TABLE OF CONTENTS. 大會歡迎詞 Welcome Remarks 理監事會 General Council & Supervising Council 壁報論文摘要審查委員會 Abstract Review Committee...

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2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 大會歡迎詞 Welcome Remarks... 1 理監事會 General Council & Supervising Council... 2 壁報論文摘要審查委員會 Review Committee... 3 會議議程 Conference Agenda... 4 主題演講 Keynote Speech... 5 專題研討會議程及摘要 Mini-Symposium Agenda and s... 7 壁報論文摘要 Poster s... 9 地圖及路線指引 Map & Directions 工作人員名單 Staff List 誌謝 Acknowledgements... 83

3 大會歡迎詞 Welcome Remarks 各位會員及朋友們 : 感謝您撥冗前來參加本年度大會, 首先我要感謝中國醫藥大學生物醫學研究所與認知科學團隊在人力 行政 財務上的支持, 與本會共同主辦此次會議 ; 其次要感謝中央大學與陽明大學團隊協助邀請國際學者並支援大會行政業務 臺灣認知神經科學學會至今成立第六年, 在各位會員的努力下, 臺灣腦與心智科學研究領域, 逐年都有新的成長 今年度年會會議的主旨為統計學習 (Statistical Learning) 理論在認知神經科學研究上的意義與發現, 我們非常榮幸邀請到兩位知名的國際學者蒞臨演講, 其中以色列耶路撒冷希伯來大學的 Ram Frost 教授, 將以專題演講介紹統計學習理論第二外語學習及閱讀策略之研究 美國耶魯大學的 Nicholas Turk-Browne 教授將以系列的神經影像學 神經心理學和計算機研究, 說明學習 統計及工作記憶歷程中海馬迴系統主要作用, 兩位學者講座內容之精彩可期 本次年會亦規劃了幾場小型主題研討會, 內容涵蓋基礎研究至認知神經科學於各領域的應用, 主題包括手語 老化 成癮 及臉孔辨識等認知神經科學議題的研討 在新年度的初始, 能夠見到國內外學界好友們, 不吝分享目前的研究成果與進展, 我們很榮幸與各位, 一同為臺灣腦與心智科學研究拓展更寬廣開闊的道路 祝各位身心健康, 闔家平安 臺灣認知神經科學學會理事長鄭谷苑敬上 1

4 理監事會 General Council & Supervising Council 理事會 General Council 理事長 Director General 鄭谷苑 服務單位 Affiliation 中原大學心理學系暨研究所 秘書長 Secretary General 陳昱君 服務單位 Affiliation 輔仁大學師資培育中心 理事 Directors 鄭仕坤吳仕煒洪蘭吳嫻李佳穎張智宏段正仁柯立偉趙軒甫黃植懋 服務單位 Affiliation 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所國立陽明大學神經科學研究所國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所中央研究院語言研究所國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所國立交通大學生物科技系暨研究所中原大學心理學系暨研究所國立交通大學生物科技系暨研究所 監事 Supervising Council 常務監事 Executive supervisor 曾志朗 服務單位 Affiliation 國立交通大學 監事 Supervisors 戴浩一 襲充文 服務單位 Affiliation 國立中正大學語言學研究所 國立中正大學心理系 ( 本名單依據本會法人登記證書排序 ) 2

5 壁報論文摘要審查委員會 Review Committee 姓名 Name 吳昌衛吳建德吳恩賜吳嫻李佳穎李佳霖李金鈴林君昱段正仁徐峻賢張立鴻張育愷張智宏張葶葶梁偉光許禕芳郭柏呈陳建中黃植懋詹雨臻詹曉蕙趙軒甫鄭雅薇鄭仕坤襲充文 服務單位 Affiliation 臺北醫學大學醫學人文研究所國立臺灣大學職能治療學系國立臺灣大學心理系國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所中央研究院語言研究所國立臺灣大學心理系中國醫藥大學生物醫學研究所國立成功大學心理系國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所中央研究院語言研究所國立陽明大學神經科學研究所國立體育大學競技學院競技與教練科學研究所國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所國立政治大學心理學系暨心理學研究所國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系國立臺灣大學心理系國立臺灣大學心理系交通大學 - 生物科技系暨研究所國立清華大學學習科學與科技研究所國立臺灣師範大學英語學系中原大學心理系暨心理研究所國立陽明大學神經科學研究所國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所國立中正大學心理系本名單依據姓名筆劃排序 3

6 會議議程 Conference Agenda Time / 時間 Events / 活動內容 9:30~10:00 Registration 報到 Venue: Room 205, 2F, Ankang Hall 地點 : 安康大樓二樓 205 教室 (10:00-12:30) 10:00~10:10 Opening Remarks 開幕致詞 Keynote speech 10:10~11:00 Visual statistical learning and writing systems: learning to read a novel orthography Professor Ram Frost Department of Psychology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem 11:00~11:10 Break 中場休息 Keynote speech 11:10~12:00 Rethinking memory systems for statistical learning Professor Nicholas Turk-Browne Department of Psychology, Yale University 12:00~12:10 Group photo 團體合照 12:10~12:30 Assembly meeting 會員大會 12:30~13:00 Lunch 午餐 ( 自理 / 大會代訂餐盒 ) 13:00~13:50 13:50~15:20 Poster presentation 壁報論文 Venue: 2F, Ankang Hall 地點 : 安康大樓二樓中庭 Symposium A: Cognitive Changes in Normal Aging Chair: Yu-Ling Chang ( 張玉玲 ) National Taiwan University Venue: R201, 安康 201 教室 Symposium B: Addiction Chairs: Hsien-Yuan Lane 1 ( 藍先元 ) Lung Yu 2 ( 游一龍 ) 1 China Medical University 2 National Cheng Kung University Venue: R202, 安康 202 教室 15:20~15:30 Coffee break 中場休息 15:30~17:00 Symposium C: Sign Language Chair: Y. S. Chiu ( 邱倚璿 ) Fu Jen Catholic University Venue: R201, 安康 201 教室 Symposium D: Intelligence in Face Processing Chairs: Gary C. W. Shyi 1 ( 襲充文 ) Sarina H. L. Chien 2 ( 簡惠玲 ) 1 National Chung-Cheng University 2 China Medical University Venue: R202, 安康 202 教室 4

7 主題演講 Keynote Speech Visual statistical learning and writing systems: learning to read a novel orthography Writing systems can be characterized by systematic co-occurrences of letter sequences, by correlations of in letter-to-sound mappings, and by correlations between form and semantic meaning through morphological structure. Proficient readers implicitly develop sensitivities to these statistical properties. While learning to read in L2, they acquire a new lexical system, mainly by picking up and assimilating a new set of statistical regularities. However, like any cognitive ability, there are individual differences in the sensitivity to the correlations in the environment. What drives then the variance in visual statistical learning? Is this variance related to ease or difficulty of learning to read a new orthography? Drawing on information theory we entertain the theoretical hypothesis that rate of novel information (entropy) per time unit predicts perception of regularities in the visual modality for a given individual. The theoretical implications to learning to read in different writing systems will be discussed. 5

8 Rethinking memory systems for statistical learning Dogma states that memory can be divided into distinct types, based on whether conscious or not, one-shot or statistical, autobiographical or factual, sensory or motor, etc. These distinctions have been supported by dissociations in brain localization, task performance, developmental trajectories, and pharmacological interventions, among other techniques. A natural consequence is the assumption of a one-to-one mapping between brain systems and memory behaviors. Aside from theoretical concerns about dissociation logic, there have also now been several empirical demonstrations of where these boundaries break down, from contributions of the hippocampus to reward learning and motor behavior to rapid episodic-like learning in frontal cortex. These considerations suggest that behavior is overdetermined by multiple memory systems. As a case study, I will describe a series of neuroimaging, neuropsychological, and computational studies implicating the hippocampal system in statistical learning, a function more traditionally ascribed to cortical systems. I will end by considering some open questions that arise from this perspective, including about how the function and balance of memory systems changes over development and how multiple memory signals are integrated to guide behavior. 6

9 專題研討會議程及摘要 Mini-Symposium Agenda and s Symposium A: Cognitive Changes in Normal Aging Chair: Yu-Ling Chang ( 張玉玲 ) National Taiwan University Venue: R201, 安康 201 教室 NO Time Event A1 13:50-14:10 A2 14:10-14:30 A3 14:30-14:50 A4 14:50-15:20 Li Jingling ( 李金鈴 ) Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences, China Medical University The effect of aging on collinear grouping in visual search Yi-Chuan Chen ( 陳奕全 ) Department of Medicine, Mackay Medical College Life-span changes of multisensory perception Joshua Oon Soo Goh ( 吳恩賜 ) Graduate Institute of Brain and Mind Sciences, National Taiwan University Age effects on the neural processing of value-based decisions Yu-Ling Chang ( 張玉玲 ) Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University The interindividual variability in cognitive aging and its modulated factors Symposium B: Addiction Chairs: Hsien-Yuan Lane 1 ( 藍先元 ); Lung Yu 2 ( 游一龍 ) 1 China Medical University, 2 National Cheng Kung University Venue: R202, 安康 202 教室 NO Time Event B1 13:50-14:10 B2 14:10-14:30 B3 14:30-14:50 Lung Yu ( 游一龍 ) Department of Physiology and Institute of Behavioral Medicine, National Cheng Kung University College of Medicine, Taiwan Modulation of social support on cocaine-supported memory and extinction Yun Wang ( 王昀 ) Center for Neuropsychiatric Research, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan Experimental therapy against methamphetamine mediated response Yi-Hung, Chen ( 陳易宏 ) Graduate Institute of Acupuncture Science, China Medical University, Taiwan Effects of acupuncture on drug addiction from a neurophysiologic viewpoint 7

10 Symposium C: Sign Language Chair: Y. S. Chiu ( 邱倚璿 ) Fu Jen Catholic University Venue: R201, 安康 201 教室 NO Time Event C1 15:30-15:50 C2 15:50-16:10 C3 16:10-16:30 Liu, H. T.( 劉秀丹 ) Department of Special Education, National Taiwan Normal University 國小兒童台灣自然手語能力測驗之編製 Jane S. Tsay( 蔡素娟 ), James T. Myers( 麥傑 ), James Hau-Y Tai( 戴浩一 ) Institute of Linguistics, National Chung Cheng University 老化對手語與口語傳達效率的影響 Chiu, Y. S.( 邱倚璿 ) Department of Psychology, Fu Jen Catholic University 台灣手語構詞對於中文文字辨識之影響 Symposium D: Intelligence in Face Processing Chairs: Gary C. W. Shyi 1 ( 襲充文 ) Sarina H. L. Chien 2 ( 簡惠玲 ) 1 National Chung-Cheng University 2 China Medical University Venue: R202, 安康 202 教室 NO Time Event D1 15:30-15:50 D2 15:50-16:10 D3 16:10-16:30 D4 16:30-16:50 Chien-Chung Chen ( 陳建中 ) Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University, Taiwan A machine learning analysis of face categories: races, genders, and expressions Chi-Chun (Jeremy) Lee ( 李祈均 ) Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan A perspective on using machine learning in fmri data modeling for studies of human face processing and beyond Peter K.H. Cheng ( 程冠豪 ) 1 & Gary C. W. Shyi ( 襲充文 ) 2 1 Research Center for Education, and Mind Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan & 2 Center for Cognitive Sciences, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan "Do I know thee? Brain mechanisms underpinning acquired familiarity of faces." Sarina H. L. Chien ( 簡惠玲 ) Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan Recognizing faces: the development and challenges of becoming a native face expert 8

11 Symposium A: Cognitive changes in normal aging: From perception to higher cortical functions Organizer: Yu-Ling Chang ( 張玉玲 ), Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University Synopsis Both behavioral and physiological changes occur during the aging process, and the impact of these changes on daily activities can determine how successfully an individual ages. In this symposium, we will present some of the evidence for age-related impairments in basic cognitive functions, focusing primarily on perception, and also discuss how aging affects the interactions between sensory systems (e.g., audiovisual processing integration). We further present evidence for age-related changes in value-based decision making and the underlying neural mechanism. Although the overall picture might seem to be one of cognitive decline, enormous variability exists across individuals. A question of great interest to aging researchers is what accounts for this variability. Toward the end of the symposium, we will also present evidence to demonstrate that cognitive decline is not inevitable. Factors that may account for much of the variance will be discussed. Talk #1: Li Jingling ( 李金鈴 ), Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences, China Medical University The effect of aging on collinear grouping in visual search Talk #2: Yi-Chuan Chen ( 陳奕全 ), Department of Medicine, Mackay Medical College Life-span changes of multisensory perception Talk #3: Joshua Oon Soo Goh ( 吳恩賜 ), Graduate Institute of Brain and Mind Sciences, National Taiwan University Age effects on the neural processing of value-based decisions Talk #4: Yu-Ling Chang ( 張玉玲 ), Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University The interindividual variability in cognitive aging and its modulated factors 9

12 The effect of aging on collinear grouping in visual search Li Jingling( 李金鈴 ), Ph.D. Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences China Medical University In visual search, salient objects usually capture attention. However, our previous studies revealed an opposite phenomenon called the collinear masking effect, which is delayed responses to a target overlapping with a salient collinear object comparing to that in the background. The goal of this study is to test whether the collinear masking effect was weaker or stronger when aging, and the possible mechanism underlying the masking effect and aging. There are two possibilities. First, aging declines the ability of perceptual grouping, which may thus decrease the collinear masking effect. On the other hand, aging also decreases interference control which may thus enlarge the collinear masking effect. Three experiments were carried out. Experiment 1 established that old adults showed larger collinear masking effect than young adults. Experiment 2 showed that as the collinear distractor elongated (stronger grouping strength), the collinear masking effect become stronger for both age groups. Meanwhile, old adults showed a larger increment than young adults when the collinear distractor was longer. Experiment 3 collect BOLD signals while participants did the visual search task. Results showed that both young and old adults increase BOLD activations in early visual cortex when distractor length increases. Nevertheless, old adults showed more activations than young adults in motor control network for a target masked by the collinear distractor. Our data imply that collinear masking effect is determined by both early visual processing on perceptual grouping, as well as top-down interference control of target discrimination. Aging mainly affect the latter and thus increases the masking effect in old adults. 10

13 Life-span Changes of Multisensory Perception Yi-Chuan Chen ( 陳奕全 ), Ph.D. Department of Medicine Mackay Medical College Studying multisensory perception provides the most ecologically valid approach to understand human perceptual systems: When watching a film or eating a meal, for example, these everyday activities involve different senses working together. In this talk, I will present the life-span changes of visual-auditory integration in the temporal domain using the simultaneity judgment task. In addition, I will also report the correlations between the precision of audiovisual simultaneity perception and gait performance in the aging populations. In childhood, the precision of audiovisual simultaneity perception improves with age in both visual-leading and auditory-leading conditions, and reach adult level by 9 years of age. During healthy aging, the precision of audiovisual simultaneity perception declines in both middle-aged (55-64 years old) and older (65-80 years old) adult groups, especially in the visual-leading conditions. In the aging populations, the precision of audiovisual simultaneity perception is negatively correlated with double support time variability of gait (i.e., higher precision, smaller variability). Taken together, people s perception of audiovisual simultaneity improves in childhood, and declines since middle age. More critically, the precision in audiovisual simultaneity perception is worse for the elders who walk less steadily, suggesting that audiovisual perception and motor controls likely degenerate together during aging. This study therefore contributes to future design of regimen for old adults with history of falling. 11

14 Age effects on the neural processing of value-based decisions Joshua Oon Soo Goh ( 吳恩賜 ), Ph.D. Graduate Institute of Brain and Mind Sciences National Taiwan University Aging is associated with changes in frontal, striatal, and medial temporal structure and functioning. These brain regions play a central role in deciding between choices of different values. In a series of experiments involving lottery choice decisions, we evaluated young and older adult differences in risk-taking behavior and associated neural processing in these brain regions. In the lottery choice task, decisions to follow expected values as objectively presented are more optimal than biases to apply subjective valuation heuristics. Our findings revealed that older adults are more risk-taking than younger adults in lottery choice decisions, particularly for stakes associated with likely losses. Critically, younger but not older adult ventral striatum showed sensitivity to increasing stake probabilities. Instead, older adults engaged medial temporal and ventral medial areas to increasing stake probabilities, and dorsolateral and dorsomedial frontal areas to decreasing stake probabilities. Older adults also displayed substantial individual differences such that those with greater neural sensitivity to expected value in medial temporal, striatal, and medial frontal areas showed more extreme risk-preferences. Finally, modulating emotional feedback affected older adult decisions more than younger adults, suggesting the greater reliance on affective processing for value-based decisions with age. Our findings are consistent with a shift in the neural computation of value-based decisions from young to older adults that stems from age-related differences in the subjective value of probabilistic events. 12

15 The interindividual variability in cognitive aging and its modulated factors Yu-Ling Chang ( 張玉玲 ), Ph.D. Department of Psychology National Taiwan University As cognitive models of behavior continue to evolve, the range of individual variations in abilities and performance remains a challenge to cognitive aging. Recent research has begun to unveil various factors that may explain this variability. For instance, morphometric and neruofunctional characteristics, genetic and environmental influences, developmental, and pathological mechanisms may all contribute to Intra- and inter-individual variability. In this presentation, we will demonstrate some possible modulated factors that might account for the inter-individual variability on cognition with our recent studies. Specifically, we will focus on discussing issues concerning: 1) the genetic influences on cognitive variability. 2) Modulation effects of environmental factors on genetic influences on cognition. 3) Neurofunctional characteristics the might modulate cognition in older adults. 13

16 Symposium B: Addiction Organizers: Hsien-Yuan Lane ( 藍先元 ) 1, Lung Yu ( 游一龍 ) 2 1 Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan 2 Department of Physiology and Institute of Behavioral Medicine, National Cheng Kung University Synopsis There are many substances that people engaged daily and became a habit. A simple habit of having a drink for dinner can help an individual relax, making the brain believe that the harmful substance is actually beneficial and necessary under certain situations. However, a habit becomes an addiction when markedly increased amounts of substance is needed to achieve the desired effect which leads to significant impairments in health. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health in 2014, about 21.5 million American adults suffer from substance use disorder, which cost around $200 billion in healthcare, criminal justice, legal, and lost workplace production. In Taiwan, according to the National Police Agency in 2014, nearly half of the total prison population (46.3%) was serving sentences related to drugs, and the Ministry of Education launched a program to provide medical treatment and re-education for drug addicts. With the advancement of modern medical sciences and technologies, great effort has been put into treating addictions. The present symposium aims to spawn on latest findings in addictions and its treatments in Taiwan. The first talk focuses on modulation of social support using a mouse model to assess the impact of companions on the rewarding effects of cocaine. The second talk introduces an experimental therapy that effectively reduces methamphetamine response and may be a potential therapeutic approach for Meth abuse. Lastly, the third talk gives us a new insight from traditional Chinese medicine that focuses on the effects of acupuncture on drug addiction. Talk #1: Lung Yu ( 游一龍 ), Department of Physiology and Institute of Behavioral Medicine, National Cheng Kung University College of Medicine, Taiwan Modulation of social support on cocaine-supported memory and extinction Talk #2: Yun Wang ( 王昀 ), Center for Neuropsychiatric Research, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan Experimental therapy against methamphetamine mediated response Talk #3: Yi-Hung, Chen ( 陳易宏 ), Graduate Institute of Acupuncture Science, China Medical University, Taiwan Effects of acupuncture on drug addiction from a neurophysiologic viewpoint 14

17 Modulation of social support on cocaine-supported memory and extinction Lung Yu ( 游一龍 ), Ph.D. Distinguished Professor Department of Physiology and Institute of Behavioral Medicine, National Cheng Kung University College of Medicine We first sought to assess the impact of companions on the rewarding effects of cocaine. Three cage mates, serving as social support, were housed with each experimental mouse throughout cocaine-place conditioning in a cocaine-induced conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm using conditioning doses ranging mg/kg. The presence of social support decreased the magnitude of the CPP. At 20 mg/kg, cocaine stimulated dopamine (DA) release in the nucleus accumbens as evidenced by a significant decrease in total (spontaneous and electrical stimulation-provoked) DA release in accumbal superfusate samples. Social support prevented this cocaine-stimulated DA release; such a reduction in cocaine-induced DA release may account for the reduction in the magnitude of the CPP in the presence of the support. Furthermore, cocaine pretreatment (2.5 mg/kg) was found to prevent the support-produced decreases in cocaine (10 mg/kg/conditioning)-induced CPP as well as the cocaine (10 mg/kg)-stimulated DA release. Moreover, the presence of methamphetamine (MA) (1 mg/kg)-treated group decreased cocaine (20 mg/kg/conditioning)-induced CPP and prevented the cocaine (20 mg/kg)-stimulated DA release. Finally, social support decreased the magnitude of the CPP could not seem to be accounted for by cocaine-stimulated corticosterone (CORT) release. These results indicate that familiar companions, regardless of their pharmacological status, may exert dampening effects on CPP induced by moderate to high conditioning doses of cocaine, at least in part, by preventing cocaine-stimulated DA release in the nucleus accumbens. While the presence of social support rendered decreases in cocaine-stimulated DA release in the nucleus accumbens and cocaine-induced CPP magnitude, the underlying mechanisms remained elusive. We, thus, decided to further assess whether basolateral nucleus of amygdala (BLA), dorsal hippocampus (DH), and dorsolateral striatum (DLS), all limbic structures involving in cocaine-associated learning and memory, was required for the group-exerted suppressive effect on the cocaine-induced CPP. Approximately 1 week before the conditioning procedure, intracranial ibotenic acid infusions were done in an attempt to cause excitotoxic lesions targeting bilateral BLA, DH and DLS. Albeit their BLA, DH, and DLS lesions, the lesioned mice exhibited comparable cocaine-induced CPP magnitudes compared to the intact and sham lesion controls. Bilateral BLA, but not DH or DLS, lesions abolished the companions-exerted suppressive effect on the cocaine-induced CPP. Intact mice receiving intra-bla infusion of raclopride, a selective D2 antagonist, 30 min prior to the cocaine conditioning did not exhibit the companions-exerted suppressive effect on the cocaine-induced CPP. Intra-BLA infusion of Sch23390, a selective D1 antagonist, did not affect the companions-exerted suppressive effect on the CPP. These results, taken together, prompt us to conclude that the intactness of BLA is required for the companions-exerted suppressive effect on the cocaine-induced CPP and activation of D2 receptor in the BLA is required for such suppressive effect on the CPP. Finally, we found that the presence of supportive group impaired the reconsolidation of the originally formed cocaine-induced CPP and facilitated the cocaine memory extinction. Cannabinoid receptor type 2 (CB2) was suspected involved in this supportive group-exerted effect. 15

18 Experimental therapy against methamphetamine mediated response Yun Wang ( 王昀 ) Center for Neuropsychiatric Research, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan Methamphetamine (Meth) is a dopaminergic (DA) neurotoxin and a common drug of abuse that readily crosses the blood-brain barrier. Currently, there is no effective pharmacological therapy for Meth abuse in patients. High doses of Meth activate caspase-3, upregulate p53, and produce DNA fragmentation and cell death in dopaminergic neurons. Experimental therapy has been developed to antagonize Meth-mediated neurodegeneration in DA neurons through the inhibition of apoptosis. We recently demonstrated that Meth mediated intracellular Ca++ (Ca++i) signals, examined by an intracellular Ca++ probe GCaMP5, in real time was blocked by MK801, Mg++, low Ca++, or the L-type Ca++ channel inhibitor nifedipine, suggesting Meth enhanced Ca++i through Glu receptor in primary cortical neurons. The ryanodine receptor (RyR) inhibitor dantrolene did not alter the initial Ca++ influx but partially reduced the peak of Ca++i. These data suggest Meth enhanced Ca++ influx through membrane Ca++ channels, which then triggered the release of Ca++ from the endoplasmic reticulum in the cytosol. Since Meth induces behavioral responses and neurotoxicity through Ca++i, modulation of Ca++i may be useful to reduce Meth related reactions. We next generated a recombinant adeno-associated virus serotype-8 vector (AAV-MethAb) carrying the gene for a Meth-specific monoclonal antibody (MethAb). Infection with AAV-MethAb enhanced the expression and secretion of antibodies, which can bind to Meth, in 293 cells. The viral vector was then examined in adult ICR mice. Systemic administration of AAV-MethAb resulted in long-term expression of MethAb in the serum up to 29 weeks. Serum collected from the animals receiving AAV-MethAb retained a high specificity for (+)-Meth. Animals were challenged with Meth at five weeks after viral injection. Meth levels in the brain and serum, as well as Meth-induced locomotor activity, were all significantly attenuated. In conclusion, our data support that AAV-MethAb administration effectively reduces Meth responses and may be a potential therapeutic approach for Meth abuse. References: Yu S. et al. Addiction Biology 21:2, , 2016 Chen, Y.H. et al., Sci Rep 7:46301,

19 Effects of acupuncture on drug addiction from a neurophysiologic viewpoint Yi-Hung Chen ( 陳易宏 ) Graduate Institute of Acupuncture Science, China Medical University, Taiwan Opiate and cocaine are two major drugs of addiction. In 2012, we systematically reviewed the evidence from randomized clinical trials published in Chinese and English from 1970 onwards. Most of these trials agreed that acupuncture was an effective strategy for the treatment of opiate addiction. Our recent randomized controlled trial suggested that acupuncture can reduce the required daily dose of methadone, which is currently prescribed for opiate dependence. The conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm assesses the rewarding effects of a variety of drugs in basic research. Animal models have demonstrated that acupuncture affects the reinforcing effects of morphine and cocaine. In addition, we found that EA reduces seizure severity and death caused by cocaine. Acupuncture may be an appropriate adjuvant therapy for drug addiction. 17

20 Symposium C: Sign Language 專題座談三 台灣手語能力 傳達效率與運作 Organizer: 邱倚璿 (Chiu, Y. S.) 輔仁大學心理系 (Department of Psychology, Fu Jen Catholic University) 概要 台灣手語是台灣聾人用來溝通的自然語言, 然而, 受到一些政策影響, 聾人被教育成要使用口語, 並認為這樣對聾人的溝通與中文文字學習有所助益 所幸受到美國手語研究的啟發, 台灣手語的研究也逐漸在台灣扎根 本專題座談, 第一篇將探討 國小兒童台灣自然手語能力測驗之編製, 透過手語能力測驗的評估, 分別針對手語詞彙理解 句法理解及段落理解做一評估, 以幫助後續研究對於手語能力可以有更細緻地分辨 ; 第二篇研究則是探討 老化對手語與口語傳達效率的影響, 將語言的傳達效率再細分為傳輸效率 ( 每秒傳達的命題量 ) 與表徵效率 ( 每音節傳達的命題量 ), 來清楚釐清老化對於不同形式語言產生運作之影響 ; 第三篇研究, 則是較間接地探討台灣手語如何對於中文詞彙辨識造成影響 希望透過相關研究的累積, 可以對於手語語言運作有更清楚的了解, 進而減低主流口語文化對於手語的偏見, 尊重不同語言文化的價值 座談 1: 劉秀丹, 臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系 (Liu, H. T., Department of Special Education, National Taiwan Normal University) 國小兒童台灣自然手語能力測驗之編製 座談 2: 蔡素娟 麥傑 戴浩一 ((Tsay, J. S., Myers, J., & Tai, J.,), 國立中正大學語言所 (Tsay, J. S., Myers, J., & Tai, J., Institute of Linguistics, National Chung Cheng University) 老化對手語與口語傳達效率的影響 座談 3: 邱倚璿, 輔仁大學心理系 (Chiu, Y. S., Department of Psychology, Fu Jen Catholic University) 台灣手語構詞對於中文文字辨識之影響 18

21 國小兒童台灣自然手語能力測驗之編製 劉秀丹臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系摘要本研究目的在發展國小兒童台灣自然手語能力測驗, 以了解台灣國小兒童手語能力, 作為教學與研究的重要工具 本研究透過專家團隊討論, 並參考青少年及成人的台灣手語理解能力測驗, 擬定本測驗架構, 再依此架構設計測驗題目 選項, 並經過多次預試 討論與修正, 發展出在網路上施測與計分的測驗方式 最後以全台三所聾校中, 同意接受測驗的國小兒童 33 位進行測驗, 透過項目分析, 選出鑑別度佳及難度合宜的題目, 並建立信效度等心理計量指標, 最後並列出預測聾生手語理解能力的迴歸公式 其主要具體結果為 : (1) 國小兒童台灣手語理解能力測驗的架構包括詞彙理解 句法理解及段落理解三個分測驗, 各有 及 9 個題目 (2) 國小台灣手語理解能力測驗採個別且網路化的方式進行施測, 計分快速客觀, 並立即將結果回饋給受測者, 有助於教學與研究的進行 施測過程不需依賴中文閱讀能力及記憶能力, 大多數學生可以在 25 分鐘內可完成 (3) 詞彙分測驗的難度偏易, 句法次之, 段落分測驗相對較難 三個分測驗及全測驗具有優良的鑑別度 (4) 本測驗具有良好的內部一致性信度 重測信度 折半信度 內容效度, 本測驗與非語文智商 教師對學生的手語評等 學生手語能力自評有顯著相關, 表示具有外在效標關聯效度 接受本測驗的高年級聾生表現優於低年級學生 父母親為聾人的聾童, 其表現優於父母親為聽人的聾童, 具有區辨效度 (5) 預測國小聾童的手語理解能力的迴歸公式為 :Y( 手語理解能力 )= *X 1 ( 年齡 )+(-.03)*X 2 ( 開始學手語的年齡 ) 此測驗有利於評量聾生的手語能力並追踪發展, 且此手語測驗編製的經驗也可作為其他國家發展手語測驗的參考 關鍵字 : 手語 台灣手語 理解 測驗 國小 19

22 老化對手語與口語傳達效率的影響 蔡素娟 麥傑 戴浩一 國立中正大學語言所 摘要 Bellugi 和 Fischer (1972) 研究 3 位英語和美國手語雙語者的傳達效率 (communicative efficiency), 發現美國手語單詞比英語單詞的時長要長, 但手語和口語在同樣的時間內所能表達的命題訊息量並無差異 麥傑 蔡素娟 蘇秀芬 (2011) 進一步延伸至台灣手語和漢語的比較, 並且將傳達效率精確區分為傳輸效率 (transmission efficiency, 每秒傳達的命題量 ) 與表徵效率 (representation efficiency, 每音節傳達的命題量 ) 兩者代表的是不同的語言認知能力: 前者是語言的表現能力 (performance), 後者是語法能力 (grammatical competence) 該研究在 年期間收集了 26 名聾人的手語和 31 名聽人的漢語看圖說故事語料 研究結果顯示, 台灣手語與漢語的傳輸效率並無差異, 而表徵效率方面則台灣手語顯著大於漢語 本研究更進一步探討老化對手語與口語傳達效率的影響 實驗一錄製 年曾參與的聾人與聽人十年後 ( ) 說同一個故事的語料 共有 7 名聾人 ( 平均 53 歲 ) 與 12 名聽人 ( 平均 52 歲 ) 參與 結果顯示 :(1) 手語的傳輸效率及表徵效率皆高於口語 (2) 手語的傳輸及表徵效率相較十年前略微提高 實驗二收集聾人壯年組 (12 名, 平均 55 歲 ) 及聾人老年組 (8 名, 平均 69 歲 ) 台灣手語語料, 結果顯示高齡者的表徵效率相較於壯年組並沒有顯著差異, 但是傳輸效率則明顯較低 顯示老化對語法能力的影響不大, 但語言表現能力則會因老化而下降 總結而言, 手語與口語並沒有因為溝通模式 (modality) 的不同而有傳輸效率差別, 顯示人類語言的共性 其次, 手語的表徵效率遠大於口語, 顯示手語的三度空間特質可能有其優勢 最後, 老化對手語的表徵效率的影響不大, 但對傳輸效率則有較明顯的影響, 顯示動作控制 (motor control) 方面的效應 20

23 台灣手語構詞對於中文文字辨識之影響 邱倚璿 輔仁大學心理系 摘要 許多雙語研究發現, 第二語言運作時, 第一語言也常會被自動激發 本研究欲探討台灣手語的構詞結構在閱讀中文時, 是否會被激發運作 研究操弄中文雙字詞轉換成台灣手語時, 有不同的台灣手語構詞結構 單一手語 ( 傳染 ) 單一手語成語詞( 捷徑 ) 雙手語/ 複合詞 ( 法院 ), 邀請使用台灣手語的聾人 使用台灣手語的聽人 以及未學過台灣手語的聽人參與, 參與者對螢幕上的中文雙字詞需做出詞彙判斷, 同時記錄受試者的詞彙判斷正確率 反應時間以及事件相關電位變化 結果發現, 三個族群在構詞結構的正確率或反應時間都未達顯著, 然而在事件相關電位的振幅中, 使用手語的聽人是在大腦前區 500~600 毫秒期間, 出現雙手語 / 複合詞比單一手語成語詞, 出現更負向的波型, 顯示出使用手語的聽人在中文文字辨識時, 對於台灣手語構詞的激發是相當微弱的 ; 使用手語的聾人在全腦區域 400~500 毫秒期間, 雙手語 / 複合詞比起單一手語與單一手語成語詞, 出現更負向的波型, 顯示出使用手語的聾人在中文詞彙運作時, 大腦也會自動地激發手語的構詞結構 關鍵字 : 中文 台灣手語 詞彙辨識 構詞 21

24 Symposium D: Intelligence in Face Processing: Natural vs. Artificial Organizers: Gary Chon-Wen Shyi ( 襲充文 ) 1, Sarina Hui-Lin Chien ( 簡惠玲 ) 2 1 Center for Cognitive Sciences, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan 2 Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan Synopsis In the last decade, tremendous advancement has been made in the innovation of computational face recognition system. However, we are yet to see an artificial recognition algorithm that can be deployed effectively in an unconstrained setting, accounting for all the variability in imaging parameters such as viewing distance and angle, illumination, and sensor noises. Facing these challenges, the system that does work well is the human face recognition system. In a single glance, one can easily recognize a person s identity, gender, race, and emotions with relatively little or even degraded information. Indeed, humans are remarkable face recognition experts. The ability to recognize faces develops exceptionally early in life and appears to be carried out by a specialized brain network. The present symposium aims to create stimulating cross-talks among experts in face processing from computational/machine learning, cognitive neuroscience, and developmental perspectives. The first presentation focuses on subordinate-level analysis of natural face categories such as races, gender, and expressions. The second talk adopts machine learning in fmri data modeling for studies of human face processing. The third talk reveals the brain mechanism underpinning acquired familiarity of faces. The last talk will tap into the developmental processes and challenges of becoming a native face expert. Talk #1: Chien-Chung Chen ( 陳建中 ), Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University, Taiwan A machine learning analysis of face categories: races, genders, and expressions Talk #2: Chi-Chun (Jeremy) Lee ( 李祈均 ), Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing- Hua University, Taiwan A perspective on using machine learning in fmri data modeling for studies of human face processing and beyond Talk #3: Peter K.H. Cheng ( 程冠豪 ) & Gary C. W. Shyi ( 襲充文 ), Research Center for Education and Mind Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan & Center for Cognitive Sciences, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan "Do I know thee? Brain mechanisms underpinning acquired familiarity of faces." Talk #4: Sarina H. L. Chien ( 簡惠玲 ), Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan Recognizing faces: the development and challenges of becoming a native face expert 22

25 A machine learning analysis of face categories: races, genders, and expressions Chien-Chung Chen ( 陳建中 ) Department of Psychology National Taiwan University Human are face categorization experts. With a brief glance, one can easily decide the identity of a face. Such rapid face identification ability is shaped by experience as it is easier to identify the type of the faces that we encounter frequently than those types that we are not familiar with. The purpose of this project is to understand what face information extracted by the visual system may be affected by such inter-categorical effect. We extracted face features from 140 images of Asian humans, Caucasian humans, and chimpanzees. The face features were computed as the ravine of the luminance gradient of the face images. We trained a Fisher discriminator with 85% of the images and then validated the model with the rest 15%. Maximizing the feature variance between different individuals while ensuring minimal variance within individuals achieved good discrimination performances on conspecific faces when selecting a subset of feature dimensions. However, the selected subset of features does not necessarily lead to an optimal performance on the other class of faces. This result is consistent with human psychophysical data in which the observers is to discriminate between human or chimpanzee faces (Dahl, Rasch & Chen, 2014). Thus, the face discrimination system optimizes its performance for the class of faces in its environment, and that face feature tuning can indeed account for both, the own-race and own-species advantages. Furthermore, a discriminator trained for the face with different races can also discriminate between genders in the same race but failed to discriminate between facial expressions and vice versa, suggesting independent mechanisms for these two types of information. 23

26 A perspective on using machine learning in fmri data modeling for studies of human face processing and beyond Chi-Chun (Jeremy) Lee ( 李祈均 ), Department of Electrical Engineering National Tsing-Hua University 24

27 Do I know thee? Brain mechanisms underpinning acquired familiarity of faces Peter K. H. Cheng ( 程冠豪 ) 1 & Gary C. W. Shyi ( 襲充文 ) 2, 1 Research Center for Education and Mind Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan 2 Center for Cognitive Sciences, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan To transform frequently encountered unfamiliar faces into familiar ones is one of the most important social skills. It requires overcoming variations in expression and pose, among others. Our previous studies have shown that a large number (24) multiple exposures coupled with sufficient variation in either expression or pose can lead to robust recognition and significant generalization (Shyi & He, 2011, Wang & Shyi, 2011; Shyi & Lin, 2014; Cheng & Shyi, 2014). Do the same brain areas of face process core system and extended system mediate the experience of acquired familiarity between these two variations? For investigating neural mechanisms that may underlie the effect of acquired familiarity on face recognition, two fmri studies were carried out by manipulating the facial expression or head pose. In the first study, we focus on how expression variation may contribute to acquired familiarity and generalization. And the second study, we examined the extent to which brain mechanisms that are involved between processing upright and inverted face from pose. In both of two studies, we first determined the ROIs from localizing regions of results that showed clear face selectivity. We then extracted the BOLD signals of those ROIs during the face recognition test for further analysis. The first study indicated that neural activations in the left FFA, right msts, bilateral psts, and right IFG can predict the magnitude of generalization to new target faces. In the second study, activation for areas subsumed the core (FFA, OFA) system are both involved in upright and inverted face for face processing. However, a difference in activation in a brain region including hippocampus and amygdala suggests that it was more selective for processing upright face than for inverted one. Keyword: fmri, face recognition, face generalization 25

28 Recognizing faces: the development and challenges of becoming a native face expert Sarina Hui-Lin Chien ( 簡惠玲 ) Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences China Medical University Faces, the forefront of our identities, carry abundant visual and social information. In a single glance, one can easily recognize a person s enduring traits such as identity, gender, age, and race, as well as transient states such as emotions. Although many face processing skills are present during infancy, adult-like expertise in recognizing faces is not achieved until later childhood. In this talk, I will highlight the developmental processes and challenges of becoming a native face expert in infants and children from several aspects. First, newborn infants are drawn toward face-like patterns over non-face patterns. This preference reflects an innate bias toward a first-order face-like configuration (i.e., two eyes above the mouth). Second, by 3 or 4 months, infants exhibited a readily better sensitivity for own-race faces, indicating a fast learning process specifically tuned to natural faces frequently encountered in the visual environment. Third, despite the early emergence of face processing ability in infancy, the adult-like proficiency in own-race face discrimination is not manifested until later childhood. In sum, our findings suggest that expertise in face processing may take the entire childhood to develop and support the perceptual learning view emphasizing the facilitative effect of experience. Last but not least, the limitations and avenues for future research will be discussed. 26

29 壁報論文摘要 Poster s No. Title Author P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 Deficits in morphing-face discrimination, dynamic emotion recognition, and expression imitation in patients with Parkinson s disease and dementia Neural correlates of perceptual and conceptual priming: A meta-analysis of fmri studies The empirical mode decomposition approach to phantom tone perception Genetic analyses of molecules and neural circuits regulating REM sleep The event-related potentials in Processing Congruency of Facial Expression and Emotional Prosody Region-based or Edge-based? On the Grouping Mechanism of the Collinear Masking Effect in Visual Search Adults with Asperger syndrome rely less on holistic processing in face and object perception 簡惠玲 李松穆 謝宜蕙 劉至堯 黃世琤 劉彥廷 熊恩筠 P08 The mechanism of inhibition of return in gaze cues 陳萱容 P09 Neural mechanisms underlying creative thinking in normal aging 李蕙中 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 The conflicting outcomes of the organizational processing on test-potentiated learning. Before you pull the trigger: Oscillatory desynchronization under attentiveness differentiates good and poor shots The Relation between Cognitive Functions and Processing of Ambiguous Words EEG Oscillations Change with Familiarity in Contingent Reorienting task: Revealed by Time-frequency and Holo spectrum The Influence of Autistic Traits on Social Networking in Neurotypical Adults The degree of lucidity experienced in dreaming could reflect the capacity of conflict resolution in cognitive control. Individual abilities of statistical learning are affected by material modalities and relationships 王忻怡張詔雄蔡佩舒蔡劭揚范揚騰盧慕蓉連玉慧 P17 Sentence Comprehension at the Syntax-Pragmatics Interface 徐坤宇 27

30 No. Title Author P18 Context effects on subjective probability and choice under risk 施琬諭 P19 The influence of repressive coping style and anxiety on interactions of emotional states and inhibitory control: An event-related potential study 蔡怡君 P20 憂鬱症之醫療照護與醫療成本之指標研究陳家芬 P21 P22 P23 P24 P25 P26 P27 P300 amplitude is associated with the memory load effects in an operation span task The Effect of Orthography on Statistical Learning: Evidence from Taiwanese and Indonesian Readers Lateralized brain responses for structural analysis are critical for better language learning outcome Distinct neural patterns for coding spatial and temporal information during working memory tasks: a multivariate pattern analysis approach Developing grip force as an index for motor inhibitory control and associated neural dynamics Human visual steady-state responses to amplitude-modulated flicker: latency measurements Neural Mechanism of Reward and Punishment during Inhibitory Control with Simultaneous fmri-eeg Study. 莊凱淯 Andhika Renaldi 顏瑄慧洪意惠 Nguyen Van Trung Kien Trong Nguyen Rupesh Kumar Chikara P28 對比極性不對稱於似動運動 (AM) 的效果宋珮珊 P29 P30 P31 P32 P33 Does Picture Angle Really Matter in the Guilty Knowledge Lie Detection Test? Exploring the relationship between Empathy Quotient (EQ) and the proficiency with featural vs. configural face processing The effects of ketamine use on brain morphology and functional changes in early-exposed adolescents Characterizing the Impact of Aging on the Interaction between Controlled and Automatic Inhibition Cross-sectional differences in executive control as a function of combination of trait mindfulness, trait anxiety and associated neural correlates 徐子圓郭昱劭劉一萱李子伶迦思瓦 P34 Neural Correlates of Arithmetic Word Problem Solving Tzu-Chen Lung P35 Cognitive State Monitoring with a Wireless EEG Sensing System Yi-Chen Lu 28

31 No. Title Author P36 Retrieval orientation for emotional memories in healthy and depressive patients: an ERP study 劉子菱 P37 Role of Facial Expression Conflict in Motor Inhibition Cheng-I Lam P38 P39 P40 Big Data Reveal Positive Relationship between Performance in Physical Education and Other Academic Domains Family history of Alzheimer s disease and the resting-state fmri functional connectivity Assessing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms with EEG Features Acquired from Machine Learning 張智宏 葉軒豪 張揚 P41 The influence of accidental rewards on action inhibition 李芯如 P42 P43 P44 P45 P46 P47 P48 A cooler head with a second language? emotional expectation in L2 sentence processing Chinese characters elicit face-like inversion effects: a magnetoencephalograhic study Evaluation of the publication bias and replicability in two meta-analyses of task-related fmri Reconsidering the description-experience gap: Overweighting of rare events in experienced-based decision under risk The effect of social status and equity theory on inequality -averse social preference NEURAL MECHANISMS FOR BASE-RATE NEGLECT IN JUDGMENT UNDER UNCERTAINTY Trading off information against reward in time in a perceptual decision task 潘彥霖李俊輝 Chun-Chia Kung 李淑卿顏子昀楊勻硯王牧晨 29

32 P01 Deficits in morphing-face discrimination, dynamic emotion recognition, and expression imitation in patients with Parkinson s disease and dementia Sarina Hui-Lin Chien( 簡惠玲 )*, Mary Wen-Reng Ho( 何玟礽 ), Chun-Man Chen( 陳君嫚 ), Chon-Haw Tsai( 蔡崇豪 ), Hsien-Yuan Lane( 藍先元 ) Identifying faces and perceiving emotions can be achieved by us effortlessly; however such ability is often neglected by patients with Parkinson s disease and which could affect their quality of life. Parkinson s disease (PD) is a degenerative brain disease, as the disease progresses it affects mental function and often develops dementia (PD-D). Some of the common symptoms of PD-D include motor deficits, mask-like expression, and social cognition dysfunctions. Several studies revealed PD-D patients have impaired facial perception and emotion recognition; however, few studies explored facial discrimination threshold and accuracy in perceiving dynamic facial emotion in PD-D patients. The present study examined the sensitivity in discriminating faces in PD-D patients; their capabilities of recognizing six basic emotions as well as imitating emotions. We tested 11 PD-D patients (mean age: 75±6.33) and 10 healthy controls (mean age: 68±2.44) with three tasks: the same/different morphing-face discrimination task, the dynamic facial emotion task, and the emotion imitation task. The morphing-face discriminating task involves comparing a target face and a comparison face morphing at 0% (same) or 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80% (different). The PD-D patients exhibited the same threshold but greater noises (indicating a high internal uncertainty) in discriminating faces than the control group. The dynamic facial emotion task required the participants to identify a set of dynamic facial emotions (anger, disgust, fear, happy, sad, and surprise). The PD-D patients performed significantly worse in recognizing disgust and fear, and had a longer response time. The emotion imitation task required the participants to imitate 6 basic emotions; the PD-D patients can imitate happy expression easily as compared to disgust. In sum, our findings suggested that PD-D patients are more uncertain when discriminating faces; are impaired in recognizing negative emotions; and are capable of imitating some emotions despite their selective impairment in identifying emotions. Keywords: Parkinson s disease with Dementia, emotion perception, face perception, emotion imitation, morphing face paradigm 30

33 P02 Neural correlates of perceptual and conceptual priming: A meta-analysis of fmri studies 李松穆 *, 林君昱 Priming refers to the behavioral changes of a person in the identification, production, or classification of a stimulus triggered by a previous encounter of the same or a similar stimulus. Priming can also be categorized into different subtypes such as perceptual priming and conceptual priming. Neuroimaging studies have found that priming is often associated with the decreased activities in various brain regions. This is called the repetition suppression (RS) effect. It is suggested that RS may be the neural basis of behavioral priming. However, it remains controversial regarding whether perceptual and conceptual priming show RS in similar or different brain regions. Therefore, the present study conducted a meta-analysis on fmri studies of perceptual and conceptual priming to clarify the repetition suppression patterns associated with them. We found that the left fusiform gyrus and left middle frontal gyrus consistently show RS during perceptual priming. In contrast, RS was observed in left fusiform gyrus and left inferior frontal gyrus during conceptual priming. In sum, both common and distinct patterns have been found, and more commonalities may exist compared to what has been proposed in the literature. Other findings and implications are also discussed in the present study. Keywords: Priming, Repetition suppression, fmri, Meta-analysis 31

34 P03 The empirical mode decomposition approach to phantom tone perception 謝宜蕙 *, 劉家瑋 The ear and brain interact in an orchestrated effort to create sensations of phantom tones. Phantom sounds are audible to listeners despite lacking physical presence in original sounds. Sensory hair cell activities and cortical mechanisms contributing to phantom phenomenon remain unsettled. Here we use the empirical mode decomposition method to show the occurrence of a perceptible spatial-temporal travelling wave not apparent in the original sounds. The travelling wave revealed here has never been observed on the sound s linear spectrum. Spatial-temporal dynamics of the travelling wave reflects level and frequency dependent changes of the original sound source, and corresponds to perceived tone dynamics of listeners. The wave travelled at a speed that mapped onto the perceived phantom tone frequency. Phase coherence of oscillatory mode dynamics parallels perceptual discrimination sensitivity of listeners. Oscillatory mode of travelling wave acts as functional index to human psychoacoustical dynamics in hearing phantom and other pitch phenomenon. For naturally occurring sounds like speech and music, using a nonlinear time series decomposition approach can uncover hidden but important tone dynamics that affect our everyday perceptual experiences. Keywords: empirical mode decomposition; phantom tone; spatial-temporal travelling wave; nonlinear analysis 32

35 P04 Genetic analyses of molecules and neural circuits regulating REM sleep 劉至堯 * 鹿糠実香 蔡佳容 糸原重美 柳沢正史 Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is evident only in mammals and aves, suggesting a role in higher order brain functions. However, up to now, the physiological function of REM sleep remains largely unknown, partly due to lack of an effective method to manipulate REM sleep. Thus, we aimed to identify neural circuits that are crucial for regulating REM sleep. Decades after the first description of REM sleep (Aserinsky and Kleitman, 1953), the brainstem pontine tegmental area was shown to play a crucial role in REM sleep regulation. More specifically, within this area, pharmacological activation or lesion of a locus termed peri-lc alpha in cats or sublaterodorsal nucleus (SLD) in rodents results in increase or decrease of REM sleep, respectively (Lu et al., 2006; Vanni-Mercier et al., 1989). However, due to the heterogeneous structure of the pons, these studies have not precisely identified the neurons that critically regulate REM sleep. Here, we applied genetic approaches for analyzing and identifying the subsets of SLD neurons involved in the regulation of REM sleep. We searched for genes that are expressed selectively in this area and established Cre-knockin (KI) mice, in which Cre is inserted after the start codon of either of the candidate genes. In these Cre-KI mouse strains, Cre is expressed in a subset of SLD neurons, and we are currently addressing the function of each subset of neurons by chemogenetics. In addition, the homozygous Cre-KI mice, which is equivalent to the KO mice of each candidate gene, also give us insights into whether these candidate genes themselves regulate REM sleep. As a result, we have found that a subset of neurons in the SLD might inhibit REM sleep and a molecule involved in regulating REM sleep, suggesting a potential target for sleep disorders. Keywords: Rapid eye movement sleep, sublaterodorsal nucleus and chemogenetics 33

36 P05 The event-related potentials in Processing Congruency of Facial Expression and Emotional Prosody 黃世琤 The present ERP study investigated the brain activations in processing acoustic emotional prosody and facial expression. Congruous and incongruous of angry and sad face and voice were presented. Twenty young adults participated. In each congruous pair, an angry (or sad) voice fragment accompanied with a congruous angry (or sad) facial expression. Each incongruous pair contained an angry voice prosody was paired with a sad face, or a sad face paired with an angry voice. Ten runs of 80 trials were presented with two kinds of percentage in combinations of the congruous and incongruous trials. Five of them contained 85% congruous trials (as standard pairs) and 15% incongruous trials (as deviant pairs). The results found both P120 and N170 at Pz were higher than Fz and Cz and N170 at Cz was higher than Fz. The analysis of mean amplitudes (MAs) of P and P (congruous pairs) found higher activation at Pz than Cz and Fz, and at right parietal lobe was found higher than at the left. It was found in higher activation of P in incongruous pairs than in congruous pairs of standard trials, however, in contrary, higher activation in congruous pairs than in incongruous pairs of deviant trials. Incongruous trials were found higher in MA than their congruous counterparts in standard trials of P The results suggested higher activations in parietal lobes were found from early stage in processing emotional face and voice information and extended to integrative processes and at the later stage. Taken together, findings suggested a continuous involvement of the parietal lobe, especially at the right hemisphere, in processing emotional face and voice information. Keywords: Brain, Emotion, Perception 34

37 P06 Region-based or Edge-based? On the Grouping Mechanism of the Collinear Masking Effect in Visual Search 劉彥廷 * 李金鈴 We previously established a phenomenon called the collinear masking effect (CME) in visual search, which states the condition that a slower response to target that was presented on a column of collinearly-grouped bars than that in the background. The collinear grouped column is called the distractor in search display. The distractor was like a boundary that cut the display into two regions. The goal of this study was to test whether the edge-like perception is critical in CME. In particularly, texture segregation can be made by edge-based or region-based mechanisms. Accordingly, we used a blur texture to probe the region-based segregation, and a cornsweet texture to probe the edge-based segregation. Participants were required to discriminate the luminance of a target bar, brighter (97.1 cd/m2) or darker (14.1 cd/m2), than the bars in the background (57.4 cd/m2). The target and distractor could appear randomly at 3 possible locations in the display, and the overlapping probability of target and distractor was at change level. The results showed that participants responded significantly longer when the target presented on the collinear distractor (1432ms) than when the target was in the background (1230ms). However, no significant differences between overlapping and in background for blur or cornsweet displays. We suggested that CME cannot be explained by texture segregation. We thus conclude that the CME might be associated with collinear grouping rather than texture perception. Keywords: Collinear masking effect, Perceptual grouping, Edge-based segregation, Region-based segregation, Visual search 35

38 P07 Adults with Asperger syndrome rely less on holistic processing in face and object perception 熊恩筠 * 簡惠玲 Successful recognition of faces and objects surrounding us is fundamental to survival. Previous studies showed that individuals with ASD adopted a featural-based rather than second-order configural-based processing to distinguish among faces and objects. However, a direct test of whether individuals with ASD adopt any holistic processing is lacking, and most studies did not equate the difficulties between the face and object tasks. Thus, the aim of the present study is to investigate face and object perception with two experiments in adults with Asperger syndrome (AS) and healthy aged-match controls. Experiment 1 was the composite face task in which we directly tested whether adults with Asperger syndrome engage in holistic processing by comparing the performance between the aligned, inverted, and misaligned conditions. Experiment 2 was the 2AFC morphing face/object discrimination task in which the task difficulties of distinguishing between morphed images of faces (2 females, 2 males) and objects (car, plane, teapot, cash-register, tennis-racquet, and trumpet) were equated. The participants also received the paper-and-pencil Autism-spectrum Quotient questionnaire (AQ) and Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS). A total of 18 adults with AS and 21 healthy controls were tested in both experiments. The result of Experiment 1 showed that a significant composite face effect was found in the healthy controls but not in the AS group. In Experiment 2, the AS group performed slightly better on the most difficult level (i.e., 12% morph difference) than the control group on the object-discrimination task; the healthy controls performed slightly better in the face-discrimination task, but the difference did not reach significance. In sum, our findings suggest that AS group did not adopt a holistic processing strategy when viewing faces; this agrees with the previous studies showing that individuals with ASD may rely more on feature-based processing. Keywords: face perception, object perception, morphing paradigm, composite effect, Asperger syndrome 36

39 P08 The mechanism of inhibition of return in gaze cues 陳萱容 * 李金玲 Attention orienting includes facilitation (cueing effect) and inhibition mechanisms (inhibition of return, IOR). IOR induced by periphery cues produces an inhibitory tagging which interference with response selection, making the IOR interacts with the Stroop effect and the Simon effect. The goal of this study was to test whether gaze-induced IOR also interacts with the Stroop or the Simon effect. Sixty participants was recruited. Each participant did two experiments which measuring both cueing effect and the Stroop effect with a periphery cue or with a gaze cue. The cue to target onset asynchrony had two kinds: short SOA (200 ms) and longer SOA (2800 ms for gaze cue condition and 1000 ms for peripheral cue condition). The results showed that for the periphery-cue condition, the Simon and the Stroop effects were larger for invalid locations than for the valid locations. However, for the gaze-cue condition, both Simon and Stroop effect were not statistically different for valid or invalid locations. We therefore suggest that the inhibitory tagging from gaze-induced IOR may not be strong enough to interfere with response selection. Further evidence are needed before reach a conclusion. Keywords: inhibition of return, gaze cue, peripheral cue, social attention, SOA 37

40 P09 Neural mechanisms underlying creative thinking in normal aging 李蕙中 * 劉克柔 方雅玟 曾德容 林慶波 曾志朗 黃緒文 黃植懋 Creative thinking is conceptualized as involving two distinct components: convergent and divergent thinking. Convergent thinking requires the mental ability to combine remote ideas, whereas divergent thinking demands the free generation of novel solutions. Such mental abilities engage brain networks including prefrontal, temporal, and parietal cortices in which have been shown functional and structural declines across the lifespan. In this event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fmri) study, 25 healthy young adults and 30 older adults were instructed to perform Chinese-word remote associates test (CAT) and the modified version of the alternative uses task (AUT) that refer to the cognitive processes of convergent and divergent thinking, respectively. Functional MRI results demonstrated the greater and more distributed patterns of neural activation in superior parietal cortex and parahippocampal regions for healthy older adults compared to young adults during both tasks, indicating a compensatory processing to promote the retrieval of semantic knowledge. Furthermore, we found age-related effects on neural correlates of convergent and divergent thinking, with older adults showing greater neural activation in bilateral inferior frontal regions which could involve the controlled retrieval of semantic knowledge during convergent thinking and showing greater superior occipital gyrus/precuneus recruitment that suggests the process of mental imagery during divergent thinking. These results provide evidence for age-related differences in neurocognitive strategies during creative thinking as well as an adaptive view of the human brain that functionally reorganizes with normal aging. Keywords: Creativity, Aging 38

41 P10 The conflicting outcomes of the organizational processing on test-potentiated learning 王忻怡 * 鄭仕坤 Testing, or retrieval practice, benefits the long-term retention of studied materials. The testing effect has been widely observed with various kinds of materials including paragraphs, sentences, motor sequence. Recently, some studies have shown that testing might benefit retention by potentiating subsequent learning or encoding. Arnold and McDermott (2013) developed a procedure to show that the performance of subsequent restudy was enhanced after repeated testing. It was proposed that the test-potentiated learning effect comes from the organizational processing of the materials after test. The current study tested this hypothesis by employing categorized words as the study materials. If indeed test-potentiated testing effect receive contribution from enhanced organizational encoding of the materials, the benefit should be diminished if the study materials themselves, such as categorized items, demand little organizational processing. Consistent with our prediction, the test-potentiated learning effect was not observed when the categorized words were used as study materials. Interestingly, the test-potentiated learning effect was also not observed when non-categorized words were used as materials. Instead, we found that repeated testing hampered the effect of restudy, resembling the negative testing effect. In summary, our results do not support the hypothesis that testing enhances the organizational processing of the materials. Keywords: test-potentiated learning 39

42 P11 Before you pull the trigger: Oscillatory desynchronization under attentiveness differentiates good and poor shots 張詔雄 *,Lu-Chun Yeh, Fang-Wen Chen, Chang-Wei Hsieh, Bo-Cheng Kuo, Yei-Yu Yeh Action planning requires attentional control and motor preparation. Prior research has shown that attentional control mediated by alpha oscillations during the pre-aiming period related to aiming performance. No prior research has investigated whether motor preparation regulated by the beta-band desynchronization predicts aiming accuracy. We investigated how alpha- and beta-band activities related to aiming performance using electroencephalogram recording while participants performed an air-pistol shooting task. Contrasting good and poor shots based on the median split, we observed orchestrated processes: beta-band desynchronization for motor preparation, greater inter-trial phase coherence in the alpha activity for neural reliability, and alpha synchronization for attentional control. Most importantly, motor preparation better predicted shooting accuracy. The novel findings showed that rhythmic brain activity tracks the dynamics of mental processes for predicting aiming accuracy. Accurate computation of movement parameters under attentiveness is critical for shooting at the bull s eye. Keywords: Alpha beta oscillations, phase coherence, attentional control, motor preparation, air-pistol shooting 40

43 P12 The Relation between Cognitive Functions and Processing of Ambiguous Words Pei-Shu Tsai*, Ching-Fen Hsu, Tzu-wei Hung, Pi-Chun Huang Resolution of lexical ambiguity has been one of the core issues in neuro-/psycho-linguistic and computational linguistics for decades, yet previous studies mainly focused on how linguistic properties of the stimuli influence human processing. Few studies have paid attention to the personal characteristics of the participants, and how such human properties affect how a person processes ambiguous words. In this study, therefore, factors such as Language Background, Verbal and Nonverbal Working Memory Spans, and Executive Function, defined by scores in Wisconsin Card Sorting Task, were measured along with a linguistic semantic task. Stimuli used in the linguistic semantic task involved pairs of phrases composed of three types of lexically ambiguous targets, homonym (e.g., 八卦 ), polysemy (e.g, 領域 ), and unambiguous word (e.g., 範 圍 ). The participants were instructed to indicate whether phrases composed of two consecutively presented words made sense. Priming effect was measured by subtracting the reaction times to the target words (e.g., 八卦 ) in phrases (e.g., 緋聞 - 八卦 ) preceded by unrelated primes (e.g., 中秋 - 假期 ) to targets preceded by related primes (e.g., 易經 - 八卦 ). A typical semantic priming effect was observed across the three types of target words. Furthermore, the results indicated positive correlations between the magnitude of priming effect on homonymous, as well as polysemous targets, and the following personal characteristics, including Age, Years of Education, English Fluency, Nonverbal Working Memory Span, and Performances in the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task. The results of the study suggest that processing of language is related to other nonlinguistic cognitive functions. The results also have implication on future studies to consider and involve personal characteristics of participants into account when researchers investigating processing of ambiguous words. Keywords: Lexical ambiguity, WCST, Working memory 41

44 P13 EEG Oscillations Change with Familiarity in Contingent Reorienting task: Revealed by Time-frequency and Holo spectrum 蔡劭揚 *, Satish Jaiswal, Chi-Fu Chang, Chi-Hung Juan, Wei-Kuang Liang Contingent reorienting indicates shifting attention toward the appearance of unexpected but task-relevant objects, emphasizes the interaction between goal-directed and stimulus-driven attentional control. This study focus on attentional control of contingent reorienting. When unexpected distractors captured attention, subjects should suppress it and return to the primary object. However, the oscillation mechanisms underlying salient but target-irrelevant distractor remain unclear. The practice effect of neural oscillation is largely unknown. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the mechanisms of contingent reorienting by EEG oscillations. We recruited 58 subjects who were healthy college students without the history of psychiatric and neurological diseases. They performed a two-session (one session contained 120 trials) attentional capture task of the rapid serial visual presentation paradigm (Chang et al. 2013, 2016a). The task systematically manipulated three types of distractors, one was target-colored distractor (TC) which induced contingent reorienting, other was nontarget-colored distractor (NTC) and the other was distractor absent. We observed the differences between reorienting and non-reorienting conditions. The behavioral results showed the accuracy of TC condition was significantly lower than other two. This indicates the TC distractor interfered subject to detect the target. The accuracy of TC distractor on the left visual field was higher than the right which revealed visual asymmetry. The overall accuracy of the second session was higher than the first session indicating the practice effect. The main findings of EEG of contrasts between TC and distractor absent conditions revealed parietal alpha power was stronger during attentional reorienting only in the first session, but no difference in the second session. The occipitoparietal delta power was smaller during reorienting in both sessions. The smaller delta may be related to attentional suppression to the TC distractors. The stronger alpha power may be correlated to the efforts of attentional control but no need for the familiar condition. Keywords: Contingent reorienting, attentional control, EEG, time-frequency analysis 42

45 P14 The Influence of Autistic Traits on Social Networking in Neurotypical Adults 范揚騰 * 熊瑞梅 楊天盾 盧科位 吳建德 Atypical social-communication is one of the hallmark features in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and has been linked to their difficulties in peer engagement, and friendship development and maintenance. To date, however, our knowledge remains limited about the associations between autistic traits and friendship characteristics in neurotypical population. To address this issue, we enrolled 500 undergraduate students (276 females) from 3 different types of classes, defined by the gender composition of class members: the masculine class (MaC), the feminine class (FeC), the mixed-gender class (MiC), to participate this study. All participants completed the Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ) and the Friendship Survey, which measures the extent to which people enjoy close friendships. In addition, we performed complete network analysis to extract multiple indicators of the friend-based social network including the degrees, closeness and betweenness centrality, and network constraint index. Our results revealed that, gender wise, male participants generally had both higher AQ scores and higher degree centralities than female participants. Participants from the MaC group showed higher AQ scores, higher degree centralities, and lower network constraints than the FeC group. Moreover, higher AQ scores in male participants from the MaC group correlated with both lower degree centralities and higher network constraints. Interestingly, path analyses further show that autistic traits are a significant mediator in predicting the relation between the degree centralities and network constraints, especially in male participants from the MaC group who share higher levels of autistic traits. These findings provide critical evidence that how autistic traits affects interpersonal relationships in neurotypical population and have potential implications regarding intervention and classroom placement for individuals with ASD. 43

46 P15 The degree of lucidity experienced in dreaming could reflect the capacity of conflict resolution in cognitive control 盧慕蓉 A lucid dream refers to the condition that a dreaming individual is aware that he or she is dreaming. Some previous studies found that the dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex, which has been linked to executive functions, yielded greater activations during lucid dreams than non-lucid ones. It has also been suggested that the tendency of an individual to experience lucid dreams is related to the performance of executive functions. However, it is far from clear how and why lucid dreaming is related to the various components of executive functions. To address this issue, the current study recruited 24 participants to record the degree of lucidity and memory characteristics of the dreams they experienced for 7 consecutive days. These participants then completed a various kinds of executive function tasks, including task switching, attentional network (ANT), operation-span, and the majority function task. Our preliminary data shows that there is a significant correlation between trait lucidity and the conflict score obtained in the ANT task, suggesting that people who are more lucid in their dreams tend to have better capacity for conflict resolution in cognitive control. Keywords: Lucid dream, Executive function 44

47 P16 Individual abilities of statistical learning are affected by material modalities and relationships 連玉慧 *, Denise H. Wu Previous literature indicates that statistical learning (SL), the ability to detect regularities among adjacent elements, is a general mechanism for learning and for processing any type of sensory input that unfolds across time and space. However, whether SL is also possible and common when the dependent elements in different modalities are nonadjacent remain to be determined. We employed the SL tasks with triplets presenting adjacent and nonadjacent regularities in the visual and auditory modalities to answer these questions. Specifically, relatively complex visual shapes and nonverbal environmental sounds were randomly organized to create triplets whose all three elements had high transitional probability in the adjacent condition or whose first and third elements had high transitional probability in the nonadjacent condition. After a familiarization phase, participants implicit and explicit knowledge of the adjacent or nonadjacent dependency was measured by familiarity judgement and recognition. The results demonstrated that participants were capable of learning both adjacent and nonadjacent dependency in both visual and auditory modalities with comparable accuracy. Moreover, participants explicit SL abilities of nonadjacent visual dependencies significantly correlated with their working memory, while their implicit SL abilities significantly correlated with their IQ scores. On the other hand, neither explicit nor implicit SL of nonadjacent auditory dependencies correlated with any of the general cognitive abilities. Despite the differential association with other cognitive abilities, auditory and visual SL abilities for the same kind of (adjacent or nonadjacent) dependency showed significant correlation. Taken together, these results suggested that SL abilities are affected by the nature of both the material modality and the relationship among associated materials. Keywords: statistical learning 45

48 P17 Sentence Comprehension at the Syntax-Pragmatics Interface 徐坤宇 *, Jeng-Ren, Duann, Denise H. Wu The multi-roles played by the interrogative word shenme what in expressing meanings have attracted much attention recently. It is generally agreed that shenme can not only express the interrogative meaning in question sentences (e.g., shenme shuiguo meiyou ren chi? What was the fruit that nobody ate? ) but can also express the non-interrogative meaning in statements when it is combined with Dou (e.g., shenme shuiguo Dou meiyou ren chi. Nobody ate any fruit ). However, few empirical studies have investigated whether syntactic structures and/or presentation modalities affect the interpretation of shenme. To address this issue, we conducted six behavioral experiments adopting the Question-Statement Task developed by Zhou and Crain (2011). Specifically, we examined the interpretations of shenme with Dou between spoken and written sentences with topic or non-topic constructions by mature speakers of Mandarin. The results showed that shenme at the subject position, in combination with Dou to be a non-topic construction (e.g., shenme ma Dou meiyou mai bingqilin None of the horses bought ice creams ), was less likely to be interpreted as an non-interrogative expression (14.71 %) in spoken sentences than in written sentences (55.88%). On the other hand, shenme at the object position, in combination with Dou to be a topic construction (e.g., shenme shuiguo tuzi Dou meiyou chi The rabbits ate none of the fruit ), was accepted as a non-interrogative expression with lower possibility in spoken sentences (50%) than in written sentences (82.35%). Although the non-interrogative meaning of shenme was more likely to be accepted in a topic construction than in a non-topic construction in both spoken and written sentences, a significant interaction between syntactic structure and presentation modality of the sentences provided evidence for the interface between syntax, semantics, and pragmatics, all of which affect sentence comprehension interactively. Keywords: Interrogative word, syntax/pragmatics interface, sentence comprehension 46

49 P18 Context effects on subjective probability and choice under risk 施琬諭 * 吳仕煒 Considerable evidence suggests that value-based decisions are highly sensitive to context. However, it remains an open question as to how context impacts value computations in the domain of probability of reward. In this study, we systematically maniputaled the reward probabilities and measured participants subjective probability and choice to investigate how experience shapes context-dependent computations under uncertainty. In a simple stimulus-outcome association task, subjects estimated and learned the probability of reward associated with different visual stimuli. The experiment included six different stimuli; they were equally assigned to three different probabilities of reward: 10%, 50% and 90%. Context was manipulated by pairing stimuli carrying the same probability of reward with stimuli carrying different probabilities of reward in different blocks of trials. In order to examine whether context would impact choice behavior, subjects performed a choice task in which they were instructed to choose between pairs of stimuli experienced in the association task. Twenty-nine subjects participated in the experiment. We found that context had an impact on subjective probability and choice. However, this impact was not universally observed across the entire range of probability. Only 50% chance of reward showed significant context effect on both subjective probability and choice. Subjects gave larger estimates when the 50%-reward stimulus was experienced with a 10%-reward stimulus than with a 90%-reward stimulus. When choosing between the two stimuli both carrying 50% chance of reward, subjects preferred the stimulus experienced with a 10% chance of reward than that experienced with a 90% chance of reward. Preliminary fmri data suggested that the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmpfc) represent the context value its activity correlates with the expected value of block. Furthermore, dmpfc activity represents both the direction and degree of context effects, indicating its role in context-dependent computations for subjective probability. Keywords: context effect, decision making, dmpfc 47

50 P19 The influence of repressive coping style and anxiety on interactions of emotional states and inhibitory control: An event-related potential study 蔡怡君 * 徐慈妤 黃時霖 馬杰仁 梁偉光 阮啟弘 Repressive coping style individuals (REP) have the potential risk of developing mental disorders. The previous studies have shown that repressors tended to avoid emotional negative information and reported less anxiety level, however, they showed a similar anxiety level with high-anxiety individuals (HA) on physiological evidence. The evidence of underlying mechanisms of stress coping as well as the inhibitory control were still unclear. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to investigate the neural mechanisms of the effect of anxiety-related personality traits on the ability of inhibitory control as well as the interactions of the emotional states. Repressors, high-anxiety individuals, and control group were recruited to do the emotional stop-signal task and the Electroencephalography (EEG) was recorded simultaneously. The shorter stop-signal reaction time which was represented as better inhibitory control was shown in REP and HA than control group within negative emotional contexts. P1 amplitude, which indicates the early attention, was found much smaller in REP than in HA and control group. The positive-going waveforms induced by pictures were overall smaller in REP than in HA as well as control groups. The N2 effect was found larger in REP than other two groups. The pattern of results suggested that REP are prone to divert their attentional capture in order to acquire better cognitive control in emotional conditions. The present study provided the evidence of neural mechanisms in processing emotional information as well as the capability of inhibitory control in anxiety-related personality traits individuals. The study may deliver the message for further developing stress coping counseling toward REP individuals. Keywords: anxiety-related personality traits, inhibitory control, emotional stop-signal, repressive coping style 48

51 P20 憂鬱症之醫療照護與醫療成本之指標研究 陳家芬 * 黃介良 鍾加明 王瑞筠 中文摘要 背景 : 憂鬱症造成整體的疾病負擔之第二名 台灣約有兩百萬人罹患憂鬱症, 對於憂鬱症品質照護指 標, 目前只評估病程 設備 而人口屬性和醫療成本皆未完善整理, 因此本研究探討憂鬱症相關醫療 照護與醫療成本分析 以提供未來憂鬱症全方位的醫療照護科學基礎 方法 : 以全民健保資料庫 2011 年至 2013 年之門急診紀錄檔, 依 ICD-9CM 碼分析憂鬱症之人口屬性 和醫療成本 結果 :2011 年至 2013 年之憂鬱症人數分別有 位 位 位, 不分男女均呈現逐 年上升 ; 女性盛行率 醫療介入後之門診次數 醫療費用皆高於男性, 達統計顯著 ; 自殺與跌倒意外 頻率逐年上升 結論 : 憂鬱症盛行率逐年上升, 醫療成本亦隨之增加 建議相關單位將憂鬱症醫療照護列為常規項目, 以提升醫療品質指標 關鍵字 : 憂鬱症 醫療照護 醫療成本 49

52 P21 P300 amplitude is associated with the memory load effects in an operation span task 莊凱淯 * 陳奕秀 阮啟弘 The operation span working memory task has been used for delineating the underlying processes for memory encoding and retrieval. However, the electrophysiological correlates of these processes remain unclear. We aim to investigate whether complex span tasks have similar EEG patterns as other working memory tasks and mainly focus on working memory processing load. We expected an increase of working memory load would lead to a decrement in the power of alpha and beta band, and also in the amplitude of P300. Firstly, in operation span task, we replicate previous results to assure our version of task can also precisely measure working memory capacity. In the event-related mode analysis, we observe a significant difference between high load and low load conditions at P300 peak in frontal channels in the encoding stage. This pattern of results suggests that complex span task shares a similar pattern of working memory processing load with other working memory tasks (e.g.: n-back task and digital span task) in the electrophysiological level. 50

53 P22 The Effect of Orthography on Statistical Learning: Evidence from Taiwanese and Indonesian Readers Andhika Renaldi*, Denise Hsien Wu Statistical Learning (SL) is the ability to detect regularity in the environment. Although previous research has shown that SL predicts literacy acquisition of both alphabetic and logographic orthographies, whether life-long literacy experience reciprocally modulates SL abilities in learning different kinds of regularity is unexplored. In the present study, we developed novel temporal and spatial SL tasks in which nonverbal shapes were presented in pairs. In the temporal SL task, half of the shapes always appeared in the first position of a pair, while the other half of the shapes always appeared in the second position. In the spatial SL task, half of the shapes always appeared in the left position, while the other half of the shapes always appeared in the right position. The combination of the first/left and second/right shapes was exhaustive and unique, which resulted in 64 pairs to be presented randomly in a familiarization phase. In the test phase, participants sensitivity to the association between each shape and its position was measured by familiarity judgment and recognition performance. We found that when participants were first exposed to the positional dependency of the stimuli, Taiwanese participants, who are native readers of logographic Chinese, demonstrated significantly better performance in the spatial than the temporal SL task. On the other hand, Indonesian participants, who are native readers of alphabetic Indonesian, demonstrated comparable performance in these two tasks. The results supported that life-long literacy experience of reading logographic orthography improves SL of positional dependency embedded in spatial structures. 51

54 P23 Lateralized brain responses for structural analysis are critical for better language learning outcome 顏瑄慧 *, 許馨仁 Hsinjen J. Hsu, 李佳霖 Chia-lin Lee Syntactic processing is one of the most lateralized human cognitive functions. Prior research showed that while syntactic processing predominantly involves the left hemisphere (LH), the right hemisphere (RH) can also engage in qualitatively similar process. However, the implications of RH involvement in syntactic processing are still poorly understood. Considering that, this present study used an artificial language learning paradigm with monaural auditory presentation to investigate the relation between lateralized brain responses and language proficiency. Twenty-four young adults without familial sinistrality background were tested. Participants listened to 192 three-element strings consisted of 4 non-adjacent dependency pairs a-e, b-f, c-g, d-h (e.g., ao4tuo2-zhan1e4), each appeared with a same set of 24 possible intervening items (e.g. liao4kuang4hui3; gou4chuang2sun3). Event-related potentials (ERP) were recorded throughout the 20-minute learning phase when participants passively listened to the 192 strings (48 for each pair) and a 20 -minute test phase when participants judged the grammaticality of another 192 strings (with equal numbers of grammatical and ungrammatical strings). Random monaural listening is used to elicit response biases from each hemisphere. Data analyzed separately for successful learners whose hit and false-alarm rate difference was greater than or equal to 0.8 (N=14) and less successful learners whose hit and false-alarm rate difference was smaller than 0.8 (N=10) indicated comparable behavioral performance across hemispheres for both groups. However, between-group differences in ERP responses were observed: in successful learners, a P600 effect elicited by ungrammatical relative to grammatical conditions was observed only with right-ear (left-hemisphere biased) presentation, while in unsuccessful learners P600 effects were observed in both right- and left-ear presentations. Our data demonstrated that, like LH, RH is capable of acquiring the nonadjacent syntactic structure. Differences in neurophysiological responses between successful and less successful learners might suggest a link between lateralization and language proficiency, with left-lateralized responses associated with better learning outcome. 52

55 P24 Distinct neural patterns for coding spatial and temporal information during working memory tasks: a multivariate pattern analysis approach Yihui Hung*, Acer Y.-C. Chang, Hsu-Wen Huang, Ovid J.-L. Tzeng, Chi-Mao Huang Multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) was applied in this magnetoencephalography (MEG) study to investigate the temporal brain dynamics of neural representations of spatial and temporal working memory. Participants were instructed to remember the spatial location (for spatial working memory task) or a sequence (for temporal working memory task) of abstract shapes appearing at one of four-by-four visual matrix and judged whether or not a memory probe indicated the remembered location or temporal order during MEG recoding. MEG results showed that the spatial locations of the stimuli were decoded by the activation patterns in occipital areas around 200 milliseconds after stimulus onset and by the activation patterns in parietal areas around 300 milliseconds. Both patterns continued about 100 milliseconds after they were initially observed. The temporal orders of the stimuli was decoded by the activation patterns in occipital area around 100 milliseconds, by another activation patterns in temporal area around 200 milliseconds and finally by the activation patterns in occipital area around 300 milliseconds. All the patterns observed in temporal order coding occurred short-lived and did not last over time. Our findings suggest the representational distinctiveness of spatiotemporal brain dynamics between spatial and temporal-order working memory, with sustained neural activity in parieto-temporal regions for spatial coding of events whereas sequential and transient neural activity in occipito-temporal regions for temporal coding of events. Keywords: Multivariate pattern analysis, magnetoencephalography, spatial, temporal, working memory 53

56 P25 Developing grip force as an index for motor inhibitory control and associated neural dynamics Nguyen Van Trung*, Che-Yi Hsu, Wei-Kuang Liang, Neil G Muggleton and Chi-Hung Juan One of critical issues in executive control is how the nervous system can exert the flexibility to inhibit a pre-potent response to meet the sudden change of the environment. Stop signal task, a popular measure of pre-potent behavior, was modified by adding continue trials with an abrupt signal that demands no change in behavior (Sharp et al. 2010). The present study aims to elucidate the mechanism of the inhibitory and imperative responses (stop and continue Go trials) by using EEG, EMG and detailed response force measurements. In behavioral results, we found that the peak force, and peak force rate of Stop-respond increased as a function of the stop signal delay (SSD). Moreover, reaction time and force rate of continue Go decreased with increasing SSDs, although the force value corresponding to each SSD were not significantly different. The results suggested that preparation of the go response might have reached a point of no return in longer SSD of Continue Go trials. It could not be altered or delayed compared to shorter SSD response. This also indicate that peak force, and peak force rate may offer new measurement indices of motor inhibitory control. With regard to event-related mode (ERM) components, there were no significant difference between successful stop and continue GO trials, but their N1 components were larger compared to unsuccessful stop trials. The results suggested that the neural correlates of the abrupt signal (either Continue or Stop) were similar in correct responses and different at N1 reflected unsuccessful stop. Keywords: event-related mode, stop signal task 54

57 P26 Human visual steady-state responses to amplitude-modulated flicker: latency measurements Kien Trong Nguyen*, 李唯丹, 張文乘, 梁偉光, 阮啟弘 In human visual research, measuring the visual response latency (i.e., the time delay from stimulus onset to first visual cortical response) by using steady state visually evoked potentials (SSVEPs) is still very challenging and inaccurate. This is mainly because SSVEP responses are mostly uniform sinusoidal waves, consequently it is difficult to identify which peak of the stimuli corresponds to which peak of the SSVEP. To overcome the drawback, this study developed a new method using amplitude-modulated visual stimulation (e.g, 14 Hz modulated by 2Hz) generated by a LED flickering to induce the SSVEP response. To assure the amplitude-modulated waveform (AM) is correctly generated and to measure the onset time of the LED, a photodiode was attached with the LED. The advantage is that the envelope of the SSVEP signal can be extracted to then compare its peaks with the corresponding peaks of the envelope of the photodiode signal for gauging the response latency. In addition, different AM flickers which carrier frequencies were altered at 10, 14 and 20 Hz, were performed to evaluate the consistency of carrier frequency on the visual response latency. The results demonstrated that the SSVEP power strongly distributed in the occipital lobe showing a response latency (signal from Oz channel) following single-eye and dual-eye stimulation of approximately 86 ms (range from: 80~93ms). Furthermore, SSVEP responses in anterior channels (e.g.: Cz and Fz channels) had longer latencies (108~133ms) than those in the Oz channel. No significant difference was observed between the latency from the dominant and non-dominant eye. In addition, the visual response latencies were not affected by different AM flickers. This study potentially offers a new tool to neuroscientists and physicians for future studies in measuring visual response latencies and in the detection of related visual dysfunctions. Keywords: SSVEP, visual response latency 55

58 P27 Neural Mechanism of Reward and Punishment during Inhibitory Control with Simultaneous fmri-eeg Study Rupesh Kumar Chikara*, Li-Wei Ko, Erik C. Chang The stop-signal model has been commonly assumed an approach to parametrically investigate the response inhibition. A reward does not equally encourage everyone, instead, it depends on inter-individual personality. Therefore, monetary reward is influenced our emotional and motivational cognitive process. The battlefield scenario is a modified stop signal task in which the traditional images for fixation, go, and stop stimuli were replaced with the images of the sniper scope, terrorist and hostage, respectively. This scenario mimicked a shootout between the terrorist and the soldiers. In this investigation, participants played the role of a soldier to open fire on the terrorist and to withhold the fire during hostage presence. The scenario is given to participant s stronger motivation and real-world experience of response inhibition under reward, punishment and no-feedback conditions. In this study, neural mechanism of response inhibition was investigated under no-feedback, reward and punishment conditions in a battlefield scenario (BFS). The analysis of brain dynamic with high spatial and temporal resolutions was examined through a simultaneous fmri-eeg recording. The results have shown that all conditions induced increased activity in the pre-supplementary motor area (presma) and the right inferior frontal gyrus (rifg), which have been associated with response inhibition. Additionally, the results demonstrated that higher blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) activation and synchronization of the delta, theta and alpha activities in posterior cingulate gyrus (PCG) of the brain during reward than in the punishment and no-feedback conditions. The PCG has been firmly related to emotional salience. These results provided new insights into the complex neural networks involved in human response inhibition under no-feedback, reward and punishment conditions. Keywords: Electroencephalography (EEG), Function magnetic resonance imaging (fmri), Inhibitory control, No-feedback, Reward, Punishment, Emotion, Motivation. 56

59 P28 對比極性不對稱於似動運動 (AM) 的效果 宋珮珊 * 葉俊毅 中文摘要 似動運動 (AM) 並非是真實運動 (RM), 而是兩個靜止的刺激或光點依照時序交替閃爍, 會產生刺激在空間移動的運動錯覺 似動運動會受到多項參數的影響, 如時空間距 明暗對比 空間線索 遮蔽物等等 在操弄不同參數時, 我們觀察發生在知覺上的變換頻率 在過去的研究中, 明暗對比於似動運動中的效果還不是很清楚, 我們主要欲探討的問題是正負向對比的閾值是否有差異 問題起源於過去使用靜止物體量測閾值是有差異的, 研究顯示負向對比之閾值較正向對比低, 但在運動的情況中是否有差異是不清楚的 預期研究結果為 : 正負向對比反應之閾值會有差異 ; 在對比低的情況下, 運動訊息偵測的閾值較高, 反之亦然 ; 負向對比之運動訊息的偵測閾值較低, 反之亦然 並得以統計分析出兩者閾值否有差異 關鍵字 : 對比極性 暗偏好 似動運動 57

60 P29 Does Picture Angle Really Matter in the Guilty Knowledge Lie Detection Test? 徐子圓 *, Yuhui Lo, Philip Tseng Lie detection using cognitive science-based methods has really took off since the 1990 s, in part due to the demonstration of a robust recognition memory effect also known as the Guilty Knowledge Test (GKT) that is useful in identifying suspects that purposely deny memory of crime-related objects. However, most studies to date have used images that the participants have seen before, in the hope of increasing memory strength, but in real life it is hard to guess the angle at which the suspect viewed a crime-related object, and yet the integrity of the probe pictures resemblance to the crime is essential for the GKT to work. In this study we manipulated the deviation angles, from 0⁰ to 330⁰ in 11 steps, between the study phase and the test phase. Participants studied images shot from different rotational angles, but were never tested on the same angle. A standard GKT procedure was used, where participants see a series of photos and provided truthful yes/no response to Target information that they recognized (e.g., picture of their own house), Irrelevant information that they did not recognize (e.g., picture of a stranger s face), interleaved with Probes (e.g., crime-related items) that only the guilty would recognize. We observed the standard GKT reaction time delay between probe and irrelevant trials in all deviation angles regardless of which angle the participants studied with. This probe-irrelevant difference remained robust and significant (though in smaller magnitude) as the number of trials and exposures of other angles increased. Together, these results suggest that even when probe pictures differ from the perspective from which the suspect saw a crime-related object, the effect of GKT is robust at all angles, and implies that the forensic team does not have to take additional photos for the sole purpose of GKT lie detection. Keywords: concealed-knowledge test, memory strength, mental rotation, deception, polygraph 58

61 P30 Exploring the relationship between Empathy Quotient (EQ) and the proficiency with featural vs. configural face processing 郭昱劭 * 簡惠玲 Face recognition is fundamental to social interactions. Recent studies revealed that individual differences in face recognition ability vary within the healthy population, and Empathy Quotient (EQ) is positively associated with individual's performance in face recognition memory. However, the link between EQ and the featural versus configural aspect of face processing has been relatively unexplored. Thus, the present study explored the relations between the proficiency in face processing (i.e., featural vs. second-order configural processing) and Empathy Quotient (EQ) in the Taiwanese population. Using a 2AFC face matching task, we tested 28 Taiwanese adults ability to discriminate oval-cropped Taiwanese and Caucasian faces. Four different manipulations on featural processing, configural processing, or both were included (i.e., change identity, change eyes, widen eye spacing, and move up mouth). The participants also received the Empathy Quotient questionnaire. Results showed that the accuracy of the change identity was the highest, followed by the change eyes condition. The accuracy of the widen eye spacing was second last, and the move mouth up condition was the most difficult one among all, regardless of race. Relating to the empathy index, the individuals EQ scores were positively correlated with the accuracies of the widen eye spacing (r =.40) in the Asian condition, indicating a link with configural processing for own-race faces. Moreover, individuals EQ were positively correlated with the accuracies of the change identity (r =.36) and of the change eyes (r =.33) in the Caucasian condition, indicating a link with featural processing for other-race faces. In sum, our preliminary results suggest that EQ is associated with the proficiency of featural vs. configural face processing, and the strength of association maybe race-dependent. Keywords: face perception, Empathy Quotient (EQ), featural processing, configural processing 59

62 P31 The effects of ketamine use on brain morphology and functional changes in early-exposed adolescents 劉一萱 * 洪嘉均 黃楚中 陳君明 段正仁 張立鴻 李思賢 李江山 馬杰仁 林慶波 Ketamine has been used for medical purposes, such as anesthetic. However, ketamine tends to be abused by young adults and even teenagers in Asian countries, and the interaction between the age of ketamine exposure and the effects on brain development is still unclear. This study aims to investigate the effect of early exposure of ketamine from the perspective of brain structure and function. In this study, we recruited 19 normal controls and 34 ketamine users through posters at hospitals in Taichung City, Taiwan, and further classified the subjects into 3 groups: adolescent-exposed users, adult-exposed users, and control group, based on their first exposure to ketamine. The degree of impulsive behavior and aggression types of the participants were measured by Barratt Impulsiveness Scale and Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire. Participants have also filled in the Sensitivity to Punishment/Sensitivity to Reward Questionnaire and the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. Firstly, we compared the gray matter volume (GMV) difference between 3 groups using voxel-based morphometry. Secondly, with resting-state fmri, the whole-brain functional connectivity (FC) of the significantly different GMV regions were analyzed and the group effect was examined again. In results, we observed significant differences in GMV in left precuneus among three groups, where the volume is lower in ketamine users, especially in the adolescent-exposed users. Significant decrease in volume was found in adolescent-exposed users compared to adult-exposed users. However, no significant correlation was found between the significant different left precuneus volume and any of the questionnaire scores collected. For further resting-fmri analysis, adolescent-exposed users had higher functional connectivity between the left precuneus and the primary somatosensory cortex than the other groups. These results may reflect earlier exposure to ketamine resulting in more serious impact on the development of the brain, but how these volumetric changes relate to the behavior remains to be determined. 60

63 P32 Characterizing the Impact of Aging on the Interaction between Controlled and Automatic Inhibition 李子伶 * 張智宏 Inhibitory functions are crucial for keeping our behaviors under control, and it is prone to the influence of aging. In the current study, we adopted a location-based negative priming (LNP) task where the participant responded to the target of prime and probe. We manipulated the duration between the response to prime and the probe onset between 389, 931, 1463, and 1995ms to explore the evolution of NP effect across time, and also compared age difference in the time course of NP. We combined Go/No-go task with LNP task where if the participant saw yellow target in the prime, the participant should withhold response. We found that for the young, the shape of NP effect function changed more slightly across time than the elder s. The NP effect at the 389ms is relatively larger than others. For the elders, the time course of NP effect appears to be a reversed-u shape curve and at the 931ms, the NP effect is much larger than others. For the second experiment, NP effect following Go response is much larger than following No-go one in the younger group. However, for the elders, the NP effect showed a trend of reduction with adding go/no-go task. Furthermore, when dividing the younger and elder into the up- and down-regulated NP groups, respectively, depending on individual relative strength of NP effect in the Go/No-go conditions, we found that for the younger, no matter the higher and lower group, the NP effect remained relatively stable. However, for elder group, the NP effect became more negative or positive depending on the Go/No-go condition. To summarize, we found that aging impacts how automatic inhibitory function is manifested under the influence of preceding controlled inhibition. 61

64 P33 Cross-sectional differences in executive control as a function of combination of trait mindfulness, trait anxiety and associated neural correlates 迦思瓦 * 蔡劭揚 馬杰仁 阮啟弘 梁偉光 There are several ways in which cognitive and neurophysiological parameters have been consistently used to explain the variability in cognitive ability between people. However, little has been done to explore how the sources of variability in cognition are influenced by individual differences in personality traits. Dispositional mindfulness and anxiety are two reciprocally linked traits that have been independently attributed to a range of cognitive functions. The current study investigated the relationship between these two traits and measures of the attentional network, cognitive inhibition, and visual working memory capacity. 392 prospective participants were screened to create two experimental groups each of 30 healthy young adults, divided into high mindfulness-low anxiety (HMLA) and low mindfulness-high anxiety (LMHA). They performed an attentional network test, a color Stroop task, and a change detection test of visual working memory capacity, in addition to recording of resting EEG. Results showed that HMLA individuals were more accurate than the LMHA individuals on Stroop and change detection tasks. Additionally, the former group was better in detecting change and had a higher working memory capacity than the latter group. Although there were no group differences for the resting state eyes closed condition, for the eyes open condition, the LMHA group showed higher activation of beta frequencies in frontal and central areas and higher activation of gamma frequencies in central areas of the left hemisphere. This activation of higher frequencies may indicate that LMHA individuals may show greater emotional and physiological arousal than HMLA people (Oathes et al., 2008). 62

65 P34 Neural Correlates of Arithmetic Word Problem Solving Tzu-Chen Lung*, Ting-Ting Chang In the school curriculum, arithmetic word problems are taught and widely used in assessing students education performance in primary elementary schools. However, most students find these types of problems challenging either in text comprehension, transforming text into corresponding numerical quantities, solving the numerical problems, or all of the above. Although the behavioral mechanism of reading arithmetic word problem had been intensively studied, very little is known about the neural correlates and how it develops with learning and experience. To tap into these issues, we conducted a study to investigate the neural responses of arithmetic word problem solving in adults. Specifically, we acquired fmri data when participants reading sentences with arithmetic word problem containing quantity information, (e.g. There are 8 white swans and 7 black swans in the pond. In total there are 15 swans ) and word problem without quantity information (e.g. There are white swans and black swans in the pond. There are swans. ). Participants were required to judge whether the presented sentence is correct or not. Behavioral results suggested that behavioral performance of the two problem types do not show difference( t(26) =.03, p =.97). However, brain responses are distinct. In particular, arithmetic word problems are associated with intraparietal sulcus and dorsolateral prefrontal cortices, the circuits associated with quantity representation and manipulation, whereas non-arithmetic word problems are associated with bilateral middle temporal gyri and inferior frontal gyri, brain regions associated with phonology and semantic retrieval. These results have suggested the neural heterogeneity of word problem solving and provide further evidence that arithmetic word problem is not merely reading comprehension. Our study has provided novel insights to uncover the fundamental mechanism of how arithmetic word problem reading are represented in the human brain. Keywords: Word problem solving, reading comprehension, fmri 63

66 P35 Cognitive State Monitoring with a Wireless EEG Sensing System Yi-Chen Lu*, Li-Wei Ko, Tzu-Kang Hung, Tzung-Te Chen As the life`s hurried pace, we may avoid health problem production result from people work overtime, if providing comfortable environment by monitoring physiological changes. EEG is the best way to understand what happened in the brain and what people feel the environment. However, lots of limitations exist in the off-the-shelf EEG equipment. Therefore, the main goal of this research is to develop a multichannel wireless EEG system, applying on the cognitive state monitoring. In this research, we developed a portable EEG monitoring system with a novel foam sensor which can avoid the interference of the hair and is more convenient to set up in EEG experiment than a traditional EEG sensor. According to our previous attention study, we determine frontal theta power and parietal alpha power as the features of the attention level. Frontal theta power increase or parietal alpha power decrease makes attention level become higher and vice versa. In addition, the fatigue level goes up and down is adjusted by the alpha power increase and alpha power decrease on the occipital channels. We implement cognitive experiment called Stroop test for the system performance authentication of the cognitive state monitoring. Every participant was asked to respond to a word describing a color, also, with its font color. The test used 4 words with 4 colors. The participants performed 5 runs in the experiment. Each run continued 3 min., approximately 60 trials, and there is a 2 min. rest after each run. The result briefly show that attention level is higher during testing than resting state, which indicates that the level changing are corresponding to human cognitive change. Finally, we suggest that this EEG monitoring system will, not only for research purpose, but also, in the near future, can be used on many other psychological or cranial nerves diseases researches. Keywords: Electroencephalography (EEG), Wireless, Attention, Fatigue, Reaction time, Cognitive state 64

67 P36 Retrieval orientation for emotional memories in healthy and depressive patients: an ERP study 劉子菱 * 陳乃鳳 鄭仕坤 Major depressive disorder (MDD) is remarked by depressive mood, loss of interest or pleasure, difficulty in sleep and concentration, and recurrent thoughts of death for longer than two weeks and have a significant impairment in social, occupation, and other daily functions. It has been found that patients with MDD also suffer from memory deficit including memory loss, bias toward negative events, rumination, and overgeneralized memories. Among the memory problems, bias toward negative events is considered as an important factor that maintains the depressive symptoms. It is hypothesized that the negatively-biased memory is related to hyper activation of amygdala toward negative events, and attenuated control function of prefrontal cortex. Since prefrontal cortex is known to involve in control functions including the strategy use in memory retrieval, it is possible that the biased memory is a result of incontrollable retrieval of negative experience. The current experiment thus examined the cue processing during recognition task in patients diagnosed as major depressive disorder. During the study phase, normal and patient subjects encoded pictures of neutral item that were embedded in emotionally neutral or negative background scenes. The retrieval phase was maintained neutral by presenting only the item pictures. By comparing the event-related potentials (ERP) during retrieval phase, we examine whether retrieving for memories contained emotional experience differ in cue processing strategy from retrieval of neutral memories. The ERP results showed that in normal subjects, a greater emotion effect was found over the frontal and central-parietal area. However, patients showed a reversed emotion effect that is greatest over the right temporal area in addition to frontal difference. It is therefore considered that when retrieving for emotional memories, patients with MDD may rely on at least partially different brain circuitry from normal subjects. Keywords: retrieval orientation, event-related potential, major depressive disorder, cognitive control in memory retrieval 65

68 P37 Role of Facial Expression Conflict in Motor Inhibition Cheng-I Lam*, Trung Nguyen, Che-Yi Hsu, Chi-Hung Juan Emotional facial expression discrimination plays and important role in our social interaction and communication. Present study aims to investigate interaction and the underlying neural correlates between conflicting facial expression and motor inhibition with a stop signal task with gripping force. Two experimental conditions were manipulated to elucidate their relationships. First, scrambled fearful face was used as a stop signal, while there was a neutral face adopted as a continue GO signal that the subjects have to ignore it and continue with the action (i.e. No facial expression discrimination). Second, fearful face was used a as stop signal and neutral face served a continue GO signal (i.e. facial expression discrimination). Current behavioral results found that the reaction time of unsuccessfully inhibiting response is longer in facial expression discrimination condition than condition without discrimination. Interestingly, the result shows pattern of decreasing non-cancelled reaction time along with stop signal delay. Current behavioral result suggests that when facial expression conflict is involved, the interference on early controlled stage in unsuccessfully inhibit response process and ongoing response is getting stronger than condition without discrimination involved, and result in later end point of the race. In summary, the result supports the hypothesis that facial expression conflict interacts with motor inhibition. Therefore, we think that this study may provide us with a better picture on how the motor control behavior is modulated within the social related context. 66

69 P38 Big Data Reveal Positive Relationship between Performance in Physical Education and Other Academic Domains 張智宏 * 沈淑貞, 鄭保志, 姚承義 Vigorously controlled lab experiments have reported causal relationship between short-term or long-term exercise and improvement in cognitive functions. Higher level of physical activities has also been associated with better academic performance among students in primary and high schools. However, evidence demonstrating such association between physical and academic performance for college students are still lacking in Taiwan. In the current study, we examined the relationship between performance in physical education courses and other domains, including required, elective, and general education with grade information from the institutional database of the National Central University. The database kept grade records from 8,366 non-athlete students across a span of five semesters between 2014 and The grades of 33 courses in the PE domain and 3,191 courses in other domains were included in the analysis. Correlational analyses showed that PE grades show moderate but significant correlation with the required, elective, and general education courses. However, those who taking more advanced PE courses do not show better grades in other course domains. Interestingly, as the students gained more liberty in the choice of PE courses, their performance in PE courses also improved. The current results are consistent with the view that physical activities are linked to academic performance, and reveal interesting characteristics of PE course-takers in the university campus. Keywords: institutional research 67

70 P39 Family history of Alzheimer s disease and the resting-state fmri functional connectivity 葉軒豪 * 林君昱, 林義濱, 吳謹安 Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fmri) studies have consistently found an inter-connected brain network in normal healthy participants during resting. This network is called the default mode network (DMN) and often consists of the posterior cingulate cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, medial prefrontal cortex, medial temporal lobe, and precuneus. Previous studies have shown different functional connectivity (FC) patterns between patients with Alzheimer disease (AD) and normal healthy controls.however, it is not yet clear how early this difference can be detected. Therefore, the present study examined currently cognitive normal people who have a high risk of AD (i.e. who have one or both parents diagnosed with AD) and who don t (i.e. who have no parents diagnosed with AD) with resting-state fmri. A seed-based analysis was used to compare the FC in the DMN between the three AD family history (FH) groups: (no FH, one-parent FH, two-parent FH). Different resting-state DMN patterns were found for the three groups, especially in right inferior parietal lobe. In sum, our data suggest that the number of parents diagnosed with AD may affect a person s DMN FC even when she or he has not shown symptoms of AD. Followed-up longitudinal studies are still required in order to make sure whether FC abnormality associated with AD FH may predict whether they will get AD eventually and when. 68

71 P40 Assessing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms with EEG Features Acquired from Machine Learning 張揚 * 柯立偉 林達雄 Introduction Nowadays, the proportion of school age children in Taiwan suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is about 5~7%. There are 3 main symptoms of ADHD: Inattention, Hyperactivity and Impulsivity. So far, ADHD assessment method mainly based on DSM-IV handbook diagnosed by doctors and assisted with the description of patient by his/her parents or teachers. However, it is lack of an objective method to assess whether a child is an ADHD patient. The main purpose of this study is to assess ADHD symptoms and subtypes with EEG (Electroencephalography) features acquired from machine learning technique based on CPT (Continuous Performance Test) scores. Methods 25 potential ADHD children were recruited in this study. First, the child was classified as ADHD or control group based on the diagnosis of doctor, and then we would perform CPT and utilize wireless EEG equipment to record EEG signals simultaneously to clarify the ADHD subtype and severity of the child. EEG features related to ADHD symptoms including brain regions and frequency bands can be extracted from the EEG signals we acquired while the child is performing CPT by machine learning technique, such as Gaussian classifier and knn (K Nearest Neighbor) classifier. Results Experimental results showed that the most selected EEG feature is delta band in prefrontal region (electrode Fp1) for Gaussian classifier, and the same band and region for knn classifier. The within subject accuracy of classifying ADHD group and control group is 82.2% for Gaussian classifier and 80.7% for knn classifier. Conclusion The correlation of CPT scores and EEG patterns revealed in this study could be indicators of ADHD symptoms and severity. Furthermore, these EEG features acquired from machine learning technique could be an assistive method for doctors while assessing potential ADHD child and the severity of inattention/hyperactivity when the child is performing cognitive task. 69

72 P41 The influence of accidental rewards on action inhibition 李芯如 * 郭文瑞 In this study, we were interested in the effects of accidental rewards, both positive and negative reward valences, on the implementation of action inhibition and their neural underpinnings. For the purpose, a stop-signal task was used together with fmri, and there were three kinds of accidental reward occurred preceding the stop trials in the task, including monetary gain (positive), monetary loss (negative), and neutral feedback. The results suggested that the stop signal reaction time (SSRT) was shorter in both positive and negative reward conditions, as compared to the neutral one. It appears that emotional fluctuation perturbed by the positive and negative reward valences facilitate inhibition efficiency. For the imaging results, the whole brain analysis exhibited that the brain regions associated with inhibitory control were enhanced, echoing the improved efficiency of stopping processes. We also found Pre-SMA showed higher activation when participants were receiving both reward feedbacks, whereas the right posterior inferior frontal cortex showed the interaction of reward feedback and inhibitory control. Strikingly, the striatum activity had a functional dorsal-ventral gradient, representing respectively the reward valences and task demands on the current trial. Keywords: stop-signal task, action inhibition, reward, striatum, fmri 70

73 P42 A cooler head with a second language? emotional expectation in L2 sentence processing 潘彥霖 *, Chia-lin Lee It has been found that affective messages presented in foreign language (L2) induced attenuated emotional responses than in native language (L1), perhaps due to increased emotional distance as well as increased cognitive loading during L2 processing. However, whether more native-like emotional responses could be elicited during L2 processing when emotional expectations are built up over the course of a sentence is still unknown. To address this question, 3 independent variables were manipulated and fully crossed the amount of Emotional Expectation for the sentence final word (strong vs. weak), Valence of the sentence final word (emotional vs. neutral), and Plausibility of the last word in the given context (plausible vs. implausible), yielding 8 conditions in total. Emotional expectation was quantified for each sentence by summing over valence values of possible sentence endings weighted by their cloze probability in that particular context. Twenty-two advanced Mandarin learners whose L1s were not sinospheric languages participated (17 males, mean age: years old, range: years). Event-related potentials (ERPs) were assessed while participants read and judged the plausibility of these sentences. ERPs time-locked to the sentence final words showed a delayed N400 effect to implausible relative to plausible sentence endings, indicating functional yet slower semantic processing during sentence comprehension in these L2 learners. However, no reliable effects of Valence or Emotional Expectation were found. These preliminary results thus suggest very weak or non-existing emotional responses in L2 learners of high proficiency even with emotional context built up incrementally over time. Keywords: L2; second langauge; emotion; valence constraint; erp; event related potentials 71

74 P43 Chinese characters elicit face-like inversion effects: a magnetoencephalograhic study 李俊輝 * 郭柏呈 Previous studies have shown that recognition of faces and Chinese characters were highly efficient and reliant on configural properties of the stimuli. Recent event-related potential (ERP) evidence revealed that Chinese characters elicited face-like N170 inversion effects. However, the neural substrates underlying the visual processing of faces and Chinese characters remain unclear. In this study, we tested for the neural correlates of face-like inversion effect using magnetoencephalography (MEG). Participants (N = 17) performed a one-back task to match the identity of the current stimulus with the previous one regardless of orientation (upright or inverted) for each of face stimuli, simple and compound characters, respectively. In consistent with the ERP results, we observed a significant event-related field (ERF) effect over the posterior sensors around ms for inverted compared to upright stimuli. Importantly, we conducted a spatiotemporal pattern similarity in ERF and found significantly higher similarity indexes in the posterior regions of interest for faces and Chinese characters, respectively. However, the spatiotemporal pattern of the ERF for faces was not significantly similar to the ERF pattern for Chinese characters. In sum, the sensor-level data suggest that the faces and Chinese characters may elicit different activity spatiotemporal patterns in ERF. Future work will include the MEG source-level analysis and functional magnetic resonance imaging data to clarify the neural origins of the configural processing for face and Chinese characters. Keywords: MEG; Chinese characters; Faces; Inversion effect; Configural processing 72

75 P44 Evaluation of the publication bias and replicability in two meta-analyses of task-related fmri Chun-Chia Kung*, Kuo Liu, Yi-Ping Chen Amid the open science movements aiming to achieve better replicability in the recent psychological sciences, neuroimaging field (especially fmri) has long been under similar suspicion (Sczus and Ioannidis, 2016), but in lack of empirical or well-known case examples. Partly due to its complicated data processing procedures which set the high bar for interested researchers, plus the diverse research questions and flexibilities in analysis and reporting strategies, case examples are less known compared to those news in recent social/cognitive psychology. To empirically evaluate this, in this poster we highlight two examples from our lab: (a) whether significant BOLD activity differences for upright and inverted faces could be reliably found in the human face-selective area, or FFA; and (b) whether body or motion-related metaphors activate the associative motor/somatosensory areas (BA 1/2/4/6/8). Both examples are well related to fmri-derived hypotheses (with the former related to the face specificity of FFA, and the later whether embodied cognition in language could be strengthened by fmri), so in each inquiry we could identify more than 20 publications. By both the funnel and forest plots, two common approach revealing the degree of publication bias (aka. file-drawer effect), we confirm not only their existence, but the R-index (Schimmack, 2014) further reveal the reproducibility in each study. In sum, the primary contribution of the present work is to exemplify and to made known the existence of publication bias in fmri, therefore the continuing call for pre-registration, and most importantly, how these biases should factor in the ongoing formation/evaluation of any hypothesis/theory in cognitive neuroscience. Keywords: fmri 73

76 P45 Reconsidering the description-experience gap: Overweighting of rare events in experienced-based decision under risk 李淑卿 *, Shih-Wei Wu Accumulating evidence indicates that, in decision under risk, people tend to overweight/underweight rare events depending on whether information about event probability is described/experienced. This is often referred to as the description-experience gap (Hertwig et al., 2004). Hills and Hertwig (2010) found that subjects sampling strategy in the experience-based task affected probability distortion -- subjects who switched more often between lotteries during sampling exhibited larger underweighting of small-probability events. To test the impact of switch frequency on probability distortion, we manipulated the switch frequency and randomly assigned subjects to either the high or low frequency condition. We hypothesized that more underweighting of small probability would be observed in the high switch-frequency condition. Another goal of our experiment is to investigate whether subjects will violate the independence axiom of expected utility theory (EUT) in experience-based decision making. Violations of the independence axiom have been attributed to probability distortion and patterns of violations can be used to infer the shape of the probability weighting function. Utilizing the design in Wu & Gonzalez (1996), we tested the independence axiom in experience-based decision making and estimated the probability weighting function. Analysis of choice data of individual subjects showed that people significantly violated the independence axiom in both switch-frequency conditions (high, N=86; low, N=84). Based on the pattern of violation, we inferred that both groups of subjects overweight small probabilities and underweight large probabilities. These results indicate that while switching frequency can affect probability distortion, subjects in experience-based task distort probability similarly to what had been shown in decision from description. 74

77 P46 The effect of social status and equity theory on inequality-averse social preference 顏子昀 *, Denise Hsien Wu In present study, we studied the effect of social rank and equity theory on inequality-averse social preference. Specifically, the investigation is based on a two stage mechanism where participants obtained their social rank through either effortful or lucky process in the first stage and indicate the preference rating on a monetary distributions between themselves and a better-off or a worse-off. Previous studies have suggested that human has a tendency to resist the inequality distribution. We hypothesized that the inequality aversion preference may be violated when participants possess heterogeneous social rank, or bear equity principle in reward distributions. The experimental results show that participants in higher rank favored the distributions that minimize partial disparity but not to the degree of eliminating the gap. In contrast, participants in lower rank favored the distributions closed the gap entirely. However, we didn t find the modulation from the consideration of equity principle for participants in both high and low rank. Keywords: Inequality, Scoial Status, Distributive Justice 75

78 P47 Neural Mechanisms for Base-Rate Neglect in Judgment under Uncertainty 楊勻硯 Inferring the probability of events based on past and present information allows one to more accurately predict and choose in uncertain environments. Given the wide variety of information we receive, the ability to integrate different sources of information becomes essential to making better judgments about probability. Decades of research in psychology showed that human judgments often deviate from rational-agent models. However, the neural mechanisms for judgment bias remain elusive. We investigated how humans integrate prior knowledge and likelihood information widely studied in the behavioral literature about probability of reward and systematically manipulated the reliability of both sources of information. Consistent with previous research on base-rate neglect, we found that Sub optimal inference is associated with the underweighting of prior information. Combining computational modeling and fmri, we found that the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) represents the relative weight subjects assigned to prior and likelihood information and reflects individual differences in relative weight, while activations in the visual cortex represent the reliability of these two distinct sources of information. Further, the dynamics of functional connectivity between OFC and early visual cortex was associated with the degree to which integration performance deviated from rational inference. These results indicate that, at the time of information integration, the efficiency in information communication between neural system that represents the statistical features of information and that assigns weight to them serves as a candidate mechanism for boundedly rational inference. 76

79 P48 Trading off information against reward in time in a perceptual decision task 王牧晨 When decision makers face multiple choices, gathering more information can give them more evidences about the options. However, information often comes at a cost: while receiving more information makes us better informed about the options we faced, it takes time to collect information. In this study, we aim to investigate how people balance the cost of time with the additional information they can get. Moreover, knowing that time is costly but information is helpful, how do people integrate the cost of time with information, and decide when to make the choice? In a perceptual decision task, subjects have to choose which ball red or green has more in number in the box. We simulate this process by plotting red or green dots sequentially on the display from a 100 color dots, where the ratio of red/green dot sis either 55:45 or 45:55.The experiment includes two sessions, fixed-reward session and decreasing reward session. In fixed-reward session, subjects get a fixed amount of reward after a correct choice. In decreasing-reward session, the reward subjects get will decrease as a function of time. More dots increase subjects probability of making an accurate choice, but reduce their reward. In order to get better reward, subjects have to decide when to stop collecting information and make the choice. The result showed that subjects (n=2) decision time were slower than optimal decision time. The delay of decision time can be attributed to the distortion of reward outcome or probability estimation. We used a probability weighting function to explain the empirical results, noticeably that these results were hard to describe by the distortion of reward outcome using loss aversion or risk aversion model. The probability weighting function model indicated that subjects might underweight large probabilities. The distortion of probability weighting drove subjects willing to delay their decision time from optimal, even the benefit of collecting information was limited. 77

80 地圖及路線指引 Map & Directions 主會議場地 : 中國醫藥大學校本部安康大樓 交通指引 : A. 搭公車 1. 搭乘統聯公車 25 號, 由干城站到僑光科技大學, 經學士路於 中國醫藥大學 站下車, 步行 1-2 分鐘即可到達 2. 搭乘統聯客運 61 號, 由台中車站到大雅, 經學士路於 中國醫藥大學 站下車, 步行 1-2 分鐘即可到達 3. 搭乘統聯客運 77 號, 由統聯轉運站到慈濟醫院, 經學士路於 中國醫藥大學 站下車, 步行 1-2 分鐘即可到達 4. 搭乘統聯客運 159 號, 由台中高鐵站到台中公園, 經學士路於 中山堂 站下車, 步行 1-2 分鐘即可到達 5. 搭乘台中客運 35 號, 由僑光技術學院到南區區公所, 經學士路於 中國醫藥大學 站下車, 步行 1-2 分鐘即可到達 6. 搭乘台中客運 131 號, 由民俗公園到竹仔坑, 經學士路於 中國醫藥大學 站下車, 步行 1-2 分鐘即可到達 7. 搭乘東南客運 67 號, 由東海別墅到台中火車站, 經學士路於 中山堂 站下車, 步行 1-2 分鐘即可到達 8. 搭乘統聯客運 18 號, 由朝馬站到干城, 經學士路於 中國醫大學 站下車, 步行 1-2 分鐘即可到達 B. 自行開車 1. 走國道 1 號 (1) 南下 : 由 174.2K 大雅交流道下, 經中清路 大雅路左轉英才路, 與學士路交叉口, 即 可到達 (2) 北上 : 由 178.6K 台中交流道下, 經中港路左轉英才路, 與學士路交叉口, 即可到達 2. 走國道 3 號 (1) 南下 : 由 176.1K 沙鹿交流道下, 經中清路 大雅路左轉英才路, 與學士路交叉口, 即可到達 (2) 北上 : 由 209.0K 中投交流道下, 經中投快速道路 五權南路 五權路左轉學士路, 即可到達 78

81 3. 停車資訊 : C. 搭高鐵 (1) 復健大樓停車場 ( 機械式車位 : 每小時 40 元 ) 竑穗興業有限公司 (400 台中市中區民權路 164 號 B2F, 電話 : , 傳真 : ) (2) 中正公園地下停車場 ( 平面車位 : 每小時 40 元 ) 永耕建設股份有限公司 (40402 台中市北區學士路 108 號, 電話 : , 傳真 : ) (3) 五權立體停車場 ( 平面車位 : 汽車每小時 30 元 ; 機車每次 20 元 ) 竑穗興業有限公司 (400 台中市北區五權路 499 號, 電話 : , 傳真 : ) 97 年 1 月 16 日起高鐵台中站免費接駁專車延伸至本校發車 ( 統聯客運 ), 分別於 台中站 6 號出口 13 號月台 及 學士路 中國醫藥大學 市公車站牌 ( 中山堂前 ) 上車, 車程約 40 分鐘 中國醫藥大學 - 台中校本部交通地圖 79

82 A. By Bus From Taichung Train Station, take the local bus, Ren-You Bus No. 25 (which goes to the Overseas Chinese Institute of Technology). It takes about 20 minutes to get to Zhongshan Hall (CMU). From Taichung Train Station, take the local bus, UBus No.61 (which goes to Taya). It takes about 20 minutes to get to Zhongshan Hall (CMU). Take the local bus, Taichung Bus No. 1 or No. 131 (either of them passes by CMU). B. By Taiwan High Speed Rail Take a free shuttle bus (Ubus) from Taiwan High Speed Rail at the Exit No. 6. It takes about 40 minutes to get to Zhongshan Hall (China Medical University). C. By Car (1) Through National Freeway No.1 (1) Northbound Drive along National Freeway No.1, take the exit at Taichung Interchange (178.6km) and follow the direction to Taichung. Drive along TaiJungGang Rd. Turn left in the Yingcai Rd. and go along till you meet Xueshi Rd. CMU is on the corner of Yingcai Rd and Xueshi Rd. (2) Southbound Drive along National Freeway No.1, take the exit at Daya Interchange (174.2km) and follow the direction to Taichung. Drive along Zhongqing Rd., which becomes Daya Rd. Turn left in the Yingcai Rd. and go alone till you meet Xueshi Rd. CMU is on the corner of Yingcai Rd and Xueshi Rd. (2) Through National Freeway No.3 (1) Northbound Drive along National Freeway No.3, take the exit at Jhongtou Interchange (209.0km) and turn to Jhongtou Expressway, which becomes Wuquan S. Rd. Then, go along Wuquan Rd and turn left till you meet Xueshi Rd. CMU is on the corner of Yingcai Rd and Xueshi Rd. (2) Southbound Drive along National Freeway No.3, take the exit at Shalu Interchange (176.1km) and follow the direction to Taichung (Daya). Drive along Zhongqing Rd., which becomes Daya Rd. Turn left in the Yingcai Rd. and go alone till you meet Xueshi Rd. CMU is on the corner of Yingcai Rd and Xueshi Rd. 80

83 3. Parking Lots (1) Rehabilitation Medical Building Parking Lot: The parking is charged at NT$ 50 per hour with accumulation.(b2f.,no.164, Minquan Rd., Central Dist., Taichung City 400, Taiwan, TEL: ,FAX: ) (2) Underground Garage Zhongzheng Park: The parking is charged at NT$ 40 per hour with accumulation.(no.108, Xueshi Rd., North Dist., Taichung City 404, Taiwan,TEL: ,FAX: ) The Transportation Map The Building Position 交通指引資訊來源 : 中國醫藥大學官方網站 81

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