Unit 2 Reproduction & Genetics Grade 9 Science SCI 10F Mr. Morris

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1 Unit 2 Reproduction & Genetics Grade 9 Science SCI 10F Mr. Morris This booklet belongs to:

2 Lesson 1 Cells and Organelles Lesson 1 SCI10F A short list of Organelles (little organs): Nucleus Cytoplasm Chromosome Cell Membrane Mitochondria Cell Wall Vacuole Nucleus Nickname: T h e C o n t r o l C e n t e r Controls the cell functions and chromosomes. Cytoplasm Nickname: T h e C o n t r o l C e n t e r Holds all the in place Allows the transport of within the cell Chromosome Nickname: T h e C o n t r o l C e n t e r Made up of (DeoxyRibonucleic Acid) Contains for the organism.

3 Lesson 1 Cells and Organelles SCI10F Cell Membrane Nickname: T h e C o n t r o l C e n t e r Controls going in and out of the cell Vacuole Nickname: T h e C o n t r o l C e n t e r Called the in plant cells since its bigger Stores for the cell Cell Wall Nickname: T h e C o n t r o l C e n t e r Rigid outer layer that exists outside the Provides and support

4 Lesson 1 Cells and Organelles SCI10F Some differences between animal cells and plant cells are:

5 Lesson 1 Cells and Organelles SCI10F Mitochondria: Nickname: T h e C o n t r o l C e n t e r Absorbs gas and use it to break down food. Creates for the cell to use Cellular Respiration: Formula: Cells break down food to harvest energy so it can survive and continue to live. Chloroplasts: Nickname: the energy from light Makes molecules from photosynthesis: Photosynthesis: Formula: Plant cells manufacture sugar so they can use it at a later time. Daily Question out of 3: Why would plant cells use cellular respiration when they have photosynthesis available to produce energy for them? Outcome Questions: #1 Definitions: 1 4

6 Lesson 2 DNA, Chromosomes, Genes How are the terms DNA, chromosome, genes and trait connected? Lesson 2 SCI10F DNA: Chromosomes twisted in a. It stands for. It is found in every cell and located in the of the cell. All of your genetic make up is located in your DNA in sections called. This is where traits such as hair colour, height, eye colour, and other things are stored. Mental Check In! How could you describe to someone what the difference between a gene and a trait would be?

7 Lesson 2 DNA, Chromosomes, Genes How are the terms DNA, chromosome, genes and trait connected? SCI10F In humans (hey that s us!) we have 46 chromosomes in every cell. Chromosomes are arranged in pairs making in total. There are some special types of chromosomes call. The two special chromosomes are the and chromosomes. Who could have a genome like this? How would you know? Genome:

8 Lesson 2 DNA, Chromosomes, Genes How are the terms DNA, chromosome, genes and trait connected? SCI10F Heredity: The passing on of genetic traits from an individual to its. Mental Check In! Why would humans need pairs of chromosomes that contain two versions of every gene? Karyotype: What is something you notice about these two pictures? What do you wonder?

9 Lesson 2 DNA, Chromosomes, Genes How are the terms DNA, chromosome, genes and trait connected? Since all our traits come from our parents genes we are a bit like our father, and a bit like our mother. SCI10F Both parents have a different set of books this represents their they will pass on. The pages inside the books represent. When you are made both sets of books have similar, but unique information. This represents the inside you that produce traits like hair colour, height, etc. Why couldn t all of one parents genes represent you?

10 Lesson 2 DNA, Chromosomes, Genes SCI10F How are the terms DNA, chromosome, genes and trait connected? Modern Cell Theory: Human skin cells The last point of cell theory means that all new cells must be from older cells! One-cell bacteria: Cells divide for a number of reasons. Some cells need to so they must divide to increase their numbers. Some damaged cells need to be so cells divide for that reason. And finally some cells need to divide to to pass on genetic information. Your body is actually replacing about 25 million old cells every second for all the reasons above!

11 Lesson 2 DNA, Chromosomes, Genes How are the terms DNA, chromosome, genes and trait connected? SCI10F The life of a cell follows a number of steps that we call the. It describes how a cell lives its life and what happens during this cell division event. Interphase: The end result of the cell cycle is to produce an that immediately re enters interphase and begins the entire process again! Homework Question (Hand your response in) /3 Knowing what the end result is, why would the duplication of chromosomes during interphase be the most importation part of the cell cycle? Outcome Questions: #2 (S1 1 13) Definitions: 5 9

12 Lesson 3 Asexual Reproduction, Cell Division, Mitosis Why do cells divide and how does it work? Lesson 3 Sci 10F Cells are always in one of the following two conditions Interphase: Cells grow rapidly, chromosomes are duplicated, and the cell prepares for division. Division Phase: consists of two parts. and. Mitosis:

13 Lesson 3 Asexual Reproduction, Cell Division, Mitosis Sci 10F Why do cells divide and how does it work? Cytokinesis: Metal Check: What part of Mitosis is important if the end result is 2 identical cells that? Before Mitosis occurs, the chromosomes look sort of like spaghetti, we call them. They are copied so the cell can begin the division process. Prophase: The first stage of Cell division and Mitosis. Chromosomes become visible. We say they are. Chromosomes also pair up in the shape of an X Centrioles Sister Chromatids Centrioles

14 Lesson 3 Asexual Reproduction, Cell Division, Mitosis Why do cells divide and how does it work? Metaphase: The second stage of Mitosis. Sister chromatids along the middle of the cell. They are guided into the middle by spindle fibres from the centrioles. Sci 10F Spindle fibres Anaphase: The third stage of Mitosis. Sister chromatids are towards opposite ends of the cell. The attached spindle fibres and pull the now single chromosomes inwards. Sister Chromatids Telophase: New nucleus forms around each set of chromosomes. Chromosomes go back to being. Sister chromatids separated Notice and Wonder Starting from Prophase all the way to Telophase: Something I noticed was: Cleavage of cell into two Something I wondered was:

15 Lesson 3 Asexual Reproduction, Cell Division, Mitosis Why do cells divide and how does it work? After Mitosis comes cytokinesis it is the last stage of the division phase of a cell Sci 10F Cytokinesis: The cell membrane inwards creating 2 cells. Each of the cells (called cells) has a complete set of chromosomes plus and. At the end of cytokinesis there are: In general, how would you draw and explain the general structure of mitosis? P M A T

16 Lesson 3 Asexual Reproduction, Cell Division, Mitosis Why do cells divide and how does it work? 1) Refresh Yourself Why do cells divide in the first place? Sci 10F 2) 3) The passing of genetic information is important for living organisms it ensures the survival of their species. This can be done by Sexual reproduction: Combining of different chromosomes to produce a unique organism (different than each parent) Asexual reproduction: Using Mitosis to reproduce. Creating from one parent. All cells are considered since they are genetically identical. It is a rapid and effective reproduction method. Mental Check: What is the difference between Sexual and Asexual reproduction?

17 Lesson 3 Asexual Reproduction, Cell Division, Mitosis Why do cells divide and how does it work? Examples of organisms that use Asexual reproduction are: Sci 10F Pros Asexual Reproduction Cons Daily Question: out of 3 Can organisms that have plant cells sexual reproduce? Why or why not? Your response must include some scientific reasoning. Outcome Questions: #3 (S1-1-1) Definitions: 10-14

18 Lesson 4 Meiosis, Sexual Reproduction What role do gametes play in reproduction? Sci 10F Mitosis in general: Lesson 3 At the end of Mitosis we have identical daughter cells that have each have a full set of chromosomes! What would happen if sperm cells (from males) and egg cells (from females) were made by mitosis? Sexual Reproduction Sexual reproduction requires the formation of specialized cells called. These are cells that are only used for reproduction. In order to successfully sexually reproduction 2 must come together, each having ½ the total required for the new organism.

19 Lesson 4 Meiosis, Sexual Reproduction What role do gametes play in reproduction? Sci 10F Refresh! How many chromosomes, in total, does a human have? A sperm cell? An egg cell? Meiosis: When a haploid sperm cell and haploid egg cell come together they create a that has 46 total chromosomes! What is the difference between a diploid (2n) cell and a haploid (n) cell?

20 Lesson 4 Meiosis, Sexual Reproduction What role do gametes play in reproduction? Sci 10F Meiosis is the process that both males and females go through to produce sperm and eggs but it is slightly different depending if you are biologically a male or female. Gametes (sperm and egg) are made in organs called. From one parent cell haploid cells are made, called sperm cells. This process is called Notice and Wonder: Just like in males, females have their own gonads that produced specialized gametes. From 1 parent cell haploid cell is made, called an egg cell. This process is called.

21 Lesson 4 Meiosis, Sexual Reproduction What role do gametes play in reproduction? Why would the process of meiosis be different in males than females? Sci 10F The process of Meiosis has 2 stages: A reduction stage and a division stage Reduction Stage: Starting with a full 46 chromosome cell Cuts the number of total chromosomes in half (creating haploid cells) Homologous Pair: Refresh Time: What were Sister chromatids?

22 Lesson 4 Meiosis, Sexual Reproduction What role do gametes play in reproduction? Sci 10F Sister Chromatids were important for Mitosis since it allowed each daughter cell to be identical (each cell had exactly the same genes and chromosomes) Homologous Chromosomes have all the same genes in the same locations but different of the genes. Meiosis 1 Reduction Stage Check in! What is the difference between Mitosis and Meiosis 1?

23 Lesson 4 Meiosis, Sexual Reproduction What role do gametes play in reproduction? Meiosis 2 Division Stage Sci 10F Notice and Wonder: Meiosis In general, Meiosis can be summed up by:

24 Lesson 4 Meiosis, Sexual Reproduction What role do gametes play in reproduction? Sci 10F Sexual Reproduction: Two parents are needed to create 1 unique offspring. Male and female gametes will combine to form a After fertilization is used to grow the single cell into a baby! Sexual Reproduction in plants can occur as well! Male gametes and found on the stamen of the plant. Female gametes are eggs and found in the of the plants. The will develop into fruit and the will become zygotes.

25 Lesson 4 Meiosis, Sexual Reproduction What role do gametes play in reproduction? Pros Sexual Reproduction Cons Sci 10F Daily Question (out of 3): What does the 2n and the n represent in Meiosis? Could there be more a 3n (or more) organism? Definitions: Outcome Questions: #4 (S1 1 5)

26 Lesson 5 Human Reproduction Male and Female Sci10F What parts make up the male and female sex systems and what is the function of each part? Lesson 5 Male Reproductive System Purpose and Components: Produces Pass sperm on to female Vas Deferens Bladder sperm from epididymis to the urethra The Glands 3 glands together make Seminal Vesicle Prostate Cowper s Gland Epididymis Sperm until ejaculation Scrotum & Testes Holds testes Site of sperm Urethra & Penis sperm and urine through penis Delivers sperm and urine

27 Lesson 5 Human Reproduction Male and Female Sci10F What parts make up the male and female sex systems and what is the function of each part? Sperm production will not happen until a male has reached and started to release specific hormones that trigger the sex organs. Hormone: Are released by the from before and are apart of the Endocrine system. Puberty and the Brain: in the brain releases 2 different hormones at the same time that tells the body to start maturing. o In males, the pituitary gland tells the testes to start producing (the male sex hormone) which will start production. FSH LH

28 Lesson 5 Human Reproduction Male and Female Sci10F What parts make up the male and female sex systems and what is the function of each part? Testosterone Production Secondary Sex Characteristics Body hair growth Bone and muscle growth Female Reproduction System Purpose and Components: Produce and release Nourish and holds until fully developed Oviduct Ovaries Holds cells Bladder and Urethra egg to uterus Uterus Site of of zygote Cervix Vagina Opening of the Receives from males mature fetus and menstrual fluid

29 Lesson 5 Human Reproduction Male and Female Sci10F What parts make up the male and female sex systems and what is the function of each part? Before an egg can be released it starts as a and is important in the menstrual cycle and the releasing of hormones in women. The pituitary gland release 2 hormones (just like in males) that stimulates 2 separate responses Develops the follicles and begins the cycle. Follicles produce hormone Stimulates which ruptures the follicle and releases an egg. The ruptured follicle produces hormone Daily Question (out of 3): The pituitary gland of males and females both produce the same hormones but the result is dramatically different. Why do you think that is? Definitions: Outcome Questions: #5 (S1 1 9)

30 Lesson 6 Human Reproduction, Menstruation/Pregnancy How does a fertilized egg turn into a baby and what determines the gender? Ovulation: Release an ovum from the follicle cell in the. This is a response to hormones from the brain. Menstrual Cycle: Sci 10F Includes both ovulation and menstruation. Lesson 6 Follicle Egg Ovulation occurs Endometrium: Inside of the that a zygote develops on.

31 Lesson 6 Human Reproduction, Menstruation/Pregnancy How does a fertilized egg turn into a baby and what determines the gender? Brain Hormone Levels Ovarian Cycle Sex Hormone Levels Endometrial changes Sci 10F Menstrual Cycle: 1. Brain triggers one to develop and releases hormones 2. occurs in the middle of the cycle 3. Endometrial lining produce and maintained by and 4. If no fertilization occurs then hormones drop and occurs Notice and Wonder:

32 Lesson 6 Human Reproduction, Menstruation/Pregnancy How does a fertilized egg turn into a baby and what determines the gender? Fertilization: Sci 10F A single cell forms that is called a The sex of the zygote is determined by the type of sperm that fertilizes the egg! Female Zygote Male Zygote

33 Lesson 6 Human Reproduction, Menstruation/Pregnancy How does a fertilized egg turn into a baby and what determines the gender? After Fertilization: If fertilization occurs then there are 2 stages during a baby development. 1. Embryo Stage first 8 weeks after fertilization Sci 10F Cleavage: How is used to change a zygote into a Why would an embryo use mitosis to grow? What type of reproduction is this called?

34 Lesson 6 Human Reproduction, Menstruation/Pregnancy How does a fertilized egg turn into a baby and what determines the gender? 2. Fetus Stage from 8 weeks till birth Sci 10F Once bone forms the embryo turns into a fetus Placenta waste and nutrients through umbilical cord Amnion Pregnancy: 1 st Trimester: Umbilical Cord From fertilization to 3 rd month of all body systems and organs Fetus is sensitive to 1 st Trimester What sort of body organs do you think are being developed in this stage?

35 Lesson 6 Human Reproduction, Menstruation/Pregnancy How does a fertilized egg turn into a baby and what determines the gender? Sci 10F 2 nd Trimester: From 4 th month to 6 th month of pregnancy Only the brain and the lungs are still developing Embryo movements can be felt 2 nd Trimester: From 7 th to 9 th (or birth) month Eyes can sense light, fingerprints are formed At the end

36 Lesson 6 Human Reproduction, Menstruation/Pregnancy How does a fertilized egg turn into a baby and what determines the gender? Daily Question (out of 4): Why does the gender of the baby only depend on the male gametes? Why doesn t the female get to have a say in the gender of a baby? Your response must have a diagram of meiosis in males. Definitions: Sci 10F Outcome Questions: #6 (S1 1 10)

37 Lesson 7 Genetic Success Punnett Squares How are the features of the parents inherited to create unique offspring? Sci 10F When discussing genetics it is important to remember were our genes come from. One must come from a biological father that has passed down either a x or y chromosome and fertilized an egg cell containing an x chromosome. 2 haploid gametes have produced 1 diploid zygote. 46 chromosomes in total, 23 from the male and 23 from the female. These 23 pairs of chromosomes interact in a special way. Allele: Alternate forms of a. Eye colour gene Lesson 7 Eye colour gene Other gene Different alleles Mental Check In! How could alleles and sexual reproduction explain why siblings can sometimes share certain features (like eye colour) but sometimes be completely different too?

38 Lesson 7 Genetic Success Punnett Squares How are the features of the parents inherited to create unique offspring? Types of alleles for genes Sci 10F Recessive Alleles: Dominant Alleles: The blue eye colour gene is recessive and will only show if: Phenotype: How a person. Black hair, brown eyes, etc Genotype: The that code for a trait Not directly observable 2 brown eye alleles, 1 black and 1 blonde allele for hair colour Phenotype is how alleles are expressed. What you look like as a result! Genotype refers to the actual alleles of a person s DNA.

39 Lesson 7 Genetic Success Punnett Squares How are the features of the parents inherited to create unique offspring? When dominant and recessive alleles mix scientists use notation to describe the genes present in a person s DNA Capital Letters: Lower Case Letters: Sci 10F Since humans have pairs of chromosomes (1 from dad, 1 from mom) we only need 2 alleles to represent a person s genes Let s look at the case of some individuals that have different eye colours. 2 alleles for eye colour bb 2 alleles for eye colour BB 2 alleles for eye colour BB A question: If a person had brown eyes what could you say about their Genotype?

40 Lesson 7 Genetic Success Punnett Squares How are the features of the parents inherited to create unique offspring? There s a bit more that we do in order to properly classify genotypes. Sci 10F Homozygous: Heterozygous: Heterozygous chromosomes Homozygous chromosomes bb BB Bb

41 Lesson 7 Genetic Success Punnett Squares How are the features of the parents inherited to create unique offspring? Punnett Squares: Sci 10F Shows the possible of alleles from biological parents when they are crossed ( ) Used to the genotype and phenotype of any Some steps to follow when making a Punnett Square 1. State genotypes of parents (if known) 2. Place parents genotypes at the top and left side of the Punnett Square 3. Complete the Punnett Square by combining each parent allele in the 4 inside squares. Offspring: 1 Notice: 1 Wonder:

42 Lesson 7 Genetic Success Punnett Squares How are the features of the parents inherited to create unique offspring? Set this one up for yourself: Sci 10F A father (heterozygous for Brown eyes), wants to have children with a homozygous blue eyed mother. What are the chances of a blue eyed baby? The most important thing to remember about heredity is that we are looking at the combination of one gene from one homologous pair of chromosomes from one parent with another same gene from the same pair of homologous chromosomes from the other parent! Daily Question: out of 5 If you have blue eyes and your father has brown eyes what type of eyes could your mother have? Draw as many Punnett Square as possible to support your answer (s) Definitions: Outcome Questions: #7 (S1 1 12)

43 Lesson 8 Genetic Success Adaptations and Mutations What are some ways plants and animals improve their chance to reproduce? How can lifestyle choices affect your genetics and development? Natural Selection: Lesson 8 Sci 10F Gradual process of becoming more common in a population over time The traits may improve success of the organisms in their environment Key idea in the process of Any trait that has helped an organism or species survive over long periods of time could have been from natural selection Adaptations: Can be physical or behavioral Advantage: Disadvantage:

44 Lesson 8 Genetic Success Adaptations and Mutations What are some ways plants and animals improve their chance to reproduce? How can lifestyle choices affect your genetics and development? Behavioural Physical Sci 10F The organisms that can best adapt their behaviour and physical traits with positive alleles that improve their survival and reproductive success can pass these alleles onto future offspring! Check in: Choose an organism and describe 2 behavioural traits and 2 physical traits that contribute to its continual survival Mutations: Gene mutations are changes of individual genes

45 Lesson 8 Genetic Success Adaptations and Mutations What are some ways plants and animals improve their chance to reproduce? How can lifestyle choices affect your genetics and development? Chromosomal mutation are changes of the total number of chromosomes Sci 10F Natural causes: Mutations can happen from 2 different reasons: Spontaneous or separation during cell division Environmental causes: Exposure to chemicals/toxins called o Exposure to ionizing (Ultraviolet, x rays, etc) Infection by some If the original mutation occurs in the gamete cells of an individual then it can be passed on to offspring. If it occurs in somatic cells, then it will not be passed on. A question: Why would only mutations in gametes be able to be passed on? Why wouldn t somatic cell mutations be passed on to offspring?

46 Lesson 8 Genetic Success Adaptations and Mutations What are some ways plants and animals improve their chance to reproduce? How can lifestyle choices affect your genetics and development? Serious genetic mutations rarely show up but mutations in general are quite common Usually and are masked Usually in the effect on the body Sci 10F Gene/Chromosomal Disorders These are some serious genetic mutations that can occur in humans that do affect the body in a drastic way Down Syndrome Turner s Syndrome Huntington s Disease Cystic Fibrosis Sickle cell Anemia Heart Disease Diabetes Cancer Tourette Syndrome Lupus What s even more serious is that sometimes multiple mutations can occur at once and environmental factors can make it difficult to study and treat. Cancer: A mutation that affects cell division: it causes, division. Caused by exposure to environmental mutagens called

47 Lesson 8 Genetic Success Adaptations and Mutations What are some ways plants and animals improve their chance to reproduce? How can lifestyle choices affect your genetics and development? Genes that control cell division can be vulnerable to mutations and can called cancerous Sci 10F Daily Question: out of 5 What would the #1 behavioural adaptation and #1 physical adaptation that humans have undergone to ensure our continue survival? You must give at least 1 reason to each adaptation on why you think it is the best. Outcome Questions: #8 (S & S1 1 15) Definitions: 40 45



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