Measure Your Progress: Learning Objectives

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1 Chapter 17 Psychiatry Measure Your Progress: Learning Objectives After you study this chapter, you should be able to Identify the structures of the brain that are related to psychiatry. Describe the process of an emotional response. Describe common psychiatric mental disorders, laboratory and diagnostic procedures, medical and psychiatric procedures and therapies, and drug categories. Give the medical meaning of word parts and abbreviations related to psychiatry. Build psychiatric words from word parts and divide and define psychiatric words. Spell and pronounce psychiatric words. Analyze the medical content and meaning of a psychiatric report. Dive deeper into psychiatry by reviewing the activities at the end of this chapter and online at Copyright 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. 367

2 It All Starts with Word Building Medical language is all about medical words and their word parts. Jump right into this chapter by learning these common combining forms and their definitions that you will encounter in this chapter. acr/o- addict/o- affect/o- agor/a- amnes/o- anxi/o- arachn/o- aut/o- behav/o- cid/o- claustr/o- cognit/o- compuls/o- copr/o- delus/o- depend/o- depress/o- emot/o- factiti/o- hallucin/o- hedon/o- hom/i- hypn/o- klept/o- extremity; highest point surrender to; be controlled by state of mind; mood; to have an influence on open area or space forgetfulness fear; worry spider; spider web self activity; manner of acting killing enclosed space thinking drive; compel feces; stool false belief to hang onto press down moving; stirring up artificial; made up imagined perception pleasure man sleep to steal ment/o- neur/o- obsess/o- ophidi/o- oppos/o- path/o- ped/o- phil/o- phob/o- phren/o- psych/o- pyr/o- rap/o- schiz/o- sex/o- soci/o- somat/o- stress/o- su/ithanat/o- therapeut/o- thym/o- toler/o- toxic/o- xen/o- mind; chin nerve besieged by thoughts snake forceful resistance disease child attraction to; fondness for fear; avoidance diaphragm; mind mind fire; burning to seize and drag away split sex human beings; community body disturbing stimulus self death therapy; treatment thymus; rage to become accustomed to poison; toxin foreign 368 Chapter 17 Copyright 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc.

3 Chapter Spelling Test Memorize these spelling words from the chapter. Be prepared to spell them as your instructor dictates them to you. 1. amnesia 2. anorexia nervosa 3. delirium tremens 4. delusion 5. dementia 6. euphoria 7. hallucination 8. homicidal ideation 9. hypnosis 10. paranoia 11. phobia 12. psychiatry 13. psychosis 14. schizophrenia 15. suicide Copyright 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. Psychiatry 369

4 Chapter Pronunciation Test Review and practice the pronunciation of these words from the chapter. Your instructor may ask you to call his or her office and pronounce each word on voic . 1. anorexia nervosa (an-oh-rek-see-ah ner-voh-sah) 2. autism (AW-tizm) 3. bulimia (buh-lee-mee-ah) 4. delirium tremens (deh-leer-ee-um TREM-enz) 5. delusional (dee-loo-shun-al) 6. dementia (deh-men-sha) 7. detoxication (dee-tawk-sih-kay-shun) 8. electroconvulsive therapy (ee-lek-troh-con-vul-siv THAIR-ah-pee) 9. euphoria (yoo-for-ee-ah) 10. homicidal ideation (hoh-mih-sy-dal eye-dee-aa-shun) 11. milieu (meel-yoo) 12. obsessive compulsive disorder (awb-seh-siv com-pawl-siv dis-or-der) 13. psychiatry (sy-ky-ah-tree) 14. psychosis (sy-koh-sis) 15. schizophrenia (skiz-oh-free-nee-ah) 370 Chapter 17 Copyright 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc.

5 Word Search Complete this word search puzzle that contains Chapter 17 words. Look for the following words as given in the list below. The number in parentheses indicates how many times the word appears in the puzzle. addict ADHD affect anger anorexia anxiety autism CNS (2) delusions dementia depression drugs ETOH help insane limbic LSD manic milieu mood OCD panic personality phobia SAD sadism sane sanity schizophrenia suicide therapy N J P E R S O N A L I T Y O A F F E C T P K D S T P I C I N A M C M A C E D A S N A L C A I S I I P N R S S U I C I D E X L G B E E B N M L B D N E E I Y H R A D B J O A H R Q T E T P C O I V H U O O I K C U E W O C D P T I N S A N E D E M E N T I A A U J S T H K S N O I S U L E D W O D R U G S B M S I D A S H A I N E R H P O Z I H C S Copyright 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. Psychiatry 371

6 Crossword Puzzle Across 1. A disorder in which the patient exhibits factitious medical or psychiatric symptoms to gain assistance, attention, or pity is called syndrome. 3. The stores long-term memories and helps to compare present and past emotions and experiences. 4. The combining form that means false belief is. 6. The combining form means open area or space. 7. Chronic, mild-to- moderate depression is called. 8. A sudden attack of severe, overwhelming anxiety without an identifiable cause is referred to as a disorder. 9. The relays sensory information from the five senses to the midbrain. Down 1. A fear of germs is known as. 2. A decreased level of, a neurotransmitter found in the brain and spinal cord, can cause depression. 5. The combining form phren/o- means diaphragm or. 372 Chapter 17 Copyright 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc.

7 Underline the Accented Syllable Read the medical word. Then review the syllables in the pronunciation. Underline the primary (main) accented syllable in the pronunciation. 1. acrophobia (ak-roh-foh-bee-ah) 2. anhedonia (an-hee-doh-nee-ah) 3. bulimia (buh-lee-mee-ah) 4. dysthymia (dis-thy-mee-ah) 5. encopresis (en-koh-pree-sis) 6. euphoria (yoo-for-ee-ah) 7. kleptomania (klep-toh-may-nee-ah) 8. malingering (mah-ling-ger-ing) 9. pedophilia (pee-doh-fil-ee-ah) 10. psychiatric (sy-kee-at-rik) 11. Rorschach (ror-shak) 12. schizophrenia (skiz-oh-free-nee-ah) 13. Tourette (toor-et) 14. trichotillomania (trik-oh-til-oh-may-nee-ah) 15. xenophobia (zen-oh-foh-bee-ah) Copyright 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. Psychiatry 373

8 Word Surgery Read the medical word. Break the medical word into its word parts and give the meaning of each word part. Then give the definition of the medical word. 1. anhedonia 2. anorexia 3. bipolar 4. dissociative 5. dysmorphic 374 Chapter 17 Copyright 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc.

9 6. echolalia 7. homicidal 8. pedophilia 9. phobia 10. psychoanalysis Copyright 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. Psychiatry 375

10 11. rapist 12. schizophrenia 13. thanatophobia 14. transvestism 15. trichotillomania 376 Chapter 17 Copyright 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc.

11 Chapter Quiz Multiple Choice 1. The word psychiatry has a suffix that A. refers to medical treatment. B. is an eponym. C. has a prefix that means acting out. D. means the study of. 2. Which of the following are both neurotransmitters? A. epinephrine and norepinephrine B. dopamine and affect C. cocaine and alcohol D. serotonin and fornix 3. Constant, persistent, uncontrollable thoughts are part of a condition known as A. phobia. B. obsessive compulsive disorder. C. tremor. D. dementia. 4. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia A. include chronic pulling out or twisting of the hair. B. involve abnormal eating habits. C. are caused by addiction to narcotic drugs. D. include hallucinations. 5. Patients with schizophrenia A. have lost touch with reality. B. have bizarre behavior. C. hear voices telling them to do things. D. All of the above. Copyright 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. Psychiatry 377

12 6. Distractibility, short attention span, inability to follow directions, restlessness, and hyperactivity describe which of the following? A. ADHD B. conduct disorder C. exhibitionism D. fetishism 7. Partial or total memory loss due to trauma or disease is A. anorexia. B. catatonia. C. Tourette s syndrome. D. amnesia. 8. Which of the following is an exaggerated sense of self-worth and importance? A. obsessive-compulsive disorder B. attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder C. narcissism D. kleptomania 9. A radiologic procedure that shows areas of abnormal metabolism in the brain related to Alzheimer s disease and dementia is A. MME. B. PET. C. CT. D. BDI. 10. The difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist is A. psychiatrists are physicians. B. psychologists cannot prescribe drug therapy. C. There is no difference. D. Both A and B are correct. 378 Chapter 17 Copyright 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc.

13 fill in the blank 1. The system processes memories and controls emotion, mood, motivation, and behavior. 2. A is an intense, unreasonable fear of a specific thing, situation, or thought. 3. The extreme chronic fear of being fat and obsession to become thinner is known as. 4. Su/i-, as in suicidal, means. 5. is the inability to communicate or form significant relationships with others and a lack of interest in doing so. 6. Obtaining sexual arousal by wearing clothes belonging to the opposite sex or posing as someone of the opposite sex is known as. 7. The test uses a set of cards with abstract shapes and is known as the inkblot test. 8. A therapy that places the patient in a sleep-like trance is. 9. Psychoanalysis was developed by (name of the person). 10. Antipsychotic drugs are also known as major. True/False 1. The thalamus is part of the limbic system. 2. The hypothalamus is located above the thalamus. 3. Acrophobia is the fear of heights. 4. Hallucinogens include LSD, PCP, and opioids. 5. PMDD stands for premenstrual syndrome. 6. Echolalia is the condition in which the patient automatically repeats what someone else has said. 7. A patient with dementia exhibits symptoms of acute confusion, disorientation, and agitation due to toxic levels of body chemicals, drugs, or alcohol. 8. A patient who exhibits false medical or psychiatric symptoms to get a reward is malingering. 9. A patient who continually is concerned with minor defects in body appearance has hypochondriasis. 10. Detoxication is a therapy that uses an electrical current to treat severe depression and schizophrenia. Copyright 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. Psychiatry 379

14 Pronunciation Checklist Read each word and its pronunciation. Practice pronouncing each word. Verify your pronunciation by listening to the Pronunciation List on Check the box next to the word after you master its pronunciation. o acrophobia (ak-roh-foh-bee-ah) o addiction (ah-dik-shun) o affect (AF-ekt) o affective disorder (ah-fek-tiv dis-or-der) o agoraphobia (ah-gor-ah-foh-bee-ah) o amnesia (am-nee-zha) o amnestic (am-nes-tik) o amygdaloid body (ah-mig-dah-loyd BAW-dee) o anhedonia (an-hee-doh-nee-ah) o anorexia nervosa (an-oh-rek-see-ah ner-voh-sah) o anterograde amnesia (AN-ter-oh-grayd am-nee-zha) o antianxiety drug (an-tee-ang-zy-eh-tee DRUHG) o antidepressant drug (an-tee-dee-preh-sant DRUHG) o antipsychotic drug (an-tee-sy-kaw-tik DRUHG) o antisocial personality (an-tee-soh-shal per-son-al-ih-tee) o anxiety (ang-zy-eh-tee) o anxiolytic drug (ang-zee-oh-lit-ik DRUHG) o apathy (AP-ah-thee) o arachnophobia (ah-rak-noh-foh-bee-ah) o autism (AW-tizm) o aversion therapy (ah-ver-shun THAIR-ah-pee) o avoidant personality (ah-voy-dant per-son-al-ih-tee) o behavioral therapy (bee-hay-vyoor-al THAIR-ah-pee) o bipolar disorder (by-poh-lar dis-or-der) o bulimia (buh-lee-mee-ah) o catalepsy (kat-ah-lep-see) o catatonia (kat-ah-toh-nee-ah) o cingulate gyrus (SIN-gyoo-layt JY-rus) o claustrophobia (klaw-stroh-foh-bee-ah) o cognitive disorder (KAWG-nih-tiv dis-or-der) o cognitive therapy (KAWG-nih-tiv THAIR-ah-pee) o compulsion (com-pawl-shun) o conversion disorder (con-ver-shun dis-or-der) o coprolalia (kaw-proh-lay-lee-ah) o cyclothymia (sy-kloh-thy-mee-ah) o delirium (deh-leer-ee-um) (dee-leer-ee-um) o delirium tremens (deh-leer-ee-um TREM-enz) o delusional (dee-loo-shun-al) o dementia (deh-men-sha) o dependence (dee-pen-dens) o dependent personality (dee-pen-dent per-son-al-ih-tee) o depersonalization (dee-per-son-al-ih-zay-shun) o depression (dee-preh-shun) o desensitization therapy (dee-sen-sih-tih-zay-shun THAIR-ah-pee) o detoxication (dee-tawk-sih-kay-shun) o dissociative disorder (dih-soh-see-ah-tiv dis-or-der) o dopamine (DOH-pah-meen) o dysmorphic disorder (dis-mor-fik dis-or-der) o dysthymia (dis-thy-mee-ah) o echolalia (ek-oh-lay-lee-ah) o electroconvulsive therapy (ee-lek-troh-con-vul-siv THAIR-ah-pee) o emotion (ee-moh-shun) o encopresis (en-koh-pree-sis) o epinephrine (ep-ih-nef-rin) o euphoria (yoo-for-ee-ah) o exhibitionism (eks-hih-bih-shun-izm) o factitious disorder (fak-tih-shus dis-or-der) o fetishism (FET-ish-izm) o fornix (FOR-niks) o fugue (FYOOG) o global amnesia (GLOH-bal am-nee-zha) o hallucination (hah-loo-sih-nay-shun) o hallucinogen (hah-loo-sin-oh-jen) o hebephrenia (hee-bah-free-nee-ah) (heb-eh-free-nee-ah) o hippocampus (hip-oh-kam-pus) o histrionic personality (his-tree-aw-nik per-son-al-ih-tee) o homicidal ideation (hoh-mih-sy-dal eye-dee-aa-shun) o hypochondriasis (hy-poh-con-dry-ah-sis) o hypnosis (hip-noh-sis) o hypnotherapy (hip-noh-thair-ah-pee) o hypothalamus (hy-poh-thal-ah-mus) o kleptomania (klep-toh-may-nee-ah) o limbic lobe (LIM-bik LOHB) o limbic system (LIM-bik SIS-tem) o malingering (mah-ling-ger-ing) o mania (MAY-nee-ah) o manic-depressive disorder (MAN-ik dee-preh-siv dis-or-der) o masochism (MAS-oh-kizm) o microphobia (my-kroh-foh-bee-ah) o milieu (meel-yoo) 380 Chapter 17 Copyright 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc.

15 o Munchausen syndrome (moon-chow-zen SIN-drohm) o Munchausen by proxy ( moon-chow-zen by PRAWK-see) o narcissism (NAR-sih-sizm) o narcissistic personality (nar-sih-sis-tik per-son-al-ih-tee) o neologism (nee-oh-loh-jizm) o neurotransmitter (nyoor-oh-trans-mih-ter) o norepinephrine (nor-ep-ih-nef-rin) o obsession (awb-seh-shun) o obsessive-compulsive disorder (awb-seh-siv com-pawl-siv dis-or-der) o ophidiophobia (oh-fid-ee-oh-foh-bee-ah) o oppositional defiant disorder (aw-poh-zih-shun-al dee-fy-ant dis-or-der) o panic disorder (PAN-ik dis-or-der) o paranoia (pair-ah-noy-ah) o pathological gambling (path-oh-law-jih-kal GAM-bling) o pedophile (PEE-doh-file) o pedophilia (pee-doh-fil-ee-ah) o personality (per-son-al-ih-tee) o phobia (FOH-bee-ah) o phobic (FOH-bik) o posttraumatic stress disorder (post-trah-mat-ik STRES dis-or-der) o premenstrual dysphoric syndrome (pree-men-stroo-al dis-for-ik SIN-drohm) o psychiatric (sy-kee-at-rik) o psychiatrist (sy-ky-ah-trist) o psychiatry (sy-ky-ah-tree) o psychoanalysis (sy-koh-ah-nal-ih-sis) o psychologist (sy-kaw-loh-jist) o psychology (sy-kaw-loh-jee) o psychopath (SY-koh-path) o psychosis (sy-koh-sis) o psychotherapy (sy-koh-thair-ah-pee) o pyromania (py-roh-may-nee-ah) o rape (RAYP) o rapist (RAY-pist) o reactive attachment disorder (ree-ak-tiv ah-tach-ment dis-or-der) o repression (ree-preh-shun) o retrograde amnesia (REH-troh-grayd am-nee-zha) o Rorschach test (ROR-shak TEST) o sadism (SAY-dizm) (SAD-izm) o schizophrenia (skiz-oh-free-nee-ah) (skit-soh-free-nee-ah) o seasonal affective disorder (SEE-son-al ah-fek-tiv dis-or-der) o serotonin (sair-oh-toh-nin) o social phobia (SOH-shal FOH-bee-ah) o social worker (SOH-shal WER-ker) o sociopath (SOH-see-oh-path) o somatoform (soh-mat-oh-form) o stressor (STRES-or) o suicidal ideation (soo-ih-sy-dal eye-dee-aa-shun) o tardive dyskinesia (TAR-dive dis-kih-nee-zha) o thalamus (THAL-ah-mus) o thanatophobia (than-ah-toh-foh-bee-ah) o Thematic Apperception Test (thee-mat-ik ap-er-sep-shun TEST) o therapeutic milieu (thair-ah-pyoo-tik meel-yoo) o therapy (THAIR-ah-pee) o tolerance (TAW-ler-ans) o Tourette s syndrome (toor-etz SIN-drohm) o tranquilizer drug (TRANG-kwih-ly-zer DRUHG) o transsexualism (trans-sek-shoo-ah-lizm) o transvestism (trans-ves-tizm) o trichotillomania (trik-oh-til-oh-may-nee-ah) o voyeurism (VOY-er-izm) o xenophobia (zen-oh-foh-bee-ah) Copyright 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. Psychiatry 381

16 Answer Key Word Search N J P E R S O N A L I T Y O A F F E C T P K D S T P I C I N A M C M A C E D A S N A L C A I S I I P N R S S U I C I D E X L G B E E B N M L B D N E E I Y H R A D B J O A H R Q T E T P C O I V H U O O I K C U E W O C D P T I N S A N E D E M E N T I A A U J S T H K S N O I S U L E D W O D R U G S B M S I D A S H A I N E R H P O Z I H C S 382 Chapter 17 Copyright 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc.

17 Crossword Puzzle M U N C H A U S E N I E H I P P O C A M P U S R R O D E L U S O T P 5 6 M A G O R A 7 D Y S T H Y M I A N O N I B D 8 P A N I C I 9 T H A L A M U S Copyright 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. Psychiatry 383

18 Underline the Accented Syllable 1. acrophobia (ak-roh-foh-bee-ah) 2. anhedonia (an-hee-doh-nee-ah) 3. bulimia (buh-lee-mee-ah) 4. dysthymia (dis-thy-mee-ah) 5. encopresis (en-koh-pree-sis) 6. euphoria (yoo-for-ee-ah) 7. kleptomania (klep-toh-may-nee-ah) 8. malingering (mah-ling-ger-ing) 9. pedophilia (pee-doh-fil-ee-ah) 10. psychiatric (sy-kee-at-rik) 11. Rorschach (ROR-shak) 12. schizophrenia (skiz-oh-free-nee-ah) 13. Tourette (toor-et) 14. trichotillomania (trik-oh-til-oh-may-nee-ah) 15. xenophobia (zen-oh-foh-bee-ah) 384 Chapter 17 Copyright 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc.

19 Word Surgery 1. anhedonia Suffix and its meaning: -ia condition; state; thing Prefix and its meaning: an- without; not Combining form and its meaning: hedon/o- pleasure Medical word definition: Condition (of being) without pleasure 2. anorexia Suffix and its meaning: -ia condition; state; thing Prefix and its meaning: an- without; not Combining form and its meaning: orex/o- appetite Medical word definition: Condition (of being) without an appetite 3. bipolar Suffix and its meaning: -ar pertaining to Prefix and its meaning: bi- two Combining form and its meaning: pol/o- pole Medical word definition: Pertaining to two poles (of emotion) 4. dissociative Suffix and its meaning: -ative pertaining to Prefix and its meaning: dis- away from Combining form and its meaning: soci/o- human beings; community Medical word definition: Pertaining to (wanting to be) away from human beings 5. dysmorphic Suffix and its meaning: -ic pertaining to Prefix and its meaning: dys- painful; difficult; abnormal Combining form and its meaning: morph/o- shape Medical word definition: Pertaining to an abnormal (concern about the body s) shape Copyright 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. Psychiatry 385

20 6. echolalia Suffix and its meaning: -lalia condition of speech Prefix and its meaning: none Combining form and its meaning: ech/o- echo (sound wave) Medical word definition: Condition of speech of echoing (automatically repeating) 7. homicidal Suffix and its meaning: -al pertaining to Prefix and its meaning: none Combining form and its meaning: hom/i- man Combining form and its meaning: cid/o- killing Medical word definition: Pertaining to man killing 8. pedophilia Suffix and its meaning: -ia condition; state; thing Prefix and its meaning: none Combining form and its meaning: ped/o- child Combining form and its meaning: phil/o- attraction to; fondness for Medical word definition: Condition (in an adult) of child attraction to 9. phobia Suffix and its meaning: -ia condition; state; thing Prefix and its meaning: none Combining form and its meaning: phob/o- fear; avoidance Medical word definition: Condition of fear or avoidance (of a specific thing or situation) 10. psychoanalysis Suffix and its meaning: -sis process; condition; abnormal condition Prefix and its meaning: none Combining form and its meaning: psych/o- mind Combining form and its meaning: analy/o- to separate Medical word definition: Process (of talking to help the) mind to separate (and analyze thoughts) 386 Chapter 17 Copyright 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc.

21 11. rapist Suffix and its meaning: -ist one who specializes in Prefix and its meaning: none Combining form and its meaning: rap/o- to seize and drag away Medical word definition: One who specializes in seizing and dragging away (a person) 12. schizophrenia Suffix and its meaning: -ia condition; state; thing Prefix and its meaning: none Combining form and its meaning: schiz/o- split Combining form and its meaning: phren/o- diaphragm; mind Medical word definition: Condition (of having) a split mind 13. thanatophobia Suffix and its meaning: -ia condition; state; thing Prefix and its meaning: none Combining form and its meaning: thanat/o- death Combining form and its meaning: phob/o- fear; avoidance Medical word definition: Condition of death (causing) fear 14. transvestism Suffix and its meaning: -ism process; disease from a specific cause Prefix and its meaning: trans- across; through Combining form and its meaning: vest/o- to dress Medical word definition: Process (of going) across to dress (in clothes of the opposite sex) 15. trichotillomania Suffix and its meaning: -ia condition; state; thing Prefix and its meaning: none Combining form and its meaning: trich/o- hair Combining form and its meaning: till/o- pull out Combining form and its meaning: man/o- thin; frenzy Medical word definition: Condition of (repetitive) hair pulling out in a frenzy Copyright 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. Psychiatry 387

22 Chapter Quiz Multiple Choice 1. A 4. B 7. D 10. D 2. A 5. D 8. C 3. B 6. A 9. B Fill in the Blank 1. limbic 2. phobia 3. anorexia nervosa 4. self 5. Autism 6. transvestism 7. Rorschach 8. hypnosis (or hypnotherapy) 9. Sigmund Freud (or Freud) 10. tranquilizers True/False 1. True 2. False (below) 3. True 4. True 5. False (PMS) 6. True 7. False (delirium) 8. True 9. False (body dysmorphic syndrome) 10. False (electroshock therapy or electroconvulsive therapy) 388 Chapter 17 Copyright 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc.

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