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1 Contents 1. A Homeopathic Perspective on Women's Conditions 2. Abortion 3. ACNE TREATMENT 4. After Pains, Pains After Labor/Delivery 5. Agalactia- lack of milk after birth 6. AMENORRHEA 7. Anemia 8. Breast Pain & Breast Cancer 9. Breast disease 10. Breast feeding in homoeopathy 11. Mastitis & abscesses 12. BREAST PAIN 13. CANDIDA YEAST INFECTION 14. Central precocious pregnancy 15. Chloasma: 16. Common ailments of pregnancy 17. Delivery and labour 18. Disease of uterus 19. DYSMENORRHEA, Painful Menstruation, Menstrual Cramps 20. Endometriosis 21. Fibroadenoma 22. Fibroid of uterus 23. Genital herpes 24. Genital warts 25. Gonorrhea 26. Haemorrhage or APH/PPH disorders 27. Hair loss or alopecia 28. Herpes zoster or Shingles 29. Female Diseases

2 30. Homoeopathy during pregnancy and labour 31. Hypersexuality / nymphomania 32. infertility in females 33. infertility 34. complaints during labor (delivery) like painless ineffective contractions, unbearable pains, prolonged labor, after pains etc. 35. Leucorrhoea 36. Lower abdominal pain 37. Melisma 38. PeriMenopause & Menopause 39. Relief of the menopause 40. Menorrhagia 41. Menstrual cramps 42. Morning sickness in pregnancy 43. Obesity 44. Painful coition/dyspareunia 45. Planter fasciitis-pain in sole 46. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome 47. Preeclampsia or toximia in pregnancy 48. Premenstrual syndrome 49. Subinvolusion and complain of postpartum 50. SYPHILIS 51. Urinary tract infection / UTI 52. Uterine fibroids 53. Uterine prolapse 54. Vaginitis 55. Vulva infection

3 1 A Homeopathic Perspective on Women's Conditions Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Homeopathic medicines can effectively treat the cramps, bloating, and various psychological symptoms that women commonly experience around their menstrual flow. While serious PMS should receive professional homeopathic attention, occasional or mild PMS symptoms can benefit from self-treatment, with either an individually prescribed remedy or one of the combination formula products. When cramps are the predominating symptom of PMS, consider Pulsatilla (for cramps experienced by women who are gentle, yielding, and easily weepy, and who experience a changeable menstrual flow from month to month, are without thirst, are occasionally nauseous, prefer open air, and tend to feel worse when exposed to heat, which usually aggravates their water retention), Belladonna (for intense bearing down pains or cramps that come on and go away suddenly, and aggravation from motion or any type of jarring or draft, sometimes with a headache), Magnesia phos (cramps that are relieved by bending over, by firm abdominal massage while bending forward, or by warmth and warm application, and that are aggravated by cold, cold air, or uncovering), and Colocynthis (cramps like those of Magnesia phos but the woman is considerably more irritable and restless). When bloating is the primary symptom, consider Pulsatilla (see above), Sepia (constipation, lethargy, general weakness felt in internal organs, irritable personality, snappishness, sadness), Lycopodium (aggravation of symptoms between 4-8pm, in warm weather, and with flatulence, and backache), and Lachesis (aggravation of symptoms during sleep and upon waking, symptoms worse on left side, pains relieved by the flow). When moodiness, irritability, and heightened emotions are the main symptoms, consider Pulsatilla (see above), Sepia (see above), Ignatia (emotional vulnerability, especially grief, contradictory feelings, and hysteria), Cimicifuga (sharp labor-like pains that dart from one side of the body to the other, possible back pain or sciatica, intolerance of pain, loquaciousness, hysteria, feelings of being overwhelmed, and "I can't take it anymore"), Lachesis (loquacious, sharp-tongued, sarcastic,irritable, suspicious, and jealous, with flushes of heat, symptoms worse upon waking and exposure to heat; headaches), and Nux vomica (irritable, faultfinding, quarrelsome, competitive; Type-A personality; nausea). Dose: Take the 6, 12, or 30th potency every two hours during intense symptoms and every four hours for less intense symptoms. Stop taking the remedy if symptoms are gone or quite mild. If there isn't some type of obvious improvement in 12 hours, try another remedy. Cystitis (Bladder Infection) Another extremely common condition for which homeopathic medicines seem to work wonders is cystitis (bladder infection). While professional homeopathic care and/or medical attention should be sought to treat recurring bladder symptoms and for severe symptoms, an individually chosen homeopathic medicine can alleviate the pain and discomfort of most acute conditions before the woman reaches the doctor's office. The two most common remedies for acute cystitis are Cantharis (burning, cutting pain before, during, and after urination, each drop passing as though it were scalding water, frequent urges to urinate) and Sarsaparilla (severe pain at end of urination, burning pain and constant urging; a characteristic but not common symptom is that urine can be passed only while standing). Other remedies to consider are Berberis (pain in the thighs and loins during urination, pain extending from the bladder and/or over the abdomen to the urethra), Pulsatilla (pain during and after urination as well as when lying down, dry mouth but no thirst), Apis (stinging pains with an aggravation of symptoms by warmth of any sort), Belladonna (acute pain aggravated by any motion or simple jarring, a sensation of something moving inside the bladder, restlessness at night with wild dreams), Nux vomica (constant urge to urinate, short relief when passing small quantities and from warm applications or warm bathing), and Causticum (cystitis after surgery, involuntary urination when coughing or sneezing).

4 Dose: Take the 6, 12, or 30th potency every two hours during intense symptoms and every four hours for less intense symptoms. Stop taking the remedy if symptoms are gone or become mild. If there isn't some type of obvious improvement in 24 hours, try another remedy. The correct remedy may need to be taken for up to three days for an acute urinary tract infection. Vaginitis Vaginitis refers to an inflammatory condition in the vagina that is primarily the result of infection (i.e., from Candida albicans, Trichomonas vaginalis, Gardnerella vaginalis, or Chlamydia trachomatis) or exposure to an irritant (chemical or allergic). The symptoms of vaginitis generally include an abnormal vaginal discharge and itching or burning pains. To understand how and why homeopathic medicines are effective, it is useful to learn something about the nature of vaginitis. One of the most common types of vaginitis is a yeast infection, usually caused by the yeast Candida albicans. The vagina normally is populated by a variety of microorganisms that help to prevent infection. The "good" microorganisms create a chemical environment that inhibits the "bad" microorganisms. They also compete for food with the "bad" infective organisms. If a woman takes antibiotics to treat an infection, whether it is for vaginitis or not, the antibiotics kill both the bad and the good microorganisms, ultimately creating various imbalances in the body, including yeast infections. The vagina can normally live comfortably with small amounts of yeast, but the killing of good microorganisms by antibiotics allows yeast to grow in significant numbers, creating a yeast infection. Conventional treatment for yeast conditions is usually antifungal medications or suppositories. While these medicines may temporarily decrease the number of yeast cells, they do not increase the body's good microorganisms, nor do they protect the body from future yeast infections. Other factors that can disrupt the ecological balance in the vagina are a high sugar diet, birth control pills, and certain hormonal changes, including those caused by pregnancy. Simply getting rid of the yeast, bacteria, or other pathogens growing as a result of the ecological imbalance and leading to vaginitis does not resolve the fundamental stress to the woman's health. Homeopathic medicines are not antifungal or antibacterial in the conventional sense. Rather, they strengthen a woman's own defenses, which then help her body fight off the fungal infection itself. By this process they do not create the same type of internal ecological disruption that antibiotics cause. Some of the common remedies for vaginitis are Pulsatilla (white, yellow, or greenish bland vaginal discharge with vaginal soreness, a weepy, moody, emotionally-laden state, thirstlessness, aggravated by heat and relieved in the open air; a common remedy for vaginitis in pregnant women), Kreosotum (itching with burning pains, a yellow, putrid vaginal discharge which is acrid and irritates the vaginal lips and surrounding skin; the discharge may stain bedsheets, and is worse in the morning and upon standing), Borax (a burning vaginal discharge which is the color of egg whites; Borax tends to be useful for vaginitis that occurs midway between menstrual periods), Hydrastis (profuse stringy yellow vaginal discharge with great itching, worse after menstruation), Sepia (white, milky, offensive, itchy, and burning discharge which tends to be more profuse in the morning and while walking, sensations of uncomfortable pressure and heaviness in the vaginal area, general fatigue, constipation, irritability, depression), Graphites (premenstrual yeast infection, often in overweight women with thin, white, acrid discharge and who may experience a concurrent backache, increased discharge in the morning and while walking), and Calcarea carb (thick yellow or milky discharge which tends to cause intense itching, usually in overweight, fair-skinned women, worse before menses and on becoming warm, though they tend to be very chilly; a headache and spasmodic cramps may be concurrent). These remedies are effective not only for yeast infections, but also for other types of vaginal infection. In addition, there are numerous homeopathic formula products in pill or suppository form that can be used to treat the acute vaginal infection effectively. Chronic or recurrent vaginitis should receive professional homeopathic care for an appropriate constitutional medicine. Dose: Take the 6, 12, or 30th potency every two hours during intense symptoms and every four hours for less intense symptoms. Stop taking the remedy if symptoms are gone or have become mild. If there isn't some type of obvious improvement in 48 hours, try another remedy. Cysts and Fibroids 2

5 A cyst is a usually harmless fluid-filled sac of tissue that may be found in the breast, ovaries, or vagina, or simply under the skin. Small cysts are often imperceptible, and even large ones can sometimes be symptomless unless they are large enough to press on certain organs or nerves. Fibroids are noncancerous growths in or on the walls of the uterus which can lead to abnormal uterine bleeding, painful intercourse, and bladder and bowel pressure. Cysts and fibroids are relatively common symptoms experienced by women. Conventional medical care ranges from the conservative ("Let's leave it alone and let it go away") to the radical ("We need to remove it before it gets worse or causes any other problem"). Homeopathic treatment for these conditions generally requires professional constitutional care. Some homeopaths have observed that cysts often respond rapidly to the correct homeopathic medicine, while fibroids tend to take longer. Homeopathic remedies for fibroids will not always completely get rid of them, but they do often at least reduce bleeding or other complications. Homeopathic treatment of fibroids tends to be more effective when they are not too extensive. In reference to the treatment of cysts, a gynecologist from Barcelona, recently reported on a study she performed evaluating 40 cases of ovarian cysts. After nine months of treatment using individually chosen homeopathic medicines, 36 of the 40 women had no evidence of a cyst, three had only a right-sided cyst, and one had a cyst on both sides. 2 Endometriosis Endometriosis is a condition in which the lining of the uterus gets displaced and appears in various sites in the body, including the ovaries, the bladder, or the bowel. Although the cause of this condition is unknown, it is sustained by ovarian hormones. Endometriosis can lead to varying symptoms, including heavy, painful periods, breast swelling, backache before periods, infertility, painful intercourse, dizziness, and depression. Conventional treatments for it are diverse and problematic. The conventional pharmacological treatment is with drugs that inhibit ovarian or pituitary hormones. These drugs produce various masculinizing effects, including increased body hair and irreversible changes in the voice. Some physicians recommend surgical treatment in which the displaced cells are burned out with a laser, or removal of the uterus, Fallopian tubes, and/or ovaries. Because some women experience great pain with this condition, they are desperate for any relief. These conventional medical treatments sometimes provide relief, but at the cost of new problematic symptoms and sometimes at the cost of the recurrence of the original condition. Michael Carlston, MD, a homeopath and assistant clinical professor at the University of California at San Francisco School of Medicine, asserts that homeopathic medicines can be very helpful at the early and middle stages of endometriosis, though because of severe scarring during advanced stages of the disease, they are not very effective later on. Endometriosis is not an ailment amenable to self-care; professional homeopathic care is required. Fertility and Contraception Because homeopathic medicines can be effective in reestablishing health in women's reproductive organs, it follows that they can be helpful in reestablishing fertility. Homeopathic constitutional care, rather than self-care, is necessary for treating problems of fertility. Some women ask if homeopathic medicines can be used for contraception. The answer to this question is a definitive "No." Homeopathic medicines create healthy people, and in the process of doing so tend to make people more rather than less fertile. Any pharmacological agent that is strong enough to block conception is also strong enough to cause other physiological disruptions. Birth control pills have been linked to heart disease and to breast cancer, though while some studies have found this latter link, others have not. Various less drastic but still problematic symptoms have also been associated with the use of birth control pills, including increased vaginal bleeding, migraine headaches, bladder infections, depression, and various nutritional deficiencies. Dr. Ronald W. Davey, physician to Queen Elizabeth II, notes that he sometimes uses homeopathic doses of the Pill to treat women who have suffered from side effects of this drug. To get the best results, however, a woman has to have stopped taking the Pill. Many women have experienced symptoms from the IUD as well. Chellis Glendenning, in her book When Technology Wounds, describes her traumatic experiences with the ill-famed Dalkon shield IUD. 3 Ultimately, professional care from a homeopathic physician helped restore her health when no other treatment was effective. 3

6 Side effects from conventional drugs and from medical devices generally require the attention of a professional homeopath, unless the symptoms are extremely minor. Menopause Menopause is a natural life phase which some doctors seem to have made into a disease. The fact that women secrete less estrogen in their fifth or sixth decade of life does not signify an ailment but is part of normal body evolution. While it is true that many women experience various symptoms during this change of life, there are many natural ways to deal with them which are safer than the lifelong estrogen replacement therapy that physicians commonly recommend (see Resources section for details). Homeopathic medicines are effective for relieving the common symptoms experienced during menopause (hot flashes, vaginal dryness, cramping, bloating, constipation, and emotional swings). Self-care with homeopathic medicines can be provided for these symptoms, though because the symptoms can be so diverse in their effects on women's bodies and minds, it is not possible to summarize the key remedies in this book (see Resources). Osteoporesis Osteoporesis is one of the serious conditions that some women experience late in life. Because there are several homeopathic medicines, notably Calcarea phos (calcium phosphate), which are known to help build stronger bones, it makes sense that homeopathic remedies be considered as part of a woman's health program. However, because osteoporesis can be an insidious condition which develops without obvious symptoms prior to a fracture, women are encouraged to become familiar with the various nutritional and lifestyle factors that decrease the chances of developing osteoporesis. When such efforts are combined with homeopathic medicines, women will inevitably be significantly stronger and healthier. Dose: Although classical homeopaths prefer to prescribe constitutionally to women just prior to, during, or after menopause, women who have increased risk factors for osteoporesis and are not under professional homeopathic care might consider taking the 6th potency of Calcarea phos once a day for three to five days, every month. If, however, the woman is undergoing professional homeopathic constitutional care, this remedy will generally not be necessary. 4

7 5 Abortion Threatened ABORTION / Missed Abortion #Sabina. [Sabin] This is a remedy useful to prevent impending abortion occurring about the third month, ushered in by the appearance of blood, which is oftentimes the first symptom; then follow pain in the small of the back, going around and through the pubes ; there are forcing and dragging pains from the sacrum to the pubes. The flow is bright red and clotted. It is useful for metritis accompanied by flooding from miscarriage. Cinamomum. Useful for abortion from a strain or misstep with profuse haemorrhage and slight pain. Arnica. Threatened miscarriage from trauma. #Secale. [Sec] For miscarriage in the early months of pregnancy Secale may be the remedy, especially in feeble and anemic women. It is useful for checking the tendency to miscarriage in the later months, when the muscular tissue of the womb is largely developed. It is indicated by frequent labor-like pains, a copious haemorrhage of black fluid blood, a wan sunken countenance, tingling and formication of the extremities and a desire for air. Hartmann recommended Secale 12. #Viburnum opulus. Threatening miscarriage when the pains come from the back around to the lower part of the abdomen and go into the thighs. It will often stop these spasmodic pains. It is a remedy to be used in frequent and early miscarriages. Sepia is one of our most important remedies as a preventive of miscarriage. It is indicated by nervous irritability, laxness

8 6 of tissues and a sense of weight in the anus. Belladonna. Threatened miscarriage with profuse hot haemorrhage, backache, headache and the peculiar uterine tenesmus of the remedy and violent aching of the body. The least jar is painful. #Cimicifuga. [Cimic] One of our most powerful restrainers of abortion; the pains indication the threatened miscarriage fly across the abdomen from side to side doubling the patient up. It suits habitual abortion in women of a rheumatic diathesis. Aconite. Impending abortion from anger, also Chamomilla ; the mental conditions, however, will be different with Chamomilla; great nervous excitement will accompany the pains. Caulophyllum. A very useful remedy in false labor pains and also as a preventive of abortion. There is severe pains in the back and sides of the abdomen, feeble uterine contractions and scanty flow. Aconite Nap. threatened abortion caused due to fear and excitement. Apis Mel. Abortion during 3 rd month of pregnancy. Arnica Montana abortion threatened in nature due to accident. Aletris Far. Habitual abortion resulting due to weakness and anemia. Chamomilla threatened abortion due to mental excitement. Baptesia threatened miscarriage resulting from low fevers, mental depression, shock. Sabina excellent remedy in cases of abortion in every second or third month, habitual abortion, Pain in small of back and genitals, Bleeding of dark red blood Sepia abortion during fifth to seventh month of pregnancy.

9 7 Syphilinum abortion due to syphilis Caulophyllum habitual abortion due to weakness of uterus Crotolus H. oozing of non coagulated black blood, miscarriage during septic disease or blood poisoning Thuja tendency for abortion in females who have history of gonorrheal disease. Thyreoidinum avoid miscarriage and tendency to premature labor when the cause is not mechanical in its origin. Prevents threatened abortion when there is thyroid dysfunction in females, It helps to control slow oozing from uterus. Trillium Pend. Controls or checks bleeding of abortion. Tuberculinum abortion due to tuberculosis Pulsatilla timid, chilly, thirst less women, an excellent remedy for exciting abortion Gelsemium abortion due to mental excitement, the pain extends from abdomen upward and finally settles in the back. Thlaspi abortion with heavy bleeding Ipecauc when there is continuous flow of bright red blood along with colic and nausea. Ferrum met abortion in chlorotic females, with amenorrhea and leucorrhoea Calcaria Carb plethoric women who are disposed to leucorrhea, with premature menstruation

10 8 Cimicifuga excellent remedy to prevent habitual abortion/ miscarriage should be given in later months of pregnancy to prevent miscarriage.

11 9 ACNE TREATMENT Thuja. Acne on the face and nose especially due to vaccination. Dulcamara Rash on the face before menses. Calcaria phos. Acne in the anemic girls at puberty. Psorinum. Acne worse during menses by taking sugar, fat, coffee and meat. Bovista. Acne due to the use of cosmetics. Heper sulph. Acne which suppurates with white pus especially in hypersensitive patients. Hydrocotyle. Excellent remedy for acne over the face. Asterias Rub. One of the best remedy for the acne over on the face at the age of puberty. Sulphur This remedy has got marvelous action in case of acne. Arsenic album an excellent remedy for acne on the nose Belladonna acne red in color, burning and painful Borax remarkable remedy for the acne on the nose and the lips Calcaria carb acne on the roots of hair bleeds on scratching Dulcamara acne on face around menstrual period, in humid weather Asterias rub acne on the face at the age of puberty Thuja acne after vaccination Hydrocotyle acne of face, when associated with uterine derangements Berberis aquifolium acne, pimples and blotches on the face of girls Psorinum acne from fat. Sugar, coffee, worse during menses Bovista acne due to use of cosmetics Calcaria Phos acne of anemic girls at puberty, associated with menstrual troubles

12 10 Calcaria Sulph acne and pustules on the face and around ears with the discharge of yellow secretion Eugenia simple and indurated acne, painful, black heads, red pimples on the sides of nose, mouth, and chin Fagopyrum red and sore acne, on the hairy parts, itching worse by scratching Graphites acne worse during and after menses Kali Brom acne on the face, chest and shoulders, with depresses centre, acne may be associated with increased sexual urge. Ledum Pal acne red, on the forehead and cheeks Pulsatilla pimples aggravated at puberty and at the start of menses, in over weight girls who have delayed menses Radium Brom small pimple with redness itching and burning Sepia acne or pimples on the forehead near the roots of hair, acne before menses Sanguinaria acne on the face with the sensation of burning and itching Causticum acne on the nose Magnesia Mur acne on the face which appear before the beginning of menses in the females who are constipated.

13 11 After Pains, Pains After Labor/Delivery Caulophyllum extraordinary rigidity of os, spasmodic and severe pains, which fly in all directions; after pains, needle like pains in cervix, excellent remedy for habitual abortion, It also revives labor pains and further progresses the labor Cimicifuga after pains, with great sensitiveness and intolerance to pain, Ovarian neuralgia, pain across pelvis, from hip to hip, infra mammary pains worse, left side. Facial blemishes in young women Agaricus mus this remedy covers most of the complaints after delivery of a baby. Arnica Montana soothes muscles of the vagina and uterus, and gives great sense of relief, and comfort after delivery. Will absorb the blood and induce maximum recovery of the damaged nerve tissue. Kali carb one of the best remedies after labor Psorinum patient has never felt well after delivery of the baby. Pulsatilla it avoids many complaints of labor. Staphysagria excellent remedy for any kind of difficulty when child is born after caesarian section Viburnum op great uterine tonic, helpful in after pains

14 12 Agalactia- lack of milk after birth Pulsatilla excellent medicine when milk is suppressed, women who are depressed and tearful Agaricus mus. complaints after suppression of milk Agnus castus absence of milk or scanty milk coming down slowly on lactating the child Asafoetida milk appears late after labor and diminishes in quality Calcaria carb milk is too profuse or deficient lactation Causticum suppression of milk due to anger China child refuses to take breast within few hours of delivery. Lac can loss of milk while nursing without any known cause, breast: inflamed, painful,; < by least jar and towards evening; must hold them firmly when going up or down stairs. Lactuca ver. for increasing milk supply Lecithinum excellent remedy in cases of agalactia, to increase the quantity and quality of milk Millefolium remarkable remedy for agalactia, milk does not come after labor Cimicifuga milk ceases to flow after starting Ricinus com. acts well in cases of agalactia, to produce milk supply in nursing mothers, it increases the quantity of milk supply in nursing women. Sabal ser in cases of agalactia, for producing milk supply when suppressed, breast shrivel

15 13 Secale Cor nursing women do not get sufficient milk in their breasts, or there is suppression or non appearance of milk after delivery of the child and the breasts do not fill adequately. Sticta pul scanty flow of milk, it increases the quantity of milk and milk and removes suppression Urtica urens diminished secretion of milk, excessive swelling of breasts, well known medicine for agalactia Yohimbinum cures agalactia by stimulating the function of lactation glands, causes hyperemia of milk glands.

16 14 AMENORRHEA Homeopathy Treatment & Homeopathic Remedies #Pulsatilla [Puls] Comes first to mind as the homoeopathic remedy for menstrual suppression. It is indicated where the menses flow by fits and starts, or when the suppression is due to wetting of the feet; also, in delayed first menses in chlorotic girls. It must be carefully distinguished from Dulcamara, which has menses suppressed from getting the feet wet, but whose temperament is not that of Pulsatilla. Bayes remarks that in amenorrhea with anaemia great judgment is required in the selection of the dilution, which ought to vary from the 30th to the 1st, according to the sensitiveness of the patient, Jahr ranks Sulphur with Pulsatilla for insufficient pale menstruation. The Pulsatilla patient is disinclined to exertion, with poor appetite and longing for acids,is apt to faint easily and suffers from a tremulous anxiety. Senecio is useful also in amenorrhea with chlorosis. #Calcarea carbonic [Calc] This remedy is also, like Pulsatilla, indicated in amenorrhea when the first menses are delayed, but with Calcarea there is apt to result congestion to the head or chest, giving rise to lung troubles. It is typically indicated in fleshy, scrofulous girls with fair complexion, perspiring easily about the head and subject to acidity of the stomach. Menstrual suppression in those decidedly scrofulous, or with lung affection, especially indicates Calcarea. Belladonna has menstrual suppression with congestion to the head, but its chief use is in amenorrhea appearing suddenly due to cold, with bearing down and throbbing pains in the hypogastrium and painful urination. Gelsemium. Here the drowsy apathetic state is prominent and

17 15 neuralgic pains of the head and face accompany. Glonoine. Intense throbbing of head and albuminous urine occurring when the menses do not appear. It will act promptly if at all. If the menses are suppressed from fright, Aconite, Actea spicata and Lycopodium must be thought of. Opium and Veratrum also have this symptoms. Further symptoms indicating Calcarea in amenorrhea are palpitation of the heart, dyspnoea worse ascending, cold damp feet, etc. Lilium tigrinum. Of use when amenorrhea causes, by reflex action, heart symptoms. #Ferrum metallicum [Ferr-m] This is another useful remedy for delayed first menses where there is debility, languor, palpitation, sickly complexion and puffiness about the ankles. It corresponds to weakly, chlorotic women with flushed face, or pale and livid with blue margins about the eyes. It is especially useful in those who have been dosed with quinine and nervines. #Sepia [Sep] Insufficient or tardy menstruation occurring in the feeble and debilitated, those of dark complexion, delicate skin and who are sensitive to all impressions. In delay of first menses where a leucorrhoea occurs in their stead with determination of blood to the chest and pale face, the remedy is well indicated. Bryonia has nosebleed instead of menses frequently accompanied with bursting headache, and Phosphorus has haemoptysis and haematemesis instead of menses.lachesis should not be forgotten here. Nosebleed and headache relieved by menstrual flow. Graphites. Here, when the menses are suppressed, delayed or scanty, and accompanied with obstinate constipation, and indurated ovaries, it comes in especially well after Pulsatilla. It holds the same relation to the menopause that Pulsatilla does to puberty and youth. A sallow complexion, frequent paroxysms of headache, felling of abdominal emptiness and ball like constipation, which are marked Sepia

18 16 symptoms, will easily distinguish this remedy. Cimicifuga. Cowperthwaite praises this remedy highly in amenorrhea, giving it when no special indication are present, in nervous women subject to rheumatism or arthritic attacks, with aggravation of mental symptoms when the menses should appear. Aconite suppression of menses in plethoric girls, fear and restlessness is well marked in girls. Calcaria carb suppression of menses on girls, who are fat, swelling and tenderness during menses, headache, chilliness and colic before menses Apocynum absence of menses in tropical conditions, dropsical swelling or distended abdomen, weakness and nervousness due to non appearance of menses Graphites menses delayed and scanty or there is suppression of menses, usually associated with constipation Onosmodium patient has feeling as if menses would appear soon but does not appear Opium suppression of menses due to fright Cimicifuga amenorrhea due to endocrinal disorders Phosphorous remarkable remedy for amenorrhea, bleeding from nose, eyes instead of menses Causticum menses during day only, ceases during night. Well known medicine for amenorrhea Apis Mel amenorrhea or suppression of menses due to tumor in ovaries, acts well in young girls. Kali carb delayed menses in young girls, suppression of menses from fright Lycopodium amenorrhea in young girls with underdeveloped breasts, suppression of menses from fright. Colocynth there is suppression of menses due to anger Ignatia amenorrhea or suppressed menses; grief, changeable mood in females Pulsatilla excellent remedy for amenorrhea, whatever the cause is this remedy acts remarkably Sepia absence of menses after breastfeeding of child, Sulphur too late menstruation, scanty and difficult menses, blood thick, black and excoriating Thyreoidinum amenorrhea due to over activity of pituitary gland Pinus lamb. Menses suppressed and delayed.

19 17

20 18 Anemia Homeopathy Treatment & Homeopathic Remedies #Ferrum metallicum [Ferr] Iron is the great allopathic remedy for anemia from almost any cause. It is also a great homeopathic remedy, but it will not cure every case of anemia; careful individualization is necessary. When the patient has an appearance of full bloodedness or plethora, which is followed by paleness or earthiness of the face and puffiness of the extremities, then Ferrum will benefit. It is not the remedy for the anemia resulting from loss of fluids; that is Cinchona, or perhaps Natrum muriaticum. When Ferrum is indicated the mucous membranes are pale, more so than with Cinchona, and there is apt to be an anemia murmur in the veins of the neck. The patient is easily exhausted. Vomiting of food after eating may occur. The patient is constantly chilly and perhaps has an afternoon or evening fever simulating hectic fever. In very stubborn cases sometimes Ferrum phosphoricum may serve better than Ferrum metallicum. Schuessler recommends first Calcarea phosphorica, then Ferrum phosphoricum. In simple, uncomplicated chlorosis Ferrum is one of our best remedies. Hughes recommends Ferrum redactum 1x or 2X. Ludlam praises Ferrum met, strychnia citrate 3X, Dr.Jousset, Ferrum aceticum or the Ferrum protoxalate, and Dr.Holcombe. of New Orleans, used Ferrum phosphoricum. All these preparations of Iron may benefit cases of anemia and chlorosis; if so, it is by virtue of their similarity to the symptoms of the case, and not because one or the other preparation of Iron is a tonic in the allopathic sense. By giving the indicated preparation of Iron it removes the underlying dyscrasia giving rise to the anemic or chlorotic conditions and cures the trouble. #Pulsatilla [Puls] Pulsatilla is the great antidote to Iron, and hence is indicated in the

21 19 anemic condition produced by large or continued doses of it. The system is relaxed and worn out; the patient is chilly and suffers from gastric and menstrual derangements. Thus the symptoms resemble closely those calling for Ferrum. The cause of the anemia must be sought for, and if the case comes from allopathic hands it is safe to infer that much Iron has been given and Pulsatilla will surely be the remedy. The Pulsatilla patient feels better in the open air. Dizziness on rising, absence of thirst, and the peculiar disposition will lead to the remedy. Cyclamen, which is similar in many respects, differ from Pulsatilla in dreading the fresh air. Cinchona is the chief remedy for anemia resulting from loss of fluids,as in lactation or hemorrhage, or from all exhausting discharges, such as menstrual flow, long-lasting diarrhea, and sexual excesses and loss of semen. The quality of the blood is actually poorer in cases calling for Cinchona. Special symptoms are heaviness of the head, loss of sight,fainting and ringing in the ears, pale sallow complexion, sour belching, poor digestion and bloated abdomen. The patient is sensitive to draughts of air yet wants to be fanned. Dr. George Royal thinks many physicians err in giving Cinchona too low in symptomatic anemia when much time has elapsed since the drain was made on the system. He finds the 30th. productive of better results than the lower preparations. NATrum muriaticum is also a remedy for anemic and debilitated conditions due to loss of fluids, especially in women who suffer from menstrual disorders and in chronic cases with a dead, dirty-looking skin. Chininum arsenicosum is sometimes prescribed for anemia, not, however, on the totality ;of the symptoms, but because it is said to be good for it. It has been found curative in certain cases ;of pernicious anemia. Acetic acid suits anemic nursing women, with waxy skin, and thirst. #Calcarea carbonica [Calc] Almost any of the deeper acting constitutional remedies may be of use in anemic and debilitated conditions, and especially are the

22 20 Calcareas useful. Thus we have Calcarea phosphorica as the remedy for the green sickness, chlorosis of young girls, with a complexion like wax, alabaster lips and ears, a bright eye, and when they smile or laugh it is a sickly one. The face sometimes has a true greenish hue or a sallow one. In such cases the menses are apt to be too early and then calcarea phosphorica is well indicated for this condition. Calcarea carbonica is indicated by the psoric, scrofulous or tubercular diathesis and the general symptoms of the drug, by disgust for meat, craving for sour and indigestible things, swelling of abdomen, vertigo and palpitation ;on going upstairs. The patient is in a state of worry. Constantly imagining calamities. Alumina is also a remedy for chlorosis due to the scrofulous diathesis and from improper nourishment, such as occurs in some children brought up on artificial foods. Nux vomica, too, may be indicated in anemic conditions when due to gastrointestinal derangement. Plumbum has been recommended for inveterate chlorosis with obstinate constipation. Alumina also, being an antipsoric, is the remedy for anemic conditions about puberty, with abnormal craving for indigestible substances, such as slate pencils, chalk, etc. #Arsenicum [Ars] This being a direct poison to the red blood corpuscles takes first rank in cases of pernicious anemia or in anemias due to a malarial of ;toxic influence. Dr.Blackley, of England, reported four cases of pernicious anemia cured with small doses of the remedy. It does not correspond to simple anemias so well. It indications are excessive prostration considerable oedema, violent and irregular palpitation,marked appetite for acids and brandy, extreme anxiety and rapid emaciation. There is irritable stomach and intense thirst. When the allopathic school uses Arsenic as a blood tonic, and Dr.Bartholow says, it is one of the most valuable remedies in the treatment of chlorosis and anemia, it does so on strictly Homoeopathic principles. Picric acid. The extreme prostration of pernicious anemia, with a heavy tired

23 21 feeling all over the body, burning pains along the spine and aggravation from excitement indicate this remedy. #Helonias [Helon] An excellent remedy in anemia and chlorosis. It suits especially anemia from prolonged haemorrhage in women enervated by indolence and luxury, or such as are worn out with hard work; they are too tired to sleep and the strained muscles burn and ache A characteristic modality is that the patient is better when the attention is engaged, hence better when the doctor comes. This anemia is associated with disturbances in the urinary and sexual organs. Tired,anemic, backachey females need Helonias, It is one of the best blood makers that we have. (E. G. Jones.) #Aletris [Alet] Chlorosis. The China of the uterine organs. (Hale.) Tired dull, heavy,confused. Debility of females from protracted illness; no organic disease. Power and energy of mind and body are weakened. #Secale [Sec] This remedy produces a progressives general anemia. It is shown by the peculiar cachexia of anemia, pale, bloodless, jaundiced color. By its effect on the blood corpuscles it produces a general anemia, threatening not only the life of a part, but vitiating the whole life of the bodily economy. It is a sort of a mechanical anemia. #Natrum muriaticum [Nat-m] This is one of our best remedies in anemic conditions. There is paleness, and, in spite of the fact that the patient eats well, there is emaciation. There are attacks of throbbing headache and dyspnoea, especially on going up stairs, constipation and depression of spirits, and consolation aggravates. With these symptoms there is much

24 22 palpitation, fluttering and intermittent action of the heart. The hypochondriasis in these cases is marked. Scanty menstruation is frequently an indicating symptom. Kali carbonicum is one of the most important remedies in anemia, weak heart, sweats backache, especially with female complaints. Arsenic Album, Borex, Calcaria Carb, Calcaria Phos, China, Ferrum Met, Ferrum Phos, Graphites, Kali Ars, Kali Phos, Medorrhinum, Mercurius, Natrum Mur, Nitric Acid, Phosphorous, Platina, Plumbum Met, Pulsatilla, Sulphuric Acid, Sulphur, Acetic Acid, Belladonna, Bryonia, Crotolus H, Nux Vomica, Natrum Phos, Natrum Sulph, Rhus Tox, Sepia, Secale Cor, Ignatia, and many other medicines. Iron deficiency anemia Ferrum Oxydatum Rubrum, Argentum Nitricum, Arsenic Album, Calcaria Carb, Calcaria Phos, China, Cyclamen, Ferrum met, Ferrum Ars, Ferrum Citricum, Ferrum Iodatum, Graphites, Phosphorous, Lycopodium, Natrum Mur, Nitric Acid, Sepia, Pulsatilla and many other medicines. Acetic acid anemia with pale face and marked debility, frequent spells of fainting, and vomiting. Profuse urination and sweat Ferrum phos anemia due to lack of iron, it promotes synthesis of hemoglobin. Calcaria phos anemia in children who are pale but flabby, frequent attacks of tonsillitis Kali carb lack of RBC s in blood, weakness along with menstrual disturbances at the time of puberty, milky white skin with great debility, bloated face, with swelling above eyelids. Lecithinum remarkable remedy for the cases of anemia, increases the number of red blood corpuscles and amount of hemoglobin

25 Natrum Mur pale face with palpitation, excellent remedy for anemia especially after malaria. Calcaria Ars improves the condition of anemia by enhancing the number of red bold corpuscles and hemoglobin in the short time period. Pulsatilla well known medicine for iron deficiency anemia Arsenic album anemia with great prostration, weakness and restlessness, after malaria Nux Vomica anemia caused due to indigestion, especially in those people who have sedentary life habits or given to high living Phosphorous anemia due to renal disease Iridium met anemia after long exhausting disease condition China anemia due to loss of blood or vital fluids Silicea anemia in infants Acid phos anemia due to grief or loss of seminal fluids Ferrum met pale appearance with loss of blood. Graphites anemia with redness of face. 23

26 24 Breast Pain & Breast Cancer Homeopathy Treatment & Homeopathic Remedies #Conium. [Con] This remedy has a specific action on the female breast, dissipating its swelling and tumors and relieving its pains. Tumors of a suspicious nature (cancer) in the mammae have been caused to disappear by the use of Conium. They are the seat of a piercing pains, worse at night, and the rest of the gland is tender. Conium corresponds also to injuries of the breast from a blow or pressure or overuse of arms; the characteristics are the hardness and the extreme sensitiveness; the breasts are painful even to the touch of the clothes or the jar of walking. This remedy suits cases where the gland becomes inflamed after every little cold. Pruritus is a confirming symptom. Bryonia. Breasts become hard and painful. Mastitis commencing with a chill, stitching pains, tense swelling, headache and other general Bryonia symptoms. #Phytolacca. [Phyt] This remedy is suitable to irritable mammary tumors (inflammatory breast cancer); the breasts are very sensitive during nursing, with an excessive flow of milk. There is tendency of the breasts to cake and suppurate; here no remedy is so useful; the pains seem to radiate from the nipple all over the body, especially down the arm from the axilla. Patient is chilly, rigors showing suppuration ; sore and fissured nipples; also Graphites and Hepar. Great aching all over the body with any of these condition is greatly characteristic. Croton tiglium. Pains shoot from nipple to the shoulders. Phellandrium. Stitching pain in nipple and pain along the milk ducts. Arnica. Tumors of the mammary gland from bruises. There is a discoloration of the parts and everything adds

27 25 to the soreness; clothing, bandage, etc. Murex. Dr. Jousset has successfully used this remedy to quiet the pains of breast tumors, especially when these pains are increased during menses. #Calcarea fluorica. [Calc-f] This remedy corresponds to hard indurated swellings in the female breast. It has an excellent clinical record in dissipating these growths. Silicea suits chronic cases of mastitis with fistulous openings and callous edges. It will often disperse hard lumps in the breast. Sabal serrulata is said to materially aid in growth of undeveloped mammary glands. #Aconite. [Acon] This should be used in the initial chill of acute mastitis, and it may be followed by Belladonna when red streaks radiate from a central point accompanied by pulsating pains, headache and a hardness of the breasts. Dr. E.S. Bailey thinks Belladonna has aborted more mammary neoplasms than any other remedy in the materia medica. Mercurius may be used when throbbing or transient chills indicate the beginning of suppuration. Sulphur may also be needed. Prof. Bailey further considers Sulphur as one of the best remedies for breast cancer. Burning is mentioned as as indicating symptoms; also a history of former skin diseases and suppressed eruptions or of an infective leucorrhoea. Psorinum may also be mentioned in this connection. #Pulsatilla [Puls] is also an excellent remedy in scanty flow or absence of milk, the patient being gloomy or tearful. It is useful where mechanical irritation excites the flow of milk in young girls. Urtica urens. Non-appearance of milk, with no special symptoms, may be corrected by this remedy. Scrophularia nodosa, according to Dr. Cooper, of London, has an especial affinity for breast tissue. Breast fibroadenoma and breast cancer come within its curative range.

28 26

29 27 Breast disease Phytolacca remarkable medicine for breast diseases; mastitis, mammae hard and very sensitive; tumors of the breast with enlarged axillary gland; cancer of breast; breast id hard, painful, and purple hue, mammary abscess, harness of breasts like cake; when child nurses pain goes from nipple all over the body; cracks and small ulcers about nipples, irritable breasts, before and during menses; Galactorrhea; retraction of nipples; Hypertrophy of breasts; deems full of overloading; swollen breasts neither heal nor suppurate. Conium Mac stitches in nipples; wants to press breast hard with hand; mammae lax and shrunken, hard, painful to touch; enlargement either general or lobular; helpful in the development of the breasts. Hepar Sulph an excellent remedy for breast diseases. abscess; inflammation and suppuration can be easily cured by this remedy; inflammation with intense heat and throbbing pain. Asterias Rubens breasts swell and along with pain; left breast feels as if pulled inward; neuralgia of left breast and arm; cancer of breasts in ulcerative stage. Silicea one lobe after another ulcerates, discharge in to one common ulcer with pain; or there may be several orifices; one for each lobe; purulent sinus substance seems to be discharged in pus.

30 28 Belladonna tumors of the breast; breasts feel heavy and hard; redness and heat marked; excellent remedy for swelling and pain of breasts; useful in acute cases of breast affections Bryonia Alba hardness of the breasts in early stages when due to accumulation of milk or other causes; breasts hard and painful Hydrastis remarkable remedy for breast diseases; cancer of the breasts before start of ulceration; tumor of the breast; retraction of nipples, nipples drawn back Bellis p breasts engorged; troubles after sustaining a bruised on it; swelling, pain and indurations of breasts after a blow. Other medicines for breast diseases mainly include: Hamamelis, borax, Lycopodium, Dulcamara, Kreosote, Iodum, chimaphilia, asafoetida; arsenic album, Psorinum, Graphites; cyclamen, and many other medicines.

31 29 Breast feeding in homoeopathy Milk supply Urtica Urens (made from stinging nettles) is a superb remedy to help balance the milk supply (either too much or too little). Most breastfeeding women can benefit from drinking nettle tea, or you could try it in homeopathic potency. Lac defloratum can be used if the milk supply remains low, especially if you are chilly and exhausted from loss of sleep and / or diabetes. Depression or the Baby blues Agnus castus can be used if you have low milk supply accompanied by depression, and perhaps retained placenta. Lac Caninum can be useful for an overabundance of milk or underabundance, often with anxiety and low self esteem. Nat mur can be useful for an oversupply of milk, with stoic sadness or grief with little or no crying, and then only in private. Ignatia can be used for a lack of milk with grief and crying, even hysterically. Lac humanum, for scanty or profuse supply with sadness with every let down reflex. Pulsatilla, weeps while breastfeeding and needs a lot of support and company.

32 30 Sore and cracked nipples One useful remedy for sore, cracked nipples, which hurt when the baby nurses is Phytolacca. It is also useful for breast infections (mastitis) where there are painful lumps in the breast (see more on this below). If nipple soreness persists, it would be a good idea to consider if soap or detergents are drying and irritating. Avoid plastic-backed nursing pads and consider using washable cotton styles if disposable pads chafe sensitive nipple skin. Diets that contain a lot of sugars and yeast s can often aggravate nipple soreness, so if nipple soreness persists beyond a few weeks it may be advisable to go on an anti-candida (no sugar and no yeast) diet and seek constitutional homeopathic help. Good tissue integrity is promoted when the diet contains adequate fatty acids and zinc. Oily fish and a variety of nuts and seeds are good sources of these nutrients. Castor Equus is a remedy used principally for sore and cracked nipples, where there are no other symptoms. If symptoms persist or keep returning, do not keep taking this remedy or use Castor Equus creams. Instead you should seek homeopathic help for the underlying cause. Borax can be used where the nipples are sore due to thrush, and you may have a sensation of falling backwards.

33 31 Breast engorgement Engorgement most commonly occurs in the early days after the milk comes in. Following delivery of the baby and placenta, the extra blood that has developed in your system to nourish your baby in the uterus now re-routes itself to the breasts to help build up the hormone levels needed to initiate lactation. Gradually, the body reabsorbs the extra blood and the breasts settle. However, discomfort can be eased by having a warm shower or bath and allowing the milk to flow. Sometimes, just a warm face towel placed on the breast will do. Again, one of the most common causes of engorgement however is also a bad latch or positioning of the baby, that does not allow the breasts to drain fully but still stimulates them to produce more milk. First of all therefore, check that you have a good latch and get help if needed. If the breasts are very hard and distended, it will be difficult for your baby to even get the nipple in her mouth. If this is the case, try soaking the breasts in a solution of a heaped teaspoon of Epsom salts in a dish of warm water. This should help the milk to flow freely from the ducts, and once they are softer you can try to reposition your baby to get a good latch. It s a good idea to try and not handle the nipple by expressing, as this will ultimately result in even more milk being made (the more babies suckle, the more milk is produced). Cold compresses, such as gel packs or cold cabbage leaves, provide pain relief after feeds and help to reduce the swelling.

34 32 Blocked Milk Ducts Blocked milk ducts may occur when pressure is placed on breast tissue. Unusual causes may include sleeping soundly too long in one position or taking an extended car trip with the seat belt lying against the breast. However, the most common causes are due to ill-fitting bras or other clothing, or by placing a finger against the breast during feeds to make an airway for the baby s nose. A wellattached baby should be able to breathe while feeding. It is important to continue breastfeeding at this time, as the milk is not harmful to the baby. A baby s suck is very strong, so frequent feeding (try a variety of positions) is often the best way of clearing a duct, especially if you can massage the area gently during feeds. Mastitis & abscesses Mastitis is an inflammation or infection of the tissue surrounding the milk ducts. It can follow missed or interrupted breastfeeds, which cause the breast to become overfull. It may also occur as the result of not being able to clear a blocked duct. Incorrect attachment, which results in poor drainage of the breast, may also be a cause. Frequent feeds and/or expressing will help; weaning is NOT recommended at this time. Warmth (hot washer, shower, bath or soak of breast in warm water) applied before feeds will encourage milk flow. Cold compresses (gel packs, cold cabbage leaves) following feeds may ease the pain. If inflammation does not ease within 6-12 hours you may begin to show signs of infection.

35 33 These include: fever, aches and pains and a flu-like feeling. If you are breastfeeding and have a fever, please see my guidelines on if, when and how to treat fevers. They apply to breastfeeding mums just the same. Phytolacca is one of the most commonly used remedies for mastitis, especially where the pains radiate from the affected area and the breast is hard and lumpy. You may feel heavy with flu like symptoms, or may have a breast abscess threatening. Belladonna is for the sudden onset of symptoms where the breast is hot, red and hard with throbbing pains. Bryonia is used for mastitis where the breast is pale, hard and hot, and the pains are worse for any movement. Hepar sulph is one of the best remedies for an abscess with cheesy puss. Lac humanum can also be used for breast abscesses, but do also contact a practitioner if any abscess does not resolve speedily, as surgery to drain the pus may be required and other remedies can then be used to better effect.

36 34 BREAST PAIN: Heper Sulph inflammation with intense pain and throbbing pain. Belladonna in early stage of inflammation when the parts are red and hard. Phytolacca excellent remedy for hard cracks in mammae which may be due to. Kreosote dwindling of mammae with small hard painful lumps. Bryonia inflammation of the breast with pain due to consolidation of milk or any other reason. Conium excellent remedy for breast pain due to indurations. Stitches of needles in left mammae with swelling and hardness. Bellis P. inflammation with pain due to blow.

37 35 CANDIDA YEAST INFECTION: Lycopodium, Thuja, sepia, Pulsatilla, Calcaria Carb, China, Calcaria Phos, Medorrhinum, Helonias, Nitric acid, Natrum Phos, and many other medicines.

38 36 Central precocious pregnancy Antim crude, Calcaria Carb, Calcaria Phos, Causticum, Chamomilla, Phosphorous, Pulsatilla, Sabina, Silicea, Ambra Gresia, Belladonna, Cantharis, Carbo Veg, China, C. Coc-C, Cocculus, Hyoscyamus, Ipecauc, Kali Carb, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Nitric Acid, Rhus Tox, Secale Cor, Sulphur, and many other medicines.

39 37 Chloasma: Sepia, Lycopodium, Nux Vomica, Caulophyllum, Card-M, Cadm-S, Robinia P, Thuja, and many other medicines.

40 38 Common ailments of pregnancy and their homeopathic management are: 1. MORNING SICKNESS: (Emesis gravidarum) Most women do experience some degree of nausea during pregnancy which gradually settles down soon after the end of first trimester. Sometimes the nausea is excessive and can be accompanied with excessive and persistent vomiting which calls for medical attention. Sharp and unpleasant odours and consumption of greasy and fried foods tend to aggravate it. The sudden increase in the human chorionic gonadotrophin hormone in blood is attributed to it but the increased incidence in primigravidae points to the psychological aspect of the complaint. Normally these conditions do not call for any medical intervention. But if vomiting becomes excessive and leads to dehydration then it warrants urgent attention. (In cases with excessive vomiting-hyperemesis gravidarum, there is no alternative to fluid transfusion to compensate the fluid loss) Management: The advice of consuming small frequent feeds avoiding spicy and greasy foods, and consuming a protein snack at night is recommended. Munch a few crackers before getting up in the morning. Eat several small meals a day so that stomach is never empty. Avoid spicy, rich and fried foods when nauseated. Drink plenty of liquids, especially if there is vomiting. Try crushed ice, fruit juice or frozen ice pops if water upsets stomach. Homeopathic medicines: Dr. Hughes says, "Sepia is reputed to be one of our best medicines for this trouble. Apomorphia should be considered in obstinate cases." Other common medicines are: Arsenicum: Very great debility and exhaustion; vomiting of fluids as soon as she takes them. Very uneasy and restless. Ipecac: There is constant sensation of nausea. Tongue is clean and there is profuse salivation and no thirst. Vomiting is of greenish fluid. There may be spasmodic colicky pain in the abdomen. Kreosote - Obstinate cases of dyspepsia with great and constant nausea, without vomiting. Symphoricarpus racemosa: Useful in cases not relieved even after Ipecac. Dr. Boericke says - "This drug is highly recommended for the persistent nausea & vomiting of pregnancy". Fickle appetite with vomiting > by lying on back. 200 potency is found to be very effective

41 39 Cuprum ars: Constant nausea; vomits everything, very weak. Spasmodic uterine pains. Gossypium: great distress, weakness and prostration. Nausea particularly after breakfast. Has been useful in very bad cases. (Guernsey) 2. HEARTBURN: This common complaint is the result of reflux of acid contents of the stomach as a result of relaxation of oesophageal sphincter. Over eating, late eating and spicy foods contribute to the problem. Management: Pillows at bed time to prop her up and medicines can help in relieving the complaint. Eat smaller meals more often, but eat slowly. Eliminate heartburn triggers such as fatty or fried foods, alcohol, chocolate, pepermint, garlic, onion, caffeine. Avoid coffee. Don't eat for 2-3 hours before going to bed, and raise the head of bed 4-6 inches. Reflux is worse when lying flat. Homeopathic Medicines Arsenicum alb: Burning pain in stomach along with sensation of heaviness. Appetite is lost; vomiting as soon as food reaches the stomach. Thirst for small quantity of cold water at frequent intervals. All the troubles are marked in first trimester. Nux vomica. Pulsatilla. 3. CONSTIPATION: The increased circulating progesterone levels during pregnancy causes sluggish bowel peristalsis, which leads to hardening of the stools and constipation. Management: Try to have a regular schedule regarding eating and defecation. Drink plenty of liquids- at least 8-10 glasses a day. Eat several servings of fruits, vegetables and grains. Eat plenty of fruits, salads. Inclusion of leafy vegetables and fruits in the diet provide roughage which helps in overcoming this problem. Oral medication of iron often aggravates the problem. Additional dietary fibres (Isabgul) may be recommended if need arises. Exercise moderately every day. Homeopathic Medicines Alumina: Hard, dry, knotty stools with no desire. Rectum sore dry. Evacuation preceeded by painful urging long before stool, and then straining at stool. Nux vomica: Frequent urge for stools after every attempt of eating.

42 40 Opium: Obstinate constipation, faeces protrude and recede. Round, hard, black balls. Platina: Faeces scanty, evacuated with great difficulty. Adheres to the rectum, like soft clay. Sepia - Sense of weight or ball in the anus, not relieved by stool. 4. HAEMORRHOIDS: Constipation during pregnancy tends to aggravate the varicose condition of the veins of the rectum. Straining at stools, prolonged sitting and spicy foods further aggravate the condition and even cause bleeding piles. Management: Avoid constipation. Don't strain excessively during bowel movements. Take frequent warm baths. Homeopathic Medicines: Collinsonia - Known to be the most common medicine for piles during pregnancy. Lachesis - For Haemorrhoids during Ist month of pregnancy Sulphur - Burning & intolerable itching of the anus with constipation <at night Sepia - Painful protruding haemorrhoids during stool < when walking Muriatic acid - Most painful piles, Even slightest touch of linen makes her crazy. Ratanhia - Intense burning in the anus, Remains even for 1 or 2 hours after stools. 5. URINARY FREQUENCY: The pressure of the gravid uterus during the first trimester and the pressure of fetal head when it engages in the pelvis near full term causes irritation of the bladder base, predisposing to urinary frequency. Homeopathic Medicines: Causticum: Frequent desire to urinate, a small portion passing involuntarily. Also there are signs of paralysis of bladder from prolonged over distension. Coccus cacti: The urine does not form the usual jet, but runs down over the surrounding parts. Does not cut or burn. Merc sol: Constant desire to urinate, the desire not lessened by urinating. Sour smelling urine. Ruta: At every step after micturition she feels as if the bladder were full and moved up and down. Involuntary emission of urine, whether at rest or in motion. 6. PAIN OVER ROUND LIGAMENTS: A sharp and sudden short lived pain over the groin during sudden movement is attributed to the spasm of round ligaments. Management: Avoidance of sudden movements and local heat fomentations are helpful. Homeopathic Medicines like Belladona, Rhus tox can be used symptomatically.

43 41 7. SYNCOPE: The enlarging uterus compresses the veins at pelvic brim, impeding venous return and contributes to pooling of blood in the lower limbs. Prolonged standing may thus lead to fainting spells. Management: Measures to avoid this include use of stockings and exercising the calves to increase venous return. In later pregnancy, the gravid uterus compresses the inferior vena cava in the supine position causing supine hypotension. A left lateral tilt with a wedge below the right hip alleviates the problem. Homeopathic Medicines: Arsenicum alb, Carbo-veg, China, Camphor can be used. 8. BACKACHE: It is due to the relaxation of the ligaments of the pelvi-vertebral region. Management: Avoidance of excessive weight gain, Eliminate as much back strain as possible Maintain a correct posture Lift correctly Back muscle exercise and use of low heeled or flat foot wear to avoid postural strain go a long way in providing relief. Homeopathic Medicines: Kali carb- It is for backache during pregnancy and during labour. Backache while walking, feels as if she must give up and lie down Aesculus hipp- It is another important remedy for backache during pregnancy. Backache along with constipation & haemorrhoids 9. LEG CRAMPS: This may be due to lack of diffusible serum calcium, or elevation of serum phosphorus. Management: Massage of the calves, local heat, supplementary calcium and vitamin B1 (30 mg) daily are of help. Homeopathic Medicines like Cuprum, Mag-p, Nux-v, and Verat can provide symptomatic relief. 10. VARICOSE VEINS: Varicose veins in the legs and vulva or rectum (haemorrhoids) may appear for the first time or aggravate during pregnancy. Management:

44 42 For leg varicosities, elastic crepe bandage during movements and elevation of limbs during rest can give relief. Stay off your feet as much as possible and elevate them as often as possible. Wear loose clothing around legs and waist. Homeopathic Medicines: Apis mel: Burning and stinging pains in the varicosed veins, either with or without constipation. Arnica: The varices are very sore, with a bruised feeling. Especially useful for varicose veins of the vulva or vagina. Carbo veg: Painful discharge or complete suppression of urine attends the varicosed condition of the vagina. The varices have a bluish appearance and are hard. Hamamelis: Varicosed veins are hard, swollen and painful. 11. ANKLE OEDEMA: As a result of impeded venous return, the patient may notice increasing ankle oedema as pregnancy advances. This may cause difficulty in wearing footwear, it may also cause heaviness in the feet which is aggravated by prolonged sitting or standing. Oedema subsides on rest and elevation of the feet. Management: Use cold water compresses. Eat a low salt diet. Lie down and elevate legs for an hour in the middle of the afternoon. If face swells often, visit the doctor. Homeopathic Medicine: Apis mellifica: It is a common medicine for oedema feet during pregnancy, esp. pitting oedema. < Hanging the limbs down, < Prolonged straining, < Long walk & standing, < Heat in general, > Profuse urination & from rest. 12. VAGINAL DISCHARGE: Increased vascularity during pregnancy causes increased discharge of a creamy to thin discharge from vagina. Management: Assurance to the patient and advice for local cleanliness is advised. Homeopathic medicines: Cocculus: Purulent, gushing leucorrhoea; very weakening. Sepia: Leucorrhoea yellowish greenish with much itching.

45 43 Some special conditions in pregnancy: These conditions require timely care and support during pregnancy. If controlled properly they are not of much concern but most of these conditions can be fatal if ignored. 1. HYPERTENSION IN PREGNANCY: It occurs in about 8-10% of the population. It includes: a sustained rise in systolic B.P of >/=30mm Hg. A sustained rise in diastolic B.P>/=15mm Hg. A sustained systolic B.P of 140 mm Hg or more, and/or A sustained diastolic BP of 90mm Hg or more. Hypertension that develops before the 20 th week of pregnancy almost always is due to pre existing hypertension. High blood pressure that occurs only during pregnancy is called gestational hypertension and may start late in pregnancy. This form of hypertension does not have any ill effects on the mother or fetus; also it resolves shortly after delivery. Women with pre-existing hypertension when become pregnant have increased risk of developing Pre-ecclampsia ( Proteinuria + Hypertension+ Oedema) or Ecclampsia (with convulsions). It can lead to fatal consequences or permanent damage to the system. Preeclampsia and ecclampsia are a major cause of maternal death and premature death worldwide. Management: Low salt-high protein diet, Bed rest, Weight control. Homeopathic medicines: Dr. Borland recommends, "I have seen Apis, Plumbum, Acid phos or Terebinthina remove the albumin from the urine, without any purgation, and with the patient taking a full diet." Other frequently indicated medicines are: Kali chlor: It is a very good remedy for toxaemic conditions during pregnancy when associated with renal symptoms. Rauwolffia: It is a wonderful remedy for reducing blood pressure, most effective in mother tincture form. Glonoine: A remedy for high blood pressure with rush of blood to head in pregnant women. There is a throbbing headache, which is better from uncovering the head. Helonias: Albuminuria during pregnancy. 2. ANAEMIA IN PREGNANCY: A pregnant women is considered to be anaemic when the hemoglobin count in the body is less than 11gm/100ml or less. Anaemia during pregnancy

46 44 can be physiological (due to disproportionate increase in plasma volume, RBC and Hb mass), deficiency of iron, folic acid, Vitamin B12 and protein in diet. Management: Adequate treatment should be given to eradicate the likely cause of anaemia e.g. hookworm infestation, dysentery, malaria, bleeding piles, urinary tract infection etc. A realistic balanced diet which is rich in iron, proteins and vitamins and which is easily assimilable is prescribed. The foods rich in iron, are liver, meat, egg, green vegetables, green peas, figs, beans, whole wheat and green platains, onion stalks, jaggery etc. Supplementary iron therapy.. Medicines: Ferrum phos 3X and Calcarea phos. 3X, 4 tablets each, taken twice daily are found to be useful. China officinalis.: Helps in assimilation and uptake of iron from the gut when, even after improvement of diet, anaemia does not improve. Ferrum metallicum, Natrum muriaticum, Lecithin- Best action in 6X potency. It increases the number of RBCs and the amount of Hb in body. 3. GESTATIONAL DIABETES OR PREGNANCY INDUCED DIABETES: It is a type of diabetes that occurs in pregnancy and normally disappears just after pregnancy. It occurs due to insufficient amount of insulin production as that required by a pregnant woman leading to carbohydrate intolerance. 4. THREATENED ABORTION: Bleeding per vaginum, often painless but may be accompanied by mild uterine cramps and backache. The bleeding is usually fresh and scanty. Pain appears usually following haemorrhage. Management: Complete bed rest for about 5-7 days after the bleeding stops. Constipation should be avoided. Coitus is counter-indicated during this period. Homeopathic Medicines: Belladona: Bearing down sensation, as if all the viscera will come out. Hot gushes of blood, with pain in loins. Chamomilla: Profuse discharge of dark, clotted blood with labor like pains. Pain spasmodic, pressing upward. Phosphorus: Painless flow of bright red blood in tall lean thin women.

47 45 Ipecac: Profuse, bright blood with nausea. Pain from navel to the uterus. Crocus sat: Bleeding from overlifting. Sabina: Pain from sacrum to pubis, and from below upwards, shooting up the vagina. Haemorrhage, partly clotted, worse from least motion. Secale cor: Threatened abortion around the third month. Burning pains in the uterus. Viburnum op: An excellent remedy to prevent miscarriage, especially in the 8 th month. It even neutralises the effects of abortifacients. Given at 1X it acts as uterine sedative, can be used for long periods as preventive of abortion. Sepia, habitual abortion from 5 th to 7 th month of gestation China off: Haemorrhage with fainting, loss of sight and ringing in ears from debility The Murphy Repertory gives the following medicines for Threatening miscarriage: Cinnam, phos, sabina, sep. Miscarriage in 3 rd month: KREOS Labour like pains with bloody discharge: Cham, sep Consult a Gynaecologist: The mother is advised to consult a gynaecologist for consideration of admission in the following circumstances: Painful uterine contractions at interval of about 10minutes or earlier and continued for at least an hour---- suggestive of onset of labour. Sudden gush of watery fluid per vaginum --- suggestive of premature rupture of the membranes. Active vaginal bleeding however slight it may be. Homeopathic Medicines for other complaints in pregnancy: PENDULOUS ABDOMEN: Belladona: When there is much sensitiveness to touch, to pressure or to jarring while riding in a carriage or when walking. Under the influence of Bell the tenderness ceases, and the size of the abdomen will be greatly reduced gradually. Sepia: Sensation of painful emptiness in the pit of the stomach. Little darting, shooting pains in the region of the cervix uteri; constipation. Secale cor: In women of very lax muscle fibre, and who are of a thin, scrawny appearance. Other medicines which can be considered are: Crocus, Platina, Podophyllum, Calc. carb, China, Colocynth, Nux vomica CHLOASMA: Sep, Lyco, sol

48 46 TOOTHACHE DURING PREGNANCY: Aluminium, Belladona, Calc-c, Nux-v, Staphys. PRURITUS PUDENDI: Dr. Hughes advises Collinsonia, Caladium and Ambra as the best internal remedies. ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT OF FETUS: Secale cor BREASTS NODULES DURING PREGNANCY: Fl-ac ASTHMA DURING PREGNANCY: Natrum sulph ABNORMAL CRAVINGS during pregnancy: Calcarea-carb, Calcarea-phos, Alumina. FOETAL DISPLACEMENTS: Pulsatilla -"It is an excellent remedy for putting the foetus in the right position" - Dr. Hughes. Dr. Borland says that, Rubella, or German measles if acquired during pregnancy, especially during the first four months, may have an adverse effect on the unborn child. In the event of exposure to infection during pregnancy it would be wise to prescribe the Rubella nosode. Homeopathy During Labour FEAR, LABOUR OF Aconite 200: Allays anxiety and fear, and also checks complaints arising from it. DELAYED AND PROLONGED LABOUR: Caulophyllum 30: It is used during labour when there is spasmodic and severe pains which radiate in all directions. Timely administration of this medicine furthers progress of labour. This remedy acts as tonic to the uterine muscles. It improves the power of contractility thereby shortening the labour and ensures a smooth and uneventful delivery. Gelsemium 30: When labour pains are wanting, prolonged labour with exhaustion. Gelsemium restores labour pains and ensures smooth and successful delivery. Pulsatilla known to correct malpositions and convert difficult labour into easy deliveries, corrected want of expulsive power. irregular pains. Pains with chilliness - more severe the pain, more severe the chill. Pain appears suddenly and leaves gradually. Kail carb -backache in pregnancy and labour. Gelsemium-in rigid os with chilliness in the back; Cimicifuga-Useful for ladies of nervous excitable temperament with rigidity of os during labor. Intolerable, irregular, spasmodic pains that radiate to hips, thighs or back. Electric shock like pains causing faintness. Intense nervous excitement causes shivering, without coldness, false labour pains, rigid os; Cinnamonum-ineffectual or false labour pains, severe pains

49 47 Cocculus indicus: Terrible pain in the small of the back; lower limbs feel paralyzed; frequent vomiting. Secale cor: A sensation of a constant tonic pressure in the uterine region; this causes great distress; wishes fresh air; don't like to be covered much. Platina: Very great sensitiveness of the organs; severe cramping pains in the region of the uterus; constant oozing of dark, grumous blood from the vagina. Horrified by her thoughts. Sepia: Numerous darting pains, shooting upward from the neck of the uterus; flushes of heat; cold feet. Conium: If there are scirrhosities in either the breasts or uterus and labour does not progress normally --- pains spasmodic' vertigo, particularly on turning in bed; rigidity of os uteri. Belladonna: Pain appears suddenly & goes suddenly. Nux vomicapain with ineffectual urge for stool or urine. Pain ceasing: Bell, Kali-c, Op, Puls, Sec-cor Spasmodic: Cham, Gelsem, Hyos, Puls. Hour glass contraction: Belladona, Chamomilla, Gelsemium, Cuprum The Murphy Repertory gives the following medicines for easy delivery: Condition of Cervix during labor -Contracted, spasmodically - CAUL., CIMIC., GELS. -Dilated - Gels. -Half open - Sepia -Hard: -Rigidity of - CAUL., CHAM., GELS. Sep -Soft: Ust -Cervix dilated, os open, no pains, bag of water bulging, patient drowsy, face flushed: Gels -Deficient pain: Bell, Caulo, Puls, Ust -Ineffectual pain: Caul, Kali-c, Puls -Child's head is in the opening of pelvis and the action of womb is insufficient for expulsion: PULS

50 48 -Agony and sweats, with desire to be rubbed - Nat. carb. -Atony, uterus during - Caul., Puls. -Premature - Caul., Cimi., Puls. POST PARTUM HAEMORRHAGE or PPH: Haemorrhage in excess of 500 ml from the genital tract after delivery up to the end of puerperium which adversely affects the general condition of the patient. It may be immediate, occurring within first 24 hours after delivery or delayed, after 24 hours. It may be due to atonic uterus of multiparae, anaemia, prolonged labour or even due to blood coagulation disorders. If neglected it can lead to shock and even death of the patient. Management: The principles in management are: Diagnose the cause of the bleeding. To empty the uterus of its contents and to make it contract. To replace the blood loss. To ensure effective haemostasis. Considering the health and safety of patient to be our prior aim (the medico-legal consequences being the next), the case should be carefully and meticulously managed, regarding the need of surgical intervention. Remove the cause. Massage the uterus to make it hard and express the blood clot. Tight intrauterine packing with hot intrauterine douches can be done to stimulate the uterus to attain its tone. Homeopathic Medicines: Dr. Hughes recommends, "Pulsatilla would be called for by inertia, Arnica by fatigue of the organ. After a very rapid Labour, or after the extraction of the body immediately after the birth of the head, the uterus may suddenly fail, here Ignatia would be suitable." Other medicines frequently indicated are: China: Dark clots with abdominal distension. Painful heaviness in the pelvis. Ustilago- Oozing of dark blood, clotted, forming long black strings. Flaccid uterus, dilated and relaxed os. Discharge of blood from slightest provocation. Nux vomica: Blood black with pain in the sacrum and constant urging to stool. Trillium pendulum: Gushing of bright red blood with sensation as though the hips and back were falling to pieces, > tight bandages. RETAINED PLACENTA OR MEMBRANES: The placenta is said to be retained when it is not expelled out even 30 minutes after the death of the baby. It may be due to hour glass contraction of the uterus or incompletely separated placenta. The case can complicate to haemorrhage and Shock (if retained beyond 1 hour). Homeopathic Medicines: Dr. Hughes says, "A dose of Arnica in all cases be given as soon as the child is separated. If this is insufficient, Pulsatilla or Secale may be given as for deficiency of uterine contractions during the previous stage. It is seen that the tendency to adherent placenta may be combated by Hydrastis."

51 49 Gelsemium: When, with the retained placenta, there are cutting pains in the lower part of the abdomen, usually running upward, or sometimes upward and backward. Secale cor: Constant sensation as of bearing down; it seems to her too constant strong to be effectual; passive haemorrhage; the parts feel to her as if relaxed, and there is an absence of uterine action; especially suited for thin, scrawny women. Sabina: Pain, or an uneasy, bad feeling, extending from the sacrum to the pubes; a slight sensation as of motion in the abdomen; intense after pains, notwithstanding the retention, with discharge of fluid blood and clots, in about equal proportions, with every pain. Gossypium: A powerful emmenagogue used in physiological doses. Useful in cases with retained placenta. To promote expulsion : Pulsatilla; Secale cor; Silicea; Sabina; Cantharis to expel moles, dead foetuses, membranes. Kreosote: discharge of clots with a foul smell.

52 50 Delivery and labour #Cimicifuga. [Cimic] In threatened miscarriage or labor when the pains fly across the abdomen from side to side, seeming to double the patient up and so severe as to cause fainting, yet doing no good, this remedy will be found most useful. The os does not dilate properly. Pains in the abdominal walls during the early months of pregnancy. There is painfulness of the cervix upon examination and the remedy allays muscular suffering. False labor pains, uterine rheumatism. It facilitates labor if taken previously, also Caulophyllum. It is also useful for severe after pains. Hamamelis applied locally in such conditions is also a useful adjunct. A sheet anchor in phlebitis whether septic or not. Aconite. Pains unbearable, violent and frequent associated with restlessness and anxiety, the patient dreading death from labor. There is a dry, tender, undilatable genital tract. Use the 30th potency here. #Caulophyllum. [Caul] Intermittency of pains and tediousness is characteristic of this remedy; they are sharp and crampy and appear in the bladder, groin and lower extremities. Extreme uterine atony with no expulsive effort, and it is particularly suitable to nervous women where the pains are intolerable. Spasmodic pains fly about from place to place, exhausting the patient so that she can hardly speak. False labor pains during the last weeks of pregnancy ; here it is almost specific.

53 51 #Gelsemium. [Gels] A very useful remedy after labor has been in progress for hours and the os dilates tardily, feels hard and rigid. There is complete muscular atony, the uterus does not contract at all, hence no dilation of the os. This remedy may be used with great benefit in women who have habitually painful labors, here acting as a prophylactic; it facilitates dilatation and uternie rhythm. The pain go upward to back or chest and are useless. Dr. George Royal cautions against indiscriminate use of this remedy as causing tedious labors, use of forceps and lacerations. #Belladonna. [Bell] No remedy equals Belladonna for common spasm of the os. The labor pains come and go suddenly; they are violent, but ineffectual, owing to the spasmodic condition of the os. The face gets red and the heart throbs with every pain. she agonizes because of the violence of the suffering. Marked heat calls for Belladonna. There is present also great hypersensitiveness ; the patient is sensitive to noise, light and jarring of the bed. #Chamomilla. [Cham] The pains begin in the back and pass down the inner part of the thighs, and there is great nervous excitement. The labor seems particularly painful; she will be cross and declare that she will not stand the pain. The after pains are severe and the lochial flow is dark, often scanty and sometimes suppressed. Coffea. Also to be thought of in nervous sensitive patients who cannot bear pains. The

54 52 pains are severe, but not efficacious. The Chamomilla patient is nervous, strung up, hyperaesthetic about examinations and so satisfactory ones are prevented. She is decidely snappish. Kali carbonicum. Preliminary or premature pains beginning in the back and following the sacral and ischiatic plexuses down the thighs. #Nux vomica. [Nux-v] Labor pains spasmodic and severe and accompanied with constant inclination to stool and to urinate, not so much from pressure, but from a reflex cause. Fainting during the pains. The Nux temperament will be present when the remedy is well indicated, and the patient will be oversensitive, intolerant of odors and constipated. There is apt to be also much retching. #Pulsatilla. [Puls]. Slow, weak, ineffectual pains which are spasmodic and irregular and excite fainting. It will often restore recreant pains as surely as ergot. The patient feels as if smothering and must have the windows open. Scanty lochia. It is one of our most useful remedies in the lying in chamber. Retained placenta may also need Pulsatilla. Cuprum. Severe after pains, violent spasmodic pains with cramps in the lower limbs. Secale. Prolonged and ineffectual labor pains, hour glass contractions in feeble cachectic women. Fainting fits, small and suppressed pulse may accompany the pains. Arnica has severe pains, a bruised soreness. There is great fatigue of the uterus, the pains are violent and to little purpose.

55 53 Disease of uterus Abies-Can [Abies-c] Prolapsus from general defective nutrition, with little or no local congestion. Aconite [Acon] Prolapsus usually of sudden occurrence with or without haemorrhage, with inflammation of genitals; heat, dry skin, anxiety, with cold perspiration, nervousness, with fear of death; bitter vomiting. Aesculus-hip [Aesc] Inflammed cervix uteri attended with retroversion; throbbing in the abdominal and pelvic cavities, Prolapsus, Ulceration, enlargement and induration with great tenderness heat and throbbing; thick, dark and corroding leucorrhoea, with constant backache, especially in hip and sacrum, great fatigue when walking; dull pain in occiput, with flushes of heat over occiput, neck and shoulders and lame feeling in small of back. Agaricus [Agar] Prolapsus uteri, after cessation of menses, with intolerable bearing-down pains; cramps as if she must have a child, obliged to lie down itching and irritation of the parts, with strong desire for an embrace, profuse menses, with tearing pressive pains in back and abdomen; leucorrhoea very profuse, dark- colored, with much itching internally and externally, swelling of vagina and several nodules. Agnus-cactus [Agn] Engorgement and thickening of the uterus, extensive ulceration of os uteri; haemorrhagic menses, which are also painful, ovarian neuralgia, PERFECT ABHORRENCE TO ALL SEXUAL INTERCOURSE. Aletris-far [Alet] PROLAPSUS UTERI FROM MUSCULAR ATONY; Leucorrhoea from loss of fluids or defective nutrition; debility from protracted illness; obstinate indigestion, the least food distresses the stomach; fainting, with vertigo, extreme constipation, great effort being required to discharge faeces; great accumulation of frothy saliva STERILITY FROM UTERINE ATONY heavy dragging pains about the hips, profuse, painful and premature menses, profuse leucorrhoea. Aloe [Aloe]

56 54 Heaviness, weight and dragging down of all pelvic organs, paretic weakness of the sphincters, uterine congestion and prolapsus, with fulness and heaviness and labor-like pains in loins and groins, (<) standing uncertain control of sphincters, tendency to diarrhoea, passes more wind than faeces; feels prostrated and covered with clammy sweat; faintness; protruding haemorrhoids (<) by cold applications; menses too early and profuse haemorrhage during climaxis, for women of relaxed and phlegmatic habit. Alumen [Alumn] Ulceration and cancer of uterus; collum uteri swollen and puffed up, vagina very sensitive and narrowed, menses scanty and watery with loss of strength and pains in lower limbs. Alumina [Alum] Prolapsus uteri; bland, painless, ulcers on os, throbbing and itching in vagina; corroding, profuse, leucorrhoea running down to the heels, often only in daytime, relieved by cold washes, pain in sacrum, herpetic eruptions; feels better in fresh air and wet weather, and worse in dry weather, constipation; restless sleep and awakens with palpitations. Ambra [Ambr] Hysteria, stitches in ovarian region, when drawing in the abdomen or pressing upon it; discharge of blood at every little accident as after a hard stool, or after a walk a little accident, as after a hard stool, or after a walk a little longer than usual; soreness, itching and swelling of the pudenda; lying down aggravates uterine symptoms. Ammonium-carb [Am-c] Swelling, itching and burning of pudenda, burning watery leucorrhoea from womb, acrid and profuse from vagina, worse when bending down and during wet weather. Ammonium-mur [Am-m] Prolapsus with uterine pains extending from right side of pubes to hip and small of back, cutting and stitching, with urging to urinate; continual leucorrhoea; DISTENTION OF ABDOMEN WITHOUT FLATULENCY coldness between shoulders, displacements with pain in groins, they feel sore as if swollen, bloated indolent women. Angustura [Ang] Prolapsus after rising in the morning with stitches, (<) by cold washing. Antimonium-crud [Ant-c]

57 55 Pressure in womb as if something would come out, tenderness over ovarian region, after catamenia has been checked by taking bath. Apis-mell [Apis] Hypertrophy and prolapsus uteri engorgement and ulceration of os uteri; great tenderness over uterine region, with bearing down pain, leucorrhoea and painful micturition; heat and fulness of uterine region; stinging pains in womb, feeling in bowels as if diarrhoea would come on, abdomen swollen and tender, with swollen feet and scanty secretion of urine; dropsy of uterus, menses suppressed or diminished, with congestion to head, profuse, acrid, green leucorrhoea, oedematous, vesicular or gangrenous eruption on labia; burning pains in coccygeal region, (<) by any attempt to sit down, oedema of different parts of body, swelling under eyes, thirstlessness; waxy paleness of skin. Aranea-diad [Aran] Ovarian and uterine disorders associated with chorea (Tarent), or great nervous irritability, want of self-control, insomnia mental depression followed by vivacity, menses too profuse and too early excessive bearing-down pains, burning in vagina; hysteria and much fatigue. Argentum-met [Arg-m] SENSATION AS IF LEFT OVARY WERE GROWING ENORMOUSLY LARGE ; prolapsus, with pain in left ovary and small of back extending to the front and downward, ulcers of uterus, discharging ichorous, bloody water of unbearable stench, cervix spongy, deeply corroded, painful soreness in whole abdomen (<) from riding in a carriage. Argentum-nit [Arg-n] Ulceration of the enlarged and indurated cervix, with copious, yellow leucorrhoea and frequent bleeding from the points of ulceration, coition painful, followed by bleeding from vagina; pains like sticks or slivers in or about os (<) while walking riding, by stool, prolapsus, with ulceration of os and cervix, and shooting pains through uterus and abdomen menses scanty, irregular, discharge of urine drops, which burns while passing distention of abdomen, bloody, corroding leucorrhoea, vertigo mornings with headache, backache, with great weakness of legs, ALWAYS HURRIED AND IMPULSIVE, must walk very fast; great debility. Arctium-lappa [Lappa] RETROVERSION, prostration of muscular system; anorexia; pain in sacrum and thighs, especially right side, and soreness of pelvis. Arnica [Arn] Prolapsus uteri, caused by a concussion, leaving a sore bruised feeling in uterine region, preventing her from walking erect, METRORRHAGIA AFTER COITION; bloody discharge

58 56 between the menstrual periods ulcers of uterus with a tendency to bleed, riding on a rough road causes a flow of bright-red blood, and leaving a sore, bruised feeling in genitals; at every defaecation a feeling at pressure in rectum and genitals. Arsenicum [Ars] Open cancer of womb, with burning and agonizing pain, and secretion of foetid, brown or blackish ichor, fainting fits; excessive debility and emaciation, burning pains, even left while sleeping at night, profuse acrid and corroding menses, acrid and corroding leucorrhoea, retroversion and descent of uterus, with burning pains on vertex and in stomach. Asafoetida [Asaf] Uterine ulcers, sensitive and painful, swelling and inflammation of genitals, bearing down in genitals, worse when riding in a carriage menses frequent and scanty, leucorrhoea profuse, greenish, thin and offensive, nymphomania; hysteria. Asarum-europ [Asar] Nervous irritability, sensation of lightness in limbs; when she walks she feels as if she were gliding in the air. Asterias [Aster] Downward pressure in pelvic organs, walking troublesome pain over womb, as if something protruded behind it, unusual moisture of vagina which affords relief, annoying sexual excitement, which makes her weep. Aurum-fol [Aur-f] Uterus prolapsed and indurated bruised pain with shooting or drawing heaviness in abdomen in the beginning of cancer of uterus, when there is a falling of the womb, with pressure on fundus, alternate peevishness and cheerfulness, constant oozing from the vulva, thick, white leucorrhoea burning smarting of vulva, labia red, swollen, very sensitive to pain and cold air, UTERUS PROLAPSED FROM ITS GREAT HYPERAEMIC WEIGHT, backache, (<) during menses, with heat in vagina (<) from straining of lifting, ischuria and constipation, melancholia, with depression, irritable weakness. Aurum-mur-natr [Aur-m-n] Chronic inflammation; INDURATION OF SOME PART OF UTERUS ; flexions from condensation of uterine tissue, or from softening of the stroma of the neck or body, habitual abortus or miscarriage, returning constantly at about the same time, caused by indurations in some parts of uterus preventing the natural expansion; ulcers of uterus and of vaginal walls developing themselves from swellings and indurations, carcinoma mammae et uteri, melancholia.

59 57 Belladonna [Bell] RECENT PROLAPSUS, especially after parturition at climaxis, prolapsus with induration, cervical mucous membrane very much congested and reddened; bearing down pains as if everything would issue from vulva (>) by standing (<) by bending over or walking, spasmodic contraction of uterus and bearing-down pains (<) morning, genitals sensitive can neither bear touch nor jar heat and dryness in vagina; backache as if back would break, hysterical headache and nervous excitement; pelvic bearing down with profuse menses. Benzoic-acid [Benz-ac] Irritable uterus prolapsus with foetid urine. Bovista [Bov] Uterine engorgement from relaxation of entire capillary system and haemorrhagic diathesis, flow of blood between menses from least exertion, menses chiefly at night or early morning. Bromium [Brom] Continual dull pain in left ovary; no trill in coition, swelling and hardness of left ovary uterus descends about two inches, LOUD EMISSION OF FLATUS FROM VAGINA, membranous dysmenorrhoea, vertigo with fear of falling and losing their senses. Bryonia [Bry] Dropsy of uterus, swelling increasing during day and diminishing at night, stitching pain in ovaries, haemorrhage of dark red blood, with pain in small of back. Bufo [Bufo] Cancer of uterus, distending burning pains or cramps in uterus; sharp, daggerlike pains (>) on walking or sitting too long, ulcerations of cervix with burning pains and offensive, ichorous discharges, burning in womb only before menses. Calcarea-carb [Calc] Prolapsus with sensation of pressure on uterus bearing-down pains, (<) when standing, stinging in os, burning in cervical canal constant aching in vagina, polypi, backache, heaviness of limbs and great fatigue from walking, desire for sweets or boiled eggs. Calcarea-phos [Calc-p] Prolapsus, (<) during defaecation and micturition, with sense of weakness and distress; aching in womb, cutting pain through sacrum cervix and os swollen, red and painful, with feeling of

60 58 shotlike bunches to digital touch, burning in vagina and burning like fire upward into chest, flushes of heat, anxiety, faintness, joints ache at every change of the weather, easy perspiration polypi. Cantharis [Canth] Swelling of the neck of uterus, sensitiveness of abdomen to touch, constant ineffectual urging to urinate, constipation or diarrhoea scanty or profuse micturition, always hot or burning; burning in uterus beginning when the flow has stopped (Kreos) Carbo-an [Carb-an] Induration of neck of uterus, menorrhagia from chronic induration of uterus, scirrhus of uterus, with pressive pains in loins, groins and thighs, distention of abdomen, flatulence, frequent eructations and desire to vomit; leucorrhoea leaving yellow stains on linen; numbness of limbs, ulcers, scrofulous, or malignant, with foul discharge, tearing tranversely across pubes and then through pudendum as far as anus, stitches in the groins, burning pains down the thighs, alternate cheerfulness and despondency. Caulophyllum [Caul] Weak, delicate women, anteversion with flexion and uterine contraction, prolapsus and leucorrhoea the effects of antony, with weakness of legs and spasmodic crampy, or sharp pains and there leucorrhoea of profuse mucus, coitus painful; pains continue a long time after the attempt constant desire to remain quiet. Chamomilla [Cham] Prolapsus with menses too early and too profuse, membranous dysmenorrhoea smarting, corroding leucorrhoea; profuse limpid urine, acrid water from vagina after a meal,. burning in vagina as if excoriated. China [Chin] Prolapsus from sexual excess or loss of fluids, with painful induration of vagina ovarian affections (<) from touching parts, periodical neuralgia. Cimicifuga [Cimic] Irritable weakness overwhelming apprehensiveness prolapsus from deficient innervation and muscular atony with pain in hypogastric region, retroversion, great tenderness of uterus to pressure spasms of broad ligaments, sharp pains across hypogastrium, (<) from standing and motion, bearing down in uterine region and small of back with tightness around hips, menses scanty, retarded or suppressed from different causes rheumatic hysteralgia and ovarian neuralgia subinvolution after miscarriage. Clematis [Clem]

61 59 Softened scirrhus with corrosive leucorrhoea and lancinating pains, running upward (<) by breathing and passing water swelling and induration of inguinal glands. Cocculus [Cocc] Uterine neuralgia, leucorrhoea persists after cessation of menses, gushing out on bending or squatting down. Collinsonia [Coll] Prolapsus with pruritus, dysmenorrhoea and most obstinate constipation, UTERINE DISEASES DEPENDENT UPON DISEASES OF RECTUM and bowels; haemorrhoids, bleeding, alternate costiveness and diarrhoea. Conium [Con] Induration and enlargement of ovary, with lancinating pains stinging in neck of uterus, induration and prolapsus at the same time; intolerable lancinating pains in cancer; frequent nausea, vomiting, acrid and burning leucorrhoea, preceded by pinching pains in abdomen, sensation of debility in the morning when in bed; sudden loss of strength while walking chronic pressive inflammation of ovaries, ovarian depression, with scanty menstruation and sterility; pressure and cutting pains in uterus when urinating weight and lancinating pains in ovaries and uterus, extending through lower part of abdomen, hips and back, burning, stinging, darting pains in neck of womb, with scirrhus induration. Convallaria [Conv] Sore, aching pain in lower part of abdomen; feeling as if uterus had descended and pressed upon rectum, causing a hard, aching pain in rectum and anus, flatus become incarcerated in rectum; dull; aching or sore bruised feeling in lumbar region, faintishness from slight cause, sleepy and tired out; great prostration and dull feeling in head, pelvic pains (<) from motion, sitting up straight or leaning back, (>) by bending forward when sitting by lying on back, glycosuria, with intense itching at Disease of uterus

62 60 DYSMENORRHEA, Painful Menstruation, Menstrual Cramps PULSATILLA Menses painful, too late, scanty, changeable in character. Irregular, intermittent flow, with chilliness. Pains rapidly shifting, appear suddenly, leaves gradually. Flows more during the day. Never well since puberty. Delayed first menses. Menses suppressed from getting the feet wet. Leucorrhea thick, acrid, excoriating. Women fair, good looking, slow, indecisive, mild, gentle, easily weeping., consolation >. Dryness of mouth without thirst. Gastric derangements from eating rich food, fat, pastry.< warm room, evening, on beginning to move. > open air, cold application, lying on painful side. ACTEARACEMOSA During menses, sharp lancinating, electric like pains in uterine region and various parts, dart from side to side., with chorea, hysteria or mania, increase of mental symptoms during menses. The more profuse the flow, the greater the suffering. Menses irregular, exhausting, delayed or suppressed by mental emotions. Severe left sided inframamary pains. Rheumatic dysmenorrhoea. Excessive muscular soreness, rheumatic pains in bellies of muscles. Sensation as if a heavy black cloud had settled over her so that all is in darkness. CAULOPHYLLUM Pains intermittent, paroxysmal, spasmodic, across lower abdomen extending to groins; erratic pains changing place every few minutes. Chorea, hysteria or epilepsy at puberty, during establishment of menstrual function. Leucorrhea acrid, exhausting, in little girls, preventing pregnancy. Habitual abortion from uterine debility. Rheumatism of small joints, fingers, toes, wrists.

63 61 SEPIA Dysmenorrhoea with violent stitches upward in the vagina, lancinating pains from uterus to umbilicus. Pain extends from other parts to back. Menstrual irregularities- early or late, scanty or profuse, menorrhagia or metrorrhagia. Bearing down sensation as if every thing would protrude through the vagina, must sit with crossed legs. Sensation of a ball in inner parts during menses. Great sadness & weeping, dread of men, of being alone. Indifferent to those whom she loved best. Headache at menstrual nisus with scanty flow. Tongue foul, clears at each menstrual nisus. <cold weather, laundry work, at rest. > warmth, violent exercise. NUXVOMICA Menses : too early, profuse, lasts too long; or keeping on several days longer, with complaints at onset and remaining after. Menses every two weeks, irregular never at right time, stopping & starting again. Violent spasmodic pains in sacrum. Labour like pains, causing urging to stool or to urinate. Backache, lumbago, must sit up or turn over in bed. Hypochondriac, literary, studious women. Irritable, quarrelsome, impatient, oversensitive to all external impressions. Bad effects of highly spiced food, alcohol, coffee, tobacco, overeating, sedentary habits, mental overexertion. >while at rest, lying down, damp weather. CALCAREACARB Menses too early, too profuse, long lasting. Dysmenorrhoea with headache, chilliness, toothache & vertigo. Feet habitually cold & damp, as if they had cold stockings on. Breasts swollen & tender during menses. The least mental excitement causes profuse return of menstrual flow. Profuse perspiration. Leucophlegmatic, blond, fair, tendency to obesity in youth. Takes cold easily. Great longing for eggs, aversion to milk & meat. Feels better in every way when constipated. >lying on painful side, dry weather. SABINA Menses too early, profuse, protracted, partly fluid, partly clotted, in persons who menstruated very early in life; with colic & labour like pains. Drawing pains in small of back, extending from sacrum to pubes. Discharge of blood

64 62 between periods, with sexual excitement. Chronic ailments of women; arthritic pains, tendency to miscarriages, especially at third month. Menorrhagia at climacteric. Music is unbearable. < from least motion, warm room. > walking, cool open air. NATRUMMUR Headache, nausea & vomiting before, during & after menses. Menses irregular, profuse or scanty. Left sided clavus. Anaemic & cachectic women, great emaciation, losing flesh while eating well. Weeping disposition, consolation <. Bad effects of grief, vexation, anger, excessive use of salt. Aversion to bread. Tongue mapped with red insular patches. <at 10 or 11 am, at sea shore, heat of sun. > open air, lying on right side, cold bathing, perspiration. KALICARB Feels badly week before menses. Backache before & during menses. Wants the back to be pressed. Back gives way, with great debility & sweating. While walking feels as if she must give up & lie down. Pains stitching < during rest, lying on affected side. Cannot bear to be touched. Persons inclined to obesity, takes cold easily. Aversion to being alone. CYCLAMEN Membranous & congestive dysmenorrhoea. Menses too early, too profuse, black & clotted, accompanied by vertigo, headache, dim vision. Pains pressive, drawing or tearing of parts where bones lie near the surface. Better during flow. <sitting & lying at night. > by walking. Leucophlegmatic persons with anaemic or chlorotic conditions, easily fatigued. Ailments from suppressed grief & terrors of conscience. Great sadness & peevishness, irritable, morose, inclined to weep, desire for solitude, aversion to open air. AMMONIUMCARB Menses preceded by gripping colic, too early, profuse, acrid makes the thighs sore, copious at night & while sitting. With toothache, sadness, fatigue, yawning & chilliness. Cholera like symptoms at the commencement of menses. Stout fleshy women leading a sedentary life. Readily catch cold in winter,

65 63 dislikes washing. Haemorrhagic diathesis. < during menses. > lying on abdomen, on painful side. LACHESIS Congestive dysmenorrhoea. Pains all relieved by the flow. Always better during menses. Menses at regular time, too short, scanty. Complaints at climacteric. Thin emaciated persons, hot flushes, hot perspiration. Pains go from left to right, worse after sleep. Great sensitiveness to touch, intolerance of tight clothings. Great loquacity, suspicious, jealous. <warmth, heat of sun, hot drinks. BORAX Membranous dysmenorrhoea. Menses too soon, profuse, with gripping colic, nausea & pain in stomach extending to small of back. Leucorrrhoea albuminous, starchy, sensation as if warm water were flowing. Dread of downward motion, excessively nervous, easily frightened by the slightest noise. BOVISTA Menses flow only at night, not in day time. Diarrhoea before & during menses; occasional show every few days between periods, every two weeks, dark & clotted with painful bearing down. Great weakness of joints & weariness of hands & feet. Awkwardness. Sweat in axilla smells like onions. KREOSOTE Menses too early, profuse, protracted, pain during but < after it. Flow < on lying down, ceases on sitting. Flow intermits, cold drinks > menstrual pains. Severe headache before & during menses. Leucorrhoea acrid, offensive, odour of green corn. Women who are over grown, very tall for her age, old looking, wrinkled., post climacteric ailments. CACTUS Pulsating pains in uterus & ovaries. Menstrual flow ceases when lying down. Whole body feels as if caged, each wire being twisted tighter & tighter.

66 64 Constriction of chest, uterus, vagina, as if clasped by an iron band. Congestive, periodic, right sided, neuralgic, throbbing pains. MAGCARB Menses with labour like pains, cutting colic, backache, weakness, chilliness, flows only at night or when lying down, acrid, dark pitch like, difficult to wash out. Menses preceded by sorethroat. Sour smell of the whole body. Craves meat. MAGMUR Menses with great excitement at every period, flow black, clotted, spasms & pains in back when walking, extends to thighs. < at night in bed. Leucorrhoea after exercise, two weeks after menses. Pain in liver region < lying on right side. Constipation stool hard dry crumbling at the verge of anus. MAGPHOS Menstrual colic, membranous dysmenorrhoea. Flow dark, stringy, pains < before, > when flow begins. Congestive dysmenorrhoea. Pains shooting, lightning like, coming & going suddenly, rapidly changing place < right side. > heat, bending double, pressure. Thin emaciated persons. Great dread of cold air, of uncovering, of touching. COLOCYNTH Dysmenorrhoea, agonizing pain in abdomen, compelling the patient to bend double, with restlessness. Twists & turns to obtain relief. > by hard pressure. Menses suppressed by anger, indignation, chagrin. Pains like lightning shocks, crampy pain in hips. Extremely irritable, impatient throws things out of hands. DIOSCOREA Menstrual colic, pains < by bending forwards & while lying down. > by standing erect or bending backwards. Violent twisting colic, occurring in regular paroxysms, as if intestines were grasped & twisted by a powerful hand. Pains suddenly shift to different parts, appear in remote localities as fingers & toes.

67 65 LACCANINUM Menses too early, profuse, flow in gushes, bright red viscid & stringy. Breasts swollen, painful before & during menses. Erratic pains flying from one part to another, side to side. Sorethroat & cough begin & end with menses. Pains begin on left & goes to right. Very forgetful, absent minded, thinks her disease uncurable. VERATRUMALBUM Dysmenorrhoea with vomiting & purging, is so weak can scarcely stand for two days at each menstrual nisus. Cholera like symptoms at the commencement of menses. Rapid sinking of vital forces, complete prostration, collapse. Cold perspiration on forehead. Face, pale, Hippocratic, sunken. Thirst for large quantities of cold water, craves acids. Mania with desire to cut & tear, laschivious talks. ACONITE Pains are intolerable, drives her crazy, becomes very restless, must change position often. Great fear & anxiety of mind with great nervous excitability. Afraid to go out, to go in to a crowd, fear of death. Young girls of a full plethoric habit who lead a sedentary life. Amenorrhoea after fright, exposure to cold. Music is unbearable. <warm room, evening & night, lying on affected side, dry cold air. > open air. BELLADONNA Pains usually in short attacks, comes suddenly & ceases suddenly. Menses too early, profuse, bright red & hot, with bearing down sensation. Breasts feel heavy & painful. Women with light hair & blue eyes, plethoric, lymphatic constitutions. Congested red face with throbbing of brain & carotids. Head hot & painful, pulse full & bounding like buck shots. Violent delirium. <touch, noise, sun, least jar.> rest, standing & sitting erect, pressure. CHAMOMILLA Profuse discharge of dark clotted blood with labour like pains. Pains seems unendurable, drives to despair, with heat, thirst, fainting with numbness, eructations <. Pains drive her out of bed at night, compels to walk about.

68 66 Peevish, irritable, oversensitive to pain & touch. Complaints from anger. Milk runs out in nursing women, nipples inflamed, tender. Toothache during menses if anything warm is taken. Cannot endure anyone near her, cross, averse to talking. COFFEA Pains felt intensely, almost insupportable, driving to despair, tossing about in anguish. Large clots of black blood, hypersensitive vagina. Tall lean stooping persons, dark complexion. Bad effects of sudden emotions, pleasurable surprises. Unusual activity of mind & body, full of ideas. Sleepless, wide awake at night. Oversensitiveness. CALCAREAPHOS Menses too early, excessive, bright red, if late, it is dark. Sometimes first bright then dark with violent backache. Girls at puberty, tall growing rapidly, anaemic, dark complexioned, emaciated. Ailments from grief, disappointed love. Complaints < when thinking about them. At puberty, acne & headache in school girls. COCCULUS During the effort to menstruate, she is so weak, scarcely able to stand from weakness of lower limbs. Leucorrhoea in place of menses, like washings of meat. Women & children who suffer severely during menses. Sensitive romantic girls, unmarried childless women. Bad effects of loss of sleep, night watching. Time passes too quickly. CROCCUSSATIVUS Dysmenorrhoea, blood black, viscid, clotted forming in to long black strings. Nervous or menstrual headaches, before, during & after flow. Chorea, hysteria, spasms of single set of muscles. Sensation as if something alive in abdomen. Frequent & extreme changes in emotions, sudden from the greatest hilarity to the deepest despondency. IGNATIA Women of a sensitive, nervous temperament, mentally & physically exhausted

69 67 by long continued grief. Mental conditions rapidly change from joy to sorrow. Involuntary sighing, desires to be alone. Bad effects of anger, grief, disappointed love. Oversensitive to pain, pain in small spots. Hysterical pains. ZINCUM MET Congestive dysmenorrhoea, pains better by appearance of menses. Menses too late, suppressed, flow more at night. Breasts painful. Violent fidgety feeling in feet. Burning whole length of spine, backache < sitting. Defective vitality, nervous exhaustion, too weak to menstruate. SECALE COR Menses irregular, copious, dark fluid with labour like pains in abdomen. Continuous discharge of watery blood until next period. Habitual abortion. Skin feels cold to touch, yet patient cannot tolerate coverings. Women of thin, cachectic, scrawny appearance. Face, pale, ashy, sunken, Hippocratic. Craves acids, lemonades. Burning in all parts. MEDORRHINUM Intense menstrual colic with drawing up of knees, labour like pains, must press feet against support. Menses profuse, dark, clotted, stains difficult to wash off. Breasts & nipples sore & sensitive to touch. Breasts icy cold, rest of body warm. Chronic ovaritis, salpingitis, fibroids, cysts, carcinomas. Maltreated & suppressed gonorrhea. Craves liquor, acids, salt, sweets, ice. Burning of hands & feet. Weakness of memory. < thinking of complaints, sunset to sunrise, warmth. > at seashore, lying on abdomen. TUBERCULINUM Frightful dysmenorrhoea in women with a tubercular history. Menses early, profuse, long lasting, tardy in starting. Tall slim, blonde, narrow chested, takes cold easily. Emaciation, losing flesh while eating well. Symptoms ever changing. VIBURNUM OPULUS Menses too late, scanty, lasting a few hours with crampy pains, cramps extend down the anterior muscles of thighs. Spasmodic & membranous

70 68 dysmenorrhoea. Aching in sacrum & pubes. Pain from back to loins & womb. Frequent miscarriage. Severe bearing down pains before menses. < lying down > movements. XANTHOXYLUM Neuralgic dysmenorrhoea with pain in back & down the legs. Menses too early, thick, almost black, in strings. Pain in loins & lower abdomen, worse left side extending down the thigh, along the genito crural nerves. Desire to take deep breath during pain. Wants to sit or lie down. Ovarian neuralgia. Thin emaciated chlorotic women with oedema of face & legs. ERIGERON Dysmenorrhoea with violent irritation of bladder & rectum. Bright red blood. Nose bleed instead of menses. Pain in left ovary & hip. Persistent haemorrhages. TRILLIUM PENDULUM Dysmenorrhoea with sensation as if hips & back were falling to pieces, better by tight bandaging. < least movement. Flooding with fainting, menorrhagia. Uterine fibroids. Gushing of bright red blood. THLASPI Menses too early, profuse, protracted, tardy in starting, first day merely a show, second day colic & vomiting. Profuse, dark, clotted blood with violent cramps, scarcely recovers from one period before another begins. USTILAGO Menses too scanty with ovarian irritation or too profuse & too early. Extreme pain during the period, flow profuse & do not cease until next period, most of the time confined to bed. Between periods, constant suffering under left breast at margin of ribs. Oozing of dark, highly coagulated blood, long black strings. SENECIO AUREUS Anaemic dysmenorrhoea. Before menses, inflammation of throat, chest & bladder which improve after menses. Functional amenorrhoea in young girls

71 69 with backache. Great heat & constant urge for urination. Scanty bloody urine with much mucus & tenesmus. EUPION Congestive dysmenorrhoea. Pains > by appearance of menses. Nose bleed when flow intermits. Abdominal pain > by bending backwards. During menses irritable & disinclined to talk. Menses too early, copious. Uterine displacements. PISCIDIA Neuralgic & spasmodic dysmenorrhoea. Irregular menses. Insomnia due to worry, nervous excitement. A nerve sedative. FRAXINUS AMERICANUS Dysmenorrhoea from uterine tumours, fibroids, uterine enlargements. Cramps in feet with bearing down sensation. ALETRIS FARINOSA Dysmenorrhoea with labour like pains. Menses scanty, retarded. Prolapse of uterus. Anaemic, chlorotic girls with great debility. Tired all the time. Sensation of weight in uterus. China of uterine system. JONOSIA ASOKA Delayed or irregular menses. Headache due to suppressed menses. Menses scanty, pale, foul smelling, blackish, with, pain, palpitation, hysteria & loss of appetite. MERCURIALIS PERENNIS Dysmenorrhoea with scanty menses, pain & swelling of breasts. Amenorrhoea. Great dryness of mouth & throat. Burning of tongue & lips. ZINCUM VALERIANICUM Neuralgic dysmenorrhoea, ovaralgia, pains shoot down the limbs, even to the foot. Becomes almost insane with pain, sleeplessness from pain. Hysterical women.

72 70 ROSMARINUS Violent pains followed by uterine haemorrhage, menses too early. Head heavy, drowsy. Chilly with icy coldness of lower extremities without thirst, followed by heat Calcaria carb swelling and pain in breasts before start of menses; acts well in fat ladies; females with thyroid and pituitary dysfunction. Cimicifuga pain increases with establishment of menstrual flow. Colocynth remarkable reedy for dysmenorrhea especially when there is pain in abdomen before menses which is relieved by pressure and compelling patient to bending double; early menses; marked amelioration by the application of warm objects Tuberculinum menses too painful; too early, too profuse, and last for long time; pain increases as the flow starts and during menstruation. Pulsatilla menstruation too late and scanty, changeable and clotty; stops and restarts; pain ameliorates on consolation and in open air; weeping tendency in females Caulophyllum severe labor like pains in the abdomen during the menstrual cycle. Chamomilla violent colic consequent on profuse and painful menses, labor-like pains on sides with diarrhea. Lachesis menses too late, too scanty and of too short a duration with haemorrhoidal pains. Nosebleed, bloody stools, constipation, leucorrhea and toothache. Sabina intense distressing pain at menses with bearing down and labor like pains; Inflammation of the uterus and ovaries.

73 71 Collinsonia terrible dysmenorrhea with hemorrhoids or piles, violent convulsions preceded by severe pain in the region of womb; Irritation of cardiac nerves; suppressed menses return after heart trouble is over. Borax membranous dysmenorrhea; menses too early, too profuse and attended with colic and nausea; flow preceded by stitching pains in pectoral region. Dysmenorrhea with sterility. Bromium membranous dysmenorrhea, violent contractive spasms for six or twelve hours in abdomen, premature and profuse flow of bright red blood or pressive flow with much exhaustion; hard swelling in ovarian region. Bufo menses regular, discharging pale fluid blood with clots; epileptic aura from uterus to stomach; burning heat and stitches in ovaries. Gelsemium neuralgic and congestive dysmenorrhea, with sharp, labor like pains in uterus alternating with other neuralgic pains; sensation as if uterus were squeezed by hand and forced downward; menses delayed, painful and suppressed. Hamamelis dysmenorrhea with severe pain in lumber and hypogastric region and down legs; bruised sore feelings in abdomen; profuse discharge of dark blood in daytime. Ignatia dysmenorrhea from irritation of nervous system, and not from uterine congestion; weak and empty feeling in the stomach at pit of stomach before menses; much bearing down in hypogastric region during menses.

74 72

75 73 Endometriosis is the presence of ectopic endometrium in any situation outside its normal location, namely, the lining of the uterine body Aconite, Arsenic Album, Belladonna, Bryonia, Cimicifuga, Gelsemium, Iodium, Pulsatilla, Sabina, Secale Cor, Sepia, Silicea, Aurum Mur, Calcaria Carb, Carbolic Acid, Conium, Hydrastis, Lachesis, magnesia Mur, Thuja, Cantharis, china, Hepar Sulph, Kali Carb, Lilium Tig, Medorrhinum, Rhus Tox, Platina, Phosphoric Acid, Sulphur, Nux Vomica, and may other medicines.

76 74 Fibroadenoma Calcarea carbonica Breasts are hot and swollen. Chronic cystic mastitis. Blunt duct adenosis; best remedy for fibroadenoma. Lump in breast is hard, nodular and tender to touch in the beginning. Then the pains are reduced and the lump turns to be hard due to calcification. Calcarea acts best when the tumours are calcified. These breasts are swollen and tender before menses. Deficient lactation. The breasts are distended in lymphatic women. Patient complains of profuse sweating around the genitalia with dirty smell. Inflammatory condition of the breast. With breast condition patient has the mental symptoms due to sufferings. Patient is anxious, tired and weak, both mentally and physically. Calcarea fluorica This remedy is indicated in the fibroadenoma of the breast. Lump in the breast which is hard, movable with clear margins which are sharp in nature, or their edges are sharply defined. Most commonly they are solitary, very rarely multiple. Occurs in young patients usually unmarried. Nodules are in upper right quadrants. The patient is sad and depressed due to financial condition. Confused due to melancholic condition of mind. Patient is chilly, and she is very sensitive to cold air, cold wind and cold atmosphere in general. Genitals are sore. Urine is copious and offensive. Pain at the tip of the urethra while urinating and after the act. Pain in back extending to sacrum.


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