Reliability and Validity of a Task-based Writing Performance Assessment for Japanese Learners of English

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1 Reliability and Validity of a Task-based Writing Performance Assessment for Japanese Learners of English Yoshihito SUGITA Yamanashi Prefectural University Abstract This article examines the main data of a task-based writing performance tests in which the five junior high school teachers participated as novice raters. The purpose of this research is to implement a task-based writing test (TBWT) which was developed on the basis of construct-based processing approach to testing, and to examine the degree of reliability and validity of the assessment tasks and rating scales. Accuracy and communicability were defined as constructs, and the test development proceeded according to such three stages as designing and characterizing writing tasks, reviewing existing scoring procedures and drafting rating scales. Each of the forty scripts collected from twenty undergraduate students was d by five new raters, and the analyses were done using FACETS. The results indicated that all novice raters displayed acceptable levels of self-consistency, and that there was no significantly different scoring on the two tasks and overall impression, which provided reasonable fit to the Rasch model. The modified scales associated with the five rating categories and their specific written samples were shown to be mostly comprehensible and usable by raters, and demonstrated that the students ability was effectively measured using these tasks and rating scales. However, further research is necessary for considering elimination of inter-rater differences. Key Words: writing performance, task-based assessment, FACETS, reliability, validity 1. Introduction In Japan, English language has been traditionally taught with a focus on accuracy, and indirect measurement is widely used in the field of assessment. There seems to have been a paradigm shift from accuracy-oriented to fluency-oriented writing instruction, but no significant changes have occurred in an assessment of writing. Judging from the present state of teaching and assessing writing in Japan, it would be meaningful to develop scoring procedures for writing performance assessment in place of traditional indirect tests of writing. The main purpose of this study is 1) to implement a developed writing performance assessment, and 2) examine the degree of reliability and validity of the assessment tasks and rating scales. It is motivated by such an urgent need for an improved assessment of writing, which is conducted in order to develop a task-based writing test for Japanese learners of English.

2 2. Development of a task-based writing test (TBWT) 2.1 Construct-based processing approach to testing As Bachman and Palmer mentioned (1996), the primary purpose of a language test is to make inferences about language ability. The ability that we want to test is defined as a construct, and describing the construct is one of the most fundamental concerns in test development. When assessing writing, it is therefore necessary to address the issue of defining the construct of good writing or writing ability of our students. Skehan (1998) claimed that the processing perspective is relevant to how we directly explain underlying abilities to performance, as well as how we conceive of models of language ability. In this view, he defines ability for use as a construct, which rationalizes the use of tasks as a central unit within a testing context and in developing a performance test. According to Skehan, such a task-based approach to testing would be to assume that there is a scale of difficulty and that students with greater levels of underlying ability will then be able to more successfully complete tasks which come higher on such a scale of difficulty (p.174). In this assumption, we find that task difficulty is a major determinant of test performance. Task-based approaches, therefore, need to focus on task difficulty as a precondition for using tasks-as-tests, and methods of evaluating task-based performance. Bachman (2002), however, claimed that task difficulty can be found with the various components in a performance task and with the interactions among them, and thus task difficulty is not a separate factor and is no longer assumed to be a major determinant of test performance. Therefore, he emphasized that the task-based approach has to consider not only performances on tasks, but also abilities to be assessed. In this way, Bachman argues that the notion of construct-based approach to testing is also necessary for test development, and mentions that the most important thing is to integrate tasks and construct in the design and development of a particular assessment. Here, we notice that there is considerable validity in the integration of construct-based task development and task implementation based on the operation of the processing factors and the influences of the processing conditions. In other words, when we develop assessment tasks, it is reasonable to suppose that we should design the task on the basis of construct definition and processing perspectives. Thus, the so-called construct-based processing approach to testing results in a comprehensive framework for our test development. The characteristic features of this approach are: 1) it must consider both constructs and tasks in developing performance assessment (Bachman, 2002); 2) procedures for design, development and use of language tests must incorporate both a specification of the assessment tasks to be included and definitions of the abilities to be assessed (Alderson et al., 1995; Bachman & Palmer, 1996; Brown, 1996); 3) tasks should be conceptualized as sets of characteristics (Bachman, 2002), and task characteristics should be designed to consider performance on tasks in terms of the operation of the processing factors and the influences of the processing conditions (Skehan, 1998); and 4) the processing factors that affect performance such as communicative stress should be utilized in order to control processing conditions in which it involves the interaction of test-taker attributes.

3 2.2 Construct definition The constructs of our task-based writing test developed for this study are assumed to be accuracy and communicability. Both constructs are derived from the Bachman and Palmer framework (1996) and Skehan s processing perspective on testing (1998). The rule-based system Accuracy Complexity Organizational knowledge Grammatical knowledge Textual knowledge Accuracy Organizational skills Linguistic accuracy Figure 1. The construct structure of accuracy As shown in Figure 1, accuracy shares the rule-based system in terms of processing perspectives, and has a deep connection with organizational knowledge which consists of grammatical and textual knowledge. Grammatical knowledge is involved in producing or comprehending formally accurate utterances or sentences, and textual knowledge is involved in producing or comprehending texts that consists of two or more utterances or sentences (Bachman & Palmer, 1996, p.68). Based on these two areas of organizational knowledge, it is proposed here that the construct accuracy specialized for writing would be comprised of organizational skills and linguistic accuracy. Specifically, organizational skills can be defined as the ability to organize a logical structure which enables the content to be accurately acquired, and linguistic accuracy concerns errors of vocabulary, spelling, punctuation or grammar (Sugita, 2009). The exemplar-based system Fluency Pragmatic knowledge Functional knowledge Sociolinguistic knowledge Communicability Communicative quality Communicative effect Figure 2. The construct structure of communicability Figure 2 indicates the construct structure of communicability. We realize that the construct shares the exemplar-based system in terms of processing perspectives, and its basis is pragmatic knowledge, which consists of functional and sociolinguistic knowledge. Functional knowledge enables us to interpret relationships between utterances or sentences and texts and the intentions of language users (Bachman & Palmer, 1996, p.69).

4 Sociolinguistic knowledge enables us to create or interpret language that is appropriate to a particular language use setting (p.70). Based on these definitions and the processing perspectives, the term communicability is defined as fluency specialized for writing, which is comprised of communicative quality and effect. Communicative quality refers to the ability to communicate without causing the reader any difficulty, and communicative effect concerns the quantity of ideas necessary to develop the response as well as the relevance of the content to the proposed task (Sugita, 2009). 2.3 Procedures for developing the TBWT Utilizing a construct-based processing approach, the test development proceeded according to the following three stages: Stage 1: Designing and characterizing writing tasks With regard to processing perspectives (Skehan, 1998), content-based support and form-focused stakes are necessary for accuracy tasks. An elicitation task (writing a letter) was chosen, and specific topics of self-introduction were given in the task. A situation is supposed in which the student is going to stay with a host family in Britain, and is advised to write a letter, so that students can focus on writing accuracy. On the other hand, communicability tasks need form-oriented support and meaning-focused stakes in order to write with a focus on meaning. A discussion task was designed because it encourages students to write their opinions or ideas about the topic, and it lays emphasis on a meaning-focused response (see the specifications in Appendix A). According to Bachman and Palmer (1996), characteristics of the input and the expected response in a test task are closely concerned with the operation of the processing factors and influences of the processing conditions for task implementation. In view of the construct-based processing approach to testing, the TBWT needs to develop such task characteristics in order to adjust students to performance conditions in which they allocate their attention in appropriate ways. Specifically, the characteristics of our accuracy task require students to write a word letter in adequate time in order that the rule-based system can be accessed, and the characteristics of our communicability task encourage students to write as many answers to a discussion topic as possible in a very limited time in order that an exemplar-based system might be appropriate. Stage 2: Reviewing existing scoring procedures for assessing writing In the construction of rating scales especially when resources are limited as is the case of this study, it seems meaningful to selectively use well-developed and well-researched scales outside Japan as a reference. For this purpose, existing scoring procedures for assessing writing were considered in order to explore what types of procedures are more suitable to construct rating scales. We examined and collected the descriptors of the TOEFL Test of Written English (TWE), Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE), ESL Composition Profile, NAEP Scoring Guide and Michigan Writing Assessment according to the target context in which the TBWT is administered. As a consequence, the TBWT is as construct-relevant as multiple trait scoring, and its procedure is similar to primary trait scoring in that scoring criteria are developed for each elicitation task. In such a

5 combined procedure, the two assessment tasks and their criteria exist independently, and thus raters are required to make only one decision for every script in the same way they conduct in holistic scoring. Stage 3: Drafting rating scales The underlying competences served as a useful basis when developing rating scales for accuracy and communicability. The descriptors of the marking categories in each scale were collected from existing writing assessments such as the TOEFL Test of Written English (TWE) and Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE). By conforming one construct closely to the definition of its rating scale, it is fair to say that raters would use the scale appropriately and consistently, ensuring the reliability and validity of the writing assessment. According to Alderson et al. (1995), raters should understand the principles behind the particular rating scales they must work with, and be able to interpret their descriptors consistently. Therefore, the rating scales are comprised of clearer descriptions of each construct and of 5-point Likert scales (Appendix B). The descriptors of each category are also provided with the selected written samples as an explanatory part of the scale in order that busy school teachers with limited training in writing performance assessment could understand the descriptors and work with them consistently. 3 The Study 3.1 Purposes and research questions In order to examine the degree of reliability and validity of the task-based writing performance test, the following are focused on raters severity, bias interactions between writer ability and task difficulty, the reliability of elicitation tasks and rating scales and the measure s validity. The specific research questions are as follows: 1) Is student ability effectively measured? 2) Are teacher-raters equally severe? 3) How much do tasks that are designed to be equivalent actually differ in difficulty? 4) How well do scales conform to expectations about their use? Do raters use all parts of them, and use them consistently? 5) Do individual raters show harsh or lenient bias towards particular groups of writers? If so, what are the sub-patterns of ratings in terms of rater-student bias interaction for each rater? 6) Do the raters one tasks more harshly or more leniently than the other? If so, what are the sub-patterns of ratings in terms of rater-task bias interaction for each rater? 7) To what extent, statistically, is the task-based writing test a reliable and valid measure? 3.2 Procedure The data for this study were 40 scripts (20 scripts for each of two tasks) collected from twenty undergraduate students in the first semester of Each of the scripts was d by five raters, who were all experienced Japanese junior high school teachers of English. They were all native speakers of Japanese, and they shared similar backgrounds in terms of

6 qualifications of ten or more years of teaching experience. The TBWT scoring guide was edited for this testing. The first section is the background of the TBWT. The second section is the explanation of assessment tasks. The third section is the implementation method of the testing. The fourth section is comprised of the rating scales and written samples accompanied by detailed commentary on each sample at five levels, 1-5. Both scripts and the scoring guide were given to the raters by mail at the beginning of August, Each of the five raters rated the entire set of forty scripts and sent them back by the end of August, They were instructed to rate the 20 scripts of Task 1 first and then to rate the 20 scripts of Task 2. Finally, they were asked to rate each of the participants writing proficiency based on their overall impression at five levels, 1-5. A questionnaire about the scoring guide was also enclosed and sent back with the materials. 3.3 Data analysis Table 1, 2 and 3 show the descriptive statistics for the s of the two test tasks and the overall impression. Table 4 summarizes the inter-rater correlation coefficients for the different scoring. Since the average of the coefficients for each scoring is relatively high (0.78, 0.77, 0.79), the five raters appear to be of acceptable reliability. Table 1 Descriptive statistics for Task 1 Mean Rater Rater Rater Rater Rater SD Minimum Maximum Table 2 Descriptive statistics for Task 2 Mean Rater Rater Rater Rater Rater SD Minimum Maximum Table 3 Descriptive statistics for overall impression Mean Rater Rater Rater Rater Rater SD Minimum Maximum Table 4 Inter-rater correlation coefficients between pairs of raters R 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 2/3 2/4 2/5 3/4 3/5 4/5 Av. T T OI Note. R=rater; T1=task 1; T2=task 2; OI=overall impression; Av.=average

7 Table 5 reports results for each test task, the overall impression and the s of Criterion, including its mean and standard deviation. In the testing, twenty students were requested to submit an essay using Criterion in order to discuss the criterion-related validity by examining their s and those with a high reliability provided by Criterion. The mean s for the test tasks and the overall impression are very close, ranging from 3.16 to The alpha coefficients for the three variables were calculated. Using Davies cut-off (.90) as an acceptable level of internal consistency on a high-stakes test, each Cronbach s α would meet the point:.9434,.9432 and.9480 for Task 1, Task 2 and overall impression, respectively. Table 5 Descriptive statistics of the different scoring N Task Task Impression 100 Criterion TWE 20 Mean SD Minimum Maximum Table 6 Pearson correlation coefficients Task 2 Task 1.797** Task 2 Impression Impression.924**.884** Criterion.710**.678**.734** Note. **all correlations significant at 0.01 level As seen in Table 6, the correlation coefficients between each task and the overall impression fall in a range of.797 to.924, which are all significant at the 0.01 level. The correlation between the two test tasks (.797) is, however, slightly lower than the established estimate of reliability (.80). Table 6 also shows that the two tasks and overall impression correlate positively with the s of Criterion (p<.01). Such correlation gives a criterion-related validity evidence as to the three s of each rater and the Criterion. The highest correlation is for Criterion is with Impression (r=.734), followed by Task 1 (r=.710) and finally, Task 2 (r=.678). Since the indicators of effect size are more than 0.5, indicating large effect (Cohen, 1988), the test tasks are determined to be valid. Test data are influenced by errors of measurement resulting from variation in rater harshness and test tasks, as well as by the nature of the rating scale used and by the range of ability of the students who are being assessed. Therefore, it was necessary to use statistical models which take into account all of the factors that might affect a student s final. The analyses for the present study were done using FACETS, version 3.63 (Linacre, 2008). To examine the measurement characteristics of this testing, the data were specified as having three facets, namely, the ability of students, the difficulty of tasks and the severity of raters. The partial-credit model was chosen because the scoring criteria for the rating scales were qualitatively different. This analysis also offers a kind of analysis that detects biased interactions among the three facets. In order to examine whether particular raters favored

8 certain types of students or tasks, the results of a bias analysis will be presented. 4 Results 4.1 FACETS summary Measure -Raters +Students +Tasks S.1 S.2 S (5) + (5) + (5) * 0 * 3 * 17 * Accuracy Communicability Impression * * * * (1) + (1) + (1) Measure -Raters +Students +Tasks S.1 S.2 S Figure 1 FACETS summary Figure 1 shows a summary of all facets and their elements. They are positioned on a common logit scale, which appears as measure in the first column. The second column shows the severity variation among raters. The most severe rater (ID: 3) is at the top, and the least severe rater (ID: 5) is at the bottom. The third column shows the ability variation among the 20 students. The student is ranked with high ability at the top (ID: 9) and low ability at the bottom (ID: 11). The fourth column shows equivalence of the difficulty variation among tasks. The last three columns graphically describe the three rating scales. The most likely scale for each ability level is shown. For example, the student whose ability estimate is +1.0 logit on the logit scale (ID: 19) is likely to get 3 points on each task and the overall impression when the student is assessed by an average-severity rater.

9 4.2 FACETS analysis 1) Is student ability effectively measured? As shown in Figure 1, student ability estimates range from a high of 6.96 logits to a low of logits, indicating a spread of 13 logits in terms of students ability. Student separation value was 6.54, meaning that populations like these students in this study can be spread into about seven levels. The reliability index was.98, which demonstrates the possibility to achieve reliable ability s. 2) Are teacher-raters equally severe? Table 7 FACETS analysis of rater characteristics Fair-M Severity Error Infit (mean average square) Rater Rater Rater Rater Rater Mean SD Note. Reliability of separation index=.82; fixed (all same) chi-square: 27.8, df:4; significance: p=.00 Table 7 provides information on the characteristics of raters. From the left, each column shows rater IDs, fair average s, rater severity, error and fit mean square value. The second column indicates that the severity span between the most severe rater and the most lenient rater was 1.79 and the difference, based on fair average s in the first column, is 0.44 of one grade in the scale. The reliability of the separation index (which indicates the likelihood of which raters consistently differ from one another in overall severity) was high (.82). The chi-square of 27.8 with 4 df was significant at p<.00 and, therefore, the null hypothesis that all raters were equally severe must be rejected. There was a significant difference in severity among raters. On the other hand, the Infit Mean Square column indicates that no raters were identified as misfitting: fit values for all raters were within the range of two standard deviations around the mean (0.93±[0.20 2]). In other words, all raters behaved consistently in the scoring. 3) How much do tasks that are designed to be equivalent actually differ in difficulty? Table 8 Descriptive statistics on the different scoring Difficulty Error Infit (mean Estimate of square) Discrimination Task Task Impression Mean SD Note. Reliability of separation index=.00; fixed (all same) chi-square: 0.9, df:2; significance: p=.65 The analysis of the two test tasks and overall impression in Table 8 shows that no significant variation in difficulty exists among them. Raters are considered to be

10 self-consistent in scoring, and the tasks do not appear to separate the students to a significant degree, meaning that the difficulty of the two tasks and the over impression are equivalent. An estimate of the item discrimination was computed according to the Generalized Partial Credit Model approach. 1.0 is the expected value, but discriminations in the range 0.5 to 1.5 provide a reasonable fit to the Rasch model (Linacre, 2007:132). 4) How well do scales conform to expectations about their use? Do raters use all parts of them, and use them consistently? Table 9 Rating scale statistics for Accuracy Category Average Outfit(mean Step Score Measure square) Difficulty P r o b a b * * 3 * i l i t y * ** ******************************************************************* Figure 2 Probability Curves for Accuracy Linacre (2002) has proposed guidelines for a rating scale: (1) average category measures should advance monotonically by category, (2) outfit mean-squares should be less than 2.0, and (3) the step difficulty of each scale should advance by at least 1.4 logits and by no more than 5.0 logits. Table 9 shows the rating scale statistics for accuracy. The average category measures rise monotonically as expected by category. All outfit mean-squares are less than 2.0, meaning that each of the five categories has expected randomness in choosing categories. However, the increase in step difficulties between 2 and 3 is 5.56, which does not meet (3). Figure 2 presents the scale structure probability curves, which visually demonstrate the frequency signals of each observed scale. In this figure, the step difficulties increase monotonically with rating scale numbers, and obvious

11 hill tops are observed. According to Tyndall and Kenyon (1995), the obvious peaks and the division between the scales indicate that the scales work as intended. The division between the scales is clear, but the probability and the range of scale 2 indicate that the scale does not work as intended. Table 10 Rating Scale Statistics for Communicability Category Average Outfit(mean Step Score Measure square) Difficulty P r o b a b 2 * 34 * i l i t y *1 4* ******************************************************************* Figure 3 Probability Curves for Communicability Table 10 shows the rating scale statistics for communicability. All outfit mean-squares are less than 2.0, which meet (2). All step difficulty increases fall within 1.4 and 5.0, which does meet (3). In Figure 3, the step difficulties increase monotonically with rating scale numbers and obvious hill tops are observed. Table 11 Rating Scale Statistics for Overall Impression Category Average Outfit(mean Step Score Measure square) Difficulty

12 P r o b a b * * * * i l i t y *2 ** ******************************************************************* Figure 4 Probability Curves for Overall Impression Table 11 shows the rating scale statistics for impression. Average measures rise monotonically with each category. All outfit mean-squares are less than 2.0. All step difficulty increases fall within 1.4 and 5.0, which does meet (3). In Figure 4, the step difficulties increase monotonically with rating scale numbers, and obvious hill tops are observed. While the category 2 of the accuracy scale was slightly larger than expected, the rating scales for communicability and overall impression conformed to expectations about its use. In sum, these modified 5-point scales could be a reliable tool for novice raters in determining the estimate of students writing ability. 5) Do individual raters show harsh or lenient bias towards particular groups of writers? If so, what are the sub-patterns of ratings in terms of rater-student bias interaction for each rater? Since the rater-student interactions where z- values fall below -2.0 or above 2.0 means a significant bias, there were a total of nine significantly biased interactions among all raters. Tables show the results of the bias analysis in terms of interaction between rater severity and student ability. In column 9, the infit mean square value shows how consistent the bias pattern is for the rater to evaluate the student s ability across all the scoring. In this case, the mean of the infit mean square value was 0.4 and its standard deviation was 0.5. Thus fit values above 1.4 logits suggest misfit (0.4+[0.5 2]). As shown in Table 13, one (student 10 Rater 2) was identified as misfitting (its infit mean square value was above 1.4 logits). The mean-square fit statistics report on how much misfit there is in the data after the bias is removed (Linacre, 2002). Therefore, it would be interesting to examine the nine significantly biased interactions including the misfit.

13 Table 12 Bias calibration report: rater-student interaction for Rater 1 Student Ability Observed Expected Obs-Exp Average Bias Error z- Infit Mean square Student Table 13 Bias calibration report: rater-student interaction for Rater 2 Ability Observed Expected Obs-Exp Average Bias Error z- Infit Mean square * Note. * = misfitting Table 14 Bias calibration report: rater-student interaction for Rater 3 Student Ability Observed Expected Obs-Exp Average Bias Error z- Infit Mean square Student Table 15 Bias calibration report: rater-student interaction for Rater 4 Ability Observed Expected Obs-Exp Average Bias Error z- Infit Mean square Table 16 Bias calibration report: rater-student interaction for Rater 5 Studentt Ability Observed Expected Obs-Exp Average Bias Error z- Infit Mean square Table 17 summarizes the frequencies of rater-student interactions that displayed a significant bias for each rater at various levels of the ability range. The first column shows the ability estimate range, and the second column shows the number of students within the particular range of ability estimate. In the range of 3.00 or higher, there were four students. Rater 2 and 4 harshly d one student for each, and Rater 3 leniently d one student. The total number of rater-student bias interaction was three, which was 75% of the total number of students within this range (3/4=0.75). There were twelve students whose ability estimate was between and Rater 4 harshly d two students. Rater 1 leniently d one student, and 2 leniently d two students. The total number of rater-student bias interactions was five, which was 42% of the total number of students within this range (5/12=0.42). In the range of 3.00 or lower, there were five students, and Rater 5 leniently

14 d one student. This is the only one-rater-student bias interaction, which was 20% of the total number of students within this range (1/5=0.20). Table 17 Frequency of rater-student bias interaction Ability N Harsh Lenient R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R1 R2 R3 R4 R higher ~ lower 5 1 Tables also indicate that each rater had the following unique rater-student bias pattern. Rater 1: There was a more leniently d student than expected for Rater 1. The leniently d student was of middle range ability (between and 2.99). Rater 2: There were both more harshly and leniently d students than expected for Rater 2. The harshly d student was a high ability student (3.00 or higher) and the leniently d students were of middle range ability. Rater 3: As in the case of Rater 1, there was a more leniently d student than expected for Rater 3. Unlike Rater 1, the leniently d student was one with high ability. Rater 4: There were more harshly d students than expected for Rater 4. The harshly d students included one student with high ability and two students with middle range ability. Rater 5: As in the case of Rater 1 and Rater 3, there was a more leniently d student than expected for Rater 5. Unlike the two raters, the leniently d student had low ability. 6) Do the raters one tasks more harshly or more leniently than the other? If so, what are the sub-patterns of ratings in terms of rater-task bias interaction for each rater? Table 18 Bias calibration report: rater-task interaction Rater Tasks Observed Expected Obs-Exp Average Bias Error z- Infit Mean square 5 Communicability Accuracy Communicability * 3 Accuracy Impression Impression Communicability Accuracy Impression Impression Impression Accuracy Accuracy Communicability Communicability Note. *= misfitting

15 Table 18 shows the results of the bias analysis in terms of the interaction between raters and tasks. It lists all rater-task interactions (5 raters 3 tasks). In column 8, there is neither a z- below -2.0 nor greater than +2.0 suggesting that no rater shows significantly biased rater-task interactions. In column 9, the mean of the infit mean square value was 0.9, and its standard deviation was 0.3. Thus, fit values above 1.5 logits suggest misfit (0.9+[0.3 2]). The value by Rater 4 on communicability was 1.7, which indicates that Rater 4 did not consistently evaluate the task in the identified patterns of bias across all students. 7) To what extent, statistically, is the task-based writing test a reliable and valid measure? (1) Reliability In the first analysis (Table 7) the data set was analyzed using FACETS. The table provided information on the characteristics of raters (severity and consistency). All raters displayed acceptable levels of self-consistency. This can be seen from the Infit Mean Square column, by adding two standard deviations to the mean. Raters falling within these parameters in their reported Infit Mean Square indices are considered to have behaved consistently. On the other hand, the separation and reliability figures indicate that there were significant differences among raters in terms of severity. However, the difference, based on fair average s, is 0.44 of one grade in the scale, suggesting that there would be no impact on s awarded in an operational setting. The analysis of the two tasks and the overall impression in Table 8 show that no significant difference occurs between the tasks and the impression. The adjacent scale level on the two tasks may indicate that the tasks do not appear to separate the students to a significant degree. (2) Validity In Table 8, an estimate of the item discrimination was computed according to the Generalized Partial Credit Model approach. 1.0 is the expected value, but discriminations in the range of 0.5 to 1.5 provide a reasonable fit to the Rasch model (Linacre, 2007, p.132). All the estimates fall in this range (1.04, 1.00, 1.24), which indicates that the randomness in three sets of data fit the Rasch model. The two tasks and the overall impression were, therefore, of relevance to dependent data acquisition. There is also a criterion-related validity evidence as to the three s of each rater and the Criterion. Table 19 shows the resulting correlation coefficients for the relationship between each of three raters s and the Criterion, and they were statistically significant (p<.01) for Task 1, Task 2 and overall impression. The substantial correlations demonstrate that the task-based writing performance is related to learner performance on Criterion, a widely-used writing instructional tools, and thus result in supporting its validity. Table 19 Inter-rater correlation coefficients between raters s andthe Criterion T1 Rater 1.67 Rater 2.74 Rater 3.78 Rater 4.72 Rater 5.68 Avg..72 T OI Note. T1=task 1; T2=task 2; OI=overall impression

16 5 Discussion 5.1 Summary of the analyses The five junior high school teachers in this study were all novice raters in this task-based writing assessment. The interrater correlation coefficients between pairs of raters were relatively high, and the five raters appeared to be of acceptable reliability. The FACETS analysis showed that the raters displayed acceptable levels of self-consistency. There were, however, significant differences between raters in terms of severity. The bias analyses indicated that all raters were significantly biased towards certain types of students, and their bias patterns were unique. Moreover, it must be said that one rater-student interaction and one rater-task interaction were identified as misfitting, so these raters were not consistent in the identified patterns of bias across the students or tasks. The FACETS analysis also showed that there was no significantly different scoring among the two tasks and the overall impression. The adjacent scale level on the two tasks may indicate that the test tasks did not separate the students to a significant degree and thus the test tasks are roughly equivalent in difficulty when learner responses to the two tasks were d based on the accuracy and communicability scales. Since the 5-point scales demonstrated acceptable fit, the five categories and their specific written samples were mostly comprehensible and usable by raters. Therefore, it is quite likely that the assessment tasks and rating scales were reliable in determining an estimate of students writing ability. 5.2 Implications The findings of this study suggest that the TBWT scoring guide may have effectively given novice raters a shared understanding of the construct of writing ability defined by the test writer and may have contributed to the consistency in scoring and the reduction in the biased interactions with tasks. It is, therefore, reasonable to suppose that the TBWT scoring guide may possibly reduce the differences or biases caused by variation among raters. In order to confirm this, a questionnaire was also administered to the five teacher-raters in this study by mail. It was designed to be completed in a short time. Most of the questions were of the multiple choice variety. The last question invited comments and opinions on the whole guidebook. Question 1 through 3 were answered on a 3-point scale from 1 (No, not useful) to 3 (Yes, very useful). Questions 4 through 9 were answered on 4-point scale from 1 (Strongly disagree) to 4 (Strongly agree). As shown in Tables 20 and 21, the results of the questionnaire show that the five teacher-raters felt that the TBWT scoring guide was fairly useful. According to the FACETS analysis, the category 2 of the accuracy scale was slightly larger than expected. In other words, with increasing measure, the category 2 is most likely to be observed for accuracy scoring among the five novice raters. This may be in agreement with the result that novice raters tend to become more severe than experienced raters as some previous studies have shown (Ruth and Murphy, 1998; Weigle, 1994, 1998). Whereas there seems to be an admission of improvement in the scale, the questionnaire survey indicated that the five categories and their specific written samples were mostly comprehensible and usable by raters, and thus the 5-point scales demonstrated acceptable fit. This is because the

17 guidelines are supposed to lead the raters to self-consistency and reduction of biased interactions with tasks. Therefore, it is quite likely that the TBWT scoring guide have effectively given novice raters a shared understanding of the construct of writing ability and have contributed to the consistency in determining an estimate of students writing ability. Table 20 Results of scaling in Questionnaire (Q. 1-3) Questions Very useful useful Not useful 1. Is the introduction useful? 2 (40%) 3 (60%) 0 2. Is the task explanation useful? 5 (100%) Is the scoring procedure useful? 5 (100%) 0 0 Table 21 Results of scaling in Questionnaire (Q. 4-9) Questions Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly agree disagree 4. The definition of accuracy is 2 (40%) 3 (60%) 0 0 understandable. 5. The accuracy scale is easy to evaluate. 1 (20%) 3 (60%) 1 (20%) 0 6. The samples for accuracy are useful. 3 (60%) 2 (40%) The definition of comunicability is understandable. 8. The communicability scale is easy to evaluate. 9. The samples for comunicability are useful. 2 (40%) 2 (40%) 1 (20%) 0 1 (20%) 4 (80%) (40%) 3 (60%) 0 0 This present study, however, indicates that there were significant biased interactions with students ability among all five raters. Each rater was found to be self-consistent in scoring 20 students writing performances, but all of the raters had a unique bias pattern toward a certain type of student. These findings suggest that the TBWT scoring guide may have contributed to the reduction of biased interactions, but training for certain raters with his/her unique bias patterns might still be required. On this point, Schaefer (2008), for example, states that the rating process is so complex and error-prone that intentional and programmatic training for rating is necessary. Moreover, one rater-student interaction and one rater-task interaction were identified as misfitting, so these raters were not consistent in the identified patterns of bias across the students or tasks. As for the rater-student interaction, Rater 2 commented that it was not easy for her to understand the differences between few errors and occasional errors in the descriptor of accuracy scale. For the rater-task interaction, Rater 4 commented on the introduction of the scoring guide that the conformity between the task and its underlying construct is not easy to understand, and a detailed explanation is necessary. In association with this comment, she disagreed in the questionnaire that the definition of communicability is understandable, and described that she rated the task for communicability mostly depending on grammar and vocabulary. Although such a unique response pattern seems to reflect individual rater idiosyncrasies, these findings would be

18 beneficial in improving our understanding of rater behavior and in providing more focused direction in rater training. As Eckes (2008) points out, the consistency with which each rater uses particular scoring criteria should be examined more precisely. For this purpose, research viewed from a rater cognition perspective during evaluation of written samples must be conducted hereafter. 6 Conclusion The results of the five novice raters in this study indicated that all raters displayed acceptable levels of self-consistency, and that the students ability was effectively measured using these tasks and rating scales. The FACETS analysis showed that there was no significantly different scoring on the two tasks and overall impression, which provided reasonable fit to the Rasch model. The questionnaire survey also indicated that the five categories and their specific written samples were mostly comprehensible and usable by raters, and the 5-point scales demonstrated acceptable fit. This is because the TBWT scoring guide has given novice raters a shared understanding of the construct of writing ability, and has contributed to the consistency in scoring. Therefore, it is quite likely that the assessment tasks and rating scales were reliable in determining an estimate of students writing ability. There were, however, relatively small but significant differences between raters in terms of severity. Each rater was found to be self-consistent in scoring, but the bias analyses of this study also indicated all of the five raters were significantly biased towards certain types of students. These findings suggest that the TBWT scoring guide may have contributed to the reduction of biased interactions, but training for certain raters with his/her unique bias patterns might still be required. Moreover, the consistency with which each rater uses particular scoring criteria should be examined more precisely. For this purpose, research viewed from a rater cognition perspective during evaluation of written samples must be conducted. These issues will be examined in a subsequent study. Acknowledgement The present research was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research for (No ) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. I am grateful to anonymous JLTA reviewers for suggestions in revising the article. References Alderson, J.C., Clapham, C. and Wall, D. (1995). Language test construction and evaluation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Bachman, L.F. and Palmer, A.S. (1996). Language testing in practice: designing and developing useful language tests. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Bachman, L.F. (2002). Some reflections on task-based language performance assessment. Language Testing 19, Brown, J.D. (1996). Testing in language programs. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents.

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20 without causing the reader any difficulties. You will have 10 minutes to complete the test. Prompt: You are going to discuss the following topic with your classmates, Why do you study English? In order to prepare for the discussion, think of as many answers as possible to the question and write them as To travel abroad. Appendix B: Rating scales [Accuracy] Organizational skills The writing displays a logical organizational structure which enables the content to be accurately acquired. The writing -is well organized and well developed (TWE) -shows strong rhetorical control and is well managed (M) -has clear organization with a variety of Linguistic accuracy linking devices (FCE) A (5) I strongly agree to assign the above criteria B+(4) I partially agree to assign the above criteria B (3) I agree to assign the above criteria B-(2) I disagree with assigning the above criteria C (1) I strongly disagree with assigning the above criteria [Communicability] This writing has few errors of vocabulary, spelling, punctuation or grammar The writing -demonstrates appropriate word choice though it may have occasional errors (TWE) -has few errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles pronouns, prepositions, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and paragraphing (ESL) Communicative quality The writing displays an ability to communicate without causing the reader any difficulties The writing -displays consistent facility in use of the language (TWE) -contains well-chosen vocabulary to express the ideas and to carry out the intentions (M) Communicative effect This writing conveys quantity of ideas to develop a response and relevance of the content to the proposed task The writing -effectively addresses the writing task (TWE) -has a very positive effect on the target reader with adequately organized relevant ideas (FCE) A (5) I strongly agree to assign the above criteria B+(4) I partially agree to assign the above criteria B (3) I agree to assign the above criteria B-(2) I disagree with assigning the above criteria C (1) I strongly disagree with assigning the above criteria

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