Polypropylene Chemical Resistance Table Polypropylene

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1 ART Ed. 4 Polypropylene Chemical Reitance Table Polypropylene Introduction The table in thi document ummarize the data given in a number of polypropylene chemical reitance table at preent in ue in variou countrie,derived from both practical experience and tet reult. Source ISO/TR The table contain an evaluation of the chem cal reitance to a number of fluid judged to be either aggreive or not toward polypropylene Thi evaluation i baed on value obtained by immerion of polypropylene tet pecimen in the fluid concerned at 20, 60 and 100 C and atmopheric preure, followed in certain cae by the tenile characteritic A ubequent claification will be etablihed with repect to a retricted number of fluid deemed to be technically or commercially more important, ulng equipment which permit teting under preure and the determination of the "coefficient of chemical reitance" for each fluid. Thee tet will thu furnih more complete indication on the ue of polypropylene piped for the tranport of tated fluid, including their ue under preure. Scope and Field Application Thi document etablihe a proviional claification of the chemical reitance of polypropylene with repect to about 180 fluid. It i intended to provide general guideline on the poible utilization of polypropylene piping for the conveyance of fluid: at temperature up to 20, 60 and 100 C in the abence of internal preure and external mechanical tre (for example flexuraltree,tree due to thrut, rolling load etc}. Definition, Symbol and Abbreviation The criteria of claification. Definition, ymbol and abbreviation adopted in thi document are a follow S = Satifactory The chemical reitance of polypropylene expoed to the action of a fluid i claified a atifactory" when the reult of tet are acknowledged to be "atifactory by the majority of the countrie participating in the evaluation l" limited

2 Polypropylene Chemical Reitance Table Polypropylene The chemical reitance of polypropylene expoed to the action of flu d i claified a "limited" when the reult of tet are acknowledged to be "limited" by the majority of the countrie participating in the evaluation. Alo claified a "limited" are the reitance to the action of chemical fluid for which judgement "S" and "NS" or "L" are pronounced to an equal extent. NS = Not atifactory The chemical reitance of polypropylene expoed to the action of a fluid claified a not atifactory" when the reult of tet are acknowledged to be 'not atifactory" by the majority of the countrie participating in the evaluation. Alo claified a not atifactory" are material for which judgement "L" and "NS" are pronounced to an equal extent. Sat.ol Saturated aqueou olution. prepared at 20QC Sol Aqueou olution at a concentration higher than 10 % but not aturated Oil.ol Dilute aqueou olution at a concentration equal to or lower than 10 % Work.ol Aqueou olution having the uual concentration for indutrial ue Solution concentration reported In the text are expreed a a percentage by ma. The aqueou olution of paringly oluble chemical are conidered. a far a chemical action toward polypropylene in concerned, a aturated olution. In general, common chemical name are ued in thi document. The table i made a a firt guideline for uer of polypropylene. If a chemical compound i not to be found or if there i an uncertainty on the chemical reitance in an application, pleae contact Boreali for advice and propoal on teting. 2

3 ART Ed.4 Polypropylene Chemical Reitance Table Polypropylene Chemical Reitance of Polypropylene, Not Subjected to Mechanical Stre, to Variou Fluid at 20, 60 and 100 c Acetic acid Up to 40 % Acetic acid 50 % L Acetic acid, glacial > 96 % L NS Acetic anhydride 100 % Acetone 100 % Aceptophenone 100 % L Acrylonitrile 100 % Air AllyJ alcohol 100 % Almond oil Alum Sol Ammonia, aqueou Sat.ol Ammonia, dry ga 100 % Ammonia, liquid 100 % Ammonium acetate Sat. ol Ammonium chloride Sat.ol Ammonium fluoride Up to 20 % Ammonium hydrogen carbonate Sat.ol Ammonium metaphophate Sat.ol Ammonium nitrate Sat.ol Ammonium perulphate Sat.ol Ammonium phophate Sat.ol Ammonium ulphate Sat.ol Ammonium ulphide Sat.ol Amyl acetate 100 % L Amyl alcohol 100 % Aniline 100 % Apple juice Aqua regia HCI/HN0>=3/1 NS NS NS Barium bromide Sal.ol Barium carbonate Sat ol Barium chloride Sat.ol 3

4 Polypropylene Chemical Reitance Table Polypropylene Barium hydroxide Sat.ol Barium ulphide Sat.ol Beer Benzene 100 % L NS NS Benzoic acid Sat.ol Benzyl alcohol 100% L Borax Sol Boric acid Sat.ol Boron trifluoride Sat.ol Bormine, ga NS NS NS Bromine,liquid 100% NS NS NS Butane, ga 100 % Butanol 100% L L Butyl acetate 100 % L NS NS Butyl glycol 100 % Butyl phenol Sat.ol Butyl phthalate 100 % L L Calcium carbonate Sat.ol Calciumchlorate Sat.ol Calcium chloride Sat.ol Calcium hydroxide Sat.ol Calcium hypochlorite Sol Calcium nitrate Sat.ol Camphor oil NS NS NS Carbon dioxide, dry ga Carbon dioxide, wet ga Carbon diulphide 100 % NS NS Carbon monoxide, ga Carbon tetrachloride 100 % NS NS NS Cator oil 100 % Cautic oda Up to 50 % L Chlorine, aqueou Sat.ol L Chlorine, dry ga 100 % NS NS NS Chlorine, liquid 100 % NS NS NS Chloroacetic acid Sol L 4

5 ART Ed.4 Polypropylene Chemical Reitance Table Polypropylene Chloroethanol 100 % Chloroform 100 % L NS NS Ch!oroulphonic acid 100 % NS NS NS Chrome alum Soi Chromic acid Up to 40 % L NS Citric acid Sat.ol Coconut oil Copper (II) chloride Sat.ol Copper (II) nitrate Sat.ol Copper (II) Sat.ol Com oil L Cottoneed oil Creol Greater than 90 % Cydohexane 100 % Cydohexanol 100 % L Cydohexanone 100% L NS NS Decatin (decahydronaphtha1ene) 100 % NS NS NS Dextrin Sol Dextroe Sol Dibutyl phthalate 100% L NS Dichloroacetic acid 100 % L Dich1oroethylene (A and B) 100% L Diethanolamine 100 % Diethyl ether 100 % L Diethylene glycol 100 % Diglycolic acid Satol Diiooctyl 100 % L Dimethyl amine, ga 5 Dimethyl formamide 100 % Dioctyl phthalate 100 % L L Dioxane 100 % L L Ditilled water 100 % 5 Ethanolamine 100 % Ethyl acetate 100 % L NS NS

6 Polypropylene Chemical Reitance Table Polypropylene Ethyl alcohol Up to 95 % Ethyl chloride, ga NS NS NS Ethylene chloride (mono and di) L L Ethyl ether 100 % L Ethylene glycol 100 % Ferric chloride Sat.ol Formaldehyde 40 % Formic acid 10 % L Formic acid 85 % NS NS Formic acid, anhydrou 100 % L L Fructoe Sol Fruit juice Gaoline, petrol (aliphatic hydrocarbon) NS NS NS Gelatine Glucoe 20 % Glycerine 100 % Glycolic acid 30 % Heptane 100 % L NS NS Hexane 100 % L Hydrobromic acid Up to 48 % L NS Hydrochloric acid Up to 20 % Hydrochloric acid 30 % L L Hydrochloric acid From 35 to 36 % Hydrofluoric acid Dil ol Hydrofluoric acid 40 % Hydrogen 100 % Hydrogen chloride, dry ga 100 % Hydrogen peroxide Up to 10 % Hydrogen peroxide Up to 30 % L Hydrogen ulphide, dry ga 100 % Iodine, inalcohol loctane 100 % L NS NS 6

7 ART , Ed.4 Polypropylene Chemical Reitance Table Polypropylene lopropyl alcohol 100 % lopropyl ether 100 % L Lactic acid Up to 90 % Lanoline L Lineed oil Magneium carbonate Sat.ol Magneium chloride Sat.ol Magneium hydroxide Sat.ol Magneium ulphate Sat.ol Maleic acid Sat.ol Mercury (II) chloride Sat.ol Mercury (II) cyanide Sat.ol Mercury (J) nitrate Sol Mercury 100% Methyl acetate 100% Methyl alcohol 5 % L L Methyl amine Up to 32 % Melhyl bromide 100 % NS NS NS Methyl ethyl ketone 100 % Methylene chloride 100 % L NS NS Milk Monochloroacetic acid >65 % Naphtha NS NS Nickel chloride Sat.ol Nickel nitrate Sat.ol Nickel ulphate Sat.ol Nitric acid Up to 30% NS NS Nitric acid From 40 to 50 % L NS NS Nitric acid, fujming (with nitrogen dioxide) NS NS NS Nitrobenzene 100% L Oleic acid Oleum (ulphuric acid with 60 % of S03) 100 % L L 7

8 Polypropylene Chemical Reitance Table Polypropylene Ol ve oil L Oxalic acid Sat.ol L NS Oxygen, ga Paraffin oil(fl65) L Peanut oil Peppem,int oil Perchloric acid (2 N) 20 % Petroleum ether (ligroine) L L Phenol 5 % Phenol Phophine, ga 90 % Phophoric acid Up to 65 % Phophoru oxychloride 100 % L Picric acid Sat.ol Potaium bicarbonate Sat.ol NS Potaium borate Sat.ol Potaium bromate Up to 10 % Potaium bromide Sat.ol Potaium carbonate Sat.ol PotaSium chlorate Sat.ol Potaium chlorite Sat.ol Potaium chromate Sat.ol Potaium cyanide Sol Potaium dichromate Sat.ol Potaium ferricyanide Sat.ol Potaium fluoride Satol Potaium hydroxide Up to 50 % Potaium iodide Satol Potaium nitrate Sat.ol Potaium perchlorate 10 % Potaium pemianganate (2 N) 30 % Potaium perulphate Sat.ol Potaium ulphate Sat.ol Propane, ga 100 % Propionic acid >50 % 8

9 ART ,E:.ca... Polypropylene Chemical Reitance Table Polypropylene Pyridine 100 % L Seawater Silicon oil Si ver nitrate Sat.ol L Sodium acetate Sat.ol Sodium benzoate 35 % L Sodium bicarbonate Sat.ol Sodium carbonate Up to 50 % L Sodium chlorate Sat.ol Sodium chloride Sat.ol Sodium chlorite 2% L NS Sodium chlorite 20 % L NS Sodium dichromate Sat.ol Sodium hydrogen carbonate Sat.ol Sodium hydrogen ulphate Sat.ol Sodium hydrogen ulphite Sat.ol Sodium hydroxide 1 % Sodium hydroxide From 10 to 60 % Sodium hypoch orite 5 % Sodium hypochklrite 10 % 15 % Sodium hypoch'orite 20 % L Sodium metaphophate Sol Sodium nitrate Sat.ol od um perborate Sat.o Sod um phophate (neutral) Sod umilicate Sol Sod um ulphate Sat.ol Sodium ulphide Sat.ol Sodium ulphite 40 % Sodium th oulphate (hypo) Sat.ol Soybean al L Suconc acid Sat.ol Sulphuric acid Up to 10 % Sulphuric d:ox de, dry or wet 100 % 9

10 Polypropylene Chemical Reitance Table Polypropylene Sulphur acid From 10 to 30 % Sulphuric acid 50 % L L Sulphuric acid 96 % L NS Sulphuric acid 98 % L NS NS Sulphurou acid Up to 30 % Tartaric acid Sat.ol Tetrahydrofuran 100 % L NS NS Tetralin 100 % NS NS NS Thiophene 100 % L Tin (IV) chloride Sol Tin (II) chloride Sat.ol Toluene 100 % L NS NS Trichloroacetic acid Up to 50 % Trichloroethylene 100 % NS NS NS Triethanolami ne Sol Turpentine NS NS NS Urea Sat.ol Vinegar Water brackih, mineral.potable Whikey Wine Xylene 100 % NS NS NS Yeat Sol Zinc chloride Sat ol Zinc ulphate Sat ol 10

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