A collated view of the Discussion Topics of Week-6

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1 Topic: Reflection on Aspects of Communication SasankSN A collated view of the Discussion Topics of Week-6 Here are my points on the aspects of communication: What are the barriers that you face in communication? 1. The use of jargons which are complicated, unfamiliar or too much technical terms. 2. Some people may find it difficult to express their emotions and some topics may be completely 'off-limits'. 3. Lack of attention, interest, distractions, or irrelevance to the receiver. 4. Differences in perception and viewpoint. 5. Not being able to see the non-verbal cues, gestures, posture and general body language can make communication less effective. 6. Language differences and the difficulty in understanding unfamiliar accents. 7. People often hear what they expect to hear rather than what is actually said and jump to incorrect conclusions. 8. Cultural differences e.g. the concept of personal space varies between cultures and between different social settings. What is your own effectiveness as a communicator? Good communication skills are the key to success in everything you do. Below are a few points which I believe are the very effective as a communicator. Communication is everything in business and in all of our relationships. 1. Establish Trust: Some people naturally distrust other people, because they do not know what the other one is thinking. Therefore, the sooner that you come out and say what you want, the sooner you can begin establishing trust. 2. Speak clearly and concisely: Speaking clearly can sometimes be a problem since not everyone actually takes the time to improve in diction or word usage. For the best results, try practicing speaking in front of a mirror and recording yourself for playback. 3. Recognize Problems in Communication: People can easily misinterpret or even distort a statement s original meaning. It is wise to avoid saying anything questionable that might confuse a listener, or inadvertently provoke a negative reaction. 4. Learn How to Use Tone and Body Language: Together In trying to improve your own communication, beware of a defensive posture or negative voice inflection. 5. Never Assume Anything: Assumptions are another common problem, whether they are self-fulfilled assumptions or merely assuming that others see things in the exact same way that you do. Never assume the fact of the matter is that

2 most people do not see things they way that you do, nor do they have the same feelings as you do. The less you assume, the better. This falls under the category of making sure that your communication is always clear. 6. Recognize Communication Issues Caused by Technology: With the advent of new technologies also come new technology-related barriers in communication. Sometimes messages can be misunderstood because of cell phone static. 7. Learn How to Talk Business: If you are trying to get someone to open up then try using open-ended questions rather than yes or no interrogations. When reviewing your own tactful manner analyze how you approach people. 8. The more effective you can be with your communication the more successful you will be personally and professionally. Communication can be extremely powerful in helping you or it can hurt you. Apply any or all of the seven steps mentioned above and set goals around enhancing your communication. What are some of the ways that you believe can overcome those barriers? There are a lot of communication barriers faced these days by all. The message intended by the sender is not understood by the receiver in the same terms and sense and thus communication breakdown occurs. It is essential to deal and cope up with these communication barriers so as to ensure smooth and effective communication. I believe the following points are key to overcome the barriers of communication. 1. Eliminating differences in perception 2. Use of Simple Language: Use of simple and clear words should be emphasized. Use of ambiguous words and jargons should be avoided. 3. Reduction and elimination of noise levels: Noise is the main communication barrier which must be overcome on priority basis. It is essential to identify the source of noise and then eliminate that source. 4. Active Listening: Listen attentively and carefully. There is a difference between listening and hearing. Active listening means hearing with proper understanding of the message that is heard. By asking questions the speaker can ensure whether his/her message is understood or not by the receiver in the same terms as intended by the speaker. 5. Emotional State: During communication one should make effective use of body language. He/she should not show their emotions while communication as the receiver might misinterpret the message being delivered. For example, if the conveyer of the message is in a bad mood then the receiver might think that the information being delivered is not good. 6. Simple Organizational Structure: The organizational structure should not be complex. The number of hierarchical levels should be optimum. There should be a ideal span of control within the organization. Simpler the organizational structure, more effective will be the communication. 7. Avoid Information Overload: One should know how to prioritize work. They should not overload themselves with the work. They should spend quality time with their subordinates and should listen to their problems and feedbacks actively.

3 avinashy 8. Give Constructive Feedback: Avoid giving negative feedback. The contents of the feedback might be negative, but it should be delivered constructively. Constructive feedback will lead to effective communication between the superior and subordinate. 9. Proper Media Selection: One should properly select the medium of communication. Simple messages should be conveyed orally, like: face to face interaction or meetings. Use of written means of communication should be encouraged for delivering complex messages. For significant messages reminders can be given by using written means of communication. What are the barriers that you face in communication? I face the following barriers in communication: 1) Language barrier. Sometimes, people communicate in language which is not common to the group. In such cases, the person who is not familiar with the language ends up in an embarrassment situation. For instance, in Telangana, people speak Telugu even in some meetings, but the North Indians do not understand. This becomes a major barrier for them during meetings. Hence, it is best to speak in English in all meetings. 2) Bias. When people communicate with preconceived notions, it becomes a barrier in communication. People should communicate openly and should not speak with something else in mind. What is in the heart should be openly communicated to the public. What is your own effectiveness as a communicator? 1) I generally never use language which is uncommon in the group. I always ensure that my communication reaches openly to the group without any loss. 2) I never communicate about third person with someone else. There will always be information loss when we talk to the person who is not in the picture of communication. Information loss will always be there when we don't communicate directly. 3) I keep asking for acknowledgment when I communicate. I will make sure the receiver understands clearly what I am communication to him. What are some of the ways that you believe can overcome those barriers? 1) Openness - Being open is the best way to be a good communicator. Keeping something in mind and talking is Hypocrisy and will not be good means to communicate.

4 2) Honest - Communication should always be honest. We should not deceive anyone during communication or play with anyone's feelings. 3) Common Language - Use common language preferably English while communicating in groups. One should never use his mother tongue or local language thereby creating embarrassing situation for people who don't understand the local language. 4) Main Eye-Contact : Always address the audience by looking directly into their eyes. giri_tsg 5) Maintain positive body language - Always carry a smile and maintain positive body language so that people love to listen to you. What are the barriers that you face in communication? As per me there are five common communication barriers that we face on a day to day basis. These barriers to communication are specific items that can distort or prevent communication within an organization 1. Language barriers: seem pretty self-inherent, but there are often hidden language barriers that we aren't always aware of. If you work in an industry that is heavy in jargon or technical language, care should be taken to avoid these words when speaking with someone from outside the industry. 2. Cultural barriers: are a result of living in an ever shrinking world. Different cultures, whether they be a societal culture of a race or simply the work culture of a company, can hinder developed communication if two different cultures clash. In these cases, it is important to find a common ground to work from. In work situations, identifying a problem and coming up with a highly efficient way to solve it can quickly topple any cultural or institutional barriers. Quite simply, people like results. 3. Physical barriers: are easy to spot - doors that are closed, walls that are erected, and distance between people all work against the goal of effective communication. While most agree that people need their own personal areas in the workplace, setting up an office to remove physical barriers is the first step towards opening communication. 4. Perceptual barriers: are internal. If you go into a situation thinking that the person you are talking to isn't going to understand or be interested in what you have to say, you may end up subconsciously sabotaging your effort to make your point. You will employ language that is sarcastic, dismissive, or even obtuse, thereby alienating your conversational partner. 5. Interpersonal barriers: are what ultimately keep us from reaching out to each other and opening ourselves up, not just to be heard, but to hear others. This can be the most difficult area to change. Some people spend their entire lives attempting to overcome a poor self-image or a series of deeply rooted prejudices about their place in the world. They are unable to form genuine connections with people because they have too many false perceptions blocking the way.

5 What is your own effectiveness as a communicator? Establish Trust Speak Clearly and Concisely Recognize Problems in Communication Learn How to Use Tone and Body Language Never Assume Anything Recognize Communication Issues Caused by Technology Learn How to Talk Business What are some of the ways that you believe can overcome those barriers? To overcome Language barriers within the workplace, there are a few things you can do: Translate all relevant documents Use an interpreter Provide language classes Use both telling and showing methods of training. Use visual methods of communication more than audio. Use repetition. Never raise your voice or over-enunciate your words. Use simpler words with fewer syllables. Learn the basics of your employee's language. Have the employee demonstrate their understanding. Don't assume the employee understands; check for understanding. To overcome Physical barriers within the workplace, there are a few things you can do: Technology is usually the key to solving this barrier. s, phone calls, video-conferencing and webcams can help eliminate the barrier and provide closer communication. you send a lot of or digital messages, make sure you are surgical in your word choice. Choosing the correct words and stamping out ambiguity is the only step to making communication more effective. To overcome Perceptual barriers within the workplace, there are a few things you can do:

6 The audience may make assumptions about you or the situation; perhaps you are new to the organization, or the situation is a challenging one. To get your message past these barriers, provide evidence to support your claims and enhance your credibility. To overcome Interpersonal barriers within the workplace, here are some helpful hints: Use simple words to convey the message. Learn the art of listening. Keep composure while communicating. Provide constructive criticism. To overcome Cultural barriers within the workplace, there are a few things you can do: Determine whether a specific behaviour or attribute is a requirement of the job. Identify whether or not you can reasonably accommodate the cultural difference. Determine how best to accommodate the cultural difference. Learn about other cultures. Ask your employees for insight ARIJIT_GHOSH What are the barriers that you face in communication? 1. Predetermined picture or assumption for the receiver: This is related to the mind and pre-decided communication by sender as often we think, try to portrait whatever we are going to say. So, we are not able to express the required communication due to mental barrier. 2. Message or information are with wrong/extra/less information: Most of the time, we are not able to present as per expectation due to less or more information or sometimes wrong information, massages may differ from expectation due to personal excess information or due to the content we download from internet or other sources as library, theory etc. 3. The medium of communication: This case, the language may be different, the ways of communication, style, culture, generation gap, community, geographical regions, context all are parameters for barriers in medium. 4. Own knowledge on communication: Sometimes we don t know what we are talking, so we should maintain good control over our communication effectively. What is your own effectiveness as a communicator? 1. Build relation and trust, so that communication is effective.

7 2. Clarity in speech, understandable. 3. Ability to identify barriers in communication. 4. Expressions, body language, contexts etc. 5. No pre-assumption/selective perception. 6. Ability to identify noise, and find solution for effective communications. What are some of the ways that you believe can overcome those barriers? To overcome barriers: 1. We should be active listener. 2. We should provide enough opportunity to other communicator to complete the speech or whatever the type of it. 3. We should have good control over our own speech. 4. Content of the speech should be objective, relevant, interesting, with no extra or less information. 5. We should be open minded, sometimes we try to dominate or put our strong presence in open forum, but it should not disturb the flow of the conversation. 6. We should be more confident in communication, should be in synchronized with the flow of the communication while present in a meeting or forum. snshaik What are the barriers that you face in communication? 1. Word of Choice - it is really important to make sure the words you are using to communicate with are communicating what you actually mean 2. Emotional Barrier - Shame and eagerness to fit in with people in social situations is another form of barrier. When someone thinks that they might be caught out or look stupid when talking, people often do strange thing to make sure they fit in 3. Physical Barrier - It s difficult to talk over the phone or over digital means like messaging and because you lose a large amount of the context, since the other person can t see your body language or hear tone of voice and inflections. What is your own effectiveness as a communicator? - Generate trust rather than distrust - Be collaborative rather than present a monologue - Aim to simplify rather than inject complexity - Deliver with tact and avoid insensitivity - Consider the listener perspective rather than the presenter - Tend toward specifics rather than generalizations - Lead with empathy before your own perspective What are some of the ways that you believe can overcome those barriers? (1) Clarify Ideas before Communication: The person sending the communication should be very clear in his mind about what he wants to say. He should know the objective of his message and, therefore, he should arrange his thoughts in a proper order. (2) Communicate According to the Need of the Receiver: The sender of the communication should prepare the structure of the message not according to his own level or ability but he should keep in mind the level, understanding or the environment of the receiver.

8 (3) Consult Others before Communication: At the time of planning the communication, suggestions should be invited from all the persons concerned. Its main advantage will be that all those people who are consulted at the time of preparing the communication plan will contribute to the success of the communication system. (4) Be a Good Listener:It is the essence of communication that both the sender and the receiver should be good listeners. Both should listen to the each other s point of view with attention, patience and positive attitude. A sender can receive much relevant information by being a good listener. shivmysore 1. What are the barriers that you face in communication? a. Language - In terms of degree of communication. The way i communicate might not be understandable to the listener. b. Gender - When the listener is of opp gender, then it is very difficult to express or discuss on the issues with open minded. c. Temper - If the listener is not able to control temper himself/herself, it is also very difficult to avoid unnecessary conflicts. What is your own effectiveness as a communicator? 1. Soft spoken : Things tend to workout when we spoke in mild and soft tone. 2. Casual talks : During breaks, the casual conversations about non unofficial topics will create a bridge for effective communication and this helps a lot in official conversations. What are some of the ways that you believe can overcome those barriers? 1. Educating on mistakes : Speaking in detail about the mistake, causes and steps to avoid will build confidence on our judgment on others so that further communications sent from our side will be effectively received. 2. Handholding : when the resource is facing any issues, Handholding in resolving the issue will bridge a kind of comfort ability with the resource and this will improve to overcome the hurdles in resolving the conflicts. Anuradha Bhaskar What are the barriers that you face in communication? 1. Language barriers : use of jargons, accents which are difficult to interpret unless we become familiar 2. Selective Perceptions : Some people form a perception at the first instant and it becomes very difficult to break it. 3. Cultural differences: At times cultural barriers become a bottleneck in communication while working with people from different countries especially. The laws, rules etc. are also specific to regions. This definitely impacts the do's and don't of communication as well

9 What is your own effectiveness as a communicator? 1. Active listening: I pay attention to details in conversations and form my perceptions. Sometimes just believing others' perceptions and views can skew our decision making. So i believe in validating views before decision making 2. Being Open minded : I consciously tend to be open minded so that i can hear the other person out. Many times different perceptions from different people become critical for our decision making and give a totally different angle. 3. Overcoming distractions : I take steps to overcome barriers physical, psychological, language etc so that the communication channel does not become distorted and the intended message is received by the recipients clearly. What are some of the ways that you believe can overcome those barriers? 1. Being a good listener can help us overcome distractions and distortions in communication 2. Not being selective in our perceptions can help us to be open to people's views 3. Certain barriers may not be within our control like physical barriers, cultural barriers, etc. but there are ways to mitigate them. Finding alternatives or ways to overcome barriers can make our communication effective 4. Being aware - When we sense a gap in our communication, it is better to act promptly. Usually delays in action can cost more harm than a timely or corrective action


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