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1 12. C h a p t e r at G l a n e Reprodution is a type of life proess and it helps to prevent extintion of living organisms. Reprodution may be sexual or asexual. In asexual reprodution only one parent is involved and the ells divide mitotially. In sexual reprodution two parents are involved and the ells divide meiotially at the time of gametogenesis and mitotially after fertilization. Modes of asexual reprodution used by uniellular organisms are (1) binary fission (amoeba, paramoeium, euglena) (2) multiple fission (in amoeba during unfavourable ondition) (3) budding (yeast) Modes of asexual reprodution in multiellular organisms are: ( 1) fragmentation (spirogyra) ( 2) regeneration (planaria) (3) budding (hydra) (4) vegetative propagation (through plant parts like stem, root or leaves) ( 5) spore formation (Muor) The offsprings produed by asexual reprodution are genetially idential to the parents. Lak of geneti variation is the disadvantage while rapid reprodution is the advantage of asexual reprodution. In sexual reprodution, male parent produes male germ ells and female parent produes female germ ell or egg. Fertilization is the proess in whih male gamete (germ ell) fuses with the female gamete (germ ell) resulting in the formation of diploid zygote. Zygote develops into a new individual. Offsprings produed by sexual reprodution are different from parents. This variation enables organism to adapt and survive in the hanging environment. It also helps to prevent the omplete extintion of animal and plant speies. Flower is a funtional unit onerned with sexual reprodution in plants. The female reprodutive part of a flower is arpel and the male reprodutive parts is stamen. Pollination, fertilization and germination are the various proess of sexual reprodution in plants. Human body is physially ready to reprodue at the age of 18 in girls and 21 in boys. Testes and penis are the main reprodutive organs of the human male reprodutive system. Testis produe sperms (male germ ells) and also serete hormone testesteron whih is responsible for hanges in boys during puberty. Vagina, uterus, ovidut and ovaries are the main reprodutive organs of the human female reprodutive system. Ovaries develop and release eggs into the ovidut and also serete hormone estrogen whih brings about hanges in girls during puberty.

2 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - S.S.C. 135 Fertilization, development and birth are various stages of sexual reprodution in human beings. Limited family is advantageous to the individual as well as to the nation. Contraeptive method use of ondom not only protets the individual from STDs but also helps in population ontrol. MCQ's BASED ON PRACTICALS MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (MCQ's) (Eah question arries one mark) Experiment : I. To study (A) binary fission in amoeba and (B) budding in yeast with the help of prepared slides. 1. To observe the Hydra bud learly, Raju should see it first under the low power lens and then under high power lens in order to : a less area b wide area more buds d all of these 2. Whih of the following is a mode of asexual reprodution? a fission b budding spore formation d all of these 3. To observe Amoeba and Paramoeium in a drop of water under mirosope, the drop was taken on slide. The stain that will learly show both of them is : a methylene blue b iodine safranin d eosin 4. In Hydra the type of reprodution is : a binary fission b budding multiple fission d none of these 5. Ramesh observed a slide of amoeba with elongated nulei. It would represent : a binary fission b multiple fission budding d none of these 6. Whih of the following organisms doesn't reprodue by binary fission? a amoeba b paramoeium yeast d euglena 7. The multiellular organism whih reprodues by budding is : a hydra b yeast spirogyra d mould 8. An organism whih an reprodue both by budding as well as regeneration is : a planaria b yeast hydra d amoeba 9. Binary fission in amoeba is alled : a simple binary fission longitudinal binary fission 10. In binary fission : a ytoplasmi division is followed by nulear division b nuleus divides into many nulei nulear division is followed by ytoplasmi division d yst bursts to release daughter ells b transverse binary fission d omplex binary fission

3 136 Unique MCQ's MCQ's BASED ON CHAPTER Moderate Level 1. Reprodution helps to : a maintain growth b keep organisms alive prevent extintion d provide energy 2. Longitudinal binary fission ours in : a euglena b paramoeium amoeba d hydra 3. Cyst formation is one of the stages in : a binary fission b multiple fission budding d regeneration 4. Whih of the following organisms reprodue by multiple fission? a amoeba b paramoeium hydra d yeast 5. The filament of spirogyra undergoes : a budding b fragmentation binary fission d multiple fission 6. In sweet potato, vegetative propagation takes plae by means of : a roots b stems leaves d flowers 7. Bryophyllum plant reprodues by means of : a roots b stems leaves d spores 8. Male and female gametes fuses to form : a embryo b zygote foetus d blastoyst 9. Female reprodutive part of a flower is : a stamen b anther arpel d filament 10. The male reprodutive part of a flower is : a style b stamen arpel d stigma 11. Male germ ells or gametes are produed by : a ovary b filament sepal d pollen grains 12. The flower in its bud stage is proteted by : a sepals b petals arpels d orolla 13. The transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma is alled : a ovulation b pollination germination d fertilization 14. The swollen part of the arpel at its bottom is alled : a style b stigma anther d ovary 15. Whih of the following serves as a nutritive tissue for the growing embryo within the ovule? a zygote b ovary endosperm d ovule 16. Whih of the following develops into a seed? a ovule b ovary endosperm d pollen grain 17. Physial maturation of human reprodutive system ours in the stage of : a hildhood b puberty adolesene d old age 18. In India, the minimum age of marriage for girls is : a 25 years b 21 years 18 years d 23 years 19. In human beings male gametes are produed by : a testis b penis epididymis d vas deferens

4 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - S.S.C Sperms are delivered to the site of fertilization by : a vagina b testis penis d vas deferens 21. Whih of the following is a funtion of uterus? a serete hormone testesteron b release eggs into the ovidut serete hormone estrogen d aommodate the growing foetus 22. During hild birth, a baby omes out of the woman's body through : a vagina b vas deferens ovidut d ovary 23. The thread like strutures of muor that spread on the surfae of a slie of bread are alled : a stems b roots rhizoids d hyphae 24. World population day is observed on : a August 22 b July 11 Marh 21 d June Anther produes : a spores b pollen tube pollen grains d ovules Elementary Level 1. Offsprings of asexual reprodution looks similar beause : a it involves two parents b it involves only one parent it involves gametes d it involves meiosis 2. Mitosis ours in : a plant ells b animal ells somati ells d germ ells 3. Whih of the following is the disadvantage of asexual reprodution? a rapid reprodution b lak of geneti variation rapid growth d no fusion of two different ells 4. Plants produed by vegetative propagation : a bear more flowers and fruits b bear less flowers and fruits take less time to grow d take more time to grow 5. Dolly sheep was the first mammal to be loned from an : a embryo b adult ell adult tissue d egg 6. Union of male and female gametes takes plae in : a meiosis b mitosis fertilization d loning 7. Petals of flowers are usually bright oloured. Why? a to protet reprodutive organs b to prevent ross pollination to attrat stray animals d to attrat insets for pollination 8. Pollen grain is transferred from one flower to a flower of another plant of the same speies in : a self pollination b autogamy geitonogamy d ross pollination 9. Whih of the following is not an agent of ross pollination in plants? a wind b temperature water d animals 10. Whih of the following is a human male reprodutive hormone? a testesteron b estrogen progesteron d thyroxin

5 138 Unique MCQ's 11. In a human sperm ell, geneti information is stored in : a mitohondria b head tail d middle part 12. The female hormone estrogen is sereted by : a testis b uterus ovaries d oviduts 13. Whih of the following ontraeptive method protets a person from STDs? a oral pills b surgery opper-t d ondoms Complex Level 1. Whih of the following plants doesn't reprodue asexually? a yas b hibisus spirogyra d bryophyllum 2. Haploid gametes are formed in : a mitosis b meiosis fertilization d germination 3. Geneti variations enable organisms to : a extint ompletely b reprodue rapidly adapt and survive d restore the number of hromosomes 4. Whih of the following is an advantage of sexual reprodution? a geneti variation b geneti similarity omplete extintion of organisms d lak of variety and diversity 5. Carpel is made up of : a style, stamen and filament b stamen, anther and stigma style, stigma and ovary d stigma, ovary and stamen 6. The movement of pollen grains towards ovary is in the order : a style stigma anther ovary b stigma style anther ovary anther style stigma ovary d anther stigma style ovary 7. The orret sequene of the movement of sperms towards penis is : a epididymis vas deferens urethra testis penis b testis urethra epididymis vas deferens penis epididymis testis vas deferens urethra penis d testis epididymis vas deferens urethra penis 8. Idential twins are formed from : a single fertilized egg b single gamete two fertilized eggs d two zygotes 9. Whih of the following is not an STD? a syphilis b gonorrhea AIDS d hepatitis 10. Spore formation is the most ommon asexual method of reprodution in : a algae b fungi bateria d protozoa

6 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - S.S.C In vegetative propagation, new plants are formed from : a flowers, leaves and stems b roots, stems and flowers roots, stems and leaves d leaves, flowers and fruits 12. Whih of the following is not a part of human male reprodutive system? a vas deferens b epididymis ervix d seminal vesile 13. The number of hromosomes present in a human germ ell (gamete) is : a 26 b d Whih of the following is the basi proess in reprodution? a reation of a young one b reation of an embryo reation of a zygote d reation of a DNA opy Mysterious Level 1. Whih life proess is shown in the piture alongside? a respiration b exretion nutrition d reprodution 2. Whih of the following is inorret regarding the proess reprodution? a DNA opies are similar to the original b DNA opies are not idential to the original DNA opies are similar and idential to the original d DNA opies are similar but not idential to the original 3. The uniellular organism whih reprodues asexually is : a spirogyra b planaria euglena d hydra 4. Regeneration is not the same as reprodution beause : a new organisms are not produed b it ours only in miro-organisms it ours only when animal body gets ut d it ours only when animal body matures 5. In the figure given alongside the part marked 'A' is : a sporangium b sporogenesis megasporophyll d spores

7 140 Unique MCQ's 6. Whih of the following reprodutive organ is ommon in humans as well as flowering plants? a anther b epididymis ovary d style 7. In human males, testes are loated outside the abdominal avity in the srotum beause : a it is easy to deliver the sperms b it helps to produe ejaulatory fluid sperms require temperature lower than the normal body temperature d sperms require temperature higher than the normal body temperature 8. Whih of the following is an inorret statement? a at birth the ovary of a baby girl ontains 2-4 million eggs b at puberty, thousands of new eggs are formed in the girl's ovary at puberty, a woman's ovaries usually release one egg eah month d Ageing of eggs an ause defets in the hildren born to older women 9. Whih of the following is the funtion of umbilial ord? a supply oxygenated blood b remove deoxygenated blood supply nutrients and oxygen d remove waste produts 10. The number of hromosomes in parents and their offsprings remains onstant due to the formation : a haploid gametes b diploid gametes diploid zygote d haploid gametes and diploid zygote 11. The orret sequene of events in sexual reprodution in a plant is : a fertilization pollination meiosis germination b pollination fertilization meiosis germination meiosis pollination fertilization germination d fertilization meiosis pollination germination 12. In the figure given alongside, the parts marked as A, B and C are sequentially : a stigma, filament and petal b style, anther and sepal A pollen tube, anther and sepal d pollen tube, anther and petal 13. Whih of the following is a hange in boys that shows sexual maturity at puberty? a inrease in weight b inrease in height raking of voie d loss of milk teeth 14. The ratio of number of hromosomes in a human egg and zygote is : a 1 : 2 b 2 : 1 1 : 3 d 3 : Whih of the following is not a funtion of ovaries in human female? a serete hormones whih bring hanges in girls at puberty b serete hormone estrogen provides the route for the sperms to enter d develop and release eggs B C

8 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - S.S.C. 141 Answers MCQ's BASED ON PRACTICAL SKILLS 1 - a 2 - d 3 - a 4 - b 5 - a a a 10 - MCQ's BASED ON CHAPTER Moderate Level a 3 - b 4 - a 5 - b 6 - a b b 11 - d 12 - a 13 - b 14 - d a 17 - b a d 22 - a 23 - d 24 - b 25 - Elementary Level 1 - b b b d 8 - d 9 - b 10 - a 11 - b d Complex Level 1 - a 2 - b a d 7 - d 8 - a 9 - d 10 - b b 14 - d Mysterious Level 1 - d a b d b a 15 -

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