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1 Texas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired Outreach Programs W. 45 th St. Austin, TX Texas Focus: On the Move! NeuroMovement : Transcending our vision of what is possible for the visually impaired child Friday, March 2, :00 AM 12:00 PM Presented by Anat Baniel, Founder of Anat Baniel Method and Author of Kids Beyond Limits info@anatbanielmethod.com Developed for Texas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired Outreach Programs


3 NeuroMovement : Transcending Our Vision of What is Possible for the Visually Impaired Child Slide 2: Anat Baniel, Author of Kids Beyond Limits and Founder of the Anat Baniel Method Slide 3: NeuroMovement : Transcending Our Vision of What is Possible for the Visually Impaired Child Slide 4: The Power of Movement and Brain Plasticity to Drive Learning and Change and Open New Possibilities Slide 5: The first 75 minutes of this presentation will be mostly lecture then, after a 15 minute break, there will be 90 minutes in a workshop format to experience and learn ways to implement the principles presented in the lecture Slide 6: Some of what we will present you may know and already apply, some of it will be novel; The role of movement, neuroplasticity and the 9 Essentials, and their application is what we are here to offer Slide 7: What is NeuroMovement? NeuroMovement is a systematic approach to communicating with the brain through its primordial language movement that awakens the remarkable capacity of the brain to create new connections and new possibilities Upgrading the QUALITY of the functioning of the brain itself transforms the field of possibilities, going beyond what would otherwise be available Slide 8: What is NeuroMovement? The brain s initial formation of capabilities, and its initial grasp of cause and effect, come through processing the sensations and experiences resulting from movement NeuroMovement is implemented in brain-friendly ways, i.e., harmonious with conditions that drive positive brain change; and it is applicable throughout the life course 2018 Texas Focus NeuroMovement Baniel, A. and Sharp, N. Page 1

4 Slide 9: The Nine Essentials Figure 1 Image of the brain which rests under the nine essentials listed below. 1. Movement with Attention 2. Slow 3. Variation 4. Subtlety 5. Enthusiasm 6. Flexible Goals 7. The Learning Switch 8. Imagination and Dreams 9. Awareness Slide 10: We have a brain for one reason and one reason only -- that s to produce adaptable and complex movements. Movement is the only way we have of affecting the world around us I believe that to understand movement is to understand the whole brain. And therefore it s important to remember when you are studying memory, cognition, sensory processing, they re there for a reason, and that reason is action. Daniel Wolpert, Neuroscientist 2018 Texas Focus NeuroMovement Baniel, A. and Sharp, N. Page 2

5 Slide 11: Figure 2 Photograph of Albert Einstein Nothing Happens Until Something Moves Albert Einstein Figure 3 Photograph of Moshe Feldenkrais Movement is Life, Without Movement Life is Unthinkable Moshe Feldenkrais Slide 12: Movement is the language of the brain Anat Baniel Slide 13: Let s experience a NeuroMovement lesson: Slide 14: TML #1 Your Toes are not so Far Away 2018 Texas Focus NeuroMovement Baniel, A. and Sharp, N. Page 3

6 Slide 15: Do the movements: Gently no stretching or forcing Slowly Go only as far as comfortable and avoid pain Pay attention to what you feel as you move Slide 16: What just happened? Slide 17: The way your brain organizes your movement has changed Your brain has changed. Slide 18: Let s watch the brain of a child with severe visual impairment brain change through NeuroMovement Slide 19: Video of Carter 6 years old Diagnosis Cerebral Palsy Legally Blind Slide 20: Video Slide 21: Not all children will become seeing ones, however, those who do see some will probably improve through the NeuroMovement principles Slide 22: The brain can change, what is called neuroplasticity, throughout life Slide 23: Change for what purpose? Slide 24: To answer that we need to ask; What is the job of the brain? 2018 Texas Focus NeuroMovement Baniel, A. and Sharp, N. Page 4

7 Slide 25: The job of the brain is to put order into the disorder, to make sense of the nonsense Slide 26: The brain is an information system Slide 27: The mechanical model Video of baby playing with blocks Versus an information model Video of dancer Slide 28: What is the source of information? Slide 29: Stimulation? Slide 30: Stimulation is a necessary but not sufficient condition Slide 31: Information = the perception of a difference (signal to noise ratio) Slide 32: This is where enormous opportunity lies for the child with visual impairment Slide 33: Information = the perception of a difference (signal to noise ratio) Slide 34: If a difference is not perceived it does not exist - there is no new information Slide 35: Perception of differences leads to differentiation, ie, creation of new connections which open the opportunity for integration of new patterns 2018 Texas Focus NeuroMovement Baniel, A. and Sharp, N. Page 5

8 Slide 36: The Underlying Process of Learning Discrimination Differentiation Integration Slide 37: Figure 4 A large, blue, rectangle with a very small rectangle on top and centered. A medium size rectangle touches the top left corners of both the large and small rectangle forming a white triangle between the three shapes. Slide 38: Figure 5 Six blue rectangles of various sizes are scattered randomly. Slide 39: Figure 6 Many random blue shapes of varying small sizes are scattered with no discernable pattern Texas Focus NeuroMovement Baniel, A. and Sharp, N. Page 6

9 Slide 40: Figure 7 A number of small blue squares and rectangles of different sizes form an abstract image something like a bird. Slide 41: Figure 8 More small blue squares and rectangles form an abstract image of a duck. Slide 42: Figure 9 A less abstract image of a duck made from the blue squares and rectangles. Slide 43: Figure 10 A blue solid shape of a duck Texas Focus NeuroMovement Baniel, A. and Sharp, N. Page 7

10 Slide 44: Let s look at this process again Slide 45: Discrimination Figure 11 A large, blue, rectangle with a very small rectangle on top and centered. A medium size rectangle touches the top left corners of both the large and small rectangle forming a white triangle between the three shapes. Slide 46: Initial Differentiation Figure 12 Six blue rectangles of various sizes are scattered randomly. Slide 47: More Differentiation Figure 13 Many random blue shapes of varying small sizes are scattered with no discernable pattern. Slide 48: Even More Differentiation Figure 14 A number of small blue squares and rectangles of different sizes form an abstract image something like a bird Texas Focus NeuroMovement Baniel, A. and Sharp, N. Page 8

11 Slide 49: Beginnings of Spontaneous Integration Figure 15 More small blue squares and rectangles form an abstract image of a duck. Slide 50: Further Integration of Increasing Differentiation Figure 16 A less abstract image of a duck made from the blue squares and rectangles. Slide 51: Grooving in of New Skill Figure 17 A blue solid shape of a duck. Slide 52: Same Elements (Neural Networks) Can be Used for Another Skill Figure 18 A number of blue squares forming an abstract image of a cat Texas Focus NeuroMovement Baniel, A. and Sharp, N. Page 9

12 Slide 53: Reshowing of Video of Carter 6 years old Diagnosis Cerebral Palsy Legally Blind Slide 54: Video Slide 55: Discrimination and Differentiation seem to be the orphans of the process in many of the clinical and theoretical frame works Slide 56: The focus is frequently on the final desired outcome, which is the integration phase Slide 57: The question is: The integration of what? Slide 58: We can only integrate elements into new neural networks (skills) with the current achieved level of differentiation Slide 59: Before there can be differentiation there needs to be perception of differences Slide 60: Demonstration of the power of perception of differences Slide 61: Video of Spencer 5 years old on the Autism Spectrum, still wearing diapers as wets his pants Slide 62: Video Slide 63: Spencer was fully potty trained from this time on Slide 64: Each of the 9 Essentials wakes up the brain and potentiates it to perceive differences better and faster Slide 65: In other words the Essentials are powerful drivers for positive brain change and learning 2018 Texas Focus NeuroMovement Baniel, A. and Sharp, N. Page 10

13 Slide 66: The brain of the child with visual impairment works the same way that any other brain works Slide 67: The Essentials can be used to help the brain of the child with visual impairment overcome the real challenges that their condition creates in the motor, cognitive and interpersonal levels Slide 68: The Nine Essentials Figure 19 Image of the brain. 1. Movement with Attention 2. Slow 3. Variation 4. Subtlety 5. Enthusiasm 6. Flexible Goals 7. The Learning Switch 8. Imagination and Dreams 9. Awareness Slide 69: Over many years of working with adults and children with transformational outcomes that were not supposed to happen, I kept asking myself: What is happening in the brain? What about what I do works? The 9 essentials are the eventual answer They now are validated by brain plasticity research Texas Focus NeuroMovement Baniel, A. and Sharp, N. Page 11

14 Slide 70: Scientists have defined the rules governing brain plasticity. Anat Baniel, working in parallel along a completely different path, has defined almost exactly the same rules and interprets them in practical and understandable human terms as the Nine Essentials that should contribute richly to clinical intervention. Michael Merzenich, PhD, Neuroscientist, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Winner of 2016 Kavli Prize Side 71: Movement with Attention Figure 20 Photograph of a adults doing floor exercises on mats. Slide 72: Figure 21 Photograph of Albert Einstein Nothing Happens Until Something Moves Albert Einstein Figure 22 Photograph of Moshe Feldenkrais Movement Is Life, Without Movement Life Is Unthinkable Moshe Feldenkrais 2018 Texas Focus NeuroMovement Baniel, A. and Sharp, N. Page 12

15 Slide 73: Movement is the language of the brain Anat Baniel Slide 74: Professor Daniel Wolpert Systems and Cognitive Neuroscience Cambridge University Slide 75: Video Slide 76: Figure 23 Graphic drawing of the brain 1,800,000 New Connections Per Second Figure 24 Drawing of a neuron Slide 77: Quincey 2 years old Pitt-Hopkins syndrome Genetic disorder Developmental delays, seizures Quincey moves but cannot sit unsupported without falling Slide 78: Quincey 2 years old Video 2018 Texas Focus NeuroMovement Baniel, A. and Sharp, N. Page 13

16 Slide 79: After this lesson she was more stable, using her back better sitting taller and with better balance Side 80: Figure 25 Photograph of a turtle Slow Slide 81: Fast we can only do what we already know Slide 82: Figure 26 A large soap bubble floats down to an outstretched hand. Subtlety Slide 83: Reduction of effort, force, and intensity increases sensitivity and ability to perceive differences 2018 Texas Focus NeuroMovement Baniel, A. and Sharp, N. Page 14

17 Slide 85: Variation Figure 27 Photograph of two men in a market stall that is filled with many different rugs. Figure 28 A colorful quilt made up of many faces constructed from different fabrics. Slide 85: Video of Lucas D 4 years old Diagnosis Cerebral Palsy with Cortical Visual Impairment Slide 86: Video Slide 87: Enthusiasm Figure 29 Photograph of Albert Einstein riding a bicycle Texas Focus NeuroMovement Baniel, A. and Sharp, N. Page 15

18 Slide 88: Flexible Goals Figure 30 A toddler balances on his side with a leg extended into the air. Slide 89: The Learning Switch Figure 31 A photograph of a lightbulb. Slide 90: Imagination Figure 32 Drawing of a space shuttle launch. Slide 91: Awareness Figure 33 Image of Rodin's sculpture, The Thinker 2018 Texas Focus NeuroMovement Baniel, A. and Sharp, N. Page 16

19 Slide 92: Two brains become one Slide 93: Going with the system Slide 94: From FIXING to CONNECTING Slide 95: Quincey 2 years old Pitt-Hopkins syndrome Genetic disorder Developmental delays, seizures Quincey moves but cannot sit unsupported without falling Slide 96: Quincey 2 years old Slide 97: After this lesson she was more stable, using her back better sitting taller and with better balance Slide 98: In the workshop section of this presentation we are going to be looking into ways to apply NeuroMovement and the 9 Essentials to a number of typical challenges for the visually impaired child Slide 99: What is NeuroMovement? NeuroMovement is a systematic approach to communicating with the brain through its primordial language movement that awakens the remarkable capacity of the brain to create new connections and new possibilities Upgrading the QUALITY of the functioning of the brain itself transforms the field of possibilities, going beyond what would otherwise be available Slide 100: What is NeuroMovement? The brain s initial formation of capabilities, and its initial grasp of cause and effect, come through processing the sensations and experiences resulting from movement NeuroMovement is implemented in brain-friendly ways, i.e., harmonious with conditions that drive positive brain change; and it is applicable throughout the life course 2018 Texas Focus NeuroMovement Baniel, A. and Sharp, N. Page 17

20 Slide 101: The Nine Essentials Figure 34 Image of the brain 1. Movement with Attention 2. Slow 3. Variation 4. Subtlety 5. Enthusiasm 6. Flexible Goals 7. The Learning Switch 8. Imagination and Dreams 9. Awareness Slide 102: Figure 35 Photograph of Albert Einstein There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle. -Albert Einstein Slide 103: Expect miracles! 2018 Texas Focus NeuroMovement Baniel, A. and Sharp, N. Page 18

21 Slide 104: Join us on LinkedIn LIKE us on Facebook to connect with others & receive special offers: Follow us on Twitter: Slide 105: View free videos: Share your feedback on our blog: Slide 106: Figure 36 The cover of Kids Beyond Limits Slide 107: Move into Life: The Nine Essentials for Lifelong Vitality Slide 108: Texas Focus NeuroMovement Baniel, A. and Sharp, N. Page 19

22 Texas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired Outreach Programs Figure 37 TSBVI logo Figure 38 IDEAs that Work logo and US Dept. of Education OSEP disclaimer 2018 Texas Focus NeuroMovement Baniel, A. and Sharp, N. Page 20

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