Talac, Denise Child Minding

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Talac, Denise Child Minding Type of inspection: Unannounced Inspection completed on: 6 October 2016 Service provided by: Denise Talac Service provider number: SP2009976112 Care service number: CS2009234246

The service Introduction The Care Inspectorate regulates care services in Scotland. Information in relation to all care services is available on our website at www.careinspectorate.com. The service was previously registered with the Care Commission and transferred its registration to the Care Inspectorate on 1 April 2011. Denise Talac is registered to provide a care service to a maximum of six children at any one time under the age of 16, of whom a maximum of six will be under 12, of whom no more than three are not yet attending primary school and of whom no more than one is under 12 months. Numbers are inclusive of children of the childminder's family. Minded children cannot be cared for by persons other than those named on the certificate. Denise Talac provides her childminding service from her home which is a large semi-detached house in a quiet street in Musselburgh. She uses her downstairs open plan living space to provide the service and has a large garden area at the side as well as a small patio area to the back. The location allows good access to transport links and local amenities such as the beach park. It is also close to the local primary school. What we did during our inspection We visited the service on Thursday 6 October to complete an announced inspection. We spoke to the childminder the day before the inspection regarding the time of our arrival. Two Care Inspectorate early years inspectors undertook the inspection between 1.30pm and 3.15pm. Feedback was given to the childminder during the inspection. We check services are meeting the principles of Getting it Right for Every Child (also known as GIRFEC), Scotland's national approach to improving outcomes and wellbeing for children by offering the right help at the right time from the right people. It supports them and their parent(s) to work with the services that can help them. There are eight wellbeing indicators at the heart of Getting it Right for Every Child: safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included. We did not receive an annual return from the childminder. All providers registered with the Care Inspectorate must provide us with the information we consider we need to carry out our work. This helps keep our care service register accurate and the information we receive informs our risk assessments and helps us inspect services in a targeted and proportionate way. We asked the childminder to ensure that the annual return is completed within given timescales as well as the self assessment for the service. During the inspection process, we gathered evidence from various sources, including the following: - the childminder's policies that she shared with parents, including medication and child protection - children's records and registration information - the childminder's training certificates and other documentation, such as her daily diary - discussions with the childminder - observations of the childminder's interactions with the child present at the time of inspection - the toys, equipment and play spaces available for children. for Talac, Denise page 2 of 11

Views of people using the service We observed one child playing happily with the childminder and her interactions were nurturing. She respected the child's views and was responsive to the interests of the child whilst also allowing him to take responsibility over his own play experiences. The child was confident in his environment, showing that the childminder had made him feel safe and welcome in her home. The child happily asked for his play experiences such as drawing and sang nursery rhymes to himself throughout the visit. Three Care Standards Questionnaires were sent to the childminder to distribute to parents and carers. Two questionnaires were returned to us before the inspection visit. Parents were very happy with the service they received. Comments included: "My child has always been very happy in Denise's care... She provides many social opportunities for my child, allowing her to make many friends that she is very fond of." "Denise provides a safe, healthy and reliable service. She is an incredibly important person in my daughter's life. My daughter loves spending time with Denise." Self assessment We did not receive a self assessment from the childminder before this inspection. The self assessment allows the childminder to review and evaluate her service, identifying strengths and areas for development. The childminder should ensure that a self assessment is completed when requested to by the Care Inspectorate and submitted within the timescales given. What the service did well The childminder had created a very nurturing and safe environment for children which was respectful and made them feel included. She encouraged children to be responsible and develop their levels of independence from an early age. She had built very good relationships with families and was responsive to their needs. She had shown a commitment to gaining further understanding in early learning and childcare and this was impacting positively on the experiences children had. What the service could do better The childminder should now ensure that her personal plans for children are updated regularly and reflect children's needs accurately. She should continue to access training to improve her practice and use relevant best practice guidance to evaluate her practice. This will also help her to identify areas for improvement. From this inspection we graded this service as: Quality of care and support Quality of environment Quality of staffing Quality of management and leadership 5 - Very Good 5 - Very Good not assessed 5 - Very Good for Talac, Denise page 3 of 11

Quality of care and support Findings from the inspection We found that the childminder was operating to a very good standard in this statement. Children in the service were encouraged to be independent from an early age and the childminder supported them to become responsible and respected. She listened to the views of children and parents to provide a responsive service, including when children were settling in. She gathered information about children's likes and dislikes when they started, helping them feel included and respected from the start. She communicated with parents through the use of Whatsapp and had daily discussions with them. This allowed the childminder to share achievements and progress and ensured parents felt respected by the childminder. The childminder had a very good understanding of children's individual needs and used these to help children feel settled and achieve in the service. She also used her informal observations of children to plan experiences which would help them to achieve and develop. She provided responsive play opportunities for children based on their interests and used the seasons to engage children in learning about the world around them. The childminder should now consider ways to promote risky play opportunities as well as more challenging experiences. This will encourage children to be creative and develop their curiosity. Strategies for promoting positive behaviour were in place and the childminder was able to explain the positive impact of this. Children were becoming responsible within the service as they were encouraged to resolve any conflict, with the support of the childminder. This resulted in children developing an awareness of the importance of showing respect to each other, for example, sharing toys and learning to help each other. Personal plans were in place for each child which reflected their routines, needs and interests. The childminder should now ensure that these records are updated every six months to ensure they are reflective of children's current needs. This recommendation was made at the last inspection and we have continued this recommendation in this report. See recommendation one. Children were safe and protected because the childminder had a good basic understanding of the procedures relating to child protection. We discussed that gaining parental permission for seeking advice from relevant agencies was not necessary. The childminder should use her professional judgment to make decisions about taking advice on child protection to ensure their wellbeing needs are met. The childminder provided very healthy meals and snacks for children and encouraged parents to provide healthy options as well. She used recent guidance to support her understanding on how to keep children healthy and active. Children regularly had access to outdoor play experiences, including use of the local community such as the beach park and walks to the local shops. This gave them opportunities to assess risk for themselves, understand how to keep themselves safe and participate in active play. Requirements Number of requirements: 0 for Talac, Denise page 4 of 11

Recommendations Number of recommendations: 1 1. We recommend that the childminder ensure that children's personal care plans are updated at least every six months, in line with current legislation. This will ensure that children's care needs are effectively met and their progress clearly recorded. References: National Care Standards Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16 - Standard 6 - Support and Development The Social Care and Social Work Improvement Scotland (Requirements for Care Services) Regulations 2011 - SSI 2011/210 - Regulation 5 - (2)(b)(iii) - Personal plans Grade: 5 - very good Quality of environment Findings from the inspection We found that the childminder was operating to a very good standard under this statement. The childminder had created a safe, nurturing and homely environment where choice was promoted for children and they could play freely in the designated spaces. We observed that the child present was confident in his play and felt comfortable to choose his own play experiences such as drawing pictures and reading books. The childminder was very nurturing in her interactions with the child and encouraged him to explore his environment, helping him feel respected and included. Children were given opportunities to choose which resources they would like to play with throughout the day, helping them feel respected. They were clear on the boundaries within the open plan living space and were given responsibility to recognise risk for themselves such as baking with the childminder. The resources available were age appropriate and varied to meet children's interests. We discussed that the childminder could provide more open ended natural resources for children to play with. This would allow them to be more creative in their play and promote exploration. The environment was maintained to a very good standard and it was clean and hygienic throughout. Potential hazards had been identified by the childminder and she had taken steps to reduce the level of risk in her home and in the outdoor spaces. We discussed that having formal risk assessments would ensure she proactively identifies risks and is clear on how she keeps children safe in the service. See recommendation one. The childminder had a pet dog which was present while children were being minded. The childminder communicated well with parents when the dog was introduced to the service and she had taken positive actions to ensure children were safe. Having the pet had also allowed children to gain an understanding of caring for others, keeping themselves safe and healthy, as well as increasing their confidence in new situations. for Talac, Denise page 5 of 11

Children had daily access to outdoor play opportunities and this helped them to remain active and healthy throughout the day. She made good use of the local beach park and shops to give children real and relevant experiences which helped them to achieve. We discussed ways in which this could be further improved and encouraged her to use the Care Inspectorate's recent publication 'My World Outdoors', to help her identify further areas for improvement such as extending risky play. This document, along with case studies on outdoor play, can be found on the Care Inspectorate Hub (http://hub.careinspectorate.com/). Requirements Number of requirements: 0 Recommendations Number of recommendations: 1 1. We recommend that the childminder ensures that written risk assessments are in place for specific aspects of her service. This should include the indoor play spaces, the garden and patio areas, accessing the local community and looking after pets. This will ensure that the childminder proactively identifies potential hazards and is clear on how she is keeping children safe. These should be reviewed at least once per year or if there are any significant changes to the environment. National Care Standards in Early Education and Childcare. Standard 2- A Safe Environment. Grade: 5 - very good Quality of staffing This quality theme was not assessed. Quality of management and leadership Findings from the inspection We found that the childminder was operating to a very good standard under this statement. The childminder had recently started further training in early learning and childcare which was helping her to reflect on her practice, improving children's experiences in the service. She has also been volunteering at the local primary school nursery to further increase her understanding of best practice in early years. She has used this experience to develop child led planning and improve transitions from childminding to nursery, helping children to achieve. for Talac, Denise page 6 of 11

We found that the childminder was at the early stages of reviewing her practice in line with national guidance such as the wellbeing indicators and the 'Building the Ambition' document. These documents, along with other relevant guidance, will help the childminder to evaluate and reflect on her own practice and find new ideas for improving her service. Children will benefit from richer experiences and have further opportunities to develop. See recommendation one. The childminder has undertaken further training in food hygiene, child protection and first aid. She told us that this had helped her to keep children safe and healthy in her service in line with recent guidance. We recommended that she complete this training at the last inspection and we were satisfied that this has been met. She has also attended training with the local authority on the wellbeing indicators and early learning and childcare. She told us this had helped her to think about how to further ensure children are achieving and included in the service. The views of parents and children were considered when evaluating the service using daily chats and observations of children's play. At the last inspection, we recommended that the childminder develop systems for gathering feedback from parents and children. The childminder had made some progress in this area and was able to tell us about changes she had made based on their feedback. This allowed the childminder to ensure they feel included and respected. Further methods such as 'Question of the Month', informal email questionnaires and improving methods of child led participation will help to improve her service further. Information on child led participation can be found on the SCMA website (http://www.childminding.org/news/ free-child-led-participation-guide-for-scma-members), an organisation which the childminder is a member of. The childminder told us that she had the opportunity to reflect and discuss her practice with other childminders in a local community network as well as at Scottish Childminding Association (SCMA) events. She told us this was a great opportunity to share ideas and think about new guidance. This gave children richer play experiences while in the service and kept them active and achieving. Requirements Number of requirements: 0 Recommendations Number of recommendations: 1 1. We recommend that the childminder reflect on her practice in relation to national guidance, in particular: - Building the Ambition (2015) http://www.gov.scot/resource/0045/00458455.pdf - Pre-Birth to Three (2010) http://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/images/ PreBirthToThreeBooklet_tcm4-633448.pdf - My World Outdoors (2016) http://www.hub.careinspectorate.com/media/279348/my-world-outdoorssharing-good-practice-in-how-early-years-services-can-provide-play-and-learning-wholly-or-partiallyoutdoors.pdf - Loose Parts Play (2016) http://www.inspiringscotland.org.uk/media/58451/loose-parts-play-web.pdf She should use these documents as the starting point for evaluating her practice and identifying areas for improvement, for example, the use of open ended resources, different types of play and the benefits of risky play outdoors. This will help the childminder to provide richer play experiences for children. for Talac, Denise page 7 of 11

Referring to websites such as the Care Inspectorate Hub and Education Scotland's National Improvement Hub (https://education.gov.scot/improvement) will also support the childminder to see recent examples of guidance in practice. National Care Standards Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16 - Standard 14: Well-Managed Service Grade: 5 - very good What the service has done to meet any requirements we made at or since the last inspection Previous requirements There are no outstanding requirements. What the service has done to meet any recommendations we made at or since the last inspection Previous recommendations Recommendation 1 We recommend that Ms Talac further develops her methods for involving parents and children in the assessment and improvement of her service and records any improvements made as a result of her participation strategy. National Care Standards, Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16. Standard 13 - Improving the Service. This recommendation was made on 15 May 2012. Action taken on previous recommendation The childminder was gathering information from parents and children which helped to improve her service. She had made progress in this area and, therefore, this recommendation has been met. for Talac, Denise page 8 of 11

Recommendation 2 We recommend that Ms Talac regularly reviews and records each child's development and support needs and shares this information with parents. National Care Standard for Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16 - Standard 6. Support and Development. This recommendation was made on 15 May 2012. Action taken on previous recommendation This recommendation has been carried forward in this inspection. Please see quality of care and support for more details of this recommendation. Recommendation 3 Ms Talac should update the emergency policy to include contact details of the local childminders who would mind the children in case of any emergency. This information should be shared with parents. National Care Standard for Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16 Standard 14 - Well-Managed Service This recommendation was made on 15 May 2012. Action taken on previous recommendation The childminder provides each parent with up to date details of the childminders she would use in case of emergencies as part of the settling in process. We are satisfied that this ensures parents are informed of the procedures in place for emergencies making sure children are kept safe. This recommendation has been met. Recommendation 4 We recommend that Ms Talac complete a certificated course in Food Hygiene. National Care Standards for Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16. Standard 2 - A Safe Environment. This recommendation was made on 15 May 2012. Action taken on previous recommendation The childminder has completed a certificated course in Food Hygiene which has helped the childminder improve on her safe food practices for children. This recommendation has been met. Recommendation 5 Ms Talac should update her Child Protection, First Aid and Food Hygiene training. National Care Standards for Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16. Standard 12 -Confidence in Staff. This recommendation was made on 15 May 2012. for Talac, Denise page 9 of 11

Action taken on previous recommendation The childminder has attended child protection, first aid and food hygiene training since the last inspection which has helped to keep children safe and protected. This recommendation has been met. Complaints There have been no complaints upheld since the last inspection. Details of any older upheld complaints are published at www.careinspectorate.com. Enforcement Please see Care Inspectorate website (www.careinspectorate.com) for details of enforcement action taken against the service. Enforcement action was taken out to ensure the childminder completed a retrospective Protection of Vulnerable Groups check in line with new guidance. The childminder has successfully completed this check and enforcement action was withheld. Inspection and grading history Date Type Gradings 15 May 2012 Announced (short notice) Care and support 4 - Good Environment 4 - Good Staffing 4 - Good Management and leadership Not assessed 10 Jun 2011 Announced (short notice) Care and support 4 - Good Environment 4 - Good Staffing 4 - Good Management and leadership Not assessed for Talac, Denise page 10 of 11

To find out more This inspection report is published by the Care Inspectorate. You can download this report and others from our website. Care services in Scotland cannot operate unless they are registered with the Care Inspectorate. We inspect, award grades and help services to improve. We also investigate complaints about care services and can take action when things aren't good enough. Please get in touch with us if you would like more information or have any concerns about a care service. You can also read more about our work online at www.careinspectorate.com Contact us Care Inspectorate Compass House 11 Riverside Drive Dundee DD1 4NY enquiries@careinspectorate.com 0345 600 9527 Find us on Facebook Twitter: @careinspect Other languages and formats This report is available in other languages and formats on request. Tha am foillseachadh seo ri fhaighinn ann an cruthannan is cànain eile ma nithear iarrtas. for Talac, Denise page 11 of 11