NAACCR Webinar Series 1. Instructors Q&A 10/6/2011. Collecting Cancer Data: Larynx Including Mucosal Melanoma of Larynx.

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1 NAACCR Webinar Series Collecting Cancer Data: Larynx Instructors Shannon Vann, CTR Jim Hofferkamp, CTR 2 Q&A Please submit all questions concerning webinar content through the Q&A panel. 3 NAACCR Webinar Series 1

2 Fabulous Prizes 4 Agenda Corrections and updates Coding Moment Interpreting lab results Overview of laryngeal malignancies Quiz Collaborative Stage Quiz Multiple Primary Rules Review of Exercises 5 Corrections and Updates Schedule changes The February and May topics have been switched 2/2/12 Collecting Cancer Data: Lung 5/3/12 Collecting Cancer Data: Hematopoietic The June and July webinars are the second week of the month 6/14/12 (changed) Using and Interpreting Data Quality Indicators 7/12/12 (not a change) ICD 10 CM and Cancer Surveillance 6 NAACCR Webinar Series 2

3 Corrections and Updates Mature Teratoma (9080/0) This is a question that was posed to our germ cell docs (we had GYN specialists and male germ cell specialists). They said that using age as a determination of malignant VS benign was not a valid premise. They said that the determination of malignant VS benign should be made using the pathology report only. 7 Coding Moment INTERPRETING LAB RESULTS Source: CS Manual Version Part 1 Section 2 pages Interpreting Lab Results When the site specific factor asks for the interpretation of a lab test, code the clinician s/pathologist s interpretation, if available, as first priority. 9 NAACCR Webinar Series 3

4 Interpreting Lab Results In the absence of a physician s interpretation of the test, if the reference range for the lab is listed on the test report, the registrar may use that information to assign the appropriate code. 10 Interpreting Lab Results When there is no clinician/pathologist interpretation of the lab test and no description of the reference range in the medical record the registrar should code 999 (not documented, unknown) to code the SSF. Do not code the lab value interpretation based on background information provided in this manual for the SSF. 11 CARBOHYDRATE ANTIGEN 19 9 (CA 19 9) CA 19 9 is produced in excess by adenocarcinomas and released into the blood It is elevated in pancreatic (70 80%), hepatobiliary (60%), and gastric (50 60%) malignancies Levels above 1000 U/mL indicate the presence of metastases and probably unresectable tumor. Normal reference range: < 37 U/mL Source documents: clinical laboratory report (blood serum); history and physical 12 NAACCR Webinar Series 4

5 CARCINOEMBRYONIC ANTIGEN (CEA) Used as a tumor marker especially for gastrointestinal cancers Most frequently tested on blood serum, but it may be tested in body fluids and/or biopsy tissue Source documents: clinical laboratory report, sometimes pathology or cytology report; H&P, operative report; consultant report; discharge summary 13 CARCINOEMBRYONIC ANTIGEN (CEA) An abnormally high CEA level prior to tumor resection is expected to fall following successful removal of the cancer. An increasing value indicates possible recurrence. 14 CARCINOEMBRYONIC ANTIGEN (CEA) Normal reference range: Nonsmoker: < 2.5 ng/ml (SI: < 2.5 µg/l) Smoker: < 5 ng/ml (SI: < 5 µg/l) 15 NAACCR Webinar Series 5

6 HUMAN PAPILLOMA VIRUS (HPV) Human papilloma virus (HPV) infection has been identified as a favorable prognostic factor in the development of a defined subset of head and neck cancers (oropharynx) Human papilloma viruses have been divided into high risk and low risk types HPV vaccine is designed to protect against types 16 and 18 (associated with cervical cancer) and types 6 and 11 (associated with genital warts). Source documents: pathology report (immunohistochemical staining), molecular analysis 16 LACTATE DEHYDROGENASE (LDH) When cells (normal or tumor) are damaged or destroyed, an enzyme called lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is released into the bloodstream LDH is an indirect indication of possible tumor burden or damage to an organ, which may be caused by metastatic involvement of liver or lung, or a myocardial infarction Source documents: clinical laboratory report; may be included in a liver or hepatic panel/profile, a cardiac panel, or a general metabolic panel of tests 17 LACTATE DEHYDROGENASE (LDH) Test result is 155. Normal range: Lab A 105 to 333 IU/L; Lab B Female: IU/L Male: IU/L Lab C U/L For Labs A and B, that result is within the normal range (code 000). For Lab C, the test result is elevated (upper limit of normal for Lab C is 90). 18 NAACCR Webinar Series 6

7 MICROSATELLITE INSTABILITY (MSI) Microsatellite instability (MSI) is a molecular marker performed on tumor tissue to identify differences in length of sections of nonfunctioning DNA A highly positive MSI test may be related to the development of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer MSI may also be a predictive marker of a patient s response to chemotherapy as well as an indicator of the patient s prognosis. Source documents: pathology report, reference lab report, supplemental report, admitting note or consultation reporting a test done elsewhere 19 MITOTIC COUNT Mitotic count is a way of describing the potential aggressiveness of a tumor. For GIST tumors, the count is translated into a mitotic rate that is used with T, N, and M to stage group a case. Source documents: pathology report 20 SERUM CHROMOGRANIN A (CGA) Chromogranin is a protein released from neuroendocrine cells found throughout the neuroendocrine system The presence of elevated levels of chromogranin in blood or tissue is a marker for neuroendocrine tumors Although a positive test can indicate a neuroendocrine tumor, it cannot identify which organ is the source Source documents: clinical lab report (blood serum) or pathology report (immunohistochemistry stain) 21 NAACCR Webinar Series 7

8 SERUM CHROMOGRANIN A (CGA) Normal reference range: Path report: Positive/negative Lab: ng/ml Results vary by laboratory 22 Collecting Cancer Data: Larynx OVERVIEW 23 Statistics Estimated new cases and deaths from larynx in the United States in 2011: New cases: 12,740 (laryngeal) Deaths: 3,560 (laryngeal) National Cancer Institute 24 NAACCR Webinar Series 8

9 Squamous Cell Carcinoma Nearly all laryngeal carcinomas of the larynx are epithelial Primarily squamous cell carcinoma Other types of epithelial carcinoma's of the larynx include Basaloid squamoid carcinomas Spindle cell (i.e., sarcomatoid) carcinomas Small cell carcinomas Nasopharyngeal type undifferentiated carcinomas (i.e., lymphoepitheliomas) Carcinomas of the minor salivary gland 25 Mucosal Melanoma of the Head and Neck Occur in mucosal sites of the head and neck Two thirds occur in nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses One quarter occur in oral cavity Remainder occur in other sites of the head and neck Highly Aggressive Cancers limited to the mucosa are assigned T3 N0 M0 Stage III In situ mucosal melanoma s very rare and are excluded from staging 26 AJCC Staging Manual 7 th edition Anatomy of the Larynx Image Source: SEER Training Website NAACCR Webinar Series 9

10 Anatomy Larynx Supraglottis Epiglottis False Vocal Cords Ventricles Aryepiglottic folds arytenoids Larynx Glottis True Vocal Cords Anterior Commissures Posterior Commissures Subglottis Begins 1cm below the vocal cords Extends to the lower border 28 Supraglottis Glottis Subglottis Image Source: SEER Training Website Regional Lymph Nodes Terminology Ipsilateral Primary Same side as tumor Contralateral Opposite side as the tumor Bilateral Same side and opposite side Illustration courtesy of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. NAACCR Webinar Series 10

11 Jugulo digastric / Level II Level VI / Paralaryngeal 31 Illustration courtesy of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Level I / sub mental or sub mandibular Level IV/ Lower Deep Cervical 32 Illustration courtesy of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Level III/ Middle Deep Cervical Facial/ parotid Level VII / Superior mediastin al (below the suprastern al notch) Illustration courtesy of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Level V/ Posterior Triangle group 33 NAACCR Webinar Series 11

12 Upper Cervical Cricoid Cartilage Lower Cervical 34 Illustration courtesy of the American Society of Clinical Oncology mageid=1775&fileformat=jpg Diagnosing Larynx Cancer Physical exam Triple Endoscopy (also called panendoscopy) Combination procedure that includes nasopharyngoscopy, laryngoscopy, pharyngoscopy, bronchoscopy and esophagoscopy Used to investigate all mucosal surfaces of the upper respiratory tract for original or subsequent primaries. MRI/CT Scans NAACCR Webinar Series 12

13 Treatment Squamous Cell Carcinoma In situ Endoscopic removal Stripping or Laser Radiation Early stage (AJCC Stage I or II) Surgery Partial laryngectomy (may be open or endoscopic) Radiotherapy 37 Treatment Squamous Cell Carcinoma AJCC Stage III or IV Concurrent systemic therapy and Radiation Laryngectomy with ipsilateral or bilateral neck dissection Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (clinical trial) followed by either surgery or radiation 38 Treatment Mucosal Melanoma AJCC Stage III or IVA Wide surgical excision and neck dissection Postoperative radiation AJCC Stage IVB or IVC Clinical trial Primary radiation and/or systemic therapy Best supportive care 39 NAACCR Webinar Series 13

14 Surgery Hemilaryngectomy (30) Left or right half of larynx including thyroid cartilage, false cord, ventricle, and true vocal cord. Partial laryngectomy (30) Part of thyroid cartilage and corresponding portions of laryngeal mucosa. Supraglottic laryngectomy (33) Part of larynx superior to the true vocal cord (transection through the ventricles). Total laryngectomy (41) Entire larynx. Radical laryngectomy (42) Entire Larynx and adjacent sites Surgery Unresectable tumor Surgeon does to feel they can remove all gross tumor Local control of the tumor will not be achieved Salvage surgery Patients who do not have a complete clinical response to chemotherapy or radiation may have salvage surgery 41 Quiz 42 NAACCR Webinar Series 14

15 Collecting Cancer Data: Larynx COLLABORATIVE STAGE 43 Adapted from the CSv2 education and training team materials for head and neck. CSv2 Larynx Schemas Larynx Schemas ICD O 3 Codes Glottic larynx, vocal cord C32.0 Melanoma of glottic larynx, vocal C32.0; cord Supraglottic larynx, epiglottis C32.1 Melanoma of supraglottic larynx, C32.1; epiglottis Subglottic larynx C32.2 Melanoma of subglottic larynx C32.2; Other larynx C32.3, C32.8, C32.9 Melanoma of other larynx C32.3, C32.8, C32.9; No Tis, TX, T1, or T2 categories in AJCC staging of melanoma of larynx Mucosal disease = T3 Confined to mucosa of larynx or extension to mucosa of adjacent regions Moderately advanced disease = T4a Involvement of deep soft tissue, cartilage, bone, or overlying skin Very advanced disease = T4b Involvement of brain, dura, skull base, lower cranial nerves, masticator space, carotid artery, pre vertebral space, or mediastinal structures 45 NAACCR Webinar Series 15

16 Anatomic Stage/Prognostic Groups Stage III T3 N0 M0 Stage IVA T4a T3 T4a N0 N1 M0 M0 Stage IVB T4b Any N M0 Stage IVC Any T Any N M1 46 CS Tumor Size: Larynx Record largest diameter of primary tumor of larynx Standard table is used Stated as codes not included because extension determines the T category, not tumor size 47 CS Extension: Larynx Use stated as T_ codes only if no specific information is available Use the code for localized tumor only if no specific information Code 450 all larynx excluding melanoma schemas Code 310 melanoma of glottis larynx, melanoma of subglottic larynx, and melanoma of other larynx Code 275 melanoma of supraglottic larynx Stated as T_ takes precedence over localized NOS 48 NAACCR Webinar Series 16

17 CS Tumor Size/Ext Eval: Larynx T based on extension CS TS/Ext Eval code describes how T value determined If any one of multiple extension codes deriving the same T value determined pathologically Even if higher code showing further clinical extension assigned to case Use Tumor Size Size/Ext Eval code deriving a p descriptor Pop Quiz Primary tumor of glottic larynx resected and pathologically extends into the subglottis. Impaired vocal cord mobility was diagnosed clinically. What is the code for CS Extension? 300 (involves subglottis; maps to T2) 350 (impaired vocal cord mobility; maps to T2) What is the code for CS Tumor Size/Ext Eval? 50 CS Lymph Nodes Standard Descriptions for Levels of Cervical Nodes Submental Sublevel IA Submandibular Sublevel IB Upper jugular Sublevels IIA and IIB Middle jugular Level III Lower jugular Level IV Posterior triangle group Sublevels VA and VB Anterior compartment group Level VI Superior mediastinal group Level VII 51 NAACCR Webinar Series 17

18 CS Lymph Nodes: Larynx Code all lymph nodes defined as Levels I VII and other by AJCC; complete definitions in Part I Additional information about nodes coded in Site Specific Factors 1, 3 9 Nodes assumed to be ipsilateral if not specified Midline nodes considered ipsilateral Supraclavicular nodes considered Level V nodes if not specified as level IV 52 CS Lymph Nodes: Larynx Description of lymph nodes standardized across head and neck schemas All lymph node levels/groups regional for AJCC staging Summary Stage 1977 and Summary Stage 2000 divide nodes into regional and distant groups 53 CS Lymph Nodes: Larynx (Excluding Melanoma) 000 No lymph node involvement 100, 110, 120 Single ipsilateral regional positive node Grouped by regional and distant for Summary Stage N1, N2a, or N3 depending on size 200, 210, 220 Multiple ipsilateral regional positive nodes N2b or N3 depending on size 400, 410, 420 Bilateral or contralateral regional nodes N2c or N3 depending on size 54 NAACCR Webinar Series 18

19 CS Lymph Nodes: Larynx (Excluding Melanoma AJCC N CS Lymph Node Code Summary Stage N1, N2a, or N3 based on size N2b or N3 based on size N2c or N3 based on size Single Multiple Bilateral or Contralateral Regional Distant Regional Distant Regional Distant AJCC Summary Stage 55 CS Lymph Nodes: Larynx (Excluding Melanoma) 300, 310, 320 Positive ipsilateral regional nodes, unknown single/multiple N1, N2a, or N3 depending on size 500, 510, 520 Positive regional nodes, unknown single/multiple, unknown ipsilateral or bilateral/contralateral N1, N2, or N3 depending on size 800 Positive node(s) N1 56 CS Lymph Nodes: Larynx (Excluding Melanoma) Stated as codes available 180: Stated as N1, no other information 190: Stated as N2a, no other information 290: Stated as N2b, no other information 490: Stated as N2c, no other information 600: Stated as N2, no other information 700: Stated as N3, no other information 57 NAACCR Webinar Series 19

20 CS Lymph Nodes: Melanoma of Larynx 000 No lymph node involvement 100, 110, 120 Positive regional nodes N1 Levels are subsite specific 180 Stated as N1 with no other information 800 Positive node(s) N1 58 CS Mets at DX: Larynx Supraclavicular and transverse cervical nodes Coded in CS Lymph Nodes Regional nodes for AJCC Distant nodes for Summary Stage 2000 and MX Eliminated MX has been eliminated from 7 th Edition Clinical M0 Unless clinical or pathologic evidence of metastasis cm only requires history and physical Infer cm0 unless known cm1 60 NAACCR Webinar Series 20

21 CS Mets at DX: Larynx Code Description 00 No distant metastasis 10 Distant lymph node(s) Mediastinal Distant lymph node(s), NOS 40 Distant metastases except distant lymph node(s) Carcinomatosis 50 Distant metastasis (40) + distant lymph nodes (10) 60 Distant Metastasis, NOS Stated as M1, NOS, with no other information 99 Unknown 61 SSF1: Size of Lymph Nodes Code largest diameter of involved regional nodes in mm Measurement may be pathologic or clinical Type of assessment coded in CS Reg Nodes Eval field Assign code 000 if no regional nodes are involved Code exact size mm Assign code 980 if lymph is 980 mm or larger Assign codes for non specific sizes if an exact size of involve lymph node is not stated in the medical record Assign code 999 if there is no information about size of involved regional lymph nodes 62 SSF3 SSF6: Node Levels Code presence or absence of node involvement in different node levels and groups One digit used to represent lymph nodes of a single level SSF 3: Levels I III SSF 4: Levels IV, V, retropharyngeal nodes SSF 5: Levels VI, VII, facial nodes SSF 6: Other groups as defined by AJCC In each digit Code 0 means No nodes are not involved 63 Code 1 means Yes nodes are involved NAACCR Webinar Series 21

22 SSF3: Levels I III Lymph Nodes for Head and Neck 000 No lymph node involvement 100 Level I node(s) involved 010 Level II node(s) involved 001 Level III node(s) involved 110 Level I and II nodes involved 101 Level I and III nodes involved 011 Level II and III nodes involved 111 Level I, II and III nodes involved 64 SSF4: Levels IV V and Retropharyngeal Nodes for Head & Neck 000 No node involvement 100 Level IV node(s) involved 010 Level V node(s) involved 001 Retropharyngeal nodes involved 110 Level IV and V nodes involved 101 Level IV and retropharyngeal nodes involved 011 Level V and retropharyngeal nodes involved 111 Level IV and V and retropharyngeal nodes involved 65 SSF5: Levels VI VII and Facial Lymph Nodes for Head & Neck 000 No node involvement 100 Level VI node(s) involved 010 Level VII node(s) involved 001 Facial node(s) involved 110 Level VI and VII nodes involved 101 Level VI and facial nodes involved 011 Level VII and facial nodes involved 111 Level VI and VII and facial nodes involved 66 NAACCR Webinar Series 22

23 SSF6: Parapharyngeal, Parotid, Sub Occipital Nodes for Head & Neck 000 No node involvement 100 Parapharyngeal node(s) involved 010 Parotid node(s) involved 001 Suboccipital/retroauricular node(s) involved 110 Parapharyngeal and parotid nodes involved 101 Parapharyngeal and suboccipital/retroauricular nodes involved 011 Parotid and suboccipital/retorauricular nodes involved 111 Parapharyngeal, parotid and suboccipital/retroauricular nodes involved 67 SSF7: Upper and Lower Cervical Node Levels Boundary between upper and lower levels Lower border of the cricoid cartilage Upper levels: Levels I, II, III, VA, all Other Groups Lower levels: Levels IV, VB, and VII Level VI nodes span both upper and lower levels Code upper and lower level involvement as stated by physician If no physician statement, assign by level involved Clarify with physician if nodal involvement is described as mid neck 68 SSF7: Upper and Lower Cervical Node Levels 000 No regional lymph nodes involved 010 Upper level lymph nodes involved 020 Lower level lymph nodes involved 030 Upper and lower level lymph nodes involved 040 Unknown level lymph nodes involved 69 NAACCR Webinar Series 23

24 SSF8: Extracapsular Extension Clinically Lymph Nodes for Head & Neck Code the status of extracapsular extension of involved regional nodes assessed clinically Clinical assessment by physical examination or imaging ECS diagnosed clinically by Matted mass of nodes adherent to skin/soft tissue Clinical evidence of cranial nerve invasion Radiologic signs of ECS include Amorphous, spiculated margins of a metastatic node Stranding of perinodal soft tissue 70 SSF8: Extracapsular Extension Clinically Lymph Nodes for Head & Neck 000 No regional nodes involved clinically 010 Nodes involved clinically, no extracapsular extension clinically 020 Nodes involved clinically, extracapsular extension clinically (nodes described as fixed or matted) 030 Nodes involved clinically, unknown if extracapsular extension 71 SSF9: Extracapsular Extension Pathologically Lymph Nodes Head & Neck Code the status of extracapsular extension assessed pathologically Code microscopic or macroscopic extranodal extension As stated in pathology report Microscopic if extranodal extension only in micro section Macroscopic if extranodal extension in gross section Macroscopic takes precedence over microscopic 72 NAACCR Webinar Series 24

25 SSF9: Extracapsular Extension Pathologically Lymph Nodes Head & Neck 000 No lymph nodes involved pathologically 010 Nodes involved pathologically, no extracapsular extension pathologically 020 Nodes involved pathologically, microscopic extracapsular extension pathologically 030 Nodes involved pathologically, macroscopic extracapsular extension pathologically 040 Nodes involved pathologically, extracapsular extension pathologically, unknown if microscopic or macroscopic 050 Nodes involved pathologically, unknown if extracapsular extension 73 SSF10: Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Status Code the results of HPV testing on cancer tissue HPV divided into high risk and low risk types Highest risks: Types 16 and 18 Other high risk types listed in table notes HPV vaccine protects against types 16, 18, 6, SSF10: Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Status 000 HPV test negative; not positive for any HPV types 010 LOW RISK positive 020 HIGH RISK positive, types other than HPV 16 or HIGH RISK positive for 16, not positive for 18 or 18 unknown 040 HIGH RISK positive for 18, not positive for 16 or 16 unknown 050 HIGH RISK positive for HPV 16 and HIGH RISK positive NOS, types not specified 070 Positive NOS, risk and types not stated 75 NAACCR Webinar Series 25

26 SSF11: Measured Thickness (Depth) (Only for melanoma of larynx) Code the measured thickness (depth) of invasive tumor Do not code size, diameter, or any other measurement Code actual thickness measurement in tenths of millimeters From pathology report Code measurement labeled as thickness or depth In absence of label Use cut surface dimension Or use third dimension from description of 3 dimensions (N1 x N2 x N3) 76 Pop Quiz Microscopic description: Melanoma of larynx, 8.5 mm X 5.6 mm X 2.4 mm. Tumor thickness is 2.4 mm. What is the code for SSF11? 77 SSF11: Measured Thickness (Depth) (Only for melanoma of larynx) 000 No mass/tumor found Exact thickness in tenths of millimeters millimeters or larger 987 Not applicable: In situ carcinoma 988 Not applicable: Information not collected for this case 990 Microinvasion, microscopic focus or foci only 998 No surgical specimen from primary site 999 Not documented, unknown 78 NAACCR Webinar Series 26

27 Collecting Cancer Data: Larynx MULTIPLE PRIMARY AND HISTOLOGY RULES 79 Coding Primary Site 1. Tumor Board a. Specialty b. General 2. Staging physician s site assignment a. AJCC staging form b. TNM statement in medical record Coding Primary Site 3. If neither 1 or 2 available, based on whether tumor was resected 4. If total resection of primary tumor was done, code based on: a. Operative report surgeon s statement b. Final diagnosis on pathology report NAACCR Webinar Series 27

28 Coding Primary Site 5. If a total resection was NOT done, code based on: a. Endoscopy b. Radiation oncologist c. Diagnosing physician d. Primary care physician e. Other physician f. Diagnostic imaging g. Physician statement based on clinical examination Chart 1 H&N Histology Groups and Specific Types See page 21 of your MPH Manual Use this chart with the histology rules to code the most specific histologic term The tree is arranged in descending order Each branch is a histology group, starting with the NOS or group terms and descending into the specific types for that group As you follow the branch down, the terms become more specific Histology Chart Squamous Cell Carcinoma Papillary Carcinoma (8050) Large cell keratinizing NOS (8071) Lymphoepithelial carcinoma; Schmincke tumor (8082) NAACCR Webinar Series 28

29 Unknown if Single or Multiple Tumors Rule M1 When it is not possible to determine if there is a single tumor or multiple tumors, opt for a single tumor and abstract as a single primary. Illustration courtesy of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Single Tumor Rule M2 A single tumor is always a single primary. Illustration courtesy of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Multiple Tumors Rule M3 Tumors on the right side and the left side of a paired site are multiple primaries. Rule M4 Tumors on the upper lip (C000 or C003) and the lower lip (C001 or C004) are multiple primaries. Rule M5 Tumors on the upper gum (C030) and the lower gum (C031) are multiple primaries. Rule M6 Tumors in the nasal cavity (C300) and the middle ear (C301) are multiple primaries. NAACCR Webinar Series 29

30 Multiple Tumors Rule M7 Tumors in sites with ICD O 3 topography codes that are different at the second (Cxxx) and/or third (Cxxx) character are multiple primaries. Illustration courtesy of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. C 10.3 C 32.0 Multiple Tumors Rule M8 An invasive tumor following an in situ tumor more than 60 days after diagnosis is a multiple primary. Rule M9 Tumors diagnosed more than five (5) years apart are multiple primaries. Multiple Tumors Rule M10 Abstract as a single primary when one tumor is: Cancer/malignant neoplasm, NOS (8000) and another is a specific histology or Carcinoma, NOS (8010) and another is a specific carcinoma or Adenocarcinoma, NOS (8140) and another is a specific adenocarcinoma or Squamous cell carcinoma, NOS (8070) and another is specific squamous cell carcinoma or Melanoma, NOS (8720) and another is a specific melanoma Sarcoma, NOS (8800) and another is a specific sarcoma NAACCR Webinar Series 30

31 Histology Chart Squamous cell carcinoma 8070 Papillary carcinoma 8050 Large cell keratinizing NOS 8071 Lymphoepithelial carcinoma 8082 Multiple Tumors Rule M11 Tumors with ICD O 3 histology codes that are different at the first (xxxx), second (xxxx) or third (xxxx) number are multiple primaries. Rule M12 Tumors that do not meet any of the above criteria are abstracted as a single primary. Histology Rules NAACCR Webinar Series 31

32 Histology Rules Rule H1 Code the histology documented by the physician when there is no pathology/cytology specimen or the pathology/cytology report is not available. Rule H2 Code the histology from a metastatic site when there is no pathology/cytology specimen from the primary site. Rule H3 Code the histology when only one histologic type is identified. Histology Rules Rule H4 Code the invasive histologic type when a single tumor has invasive and in situ components. Rule H5 Code the most specific histologic term using Chart 1 when there are multiple histologies within the same branch. Rule H6 Code the histology with the numerically higher ICD O 3 code. Histology Rules Rule H7 Code the histology documented by the physician when there is no pathology/cytology specimen or the pathology/cytology report is not available. Rule H8 Code the histology from the metastatic site when there is no pathology/cytology specimen from the primary site. NAACCR Webinar Series 32

33 Histology Rules Rule H9 Code the histology when only one histologic type is identified. Rule H10 Code the histology of the most invasive tumor. Most Invasive Most invasive: The tumor with the greatest continuous extension. The least to the greatest extension for mouth and oral cavity: epithelium lamina propria submucosa muscularis propria Histology Rules Rule H11 Code the most specific histologic term using Chart 1 when there are multiple histologies within the same branch. Cancer/malignant neoplasm, NOS (8000) and a more specific histology or Carcinoma, NOS (8010) and a more specific carcinoma or Squamous cell carcinoma, NOS (8070) and a more specific squamous carcinoma or Adenocarcinoma, NOS(8140) and a more specific adenocarcinoma or Melanoma, NOS (8720) and a more specific melanoma or Sarcoma, NOS (8800) and a more specific sarcoma NAACCR Webinar Series 33

34 Histology Chart Squamous Cell Carcinoma 8070/3 Papillary Carcinoma 8050/3 Large cell keratinizing Keratinizing NOS 8071/3 Lymphoepithelial carcinoma; Schmincke tumor 8082/3 100 Histology Rules Rule H12 Code the histology with the numerically higher ICD O 3 code. Questions? 102 NAACCR Webinar Series 34

35 Coming up! 11/3/11 Collecting Cancer Data: Ovary 12/1/11 Collecting Cancer Data: Thyroid and Adrenal Gland 103 Thank You! 104 NAACCR Webinar Series 35

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safety margin, To leave a functioning i larynx i.e. respiration, phonation & swallowing. The aim of the horizontal supra-glottic laryngectomy is: To remove the tumour with good safety margin, To leave a functioning i larynx i.e. respiration, phonation & swallowing. Disadvantages of classical

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