Chapter 3. The Evolution of Human Consciousness

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1 Chapter 3 The Evolution of Human Consciousness In the last part of the last chapter, I suggested there are two ways of exploring the evolution of human consciousness: from a psychological perspective and from an identity perspective. This chapter will dig deeper into these two perspectives and explore other perspectives, too. We can characterize the psychological perspective as depth consciousness and the identity perspective as a breadth consciousness. We achieve greater depth consciousness as we come to know our selves at increasingly deeper psychological/spiritual levels. This can be characterized as the journey from ego consciousness at one end of the scale and to soul consciousness and beyond at the other end of the scale. We achieve greater breadth consciousness as our sense of identity becomes more inclusive of others. This can be characterized as the journey from identification with your human body at one end of the scale and to identification with humanity and beyond at the other end of the scale. Effectively, depth consciousness and breadth consciousness are different routes to the same destination. In both cases, the destination is full spectrum consciousness. Full spectrum consciousness represents the highest form of human evolution. As you progress from one level of consciousness to the next, you transcend the previous level and include it in the understanding that you attain at the new level. You gain a new perspective on what you already know. Those who enjoy personal development and spending time in reflection and meditation will be more inclined to take the depth or transpersonal route to full spectrum consciousness. Those who enjoy mental challenges and a cognitive approach will be more inclined to take the breadth or identity route to full spectrum consciousness. Alternatively, you could follow both routes simultaneously. Ultimately, whichever route you take, it will be the values you hold and the behaviours you demonstrate at any moment in time that will determine the level of consciousness you are operating from.

2 38 The New Leadership Paradigm I am suggesting this two-pronged approach to full spectrum consciousness because, in my work with leaders, I have encountered successful leaders who display the breadth attributes of higher consciousness and I have encountered successful leaders who display the depth attributes of higher consciousness. The former present cogent, well thought out arguments for operating with high levels of inclusivity, an identity that is inclusive of others. They operate in this way because it logically makes sense to them. The latter arrived at their way of being by developing a unitive outlook on life because it is part of their spiritual journey to oneness. In the East, this is a well-worn path to the higher levels of consciousness that has been written and talked about for millennia. Both types of leader are motivated to make a difference in the world through their work. The difference they are able to make in the lives of others or in the stewardship of the Earth fuels their passion for what they do. Both perspectives lead to the same conclusion. By pursuing our selfinterest, we arrive at the common good. The route to we involves us in following a pathway to either an increasingly deeper or increasingly broader understanding of I. Let me explain these two approaches in more detail. I will begin with the identity (breadth) perspective. The Seven Levels of Human Identity The associations we hold in our mind that allow us to place ourselves in time and space determine our sense of identity. Without a sense of our own identity, we are lost. We do not know where we belong. When we say, I am this or I am that, we are indicating to others and ourselves the affiliations or associations that are important to us in our lives. We are also telling people indirectly who or what we care about. This then gives us an indication of what levels of consciousness we are operating from. This is why the question Who am I? is so important. It gets us to focus on the associations that are meaningful to us in our lives. From the perspective of identity, a person who is said to be operating for the common good is simply someone who is operating with an expanded sense of self-interest. This is the same as saying they are operating from a higher level of consciousness because the self that has the self-interest has taken on a more inclusive sense of identity. As you evolve in breadth consciousness terms, you shift from making decisions based on what is good for you alone to what is good for

3 Fundamentals 39 you and those with whom you choose to bond and associate. While these decisions are all wrapped up in your own self-interest, they give the appearance of being driven by the common good. What I am saying is that, at the higher levels of consciousness, your personal needs are still important, but you either satisfy them through focusing on the collective needs of the groups you associate yourself with or you subordinate some aspect of your personal needs for the benefit of a collective need that you consider to be more important. In other words, at these higher levels of consciousness, you recognise that your well-being is best served by contributing to the well-being of the whole. For example, a strong team is one in which everyone works for the good of the whole and where the team s success satisfies our need for personal success. Thus, you don t seek glory for yourself. You seek glory for the team. In that glory, you find your own sense of self-esteem. This is the essence of the shift from I to we, working to satisfy the needs of those with whom you form a we so you and everyone else who is part of the we can meet their needs. This also turns out to be one of the distinguishing characteristics of the leaders Jim Collins talks about in Good to Great. He states that good to great leaders: Channel their ego needs away from themselves and into the larger goal of building a great company. It is not that they have no ego or self-interest. Indeed they are incredibly ambitious but their ambition is first and foremost for the institution, not themselves. When we examine the shift from I to we from a breadth perspective, we can identify two main factors that differentiate levels of human consciousness: The level of inclusiveness and connectedness you have towards others and your physical environment The degree to which your conscious and subconscious fears separate you from others or undermine your sense of connectedness to others and your physical environment Fear prevents us from evolving because it promotes self-interest and separation. It restricts your sense of identity and blocks your progress from I to we. The major inhibiting factors in this regard are a strong sense of racial identity and/or religious affiliation. These issues arise from

4 40 The New Leadership Paradigm the fears we hold at the second and third level of human consciousness, fears associated with safety and belonging and respect and authority. Connectedness and love, on the other hand, promote evolution because they expand your sense of identity and support your progress from I to an ever-expanding sense of we. When you operate from the fourth level of identity, you are able to accept and celebrate ethnic diversity and religious freedom. Thus, the more inclusive your sense of identity and the less your conscious and unconscious fears influence you, the higher will be the locus of the centre of gravity of consciousness that you operate from. The seven levels of identity are described in Table 3.1 and explained in more detail in the text below. Levels of Identity Consciousness 7 Service Self as a member of the human race, living on Earth and embracing full spectrum sustainability 6 Making a difference Self as a member of a community and/or an affiliation of groups with shared values, aligned missions, and a common vision 5 Internal cohesion Self as a member of a group that shares the same values and a mission that aligns with your own sense of purpose and direction 4 Transformation Self as a member of a group that shares the same goals and values and celebrates and encourages your unique abilities and talents 3 Self-esteem Self as a member or supporter of a group that aligns with your religious faith, interests, and/or opinions 2 Relationships Self as member of a family or clan with a shared heritage or ethnicity 1 Survival Self as an individual in a physical body seeking to meet your physiological needs Table 3.1. The seven levels of human identity.

5 Fundamentals 41 Level 1: Survival Identity You are concerned about the physiological needs of your body (food warmth, shelter, and comfort) and satisfying your security needs and your pleasure/entertainment needs. You are concerned only about yourself and your ability to survive, experience pleasure, and thrive. Level 2: Relationship Identity You are concerned about the safety needs of yourself and those with whom you have a close relationship: your life partner, your family, your kin, your tribe, or your co-workers. Generally, these people look like you, dress like you, and speak your language. In other words, they are people of your ethnic identity. You are concerned your own comfort, pleasure, and safety as well as those with whom you interact on a daily basis those with whom you share a common heritage (ethnicity) or emotional bond of loyalty. Level 3: Self-esteem Identity You are concerned about yourself and those with whom you share a common faith, interest, or opinion. These groups may be multiple and may vary over time. This includes your old school, your organisation, your church, or your community. Other interest groups you might identify with could include a political party or sports team. You may or may not share a common ethnic identity with these groups. You are concerned about achievement, winning, your personal salvation, or promoting your point of view in your community, nation, or the world. Level 4: Transformation Identity You are concerned about yourself and those individuals with whom you have a shared set of values and with whom you interact to achieve a shared set of goals a team with a specific objective. This group encourages and celebrates your unique abilities and talents. The group or team may be comprised of people of different ethnicities all sharing the same values and pursuing the same goals and objectives. You are concerned about your own self-expression and your ability to build and manage the future you want for yourself through the success of the team.

6 42 The New Leadership Paradigm Level 5: Internal Cohesion Identity You are concerned about yourself and those individuals with whom you share a shared set of values, a shared sense of mission (purpose), and a shared sense of the future you want to create together (vision). At this level of identity, you recognise that your future success is wrapped up in the success of the group(s) you have chosen to affiliate with. You are concerned about the level of trust and commitment in the group because you know this impacts the group s capacity for setting a strong intention and galvanising action. You are concerned about your ability to work on what you believe is important. Level 6: Making a Difference Identity You are concerned about yourself, your group, your community, and those groups that are external to your group that have similar values, aligned missions, and/or a shared vision of the future. You recognise the importance of forming strategic alliances or partnerships with other like-minded individuals or groups to gain leverage in furthering your collective purpose or vision. You are concerned about building the internal capacities of your group through mentoring or coaching those with whom you work, and you are also concerned about building a culture of collaboration with your partners and the groups that form part of your strategic alliance. You are concerned about your ability to leverage your impact on the world. Level 7: Service Identity You are concerned about yourself, your group, the groups that your group is in partnership with, and everyone else on the planet. This is the whole of humanity, that is, every race, religion, and creed. At this level, your identity also expands to include the Earth and all life-forms that inhabit the Earth because you recognise that your well-being and the well-being of everyone on the planet depends on a healthy global ecosystem. The experience you have gained in your journey to this higher level of consciousness gives you the wisdom to become an elder in your community or a counsellor in the arena in which you operate. You want to achieve a sense of joy in your life by fulfilling your purpose. Having described the seven levels of human consciousness from the identity or breadth perspective, let us now explore the seven levels of human consciousness from the depth or motivation perspective.

7 Transpersonal Psychology Fundamentals 43 Although the word psychology literally means study of the soul, most Western approaches to psychology tend to ignore the soul dimension of our personality. They focus almost exclusively on the ego dimension. There are many reasons for this, not the least of which is that the soul aspect of our personality is less accessible. It is more deeply embedded in our consciousness than the ego. You have to have to dig deep to find the soul. You have to master and transcend the needs of the ego before you can uncover and explore the needs of the soul. Another reason why psychologists focus on the ego is simply because most people on the planet are living at the ego level of existence, including many psychologists themselves. These people find it difficult to come to grips with the soul because it lies beyond their experience. Knowledge of something and experience of something are completely different. In my opinion, you cannot guide people on a journey to a place you have only read about or observed and never been to yourself. Transpersonal psychology 39 takes account of both the ego and the soul. It is the most integrative of all the psychologies. Amongst the key thinkers who set the stage for the transpersonal psychology movement are William James, Carl Jung, Abraham Maslow, and Roberto Assagioli, who founded the psychosynthesis movement, a holistic approach to integrating the ego and the soul. Before going further, let s attempt to define what we mean by the ego and the soul. The Ego The ego is the aspect of our personality that associates itself with the physical human body. It believes it lives in a physical world and has a limited amount of time and resources to achieve what it wants. It believes in scarcity, considers life to be a zero-sum game, and is driven by the need for survival. The ego is wrapped up in the day-to-day physical experience and is totally focused on meeting its survival, relationship, and self-esteem needs. 39 Lajoie and Shapiro reviewed forty definitions of transpersonal psychology that had appeared in literature over the period 1969 to They found that five key themes in particular featured prominently in these definitions: states of consciousness, higher or ultimate potential, beyond the ego or personal self, transcendence, and the spiritual. D. H. Lajoie, and S. I. Shapiro, Definitions of Transpersonal Psychology: The First Twenty-Three Years, Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 24 (1992).

8 44 The New Leadership Paradigm The Soul The soul is the aspect of our personality that associates itself with the energetic human body. The soul believes in abundance and sufficiency. It is at ease with uncertainty and thrives on change. It lives in an energetic world. Because it is comprised of the fundamental energy of existence, it cannot be created or destroyed, but it simply shifts its expression from one form into another. The soul inhabits a quantum reality governed by probabilities. To the soul, anything and everything is possible. The soul is searching for meaning and wanting to make a difference so it can be of service to the world. Deficiency Needs and Growth Needs Thus, there are two selves within us trying to get their needs met: the ego self and the soul self. When the centre of gravity of our consciousness lies in the ego arena, we focus on meeting our ego needs. Three types of needs are at the core of ego motivation: the need for physical security (survival), the need for love and belonging (relationships), and the need for respect and recognition (self-esteem). We feel no sense of lasting satisfaction if these needs are met, but we feel a sense of anxiety (stress caused by low-level fear) if they are not met. Abraham Maslow called these basic or deficiency needs. They are essential for maintaining the internal stability of the ego. When the centre of gravity of our consciousness lies in the soul arena, we focus on meeting our soul needs. Three types of needs are at the core of soul motivation: 40 the need to find a meaning or purpose in our existence (internal cohesion), the need to actualize that meaning or purpose (making a difference), and the need to fully serve your purpose (service). When these needs are fulfilled, they do not go away. They engender deeper and deeper levels of motivation and commitment. Abraham Maslow called these growth needs. They are essential for maintaining the internal stability of the soul. We pursue these needs during the process of self-actualization The three levels of soul needs are based on my own research particularly in the arena of Vedic science. These needs correspond to the qualities that Abraham Maslow discovered present in highly evolved selfactualized human beings. 41 Kurt Goldstein first used the term self-actualization to describe the driving force in organisms that actualizes their individual capacities as much as possible. Abraham Maslow later used the term, not as a driving force, but as the desire in human individuals to become more and more of what one is and to

9 Fundamentals 45 The process by which we shift the centre of gravity of our consciousness from satisfying the needs of the ego to the needs of the soul is called transformation. Transformation Transformation occurs when we have learned how to master our ego needs and begin to embrace our soul needs. The principle factors preventing transformation are the fears of the ego. There are three types of fears: Fears based on the belief that we do not have enough of money/security/safety to satisfy our physical need for survival Fears based on the belief that we do not have enough love/friendships/relationships to satisfy our need for belonging Fears based on the belief we are not good/ worthy/ perfect/enough to satisfy our need for self-worth We learn these beliefs 42 during childhood when our minds are like sponges. Between the ages of two to seven, we have strongly developed imaginations and emotions, but we have not yet developed our cognitive capacity for reasoning. Without cognition to support us, we formulate our personal beliefs from our emotional experiences, and we adopt the cultural beliefs of our parents without question. By the time we reach our teenage years, our experiences, our parents, and the culture we grew up in have thoroughly conditioned our minds. Our fears can be conscious or subconscious. 43 A conscious fear is a fear we are aware of. A subconscious fear is a fear we are not aware of, but can be brought into conscious awareness and examined once we have discovered its existence. When subconscious fears drive our motivations, we react emotionally to situations rather than give a considered response. The reaction precedes thought. A feeling of impatience, irritation, or anger usually accompanies it. If you responded angrily when someone or a become everything one is capable of becoming, achieving the full realization of one s potential. It is growth motivated rather than deficiency motivated. 42 Beliefs are assumptions that we hold to be true. They may or may not be true. 43 Subconscious is content of the mind, which is accessible but of which we are not normally aware. I am using the term subconscious and unconscious interchangeably.

10 46 The New Leadership Paradigm situation ever upset you, then you reacted from a subconscious fearbased belief. Personal mastery is the process by which we bring our subconscious fears into our conscious awareness and thereby learn how to manage them and the emotions that are associated with them. The first stage of transformation involves learning how to manage, master, or release your conscious and subconscious fears so you can begin to shift the centre of gravity of your consciousness from the ego to the soul. This is called personal mastery. The second stage of transformation involves uncovering your true authentic self. This self lies beyond your parental and cultural conditioning. It is about learning who you really are, what has meaning for you, and what motivates you and embracing the values of your authentic self. This is called individuation. 44 Psychotherapist Carl Jung used the term individuation as a way of explaining how we integrate the unconscious with the conscious for the purpose of self-actualization. The third stage of transformation involves uncovering your soul s purpose; what you are passionate about and what you want to do in the world that brings a sense of meaning to your life and increased potential for personal fulfilment. This is the beginning of selfactualization. See Figure 3.1. Figure 3.1. The three stages of transformation Every human mind, therefore, has two masters: the ego that is trying to satisfy its physical and emotional needs and the soul that is trying to satisfy its need for fulfilment fully express its purpose for being in the world. 44 Individuation is the process by which we become the master of our own destiny by letting go of the personal and cultural conditioning that prevents us from realizing our true self and our full potential.

11 Fundamentals 47 Because we are souls in human bodies, not only do we have to be able to satisfy our ego and soul needs, we also have to be able to satisfy our body needs. I will go into more detail on satisfying the body s needs later. For the moment, let s simply recognise that, unless we are able to satisfy our body needs, we will not have a vehicle through which the ego and soul can express themselves. We achieve full spectrum consciousness by learning to master the needs of the ego and the needs of the soul. Someone who demonstrates this ability is called a self-actualized individual. In the seven levels of human motivation, self-actualization starts at the level of transformation, the fourth level of human motivation; at the level of the satisfaction of our mental needs. Only when we turn our minds to address questions such as who we are, why we are here, and what is our purpose in life do we create an opening for the soul to influence our lives. Usually, we only question who we are and what is our purpose if we have reached a point in our lives where we have everything we need in terms of material possessions and supportive relationships, yet deep inside, we are not feeling fulfilled, or alternatively, if we experience a life-changing event such as a brush with death that makes us reevaluate our lives. There are also those, a minority in my opinion, who move easily into this search for meaning. They are born with a natural predisposition for understanding the significance of their lives. For the rest of us, it takes a life-changing event. One person who took this search to a deep level was Victor Frankl, a Jew who spent a large part of the Second World War in a Nazi concentration camp. During his time in the camp, he focused his mind on his personal search for meaning. Here is a relevant quote from his book, Man s Search for Meaning: Man s search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life and not a secondary rationalization of institutional drives. This meaning is unique and specific in that it must and can be fulfilled by him alone: only then does it achieve a significance which will satisfy his own will to meaning. 45 Frankl is pointing to the fundamental need for humans to find a framework for their existence that goes beyond meeting their physical, 45 Victor E. Frankl, Man s Search for Meaning (Boston: Beacon Press, 2006).

12 48 The New Leadership Paradigm emotional, and mental needs. We are searching for an overarching philosophy to understand and explain our experiences, a framework that is essentially spiritual. Finding such a framework not only brings meaning to man s or woman s life, but also provides a pathway for growth, a pathway that shows us a way of becoming all we can become through the expression of our soul motivations. With this understanding of needs of the ego and the needs of the soul, let s now explore the seven levels of human motivation. Seven Levels of Human Motivation The seven levels of human motivation are described in Table 3.3 and explained in more detail in the text below. Levels of Consciousness Motivation 7 Service Devoting your life to selfless service in pursuit of your purpose and your vision 6 Making a difference Actualizing your sense of purpose by collaborating with others to make a difference in the world 5 Internal cohesion Finding meaning for your life by uncovering your purpose and creating a vision for the future you want to create 4 Transformation Embracing your individuality so you can become a fully self-actualized, authentic individual 3 Self-esteem Satisfying your need to feel good about yourself and your ability to manage your life and have pride in your performance 2 Relationships Satisfying your need for belonging, feeling loved, and being accepted by those with whom you interact on a daily basis 1 Survival Satisfying your physiological needs, and creating a safe, secure environment for self Table 3.3. The seven levels of human motivation.

13 Fundamentals 49 Level 1: Survival Motivation The first level of human motivation is concerned with physiological survival. We need clean air, food, and water to keep our bodies alive and healthy. We also need to keep ourselves safe from harm and injury. The motivation or our ego at this level of consciousness is selfpreservation. Whenever we feel threatened or insecure physically or economically, we shift into survival consciousness. Level 2: Relationship Motivation The second level of human motivation is concerned with relationships that engender a sense of emotional belonging. As young children, we learn very quickly that, if we don t belong, we cannot survive. We also learn that, in order to belong, we need to be loved. When we are loved unconditionally, we develop a healthy sense of relationship consciousness. We like ourselves because we grew up feeling loved for who we are. Level 3: Self-esteem Motivation The third level of human motivation is concerned with self-esteem and self-worth. We need to feel good about ourselves and respected by others, not just our immediate family, but our peers. We build a healthy sense of self-esteem when we are young by spending quality time with our parents and receiving praise and acknowledgement from them. This includes praise for trying, not just for winning. People with a healthy sense of self-esteem take pride in themselves and their performance. Level 4: Transformation Motivation The fourth level of human motivation is concerned with managing, mastering, or releasing the subconscious fears that keep you focused on the first three levels of consciousness and the search for your true authentic self. It is about understanding who you are as a separate unique individual without your parental and cultural conditioning. It is a time for expressing yourself without fear, and it is a time to start the process of uncovering your soul.

14 50 The New Leadership Paradigm Level 5: Internal Cohesion Motivation The fifth level of human motivation is concerned with finding your meaning in existence by uncovering your soul purpose. At this level of conscious, we focus on finding an answer to the question, Why am I here in this life, in this body, and in this situation? For some, this may appear to be a daunting inquiry. For others, those who were gifted with a particular talent, it may be obvious. If you are not sure or don t know your soul purpose, simply focus on what you love to do, follow your joy, develop your talents, and pursue your passion. This will eventually lead you to where you need to be to fulfil your destiny. Level 6: Making a Difference Motivation The sixth level of human motivation is to make a difference in the world that surrounds you. It is pointless having a purpose that gives your life meaning if you don t do anything about it. You quickly learn that the difference you can make is much bigger if you collaborate with others who share a similar purpose or are aligned with your cause. This is where all the work you have done in learning how to manage, master, or release the emotions associated with your subconscious fear-based beliefs pays off. The more easily you are able to connect and empathise with others, the easier it is to collaborate. Level 7: Service Motivation The seventh level of human motivation is selfless service to the cause that is the object of your soul purpose. This occurs when making a difference becomes a way of life. You are now fully imbued with your soul purpose and living as a soul-infused personality. You are at ease with uncertainty. You will need time for quiet and reflection. You embrace humility and compassion, and you live and breathe your purpose every moment of your day. You know there is nothing else for you to do with your life. Your ego and your soul are completely merged. The Soul-infused Personality A full spectrum individual is someone who has learned to balance the needs of the ego with the needs of the soul. People who follow their soul passion without being grounded in their ego are ineffective in the world. They are unable to create the physical

15 Fundamentals 51 conditions that are necessary to support them in fulfilling their soul s purpose. It is important to recognise that the soul only makes its presence felt in our lives if we are able to master our conscious and unconscious fears and willingly embrace the true nature of who we are. The soul is a seed. It contains the essence of who you are and who you can become. It is present in our lives from the very beginning, but, like the seed of a flower or a tree, it will only grow, unfold, and blossom if it is watered and nurtured. The journey from ego to soul consciousness takes us from dependence to independence to interdependence. By following your own self-interest, you learn how to bond your ego with your soul and cooperate with other souls for mutual support in giving your gifts and becoming fully who you are. We are all involved in this journey, whether we know it or not. It is the pathway to evolution, individually and collectively. How far you progress on this journey depends on you. Combining Motivation with Identity In Table 3.4, I combine and summarize the seven levels of human motivation and seven levels of identity to show how they coincide and overlap. In the last column, I have also indicated the principal psychological-enabling strategies that are required for you to operate at each level of consciousness. Enabling Strategies Everyone grows and develops psychologically in specific, welldefined stages. Where you are in your psychological development defines the upper bound of the level of consciousness from which you can operate. Levels of Consciousness Motivation Identity 7 Service Devoting your life to selfless Self as a member of human race, Enabling Strategy 46 Serving Fulfilling your destiny by 46 The Enabling Strategy column is presented in a time sequence that refers to the seasons of our lives, starting from birth at the bottom and working upward toward old age. The other columns represent levels of consciousness that are both developmental and evolutionary.

16 52 The New Leadership Paradigm Levels of Consciousness Motivation Identity 6 Making a difference 5 Internal cohesion service in pursuit of your purpose and your global vision Actualizing your sense of purpose by collaborating with others to make a difference in the world Finding meaning for your life by uncovering your purpose and creating a vision for the future you want to create 4 Transformation Embracing your individuality so you can become a fully selfactualized, authentic individual 3 Self-esteem Satisfying your need to feel good living on Earth and embracing full spectrum sustainability Self as a member of a community and/or an affiliation of groups with shared values, purpose, and direction Self as a member of a group that shares your values and allows you to connect with your purpose Self as a member of a group that celebrates and encourages your unique abilities and talents Self as a member or supporter of Enabling Strategy 46 giving back to the world Integrating Aligning with others who share the same purpose Self-actualizing Aligning fully with who you are Individuating Exploring who you are and your talents Differentiating Beginning to

17 Fundamentals 53 Levels of Consciousness Motivation Identity about yourself and your ability to manage your life and having pride in your performance 2 Relationships Satisfying your need for belonging and feeling loved and accepted by those with whom you interact on a daily basis 1 Survival Satisfying your physiological needs, and creating a safe, secure environment for self group that aligns with your faith, interests, and/or opinions Self as member of family or clan with a shared heritage Self as an individual in a physical body Enabling Strategy 46 separate yourself from others Conforming Staying safe and loyal to your group Surviving Staying alive Table 3.4. Combining motivation with identity. The first three stages (surviving, conforming, and differentiating) are all stages of ego development that we naturally pass through from the moment we are born to the end of our teenage years. Even though, as adults, we have passed through these stages of development, how well we deal with the fears that arose during our younger years will determine our level of mastery of the first three levels of consciousness. Once we have become viable adults, but not necessarily independent, we may move into the individuation stage. After we learn

18 54 The New Leadership Paradigm to become psychologically independent, we can then move through the self-actualization, integration, and service stages. Surviving The ego starts to develop as soon as a human baby is born. It begins by learning how to differentiate itself from its surroundings and affirm its identity. Learning to talk plays an important role in this process. The child s need for other people is demanding and dependent. Towards the end of this stage, the child begins to express his or her emotions. The task at this stage is twofold: to establish a separate sense of self and, at the same time, learn how to exercise control over an external world on which it totally depends to get its survival needs met. Compliant people are categorized as nice. Incompliant people are categorized as nasty. You become fearful for your survival if you are not in control. Conforming During the conforming or self-protective stage, the young child learns how to protect his or her separate sense of identity by blaming others for the actions that they have taken that meet with the disapproval of those on whom the child depends for survival. The child begins to understand the concept of rules and the role of punishment if they choose not to conform. This becomes a restraining influence on the impulsiveness of the previous stage. In the conforming stage, the child also begins to recognise that his or her own welfare is intimately tied to the welfare of the group; to the family for the small child, and the peer group for the older child. Adherence to rules and rituals become important because they consolidate the sense of belonging to the group and enhance the sense of safety. There is a sense of guilt if the child breaks the rules. You become fearful for your safety if you feel you do not belong. Differentiating During the differentiating stage of ego development, the individual begins to understand that they have specific strengths or unique abilities that differentiate them from others. They learn that they live in a world where rewards and recognition are given to those who excel and achieve. The ego gradually establishes an increasing level of independence from the group on which it depends for its survival and protection. It begins to recognise that it can become the author of its

19 Fundamentals 55 own destiny. The ego begins to choose its own rules--the ones that make sense, so the person can more fully differentiate himself or herself from the group. Even though the individual may live separately from his or her family group, there is still a strong emotional dependence with the group and the culture in which the individual was raised. Individuating During individuation, the individual begins to transcend his or her emotional dependence on the family or cultural group in which they were raised. This involves establishing themselves as a separate individual and dealing with the inner conflicts that arise as they learn how to distinguish who they are separate from the groups on which they previously dependent. They begin to embrace their own values and their own beliefs. They may begin to consider having their own families. As they become the stewards and protectors of their own children, they may teach them different values and beliefs from those of they were taught by their parents. This stage is a necessary precursor for self-actualization. Many people never get through the individuation stage. They live in conditions that do not allow them to successfully manage their deficiency needs. Either they are constantly battling to meet their physical survival needs, or they are constantly facing and dealing with their demons (their subconscious fear-based beliefs). They are locked into the lower levels of consciousness by their environment or their unresolved past. For them, life is a constant struggle to achieve internal stability and external equilibrium. Only when you have learned how to become viable and independent as an individual and/or as a provider for your own family do you begin to feel the pull towards self-actualization. This pull usually begins to make itself felt between the ages of forty and fifty. It can occur earlier, and it can be much later. No individual is exactly the same. The pull will be ignored or suppressed by those who, for whatever reason, are locked into operating in the lower levels of consciousness. Self-actualizing Self-actualization usually begins with a feeling of unease, dissatisfaction, or sense of boredom with the work on which you

20 56 The New Leadership Paradigm depend for your livelihood. Somehow, the work is no longer challenging. There is no passion there for you. There is no sense of creativity. It is no longer pushing you to grow and develop. You feel a pull towards something else something more meaningful to you personally. An interest you have had all your life may gradually or even suddenly captivate your attention. You feel a pull towards personal fulfilment that your job does not provide. Uncovering that sense of purpose that brings passion to your life and gives you a deep sense of meaning is what self-actualization is all about. Integrating Integrating begins when the journey along the path of selfactualization reaches a point where you recognise that you could achieve a much greater level of fulfilment and success by working with others rather than working on your own. You seek out people who share the same sense of mission or vision or inspire those around you in your workplace to join you in the pursuit of your cause. You also begin to recognise that your fulfilment depends on the collective success of the group you have gathered around you and the success of the group depends on the sense of fulfilment of the members of the group. Supporting group members in their own personal journey to fulfilment becomes a significant part of your strategy for achieving your own sense of purpose and thereby your own fulfilment. Serving The fulfilment you gain through serving others in the pursuit of your own purpose gradually becomes the central focus of your life. At this stage, you may find that your job and your workplace have become too small a playpen for you to fulfil your purpose. When you have reached this level of consciousness, you just want to keep going and going. You may need to find a role for yourself in society. You may become an elder in your community or the professional arena that you excelled in. People will want to connect with you because you demonstrate wisdom based on experience and insight based on intuition. You will be called on to make speeches, and you will begin to recognise that your role now is to guide and support others in building a sustainable future for humanity. Deep down, you will understand that we are all connected energetically and you are serving yourself by serving others.

21 Combining Consciousness with Evolution Fundamentals 57 Having explored the journey from I to we from a depth and breadth perspective and looked at how these two perspectives relate to the seasons of our lives, let us now examine how the understandings we have reached relate to three universal stages of evolution discussed in chapter 2. Three Stages of Human Evolution The first stage of evolution corresponds to the mastery of the first three levels of personal consciousness, learning how to become viable and independent in your framework of existence. The second stage of evolution corresponds to the mastery of the fourth and fifth levels of personal consciousness, learning how to bond your ego with your soul. The third stage of evolution corresponds to the sixth and seventh levels of personal consciousness, learning how to deepen your connection to your own soul and cooperate with other souls. Personal Mastery I have called the first stage of human evolution personal mastery because this stage of evolution is about becoming viable and independent in your framework of existence. It corresponds to the first three levels of human motivation. This process permits the shift from dependence to independence. You achieve this shift in consciousness when you are able to manage, master, or release the subconscious fears that tether you to the needs of the first three levels of consciousness. This is the first stage of the journey to authenticity (See Table 3.5). Stages of Evolution External Cohesion (Soul-Soul) Cooperating with other individuals to create a higher order entity Levels of Consciousness Motivation 7 Service Devoting your life to selfless service in pursuit of your purpose and your global vision 6 Making a difference Actualizing your sense of purpose by Enabling Strategy Serving Fulfilling your destiny by giving back to the world Integrating Aligning with

22 58 The New Leadership Paradigm Stages of Evolution Internal Cohesion (Ego-Soul) Bonding with the two aspects of yourself to create an authentic self Personal Mastery (Ego) Becoming viable and independent in your framework of existence Levels of Consciousness 5 Internal cohesion Motivation collaborating with others to make a difference in the world Finding meaning for your life by uncovering your purpose and creating a vision for the future you want to create 4 Transformation Embracing your individuality so you can become a fully selfactualized, authentic individual 3 Self-esteem Satisfying your need to feel good about yourself and your ability to manage your life, and having pride in your performance 2 Relationships Satisfying your need for belonging and feeling loved and accepted by Enabling Strategy others who share the same purpose Self-actualizing Aligning fully with who you are Individuating Exploring who you are and your talents Differentiating Beginning to separate yourself from others Conforming Staying safe and loyal to your group

23 Stages of Evolution Levels of Consciousness Motivation those with whom you interact on a daily basis 1 Survival Satisfying your physiological needs and creating a safe, secure environment for self Fundamentals 59 Enabling Strategy Surviving Staying alive Table 3.5. The three universal stages of evolution and the seven levels of human motivation. Internal Cohesion I have called the second stage of human evolution internal cohesion because this stage of evolution is about learning how to bond your ego with your soul. It corresponds to the fourth and fifth levels of human motivation. You achieve this shift in consciousness terms when you learn how to embrace your authentic self by separating yourself from the aspects of your parental and cultural conditioning that do not align with who you are. You become responsible and accountable for yourself. You learn how to align the beliefs of the ego with the values of the soul, thus allowing you to achieve internal cohesion. You find a purpose in life that enlivens you and to which you can fully commit. This is the second stage of the journey to authenticity. Once you have found authenticity, you begin to yearn for fulfilment. External Cohesion I have called the third stage of human evolution external cohesion. This stage of evolution is about learning how to cooperate with other souls so you can make a bigger difference in the world and thereby satisfy your own personal fulfilment. This process permits the shift from independence to interdependence. You achieve this shift in consciousness terms when you learn how to deepen the connection to

24 60 The New Leadership Paradigm your own soul and join with other souls who share a similar purpose to make a larger difference in the world than you could on our own. You learn how to tap into your intuition, and you learn that serving the needs of those who are supporting you as you drive towards your vision is the most successful strategy you can adopt for achieving your own fulfilment. Before completing this chapter on the evolution of human consciousness, let us make one more important link, the link between motivation and happiness. Happiness Ultimately, whatever you do in your daily existence, you are doing to satisfy a need. The purpose of satisfying that need is to make you happy or feel good. Happiness and contentment are the feelings you get when you achieve internal stability and external equilibrium at the ego level of existence. Joy and bliss are the feelings you get when you achieve internal stability and external equilibrium at the soul level of existence. In The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living, 47 the Dalai Lama makes the following statement: In identifying one s mental state as the prime factor in achieving happiness, of course that doesn t deny that our basic physical needs for food, clothing, and shelter must be met. But once these basic needs are met, the message is clear: we don t need more money, we don t need more success or fame, we don t need the perfect body or the perfect mate right now, at this very moment, we have a mind, which is all the basic equipment we need for achieving complete happiness. 48 When asked to define the characteristics of a psychologically healthy or well-adjusted person, he gives the following response: Well I would regard a compassionate, kind-hearted person as healthy. If you maintain a feeling of compassion, loving kindness, then something automatically opens your inner door. Through that [door] you can communicate more easily with other people. And that feeling of warmth creates a kind of openness. 47 Dalai Lama, The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living (Great Britain: Hodder & Stoughton, 1998). 48 Ibid., 25.

25 Fundamentals 61 You ll find that all human beings are just like you, so you will be able to relate to them more easily. 49 Whether we are talking about happiness or joy, it is always an internal feeling. However, there is an important difference. The happiness of the ego is usually sourced from the physical external world by getting what we think we need to relieve the anxieties we may have about meeting our deficiency needs. The joy of the soul is sourced from our mental internal world. It arises from within. We cultivate joy by changing our attitudes and way of being in the world. Happiness and joy are choices, and they are under your control. The sources of happiness and joy at each level of consciousness are described in detail below. Seven Levels of Happiness We can summarise the seven levels of happiness in the following way: Level 1: Survival If you are operating at the survival level of consciousness, what makes you happy is to satisfy the needs and cravings of the body as experienced through food, drink, sex, and being painfree. We can also include having enough money and security to feel safe and comfortable in the world. Level 2: Relationships If you are operating at the relationship level of consciousness, what makes you happy is to satisfy your needs and cravings for love and belonging as experienced through acceptance, respect, connection, camaraderie, and open communication. Level 3: Self-esteem If you are operating at the self-esteem level of consciousness, what makes you happy is to satisfy your needs and cravings for self-worth as experienced through actions and pursuits that bring praise, acknowledgement, recognition, and rewards. 49 Ibid., 27.

26 62 The New Leadership Paradigm Level 4: Transformation If you are operating at the transformation level of consciousness, what makes you happy is to satisfy your need for freedom and autonomy and have work/life-related situations and experiences that challenge your mind to continuously grow and learn. Level 5: Internal Cohesion If you are operating at the internal cohesion level of consciousness, what makes you happy is to satisfy your need to find meaning and purpose in your life beyond the satisfaction of your basic needs so you have an avenue for the expression of your passion and the unique gift you feel you may be able to give to the world. Level 6: Making a Difference If you are operating at the making a difference level of consciousness, what makes you happy and joyful is to satisfy your need to actualize your sense of purpose by making a positive contribution to the world around you and engage in empathetic connections with others in a collaborative way. Level 7: Service If you are operating at the service level of consciousness, what makes you happy and joyful is to satisfy your need to be of service to others and to the world. This means that the level of happiness or personal fulfilment you can experience at a specific time in your life depends on the state of evolution of your personal consciousness. The more you grow and evolve in consciousness, the greater will be your potential for experiencing fulfilment. When you are operating from the ego levels of consciousness, you will be focused on meeting your level 1, 2, and 3 needs (your deficiency needs), and you will feel a fleeting sense of happiness when you are able to meet these needs. If you are operating from the soul levels of consciousness, you will be focused on meeting your level 5, 6, and 7 needs (your growth needs), and you will feel a sense of joy when you are able to meet these needs. As you shift out of the first three levels of consciousness to the upper three levels of consciousness, the underlying anxieties you feel

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