果顯示 24% 受訪同學屬高希望感,70% 擁中等希望而幸好只有 6% 屬低希望感 高希望感的同學同時亦較多注意到生活中正面的事情 細聽希望故事! 請到資源庫收看短片或延伸閱讀! 練習 : 你的希望故事 : 我的目標 : 任何你感到有意議的事如特定的指標 項目或興趣而你有意想完成或投入其中的 請寫下你的短期 (1-2 星期 ), 中期 (1-3 個月 ) 和長期 (6 個月或以上 ) 目標 5

一語中的 : 以下是訂立目標的小貼士, 秘訣在於 SMART! S M A R T = Specific 具體仔細 --- 你需仔細明確地訂立目標, 避免變為空談 如 我想每天跑步 20 分鐘 不只是 我想改善健康 = Measurable 可量度 --- 有可見的結果或表現, 如 我用 20 分鐘踏單輪車 或 踏 10 公里單輪車 = Achievable 可行的 你的目標需是實際可行, 亦能一步步的實現 = Relevant 與你相關 - -- 你的目標需是與你的現況處境有關聯性, 而且對你有意議的 如 我姊姊下月結婚, 我想為她作一首歌 = Time-bound 有時限的 ---- 你需為目標設定時限, 在合理的時間內完成, 避免拖延 方法 : 能協助你到達目標的路徑, 路線或解決問題的方法 動力 : 有建設性的鼓勵或正面的內心自我對話 回想過去成功經驗 向能達成同樣目標的人學習 6

樂觀 簡介 : 樂觀指對將來傾向擁有正面的估計 這估算不一定建基於個人的行動或具體的事實理據 這種正面估計時常伴隨正面的感覺, 高動機和動力 科學實証 : 研究發現希望感和樂觀有密切關係 兩者有正向的關聯而能預防癌病患者和腦部受傷的病人患上抑鬱症 哈佛大學及伊利諾伊大學更有研究指出樂觀者有多 75% 機會擁有健康的血糖及膽固醇水平 練習 : 三扇門從你過往經驗, 請回想起一些門關上了, 但其後再有另一扇門被打開 最重的門關上了 另一扇門打開了 最不幸的門關上了 7

另一扇門打開了 人際關係的門關上了 另一扇門打開了 8