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1 高等教育 十二五 规划教材 大学英语晚听教程 ( 第二版 ) ( 下册 ) 韩伟主编 北京

2 内容简介 本书是根据 大学英语课程教学要求 新考纲及学生的实际情况而编写的听力训练教程 本书的练习部分主要以星期为单位来编排, 周一到周四, 每天的练习形式和训练重点有所不同, 周而复始, 力求让学生循序渐进地提高听力水平 本书由 20 个单元组成, 每个单元分为 4 个部分 : 第一部分 (Monday):8 个短对话和 2 个长对话 本部分的录音会播放两遍, 第一遍, 学生完成题目 ; 第二遍, 自我检查 第二部分 (Tuesday):3 篇短文 本部分的录音会播放两遍, 第一遍, 学生完成题目 ; 第二遍, 自我检查 第三部分 (Wednesday):2 篇复合式听写 每篇短文读三遍, 第一遍, 常速, 学生理解大意 ; 第二遍, 要求填写的句子后有停顿, 学生写答案 ; 第三遍, 常速, 检查答案 第四部分 (Thursday): 整套模拟试题 ( 按四级考试形式播放 ) 本书主要供学生在课外自检自测, 着力培养学生的自主学习能力 图书在版编目 (CIP) 数据 大学英语晚听教程 : 全 2 册 / 韩伟主编. 2 版. 北京 : 科学出版社, ( 高等教育 十二五 规划教材 ) ISBN Ⅰ.1 大 Ⅱ.1 韩 Ⅲ.1 英语 - 听说教学 - 高等学校 - 教材 Ⅳ.1H319.9 中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字 (2013) 第 号 责任编辑 : 王彦 / 责任校对 : 柏连海责任印制 : 吕春珉 / 封面设计 : 科地亚盟 北京东黄城根北街 16 号邮政编码 : 出版 印刷 科学出版社发行各地新华书店经销 * 2011 年 8 月第 一 版 开本 : / 年 6 月第 二 版 印张 : 年 6 月第一次印刷 字数 : 定价 :48.00 元 ( 上下册 ) ( 如有印装质量问题, 我社负责调换 环伟 ) 销售部电话 编辑部电话 (HF02) 版权所有, 侵权必究举报电话 : ; ;

3 本书编写人员 主编韩伟 主审吴奕叶爱香许莉 罗俊车淑英胡珏 编者陈红美丁海珍邓奕华刘畅 刘俊辉樊朝晖李岚林艳 胡莹潘石杰盛囡囡曾梦蕊 马飞

4 Unit 1 i 前 言 为了适应我国高等教育新的发展形势, 深化教学改革, 提高教学质量, 教育部颁布了 大学英语课程教学要求 新 要求 提出培养学生的英语综合应用能力, 特别是听说能力, 使其能在今后的工作和社会交往中用英语有效地进行口头和书面信息的交流 为体现新的教学要求的精神, 全国大学英语四 六级考试也进行了相应的调整, 从考试内容到题型都有了重大变化 全新题型最为突出的变化就在听力部分 : 分值比重上升到了 35%, 增加了长对话和复合式听写两种新题型 总体而言, 听力难度加大了, 对考生提出了较高的要求 因此, 学习者更应该注意语言基本功, 从提高实际英语能力出发, 循序渐进, 切实打下良好的听力基础 一 大学英语四级等级考试听力简介新四级考试的听力部分是整个试卷的第三部分, 在写作和快速阅读之后, 开始时间为上午 10 点, 过程为 35 分钟左右 整个部分的分值占总成绩的 35%, 具体情况如下表所示 测试内容 测试形式 读音遍数 分值比例 对话 短对话 8 个 选择 /8 题 1 遍 8% 长对话 2 个 选择 /7 题 1 遍 7% 短文 短文理解 3 篇 选择 /10 题 1 遍 10% 复合式听写 1 篇 填空 /8 个单词 +3 个句子 3 遍 10% 二 听力技巧简介 ( 一 ) 影响学生听力理解的主要因素 1. 语音 : 很多学生自身发音不够准确, 这对其辨别听到的内容构成了很大的障碍 2. 语速 : 由于大多数老师在课堂上授课语速是较慢的, 学生接触的听力材料又不够多, 所以遇到较快语速的听力材料, 适应起来有一定的困难 3. 语法 : 学生自身语法基础的薄弱也会影响其对听力材料的理解 4. 词汇 : 学生英语词汇量的大小及掌握的熟练程度, 也是影响其听力水平的一个因素 5. 文化差异 : 不少学生缺乏对西方文化背景知识的了解, 如习语 典故等, 听力理解过程中也会有一定困难 6. 心理因素 : 紧张 焦虑 恐惧等心理状态会对听力理解造成较大的影响 ( 二 ) 听力技巧 1. 听前 : 浏览 + 预测 在录音播放之前, 抓紧时间浏览给出的选项和文字材料, 并尽量从中发现一些背景信息和解题线索, 这对之后的解题有很大的帮助 2. 听中 : 抓住主题和关键 在整个听音过程中, 要尽量全神贯注, 沉着应战 在听懂大意的基础上, 抓住重点,

5 ii 大学英语晚听教程 ( 第二版下册 ) 并力求快速记录一些关键词或重要信息 3. 听后 : 辨别异同, 果断作答 听完后, 根据记忆和记录, 快速在选项中寻找符合原文的一项, 不要反复犹豫, 应 尽量果断 为了帮助考生更好地适应现行的四 六级考试, 我们编写了这本 大学英语晚听教 程 本书贴近 要求 和考纲, 是集多年教学经验和实践的力作 本书具有以下主要特点 : 1. 紧扣大纲, 针对性强 本书形式上完全贴合四 六级题型, 包括短对话 长对话 短文和复合式听写, 可供学生模拟练习和实战训练 2. 选材科学, 代表性强 本书内容涉及日常生活 社会习俗 体育 教育 历史 文化 经济 法律以及科学技术等方面, 使考生能够在备考过程中有的放矢, 事半功倍 3. 使用方便, 操作性强 本书提供免费的录音文件, 学习者可在电脑上使用, 也可使用 MP3 收听 4. 匠心独具, 系统性强 本书的编写体系别具一格, 按星期编排练习, 让学习者每日有所练, 日积月累最终提高听力水平 本书具有鲜明的特色, 它为学生独立学习提供一个良好的平台, 也是学生备考四 六级考试的必要材料 在此, 特别感谢很多一线教师为本书编写所提供的无私帮助 由于编者水平有限, 书中难免有疏漏之处, 恳请广大读者和同行不吝赐教 本书是根据 大学英语课程教学要求 新考纲及学生的实际情况而编写的听力训练教程 本教程的练习部分主要以星期为单位来编排, 时间为周一到周四 每天的练习形式和训练重点有所不同, 周而复始, 力求让学生循序渐进地提高听力水平 本书由 20 个单元组成, 每个单元分为 4 个部分 第一部分 (Monday):8 个短对话和 2 个长对话 本部分的录音会播放两遍, 第一遍, 学生完成题目 ; 第二遍, 自我检查 第二部分 (Tuesday):3 篇短文 本部分的录音会播放两遍, 第一遍, 学生完成题目 ; 第二遍, 自我检查 第三部分 (Wednesday):2 篇复合式听写 每篇短文读三遍, 第一遍, 常速, 学生理解大意 ; 第二遍, 要求填写的句子后有停顿, 学生写答案 ; 第三遍, 常速, 学生检查答案 第四部分 (Thursday): 整套模拟试题 ( 按四级考试形式播放 ) 本书主要供学生在课外自检自测, 着力培养学生的自主学习能力

6 Contents ( 下册 ) iii Contents ( 下册 ) 试题部分 Unit Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Unit Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Unit Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Unit Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Unit Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

7 iv 大学英语晚听教程 ( 第二版下册 ) Unit Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Unit Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Unit Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Unit Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Unit Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 参考答案及录音材料 Unit 11 答案 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

8 Contents ( 下册 ) v Unit 12 答案 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Unit 13 答案 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Unit 14 答案 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Unit 15 答案 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Unit 16 答案 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Unit 17 答案 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

9 vi 大学英语晚听教程 ( 第二版下册 ) Unit 18 答案 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Unit 19 答案 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Unit 20 答案 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Appendix

10 Unit 1 1 试题部分

11 Unit Unit 11 Monday Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations, and 2 long conversations twice. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D) and decide which is the best answer. Short conversations 1. A) The man has decided to buy the house. B) The man hasn t decided whether to buy the house or not. C) The man wants to visit the house before he decides to rent the house. D) The man has decided to rent the house. 2. A) Mary will attend a party. B) Mary is invited to Tom s home for dinner. C) Tom invites Mary to go out for dinner to offer her his congratulations. D) Tom was invited to go out for dinner to celebrate his birthday. 3. A) $41. B) $82. C) $164. D) $ A) She cannot ride a bike. B) She will ride a bike to work. C) She will take a bus to work. D) She will not drive to work. 5. A) The man is tired of the changeable weather. B) The man believes that it ll rain in the several weeks. C) There has been nothing but rain for quite some time. D) The man thinks it will be a sunny day today. 6. A) She is a student. B) She is a journalist. C) She is a secretary. D) She is a teacher. 7. A) In the garage. B) In the filling station. C) In the parking lot. D) In the bus station. 8. A) Buying some furniture. B) Booking a room in a hotel. C) Reserving a table for dinner. D) Having dinner in a restaurant.

12 194 大学英语晚听教程 ( 第二版下册 ) Long Conversations 9. A) To make an appointment to look at a house. B) To get information about special housing. C) To ask about getting a loan to buy a house. D) To renew his housing contract. 10. A) With his grandparents. B) In student housing. C) With his wife s parents. D) In his own apartment. 11. A) He earns less than $15,000 a year. B) He s looking for a full-time job. C) He thinks his rent is too high. D) He plans to go back to graduate school. 12. A) Pass his math class. B) Get a good job. C) Get his degree. D) Change his field of study. 13. A) First year. B) Second year. C) Third year. D) Fourth year. 14. A) The instructor did not like him. B) He did not bother with studying. C) He made a mistake early in the problem. D) He wanted to transfer out. 15. A) Psychology. B) Math. C) English. D) Material. Tuesday Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages twice. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions, and you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Passage 1 1. A) To show off their wealth. B) To feel good. C) To regain their memory. D) To be different from others. 2. A) To help solve their psychological problems. B) To play games with them. C) To send them to the hospital. D) To make them aware of its harmfulness. 3. A) They need care and affection. B) They are fond of round-the-world trips. C) They are mostly from broken families. D) They are likely to commit crimes.

13 Unit Passage 2 4. A) He ran a village shop. B) He worked on a farm. C) He worked in an advertising agency. D) He was a gardener. 5. A) It was stressful. B) It was colorful. C) It was peaceful. D) It was boring. 6. A) His desire to start his own business. B) The crisis in his family life. C) The decline in his health. D) His dream of living in the countryside. Passage 3 7. A) A case of bad cold. B) A case of flu. C) An unusual number of flu-like cases. D) Some unknown cases. 8. A) With the help of his assistants. B) With the instruments at the hospital. C) With the people in Hong Kong. D) With the people from W. H. O.. 9. A) To find out if the new virus spreads easily. B) To find out if animals will have the same disease. C) To find out if animals will have the same signs. D) To find out a method of treatment. 10. A) A complete cure of the Asian flu. B) The cure of percent patients in Hong Kong. C) The finding of how Asian people get infected with flu. D) The finding that the outbreak was due to virus group A. Wednesday Directions: In this section, you will hear 2 passages three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 1 to 8 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 9 to 11, you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. Passage 1 Punctuality is important in American business, (1) and social settings. The importance of punctuality is taught to young children in school. The use of bells (2)

14 196 大学英语晚听教程 ( 第二版下册 ) to the child that punctuality and time itself are to be respected. People who keep appointments are considered (3). If people are late for job (4), appointments or classes, they are often viewed as unreliable and (5). In the business world, time is money and companies may fine their (6) for being late for business meetings. Of course, it is not always possible to be (7). Social and business etiquette also provide rules for late arrivals. If one is going to be more than a few minutes late for (8) appointments, calling on the telephone is considered polite and is often expected. (9). On the other hand, arriving thirty minutes late to some parties is acceptable. (10). It is expected that deadlines for class assignments or business reports will be met. Students who hand in assignments late may be surprised to find that the professor will lower their grades or even refuse to grade their work. (11). Passage 2 Certain urban problems are common to both developed and developing countries, for example, poor housing, (1), traffic jams and pollution. But there are problems, which are (2) to developing countries and this is due to the need of these countries to (3) a basic structure necessary for industrialization. The provision of this structure is the urbanization (4) itself. There are five main consequences of uncontrolled urbanization: Firstly, people move from the country to the city because they see the city as a more (5) place to live in. Secondly, rural areas thus become less populated and this causes a (6) in the production of food. Thirdly, there is a high urban population growth rate. Fourthly, there is a (7) pressure on the supply of social services, especially those services related to education and health, and finally uncontrolled urbanization leads to an (8) of labor supply in the cities. There are a few policies which could slow this kind of uncontrolled urbanization in developing countries. (9). In this way farmers would be more motivated to stay on the land. Also, (10). Most importantly, (11).

15 Unit Thursday Section A Conversations Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations, and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D) and decide which is the best answer. Short conversations 1. A) He is glad to lend his bike to the woman. B) He couldn t lend the bike to the woman. C) He has no bike himself. D) He suggested that the woman should repair her bike. 2. A) He visited his friend in Canada. B) He visited his sister in New York. C) He visited his friend in New York. D) He visited his sister in Canada. 3. A) They didn t enjoy it at all. B) They both liked it very much. C) Only the man enjoyed it. D) They liked the first half of the play. 4. A) At 3:45. B) At 4:20. C) At 4:45. D) At 5: A) At the tailor s. B) In the department store. C) In the hotel. D) In the hospital. 6. A) Salesman and customer. B) Doctor and patient. C) Teacher and student. D) Daughter and father. 7. A) Bob painted the house himself. B) Someone else painted the house. C) No one painted the house, for there wasn t a ladder. D) Bob was courageous enough to climb a ladder. 8. A) He enjoyed his holiday. B) He lost his camera on his trip. C) He left his car at the airport. D) He didn t enjoy his holiday. Long Conversations 9. A) The election for senator. B) The election for class leader. C) The election for secretary. D) The election for president. 10. A) They are competing against each other in an election. B) The man is writing the woman s speech.

16 198 大学英语晚听教程 ( 第二版下册 ) C) The man is interviewing the woman. D) The woman is planning the man s campaign. 11. A) Make posters. B) Write a speech. C) Answer questions. D) Study chemistry. 12. A) Compare their lectures. B) Review the man s talk. C) Prepare questions to ask candidates. D) Vote in the school election. 13. A) In a college bookstore. B) In a lecture hall. C) In a library. D) In a dormitory. 14. A) English. B) Biology. C) Introduction to American Literature. D) A required course. 15. A) He lives on the 9th floor of Pink Hall. B) He never wants to listen to students. C) He used to teach biology. D) He is an excellent professor. Section B Passages Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions, and you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Passage A) A person who was not afraid of police. B) A person who wanted a profitable job. C) A person who wished to earn $500 with two opportunities. D) A person who was fond of adventure. 17. A) He did not want the police to suspect him. B) He did not fully believe the advertiser. C) The offer of the advertiser was only $250. D) The advertiser did not want to discuss the job fully on the phone. 18. A) The advertiser was arrested red-handed. B) The man was paid $250 as arranged. C) The wife s life was spared. D) The dog would not be alarmed.

17 Unit Passage A) How to avoid being struck indoors by lightning. B) Where to find a safe place in case of a lightning. C) How to cope with house appliances with electricity. D) Why lightning is more dangerous outside than at home. 20. A) To stay off the phone. B) To use a cordless phone. C) To hold a phone with wires. D) To stay away from plumbing pipes. 21. A) A computer. B) A television. C) A PVC pipe. D) An air conditioner. Passage A) When you receive an invitation, reply to it within two days. You d better send flowers in advance. B) Arrive exactly on time at the dinner party. C) Bring a bottle of good wine to the dinner party. D) Telephone to ask if you could bring a good friend to the party. 23. A) If someone is dead, send chrysanthemums or calla lilies. B) If someone is ill in hospital, send carnations. C) If you are invited to a dinner party, send red roses to the hostess. D) If you are in love with someone, send red roses. 24. A) Bring a bouquet of flowers when you go to the party. B) Send a bouquet of flowers afterwards with a thank-you note. C) Bring a bottle of wine instead of a bouquet of flowers. D) The hostess will never mind if you send flowers or not. 25. A) How to hold a dinner party. B) How to send flowers. C) Good manners at a French dinner party. D) Different countries have different manners. Section C Compound Dictation Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 26 to 33 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 34 to 36 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. Ecology is the science of how living creatures and plants (26) together and

18 200 大学英语晚听教程 ( 第二版下册 ) depend on each other in the (27) environment. Where an environment is undisturbed, the ecology of an area is in balance, but if a creature becomes extinct or an alien species is (28), then the ecology of the district will be upset. In other words, the balance of nature will be (29). Man is a part of the environment and has done more to upset the ecology during his short (30) on earth than any other living creatures. He has poisoned the (31) and polluted both land and water. He ha s wasted the earth s natural resources with no thought for the future, and has thought out the most devastating ways of killing his fellow men and every other sort of life at the same time. Even at this moment, many of the earth s natural (32) are being destroyed, and many (33) animals and plants are being killed off. (34). Since man has done so much damage, it is up to man to try to put matters right, if it is not too late. (35). Time is running out. (36).

19 Unit Unit 12 Monday Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations, and 2 long conversations twice. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D) and decide which is the best answer. Short Conversations 1. A) At a restaurant. B) At the cinema. C) In the office. D) At a department store. 2. A) In a restaurant. B) On a boat. C) In a hotel. D) In a students residence hall. 3. A) He suggests that she buy the sweater in another color. B) He suggests that she buy a jacket instead of the sweater. C) He suggests that she buy the sweater at its original price. D) He suggests that she buy the sweater on Friday. 4. A) 4:30. B) 5:00. C) 5:10. D) 5: A) Because she won t fulfill her promise. B) Because her mother would be very angry. C) Because she can t finish the job ahead of schedule. D) Because she would be the last to finish the job. 6. A) She didn t know Dr. Turner s lecture would be so interesting. B) She didn t expect to have a quiz today. C) Dr. Turner often gives quizzes. D) The man should have prepared for the class. 7. A) It will snow much later in the week. B) It will probably snow. C) The woman needs to listen to the weather forecast. D) The weather forecasters always make mistakes. 8. A) She thinks it will rain today.

20 202 大学英语晚听教程 ( 第二版下册 ) B) Her hobby is collecting coins. C) She ll change the money for the man. D) She s keeping the money for an emergency. Long Conversations 9. A) When to move. B) Where to live the following year. C) How much time to spend at home. D) Whose house to visit. 10. A) Take some money to the housing office. B) Inform the director of student housing in a letter. C) Fill out a form in the library. D) Maintain a high grade average. 11. A) Both live on campus. B) Both live off campus. C) The man lives on campus; the woman lives off campus. D) The woman lives on campus; the man lives off campus. 12. A) Grades. B) Privacy. C) Sports. D) Money. 13. A) To make a business report to the woman. B) To be interviewed for a job in the woman s company. C) To resign from his position in the woman s company. D) To exchange stock market information with the woman. 14. A) He is head of a small trading company. B) He works in an international insurance company. C) He leads a team of brokers in a big company. D) He is a public relations officer in a small company. 15. A) The woman thinks Mr. Johnson is asking for more than they can offer. B) Mr. Johnson will share one third of the woman s responsibilities. C) Mr. Johnson believes that he deserves more paid vacations. D) The woman seems to be satisfied with Mr. Johnson s past experience. Tuesday Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages twice. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions, and you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Passage 1 1. A) Because it was too heavy. B) Because it did not bend easily.

21 Unit C) Because it did not shoot far. D) Because its string was short. 2. A) It went out of use 300 years ago. B) It was invented after the short bow. C) It was discovered before fire and the wheel. D) It is still in use today. 3. A) They are accurate and easy to pull. B) Their shooting range is 40 yards. C) They are usually used indoors. D) They took 100 years to develop. Passage 2 4. A) Tree rings grow close together. B) Tree rings grow far apart. C) Trees in New Mexico will grow big and tall. D) No tree rings at all. 5. A) Because they can tell whether in that area the climate was favorable or not. B) Because they can tell whether a particular tree was healthy or not. C) Because they can tell whether people took good care of the tree or not. D) Because they can tell how old the trees were. 6. A) They cut down all the trees. B) Trees were all dead because of no water. C) Bad weather affected the growth of trees. D) People found little space for living because of too many trees. Passage 3 7. A) A car outside the supermarket. B) A car at the bottom of the hill. C) Paul s car. D) The sports car. 8. A) Inside the car. B) At the foot of the hill. C) In the garage. D) In the supermarket. 9. A) The driver of the sports car. B) The two girls inside the car. C) The man standing nearby. D) The salesman from London. 10. A) Nobody. B) The two girls. C) The bus driver. D) Paul. Wednesday Directions: In this section, you will hear 2 passages three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 1 to 8 with the exact words

22 204 大学英语晚听教程 ( 第二版下册 ) you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 9 to 11, you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. Passage 1 The English have the (1) of being very different from all other nationalities. It is claimed that living on an (2) island has much to do with it. Whatever the reasons, it may be fairly stated that the Englishman has developed some attitudes and habits (3) him from other nationalities. (4) speaking, the Englishman is a quiet, shy, and (5) person. Before strangers he often seems inhibited, or even (6). You just have to (7) a railway compartment any morning or evening to see the truth. Serious-looking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or dozing in a corner, and no one speaks. It is well known that the English seldom show openly extremes of (8), emotion, etc. (9). Imagine a man commenting on the great beauty of a young girl. A man of more emotional temperament might describe her as a marvelous jewel, while the Englishman will flatly state Um, she s all right. An Englishman may recommend a highly successful and enjoyable film to friends by commenting, It s not bad. (10). They must realize that all right, not bad are very often used with the sense of first class, excellent. (11). Passage 2 To say that the child learns by imitation and that the way to teach is to set a good example oversimplifies. No child (1) every action he sees. Sometimes, the example the parent wants him to follow is (2) while he takes over (3) patterns from some other example. Look at it from the child s point of view. Here he is in a new situation, (4) a ready response. He is seeking a response which will gain certain ends. If he doesn t have a ready response for the situation and cannot figure out what to do, he observes a model who seems able to get the right result. The child looks for an (5) or expert who can show what to do. There is a second (6) at work in this situation. The child may be able to (7) his immediate goal only to find that his method brings criticism from people

23 Unit who observe him. When shouting across the house achieves his immediate end of delivering a message, he is told that such a shout is (8) and that he should walk into the next room and say quietly. Thus, (9). One of the early things the child learns is that (10). Then other adults reward some actions and criticize others. (11). Thursday Section A Conversations Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Short Conversations 1. A) There s going to be a wedding. B) The people should learn that dance better. C) Big dances are the most fun. D) They need to print more invitations. 2. A) Arrive at class on time. B) Finish his assignments more promptly. C) Get his watch fixed. D) Get notes about the class from a friend. 3. A) He has just recovered from the flu. B) He won t be able to go to the play. C) He heard that the play isn t very good. D) He has already seen the play. 4. A) Share the place he s renting. B) Avoid living near the campus. C) Apply for campus housing. D) Find an apartment soon. 5. A) A secretary. B) A novelist. C) A newspaperman. D) A businessman. 6. A) They are going to have some milk for lunch. B) They will probably quarrel because they are both angry. C) They are going to have breakfast soon. D) They are going to have lunch soon. 7. A) There are different kinds of folders. B) This decision requires careful thought.

24 206 大学英语晚听教程 ( 第二版下册 ) C) It doesn t matter which color the woman uses. D) The color should suggest the content. 8. A) $200. B) $240. C) $250. D) $290. Long Conversations 9. A) How to arrange for a trip. B) How to book a satisfactory room. C) When the shop will be closed. D) What the weather is like. 10. A) Because there is an excellent bus service. B) Because there is an excellent railway service. C) Because there is an excellent subway system. D) Because taxi system there isn t convenient. 11. A) Usually warm but sometimes very cold and wet. B) Always warm. C) Usually cold and wet but sometimes warm. D) Always cold. 12. A) At once. B) Fifteen days later. C) By the 15th of this month. D) In the middle of this year. 13. A) A physics exam. B) A lecture they plan to attend. C) An assignment. D) Their favorite poets. 14. A) Listen to the woman s talk. B) Study for a test. C) Go to class. D) Prepare his presentation. 15. A) In the library. B) In the woman s dormitory. C) In an empty classroom. D) In the dining hall. Section B Passages Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions, and you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Passage A) By mercilessly exploiting women workers in the clothing industry. B) By selling out of date clothes. C) By constantly changing the fashions in women s clothing. D) By making fashion shows. 17. A) A waste of money. B) A waste of time. C) An expression of taste. D) An expression of creativity. 18. A) New fashions in clothing are created for the commercial exploitation of women. B) The constant changes in women s clothing reflect their strength of character.

25 Unit C) The fashion industry makes an important contribution to society. D) Fashion designs should not be encouraged since they are only welcomed by women. Passage A) A business corporation. B) The universe as a whole. C) A society of legal professionals. D) An association of teachers and scholars. 20. A) Its largest expansion took place during that period. B) Its role in society went through a dramatic change. C) Small universities combined to form bigger ones. D) Provincial colleges were taken over by larger universities. 21. A) Private donations. B) Government funding. C) Grants from corporations. D) Fees paid by students. Passage A) She was very tired. B) Her husband was driving very slowly. C) It was too late. D) Both A and C. 23. A) In front of Lee s car. B) Behind Lee s car. C) On the right side of Lee s car. D) On the left side of Lee s car. 24. A) His wife was asleep. B) He was tired. C) The road was dark. D) The road was quiet. 25. A) A worker. B) A doctor. C) A driver. D) Not mentioned. Section C Compound Dictation Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 26 to 33 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 34 to 36 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. Since we are social beings, the quality of our lives depends in larger (26) on our interpersonal relationships. One strength of human condition is our (27) to give and receive support from one another under stressful circumstances. Social support (28) of the exchange of resources among people based on their interpersonal ties. Those of us with strong support systems (29) better able to cope with major life changes and daily problems. People with strong social ties live longer and have better health than those without such ties. Studies over a range of illnesses, from (30) to heart disease,

26 208 大学英语晚听教程 ( 第二版下册 ) (31) that the presence of social support helps people fend off illness, and the (32) of such support makes poor health more likely. Social support (33) stress in a number of ways. First, friends, relatives, and co-workers may let us know that they value us. (34). Second, other people often provide us with information support. (35). Third, we typically find social companionship supportive. (36). Finally, other people may give us instrumental support financial aid, material resources, and needed services that reduces stress by helping us resolve and cope with our problems.

27 Unit Unit 13 Monday Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations twice. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Short Conversations 1. A) He ll help Tina prepare for the meeting. B) He s disappointed that he ll have to miss the meeting. C) He often works extra hours. D) He s afraid the meeting won t end on time. 2. A) 508. B) 580. C) D) A) Buy the painting immediately. B) Sell one of his paintings. C) Look for a more expensive painting. D) Find a cheaper painting. 4. A) His girlfriend complained of his going to the party without her. B) He was together with his girlfriend yesterday. C) He has been busy dating his girlfriend these days. D) He brought his girlfriend to the party. 5. A) She agrees with the man s choice. B) She doesn t recommend the red tie. C) She doesn t think the man needs to wear a tie. D) She has no opinion about men s clothing. 6. A) She s too sick to have visitors. B) She picked up her brother last night. C) Her brother s flight was canceled. D) Her brother has changed his plan. 7. A) Before dinner. B) During dinner. C) Right after dinner. D) The next day. 8. A) Ask Tom to send an invitation. B) Get the Johnsons address.

28 210 大学英语晚听教程 ( 第二版下册 ) C) Invite Tom to the party. D) Tell Tom to pick up the Johnsons. Long Conversations 9. A) A mountain resort. B) A seaside resort. C) A desert. D) The outback of Australia. 10. A) Fellow teachers. B) Freshmen of a university. C) Second-year students. D) Either seniors or juniors. 11. A) There are mountains nearby. B) He s been there once. C) He wants to be away from the hustle and bustle. D) He heard it would be fun to be there. 12. A) Finish their course work. B) Plan out their holiday plan in detail. C) Head for Sydney. D) Buy some necessities for their trip. 13. A) They are talking about a debate. B) They are arguing about the function of advertisements. C) They are criticizing the bad effects of advertisements. D) They are talking about the advantages of advertisements. 14. A) Advertisements provide the needed information. B) Some information of the advertisements is harmful. C) Advertisements are effective. D) The manufacturers have to spend their own money on advertisements. 15. A) People shouldn t believe advertisements. B) Advertisements are always reliable. C) Advertisements are often misleading. D) People should purchase the best product told by advertisements. Tuesday Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages twice. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions, and you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Passage 1 1. A) The job itself. B) The money. C) The significance of the job. D) The fact that it can keep the mind numb. 2. A) To earn a lot of money. B) To do highly rewarded jobs where the mind must be kept numb.

29 Unit C) To spend one s life on operating an adding-machine. D) To use one s mind on valuable subjects. 3. A) The teacher is an engineer who moulds the mind as he works. B) Pupils are always ready to accept what you teach them. C) A teacher helps to create a human being. D) Teaching is not a kind of easy job. Passage 2 4. A) Breakfast. B) Lunch. C) Dinner. D) Any time. 5. A) Billions. B) Millions. C) Tens of thousands. D) Thousands. 6. A) The restaurants have few tables and chairs. B) The restaurants are very small. C) The restaurants serve hamburgers through a window. D) The restaurants charge more to eat inside. Passage 3 7. A) They want to change the way English is taught. B) They learn English to find well-paid jobs. C) They want to have an up-to-date knowledge of English. D) They know clearly what they want to learn. 8. A) Professionals. B) College students. C) Beginners. D) Intermediate learners. 9. A) Courses for doctors. B) Courses for businessmen. C) Courses for reporters. D) Courses for lawyers. 10. A) Three groups of learners. B) The importance of business English. C) English for Specific Purposes. D) Features of English for different purposes. Wednesday Directions: In this section, you will hear 2 passages three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 1 to 8 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 9 to 11, you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write

30 212 大学英语晚听教程 ( 第二版下册 ) down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. Passage 1 Psychologists now believe that noise has a (1) effect on people s attitudes and behavior. Experiments have proved that in noisy situations, even (2) ones, people are more irritable and less cooperative; in more (3) noisy situations, many people cannot work hard, and they suffer from severe (4) as well as other psychological problems. However, psychologists (5) between sound and noise. Sound is measured (6) in decibels( 分贝 ). Noise cannot be measured in the same way because it (7) to the psychological effect of sound and its level of (8) depends on the situation. Thus, for passengers at an airport who expect to hear airplanes taking off and landing, there may be a lot of sound, but not much noise. (9). You notice the noise because it affects you psychologically. (10). People walking down the street with earphones, listening to music that they enjoy, are receiving a lot of decibels of sound, but they are probably happy hearing sounds which they control. On the other hand, people in the street without earphones must tolerate a lot of noise which they have no control over. (11). Passage 2 If you listen to American music, watch American television or magazines, you will probably agree that the most popular subject of these forms of (1) is love. Romantic love always finds an (2) in the country. Falling in love, solving the problems of love, and (3) the happy ending are subjects of interest to both the adult and the teenage public.millions of Americans (4) Valentine s Day with special cards and gifts that (5) their love to their mates, their friends, and their families. A popular saying is Love (6) all. (7) columns in magazines and newspapers offer advice to those with difficulties. To most Americans, romantic love is (8) to a happy life. (9). Despite the high divorce rate in the United States, young men and women continue to marry on the basis of romantic love. (10). The man or woman may have strong ties with parents, brothers, or sisters, but when he or she falls in love, the strongest feelings are supposed to be

31 Unit for the loved one. (11). Thursday Section A Conversations Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Short Conversations 1. A) The 2:00 train will arrive earlier. B) The 2:30 train has a dining car. C) The woman prefers to take the 2:30 train. D) They are going to have some fast food on the train. 2. A) She has been longing to attend Harvard University. B) She ll consider the man s suggestion carefully. C) She has finished her project with Dr. Garcia s help. D) She ll consult Dr. Garcia about entering graduate school. 3. A) Alice didn t seem to be nervous during her speech. B) Alice needs more training in making public speeches. C) The man can hardly understand Alice s presentation. D) The man didn t think highly of Alice s presentation. 4. A) It s worse than 30 years ago. B) It remains almost the same as before. C) There are more extremes in the weather. D) There has been a significant rise in temperature. 5. A) At a publishing house. B) At a bookstore. C) In a reading room. D) In Prof. Jordan s office. 6. A) The man can stay in her brother s apartment. B) Her brother can help the man find a cheaper hotel. C) Her brother can find an apartment for the man. D) The man should have booked at a less expensive hotel. 7. A) Priority should be given to listening. B) It s most helpful to read English newspapers every day. C) It s more effective to combine listening with reading.

32 214 大学英语晚听教程 ( 第二版下册 ) D) Reading should come before listening. 8. A) It can help solve complex problems. B) It will most likely prove ineffective. C) It is a new weapon against terrorists. D) It will help detect all kinds of liars. Long Conversations 9. A) It was the wrong size. B) The fabric was coming apart. C) It shrank a lot. D) It was the wrong color. 10. A) Give him a discount. B) Exchange the item. C) Give him store credit. D) Return his money. 11. A) The man didn t follow the washing instructions. B) It s a clearance item. C) It s more than six days. D) The man washed it. 12. A) The store clerk eventually gave the customer a refund. B) The customer was able to exchange the item. C) The customer left the store without the item. D) The customer accepted a store credit. 13. A) To type some research materials. B) To learn to use the computers there. C) To get material not available at the main library. D) To choose a topic for a term paper. 14. A) It is quite general. B) It is closely related with information in newspaper. C) It should be changed. D) It ll take a short time to find the relevant materials. 15. A) He travels to that library to get it. B) He pays a little money to use it. C) He reads it in the graduate school library. D) He orders it from the publisher. Section B Passages Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions, and you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Passage A) Because they can influence the quality of our lives. B) Because they can smooth away daily problems.

33 Unit C) Because they can deal with life changes. D) Because they can cure types of illnesses. 17. A) It lies in the social medical care systems, which support them. B) It has much to do with the amount of support they get from others. C) It depends on their ability to deal with daily worries and troubles. D) It is related to their courage for dealing with major life changes. 18. A) Interpersonal relationships. B) Kinds of social support. C) Ways to deal with stress. D) Effects of stressful conditions. Passage A) Bush thinks bilateral contacts and mutual understanding will promote Sino-U.S. relations. B) Many Americans are interested in China. C) Bush and the students of Qinghua University discussed something about how to make China richer and stronger. D) The 2008 Olympic Games is a great chance for China to be known by the world. 20. A) They want to come here to take part in the 2008 Olympic Games. B) They have learned something of China and they want to learn more. C) Great changes have taken place in China. D) China has a great history and unbelievably exciting future. 21. A) A reporter. B) A psychologist. C) A politician. D) A sociologist. Passage A) How to find a place to live in. B) What kind of apartment you need. C) A dilemma: buying or renting a house. D) A good way to minimize house search. 23. A) Over the radio. B) From a house agent. C) In the local newspaper. D) On the school bulletin board. 24. A) To uphold the terms of the contract. B) To pay for any regular maintenance. C) To have the carpet or paint renewed. D) To cover any damage to the apartment. 25. A) Ignorance of the signed agreement can be excused. B) The security deposit cannot always be fully returned. C) A good roommate is more desirable than an apartment. D) Keeping pets or smoking in the apartment is prohibited.

34 216 大学英语晚听教程 ( 第二版下册 ) Section C Compound Dictation Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 26 to 33 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 34 to 36 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. You probably have noticed that people express similar ideas in different ways depending on the situation they are in. This is very (26). All languages have two general levels of (27) : a formal level and an informal level. English is no (28). The difference in these two levels is the situation in which you use a (29) level. Formal language is the kind of language you find in textbooks, (30) books and in business letters. You would also use formal English in compositions and essays that you write in school. Informal language is used in conversation with (31), family members and friends, and when we write (32) notes or letters to close friends. Formal language is different from informal language in several ways. First, formal language (33) to be more polite. (34). For example, (35). Another difference between formal and informal language is some of the vocabulary. (36). Let s say that I really like soccer. If I am talking to my friend, I might say I am just crazy about soccer, but if I were talking to my boss, I would probably say I really enjoy soccer.

35 Unit Unit 14 Monday Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations twice. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Short Conversations 1. A) Give the ring to a policeman. B) Wait for the owner of the ring in the rest room. C) Hand in the ring to the security office. D) Take the ring to the administration building. 2. A) He plays jazz music. B) He is a jazz fan. C) He needs 300 jazz records. D) He likes classical music. 3. A) At a post office. B) At a bank. C) At a restaurant. D) At an airport. 4. A) The cinema is some distance away from where they are. B) He would like to read the film review in the newspaper. C) They should wait to see the movie at a later time. D) He ll find his way to the cinema. 5. A) He s been to Seattle many times. B) He has chaired a lot of conferences. C) He has a high position in his company. D) He lived in Seattle for many years. 6. A) Teacher and student. B) Doctor and patient. C) Manager and office worker. D) Travel agent and customer. 7. A) She knows the guy who will give the lecture. B) She thinks the lecture might be informative. C) She wants to add something to her lecture. D) She ll finish her report this weekend.

36 218 大学英语晚听教程 ( 第二版下册 ) 8. A) An art museum. B) A beautiful park. C) A college campus. D) An architectural exhibition. Long Conversations 9. A) Knitting socks. B) Collecting buttons. C) Watching television. D) Making Turkish cakes. 10. A) Watching television. B) Watching programs other than the educational ones. C) Putting feet up at the end of the day. D) Running about doing things. 11. A) It is a waste of time. B) It is a good way to relax himself. C) It can teach him something. D) It makes his life colorful. 12. A) An interview between two companies. B) An interview between an employer and an applicant. C) An interview between an employer and an employee. D) An interview by a talk show hostess. 13. A) He has worked in a trading company. B) He majored in English literature in university. C) He has worked for an American company for 4 years. D) He has studied in the U.S. for half a year. 14. A) He wants more challenging work. B) He wants to earn more money. C) He wants to enjoy more freedom. D) He is not satisfied with the company. 15. A) The man has to wait for some further notice. B) The man has to go back to his trading company. C) The man has failed to get the job. D) The man has succeeded in applying for the job. Tuesday Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions, and you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Passage 1 1. A) Because many people don t know how to behave in social situations.

37 Unit B) Because most people are shy by nature. C) Nobody will laugh at you for being shy. D) Shyness is difficult to overcome. 2. A) By prediction. B) By recording. C) Through observation. D) Through interviewing. 3. A) To observe people s attitude towards strangers. B) To see how people get along with their friends. C) To change people s behavior in social life. D) To find out how people behave in social situations. Passage 2 4. A) By their teachers teaching abilities. B) By their teachers vivid expressions. C) By their teachers talent. D) By their grades in examinations. 5. A) Because his instructor always praised him. B) Because his instructor gave him a lot of help. C) Because he was excellent in the course. D) Because he liked this course. 6. A) The evaluations of a teacher should be based on his students performance in exams. B) Teachers should satisfy their students tastes. C) Students have evaluated their teachers tastes. D) The evaluations of a teacher should be based on objectivity. Passage 3 7. A) Thinking is only a mental process. B) Thinking is a process that involves our entire bodies. C) Thinking is a process that involves the muscles as well as the brain. D) Thinking is a physical process. 8. A) With your whole body. B) With your facial expressions. C) With your heart. D) With your head nodding. 9. A) He thinks he is a chief violinist. B) He thinks he is a conductor of the orchestra. C) He thinks he is audience. D) He thinks he is a disco-player. 10. A) It is obvious. B) It is less obvious. C) It is not obvious at all. D) It is more obvious.

38 220 大学英语晚听教程 ( 第二版下册 ) Wednesday Directions: In this section, you will hear 2 passages three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 1 to 8 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 9 to 11, you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. Passage 1 Throughout the history, the (1) unit of almost every human society has been the family. Members of a family live together under the same roof, and they share the economic (2) of life as well as its affectionate joys. It is the family which has (3) responsibility for the important task of raising children to adulthood. The family is not a (4) concept in all societies. In many places it is an (5) group which includes uncles, aunts, cousins and in-laws. The family head usually has (6) influence in arranging marriages, selecting careers and (7) all important moves and (8). Particularly in conditions where society or the state does not give aid and where consequently the responsibilities of the family are greater, (9). In many other societies, including most industrialized ones, the nuclear family is the basic social unit. (10). Industrialization and urbanization create many specialized jobs which tend to scatter family members among different employers and thus to separate residences as soon as they become wage earners. (11). Passage 2 When a consumer finds that an item he or she bought is (1) or in some way does not live up to the manufacturer s claim for it, the first step is to present the (2) to the store of purchase. In most cases, this action will (3) results. However, if it does not, there are various means the consumer may use to gain (4). A simple and common method used by many consumers is to complain directly to the store manager. In general, the higher up the consumer takes his or her complaint, the faster

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