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1 K I C K I T N A T U R A L L Y. C O M Digestive Symptoms And Weight Gain? Connections Explained Digestion Episodes And you thought your weight gain was just genetic We re not only going to cover how your digestive symptoms can cause weight gain, we ll also cover how to understand the cause of those symptoms. Most digestive symptoms can have 3 or 4 different underlying causes. That is why you ve likely tried a remedy that worked for a friend who was dealing with the same problem, only to see zero results for yourself. You first need to understand what is causing the issue for you, and then you have a starting place. Understanding the Signs and Symptoms If you ve been dealing with chronic issues like constipation, diarrhea, acid reflux, nausea, or bloating, odds are great that someone has led you to believe that these problems are genetic, or you just drew the short straw and are stuck with these issues. It s time to be excited. You re about to gain a better understanding of why you re dealing with digestive issues and what you can do about them. Buckle up! Episodes #27 & #28 of our radio show, Kick It Naturally, might be the best place to learn more about digestion gone wrong. In these episodes, we dig into the most common digestive symptoms and how to improve them. We ll put the link to those shows at the bottom of this guide in the Resources Section.

2 Assessing Your Digestion We hear from people on a daily basis who have used this information to not only understand their digestive troubles, but also take steps to improve them, even when they have been dealing with the problems for years or decades. A side effect of improved digestion is often much easier weight loss. Assess Digestion The first step is to understand the most common causes for each symptom. You can then start to figure out which underlying cause is creating problems for you. In this guide, I explain how to look at your symptoms to gain more information. If you re unable to improve your issues with the information in this quick guide, take our almost free digestion course to better understand how to fix those problems. The course used to be free, but since we now have more advanced courses that we charge for, our new system requires a charge for all registrations. 50 cents was the lowest amount we could set, and 50 cents is probably worth improving issues you may have been dealing with for a lifetime. We hear from people every day who say that the videos made everything much easier to understand. If this short guide isn t enough for you to improve your issues, take the time to go through this quick course. It will make sense to you. In this almost free course we teach simple tests you can do at home to get a better idea of how your body is operating and what steps may help you improve your issues. As an alternative to our almost free course, in the resources section below, we will also list links to free videos and podcast episodes explaining each digestive symptom in more detail. These are free resources available to you. How To Use This Guide You don t need to read this entire guide. Simply look through the headings of the symptoms we explain below and read the ones that apply to you. Improving some of these issues is more complicated than we can cover in this short report. However, by the time you finish this report, you will likely have a starting place and a basic understanding of what you can do to improve your issue. For those who need the full instructions, we will provide you with links to a variety of resources, most of which will be free. For those who sign up for our 50 cent digestion course, you will also find a link in that course for our totally free and private Facebook support group where you can ask questions and get help from people who have succeeded and improving their own digestive issues, AND losing weight and keeping it off. Now we ll look at some common symptoms to better understand how they can result in weight gain, and help you understand the underlying causes that most frequently create them. 2

3 The Weight Gain Connection With All Digestive Symptoms Before I explain how each of these symptoms can result in additional fat storage, it s important to understand one aspect that all of these symptoms have in common. Digestion is actually a very complex process, but there are two very basic and very important sides of digestion that MUST be working correctly in order for us to properly digest our food. 1. The acidification of our food that occurs in the stomach. 2. Alkaline bile that flows down from the gallbladder and meets this acidified food product as it leaves the stomach. It s the collision of these acid and alkaline products that allows us to break apart the food we ve eaten and pull all the needed nutrients out of that food. Without both of these processes working correctly, we cannot pull all the nutrients out of the food we re eating and our food will only be partially digested by way of rotting and fermenting in our digestive tract. Each of the symptoms we discuss below is normally a very strong sign that at least one of these two components of digestion is not working correctly. This is bad news for weight gain for two reasons. 1. When we can t pull the nutrients we need out of the food we re eating, and the body is not getting the resources it requires to function properly, the resulting cravings can alter our eating behavior in a way that can result in weight gain. 2. Any food that cannot be properly digested and utilized becomes a problem that the body has to deal with. Undigested food can become toxic through its rotting and fermenting process. When the toxin level in the system gets too high, the body will store many of our toxins in fat cells in an effort to keep the system clean and functioning. It s true that excessive fat storage can cause problems in the long run, but don t you think your body would be more concerned about dying this Thursday than it would be about adding a few pounds to your belly? That s why storing toxins in fat cells is a quick and easy solution for a body that has become too toxic to function optimally. Therefore, with any of these symptoms, odds are great that you re not only missing out on nutrients your body needs, but you re also likely over burdening the body and causing toxins to be stored in fat cells. Keep In mind, that for most of these symptoms, these are only two of the possible causes for weight gain. Understanding Constipation We need stomach acid to digest our food properly. The fact that drug companies promote turning off that stomach acid, or treating it like it s the problem, is a huge mistake. Food that is not properly digested, or is too alkaline (Due to a lack of stomach acid, which can occur for many reasons) will move too slowly through our digestive tract. A stool that is too acid will move too quickly and is one cause of diarrhea issues. There is an acid and alkaline side to digestion and both must be working properly for us to pull all the nutrients out of the food we eat. A lack of proper stomach acid is one of the most common causes for chronic constipation. A stool that is too alkaline can move too slowly, get backed up, and result in constipation. The other most common cause for constipation is an insufficient amount of water going to the bowels. In this scenario, the stool becomes too dry and hard and does not move through the bowels effectively. Consuming insufficient water could certainly create this problem, but more often than not, it is an imbalance at the cellular level that is causing the body to send more of it s water through the kidneys, and less through the bowels. You ll notice I never mentioned fiber or probiotics. Though both of these tools can be a very small piece of the puzzle, and can benefit some who try them, most commonly the major underlying 3

4 cause for constipation is either a lack of stomach acid, or the body sending too much of its water to the wrong place. Those who read our books, or take our almost free digestion course learn how to look at their own chemistry to get a better idea if improving their stomach acid levels could help, or if they may benefit more from improving an Anabolic Imbalance that is sending too much of the body s water to the kidneys, and not enough to the bowels. Constipation/Weight Gain Connections Well, where do you think the poop goes when it s not coming out the back door? We don t poop to support the toilet paper companies. We poop to remove waste. If you re not removing waste every single day, much of that waste can be reabsorbed into the system, requiring it to be filtered out by the liver all over again. A liver that is overwhelmed can be become ineffective, allowing filth to accumulate. Accumulated filth and toxins can result in junk getting stored in fat cells. That s enough to increase weight gain all by itself. The second problem can come as the result of the anabolic imbalance that I mentioned above. This imbalance is often one of the underlying causes of chronic constipation. Another aspect of this imbalance is that it can cause a person to basically hold on to too much junk at the cellular level as well. In order for cells to regenerate, they must first be broken down and the cell debris removed, so new cells can be made. If someone is stuck in this anabolic state, cellular breakdown may not occur correctly. This can result in weight gain on it s own. Coupled with the fact that a lack of stomach acid production is often associated with chronic constipation, you can see that there are a variety of ways that constipation could lead to more fat storage and more weight gain. I Need To Work On This Understanding Chronic Diarrhea Diarrhea can be as simple as a gut infection. But let s look at the 3 most common causes for chronic diarrhea. Again, not the only causes, just the most common. 1. In the same way that constipation can sometimes be caused by a stool that is too alkaline (due to a lack of stomach acid), diarrhea can be caused by a stool that is too acidic. When the acidic food leaves our stomach and enters the small intestine, the gallbladder drops bile onto that acidic food product to neutralize those acids. When those acids are not neutralized (due to bile not flowing properly), the acids can basically digest your intestinal lining. The body hates that so it brings any available water to the bowels to cool it off and rushes it out the back door as fast as possible hence the urgent diarrhea. It s very common for a person s bile to become too thick and sticky to flow properly. If this is the cause of your diarrhea, taking steps to improve bile flow could be the answer for you. 2. In the same way that an anabolic imbalance can cause the body to send too much of the body s water to the kidneys, and not enough to the bowels (creating constipation), a catabolic imbalance can send too much water to the bowels and cause diarrhea. In our almost free digestion course we teach people how to look at their own chemistry to figure out if they are dealing with a catabolic imbalance or not. If you are, taking steps to improve that imbalance could change where your body is sending most of it s water and that could result in a firmer stool. 3. Food sensitivities are another common cause of chronic diarrhea. When food is not properly digested (due to a lack of stomach acid OR a lack of bile flow), instead of being broken down into usable nutrients, the food we eat keeps its identity. If it then makes it s way into the blood stream, it is viewed as an invader and is attacked. Anytime you eat food that is viewed as an invader, the body may try to rush it through the system and push out the back door as fast as possible. Diarrhea is only one possible result of food sensitivities, but we do see loose stools improve for 4

5 some people when they take steps to improve this issue. If you have my book, Kick Your Fat in the Nuts, read chapter nine to learn more about how to fix this. If you don t, I added the entire chapter to my site so anyone can read it for free here: One, or any combination of these problems may cause diarrhea. Looking at your own chemistry is the best way to figure out which steps may help the fastest. Diarrhea/Weight Gain Connections If your stool is screaming through the system too fast for nutrients to be properly absorbed, you re likely going to experience some crazy carb, sugar, or salt cravings. Excess carb consumption is the #1 cause of weight gain. Insulin levels rise with carb consumption, and if a person is consuming higher carb foods all day, insulin levels can never come down, and the body can t access stored fat and burn it for fuel. Correcting diarrhea and allowing the body to actually absorb nutrients from the food you re eating allows the body to get what it needs. When the body is getting the nutrition it needs, it will stop screaming for pizza and Nilla Wafers. If your diarrhea is caused by the lack of bile flow that we discussed above, that also means that your body s main exit strategy for filth is not working properly. The liver filters out junk and places it into the bile so it can be removed out the back door in our stool. If bile is too thick and sticky to flow properly, the body s ability to take out the trash is diminished and toxins can accumulate. We ve already learned how excess toxins can result in more junk being stored in fat cells, expanding our pants once again. If your diarrhea is caused by food sensitivity issues, again this is a strong sign that digestion is not working correctly, food is not being properly broken down, and toxins are being created through rotting and fermenting. We already know how weight gain can result from any of these factors. With chronic diarrhea, improving bile flow is often the first step. Addressing both sides of digestion may be necessary, but you don t want to improve acid production without first ensuring bile is flowing properly. Otherwise, you could make your diarrhea worse. In our Chronic Diarrhea episode, we talk about tools we use to improve bile flow, like a specific product that contains a lot of beet greens (not just beets), and how coffee enemas could help too. We ll put a link to that show in the resources so you can listen to it for free. 5 I Need To Work On This Understanding Acid Reflux We all know acid reflux is caused by excess stomach acid. Yes, we all know this, and we re all wrong. This is one of the biggest mistakes made in the medical world. The reality is, 95% of reflux cases are causes by NOT ENOUGH stomach acid. At the bottom of our esophagus is an LES (or Lower Esophageal Sphincter). It opens as food comes in, and then closes as we start to digest that food so nothing comes back up the esophagus. The problem is that valve is triggered by the production of stomach acid. If our body isn t producing ENOUGH stomach acid (which is very common and can happen for a wide variety of reasons), that valve is never triggered to close, and the small amount of acid we do make gets pushed back up the esophagus and burns us. That sucks! So, we take a drug that turns off stomach acid altogether. Now, we don t feel that reflux anymore because there s no acid to burn us. But we didn t actually fix the problem. We actually made things worse by turning off digestion altogether. Sure, the acid is no longer damaging your esophagus and that s great, but we still make digestive enzymes that can be pushed up the esophagus and damage the lining. After all, those enzymes are made to break down protein (Oops! Our esophagus is made of protein).

6 To fix reflux, most people can actually increase their level of stomach acid; trigger the valve to close properly and food can t be pushed up the esophagus. Of course, with a lack of stomach acid in the stomach, this also opens the door for bacteria to set up camp in your stomach, make the stomach even more alkaline, and create gases that can create pressure and push more food back up the esophagus. If this is the case for you, you may need to take steps to wipe out some of those bacteria as you work to raise your stomach acid. Otherwise, the gases can still push food back up the esophagus. Food that you just added more acid to, so that heartburn may hurt even more. I ve heard from a lot of people who did this wrong and quit because they say it made their heartburn worse. They didn t take the right steps to make the stomach acidic enough to trigger the valve to close. They used just enough to simply make the reflux more acidic and more painful. Follow the link in the resources section to listen to our free show on acid reflux and gain a better understanding of how to fix this problem the right way. These steps work in just about every case, unless a person has a hiatal hernia that is blocking the LES from closing properly. In these cases, steps need to be taken to fix the hiatal hernia first. But if you re dealing with acid reflux, that can be a very strong indication of a lack of stomach acid. I explain how acid reflux issues can be contributing to weight gain a couple sections down under Acid Reflux, Bloating or Burping Connections to Weight Gain. Since the underlying cause for all these issues is so similar, I will explain them all together. I Need To Work On This Understanding Bloating and/or Burping Some people bloat, and some people burp. Some do both. The cause is often the same. For decades we watched commercials about INDI GESTION. Well, indigestion means a lack of digestion...a lack of the ability to properly acidify and break down our food. Yet, to improve this indigestion, they sell us remedies that further turn off acidification. They turn off the digestion process. Bloating or chronic burping is almost always caused by one of two things: 1. A lack of stomach acid. 2. Bacteria in the stomach that are creating gas that causes our stomach or intestines to expand or push air back up the esophagus. But both go back to a lack of stomach acid. The acid produced in the stomach is the barrier to the body. It s what fries any bad critters that try to sneak in. When bad guys come in through the food we eat, they die in an acid bath. Without enough acid, bacteria and other bad guys can come in and set up a keg party. Food that is not properly broken down will partially digest by rotting and fermenting. This rotting and fermenting can create gas that causes our stomach or intestines to expand. We then feel bloated. Now that bacteria are thriving in the stomach, their waste also creates gasses, causing us to feel even more bloated. It s a vicious cycle that many get caught in for years, or even decades. If you re bloating or burping, it s not just the lousy symptoms that you need to worry about. If you re bloating, you re very likely not breaking down your food properly and pulling all the nutrients out of what you re eating. Can this lead to nutrient deficiencies? Of course it can, and any number of other problems. To improve bloating issues, we see people succeed by wiping out bacteria that may be living in their stomach (not in their gut, that s different.), and then improving stomach acid levels so they can properly break down the food they are eating. But it s very important to supplement with HCL (Hydrochloric acid) the right way. Find our bloating episode in the resources to learn more. 6

7 Acid Reflux, Bloating or Burping Connections to Weight Gain Since all of these issues are most commonly caused by a lack of stomach acid, or a bacterial infection in the stomach that is alkalizing the stomach environment, they are all signs of trouble that can lead to weight gain. Without enough stomach acid, we know our food is not being properly broken down. The undigested food that will break down by process of rotting and fermenting will create toxins our body then has to deal with. Beyond the added burden, undigested food also means the body is not getting the resources it needs. A lack of resources can trigger cravings for more carbs and sugars. Carbs and sugars that can spike insulin and keep your body in the fat storage mode instead of allowing your body to access stored fat and burn it for fuel. Most people can improve these issues by increasing stomach acid levels. We teach the right way how to do this in our books, in our almost free digestion course, and in our free podcast episodes. Just remember that if you re going to supplement with HCL capsules, you also need to take steps to ensure bile is flowing properly. Problems can occur if you increase HCL levels and there is not enough bile to neutralize the acids coming from the stomach. Understanding Chronic Nausea We view nausea as a toxicity issue. A lack of bile flow is very common in chronic nausea cases. If bile is not flowing, the body cannot properly remove junk filtered out by the liver. As this garbage accumulates, the system becomes toxic and we feel nauseous. It is also very common for digestion to be ineffective altogether when nausea is frquent. Undigested food can rot, ferment and just sit there in the stomach far longer than it is intended to. The nausea is almost like the body s way of saying, Hey, please don t send any more food down here! We re still trying to deal with the undigested mess from the last stuff you sent down here! Improving bile flow, so that toxins can be removed, and improving stomach acid so food can actually be broken down, seems to be the most effective steps when dealing with chronic nausea. Nausea/Weight Gain Connections We ve talked a lot in this report how both a lack of bile flow, and a lack of proper digestion could be increasing toxicity levels and pushing the body to store junk in fat cells. Chronic nausea can be viewed as an extreme state of one or both of these issues. The body needs nourishment to survive. Therefore, if the body is in such an overburdened state that it is sending the signal, please don t eat any food! that should give you some insights into how important it can be to fix this situation. If you can fix digestive issues enough to improve chronic nausea issues, you know you ve taken some great steps towards allowing the whole system to run more optimally. When the system is running more optimally, not only can it stop storing junk in fat cells, but it can also go back and start pulling junk out of fat cells so the body can remove that junk. When the body shoves garbage into fat cells, its plan is to come back later and clear that out when the coast is clear (when the system is not so burdened.) It s when the coast never comes clear that we tend to pack on the pounds. When an individual improves chronic nausea, weight loss will often follow. 7

8 Your Next Steps It s true that correcting many of these issues can take some effort, and a little more understanding. However, by just understanding what truly causes these issues, you re already miles ahead of the game. Most people deal with some of these symptoms for a lifetime without every understanding the cause, or the trouble that these symptoms can create. Now we just need to take your newfound knowledge and apply it to create real results. That s what you re really looking for. My best advice is to try and remember that none of the easy, quick-fix remedies you have tried worked for you. If they had, you probably would not be reading this. Correcting these problems is going to take effort so don t be afraid to take the time to learn a little more, and implement steps that will allow you to work with your body instead of against it. Resources Here are a few links to resources that might come in handy. Most of them will be totally free. Almost Free 4-Week Digestion Course 50 Cents We designed this as a free course for our book readers. Since our new system requires a charge for all registrations (To keep out the spammers), we set it to the lowest price it would accept: 50 cents. I m going to give you a hint: Life changing information is worth 50 cents. J 12-Week Kick Your Fat Online Course - $129 This online course includes all the digestion information in the almost free course, PLUS, a lot more in-depth info about how to affect your body chemistry in a manner that will allow you to lose weight the fastest. Many of you will be able to learn enough by taking the 50 cent course and then listening to some of our podcast episodes or reading some of our books. But for those who want to have someone basically walk you through every step of the process, this is the course! Both of these courses share the link to our totally free and totally private Facebook support group where you can ask all the questions you need to ask. 2-Part Podcast Episode Covering Digestive Symptoms FREE Video and Our Episode on Constipation - FREE

9 Videos and Our Episode on Diarrhea - FREE Video and Our Episode on Acid Reflux FREE Our episode on Bloating FREE Our Episode on Nausea FREE A Full List of All The Show Topics We ve Covered FREE Kick Your Fat in the Nuts Audiobook FREE Follow this link to get the audiobook version of our fat loss book for free. Chapters 3 & 4 cover how to improve digestion in depth. You ll start a free 30-day trial for Audible and get our book for free. If you download the book and then cancel your membership before the 30-day trial is up, you ll get to keep the free book. Kick Your Fat in the Nuts on Amazon Kindle is $ If you re a health pro, check out our very advanced online health coach course: I can t wait to hear about your results! Yours in Health, T.C. Hale

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