Nutrition 2016 Session 2

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1 Nutrition 2016 Session 2 November 7, 2016 Purvi Manek, RECE Nutrition Mothercraft College

2 Agenda Attendance Questions from Last Week CCEYA, 2014 Nutrition, Sections Eating Well with Canada s Food Guide Meal & Snacks Food Guide Servings Small groups planning one day menu Canada Food Guide First Nation, Inuit & Metis Food Facts Supplements

3 Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate an understanding of principles of basic nutrition, and develop balances menu plans (which meet or exceed the CCEYA, 2014) for licenced child care settings 2. Identify caregiver practices that support healthy attitudes toward food in young children 3. Identify appropriate feeding techniques that promote healthy emotional & physical development in infants, toddlers, & preschoolers (competent eaters) 5. Promote healthy eating habits through various learning opportunities, becoming aware that routines such as lunch and snacks can be part preplanned curriculum 6. Successfully use the internet to obtain accurate information about nutrition for children

4 CCEYA, Nutrition, Section 42 (1) Requirements for food and drink 42. (1) Every licensee shall ensure that, (a) each infant under one year old who receives child care at a child care centre operated by the licensee or at a premises where it oversees the provision of home child care is fed in accordance with written instructions from a parent of the child;

5 CCEYA, Section 42, (1) (b) where food or drink or both are supplied by a parent of a child receiving child care at a child care centre operated by the licensee or at a premises where it oversees the provision of home child care, the container for the food or drink is labelled with the child s name; and (c) all food or drink is stored, prepared and served so as to retain maximum nutritive value and prevent contamination.

6 CCEYA, Section 42, (2) (2) Subject to section 44, every licensee shall ensure that each child one year old or older who receives child care at a child care centre it operates and or at a premises where it oversees the provision of home child care is given food and beverages in accordance with the following rules: 1. Where the child is present at meal time, a meal must be supplied and provided by the licensee or provider, except where otherwise approved by a director in the case of a child in a licensed kindergarten group or older child.

7 CCEYA, Section 42 (2) 2. Between-meal snacks must be supplied and provided by the licensee or provider, except where otherwise approved by a director in the case of a child in a licensed kindergarten group or older child. 3. Where a child receives child care for six hours or more, the licensee or provider shall ensure that the total food offered to the child includes, in addition to any meals provided, two snacks.

8 CCEYA, Section 42 (2) 4. Drinking water must be available at all times. 5. All meals, snacks and beverages must meet the recommendations set out in the Health Canada documents Eating Well with Canada s Food Guide, Eating Well with Canada s Food Guide First Nations, Inuit and Métis or Nutrition for Healthy Term Infants, as amended from time to time, as the case may be.

9 CCEYA Section 43 (1), (2) Posting of menus and allergies 43. (1) Every licensee of a child care centre shall post planned menus for the current and following week in a conspicuous place in each child care centre it operates with any substitutions noted on the posted menus. (2) A menu referred to in subsection (1) shall be kept by the licensee for thirty days after the last day for which it is applicable.

10 CCEYA, Section 43 (3) (3) Every licensee of a child care centre shall ensure that a list is posted in each cooking and serving area of each child care centre it operates that sets out the names of the children receiving child care in the child care centre who have food allergies or other food restrictions and their respective allergies or restrictions.

11 CCEYA, Section 43 4) Every licensee of a home child care agency shall ensure that each home child care provider in each premises where the licensee oversees the provision of home child care plans menus in consultation with a parent of the child and a home child care visitor and that the menu, and the meals and snacks that it provides, meet the requirements set out in the Health Canada documents Eating Well with Canada s Food Guide, Eating Well with Canada s Food Guide First Nations, Inuit and Métis or Nutrition for Healthy Term Infants, as amended from time to time, as the case may be.

12 CCEYA, Section 44 Special arrangements 44. Every licensee shall ensure that where special dietary and feeding arrangements have been made with the licensee with respect to a child receiving child care at a child care centre it operates or at a premises where it oversees the provision of home child care, the arrangements are carried out in accordance with the written instructions of a parent of the child.

13 Canada s Food Guide

14 Why use Canada s Food Guide? 1.Better overall health 2.Lower risk of disease 3.Stronger muscles and bones 4.More energy 5.Feeling and looking better 6.A healthy body weight

15 Canada s Food Guide

16 Eating Well with Canada s Food Guide Carbohydrates, proteins, fats provide energy (energy = calories). Energy needs of Preschoolers met by following the eating pattern outlined in Eating Well with Canada s Food Guide. An eating pattern based on the food guide is high in carbohydrate foods such as whole grain breads and cereals, vegetables and fruit. Milk products, meat, fish, poultry, eggs, cooked beans and legumes, and other meat alternatives provide protein. Fat found in dairy products, meats, oils and other foods (i.e. peanut butter).


18 Eating Well with Canada s Food Guide Toddlers, Preschool, School-age Nutritious foods containing fat, i.e. milk or peanut butter, provide concentrated source of calories for young children age 2 5 years. Over time, variations in the amount a child eats average out providing the calories & nutrients needed Children should be encouraged to eat healthy foods when hungry & stop when full.

19 Eating Well with Canada s Food Guide Vegetables and Fruits How many servings? Toddlers 2-3 years - 4 Food Guide Servings per day Children 4-8 years - 5 Food Guide Servings per day Food Guide serving: 1 medium size vegetable or fruit 125 ml (½ cup) fresh, frozen or canned vegetables or fruit 250 ml (1 cup) salad, leafy vegetables 125 ml (½ cup) juice ½ size servings spread throughout the day may be required depending growth, activity level, at any given time Limit juice to ml (4-6 oz) per day - juice can take away the appetite for meals Natural and added sugars found in juice can cause cavities Too much juice can cause diarrhea, gas, stomach pain Choose unsweetened 100% fruit juice Fruit drinks and flavoured crystals don t provide the same nutrients and are higher in sugar Raw vegetables for children under 3 years old should be puréed or finely chopped and put in pasta or soup or lightly steamed to reduce hazard of choking

20 Eating Well with Canada s Food Guide Grain Products How many servings? Toddlers 2-3 years - 3 Food Guide Servings per day Children 4-8 years - 4 Food Guide Servings per day Food Guide Serving: 1 slice bread ½ bagel, pita or bun 30 g cold cereal 175 ml (¾ cup) hot cereal 125 ml (½ cup) pasta or rice Smaller half-size servings spread throughout the day may be required again depending on appetite, growth, activity level. Appetite can also be dependent on high level of excitement or lack of sleep At least half of a child s daily grain intake should be whole grain. For example: bread, rolls or tortillas made with 100% whole grains (including the germ), shredded wheat or oatmeal and other cereals made with whole grains.

21 Eating Well with Canada s Food Guide Milk and Alternatives How many servings? Toddlers 2-3 years & children 4-8 years - 2 Food Guide Servings per day. Food Guide Serving: 250 ml (1 cup) milk 50 g (1 ½ oz) cheese 175 g (¾ cup) yogurt ½ size servings spread throughout the day but aim for the total number of Food Guide Servings suggested for age group. Preschoolers should have 500 ml (2 cups) of milk each day to satisfy their need for Vitamin D. If milk is not consumed choose a soy beverage fortified with calcium and vitamin D. Use milk in puddings, soups and hot cereals. Yogurt & cheese not vitamin D enriched - be sure to serve milk, as well as these other milk products

22 Eating Well with Canada s Food Guide Meat and Alternatives How many servings? Toddlers age 2-3 years & children age 4-8 years - 1 Food Guide Serving per day Food Guide Serving: 75 g (2 ½ oz) meat, fish or poultry 2 eggs 175 ml (¾ cup) cooked beans or legumes 150 g or 175 ml (¾ cup) tofu 30 ml (2 Tbsp) peanut butter Choose leaner meats, poultry and fish, eggs, as well as cooked dried beans, peas, and lentils. Preschoolers eating a vegetarian diet should be served meat alternatives containing vitamin B12 found in some soy based meat substitutes.

23 Eating Well with Canada s Food Guide Food and beverages that are not part of a food group Limit foods and beverages high in calories, fat, sugar or salt (sodium), i.e., cakes, pastries, chocolate, candies, cookies, granola bars, doughnuts, muffins, ice cream, frozen desserts, french fries, potato chips, nachos, other salty snacks Soft drinks, sports and energy drinks, and other sweetened hot or cold drinks are not appropriate for young children and provide extra calories, sugar, caffeine or sodium Serve water instead of soft drinks and other sugary drinks.

24 Small Group Work In table groups using flip chart paper, plan a one day menu for a child care setting where children are in attendance for 6 hours or more. Include: Morning snack, lunch, afternoon and late snack; The required needs for children from the Canada Food Guide Nutritious choices from all food groups according to the Canada Food guide Have one person from your group present your menu to the class.

25 . Canada s Food Guide: Canada s Food Guide First Nations

26 What is the Difference? Cover Inner Circle Images of Aboriginal people harvesting, & enjoying traditional foods. Depicts cultural, spiritual, emotional & physical significance of traditional foods, link of food to land, culture to traditions, family to community Shows traditional foods from air, land, water Provides opportunity for story telling Promotes physical activity

27 What is the Difference? Cover Outer Circle Depicts store bought foods typically available & affordable in remote communities and cities.

28 Canada s Food Guide: First Nation A national food guide created to reflect values, traditions and food choices of First Nations, Inuit and Métis. Complements the 2007 Canada s Food Guide Intended to support nutrition for people 2 years of age and older by providing information on food choices that promote health. Recognizes the importance of traditional and store-bought foods for First Nations, Inuit, and Metis today.

29 Canada s Food Guide: First Nation How is it different from Canada s food guide? A circle is used instead of the rainbow Reflects the importance of food as a link to the land, to family and community, and as an element of spirituality. Shows traditional foods inside, as examples for Food Guide Servings.

30 Fruit and Vegetable Facts Eat at least one dark green vegetable each day: Asparagus, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Green Peas, Romaine Lettuce, Spinach - rich sources of folate (Vitamin B9) Folic acid required to produce healthy red blood cells & prevent anemia. Eat at least one orange fruit/vegetable each day: Carrots, pumpkins, orange-coloured squash, sweet potatoes Cantaloupe, mango, papaya, and apricots. Rich in carotenoids, (antioxidants) a nutrient the body changes into vitamin A.

31 Grain Facts Make at least half grain products whole grain each day Examples of whole grain products are: barley, brown rice, oats, whole wheat and wild rice Recommended to support fibre and magnesium intake May also help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease Traditional foods for First Nations, Inuit, & Métis - wild rice & bannock.

32 Milk & Alternative Facts 2 cups of milk recommended each day for vitamin D Lower fat milk effective for calcium and vitamin D Alternatives like yogurt & cheese good source of calcium but not vitamin D. Traditionally First Nations, Inuit, and Métis got nutrients found in milk from other sources: wild plants, seaweed, fish w/bones, shellfish, nuts, beans, bannock made with baking powder These traditional foods may be eaten less frequently Important that these nutrients are obtained through other means.

33 Meat & Alternative Facts Choose lean meat and alternatives Traditional meats are lean: beaver, caribou, rabbit, moose, birds, seal, and deer Have less fat, salt, sugar than store bought food and have essential nutrients needed for good health Other examples of lean meats include: lean hamburger, fish, turkey, and skinless chicken Limit high fat and salt meats like bacon, sausage, and canned meat Eat at least two food guide servings of fish (especially fatty fish) each week reduces risk of heart disease and stroke Examples of fatty fish: herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines, trout Alternatives: beans, lentils, tofu- low in saturated fat Bean and lentils good source of folate and dietary fibre.

34 Fat/Oil Facts Cooking or Adding fat to food Use vegetable oils with unsaturated (liquid) fat such as canola, olive, and soybean oils A small amount of fat is important for our health. Often people eat too much fat (saturated and trans saturated fat) that is harmful to the health of the heart Aim to have approximately ml each day (2-3 tablespoons). This includes oil used in cooking, salad dressing, margarine, and mayonnaise Traditional fats that are liquid at room temperature like sea and whale oil, or Ooligan grease contain unsaturated fats Limit the amount of butter, hard margarine, lard, shortening, and bacon fat added to food to no more than 10% of daily calories (approx. 20 grams a day).

35 What About Supplements? Does a Child Need Supplements? Does the child eat: Milk and dairy products every day? A serving of meat, tofu or legumes every day? Some fruits and vegetables every day? Some whole wheat bread, whole grain or enriched cereal everyday? Is the child: Of normal height and weight for his/her age? Have good resistance to infection? Have a good energy level? If the answer to these questions is YES, supplements are probably not needed.

36 Summary Today we talked about 1. CCEYA Canada s Food Guide Next week 1. Assignment # 1 due 2. Talk about Role of Nutrients Important Nutrients for Preschoolers Assignment # 2 assign We have a Guest Speaker Topic : Impact of nutrition on healthy childhood development, from individuals and population health perspectives

37 Reminder Please submit your group contract for Assignment 1 Assignment 1 - Due November 14, 2016

38 References CCEYA (2014). Child Care Centre Licensing Manual: Child Care and Early Years Act. Retrieved from orms.nsf/getfileattach/3002e~1/$file/3002e.pdf (2016). Eating Well with Canada s Food Guide: Health Canada. Retrieved from Pimento, B. & Kernested, D. (2009). Healthy Foundations in Early Childhood Settings. Toronto, ON: Nelson Education.

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