Liberal Studies Concept Words Module 1 Personal Development and Interpersonal Relationships

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Liberal Studies Concept Words Module 1 Personal Development and Interpersonal Relationships Personal Growth Physiological Change Psychological changes Self Concept Abraham Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs Five building blocks of selfesteem Erik Erikson s Psychosocial Theory of Human Development Identity Identity cycle (James E. Marcia) Sex drive, reproductive organs become mature Emotional upheaval, last stage of cognitive development (possess the ability of logical inference, multi-perspective thinking, desire autonomy and independent) Overall idea of a person on abilities and characteristics Advantage of having an accurate self-concept: Seek aspirations and bravely face challenges Narrow the difference between ideal self and actual self (the smaller the difference, the more positive one s self-evaluation and selfacceptance) 5 levels, only if one level is satisfied, one will pursue a higher level of needs Physiological needs: Fulfil basic physical needs (clothing, accoomodation, food) Safety: A safe and stable life (employment, wealth, health, security etc.) Love and belonging: love and accepted and a sense of belonging (family, friendship) Esteem: Positive self-evaluation, gain recognition and respect from others, worthiness (achievement, confidence, praise by others) Self-actualisation (develop potentials, achieve goals and ideal self (morality, helping others) Security: respected, protected, subjective feeling of safety Selfhood: Being unique, acceptance of appearance, ability and personality Affiliation: Being accepted and recognized as part of a group Competence: A feeling of success and accomplishment, aware of one s strength and weakness Mission: Having clear goals and willing to bear consequence of one s decisions Life can be divided into 8 stages, with a particular crisis to be solved Crisis: Turning Point of life to either go forward or backward in development Adolescent: Identity v.s. role diffusion (drifting form of identity) Sense of self, uniqueness, humanity and self-definitions Identity foreclosure: NO identity exploration+ commitment Identity diffusion: No identity exploration+ NO commitment Identity Moratorium: Identity exploration + NO commitment Identity achievement: Identity exploration+ commitment Identity formation: diffusion Moratorium Achievement In face of a new crisis (new job): Shifting between Moratorium and achievement

Parenting style Authoritative: Demanding+Responsive Identity Moratorium Identity achievement Authoritarian: Demanding+ Unresponsive Identity foreclosure Permissive: Undemanding+ responsive Identity diffusion Uninvolved: Undemanding+ unresponsive Identity diffusion Conformity An individual may be subject to the influence and invisible pressure from a (Peer relationship) group. His thought and behavior tend to resemble the majority within a group. Bandwagon Effect (in search of sense of affiliation) Role Position given by the society; understood from socialization May encounter role conflict: where roles in different interpersonal relationships conflict with each other Role Assumptions on the designated behavioral pattern and attitude of a person based expectation on his role, including one s Right Duty Civil awareness: Identity as a member of society and participate in social awareness Socialization Learning process carried out through mass media and during interpersonal interactions to learn social norms and values Agents of socialization: family/peers/school/mass media Norms Restrictions and standards to people s views and behaviors Explicit norms (Rules and Laws) Implicit norms (customs, habits, moralities) Life skills Goal Setting: SMART goal setting method: (specific, measurable, achievable, rewardable, time-limited) Clear goal setting method (challenging, legal, ecologically sound, appropriate, responsible) Break big goals into smaller goals (long-term goals short term goals daily goals) Time management goals Prioritize tasks by classifying according to importance and urgency Emotional Management ABC(DE) theory A: activating event B: belief C: consequence D: disputations to challenge irrational beliefs

Values Individualism 個人主義 Consumerism 消費主義 Materialism 物質主義 Altruism Egualitarianism Utilitarianism 功利主義 Parent-child relationship Generation gap Digital divide 數碼鴻溝 Shift from dependency to autonomy E: effective beliefs replace irrational ones Identity ABC and reflect on the belief in the event Think from another perspective and change negative beliefs to a positive one Coping with adversity (resilience and adaptability towards adversity) Use the LEAD procedure to respond to adversity L: Listen E: Explore A: anaylse D: DO 個人主義強調自我獨立的美德, 以及個人自由和個人重要性, 並認為個人的自由和平等重於一切 個人主義反抗權威和所有控制個人的行動, 特別是來自國家或社會施加的強迫力量 另外, 個人主義亦反對把個人地位置於社會之下的集體主義 消費主義指不斷追逐時尚潮流 消費購物以尋求享受的生活方式 在消費主義下, 消費行為不再是為了滿足生活的實際需要, 而是為了滿足各種透遇傳媒廣告塑造的無限欲望, 或是為了建構自我身份和地位的渠道 生產商和傳媒大力鼓吹消費, 導致消費主義氾濫, 使大量社會資源被浪費 物質主義是指人透過不斷消費而得到物質來滿足個人感受, 認為快樂和滿足感與豐富的物質享受有關 物質主義下個人的感受會被抬高, 消費時並不會考慮群體或下一代的需要和幸福, 導致浪費資源的問題出現 It refers to the principle of assisting the others voluntarily without any desire for reward. Active participation in community affairs is a form of altruistic behavior. It is a concept from the West that states people of any gender, age, religion background have own the same rights and opportunities. Teenagers who have this mindset are likely to develop discontent on their parents as they believe they have the right to decide for themselves since their rights should not be exploited due to their age and ability. Utilitarianism is the value held by many Hong Kong parents (people) that return and utility determines what we ought to do. Interpersonal relationship Arise as a result of being raised in different social environments and having different life experiences. A difference in thoughts, attitude, behavior, values Difference in opportunities and abilities in using devices caused by difference in age, educational level, and economic conditions. People who are affluent can enjoy convenience and superiority brought by information technology, while people poor in information can t enjoy advantages, leading to the divide. Teenagers want to be regarded as an independent and free from parent s interference in making their own decision and developing their logical thinking.

Interpersonal conflicts Manifesting conflicts Mediator Arbitrator Advisors Effective communication Empathy Actions taken according to intension of conflicts Competition Avoiding Accommodating Collaborating Compromising Example: Courts Objective+Fair Come up with a decision to resolve the dispute Example: Parents Fair+objective+accepted by both parties Assist in helping both parties to reach an agreement Example: psychological counsellors Analyse different solutions to the problem Verbal and Non-verbal communication Includes an encoder, message and decoder Damaging outcomes Constructive outcomes Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within the other being's frame of reference, i.e., the capacity to place oneself in another's position. 終極拆 points 角度 (Dr. Fredrick Cheng) PERSONALLY Self concept (self acceptance / self evaluation) self esteem(security/selfhood/affiliation/competence/mission/ideal self v.s.real self) Maslow s Hierarchy of needs (physiological needs/safety/love and belonging, esteem /self actualization) Life skills (time management skills ((IMPORTANCE+URGENCY)), SMART, Clear goalsetting method, emotional management (ABC theory), resilience and adaptability against adversities) Identity (Eric Erickson: Crisis: Identity v.s. role diffusion) Identity foreclosure, identity diffusion, identity moratorium, identity achievement (identity exploration+ commitment) identity cycle Interpersonal aspect: interpersonal networks, peer relationships, communication skills (empathy, non

verbal communication), peer effects, Bandwagon Effect, altruism interpersonal conflicts (latent conflict(values, self evaluation, role expectations) Perceived conflict, intension evaluation (competition, collaborating, avoiding, accommodating, compromising), manifest conflict, conflict aftermath (constructive or damage); solutions (arbitrators, mediators, advisors) Socially: Role expectation (+socialization) role steroeotypes (expectation gap) Role conflict Materialism, consumerism (conspicuous consumption / emotional consumption), Moral standards (cost benefit analysis/ values and perceptions: benevolence(kindness), righteousness(willing to help others), propriety(compliance with the etiquette), wisdom(distinguish rights and wrongs), faith(value for personal credit), filial piety, forgiveness) Social norms (explicit norms v.s. implicit norms) Family: parenting style (authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, uninvolved (demanding+ responsive), family harmony, generation gap, dependency v.s. autonomy Agents of socialization Education system (spoon feeding education), all round development (leadership / community participation / critical thinking), media literacy (misleading of media/ analytical ability) Low self esteem problem faced by Hong Kong kids (1) Sense of competence: low self care abilities/low resilience (2) Sense of security: accustomed to family protection/helplessness and fear (3) Sense of mission: Rely on others to make decision/lack individual decision making ability Problem of bad interpersonal relationships faced by Hong Kong kids: (1) Social: unable to fulfill expectations of society/criticism by people in society (2) Family: reliance/exceedingly high role expectation/expectation reality gap (3) Peers: self centred/refuse to compromise/interpersonal conflicts

Factors affecting adolescents behavior: (plastic surgery/over consumption/internet addiction etc) (1) Media: distorted value/creating social trends, providing information and channels, convey values (2) Peers: encouragement effect, consideration of affiliation, consideration of selfhood (3) Celebrity effect/idol: trend standards, behaviours imitation, diluting harm of some behaviours, rationalization of behaviour Do you agree that social media is unfavourable for interpersonal growth of adolescents? Benefits: facilitate communication among peers, improve interpersonal relationship, increase sense of affiliation and increase self esteem, multitude of information increasing analytic and critical skills, raise political consciousness and socio political participation, develop a distinctive cyber self to explore feelings, needs and desires that we might otherwise keep hidden Harms: weaken interpersonal communication skills in real life (virtual interpersonal relationships can convert into real interpersonal relationships, expanding interpersonal network increases chances for communication), criminal behaviours threaten safety (effective monitoring and law enforcement/offence of access to computer with criminal or dishonest intent/government and school education effectively enhances sense of protection), internet addiction harms all round development (easy for adolescents to access to social and political information, popularization of social movements among adolescents, increase leadership/organization and analytical skills), extreme information radicalize thinking (radicalization of social movements is due to inefficacy of existing channels and not internet factors, increase enforcement to prevent speeches that incites crime) How change in economic situation cause the emergence of Hong Kong Kids: (1) From poor to rich, employing domestic helps causes excessive care (2) from low competition to intense competitive, long working hours/compensatory mentality

(3) from labour economy to knowledge based economy, parents care about studies of children and neglect self care training (4) form low geographical mobility to high mobility, lack time and insufficient preaching (5) shrinking family scale, insufficient school education