Home Study Guide Key KAA 102: Dosha Dhatu Mala Vigyan

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1 The following Home Study Guide is designed to prepare you for your midterm exam. Complete each question as indicated. The Home Study Guide will be collected in your next class, graded and returned with a comprehensive answer key. Dosha, Dhatu, Mala 1. How are we correlated to our surroundings? Think of some examples that are present outside in nature that correlate to our inner cosmos: [Many answers possible] Outer space is like the space between our cells; The air outside is the air in our lungs; The water is like our tissue fluids and waste products (urine); The fire is like the heat in our body (Pitta) and our stomach acid secretions; Earth/trees are like the solid organs in our bodies. 2. What gives rise to the three Doshas in the body? Hint: Sankhya Philosophy PANCHAMAHABHUTAS 3. Review mentally the five Gyanendriyas, five Karmendriyas, five Bhutas and five Tanmatras: Gyanendriyas: Ears/skin/eyes/tongue/nose Karmendriyas: Vocal cords /hands/feet/genital organs/anus The five bhutas: Ether/air/fire/water/earth Tanmatras: Sound/touch/sight/taste/smell 4. Name the three categories of human physiology: Doshas, Dhatus and Malas. 5. Write down the actions of Vata in the body: Movement, transportation, nerve impulses, actions. 6. Write down the actions of Pitta in the body: Transformation, conversion, digestion, heat and radiance. 7. Write down the actions of Kapha in the body: Construction, lubrication, nourishment, cohesion and stabilization. 8. Define Subdosha: Doshas at specific locations with specific functions. 9. Name five Vatas and their main location in the body: Prana: (main) Brain Udana: Chest Samana: Small intestine Apana: Colon Vyana: Heart 10. Name five Pittas and their main location in the body: Sadhaka: Brain Alochaka: Eyes Pachaka: Small Intestine 1

2 Ranjaka: Liver Sadhaka: Skin 11. Name five Kaphas and their main location in the body: Tarpaka: Brain Bodhaka: Mouth Avalambaka: Chest (Lungs) Kledaka: Stomach Shleshaka: Joints 12. What is the importance of Subdoshas? Home Study Guide Key The Subdoshas have specific locations and functions in the body to control, so the knowledge of these subdoshas can help the treatment become specialized according to the particular system involved. For example: A person experiencing constipation automatically tells you that the disordered Subdosha is Apana Vayu and you will treat accordingly. A person with palpitations is experiencing a disordered Vyana Vayu and so forth. 13. What are Prana Vayu balancing herbs? Tulsi, Brahmi 14. What are the two ways that Pachaka Pitta could go out of balance and what are their signs of imbalance? Pachaka Pitta could be low leading to indigestion, ama or it could be high leading to nausea, vomiting, ulcer and heartburn. 15. Write the direction of the flow of Samana Vayu: Periphery to center. 16. To decrease Bodhaka Kapha, Ginger, chilies, pippali (pungent herbs) can be used. 17. Write the Dosha affinity for the herb Arjuna (Lotus): Vyana Vayu 18. Haritaki is good for Apana Vayu. 19. Which Subdosha represents the meeting point of Prana and Apana? Samana Vayu 20. What activities would secrete Bodhaka Kapha? Smell, look and thought of food. 21. What are the signs of imbalanced Samana Vayu? Malabsorption/constipation/diarrhea 22. Write some herbs good for balancing aggravated Pachaka Pitta: Licorice, Amalaki, Guduchi 23. Jaundice, Anemia and Leukemia are due to imbalanced Ranjaka Pitta. 24. A person complains of lack of joy, happiness and lot of mental confusion, indecisiveness. Which Dosha and Subdosha are involved here? Prana and Udana Vayu 25. Too much of sadness and grief or fear decreases Avalambaka Kapha. 26. Metabolism of thoughts and Ideas and done by Sadhak Pitta Subdosha. 2

3 27. Pachaka Pitta along with Samana Vayu moves food through the digestive tract. 28. Name an herbal sunscreen: Chandana / Turmeric 29. RANJAKA PITTA gives color to the urine and stool. 30. An imbalanced Pachaka Pitta, in addition to causing inflammation corrodes the inner mucus member of the stomach causing an ulcer. 31. Sadhaka Pitta is located in Brain and Heart. 32. Write some functions of Apana Vayu: Supports intestinal wall, helps ejaculation of sperm, separates Sara and Kitta, helps in child birth, nourishes the other Vayus, governs physiological and psychological functions at Muladhara and Swadhisthan. 33. What herbs can be used for poor sight and foggy vision? Triphala And Rasanjan 34. A person unable to recall his/her past could have an imbalanced Tarpaka Kapha Subdosha. 35. Nourishment of all the other Vayus is done by Apana Vayu. 36. To decrease Bodhaka Kapha, Ginger or Cloves (herb) can be used. 37. To improve dullness of mind and low understanding Nasya with Vacha oil can be done. 38. Licorice increases Bodhaka Kapha. 39. Pachaka Pitta is acidic and Kledaka Kapha is alkaline in nature. 40. Cloves, Chilies and garlic would increase Pachaka Pitta. The Dhatus 41. Together, the Doshas and Dhatus represent energy and matter. 42. The Doshas need the Dhatus to provide the site to do the action. 43. The Dhatus need the Doshas to perform the action. 44. The Dhatus are measured in Anjali Pramana. 45. The Dhatus hold (support) the body. 46. Explain how the Doshas work through the Dhatus: The doshas serve their function through the mobilization of the dhatus. 47. What are Upadhatus and what is their function? Secondary tissues; to provide additional support to the body and protect the body. 48. The Dhatus are measured in Anjali, which is equal to roughly 8 fluid ounces. 49. The grosser Dhatus nourish the subtler Dhatus and the subtler Dhatus protect the grosser Dhatus. 50. When the Dhatus get affected by the Doshas, they are called Dushya. 51. Name three ways the Dhatus can become disordered: Dhatu can aggravate, dhatu can deplete and dhatu can become imbalanced. 3

4 52. What is the primary function of the Malas? To support and cleanse the body. 53. Explain how each Dhatu has a primordial vibration and is an expression of consciousness: Dhatus are made of Mahabhutas (elements), Mahabhutas are created from Tanmatras (qualities) and Tanmatras are the different vibrations of the universal, cosmic energy. 54. What is the primary function of Rasa Dhatu? Nourishment 55. What is the primary function of Rakta Dhatu? Giving life 56. What is the primary function of Mamsa Dhatu? Plastering the body 57. What is the primary function of Meda Dhatu? Lubrication 58. What is the primary function of Asthi Dhatu? Giving support/supporting the organs, providing skeleton/structure to the body 59. What is the primary function of Majja Dhatu? Filling/feeling 60. What is the primary function of Shukra/Artava Dhatu? Recreation 61. The emotions are stored in the connective tissues of the body. True or False 62. The body is mainly composed of earth and space. True or False 63. The Dhatu Malas are developed during Dhatu Digestion. 64. Shukra/Artava Dhatu provides vigor and vitality. 65. Which of the following Dhatus has a variable quantity that depends on the individual and their personal habits? a. Majja c. Shukra/Artava d. Mamsa e. Rasa 66. Stamina is a function of Mamsa, Asthi, and Shukra/Artava (All Ok) Dhatu. 67. Asthi Dhatu carries sound. 68. Describe a few signs of Majja Sara, or Optimum Majja Dhatu: Body is strong but supple; Skin and voice are soft; Joints are strong and well built; Eyes are big and lustrous; Person is strong, intelligent and respectable and lives longer. 69. Which of the following Dhatus nourishes Shukra Dhatu? a. Majja b. Asthi c. Meda d. Mamsa e. Rasa 70. How much time does it take Rakta Dhatu to form after food ingestion? a. 1 day b. 4 days c. 6 days d. 1 week e. 9 days 4

5 71. Snayu is an Upadhatu of Meda Dhatu. Home Study Guide Key 72. Which of the following Dhatus is composed mainly of air, water and earth: a. Rakta b. Shukra/Artava c. Majja d. Mamsa e. Rasa 73. How much time does it take Shukra/Artava Dhatu to form after food ingestion? a. 12 days b. 16 days c. 26 days d. 31 days e. 34 days 74. Which of the following Dhatus is composed mainly of water? a. Asthi c. Meda d. Mamsa e. Rasa 75. Communication is a function of Majja Dhatu. 76. How much time does it take Rasa Dhatu to form after food ingestion? a. 12 hours b. 21 hours c. 1 day d. 3 days e. 4 days 77. How much time does it take Majja Dhatu to form after food ingestion? a. 1 week b. 9 days c. 13 days d. 2 weeks e. 26 days 78. Ojas is the essence of all the Dhatus. (Some manuals also say Shukra Dhatu, this has since changed). 79. Explain the process by which Rasa Dhatu provides nourishment to all of the other Dhatus: Ahara Rasa goes through the process of Dhatu Digestion and Rasa Dhatu Agni Due to process of catabolism, Dhatus break down and become deficient. Rasa Dhatu replenishes those, to maintain balance. 80. Red blood cells nourish the grosser Doshas. True or False 81. Rasa Dhatu is comprised of mainly Aap and any other ok (contains all the mahabhutas, but mostly Aap) Mahabhutas. 82. Feeling is a function of Majja Dhatu. 5

6 83. Which of the following is not a function of Rasa Dhatu? a. It maintains body temperature and ph through the sweat glands. b. Carries Prana to all the cells (a function of Rakta Dhatu) c. Gives contentment to the Dhatus. d. Replenishes the Dhatus. e. Main sites include the heart and venous blood. 84. Describe a few signs of Meda Sara, or Optimum Meda Dhatu: Well-built body, melodious voice; Skin, hair, eyes, nails, lips and teeth are smooth, oily and lustrous; Rounded and strong joints; Person is loving, forgiving and compassionate. 85. Shukra/Artava Dhatu helps increase mental calmness. 86. Which of the following are not associated with Rakta Dhatu? a. Blood vessels b. Bone marrow c. Uterus d. Connective tissue (part of Mamsa Dhatu) e. Tendons 87. Oily secretions in the skin and feces are Malas associated with which Dhatu? a. Rakta b. Mamsa c. Meda d. Asthi e. Majja 88. Which of the following are not signs associated with healthy Rakta Dhatu? a. Pink nails b. Brilliance to the skin c. Overall look of strength (a feature of Rakta Dhatu) d. Warmth to the skin e. Bright eyes 89. Meda Dhatu takes 16 days to form after food ingestion. 90. The body s largest organ: the skin is an Upadhatu of which Dhatu? a. Rasa c. Mamsa d. Meda e. Asthi 91. The dhatus are developed from and nourished by food. 92. Sweat is a mala of Meda Dhatu. 93. Which Dhatu measures 9 anjali on average? a. Rasa c. Mamsa d. Meda e. Asthi 6

7 94. Rasa Dhatu is the grossest Dhatu. 95. Shukra/Artava Dhatu is the subtlest Dhatu. 96. Tears are an Upadhatu of which Dhatu? a. Rasa b. Mamsa c. Meda d. Majja e. Shukra/Artava 97. The teeth are an Upadhatu of which Dhatu? a. Rasa c. Mamsa d. Meda e. Asthi Home Study Guide Key 98. Describe a few signs of Rasa Sara, or Optimum Rasa Dhatu: A person is happy, strong, and healthy and has good memory; Skin is soft, smooth and glowing; the hair (on the body and head) is oily, soft and silky. 99. Explain the process by which Rakta Dhatu carries Prana to all the cells of the body: The blood becomes oxygenated in the lungs (oxygen contains Prana) and then goes into the left side of the heart where it is routed through the circulatory system to the rest of the body, providing Prana to each and every cell Mamsa Dhatu takes _11_ days to form after food ingestion Which of the following is not a function of Mamsa Dhatu? a. Creates skin. b. Nourishes Meda Dhatu. c. Gives strength and stamina. d. Gives appearance of both brilliance and strength. (Brilliance is a function of Rakta Dhatu) e. Regulates activities and movements Connect the function with its translation: a. Preenan 1. Gives life b b. Jeevana 2. Supports e c. Lepana 3. Recreates g d. Snehana 4. Fills and Strengthens f e. Dharana 5. Lubricates d f. Poorana 6. Nourishes a g. Prajaotpadana 7. Plasters or covers c 103. Vata is the mala of which Dhatu? a. Mamsa b. Meda c. Asthi d. Majja e. None of the above 7

8 104. Shukra is cool while Artava is hot Soft, oily hair is a sign of healthy Rasa Dhatu The ligaments are an Upadhatu of Meda Dhatu Mamsa Dhatu gives strength Tendons are an Upadhatu of Rakta Dhatu Which Dhatu is emotionally connected to anger? a. Rasa c. Mamsa d. Meda e. Shukra/Artava 110. Kapha is a Mala of Rasa Dhatu. Home Study Guide Key 111. Besides reproduction, name three reasons why Shukra Dhatu is so important: It increases the immune system, vigor, and vitality; in spirituality, controlling all the desires (especially sexual) is very important. Helps close the lower chakras so that the life energy is moved upwards (Kundalini); Mental calmness and clarity is increased by Shukra; Shukra keeps body very strong and free from disorder, and the intellect very sharp Pachaka Pitta digests the food and Kledaka Kapha protects the stomach lining Ojas maintains the balance of all the Dhatus. True or False 114. The lowest quantity of Ojas a person can sustain before death is 8 drops in the heart The quantity of Ojas that will pervade and strengthen the body is 1/2 Anjali Which of the following is not associated with Ojas? a. Prime life reserve of the body b. Regulates heart beats c. Creates life d. Protects against disorders e. A link between the body and mind 117. Asthi Dhatu and Vata Dosha have an inverse relationship. This means that as one increases the other decreases Give a specific example of a direct relationship between Dhatu and Dosha: As Pitta increases in the body (too much heat, etc.), rakta dhatu increases in the body: higher blood pressure, too much blood so much so that the eyes turn yellow, etc. Same for as kapha increases, muscle & fat (weight) increase along with bone swelling (majja) and sex drive/desire, etc. (shukra/artava) 119. The nutrition of the Dhatus is governed by Dhatu Agni. 8

9 120. Briefly explain the Law of Irrigation: The Law of Irrigation (Kedari Kulya) The Water System in the Farm Law; the Law of Irrigation represents the concept of water irrigation, which is constant through the process of circulation. Each Dhatu takes its own nutrients and then forwards it to the next Dhatu Briefly explain the Law of Transformation: The Milk to Curd law; the essence of the food (Ahara Rasa) transforms to become Rasa Dhatu. Rasa Dhatu transforms to become Rakta Dhatu and so on Briefly explain the Law of Selectivity: Each Dhatu goes to the river of Rasa (plasma) to get its needed (own peculiar) nutrition and takes it back to nourish its constituents (fat takes fat; bones take minerals, etc) Nutrition is step by step nourishment, from the gross to the subtlest Dhatu The Malas become toxins if not removed at the right time Over-cleansing aggravates Vata, which weakens the Dhatus Which of the following is not a function of Mutra Mala? a. To create (the correct word is maintain) moistness in the body b. To remove salts and minerals from the body c. To maintain the fluid balance in the body d. To control blood pressure e. To assist the body in removing waste 127. Which of the following is not a site of Mutra Mala? a. The kidneys b. The ureters c. The small intestine d. The large intestine e. The bladder 128. Describe the formation path of Mutra Mala: From the stomach to the small intestine, where the digested food is separated into Ahara Rasa (digested food) and Malas (wastes). The digested food is absorbed in the small intestine and the wastes pass on to the large intestine. The water waste is absorbed and the feces are carried into the descending colon. Water is carried with Rasa and Rakta (blood) to the rest of the body and the wastes are added to this. When this blood is filtered through the kidneys, the urine is separated and carried through the ureters into the urinary bladder. When the bladder gets full, Apana Vayu carries the urine through urethra, out of the body Name three signs of Mutra Kshaya: 1. Pain in urinary bladder 2. Scanty urination 3. Thirst 4. Dryness of mouth 130. Purisha Mala is composed of mainly the earth/prithvi element. 9

10 131. Why might vegetarians have more Purisha than non-vegetarians? More undigested fiber from vegetables An individual gets a sense for defecation when Purisha enters the sigmoid part of the colon A bad smell to Purisha is associated with the fermentation of food Which of the following is not a function of Purisha Mala? a. Remove toxins from the intestinal tract b. Keep the shape of the intestines intact c. Remove solid wastes from the body d. Keep the emptying of the bowels gradual e. Protect the body from parasites 135. Name three signs of Purisha Kshaya, or Imbalance: 1. Constipation, hard, dry stools, hemorrhoids 2. Diarrhea, loose motions, Bloody diarrhea, colitis, diverticulitis 3. Irritable bowel syndrome, dysentery, parasites 136. Which of the following is not a function associated with Sweda Mala? a. Maintains the temperature of the body b. Cleanses the toxins from the deep layers of the skin c. Keeps the skin from cracking d. Keeps the skin moist e. Prevents dryness and dandruff 137. What is Prakriti? Body Constitution, the proportion of Doshas at the time of conception Vata is an example of Sama Doshaja. True or False 139. Dwandwaja Doshaja is when: Dual Dosha types; Two Doshas at relatively equal proportions with one predominating There are ten types of Prakriti Describe a few benefits of knowing your Prakriti: 1. Maintain physical balance 2. Achieve harmony at the subtle levels 3. Establish an appropriate life regime 4. Understand disorder tendencies 5. Suggest or prescribe proper diet and general herbs 6. Determine the perfect exercise routine 7. Provide safe and effective treatments 8. Find the ideal location to live, find a suitable career 9. Improve relationships 10. Add life to our living 142. A dull, darkish complexion is a typical attribute of Kapha s dense, dark and often Tamasic energy. True or False 10

11 143. A good indicator of a Pitta man is a broad chest and strong shoulders. True or False 144. Describe the hair of someone who is predominantly Vata Dosha: Thin, dry, straight, dandruff (often) Which Dosha is the least talkative? a. Vata b. Pitta c. Kapha 146. Describe the appetite of someone with a Kapha-predominant body type: Low, can easily skip meal Which Dosha is characterized by vivid dreams? a. Vata b. Pitta c. Kapha 148. Which Dosha is the most resistant to disease? a. Vata b. Pitta c. Kapha 149. What are some hobbies that some with a Pitta-predominant Dosha might enjoy? Sports, politics (winning) Knowing your Prakriti will help you pick a suitable career. True or False 11

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