Unit 02 - The Inside Story about Nutrition and Health. True / False

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1 True / False 1. Geneti traits exert the strongest overall influene on health and longevity. False 2. The bodies of modern humans adapted to exist on a diet of wild game, fish, fruits, nuts, seeds, roots, vegetables, and grubs. True Diet and Diseases of Western Civilization LEARNING OBJECTIVES: NNOW.BRWN Explain the differenes in diets between early and modern humans that may promote the development of ertain 3. Chroni diseases are on the rise in ountries adopting the Western diet. True Diet and Diseases of Western Civilization LEARNING OBJECTIVES: NNOW.BRWN Explain the differenes in diets between early and modern humans that may promote the development of ertain 4. Amerians have the highest life expetany in the world. False Diet and Diseases of Western Civilization LEARNING OBJECTIVES: NNOW.BRWN Explain the differenes in diets between early and modern humans that may promote the development of ertain Bloom's: Understand 5. Chroni diseases are an inevitable onsequene of Westernization. False Diet and Diseases of Western Civilization LEARNING OBJECTIVES: NNOW.BRWN Explain the differenes in diets between early and modern humans that may promote the development of ertain Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 1

2 6. Beginning in 2011, food guidane materials beame labeled MyPyramid. False Improving the Amerian Diet LEARNING OBJECTIVES: NNOW.BRWN List the types of food that are ore omponents of healthful diets. 7. Humans are born with an internal ompass that direts them to selet a healthy diet. False 8. Free radials are hemial substanes that are missing eletrons. True 9. Low intake of fruits and vegetables and regular onsumption of proessed meat is linked to aner. True 10. Reduing the proportion of adults who are obese and eliminating very low food seurity are Healthy People 2020 nutrition objetives for the nation. True Improving the Amerian Diet LEARNING OBJECTIVES: NNOW.BRWN List the types of food that are ore omponents of healthful diets. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 2

3 11. Some diseases are promoted by interations between nutrients and genes. True 12. The leading auses of death among Amerians are aidents and diabetes. False Bloom s: Remember 13. Vitamins A and D funtion as antioxidants. False 14. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey assesses dietary intake, health, and nutritional status in a sample of adults and hildren in the United States on a ontinual basis. True Improving the Amerian Diet LEARNING OBJECTIVES: NNOW.BRWN List the types of food that are ore omponents of healthful diets. 15. Hypertension is defined as blood pressure exerted inside of blood vessel walls that typially exeeds 120/80 mm Hg. False Multiple Choie Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 3

4 16. Regular onsumption of proessed meats and low vegetable and fruit intake is assoiated with the development of. a. tooth deay b. osteoporosis. aner d. hypertension e. heart disease 17. Whih type of diabetes is the most ommon? a. type 1 b. type 2. juvenile d. gestational e. beta b 18. Aording to government survey data, % of Amerians have a hroni ondition. a. 15 b d. 44 e. 50 d 19. A dietary risk fator linked to Alzheimer s disease is. a. high intake of olive oil b. exessive vigorous exerise. regular intake of high animal-fat produts d. exessive body fat e. exessive alohol onsumption Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 4

5 20. The Amerian Heart Assoiation onludes that future gains in heart health among Amerians will stem primarily from. a. improved dietary intakes b. improved hypertension mediations. improved hyperlipidemia mediations d. dereased stress e. dereased affeine onsumption a Diet and Diseases of Western Civilization LEARNING OBJECTIVES: NNOW.BRWN Explain the differenes in diets between early and modern humans that may promote the development of ertain 21. Whih ountry has the highest life expetany? a. Japan b. United States. Germany d. Frane e. Spain a Diet and Diseases of Western Civilization LEARNING OBJECTIVES: NNOW.BRWN Explain the differenes in diets between early and modern humans that may promote the development of ertain 22. What is the leading ause of death in the United States? a. kidney disease b. stroke. aidents d. aner e. heart disease e 23. Whih disease or disorder is more likely to our in an individual with exessive body fat? a. stroke b. osteoporosis Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 5

6 . anemia d. aner e. Alzheimer s disease d 24. Damage indued by oxidation reations an generally be repaired by antioxidants produed by the body and onsumed in vegetables, fruits, and. a. whole-grain produts b. dairy produts. seafood d. poultry e. refined grains a 25. People with the high-risk form of the FTO gene experiene a 20% higher lifetime risk of ompared to those who have the low-risk form of the gene. a. experiening a stroke b. beoming anemi. developing aner d. developing heart disease e. beoming overweight or obese e 26. Low intake of is assoiated with lower levels of inflammation. a. dried beans b. olive oil. proessed meats d. offee e. low-fat dairy produts Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 6

7 27. What is the seond leading ause of death in the United States? a. heart disease b. aner. stroke d. kidney disease e. diabetes b 28. People who onsume Western-type diets are at higher risk of developing obesity, diabetes, aner, heart disease, and. a. irrhosis of the liver b. erebrovasular disease. Alzheimer s disease d. osteoporosis e. hypertension e 29. The rate tends to inrease among some population groups after they immigrate to the United States. a. hypertension b. Alzheimer s disease. obesity d. anemia e. irrhosis of the liver Diet and Diseases of Western Civilization LEARNING OBJECTIVES: NNOW.BRWN Explain the differenes in diets between early and modern humans that may promote the development of ertain 30. High intake of is assoiated with dereased inflammation and oxidative stress. a. fish b. whole milk. red meat d. sweetened beverages e. refined grains Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 7

8 a 31. An example of an objetive for Healthy People 2020 is to. a. derease the proportion of shools that offer nutritious foods and beverages outside of shool meals b. inrease the onsumption saturated fat. inrease the proportion of Amerians with aess to a store selling foods enouraged by the Dietary Guidelines d. redue iron defiieny among men e. inrease the onsumption of sodium Improving the Amerian Diet LEARNING OBJECTIVES: NNOW.BRWN List the types of food that are ore omponents of healthful diets. 32. Whih lifestyle hange would be reommended to someone trying to adopt a healthier lifestyle? a. Eliminate sweets. b. Inrease intake of refined grains.. Inrease intake of high-fat dairy produts. d. Eliminate soft drinks. e. Inrease intake of dried beans. e Improving the Amerian Diet LEARNING OBJECTIVES: NNOW.BRWN List the types of food that are ore omponents of healthful diets. Bloom's: Understand 33. Cirrhosis of the liver is aused by a poor overall diet and exessive onsumption of. a. red meat b. sugar. alohol d. proessed foods e. sodium 34. Whih food most likely resembles what our early human anestors would have eaten? a. whole milk b. oatmeal. heese d. berries Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 8

9 e. refined grain produts d Diet and Diseases of Western Civilization LEARNING OBJECTIVES: NNOW.BRWN Explain the differenes in diets between early and modern humans that may promote the development of ertain 35. Jamie wants to hange her diet to redue her risk of hypertension, so she deides to maintain a intake. a. high sodium b. high alohol. high potassium d. low vegetable and fruit e. high fat Bloom's: Understand 36. Dietary fators assoiated with a stroke inlude. a. low vegetable and fruit intake b. moderate red wine intake. high fiber intake d. moderate animal-fat intake e. exessive body fat a 37. Dietary risk fators inluding low intake of vegetables, fruits, fish, and whole grains and exessive alorie and high animal-fat intake are assoiated with. a. insomnia b. eating disorders. hroni inflammation and oxidative stress d. impaired growth e. asthma 38. Aording to ChooseMyPlate, make at least % of your grains whole grains. a. 20 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 9

10 b d. 80 e. 100 Improving the Amerian Diet LEARNING OBJECTIVES: NNOW.BRWN List the types of food that are ore omponents of healthful diets. 39. Aording to ChooseMyPlate.gov, half of your plate should onsist of. a. dairy b. fruits and dairy. protein d. vegetables and fruits e. grains and dairy d Improving the Amerian Diet LEARNING OBJECTIVES: NNOW.BRWN List the types of food that are ore omponents of healthful diets. 40. Aording to ChooseMyPlate.gov ompare in foods like soup, bread, and frozen meals and hoose the foods with lower numbers. a. alium b. sodium. potassium d. iron e. alories b Improving the Amerian Diet LEARNING OBJECTIVES: NNOW.BRWN List the types of food that are ore omponents of healthful diets. 41. Type 2 diabetes is assoiated with intake. a. high affeine b. high iron. high saturated fat d. low fruit and vegetable e. low added sugar d 42. Whih fator exerts the strongest overall influene on health and longevity? Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 10

11 a. lifestyle b. geneti makeup. environmental exposure to toxins d. aess to quality health are e. smoking habits a 43. In the 1930s defiieny and defiieny were leading auses of hospitalization of hildren in the United States. a. vitamin A; vitamin E b. omega-3 fatty aid; vitamin C. iron; sodium d. vitamin D; alium e. vitamin D; niain e 44. Exessive alohol intake is assoiated with. a. stroke b. diabetes. heart disease d. Alzheimer s disease e. iron-defiieny anemia a 45. Diabetes is a disease haraterized by abnormal utilization of by the body. a. amino aids b. lipids. gluose d. holesterol e. latose Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 11

12 46. Whih foods are harateristi of the Western-type diet? a. fish and seafood b. meat and refined grains. dark green and root vegetables d. dried beans and rie e. high-fat dairy produts and olive oil b 47. Isothioyanates an be found in. a. fish b. root vegetables. tropial fruits d. ruiferous vegetables e. legumes d 48. ChooseMyPlate reommends whih type of milk? a. whole b. 2%. 1% or fat-free d. organi e. latose-free Improving the Amerian Diet LEARNING OBJECTIVES: NNOW.BRWN List the types of food that are ore omponents of healthful diets. 49. ChooseMyPlate reommends replaing sugary drinks with. a. milk b. tea. juie d. offee e. water e Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 12

13 Improving the Amerian Diet LEARNING OBJECTIVES: NNOW.BRWN List the types of food that are ore omponents of healthful diets. Ellen and Jane are roommates who are taking a health and nutrition ourse at their university. After ompleting their health family tree projets, they eah disover that they both have geneti tendenies toward several hroni Ellen learned that she has a family history of olon aner, osteoporosis, and hypertension. Jane learned that she has a family history of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. The roommates disuss lifestyle hanges that they an make to redue their risks of developing these hroni Help Ellen and Jane make the right deisions regarding their health and nutrition by answering questions Whih foods should Ellen onsume to help inrease her alium intake and redue her risk of osteoporosis? a. whole-grain produts b. trans fats. hiken and pork d. mixed berries and nuts e. low-fat dairy produts fortified with vitamin D e Bloom's: Understand 51. What should Ellen do to redue her risk of developing hypertension? a. Redue her intake of lean meats. b. Inrease her intake of fresh fruits and vegetables.. Inrease her intake of proessed grains. d. Inrease her wine onsumption. e. Redue her intake of vegetable oils. b Bloom's: Understand 52. Jane has learned that the hroni diseases she is genetially suseptible to are all. a. assoiated with inadequate alium and vitamin D b. largely preventable. assoiated with exessive body fat or alorie intake d. largely genetially determined and assoiated with malnutrition e. largely preventable and assoiated with exessive body fat or alorie intake e and Diet and Diseases of Western Civilization NNOW.BRWN Explain the differenes in diets between early and modern humans Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 13

14 that may promote the development of ertain Bloom's: Understand 53. What dietary hanges should Jane make to help prevent the hroni diseases to whih she is suseptible? a. Derease her intake of high-protein, low-fat foods. b. Choose a high protein diet and minimize fruits and grains.. Selet a weight-loss diet program that replaes meals with protein shakes. d. Derease her intake of trans fat, added sugar, and overall alories. e. Adopt a gluten-free diet. d Bloom's: Understand 54. Ellen would like to be proative in reduing her risk of aner. What speifi hange an she make to her diet to redue her risk? a. Derease her intake of whole grains. b. Inrease her wine intake.. Derease her intake of proessed meats. d. Inrease her intake of dairy produts. e. Adopt a Mediterranean style diet. 55. Jane and Ellen realize that they an redue their risk of multiple hroni diseases by following reommendations for reduing risk of developing what other hroni health problem? a. hroni inflammation b. anemia. hroni obstrutive pulmonary disease d. osteoporosis e. Alzheimer s disease a Bloom's: Understand Mathing Math eah term with the appropriate definition. a. a ondition in whih bones beome fragile and suseptible to frature due to a loss of alium and other minerals b. disease haraterized by abnormal utilization of gluose by the body and elevated blood gluose levels Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 14

15 . the first response of the body s immune system to infetious agents, toxins, or irritants d. high blood pressure e. a report outlining goals and objetives for hanges in health status in the United States f. ondition that ours when ells are exposed to more oxidizing moleules than to antioxidant moleules g. hemial substanes that are missing eletrons h. hemial substanes that prevent or repair damage to ells aused by oxidizing agents i. disease usually linked to exessive alohol onsumption and poor overall diet j. slow-developing, long-lasting diseases that are not ontagious k. food guidane materials that reflet urrent onerns about food hoies, nutrition, and health l. disease linked to low intake of olive oil, vegetables, fruits, fish, wine, and whole grains m. performs regular surveys of food and nutrient intake and understanding of diet and health relationships among a national sample of individuals in the United States n. linked to exessive body fat, high intake of trans fat, added sugar, and salt o. ongoing studies begun in 1961 that determine the levels of various ontaminants and nutrients in foods and diets 56. Alzheimer s disease i 57. antioxidants h 58. hroni diseases j 59. hroni inflammation 60. irrhosis of the liver i 61. diabetes b 62. free radials g 63. heart disease n 64. hypertension d 65. osteoporosis Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 15

16 a 66. oxidative stress f Math eah term with the appropriate definition. a. a ondition in whih bones beome fragile and suseptible to frature due to a loss of alium and other minerals b. disease haraterized by abnormal utilization of gluose by the body and elevated blood gluose levels. the first response of the body s immune system to infetious agents, toxins, or irritants d. high blood pressure e. a report outlining goals and objetives for hanges in health status in the United States f. ondition that ours when ells are exposed to more oxidizing moleules than to antioxidant moleules g. hemial substanes that are missing eletrons h. hemial substanes that prevent or repair damage to ells aused by oxidizing agents i. disease usually linked to exessive alohol onsumption and poor overall diet j. slow-developing, long-lasting diseases that are not ontagious k. food guidane materials that reflet urrent onerns about food hoies, nutrition, and health l. disease linked to low intake of olive oil, vegetables, fruits, fish, wine, and whole grains m. performs regular surveys of food and nutrient intake and understanding of diet and health relationships among a national sample of individuals in the United States n. linked to exessive body fat, high intake of trans fat, added sugar, and salt o. ongoing studies begun in 1961 that determine the levels of various ontaminants and nutrients in foods and diets Improving the Amerian Diet LEARNING OBJECTIVES: NNOW.BRWN List the types of food that are ore omponents of healthful diets. 67. ChooseMyPlate k 68. Healthy People 2020 e 69. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey m 70. Total Diet Study o Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 16

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