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2 1- Hb A2 is consisting of: a) 3 ά chains and 2 γ chains b) 2 ά chains and 2 β chains c) 2 ά chains and 2 δ chains** d) 2 ά chains and 3 δ chains e) 3 ά chains and 2 δ chains 2- The main (most) Hb found in adult is: a) Hb A* b) Hb A2 c) Hb F d) HbS 3- Blood medium anticoagulant commonly used in blood bank: a) Citrate Phosphate Dextrose adenine (CPD-A)* b) EDTA anticoagulant c) Heparin anticoagulant d) Saline alanin glucose maltose (SAGM) 4- Indirect anti-antibody test used to detect: a) Sensitized RBCs in patient blood b) IgG c) IgM d) Sensitized antibody in patient serum** e) Non of the above 5- Direct anti-antibody test used to detect: a) Sensitized RBCs in patient blood** b) IgG c) IgM d) Sensitized antibody in patient serum e) None of the above. 6- Anti-Human Immunoglubin is: a) Coombs reagent b) Anti-Ab c) Anti-IgG d) All of the above** e) Non of the above 7- Rh negative patient means he dose not have: a) E antigen b) D antigen** c) B antigen d) C antigen e) Non of the above 2

3 8- Hb A consists of: a) 2 ά chains and 2 δ chains b) 3 ά chains and 2 β chains c) 2 ά chains and 2 β chains* d) 2 ά chains and 3 β chains e) 2 ά chains and 2 γ chains 9- Normal range of leukocyte is: a) 4-11 X 10-9 nm/cc ** b) X 10-9 c) X 10-9 d) 5-10 X Life span of red blood cells in the circulation (body): a) 80 days b) 120 day** c) 130 day d) 20 day e) 70 day 11- Reticulocyte is Immature: a) RBC** b) WBC c) Platelet d) Protein 12- CPD_A anticoagulant used to store blood for: a) 35 days** b) 45 days c) 5 days d) 15 days e) Non of the above 13- In Anti human globulin test do wash of RBC because all serum contain a) Albumin b) Globulin c) Fibrin d) Fibrinogen e) Immunoglobulin** 14- Reason of false positive ABO in compatibility: a) Cold agglutination** b) Missing anticoagulant c) Delayed specimen 3

4 15- In O blood group the Ab in serum is: a) Anti A and B** b) Anti A c) Anti B d) Non of the above e) All of the above 16- Neutrophil is acommn White blood cell present in blood and the percentage of presence is: a) 90% b) 15% c) 75%* d) 10% 17- The leukocyte that involve in Adaptive and Acquired immunity a) Lymphocyte * b) Monocyte c) Neutrophil d) Basophil e) Eosinophil 18- Leukocyte responsible for cellular immunity: a) T_ lymphocyte * b) B- lymphocyte c) Monocyte d) Basophile e) Eosinophil 19- Normal range of erythrocyte a) 4,5-6,5X 10^9* b) 5,6-11,5X 10^9 c) 3-5.5X 10^9 20- The defect of thalassemia occurs in: a) Cycle of heme b) Globins chain * c) Nutrition anemia d) B12 deficiency 21- Elevated in parasitic infection and allergy: a) IgE* b) IgM c) IgG d) IgD e) IgA 4

5 22- With Romanosky stain 2-5 lobes and give violet or pinkish granules: a) Nutrophile * b) Eiosinophile c) Basophile d) Monocyte 23- Use O cell tube on lab for: a) As control b) To detect Ag c) To detect Ab d) AS dilution 24- All causes false negative ABO blood grouping except a) Too short incubation* b) Use different Ag c) Forget Ag 25- Prothrombin time detects: a) Extrinsic pathway of coagulation* b) Intrinsic pathway c) Platelets activity d) Bleeding time 26- Store RBC at -80 c for: a) 1year * b) 1month c) 4 year d) 2 year e) 6year 27- Deferential test for: a) Leukocyte* b) RBCs c) Platelets d) Antibodies 28- Sensitized Ab in serum detect by: a) Indirect antiglublin test* b) Direct antiglublin c) All d) Non 5

6 29-Prothrombin time measure: a) Convert fibrinogen to fibrin with activate of thrombin* b) Fibrin to fibrinogen c) Platelets aggregation d) The number of leukocyte 30- In presence of clotting defect one of this not measure: a) Leukocyte count * b) PT c) PTT d) Platelets count 31- In Rh negative person, this Ag not found: a) D-antigen* b) E-antigen c) A-antigen d) H-Antigen 32- Bleeding time test detect the abnormality in: a) Defect in vessels and platelets* b) PT c) PTT d) Liver transaminase e) Creatinin 33- Mature RBC that is normally presence in blood film: a) Erythrocyte* b) Reticulocyte c) Plasma cell d) Blast cell 34- Reticulocyte is immature cell of: a) Erythrocytes* b) Platelets c) WBC d) Plasma cell 35- S hemoglobin is the same defect of thalassemia but the different is: a) Long B chain b) Glutamic acid on β chain is substituted with valine* c) Glutamic acid on α chain is substitutes with valine 6

7 36- Hormone that cause replication of RBC: a) Erythropoietin* b) Prolactin c) Estrogene d) Testesterone 37- Normal range of WBCs: a) 4000_11000* b) c) d) In O Positive person a) No presence of Ag* b) No presence of Ab c) Presence of Ab and Ag d) No Presence of Ab and Ag 39- The Hemoglobin of sickle cell disease a) Hb A b) Hb F c) Hb A2 d) Hb S* 40- False positive ABO incompatibility/cross matching a) Cold agglutinin* b) Deterious reagent c) Not putting antisera d) Pernicious anemia 41-Method of bleeding time detects abnormality in: a) For vascular and platelets abnormalities (function).* b) Defect in Prothrombin time c) Defect in partial prothrombin time d) Defect in liver function 42- Antibody found in blood group AB individuals:- a) Anti-A b) Anti-B c) Anti-A&B d) None A or B* 7

8 43- In folic acid deficiency what happens to Erythrocyte?- a) Enlarged RBCs (Megaloblastic anaemia)* b) Crenated RBCs c) Haemolyzed RBCs 44- In iron deficiency anaemia: a) RBCs are smaller than normal = microcytic b) RBCs are larger than normal = macrocytic c) Hypochromic* d) Hyperchromic 45- To differentiate anti i from anti I a) A1 cells b) A2 cells c) Cord cells* d) None of the above 46- Storage temperature of Blood must be controlled at a) 0-10 b) 2-6 c) 0-4 d) 0-8 e) 4-8* 47-The concentration of which blood component is firstly diminished on storage? a) RBC b) Leukocyte** c) Clotting factors d) Platelets 48- Haemocytometer used in count of a) White blood cells(wbcs) b) Red blood cell (RBCs) c) Platelets d) ALL* 49-Least abundant leukocytes a) Neutrophils b) Monocyte c) Basophils* d) Eosinophils 8

9 50--More abundant leukocytes a) Neutrophils* b) Monocyte c) Basophils d) Eosinophils 51- Fixation of thick blood film a) Heat b) air c) Alcohol d) Not fixed* 52- Fixation of thin blood film a) Heat b) air c) Alcohol* d) Not fixed 53- Anaemia due to a) Increase Hb conc. b) Decrease Leukocyte c) Decrease Hb* d) Decrease Platelets 54- Hemophilia man married to normal woman the incidence of his children is? a) Carrier male b) Diseased female c) Carrier female** d) Diseased male e) All of the above 55- If the Child Was Rh positive and The Mother Rh negative The Antibodies produced are a) Anti-D Immune* b) Anti-E Immune c) Anti-H Immune d) Anti-C Immune e) Anti-K Immune 9

10 56- Leukemia is an increase in a) Erythrocyte b) Leukocyte* c) Clotting factor d) Platelets 57- Blood smear fixed by. a) Normal saline. b) Acid. c) Methanol or ethanol alcohol* d) None of above. 58-(G6PD) deficiency cause a) hemolytic anemia (Favism)* b) Diarrhea c) Abdominal pain d) Liver Cirrhosis 59- Variation in RBCs size a) Microcytosis b) Macrocytosis c) Aniso cytosis* d) Poiklocytosis 60- Pretranfusion test that is performed using the patient red cells and donor plasma a) Anti body screen b) major x-matching c) minor x-matching* 61- The difference between plasma & serum is that plasma a) Does not contain fibrinogen b) Has more water c) Contains fibrinogen* d) Contain albumin 62- To measure G6PD we use a) Plasma b) Serum c) Whole blood on EDTA* 10

11 63- In A Positive person a) No presence of Ag b) No presence of Ab c) Presence of B antibodies* d) Presence of A antibodies 64- Hb A percentage a) 4 % b) 6% c) 96%* d) 2% 64- Hb A2 percentage a) 4 % b) 6% c) 96% d) 2%* 65-Normal Hb in male a) mg/dl. b) mg/dl.* c) mg/dl. d) mg/dl. 65- Vitamin B12 deficiency cause a) Hypochromic anaemia b) Megaloblastic anaemia c) Pernicious anaemia** d) Sickle cell anaemia 66- Megaloblastic anaemia caused by a) Iron deficiency b) Folic acid and B12 deficiency* c) Zinc deficiency d) Globin deficiency 67- G6-P-D deficiency cause a) Haemolytic anaemia* b) Megaloblastic anaemia c) Pernicious anaemia d) Sickle cell anaemia 11

12 68-Thalassemia due to increase of a) Hb A b) Hb F* c) Hb A2 d) Hb S 69-Normal range of Platelets a) * b) c) d) Normal value of Lymphocyte a) % b) 2 5 % c) 0 1 % d) %* 71-Incompatibility or differentiation in Rh that causing hemolytic if a) Mother has Rh positive b) Father has Rh negative c) Fetus has Rh positive and mother Rh negative* d) Fetus has Rh negative and mother Rh positive 72- The main activity of phagocytosis found in one of leukocyte: a) Lymphocyte* b) Nutrophile c) RBCs d) Reticulocyte e) Platelet 73-In new born Hb F is up to a) 20% b) 70%* c) 50% d) 30% 74-Hb F is consisting of: a) 2 ά chains and 2 γ chains* b) 2 ά chains and 2 β chains c) 2 ά chains and 2 δ chains d) 2 ά chains and 3 δ chains e) 3 ά chains and 2 δ chains 12

13 75-In manual white blood cell count using haemocytometer the dilution used is: a) Normal saline b) Sodium chloride c) Glacial acetic acid d) Water 13

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